May 2, 2013

Another hate crime turns out to be self-generated — another "victim" threatened herself.

"The University of Wyoming Police Department issued a citation Monday afternoon in Albany County Circuit Court for Meg Lanker-Simons, a woman allegedly threatened last week in a social media post authorities now contend was a hoax.... 'Subject admitted to making a controversial post on UW Crushes webpage and then lied about not doing it,' according to the citation."
The post was made to the UW Crushes page April 24 on Facebook and described Lanker-Simons as "that chick that runs her liberal mouth all the time and doesn't care who knows it."

The post also referenced a graphic, sexual act against Lanker-Simons. "One night with me and shes gonna be a good Republican (expletive)," the post read. The post created a stir on social media and at the university, with school officials issuing statements denouncing the post against Lanker-Simons and campus police opening an investigation....

"This episode has sparked an important discussion reaffirming that the UW community has no tolerance for sexual violence or violence of any type," UW spokesman Chad Baldwin said. "The fact that the Facebook post apparently was a fabrication does not change the necessity for continued vigilance in reassuring that we have a campus where everyone feels safe."
While you're continuing all the vigilance, how about a little vigilance about self-dramatizing fraud? People need better bullshit detectors! Arm the students for real life in every possible way.

I love the contradictory notions of vigilance and feeling safe, especially in the context where a fake threat supposedly made people feel unsafe, and the university spokesman wants to concentrate attention on the importance of eradicating all feelings of unsafeness without condemning the phony stirring up of such feelings.

I say let's be vigilant about everything: vigilant about the possibility that some other human beings might want to have sex with you, vigilant about the way a few of them might use inappropriate or ever violent methods to fulfill this desire, vigilant about how anyone might lie or manipulate you to get things they want, including sex but not just sex. There are people who want to control and dominate the culture, to scare and repress and make life bland and boring and conventional — in old-fashioned "traditional" terms and in relatively recent "feminist" terms. Watch out for all of this! Vigilance!

Feeling safe? You want to feel safe? You need to be vigilant about the people who manipulate you with the idea of your feelings of safety, especially when they cite this aspect of your feelings to keep you from becoming vigilant about those who are scaring you with a photoshopped picture of what's really dangerous in this world. You should want to be safe, not just feel safe. Don't have tunnel vision on one danger that other people are telling you is The Danger that you need to feel safe from. You need to do your own vigilance, not outsource it to the authorities who assure you of their caretaking prowess. Protect yourself, even from these caretakers.
Pamela Kandt, co-convener of the Episcopal Women's Caucus and a Casper activist, came to Lanker-Simons' defense Tuesday. Last week, after the controversial post went public, Kandt lobbied university officials for a "swift response to this outrage."

"I will tell you, I believe Meg is innocent of this outrage," said Kandt, adding she believes the citation issued by police is a "classic case of blaming the victim."... UW Police, Kandt said, "have bullied her and they have pulled a bluff. This is the worst episode of 'Law & Order' you can imagine... I mean, my God, who would do this to herself?"
Do your own vigilance. Anyone might be lying. The student feminist on Facebook. The police. The Episcopalians.  

My God, who would do this? I take it the Episcopalian is querying her God because she, herself, is innocent of the imagination needed to project herself into the brain of a hypothetical person who would demonize others by writing a threat that said all the things she'd need a threat to say for a threat to be useful in promoting her cause and making herself the center of attention. Will God answer the Episcopalian's question? Or is He thinking, Come on, Pamela. I gave you a brain. You're supposed to think for yourself!

(I arrived at that link via Robert Stacy McCain, via Instapundit.)

ADDED: I have some more thoughts here.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

For radical leftist progressives, lying is an important social skill.

KCFleming said...

It's interesting that a fake threat "reaffirms" anything.

An Emmanuel Goldstein event.

Sorun said...

Hate crime hoaxes are also hate crimes.

SteveR said...

"I will tell you, I believe Meg is innocent of this outrage,"

I done good in English

MisterBuddwing said...

"I will tell you, I believe Meg is innocent of this outrage,"

I done good in English

What's the blatant grammatical error here?

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
campy said...

A massive funding increase for the college womyns center seems to be in order here.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Robert Stacy McCain's says:

Ah, yes — the presumption of innocence! Quite interesting, coming from someone who organized a protest based on the presumed guilt of the imaginary online misogynists who threatened her. And the protest sign — “Rape Threats Are Not a Joke” — needs to be updated: “Fake Rape Threats Are Not a Real Joke,” or something.

But we should be grateful that Ms. Lanker-Simons has finally decided to exercise her constitutional right to be silent.


bagoh20 said...

It seems fair and reasonable to me that people found to make false charges should be convicted and sentenced as if they did the crime. That's what they chose to subject some innocent person to by their lies.

A clearly proven false charge of rape gets you the rapist's sentence.

Nonapod said...

People need better bullshit detectors! Arm the students for real life in every possible way.

How do you do that? How do you make young people more supsicious of their peers? Maybe "supsicious" is the wrong word, more critical maybe?

TML said...

Some useful history here

No one involved in this preposterosity thought the line about making a proper republican bitch out of her sounded just a tad on the nose?

bagoh20 said...

Althouse, did you even read the thing. How dare you take the analysis differently than it was offered. Sometimes, I think I should just quit this gig.

edutcher said...

This sort of behavior seems to be a disease among Lefties. A kind of Uncle Saul run amok (technically, all kinds of Uncle Saul run amok, but...).

It's supposed to tell us how eeeevillle the Christers, rednecks, breeders, gun nuts, and antiabortionists are.

While the Lefties love to whine about vigilantes (actually, the original vigilantes were the most respectable people in town trying to see the law enforced), this is vigilantism, intended to be sparked by agent provocateur (provocateuse, in this case) false flag ops.

In short, they're so desperate, they have to lie about this, too.

Darrell said...

How do you do that?

Given the last hundred incidents, a good rule of thumb would be, if it serves the cause of the Left, consider the charge bullshit.

Brian Brown said...

UW Police, Kandt said, "have bullied her and they have pulled a bluff. This is the worst episode of 'Law & Order' you can imagine... I mean, my God, who would do this to herself?"


I can't think of a better example of a lack of self-awareness by a leftist.

Why, it is almost as if she can't understand the being a leftist is just like being in a cult or something.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Did the post in question contain an actual threat, in the legal sense of the word? No doubt feminists would argue that it should be treated as a threat. ( At least that is what they would argue if it hadn't been shown to be a hoax. ) But does it meet the legal definition?

( I cannot follow the link from my current computer to double-check the wording. )

MisterBuddwing said...

How do you do that? How do you make young people more supsicious of their peers? Maybe "supsicious" is the wrong word, more critical maybe?

I'm all for skepticism, which I think is healthy, and against cynicism, which I find destructive.

Brian Brown said...

I loved this:

All over campus, plus-sized Women’s Studies majors hid themselves behind dead-bolted doors

jacksonjay said...

What's a little deception among friends? Especially when it's for a good cause?

Kinda reminds me of the NBA sub who wore the beard for 8 years!

We got ur back!

Brian Brown said...

edutcher said...
This sort of behavior seems to be a disease among Lefties

It is a community based reality.

They don't believe in anything that is actually true, so they have to make shit up.

Kind of like being a 7 year old.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

You should want to be safe, not just feel safe. Don't have tunnel vision on one danger that other people are telling you is The Danger that you need to feel safe from. You need to do your own vigilance, not outsource it to the authorities who assure you of their caretaking prowess. Protect yourself, even from these caretakers.

100% agreement with this sentiment. You can only BE safe if you are realistic about what the danger actually is, critically examine the false or real claims of danger. Critical thinking people!

traditionalguy said...

Life must be very dull in today's everything goes post-morality free life.

The one thing the new world seems to have forgotten is that restricting sexual behavior actually makes the pursuit and the capture of it more exciting.

So for excitement we get dramatic imitations of a sexually repressive life victims: Please someone, chase me and capture me.

MisterBuddwing said...

Perish the thought that I'm rushing to judgment, but having the "rapist" identify himself as a "Republican" would seem to be overplaying the hand.

Unknown said...

And now every real threat and every real rape and/or misogynist statement is just a little bit less believable. She's done very real harm to the causes she thinks she is helping. The support for this fraud from the left increases the negative effect.

Why would anyone believe anyone else ever? Especially a supposed accusation or threat from the right toward the left. The cumulative effect of this kind of leftest Alinsky tactics has to eventually come around to bite them in the butt.

At least, if there's justice it does.

test said...

bagoh20 said...
It seems fair and reasonable to me that people found to make false charges should be convicted and sentenced as if they did the crime. That's what they chose to subject some innocent person to by their lies.

A clearly proven false charge of rape gets you the rapist's sentence.

So in this case we'd reduce the campus activist budget by the amount it would be normal to increase it by, essentially fire two apparatchiks?

Anonymous said...

RE: "...has to eventually come around to bite them in the butt."

No hate-butt-biting threats, please.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

AS part of her threat to herself she said:

"One night with me and shes gonna be a good Republican (expletive),"

The left and the left's media (the MSM) are on a never-ending crusade to frame Republicans, tea party whatever, tax payers, anyone not in the brown shirt club.
It's getting old.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

This is what you get when you successfully discourage disturbed young women from cutting themselves.

campy said...

It's getting old.

It's successful.

SteveR said...

What's the blatant grammatical error here?

Innocent of this outrage? Who talks like that? People make fun of the grammatically deficient all the time but this type of language is, to me anyway, equally bad. They had to go 150 miles away to find someone to defend her. Not Laramie, Not Cheyenne. Casper

James Pawlak said...

Such complaints should be ignored unless they are made on oath. If such claims are lies, the offender should be charged with "False Swearing" or "Perjury".

gerry said...

Another Progressive stereotype validated.

This is just like Stalin show-trials. The collective ideal is failing for some reason? Make up a villain! Demonize somebody! Generate some hate by creating paranoia!

Meanwhile, the faux-Christian enablers weep and rent garments, feigning some self-righteous, judgmental outrage!

gerry said...

No hate-butt-biting threats, please.

If you hate butts, why would you bite one? Or, are you threatening butt haters with biting? Or, is it threatening butt-biters with hating?

fivewheels said...

The text of the post was: "I want to hatefuck Meg Lanker- so hard. That chick that runs her liberal mouth all the time and doesn’t care who knows it. I think its hot and it makes me angry. One night with me and shes gonna be a good Republican bitch."

I don't even see a rape threat. I think the common definition of a hatefuck is consensual. The whole thing is absurd start to finish.

Ordinarily I would agree it's inappropriate to comment on her looks, but in this case, it seems obviously significant. Given the circumstances, if you haven't googled her, do you expect to find a cute hippie college feminist type of girl, or, let's face it, a cow who's bitter and angry at men because of it? It's pretty obvious.

This was a projection fantasy of an unattractive woman, but a realistic one: The only desire she might inspire in a normal guy is the limited circumstance of a hatefuck, sadly.

Brew Master said...

Dog bites man.

It seems that fake hate crimes are more prevalent than the real ones these days.

bagoh20 said...

I thought the left was winning, got a second term for the most leftist President ever, and according to many on the left here, Republicans will never win again, so why are they so desperate that they need to pull these stunts. Shouldn't they just be having victory parties and lesbian pillow fights...on

Anonymous said...

Will God answer the Episcopalian's question? Or is He thinking, Come on, Pamela. I gave you a brain. You're supposed to think for yourself!

Ironically a characteristic boast of Episcopalians is "You don't have to leave your brains at the door" when you come to an Episcopalian church. You see, Episcopalians are not like those other Christians who just believe things without critical thinking.

During my sojourn among the Episcopalians I found them to be a (mostly) polite, friendly and bright bunch, but unable to question PC-multi-culti-leftie dogma and unable to notice their inability to question that dogma.

Anonymous said...

Another answer for the Episcopalian: If God went to the trouble of carving the 8th Commandment in a stone tablet, it's a pretty good sign that this is the sort of thing people do once in a while.

DrMaturin said...

My son was a student at Northwestern when there was a huge outrage over a racially motivated hate crime. The campus had rallies, lectures, etc. about the evils of racism and it's prevalence on campus. And then it turned out to be a hoax, just like this case. The only "teachable moment" here is that campus hate crimes should be considered hoaxes or pranks until proven otherwise. Yet, college administrations never learn and the next time something like this happens the reaction will be the same.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Another brick in the wall of the left's faux "war on women".

SJ said...


with all this vigilance that you talk of, should some sort of vigilance committee be formed?

Or would that be too...vigilante?

campy said...

Shouldn't they just be having victory parties

This is the way they party.

Nonapod said...

It seems that fake hate crimes are more prevalent than the real ones these days.

Perhaps we shouldn't elevate victimhood as much as we do in our culture. Maybe being a victim shouldn't be desirable?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

ot: In Colorado, the democrats are pushing for institutionalized vote fraud.
No ID required, vote as many times as you'd like, etc..

I want universal voter integrity laws. If we have to show ID to ride a commercial aircraft or buy alcohol, or do just about anything, we certainly need to show ID to vote.
One person/One vote.
The democrats are trying to disenfranchise legitimate and fair voting because they know fraud is a key to their success.

KCFleming said...

Cry Wolf by Lisa Germano

"Love can be bad
Love is weird, love
You should'a known better
You should'a known better
You should'a known, It's all your fault
You should'a known better
You should know better
Didn't they tell you
Didn't they tell you
Cry, cry wolf

Anonymous said...

There must have been a bad batch of Kool Aid in the feminist temple.

Nomennovum said...

What's particularly interesting about these faked political incidents is that women tend to be the perpetrators. Here we have the bloody crossroads of leftist politics and female sexual psychosis. Women are able to excuse almost any deed in order to justify their solipsistic sense of entitlement.

This ugly Lanker-Simons attention whore made use of of her -- quite common with feminists and lesbians -- rape fantasies to further her political agenda and overblown self-regard.

bagoh20 said...

" Sorun said...
Hate crime hoaxes are also hate crimes."

This is what is so infuriating and makes these people seem so incredibly stupid. A person of normal intelligence that was not made 50 points dumber by their bias, would see that this clear hypocrisy makes them no better than what they hate. If your enemies are really that bad, you shouldn't have to make shit up.

rhhardin said...

I don't believe threats unless a noose is found.

Shanna said...

It's interesting that a fake threat "reaffirms" anything.

Yep. This reaffirms that very little attention should be paid to random stuff people say on the internet.

Anonymous said...

Goes back to the theory that feminism is a secular nunnery, where all the less fair and sexually ambiguous girls can end up.

They need something to believe in.

The university is a natural fit for such people.

rhhardin said...

Vigilance might have worked for voting for Obama. It's beyond women.

He was an estrogen fraud the first time but women won't spot it.

ricpic said...

She lied for a good cause!

fivewheels said...

I wasn't sure if people were going to fear to tread in the area of her appearance, for decorum's sake. Then I read the Robert Stacy McCain link, and he wasn't shy about it.

It's unfortunate to have to comment in that direction, but that is the answer to the question: Who would do this to herself? Well, that's who.

Big Mike said...

Note to Pamela Kandt. Computer forensics are a bitch, bitch.

I have yet to see that Meg Lanker-Simons has been expelled by the University. Shame on them!

rhhardin said...

The feminine failing corresponding to male skepticism is foolishness.

They think "He means well." It's automatic.

Strelnikov said...

I always enjoy hearing a modern Christian leader take the Lord's name in vain ("my God". That used to be a universal sin in all denominations. Of course,the current Episcopal church doesn't actually believe in anything - except social justice, of course.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Meg Lanker-Simons(D) is also big fan of shutting down free speech on campus and reveling in the accomplishments of one Weather Underground Terrorist - Bill Ayres.

khesanh0802 said...

As I read Ann's comments about being aware of threats to your safety I could not help thinking about the emphasis that was placed upon that in the concealed carry course that my wife and I took. The "rules of the road" are: be aware of possible threats (essentially be vigilant); if you identify a threat do everything you can to avoid/minimize that threat. The real emphasis was on seeing and interpreting what is going on around you. A lot of people have lost that ability.

Strelnikov said...


Dig it.

Anonymous said...

Multiple choice: Anyone might be lying. The student feminist on Facebook. The police. The Episcopalians.

Ans: the student feminist

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Meg Lanker-Simons should absolutely be expelled.

Tom said...

Sometimes we forget we covered all this stuff as children. My grandpa told me the Story of the Boy Who Cried Wolf many times. Sometimes, it's as simple as that.

Matt Sablan said...

"The only "teachable moment" here is that campus hate crimes should be considered hoaxes or pranks until proven otherwise"

-- That's a bit strong; I think the better lesson is that people should keep their powder dry till they know they need to use it.

Anonymous said...

I wonder, though, whether these hoaxes don't net to a win for the left. The hoaxes are presented with great fanfare in the various media, but when busted ... not so much.

Low-information voters are left with the impression that conservatives/whites/males are truly as horrible as the left has been saying.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

However, UW police said, they interviewed Lanker-Simons and searched her computer, and ”obtained substantial evidence verifying that the offending Facebook post came from Lanker-Simons’ computer.” Lanker-Simons “admitted to making a controversial post on UW Crushes webpage and then lied about not doing it,” according to the citation for a misdemeanor, which can be punished by up to a year in jail.

One year in jail? That's it?

But no worries - the fraud and hoax has prompted more discussion about the culture of rape on campus.

Anonymous said...

Will God answer the Episcopalian's question? Or is He thinking,...

Pamela's God is a She.

Nomennovum said...

The only "teachable moment" here is that campus hate crimes should be considered hoaxes or pranks until proven otherwise"

-- That's a bit strong; I think the better lesson is that people should keep their powder dry till they know they need to use it.

Sure Matt. After all, 1 out of 4 women on campuses are victims of rape during their 4 years at college. Right?

mccullough said...

Everybody lies. The hard part is figuring out when people are telling the truth.

Synova said...

Hey, lies are okay if they tell the truth.

Like the Bush National Guard Memos.

And yeah... the feeling of "unsafeness" is manufactured by this woman and her enablers. They *want* everyone to feel unsafe, because then they can get stuff done.

The exact same thing with the horror of Chick-fil-A on campuses and all the delicate ones feeling intimidated and unsafe. They've *manufactured* that. It's a tasty chicken sandwich and no one would feel the least intimidated about seeing another student eating one if they weren't convinced By Their Activists that the act of eating a chicken sandwich was hostile.

And feeling threatened by a picture of an aggressive looking dog. Rape! And we're supposed to believe that is honest when it almost can't be. Not unless the woman is mentally unwell.

But it's important to have those "important discussions" even if the controversy that surrounds them is all a lie.


KCFleming said...

Modern feminists are like the Ellen Jamesians, feminists who "purposely had their tongues removed in a protest against the rape of an 11-year-old girl Ellen James."

They see all men as enemies.

Tom said...

Remember Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. When we undermine peoples sense of safety, we can create tremendous dependency. Only when safety needs are satisfied, can higher order needs be fulfilled. If people are capable of being safe on their own, it really undermines the entire dependency creation enterprise.

While this girl may be silly, delusional, or simply a liar, the premise from which she is working is specifically calculated to create a society of victims, easily controlled by those that "protect" us. It has nothing to do with people actually being safe. Check your premise.

Matt Sablan said...

No idea on that statistic; but again, the key when people tell you things is to gut check and confirm. Not to immediately dismiss everything about the same topic in the future because people lied before.

madAsHell said...

sparked by agent provocateur

Moochelle's underpants are inciting hate crimes!!

edutcher said...

Say her last name like Elmer Fudd and you know what she really is.

Synova said...

Hey, lies are okay if they tell the truth.

Fake but accurate in the Lefty canon.

KCFleming said...

These hoaxes are just part of the leftist propaganda, of a piece with the fake Palestinian videos depicting Israeli war crimes.

Like Al Gore's global warming bullshit and the Newtown massacre gun control effort.

Theater to extend the power of the left.

I consider everything the left says and does likely to be a lie, in service to their aims.

Matt Sablan said...

I always wonder why we can't have important discussions without a crisis. It seems like we should be able to do that.

Nomennovum said...

Modern feminists are like the Ellen Jamesians, feminists who "purposely had their tongues removed in a protest against the rape of an 11-year-old girl Ellen James." -- Pogo

Ugh. The World According to Garp. What a horrible book. I remember reading that way back when. Why was it ever a best seller? Nancy Friday's stuff was better and from about the same era.

KCFleming said...

"What a horrible book."

Agreed. Horrible movie, too.
The "Ellen Jamesians" struck me as spot on, however.

fivewheels said...

A little surfing on this story leads to her post on the now-defunct UW Crushes page (taken down because of her duplicity) denouncing the terrible, terrible threat.

It's great reading. She could not be fantasizing harder about someone wanting her.

CWJ said...

As this post demonstrates, exposure of each hoax both great (Duke lacrosse) and small like here does nothing to change the underlying attitudes behind believing the hoax in the first place. As long as they can retreat into the latest version of fake but accurate, or serving a larger truth, students will still demonstrate, faculty will still write group signed letters of condemnation, and administrators will still reaffirm their commitment to supporting the university's mission against threats both real and imagined. Nothing changes. One must be eternally on guard against the threat of racist, raping, reactionary Republicanism.

Cody Jarrett said...

Do you suppose her husband knew about it? He posted an angry reply. I wonder if he feels stupid now or just annoyed they were found out.

Earnest Prole said...

I think it's called self-abuse.

Cody Jarrett said...

Speaking, Pogo, of Albert Gore the Fatuous, did you see his little speech about how he prevented violent revolution back when he won the presidency?

Nomennovum said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KCFleming said...

Oh, man; sounds terrible.

But. I. Will. Have. To. Watch.


DADvocate said...

I punish myself all the time, just not publicly. "You dare eat one more donut and I'm kicking your ass. What!? Stop eating!! That's 8 donuts. You better stop if you know what's good for you. OK, no beer tonight for you...."

Nomennovum said...

The "Ellen Jamesians" struck me as spot on, however. -- Pogo

Yes. Reality, unfortunately, is a lot more prosaic. Feminists just cut their hair, not their tongues. Come to think of it, reality is also a lot more annoying. Cutting their tongues rather that their hair would simultaneously make feminists easier to listen to and easier to look at.

Richard Dolan said...

"While you're continuing all the vigilance, how about a little vigilance about self-dramatizing fraud? People need better bullshit detectors!"

Unfortunately BS detectors come with lots of built-in false positives. Something a bit more reliable is needed. The bigger BS aspect of the whole thing is why anyone should have cared about a message like this one posted on a website even if it had not been a hoax. It wasn't a threat in any legally relevant sense, and never merited attention from the cops or anyone else. At most, it was just crude and (depending on the sensitivities of the reader) offensive speech, without any indicia that anyone intended to act on it (let alone act imminently). The only crime (a minor one at that) was lying to the cops, which resulted in a waste of public resources to some small extent, and that 'crime' would not have arisen if the cops had treated it like the nothing that it always was.

It's the kind of make-believe crime that will arise when politically correct speech codes are the norm in a Three Felonies a Day world. It would be much better to fix teh problem at that level rather than rely on BS detectors.

Anonymous said...

Meg Lanker-Simons should absolutely be expelled.

Yes, she should. But not much happens to the hoaxers.

Tawna Brawley still maintains the truth of her story of being raped by six white men and smeared with dog feces.

Crystal Mangum, the accuser in the Duke lacrosse case, was not prosecuted and graduated from NCCU with a degree in psychology

Charlie Rogers, the lesbian who carved a cross and anti-gay slurs onto her body, and set her house on fire, got seven days in jail and community service -- at least something, and oddly more than Brawley and Mangum.

Rusty said...

Earnest Prole said...
I think it's called self-abuse.

It's called The Vagina Dialogues.

Rocketeer said...

Ugh. The World According to Garp. What a horrible book.

Hey! Thanks for another opportunity to get on my "John Irving is a horrible shitty hack who's 'written' the same book about 20 times" horse.

test said...

DrMaturin said...
Yet, college administrations never learn and the next time something like this happens the reaction will be the same.

I disagree with this. They've learned to push for additional funding before the hoax is discovered.

Paul said...

The idea of the "hate fuck" is totally a lefty concept so right there you know it's a phony charge.

The idea that ANYONE would find that bloated pile of repulsive corpulence "hot" is the final nail in the coffin.

Only a braindead liberal could have been fooled by this obvious hoax.

Cody Jarrett said...

Pogo, it's (or was) on the front page at Breitbart this AM. I suck at the embedding link thing or I'd send you to the right place.

Cody Jarrett said...

Paul, her husband apparently loves her.

glenn said...

If people had bullshit detectors that really worked a whole generation of pols would be sweeping the streets instead of passing laws.

carrie said...

Or maybe it is still a hate crime, but it is a hate crime against republicans.

Michael said...

Meanwhile down here in the sweet sunny south four students of historic Morehouse college are blaming the victim in their defense against the charge of rape.

Meg should hie herself from the hate filled environs of Wyoming and come to the aid of her sister in the victim free south.

Shanna said...

After all, 1 out of 4 women on campuses are victims of rape during their 4 years at college. Right?

That is not a statistic I've heard. I think I heard 1/4 or 1/3 women ever, not in college. Don't know how accurate that is one way or the other.

Nomennovum said...

That is not a statistic I've heard. I think I heard 1/4 or 1/3 women ever, not in college. Don't know how accurate that is one way or the other.

Either way, it's a widely-held belief among feminists and it's wildly inaccurate, unless you define rape as unasked-for eye-fucking.

Colonel Angus said...

Al Sharpton was unavailable for comment.

Bob Ellison said...

I wouldn't approach her with another man's apparatus.

fivewheels said...

Shanna, that is still the default statistic/lie used by feminists in college orientations and the like, and is arrived at by the usual methods, such as asking if you've ever had sex while under the influence of alcohol, and then counting that as a rape of a woman but not of a man every time. You know, the usual b.s.

Paul said...

"Paul, her husband apparently loves her."

People with low mating value settle for what they can get. Her manboob of a husband would jump at the chance to bang a young hottie except such a girl wouldn't give him the time of day.

Nomennovum said...

Al Sharpton was unavailable for comment. -- Col. Angus

Hey, the false rape accusation was all Tawana's idea. Don't go blamin' the Reverand. Don't you recall her interview with Eyewitness News??? "Ain't nobody tryin' to manipsinate me."

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

wyo sis,

And now every real threat and every real rape and/or misogynist statement is just a little bit less believable. She's done very real harm to the causes she thinks she is helping. The support for this fraud from the left increases the negative effect.

Yes, that's it. Every time someone pulls one of these frauds, people who are actually, factually victimized become less credible and are less likely to get justice. Every Tawana Brawley, every Crystal Mangum hurts real victims.

Bob Ellison said...

Yes, "And now every real threat and every real rape and/or misogynist statement is just a little bit less believable."

A lot less believable. Men tend to think women are hopeless liars, but they are trained to deny that belief. This trains into their pernicious tendency. We men will tend to think "get back to me when you have some credibility".

There are no individuals; there are only groups.

Methadras said...

Leftists are lunatics.

Stephen A. Meigs said...
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Stephen A. Meigs said...

I guess the people arguing against stuff that makes girls feel unsafe bother me mostly because they typically aren't up to noticing that just because a girl may feel unsafe around a male who is unusually open about his sexual desires for her (because it's a sign he thinks there are sexual possibilities), it doesn't follow that if all males were more open about their sexual feelings girls would be more unsafe--in fact they'd be more safe because girls would more know precisely which males view them as possible sex partners.

Nomennovum said...

Goddamnit, Stephen A. Meigs. Unpacking your prose is too much work.

Sam L. said...

Nothing like a good fake "hate" "crime".

Anonymous said...

Small town university lesbo-psycho drama posted on Facebook.

Gene said...

What was the "graphic" act that so alarmed and offended everyone (and launched a police investigation)? The quoted parts of the (fake) message are actually quite tame. They simply describe someone who runs her "liberal" mouth all the time. And suggested that after a "night" with the purported writer, the woman in question would become a "Republican."

Maybe that is what so alarmed everyone--the notion that sex would turn a progressive into a Republican.

Larry J said...

From the Clarence Thomas hearings, "The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it's the seriousness of the charge that matters."

So, it doesn't matter that she was lying out her ass, we need to take her seriously because the charges are so serious.

ed said...

Anybody else first read that name as "Skanker-Limons"? I did a bit of a double-take on it.

William said...

Why is this not a hate crime against Repubicans?

coketown said...

This hoax has to be a hoax perpetrated by the American Psychology Association. It's too fascinating. It compels one to wonder, "What the fuck was this woman thinking?!" Well, become a psychologist and find out for yourself!

I mean, holy moly. Or mackerel. Yeah, this is too big for moly--it's level 10 mackerel. Holy mackerel. If she hit herself in the face with a branch and called it a hate crime like a gay guy I met in college, this would officially reach holy shit. But this was contained to Facebook, so we're good with mackerel.

So holy mackerel. Let's consider what the faux post reveals about how this woman sees herself. Obviously she's a narcissist. She fancies she's hot shit--the kind of girl her enemies would think about, constantly, without provocation, and post about online. In fact, the kind of girl who relishes the thought of having enemies--misogynistic, hypersexual enemies (latent masochistic tendencies, maybe?). The kind of girl's whose reputation precedes her: Liberal Badass. Hyphenated last name--clearly, an impeccable left-wing pedigree. Her mother was forward-thinking enough to hyphenate.

And then her response to her made-up post is just gravy. It's so delicious it should be put in a pot of peas with 8 sticks of butter. "I WANT this to stay up!" Yes, right, because it illustrates everything that's wrong with your enemies. It illuminates their thought-process perfectly. You couldn't have said it better yourself.

Except you did.

James H said...

Thought experiment. What if instead of a conservative political dynamic to now alleged fake facebook post there had been a racial dynamic instead Perhaps a black male dynamic.

You can surely bet if that had turned out to be made up we would have a different reaction I bet from the administration

Of course we have just gone through an election season where sane people said the GOP was for " Rape" That and other rather absurd comments often done by rather mainstream people enabled the bullshit radar to be turned off perhaps

campy said...

sane people said the GOP was for "Rape"

Name one.

Peter said...

"I will tell you, I believe Meg is innocent of this outrage,"

I done good in English"

What's the blatant grammatical error here?

Perhaps she meant to say, "Verily I say unto you, I believe Meg is innocent of this outrage," but decided that was too archaic.

One wonders what she thinks of that now-classic hoaxer, Tawana Brawley. Based on her logic Brawley, too, surely must have been "innocent of that outrage."

ampersand said...

Just the other day I read where Dartmouth college cancelled regular classes ,replaced with sensitivity seminars when some racist graffiti was discovered and someone wearing a klan outfit was spotted on campus. Turned out the klansman was a female student striding through campus wrapped in a blanket. Nevetheless the show must go on.

James H said...

"campy said...

sane people said the GOP was for "Rape"

Name one."

Campy we saw all that in the whole Paul Ryan was trying define " Rape " down discussion that many such as Think Progress parroted. Of course the twitter verse took it too another low level

furious_a said...

It's not the facts of the case but the seriousness of the charge that matters.

better bullsh*t detectors? OK, you call out the alleged victim first. Especially if you're male. "Sh*tstorm" doesn't even begin to describe the blowback.

Bullsh*t detectors are the first safety systems to be disabled when someone like "Meg" wants to believe in rape-culture so badly.

Here's how it works:
She didn't fabricate anything or lie, rather...

...she acted as voice for others elsewhere who are voiceless or afraid.
...she brought attention to the plight of vulnerable young women on college campuses everywhere.
...she showed how rape culture victimizes young women both when they are assaulted and then again when they choose to speak out.

furious_a said...

If one in four college coeds are indeed victims of rape or attempted rape, then wouldn't our daugthers be safer walking the mean streets of Detroit than the Ivied hallows of [your college town here]?

Amartel said...

The haters are the ones with the pitchforks and the torches running around the village looking for a witch to burn.

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big Mike said...

Why is this not a hate crime against Republicans?

Because ... shut up.

Tom Armstrong said...

I still think it was funnier when Cleavon Little did it...

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