"Out of 90 jurisdictions in the country, they ranked 90th. Why doesn't NBC News start with, 'Shocking news on Chicago. Of all the jurisdictions in the country, Chicago's dead last on enforcement of the federal gun laws'? Why doesn't the national press corps, when they're sitting down there with Jay Carney and the president and the vice president, why don't they say, 'Why is Chicago dead last in enforcement of the gun laws against gangs with guns, felons with guns, drug dealers with guns'?"
Why push for bad new laws when good old ones are not enforced? — asked Wayne LaPierre (on "Meet the Press" today).
Because they don't care about existing law. It's all about the law they want to make
1) Who knew?
2) Who's surprised.
Considering that Milwaukee's Chief of Police can find time to politic for strong gun laws in front of Congress but *can't* find time to actually enforce local/federal gun laws in Milwaukee why would Chicago be any better?
The idea is not to enforce laws but rather to take all guns away from the citizenry.
But where's the cite for the claim that Chicago is dead last in enforcement of federal gun laws?
Bureaucrats enforce the law. Politicians get votes making laws, not enforcing them. Then again, they could garner votes for actually holding bureaucrats accountable rather than writing new bad laws.
"But where's the cite for the claim that Chicago is dead last in enforcement of federal gun laws?"
The post has only one link, for the quote.
If the assertion is false, I'm sure LaPierre will be excoriated.
That's a Racist statistic.
I'll make the link more obvious.
'Why is Chicago dead last in enforcement of the gun laws against gangs with guns, felons with guns, drug dealers with guns'?"
Who sent you?
The "cite for the claim that Chicago is dead last in enforcement of federal gun laws" is in the only link AA provided in her post (duh!). In the transcript from Meet the Press, Wayne LaPierre is quoted as saying "I just got the track data from Syracuse University of enforcement of federal gun laws. Last time I was here, I brought it from 2011; it just came out from 2012." I haven't bothered to follow the trail further, because I doubt that LaPierre would have made this up, but knock yourself out if you think you can nail him for fraud.
If the assertion is false, I'm sure LaPierre will be excoriated.
Corrections are buried in the middle of the paper.
I think I initially took the statistic the Rahm Way.
Rampant gun crime gives progressives the excuse they need to undermine the Constitution. If they enforced gun crime laws, their excuse might evaporate.
Progressivism is a European idea. It is not "American", ultimately.
The Americans idea is that tehe citizen is sovereign and chooses his representatives to govern in their stead, subject to the COnstitutional restrictions that protect individual rights.
The Progressive idea is that the Right people, Educated in the Right Ideas, will rule benevolently, using Authoritarianism as the rule. Rule of men indeed.
Oh well. Damned Google's demand for a cellphone number delayed my comment enough to make it superfluous.
"Corrections are buried in the middle of the paper." Really? I'm going to need a link before I'll believe that.
phx said...
If the assertion is false, I'm sure LaPierre will be excoriated.
Corrections are buried in the middle of the paper.
Dude, it's Wayne LaPierre. He's like the Anti-Christ for Liberals. Do you really believe any stat he cites won't be triple checked?
Why push for bad new laws when good old ones are not enforced?
For the same reason they are pushing new immigration laws.
Apparently Chicago is a Sanctuary City for illegal gun owners.
Wayne and Michael need to go away and get a nice plot on a fab island.
New blood please.
Personally I believe if you are like over 60 and have been doing the same thing for 30 years it's time to wind down and exit stage right. New ventures can be both life affirming and inspriring (for the oldie).
Also, your views dont matter much anymore to the general populous. Your expiration date has been exceeded.
May I suggest quilting, fishing, birding or hunting?
The left doesn't mind minorities in the city owning guns. They mind whites in the sticks owning guns.
As long as they keep it in their side of town, the pols don't care, per my friend who lives there.
Rahm Emanuel hates black people. - Kanye West
No one gives a shit about black kids getting gunned down everyday in Chicago (Detroit, Atlanta, Oakland, Miami, LA, etc, etc) since forever. However, when white children are gunned down in suburbia, then gun control becomes the #1 issue with Democrats and the media.
This is why you repugs need to divorce yourself from state/religion issues, including choice, SSM, and evolution in text books.
If we lose our gun rights, it's on you.
I saw that moment on Meet The Press. I thought it was pretty damning. LaPierre asked why the press didn't report on Chicago's lax gun enforcement. Gregory didn't seem at all flustered and steered the conversation back to gun control. This story and Gregory's bland disregard of the accusation will never be known outside of the Limbaugh audience and a few blog sites. The media really know how to diminish the volume to minus 11 on stories they don't like.
I didn't watch it, but I read the transcript. To me, Bloomberg came off as an uninformed, dishonest and emotional child on the issue, and LaPierre as intelligent, logical, and reasonable.
Of course, I hate Bloomberg, and I just recently joined the NRA after owning guns for 40 years, so maybe I'm not being fair, or maybe I just wised up.
"Corrections are buried in the middle of the paper."
Oh yea, the NYT will bury that. Just to be fair. They do owe conservatives about a million such favors by now. I'm sure they'll start making it up to us with this one. The new era starts now.
Ha ha ha ha! Cut it out you guys, you know I was just joshin'. You don't need to cite sources.
If the enforced federal firearms law, it might have a devastating impact on minority youth.
If the enforced federal firearms law, it might have a devastating impact on minority youth.
LaPierre is trying to be logical again.
You know what happens to people like that.
phx said...
If the assertion is false, I'm sure LaPierre will be excoriated.
Corrections are buried in the middle of the paper.
Only if there's a D after the name.
Enforcing existing good laws requires civil servants to get busy, while pushing for bad new laws requires them to only look busy.
Corrections that help Republicans or hurt Democrats are buried in the middle of the paper.
There, fixed it for you.
You're all right then. There are no rules.
There are no rules.
The fact that your side couldn't give less of a damn about the rules doesn't mean the rest of us are the same way.
As a commenter said two hours before you,
In the transcript from Meet the Press, Wayne LaPierre is quoted as saying "I just got the track data from Syracuse University of enforcement of federal gun laws. Last time I was here, I brought it from 2011; it just came out from 2012."
The transcript has an understandable typo; it's Trac data, at Syracuse University - which is the cite LaPierre provided, which you're pretending doesn't exist - and it's behind a paywall.
Hey at least Stalin had the guts to enforce his maniacal laws.
Oh it's no doubt there. Lots of evidence that it's there. Go see.
Come on back and share your findings.
So the guy who who failed to notice Ann's quite obvious link, and then blatantly lied by writing "Corrections are buried in the middle of the paper" about a paper he has not in fact seen, thinks we should do his homework for him, instead of dismissing him as a contemptible troll?
This will be ignored.
There is little chance of anyone correcting 90th place to "only 85th".
Where do D.C. and New York rank?
For a moment as I watched the odd format, Bloomberg saying spewing his snot, and then LaPierre talking, that perhaps these opposing forces might work together to make law better.
Then I heard LaPierre state that he has been working to get those adjudicated mentally incompetent into the system, and "we are still trying to do that."
Yet Bloomberg spent most of his time trying to paint the picture that this is the big problem.
This is not a competitive system.
If you need more sources to tell you that Chicago, or DC, or Detroit with their heavy gun regulations are failing to keep down gun violence, then you just might be a redneck, or dumber than a fifth grader.
Lynn Sweet of the Chicago Sun-Times is attempting to track down LaPierre's data & has some initial stuff from Syracuse's TRAC reports, but nothing specifically about Chicago (the Northern District of Illinois USA's office).
Correction, it's Craig Newman of the Sun-Times, not Lynn Sweet
It costs money to order detailed TRAC Reports from Syracuse, but for the year of 2012, the Northern District of Illinois prosecuted only 45 new cases for Federal weapons violations, only 38 for Triggerlock weapons.
That is less than 1/10th the murders from Chicago alone last year.
La Pierre has a case.
here if you want the full report.
"...it's Craig Newman of the Sun-Times, not Lynn Sweet"
The fact that the Sun Times is trying to verify, and you can bet, undermine, La Pierre speaks volumes about their stance on gun control and politics in general. They are nothing more than shills for liberals and D politicians and that includes Lynn Sweet. You can bet that none of the assertions made by Bloomberg will be second guessed at the Sun Times.
The Northern District of Illinois prosecuted only 45 Federal weapons-related cases in 2012- 38 were for new weapons-"operation triggerlock" major prosecutions.
That accounts for only 7.5% of the 500+ murders in Chicago alone, last year.
Compared to another District:
The Eastern District of Michigan had 206 new weapons-"operation triggerlock" major prosecutions.
LaPierre asks why the US Executive Branch doesn't want to enforce the existing gun laws.
He is right to ask...and NBC is delinquent in not reporting the story.
If you need more sources to tell you that Chicago, or DC, or Detroit with their heavy gun regulations are failing to keep down gun violence, then you just might be a redneck, or dumber than a fifth grader.
Well bless me bagho20, I don't believe that's quite the specific allegation Wayne LaPierre was making, was it? It's okay, we'll give you guys a pass on sourcing this stuff because as you indicated, special compensation is owed to you guys.
It's the new rules for this hastily convened national conversation, journalism 2.0. Althouse style.
Just a little off-topic from how you wingers don't need to cite sources because you have a special needs exemption for the victimized, didja see Jim Carrey's tweet?
"'Cold Dead Hand' is abt u heartless motherf%ckers unwilling 2 bend 4 the safety of our kids.Sorry if you're offended… http://say.ly/jtu5rar"
I am reeling phx, you are one tough dude!!!
Phx. No need to ask for these linkks to stats on Chicago gun enforcement. Chicago has very little gun violence because it has very strict gun laws. Very strict. The NRA is obviously making up the numbers because with very strict gun laws Chicago naturally has very little gun related violence.
phx said...
Just a little off-topic from how you wingers don't need to cite sources because you have a special needs exemption for the victimized, didja see Jim Carrey's tweet?
"'Cold Dead Hand' is abt u heartless motherf%ckers unwilling 2 bend 4 the safety of our kids.Sorry if you're offended… http://say.ly/jtu5rar"
You could try reading the article and find out it's from a study done by Syracuse University.
There is nothing I can tell you that can describe the level of corruption that is the City of Chicago and Cook County. Jesse Jackson Jr. is small potatos.
When my brothers and I were rehabbing industrial buildings 25 years ago, it wasn't uncommon to have a county or city building inspector or a relative on the payroll. It was either that or not get anything approved. Want to re-roof your three flat? Buy half a page of the aldermans book of advertisers. Only $1000.00.
I could go on but it bores even me.
I haven't bought a gun in 35 years, but now i am ogling a .40 cal S&W pistol that I may buy. Seriously.
Is there some reverse human cognito going on here?
when they're sitting down there with Jay Carney and the president and the vice president, why don't they say, 'Why is Chicago dead last in enforcement of the gun laws against gangs with guns
Because uncomfortable facts make Democrats and "the narrative" (guns are super-duper easy to get and these Wild-Wild-West rubes want to shoot 1st and ask questions later) look bad.
That's why.
phx said...
Come on back and share your findings.
Since you're the one doubting the information provided, why don't you go prove it wrong, clown?
Oh, that would take some actual critial thinking and that, as we see by your silly, incoherent posts here, is something you don't do.
Never mind.
If the assertion is false, I'm sure LaPierre will be excoriated.
So you have no problem repeating an unsupported assertion, because hey, if he is lying, somebody will point it out?
(Of course at that point you will look like a fool but will claim "I never said the assertion was accurate, I just cited it")
I'm sure I'm not the only one here who suspects that if someone paid the money to read the University of Syracuse study and found that it says exactly what Wayne LaPierre says it says, phx and Freder Frederson would then demand that we check the pertinent footnotes of the study to make sure that they support its conclusions, find whatever documents are referenced in those footnotes, read them through from beginning to end, check all their references, and so on ad nauseam, if not ad infinitum. By repeatedly demanding what supports the supporting study, and then what supports what supports the supporting study, you can pretend that any study is "unsupported", if it conflicts with your political prejudices.
Freder Frederson said...
So you have no problem repeating an unsupported assertion
The assertion is not "unsupported"
A silly, ignorant, commenter says it is.
That isn't fact.
DW, they're too stupid to see that we see what they're doing, which really boils down to sticking their fingers in their ears and yelling "LALALALALALALALA."
Hey, phx.
Why don't you ever apply that incisive skepticism against Obama's claims? Or against the NYT? Or against Democrat politicians?
Didn't you used to claim to be a centrist? Centrist ELF member, maybe.
Barry makes unsupported assertions all the time, the media doesn't really check him.
What, at this point, does it really matter?
As an aside.
My wife and I bought two pistols last week. We have had two background checks performed on us so far. One for a "permit to buy" and one at the point of purchase. We have a third being done prior to being issued a concealed carry permit. We have no philosophical problem with those checks. Neither of us is about to go on a rampage.
We are not alone. I am convinced that people who have hardly ever thought about owning a weapon for self-defense are rushing to buy. Demand for concealed carry courses is rising rapidly (look on the web!) Talk to any firearms sales clerk and he will tell you that demand for all weapons is through the roof. There is no .22 Long Rifle, .32 or 9mm. target ammunition to be had anywhere in the country.
Bloomberg and other gun controllers are accomplishing nothing but broadening the base of legal gun owners. I have absolutely no doubt that LaPierre's stats are valid. The looneys in NYC are suing to stop the "stop and frisk" police practice which has been so successful in lowering the rate of gun deaths in minority neighborhoods.
It's the "I know better than you"/Nanny attitude of the modern "progressive", the hell with evaluating the results.
F--k 'em.
Well, there's a real surprise.
Something else from the Syracuse study.
"a study conducted by Syracuse University that found a 30 percent decline in prosecutions compared with the peak year of the Bush presidency. In 2004, there were 11,015 prosecutions, but data shows that by the final year of President Obama’s first term in 2012, just 7,774 cases were prosecuted."
From the NYDN
Yes the liberals want to keep enforcement of existing laws low so more dead bodies pile up. The more dead the more they can say, "we need more laws cause these are not enough!"
Just look at every liberal blue state. The don't enforce laws on guns and they let out alot of dangerous people. It's just a cold hard fact they want more dead, more robberies, more rapes, just so they can get more laws passed.
Since you're the one doubting the information provided, why don't you go prove it wrong, clown?
You're in an ignorance class all your own.
It's TRAC data. Chicago has been las or second to last for 5 of the last 6 years. That's consistency.
I have a pdf chart.
Since you're the one doubting the information provided, why don't you go prove it wrong, clown?
Oh, that would take some actual critial thinking and that, as we see by your silly, incoherent posts here, is something you don't do.
Must be the new Republican rules for critical thinking - you make an assertion and it stands until someone else proves you wrong.
Or maybe it's just a Jay thing. Not one of the smarter guys in the stupid party.
phx said...
Must be the new Republican rules for critical thinking - you make an assertion and it stands until someone else proves you wrong.
Notice you can't rise to the challenge.
Again, uncomforatble facts always leave marks for you people.
Want to guess why that is?
phx said...
You're in an ignorance class all your own.
I'm not the one who takes to the Internet to make silly, idiotic assertions.
But keep going, you demonstrate an utter stupidity that can't be topped with each post.
Sounds like they could have used a good community organizer or two.
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