August 7, 2015

A sexist tweet from the Democrats?

The Washington Examiner says it is:
For those who weren't watching the debate, Fiorina wore a pink suit. Of all the disbelief GIFs the Democrats could have chosen, they chose one of a small blonde girl in a pink jacket?

Had this been a tweet from the Republicans about Hillary Clinton, the phrase "war on women" certainly would have been attached. It should be no difference for the Democrats.
That's a hedged accusation of sexism — in the form that is tritely typical of Republicans. If a Republican had said that about a Democrat, the Democrat would make a particular criticism about the Republican. It's like the Republican is not really saying it but somehow gets to say it, kind of as a way of criticizing Democrats for saying it on those other occasions when they say it, they way they always do. And I'm just saying that Republicans always say that. See what I mean? It's kind of boring!

The Democrats used a child to put down an adult. They used a girl child because the adult is female. If the adult they wanted to demean as childish were male, they'd have used a boy child. It's not sexist.

And Fiorina's suit was not pink. It was red. A kind of red you might call light red. If you think light red is the same thing as pink, you should not be in the business of naming colors. Whatever you call it, the color of the child's jacket is not close to the color of Fiorina's jacket:

That's a distinctive and unusual color and it irks me to hear it called pink! Bow down to the color of Carly Fiorina's jacket.


tim maguire said...

Hypocrisy is a legitimate accusation all by itself. What you are complaining they didn't say they didn't say because it's not the point they want to make.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's the photo, but Fiorina's jacket actually looks rose-colored to me: a dusty shade of pink. But a very different shade of pink, admittedly, from the hot pink of the little girl's jacket.

Sebastian said...

"Had this been a tweet from the Republicans about Hillary Clinton, the phrase "war on women" certainly would have been attached. It should be no difference for the Democrats."

Only GOP engages in war on women; Progs, never.

"It's not sexist"

So you say. But the point is that it would be construed as sexist by the other side in any vaguely similar situation. Boring, yes, but noting opportunistic Prog hypocrisy still needs to be done.

mikee said...

The color of the outfit is "expensive" and any further explanation is unnecessary.

Thank goodness we are no longer in the Nixonian era of respectable Republican cloth coats, and a wealthy, self-made woman like Carli Fiorina can wear what she likes.

As to the Dem talking point, Fiorina's tenure at HP is a worthwhile thing to discuss, but like most Dem-originated discussions, they start with an insult and then get upset when called on it.

Jaq said...

Rose Quartz?

All Fiorina did was set up HP to dominate the server market for over a decade, up to today, with her acquisition of Compaq, and the company they had swallowed perhaps more importantly, Digital Equipment, which pioneered modern high power cluster computing.

But if Wall Street didn't like her then the Democrats don't like her.

Matt Sablan said...

I have no shame in admitting that I am Philistine enough to think "pink" runs the gamut from "light red" to "pink."

TrespassersW said...

"Pale red" is another word for pink.

And taken as a whole, Democrats are by far the most sexist and racist. The fact that they scream the most about perceived sexism and racism is called projection.

TrespassersW said...

"Pink is a pale red color..."

Jaq said...

The stock was on its way right back up and didn't really get socked again until the 2008 crash was in the wind and affecting tech stocks.;range=my

SGT Ted said...

Fens law in effect here w/r to Democrats and their open sexism.

Hagar said...

At the time, I understood the problem at H-P was that the original owners died, and the heirs decided to take a hand in the management.
So it was about people rather than the quality of Fiorina's management.

And I have read several times that it was Fiorina's actions back then that set up H-P to weather the storms that came later.

Thorley Winston said...

Colorblind, sexist and tone deaf is no way to go through life.

SGT Ted said...

Plus, the Party of Hillary Clinton and Obama has no credibility criticizing Fiorinas competence.

Anonymous said...

They caricatured Condi Rice as a big lipped house nigg*r.

Anyone who pays attention knows Democrats are racist, sexist. Their plantation feeds on Taxpayers dole. Anyone who escapes their plantation is fair game, rabid dogs are unleashed to hunt them down.

Bruce Hayden said...

To be a bit sexist, to many (straight) guys, they are both pink. I go through life hearing about how these two colors are nowhere near the same. But to me, pink is pink. Should I be surprised that a female who used to be an artist thinks they are very different? No. My partner, who was trained in interior design, was very successful in that career, and whose mother still paints, agrees with her. For me though, pink is pink.

We have a lot of debates about color. We might be driving down the road here in MT, and my partner might ask me how many shades of green I see. I might say three, since I am driving. She says hundreds. She really does see many many more colors than I see. Talking to other women, I think part of it is sex linked, part inherited from her mother, and part trained. But if she pushes her advantage here, I ask her to find her way from point A to point B without having been this way (and without a map). She, like many women, is clueless. Sex and gender are far more than a social construct.

DanTheMan said...

Carly wore an expensive dress! Let the Palin-ization begin!

HRC, of course, buys her clothes off the rack at Target.

Curious George said...

That's pink.

Qwinn said...

Does no one else watch Red vs. Blue?

"It's not pink, it's light red!" - Donut, who couldnt be more gay if he tried.

Fritz said...

I can't define pink, but I know it when I see it.

David53 said...

The girl appears to be Mia Talerico from the Disney series "Good Luck Charlie." I wonder how Disney feels about the use of that picture?

What color would you call the background behind Fiorina?

Pettifogger said...

Those of us who are color impaired still are called upon to name colors from time to time. I agree that both outfits are pink, though of different shades. I have no name for the different shades. I don't know the names of any colors that I didn't learn in kindergarten.

CachorroQuente said...

Fiorina's record with HP is fair game. She seems to be able to defend herself pretty well. Probably better than Hillary will defend herself against the obvious and fair accusation that her incompetence set back meaningful healthcare reform by 20 years.
Why is the healthcare delivery system in this country so screwed up when there was a clear path to reform back in 93? Hillary -- own it.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Ann I accept pink as a color for that jacket, I would also accept Dusty Pink, or a dark pink. Light red would get a side eye but I would likely let it slide simply because the settings on each persons monitor or tv screen can alter the true color of the jacket one way or the other.

As for her tenure at HP, there was good and bad but that happens with everyone. I think she did a good job to set the company up to continue and weather the future storms that were looming. There was a whole lot of intrigue going on with the board, which is not necessarily atypical of business or politics.

Dan Hossley said...

The tweet is proof that we shouldn't trust our money with democrats.

Scott M said...

The Democrats used a child to put down an adult. They used a girl child because the adult is female. If the adult they wanted to demean as childish were male, they'd have used a boy child. It's not sexist.

I don't recall seeing any of the male candidates treated as such. You're dealing in a hypothetical. The reality of it is that they picked the only woman in the bunch and did this. How is that not the least bit sexist?

Disclosure: I could care less about the actual tweet. What I care about is hypocrisy. The Democrats are being hypocritical by releasing this.

Fritz said...

Bruce Hayden, could she be a tetrachromat?

mccullough said...

There's probably a specific word for that color. But looking at my small box of crayons, her suit looks more pink than red, especially against the red background. I need to get the 128 box of crayons to find the color.

Bob Ellison said...

Mauve, with a hint of burgundy.

Fiorina and the rightward pundits are not playing to political junkies who think the "what if a Republican" card is boring. They're trying to get that point through to non-junkies who haven't yet come to the conclusion that leftists are liars and hypocrites.

rhhardin said...

It's Indian red.

War on native Americans.

Peter said...

Carly Fiorina's performance at HP is (or should be) open to criticism and, umm, although color rendering on LCD screens is often poor, "pink" is a reasonable label for that color.

William said...

Salmon? Her goal is upstream, and the current is against her. She's wearing a macho shade of pink.

mccullough said...

According to the crayon guide, it looks like the suit could be salmon, orchid or thistle colored

Jay Vogt said...

Magenta. Great color, but not on her.

John henry said...

Looks pink to me.

As for HP share price, it is a legitimate criticism.

But if dems can claim it is sexist to say something similar about a demmie woman, turnabout is fair play.

repos need to play by by Alinsky rules. take no prisoners.

John Henry

Jay Vogt said...

Another addition to the "what color is the dress?" Tag. Who'da thunk?

Qwinn said...

Hold them to their own set of rules. "Thou shalt not infantilize women" is a *huge* prog rule, and anyone who is not a prog who does it gets skinned alive. Why shouldn't they be held to the same standard?

The idea that egregious double standards are a bad thing just cannot seem to penetrate Ann's bubble. See the PP thread to see her push some of the most wildly egregious double standards I've ever seen. "So what if you have video evidence that PP is dishonest and committing crimes? They came up with a transparently phony defense and you aren't acknowledging it so that makes you dishonest and uninformed!" It'd be baffling if it weren't so predictable.

John henry said...

rules for this election according to Conan when asked what is best in life:

"Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, hear the lamentations of their women."

John Henry

Jim said...

For those of us who have seen Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House, this seems exactly like Myrna Loy picking out colors.

CachorroQuente said...

The color? It's not red and, to me, pink doesn't describe it well. If I had to put a name to it, it would be a shade of either magenta or fuchsia.

Color perception is strange. It's strange in person and in natural light. It's even stranger when looking at photographs taken in artificial light and then displayed on an LED screen.

Jim said... Here it is for you youngsters.

MB said...

I would call it a muted red instead of light red.

Qwinn said...

In terms of the "light red vs. pink" debate, this was already settled conclusively:

Big Mike said...

It's not pink, it's rose. I would expect a college professor with a BFA in fine art to get that, and to get the subtle allusion to the Rose Garden.

The gloves are going to come off, Professor, and I imagine that you'll get your usual attack of the vapors that Republicans aren't being sufficient genteel. Too bad. Safely ensconced in your ivory tower you don't really get what's happening to the ordinary citizen on the street. Folks are angry.

Jaq said...

I wonder if it bothers Althouse, who is so attuned to the arts, that Hillary knowingly lied to the grieving families when she blamed the attacks in Libya on a piece of art, and then the Obama admin went on to put that artist in Jail?

I wonder if it bothers her the least little bit?

TrespassersW said...

Maybe a mauve-y shade of pinky russet?

Ignorance is Bliss said...

And Fiorina's suit was not pink.

Definitely not. It was clearly blue, with black trim.

Jaq said...

It so so tiresome and threadbare for Republicans to continue to obsess on the double standard to which they are subjected... Yeesh!

Matt said...

Maybe it's Baker-Miller pink, like they use in some jails.

Marc in Eugene said...

Rose, more or less, the liturgical color used during Advent on Gaudete Sunday and during Lent on Laetare Sunday; violet-purple being the color used throughout the rest of those two seasons.

Jaq said...

Ha! "Drunk Tank" Pink! Maybe we should ask the prosecutor in Texas who indicted Rick Perry?

Gahrie said...

Typical. The Democrats attack a Republican, Althouse writes about it, and attacks Republicans for responding.

MayBee said...

OMG. Remember when using two white women in a McCain ad against Obama was racist?

Skeptical Voter said...

One of our host's more useless posts. Come off it and get real.

MayBee said...

Binders full of little girls!

Anonymous said...

Ms. Althouse seems to be reverting to the childishness she exhibited in the run-up to voting for Obama.

Frankly, I am repeatedly surprised by her recent lack of seriousness, her shallow analyses, her focus on trivialities and avoidance of more troubling subjects. She strikes me as a bit ditzy these days.
That she voted for a man with no real accomplishments who hid his personal background from us... well maybe ditzy is her natural state and those occasional moments of lucidity are just that.

And yes, she is out of touch with how we, the Great Unwashed, are so deeply troubled with what is happening to our country.

She has a terrific mind. I hope that whatever cloud has fallen upon it shall disperse quickly.

Red dress/pink dress. Meh.

Bob Ellison said...

And you, who voted for Obama!

That's what's getting boring around here.

Jenny said...

Um, looks pink to me. It's definitely not white and gold.

Anonymous said...

It irks you to HEAR someone call that color pink? Really? That sounds pathological.

tim maguire said...

tim in vermont said...I wonder if it bothers Althouse, who is so attuned to the arts, that Hillary knowingly lied to the grieving families when she blamed the attacks in Libya on a piece of art, and then the Obama admin went on to put that artist in Jail?

The first rule of Althouse is, the professor never admits she's wrong.

The second rule of Althouse is, the professor never admits she's wrong.

Most of the time, she's not wrong, her critics misunderstand what she's trying to say. But when she is wrong, she reacts by splitting ever finer hairs until you get tired and stop pressing the point.

jacksonjay said...

I am irked and bored by men in shorts.

cubanbob said...

Ann judging by the color as displayed in the photo it's dusty rose.

Jaq said...

I am irked and bored by men in shorts

I am sure that W.C Fields irked and bored some people with his jokes about drinking. But many found them pretty funny. Lots of public persona have shtick.

MathMom said...

Looks like salmon-colored raw silk to me, and awesome.

Drago said...

Why don't we just cut to the chase: Republicans are at fault for the democrats hypocrisy.

deepelemblues said...

Can't wait for the Professor to find some GOP ad or statement that just horribly disturbs her and makes it impossible for her to vote for anyone but the Democratic candidate.

Because it's just "boring" when Democrats are bigoted and Republicans call them on it.

But when some Republican says something - which some Republican inevitably will - or puts out an ad that is not even half as questionable as this one, we will get that gleaming old trolling chestnut about how the Republicans don't get it and they are icky.

Seen this script before.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

It's allergy season for me, and every time I absent-mindedly pick my nose I suffer a mini-anxiety attack worrying that maybe I just gave myself a cold or maybe even the flu.

My life is a living hell.

Nichevo said...


(because you have forfeited the respect due your exalted whateverness, as if legal credentials or artist manque (that means wannabe) status means anything),

In the words of the wicked trash for whom you will probably vote,

What difference does it make ?

Fiorina is being mocked if the kid is in matching pinky-red, but not if the shade is off? What is your point? The colors are close enough to be more than suggestive.

Why even bother?

Nichevo said...

Do you think they have a stock photo of a kid in that precise iridescent shade? Should they have photoshopped it?

Where is your fucking head?

I wish you may be introduced to reality some day.

Etienne said...

My memory is not too good, but HP went from an innovative company that built the best equipment attainable. They made machines that were used to create new and bigger machines.

If you worked for HP, you were a fucking hero. Period.

Then they went fucking crazy. Shit like buying Compaq and spinning off the technology to Agilent. They needed to be in the PC market, like Edison needed to be in the chicken farming business.

Fiorina basically killed innovation in order to streamline computer production. She saw easy money in buying Compaq, and was going to create a company that imported shit from China, and rebrand it as high technology American goods.

oops. Anyway, she destroyed the company, but she was not the visionary in that. She had a lot of help. When the bubble burst, they were left with a bunch of workers who were no longer innovative.

Basically, in my mind, she brought in the wrong people, and her leadership was damaged by having a bunch of losers on her team.

Extrapolate that to being CEO of America, and able to launch nuclear weapons. Yea, not so much, sorry bitch, hit the road...

Swifty Quick said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chuck said...

Sexism? Whatever, and who cares. People playing politics are usually being assholes. The particular type of assholery they choose for an attack hardly matters.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

I was wondering when that was going to be brought up.

I recall the IT press was not saying kind things about Fiorina during her HP tenure. So, yeah. What Coupe just said.

furious_a said...

And Fiorina's suit was not pink. It was red. A kind of red you might call light red. If you think light red is the same thing as pink, you should not be in the business of naming colors.

"Salmon", maybe, or "Persimmon"?

furious_a said...

"Frosted Raspberry"?

Smilin' Jack said...

Whatever you call it, the color of the child's jacket is not close to the color of Fiorina's jacket.

They're both girly, so the point stands.

chuck said...

Anyway, she destroyed the company

I think HP was in trouble anyway. I was there for a project in 1992 and much of the talent seemed to have been lured away into the Silicon Valley jungle, leaving behind rank beginners and a few experienced managers. Of course, I just saw a small part of a very big company, but that was my impression.

Bruce Hayden said...

Bruce Hayden, could she be a tetrachromat?

Four color vision. Likely not, but maybe. The interesting thing, in regards to my theory, is that both green and red vision genes are on the X chromosome (we apparently started on the path to three color vision with the accidental duplication of the green vision genes, with the copy ultimately being tuned for red instead). But what happens if the two pairs of vision genes on the X chromosomes are not identically tuned? That is one place you could get weak 4 or 5 color vision with females (not a problem with males of course with their single X chromosome). I think that an interesting experiment might be to compare the colors that an experimental group of women see out of each eye. My theory is that the differences would be greatest in the women with the greatest diversity in their ancestry. My partner has suggested that the mixture of her parents' genes was somehow problematic, which may explain this. Or not.

There may be more to this though, in terms of sex linkages. The theory on three color vision is, as I mentioned above, is that the green vision gene was accidentally duplicated on the X chromosome, and the new gene ultimatelly tuned to respond to red, instead of green. One theory is that this allowed old world monkeys (including primates such as us) to better distinguish the best leaves in the tree tops they lived in. Notably though, at least as far back as when primates split off, the two sexes had somewhat different food roles, with the females more engaged in gathering, and males in hunting. Interestingly though, red vision would seemingly be more useful to females in their food gathering role than males in their hunting role. Which may mean that female brains ultimately developed to be more sensitive, esp in the reds, than males, due to their different roles (and, yes, same theory why males tend to be better spatially).

Murph said...

Speaking of H-P: We'll get to see whether Meg's strategies work any better than Carly's on a stodgy company trying to compete in a Twitter universe.

"Asked how many cuts are ahead -- Whitman declined to specify, but noted it will depend on how the economy fares between now and November 1. That's when the 76-year-old company is splitting itself into two publicly-traded entities.

HP Enterprise will focus on hyper-growth businesses like cloud technology and cyber security, while the second company, HP Inc., will continue selling slower-growth products such as PCs and printers.

Whitman said her team has discovered many ways to make both companies cost-effective, nimble and agile.

"There is more work to be done to get to these companies exactly where we need to be," said Whitman, who will serve as CEO of HP Enterprise and chairman of HP Inc.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Fiorina basically killed innovation in order to streamline computer production. She saw easy money in buying Compaq, and was going to create a company that imported shit from China, and rebrand it as high technology American goods.

A plan which made no sense whatsoever to anyone who understood the computer business at all.

PCs are commodity items and the companies that make them have a razor thin profit margin. Most of the money is made by leasing them to big corporations because corporations actually replace them occasionally (usually about every 3 years.) The reason corporations lease their PCs and replace them on a regular basis is because the major cost of owning a PC, to a corporation, is not buying the thing, it is the maintenance. If I recall correctly maintenance is 3-4 times (or more) than purchasing it. Just a second, I'll google it.

Yep, actual purchase of the PC is 20% of the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership.)

So the big selling point is not the cost of the PC, its how cheaply they can be maintained.

So HP jumped into a highly competitive market selling a good that you can get from dozens or more vendors while giving the boot to highly talented engineers who routinely produced cutting edge technology that you could get only from HP or a couple of other companies.

Not going to advise anyone to vote for Carly.

Also, to most guys that outfit is pink.

Etienne said...

Isn't her haircut the same as the wife on Family Guy?

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Like a lot of people back then she probably thought UNIX was a dying technology and was looking for an exit strategy from that market. But of course, you can't say that when you are one of the worlds biggest UNIX vendors. As it was, Sun and HP where constantly poaching each others' customers.

One company I worked at bought all HP for a huge project, installed in multiple states at a cost of I don't know how many millions, then a couple of years later, every bit of it was replaced with SUN equipment, at the cost of additional millions.

Of course in a way she was right. Sun got bought by Oracle and most people are migrating to Linux on IBM equipment.

I spend most of my time now figuring out ways to automate the provisioning of Linux servers that exist "in the cloud" with the required software so that a project doesn't have to worry about knowing how to install the Web Services they are going to be using to build their application.

Anthony said...

I call it ashes of roses.

Sigivald said...

Fiorina says her business experience prepared her to be president. But under her “leadership," HP stock fell 53%

This from the same people who constantly assure me that it's terrible for companies and investors to care about nothing but stock prices and the short term?

I guess that's only when the target isn't a Republican. Imagine that.

(And when you start your CEO-hood at the start of the .com bubble burst, in 1999, it's not hard to lose half the stock value in the next six years.

I don't think the problem there was particularly Carly Fiorina - it's that HP sucked. They were going to tank no matter who was in charge, because their business model and segment was untenable, outside of making printers.)

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bruce Hayden said...

Asked my partner if she had 4 color vision, and she claimed that she did. Not that I believe her here....

hombre said...

"That's a hedged accusation of sexism — in the form that is tritely typical of Republicans."

No. It's an accusation of hypocrisy. Democrat's accusations of racism and sexism are mostly phony. It's not surprising that you don't get the point.

hombre said...

After reading some comments it's obvious that Althouse readers get it, even if Althouse doesn't.

Diamondhead said...

Yeah, it seems lame. One of the things I like about Fiorina is she doesn't seem like the type that would respond to that tweet with a whine about hypocrisy. It's a softball. It's a set-up like they write in movie scripts to let the protagonist really let the jerk have it. Carly herself I'm sure would swipe that aside in five seconds then turn the question around. What happened on Hillary's watch? How much did America's stock drop while she flitted around the globe, peddling influence and presiding over an unbroken string of foreign policy failures?

Ctmom4 said...

It looks pink to me. And , it doesn't matter if the Republicans' criticism is accurate or not. They need to punch back twice ax hard. Truth and accuracy don't matter to Democrats; they choose the weapons, so we do battle on their field. Kill or be killed.

Does anyone criticizing Fiorina's tenure at HP think Hillary would have done better? Seriously?

Anonymous said...

It's a lovely shade of pink.

I hope she chooses darker colors later in the campaign. But she probably wants to be distinguished as the girl.

Bruce Hayden said...

One of the points that Fiorina makes is that the company is alive and thriving, and probably wouldn't be if she hadn't done what she did. PC market was consolidating, and if you weren't in the top 2-3, you might as well get out. And servers were the future (hence the acquisition of DEC, which meant acquiring Compaq). And what is the difference between Linux and Unix? Just like Unix was a stripped down Multix for minicomputers, Linux is a stripped down Unix for PCs. Which is to say that if someone were to jump into the market, and Linux weren't the standard already, Unix would probably be the better choice. HP at that time was well placed if the Unix platform triumphed.

HP really did need to spin off Agilent. That was their legacy, pre-computer, business. It wasn't going to grow that fast, if at all, and wouldn't provide any synergy. It is a weird company - not that big, but with an old culture for a much larger company. Which they obviously got from HP. A lot of similarities, including everyone in cubicles.

I should note that I am a somewhat loyal HP customer. I bought one of their calculators in maybe 1970, then my second computer, in 1971, was an HP. Currently, I have 2 HP desktops (including Win 8.1), three HP/Compaq laptops, and 2 inkjet and 1 laser jet printers. And except for the Win 8.1 box, none of it is new. But it keeps on working. One of the inkjet printers is commercial grade, and prints almost as cheaply as a laser jet. Plus doing patent work for a couple of HP divisions, plus Agilent. Nothing flashy, but overall good quality. And yes, some bad experiences, including one laptop that went back three times on warranty, then got lost in their customer support jungle for six weeks while we dealt with their Indian support staff (when I finally got an American support person, the laptop was immediately replaced with a slightly better brand new unit, which I still use heavily).

Unknown said...

I think it has become typical for members of the right to simply say 'That's not (fill in the blank, it's (Whatever I say it is). Despite the fact that it is the textbook example of what was stated in the first place. The old..."La La La, I'm not listening". thing. That's why they had the "under-card" debate, so they could have a "Children's Table. They should have put them all in the same bunch, since they all arrived in the same clown car.

Michael said...

I don't think Fiorina got anybody killed at HP but she put Chris Matthews in a bad spot last night with her verbal skills.

She would crush Hillary in debate.

Michael said...


Good work!! Clown Car!! HAHAHAHA

Just remember, Patty boy, one person will emerge from the clown car with some experience in the arena. Hillary not so much.

But the clown car slogan is priceless, no? Use it as much as you can, please.

Michael said...


And who will be in the Democrat limousine? Hillary, Biden and Sanders? HAHAHAHAHAHHHA.

Limo. Get it?

dbp said...

I am not familiar with how the HP Agilent spin-off was financed. In a simple scenario, one would expect that when a company breaks itself in two, neither of the daughter corporations would be valued as highly as the combination of the two.

I was not in favor of the Compaq acquisition but the choices were to get big or get out of the PC business. IBM exited the PC business by selling it to Levovo.

dbp said...

Lenovo--I can neither spell nor pronounce it properly most of the time.

David said...

I think Carly can defend herself on this one.

And all the rest too.

Static Ping said...

By the Left's standards, it is sexist.

I think those standards are ridiculous.

If you want my honest opinion I find the tweet to be juvenile, nothing more.

It is also not funny, which is worse. And I don't mean is that it is a Republican being gored not funny or political humor is not funny, but the attempted joke is just lame. Get better memes.

(I've learned not get into debates about colors. It's one step up from "Do I look fat in this?")

darrenoia said...

If you're tired of the Republicans pointing out the double standard, imagine how tired the Republicans are of having to live with it.

Just a reminder: The last Republican presidential candidate endorsed by The New York Times was Eisenhower (a war hero) in 1956. The media are not neutral. Their hypocrisy and double standards should be called out as often as possible.

Jaq said...

I was not in favor of the Compaq acquisition but the choices were to get big or get out of the PC business

DEC was part of that deal, and not an inconsiderable part for their IP.

Huge companies with hundreds of thousands of employees lay of tens of thousands of people all the time. Otherwise they would ossify and die, unable to change.

Think of it as your local car dealer laying of a couple of typists because people now type their own stuff, then multiply it by thousands to account for the size.

But that is all math, and math is hard for Democrats.

Unknown said...

If she becomes president and the size of the government shrinks by 53% I would call that success.

chickelit said...

Her jacket looks "metallic pink" which would also be great band name.

Birdwatcher said...

On my screen, her jacket is rose colored. It's a dusky rose color. It's a very subdued, calming color, and it looks beautiful on her....

Bruce Hayden said...

Interesting the levels of subtlety there. I really do suspect that it was deliberately aimed at Ms. Fiorina. As I mentioned above, pink is pink for many guys. The difference is that you have a baby pink with the small girl, and power suit pink for Carly now. Sure, they aren't the same color, but the idea of pink ties them together. The young girl wouldn't be wearing the power suit pink, and the politician/rich woman probably wouldn't be wearing the baby pink that the young girl was wearing. That just isn't a power color. A first lady could get away with it, but not a President, governor, etc.

So, yes, I think that it was intentional, but they may have done it the way that they did for plausible deniability, knowing that a lot of loyal foot soldiers (esp. of the distaff variety) would immediately point out, as Ann did, that you could argue that Fiorina wasn't wearing pink, but rather, light red (or, something just as silly). And, can then laugh at all the Republicans, conservatives, etc. who fell for it.

traditionalguy said...

Fiorna is a hot babe in both colors.

Michael K said...

"And I have read several times that it was Fiorina's actions back then that set up H-P to weather the storms that came later."

I think she needs to set up a page on her web site with a good explanation of what happened and why and use it to explain to angry techies, like a couple here, that shit happens in the tech business. The CEO has to ride the storm and the fact that the company survived unlike a few I could mention, is evidence that something was done right. My only recollection was of a board room fight with an heir who was determined to be boss. Can anybody think of a few instances where that did not work out well?

The Dem tweet suggests they are afraid of her and less of the other guys in the debates.

Trump, to me, is Perot II.

Trashhauler said...

The reason the "If Repubs had said it, Dems would call them awful things" meme is boring is because it is so true it has become trite. We're supposed to not mention it because it bores you?

Danno said...

Chicklit, I would call that metallic red. Totally bullet proof!

Unknown said...

I am surprised the little girl in the pink jacket wasn't holding a daisy. Like this little girl:
Daisy Girl Ad 1964.

Unknown said...

The Nation is lost!

I never figured that so many men would know so many colors. Most of the men I know only know the basic colors, plus the ish. as in redish, pinkish,........

Joe said...

a) It's mauve

b) I did some temp work at HP in the mid-80s. By then it was an extremely bureaucratic heavy company. To do just about anything, you had to fill out reams of paperwork and go through several levels of management. In my own experience, it was one of the least innovative companies I've worked at.

Around 1995-1996, I did some contract work for a company which was hired to create a competitor to HPs Openview in order to get HP to drop their price, which they did.

In the early 2000s, I wrote a similar SNMP Openview client. I wrote it to use a generic simple OpenView adapter since using the official SDK was horribly expensive and tremendously complicated with very marginal benefits.

at the same company, we bought some HP/Compaq servers. They were fantastic and, at the time, ahead of the curve with hot swappable parts.

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