Meade immediately improvises a song, and I have the wit and the skill to transcribe as he sings:
Organize for actionADDED: "You in?"
Organize for some action, baby
Organize! Organize!
Organize my organ
Activate my organ for organizing
A little girly action
Organize for action
The Community Agitator is at it again.
The man is a deviated prevert!
But unlike a super PAC, the new nonprofit will be able to accept anonymous contributions. The nonprofit could voluntarily choose to release the names of donors — but such disclosure is not mandated by the Internal Revenue Service or the Federal Election Commission. There are no contribution caps on what donors are allowed to give to 501(c)4 groups.
Obama bypasses Congress, attempts to force companies to reveal political donations through SEC
Read more:
The man is a deviated prevert!
No, I'm a deviated prevert.
Obama is just the usual officious busybody.
I believe William Shakespeare wrote that originally?
"You in"
Give me a minute, baby. I'm still organizing my action.
Meade is never going to get his Supreme Court appointment now.
Finally, Obama's experience as a community organizer comes into use.
"as a new tax-exempt group called Organizing for Action that will “play an active role” in “mobilizing around and speaking out in support of important legislation” during his second term."
If I join, do I get a red sash?
"You in?"
Does O hear that a lot?
"You in?" = "Bend over."
Now if I had done that, boy, would I be in trouble around here...
Why does Michelle continue to reject her Blackness with the hair straightener? Why adopt the cultural dictates of the oppressor?
Is it to please Barack?
"If I join, do I get a red sash?"
No, but you get a hammer and sickle.
oh boy this would really piss off anita hill who by the way is now at brandeis which is no podunk place they just sell all their art for money and she is a senior assistant to the provost it did not work out for her in oklahoma poor lady its her home state but she left all that behind when she got involved in a national political issue and her 13 siblings where are they now oklahoma? what a sad story all around the hatred and the manipulation and the desperation and the tainting of two lives they both lost but so did the nation and the race and if obama is an organ of change is michelle an organ grinder why can't we all just get along.
He really DID run for Community Organizer in Chief.
And the country is starting to look just as shitty as the places where Community Organizers hold sway. So I guess he's succeeding.
I'm putting it to music as we speak. My Signifucant Other is rolling on the floor laughing refusing to sing the background harmonies. Where's the drum machine....
I think after Obama gets out of office in 2017 he'll probably start a non-for-profit community based organizing action support group organization for supporting causes and candidates for communities that organize minority urban youth causes.
Just imagine the actual accomplishments, the buildings, the businesses, the art, the music, that these people would make if they bent their will to creation rather than this solipsistic mendacious make-work masturbatory "organizing" lie.
Shouldn't that be Significunt?
I hope it's a rap tune. Or at least hip-hop.
What shade of brown will the shirts be??
Pogo said...
Just imagine the actual accomplishments, the buildings, the businesses, the art, the music, that these people would make if they bent their will to creation rather than this solipsistic mendacious make-work masturbatory "organizing" lie.
That're doing this crap because they don't have the ability to do anything constructive.
"But unlike a super PAC, the new nonprofit will be able to accept anonymous contributions. The nonprofit could voluntarily choose to release the names of donors — but such disclosure is not mandated by the Internal Revenue Service or the Federal Election Commission. There are no contribution caps on what donors are allowed to give to 501(c)4 groups."
Is Citizens United still very bad or just bad or has it become good?
"They're doing this crap because they don't have the ability to do anything constructive."
I figured that.
Reminds me of the rocket full of useless bureaucrats in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Regular Joe: What're you doing?
Obama: I'm organizing for action.
Regular Joe: Against the debt?
Obama: Anybody puts the debt before social justice is a heartless racist with an itchy trigger finger. Arrest this man!
Regular Joe: On what charge?
Obama: Do you know who I am? Charge. The king don't need no stinkin' charge.
Regular Joe: We'll see.
"You in"
Give me a minute, baby. I'm still organizing my action.
The single funniest thing I've ever read at Althouse.
Organize for Action. Because it's After America, and we need to keep busy to keep our spirits up....
madAsHell said...
What shade of brown will the shirts be??
you're thinking of Organizing for America. Organizing for Action is more of a black shirt thing.
I'm still surprised a voting majority of Americans don't see the trouble with all this organization and activism, and how flawed such models are.
They're still under the spell of race, and the 60's, and thinking we have all the grain in the storehouse.
Rabel said...
Why does Michelle continue to reject her Blackness with the hair straightener? Why adopt the cultural dictates of the oppressor?
Is it to please Barack?
You broke the code. If he could have gotten elected in the windy city with a white wife, he would have done it.
Fund raising and campaigning. The man knows his skill set.
What color t-shirt? Brown, of course. Now visualize that with a red handkerchief. But not a regular handkerchief like the old days but the hipster scarf, extra long red scarf triple wrapped over a brown t-shirt. Because everybody knows what a t-shirt needs most is a hipster triple-wrapped scarf. The alternate hipster community organizer costume is a parka / scarf, knitted hat, hiking boots, short pants.
When you say "We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded" then some level of organizing is just implied.
The vibe Meadehouse lately is sounding a little too much like those new Cialis ads.
And if you've notived, the ads have gone from the twin tubs to the "The Little Things" ads, which if you think of it is a strange projection.
Men appreciate the little things about her (but she doesn't like the little thing about him?).
The chemical name is Tadalafil, as in "Ta-Da! La-fil".
There are no contribution caps on what donors are allowed to give to 501(c)4 groups.
Sweet! I love unlimited free speech.
Warning label: If you are still organized for action after more than four hours, seek immediate medical attention.
Garbage quickly shows he will always be a dumb fuck.
Get ready for the drums of righteousness and the chants of rage to fill the winter air in Madison, as the Seventh Circuit has upheld Act 10 in its entirety today. One of the three judges dissented on one part of the opinion (prohibiting dues deduction from payroll for only some public employee unions), but otherwise this was a clean sweep for Walker.
Gonna have to activate the organgrinders to play "Stand . . .With Gov-er-nor Walker!"
More whistling past the graveyard. Go ahead, make jokes while our Republic is being dismantled piece by piece.
We now have two organizations? Organizing for America, and Organizing for Action.
I did not see that distinction.
This brings several questions to mind. How are they distinct? Can I belong to one, and not the other? Which one is right for me?
How will you know when the organization is complete?
I'm activating my organ, and organizing my action,
but not in the style of Jesse Jackson
Like Shelby Steele said
can't hit white folks on the head
gotta give em what they want instead
It's not just about those Civil Rights
or getting what you can out of Reverend Wright
it's about Priuses, unions and liberal whites
telling folks in the suburbs it'll be all-right.
Take moderate positions
build up progressive coalitions
call press conferences and demonize the opposition
And while everyone else is either crying or laughing
I'm activating my organ, and organizing my action.
When you say "We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded" then some level of organizing is just implied.
Security force? Wouldn't that mean they need guns?
May Obama be as successful at fostering grassroots activism as the GOP was.
Security force? Wouldn't that mean they need guns?
Gun control advocates do not actually mean they want to get rid of guns. Logically, they would require men with guns to go get the guns from people they don't want to have them. Thus, gun control isn't about banning guns. It's about banning guns from everyone except the military and police.
They aren't anti-gun. Just remember that. They are very much pro-gun.
"You in?"
Name three two-letter words that, used together, indicate 'very small'.
is it in
It's about banning guns from everyone except the military and police.
Don't forget the urban gangs. Ain't nobody even thinking of trying to grab those guns.
This guy will never get off the stage.
I can't get no girly action
But I try
And I try
And I try
Maybe I need to organize first
Organizing for action
Yeah, why not? If you were dumb enough to vote for this worthless community organizing piece of shit in the first place, he figures you're still dumb enough to fall for it over and over and over again. Remember, he was re-elected, so he knows for sure that people will buy his bullshit. Who'se the fool? Certainly not him.
bpm4532 said...
This guy will never get off the stage.
What worries me is the lady waiting in the wings:
Obama’s email includes a link to a video of Michelle Obama stressing the importance of Obama campaign volunteers continuing to work to support the president’s agenda.
“If we want to finish what we started and truly make that change we can believe in, we can’t stop now,” she says in the video.
Organizing for what? It's an emotionally appealing marketing scheme; but, their actions have already exposed the nature of their campaign. It is not in the interest of America or Americans; other than for those minority interests who dream of exploiting us to advance their political, economic, and social standing. It is a regressive renaissance.
What we started, do more with less. Unless you're them & FOO.
DADvocate said...
Finally, Obama's experience as a community organizer comes into use.
What do you mean finally?
A community organizer determines the community's needs and then manipulates them with claims his chosen scapegoats are keeping them from achieving those needs. And this has been Obama's campaign strategy every minute of every campaign he's ever run.
The new, improved, Occupy Wall Street.
Move on, people. Nothing to see here.
Marshal, that's exactly right.
Calling out his opponents, being in constant campaign mode, being 'moderate' and playing the press as though he's got a bullhorn in his hand, playing all the volunteers and young people and playing the social media angle, all this comes from the organizer's playbook.
What has he done for young people in terms of jobs and the economy? Is he making us any safer with the rise of Islamism? Has he helped black people (aside from the inclusion into moral concern which any black president would have done)?
He divides and conquers. He rabble-rouses and takes advantage of the moment and the opposition.
It's just becoming more apparent now.
Basically, this is about paying off all of his loyal minions like Messina. They get to dabble in politics and still rake in the cash. Why reward your minions with gov't jobs where the law limits pay.
This will suck up plenty of donor funds that would have gone to actual candidates.
The more Obama sets himself up as the cult of Democrat personality, the less well future Democrats will do.
Once their guy is out of power such groups tend to lose their influence real quick.
I instantly thought of Psychotic Reaction. I can't link to it because I'm using my iPad, but it plays nicely in my head. Poor Obama just can't seem to get satisfaction as president, he's just tuned too heavily into the community organ izer.
"A little girly action"
LOL, you're damn right.
Community organizers are just lobbyists, but ones who first cobble together the "interest group" that justifies their lobbying (and paycheck, and a status that most people think of as more respectable than the whore of the more accurately named lobbyist).
Two years ago out of curiosity I read one of the posts listing multiple jobs, sent out to grad students by our university's career services department. This place considers itself the cock-o'-the-walk: the Future is Yours with our little piece of credentialing paper --- so these solicitations for applicants should be for the cream of the crop jobs, right? Ha ha, joke's on you. Every single job on that list was for a lobbyist. Surprised, I continued to read these postings all that spring, but the situation never changed. The positions weren't always called lobbyist, but the job descriptions all involved working to "influence" legislation favorable to the group doing the hiring.
So this is the sector of our economy that's growing, it's where the jobs are. And all you kids with your fancy degrees, this is your future: go suck cock in DC. But try not to feel bad about what you're wasting your one-and-only life, and that great brain of yours, doing. No no, don't think about it.
Don't quit your day job, Meade.
I don't know where this was posted but here we go:
When you spend your life as a community antagonizer, you lose tone in those empathy muscles, while you build up the "blame pipes" to epic proportions.
More succinctly, your job is to inflict pain, not feel it. First, you wish to turn up the heat on the "victim's" pain so that they are ready to lash out, in full adrenal fury.
Then, you want ot herd them into a pack, so that you can lead them to inflict pain on the "oppressors." Either direction, you, as the community antagonizer, want to inflict more pain. Over and over and over again.
You are selling pain. You are marketing pain. You are pain enhancing. So, please don't misread the lips..."I fuel your pain" is NOT "I feel your pain."
Organizing for Action that will “play an active role” in “mobilizing around and speaking out in support of important legislation” during his second term.
AKA: Official Ministry of Propaganda.
Most likely complete with its own contingent of Brown Shirt goons to make sure you 'understand' what action is required of you.
A conservative will fix your flat, a libertarian will offer you his AAA card, a liberal will form a committee to investigate the tire company, a leftist will drop the tire iron on your kneecap and tell you that you are lucky to have "free" healthcare, someone will be in touch with you for in-patient surgery in 18 months.
Like suggesting TV shows praise Obamacare?
Sounds like they think their voices aren't loud enough yet, they really need to scream down everyone who disagrees.
The new bangs are an effort to camouflage her angry eyebrows.
Won't work. We know they're there.
"More whistling past the graveyard. Go ahead, make jokes while our Republic is being dismantled piece by piece."
Oh, the epic drama of it all!
"Volunteer to help Obama grow the economy from the middle out."
Get acquainted meeting tonight at the local McDonalds nearest you.
So now we fully understand the class warfare, the push (or non-push) on guns, taxes on the "rich", why we talk about Benghazi, and why Obama basically refuses to negotiate. It's a money making ploy. It's a massive, victimized community organization with life-time income for Michelle and Barrack and friends and family. Actually, it's genius. He doesn't have to be a good president at all. All he has to do is be the victim-in-chief. And then unite all the victims into on community and generate massive leverage. At what point did this guy look way past the presidency and see this huge opportunity? And he's going to use the office of president to create it. This is no small thing if it works.
Typo: *don't talk about Benghazi
He likes to campaign, and raise money. What does he need money for, now? Governing, no. Sticking it to Repubs is his joy.
Think about this from a community organizing perspective. Tragic events (Travon Martin, Hurricane Katrina, Sandy, etc.) are all useful to community organizers in uniting people. Like class-action lawsuits without the class. I think it's genius, if it works.
More campaigning and speechifying.
There are no contribution caps on what donors are allowed to give to 501(c)4 groups.
Sweet! I love unlimited free speech.
Amen! Garage lovees Citizens United! And Harrowgate is going to love the 2014 TEA Party grassroots community organizing! Everybody wins! Yeah!
Organize my organ? It goes limp at the sound of this Obama bushwah.
Al Gore made a couple hundred million dollars via rent seeking activities. Obama will make him look like a piker when he transitions from the presidency to the head of this organization where he will likely make hundreds of millions a year, in addition to rent seeking activities.
50 million people giving $100/year is $5 billion a year. Giving the sainted CEO a 5% management fee comes to $250 million per year.
Plus they'll have all those courses you have to pay for to clear yourself of impure thoughts.
When I want to get organized, I watch Hoarders.
"Obama unveils 'Organizing for Action.'"
Oh, good, Bolivarian Circles del Norte.
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