June 24, 2013

Wake up to what Drudge is saying about Hillary.

The link on "921 days to go..." goes to the cheerful Washington Post headline "Welcome to the Hillary Rodham Clinton presidential speculation sweepstakes," which is full of babble like "It’s a double-edged sword. Early hype can deter viable challenges, but it also invites the kind of scrutiny that can deflate a bubble very quickly."

"921 days to go" seems like a fair enough teaser, but subliminally, what is Drudge doing? I suspect he's saying she's got a long, long way to go, and — look — she's already 65. She'll be 69 by Election Day 2016. I think he's working the too old message.

My suspicion arises before I read the next line:

So connect that photo of Hillary to the big, old dead body of James Gandolfini. And also worry about whether the Clintons give special preference to Hollywood celebrities... and it's okay with Drudge if you merge Gandolfini with a Mafia crime boss.

If you think I'm overeager to attribute meaning to the photos and juxtapositions at The Drudge Report, remember that Drudge actively and obviously played the Hillary is too old game in December 2007. Here's the notorious photograph:

... under the headline "The Toll of a Campaign."

Is she up for another campaign, 6 years later, with 3 years of running, trying to convince us that she can labor on for 4 years after that? I don't know but I fully expect Drudge to inject those doubts into us. He'll try to do it subliminally, so listen to me, and you'll at least be able to be conscious as Dr. Matt approaches with his syringe full of doubt.


Unknown said...

Keep it up Matt....the lst thing we need after 8 years of a so-called hip gangster president is a old hag gangster president.

Brian Brown said...

I love the fact that "Progressives" are all giddy about nominating a 69 year old wife of a former President.


Darcy said...

Well...McCain was too old for Democrats, right?

I don't think she's too old. I think she's too liberal and has a big problem not being able to tell the truth. But we don't elect people to tell us the truth, so I'll be in the minority again.

rhhardin said...

Too stupid to be President would be a better approach.

edutcher said...

Hillary! didn't have it last time and the only time she did have it was when they put a nobody up against her in the Empire State.

And Insta notes Benghazi isn't going away, either.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

To hell with "too old". She's grossly incompetent. Unfit for office. She'd suck even on a local school board.

It takes a "willing suspension of disbelief" to imagine she has not already committed multiple felonies.

It's not true that "behind every fortune is a crime", but behind hers that is almost certainly true.

Can't we just be done with this cow, please? Send her out to pasture and let her chew her cud off of the radar.

Brian Brown said...

I'm sure this will help her candidacy out:

The decision to keep U.S. personnel in Benghazi with substandard security was made at the highest levels of the State Department by officials who have so far escaped blame over the Sept. 11 attack, according to a review of recent congressional testimony and internal State Department memos by Fox News.

ricpic said...

Actually she looks pretty good in the Drudge photo. But it turns out her real work at State the past four years consisted of having her enforcer, Cheryl Mills, coverup the rampant sex crimes committed by our best and brightest. Then again that may be the best prep to be prez.

X said...

she can't pass the bar yet is the smartest woman in America. will women prove it?

pm317 said...

trying to convince us that she can labor on for 4 years after that?

Given what we know about Obama's involvement in governing and being president, I think she will manage just fine. In fact, in the age of Obama and after Obama, you might say the president's office is a nice perk for the highly ambitious to retire in style while being (a shadow) president. She may not go golfing all the time, but she can find other pursuits.

Anonymous said...

Well, a Hillary presidency will allow Michelle time to get ready.

edutcher said...

ricpic said...

Actually she looks pretty good in the Drudge photo. But it turns out her real work at State the past four years consisted of having her enforcer, Cheryl Mills, coverup the rampant sex crimes committed by our best and brightest.

But now the cat's out of the bag, as it were. The trick lies in keeping all those old skeletons buried.

That didn't happen.

Drip, drip, drip, as they say.

And I have to disagree about the photo.

The mileage is really starting to show and even the Lifestyle Lifts aren't helping.

X said...

our very own Ma Ferguson.

Dante said...

Thanks, Ann. I am wondering whether this is subliminal or not. Perhaps a face lift will work: who knows.

Meanwhile, having watched so much ridiculous destructive stuff from the left, trying to scare old people, the lies with the CBO scoring of Obamacare, the lack of an actual accounting of the cost of amnesty, etc., I can only hope some people are persuaded to not vote for her.

Johanna Lapp said...

If you're too infirm to answer questions from Congress, you're probably not up to the rigors of a campaign.

William said...

The Clintons are the largest sludge depository in the world. It's truly a marvel how they get away with it. They have a cooperative media, but you've got to admire the way they use their own sludge to grease their path through life.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The *ugh* factor.

SteveR said...

John Kerry got some work done and yet he turned out to still be John Kerry. Hillary appearance ranges from energetic and well kept to tired and haggard. Yet its always Hillary. Is this the best person to be the first woman president? What does she have to offer besides that? If this is the best option the Democratic Party can offer?

The rule of Lemnity said...

She'll be 69 by Election Day 2016.

Reagan was 69 when he was elected President in 1980.

And she is Tweeting... softly. Her good cholesterol is just right and her bad cholesterol in under control. Her vision and hearing appear normal. Its a good thing Huma never leaves her side. She can walk upright just long enough to satisfy a short photo op. She was recalling her work on the Nixon impeachment days... but sometimes she thinks Ford still president, nobody has the heart to tell her Ford is dead. Despite The family best efforts there are whispers of a hospice. Whispers that are quickly stamped out by Chelsea and close Clinton confidants.

AllenS said...

Very good, Lem.

Brian Brown said...

Reagan was 69 when he was elected President in 1980

Yeah well, Hillary! has the charisma and charm of a fake house plant.

edutcher said...

SteveR said...

John Kerry got some work done and yet he turned out to still be John Kerry. Hillary appearance ranges from energetic and well kept to tired and haggard. Yet its always Hillary. Is this the best person to be the first woman president? What does she have to offer besides that? If this is the best option the Democratic Party can offer?

Maybe they can hold out for ScarJo.

Lem said...

She'll be 69 by Election Day 2016.

Reagan was 69 when he was elected President in 1980.

I knew Ronald Reagan (from the old GE Theater and Death Valley Days).

Ronald Reagan was a friend of mine (I never got a dud light bulb or a box of bad borax from him).

She's no Ronald Reagan (she could never play Errol Flynn's best bud).

Known Unknown said...

Who wants to elect Royal Tenenbaum?

Icepick said...

It's not going to be Hillary. She's already too old for Democratic standards. They haven't had a non-sitting Presidential nominee over 64 since before Samuel Tilden ran way back when.

Methadras said...

Here's to hoping she drops dead soon.

Methadras said...

Darcy said...

Well...McCain was too old for Democrats, right?

I don't think she's too old. I think she's too liberal and has a big problem not being able to tell the truth. But we don't elect people to tell us the truth, so I'll be in the minority again.

Oh, but Darcy, didn't you know? It's her time, because she's a woman and stuff.

Dante said...

Here is a compilation of what I view as subliminal messages. Some are hard to understand, though the woman and wine glass @ 1:14 is pretty interesting.

JAL said...

Yeah, so what's with the prepping of Chelsea? (!!11!11!)

Puuuhhhlllease. Tell us that is a Drudge joke.

This is not Kool-Aid® they are drinking ... it's got to be something from outer space.

JAL said...

Reagan was 69 when he was elected President in 1980

Reagan was physically fit and quite active. Those horseback riding, wood chopping pictures were not the equivalent of Gore in a canoe or Kerry duck hunting.

Reagan actually did stuff.

JAL said...

Oh, but Darcy, didn't you know? It's her time, because she's a woman and stuff.

Yeah, well, Meth -- we saw how well that worked 2008 and beyond.

It's the time! He's black and stuff!

And what stuff.

Bad bad bad rationale. Pathetic that she drops the womyn card and expects the Dems and females to salivate and Vote Correctly.

Not all Dems love HRC. Maybe Michelle will primary her. Haha.

Darcy said...


I consider women largely responsible for this mess we're in. The emotional vote.

Bleh. No. Not time for a woman president. Oh my God, I'm getting sick already imagining all the glowing "firsts" we'd have shoved down our throats while the country was burning. Wouldn't that just be lovely? :)

Clayton Hennesey said...

Drudge is hardly the first.

Barack Obama was the one who sentenced Hillary to too-old-ville when he decided to run against her for president. A woman wasn't the one we'd been waiting for, he was.

It's just as well, though, now that we know that getting Benghazied is probably the best we could hope for from her.

Elect Hillary? What difference, at this point, does it make if we do or not?

Clayton Hennesey said...

Women had the choice back in 2008: elect your mom, or elect that smoov talking, handsome black guy with the dazzling smile who would make your daddy SO mad if he caught you with him.

viator said...

America owes it to her!

Anonymous said...

"Is she up for another campaign, 6 years later, with 3 years of running, trying to convince us that she can labor on for 4 years after that?"

At this point, what difference does it make?

Who else runs against her in the primary?

Who will be the Republican candidate?

Wonder how she expounds on her foreign policy experience? Wonder how the very helpful Candy answers Hillary's Benghazi questions in a debate? How will she answer her daughter's lament that her grandmamma didn't have choice?

hawkeyedjb said...

Hillary. Because she is such an accomplished woman.

Her accomplishments include... uh.

Well, she has... um.

When she was a senator, she...

I mean, when she was secretary of state she...

Hillary is an accomplished woman. Yes, she is.

Unknown said...

I fervently hope the Democrats will run Hillary. If she runs the 2016 election could be the one where a libertarian candidate will have a chance.

MarkD said...

We could use someone in the executive branch who loses information she should have, instead of keeping information he shouldn't have.

MarkD said...

We could use someone in the executive branch who loses information she should have, instead of keeping information he shouldn't have.