December 13, 2012

Why are you fat?

Barbara Walters asks Chris Christie.

He doesn't know why, and if he could figure out why, he'd fix it. Then he says it doesn't mean he's not capable of serving as President. But, come on, when you're President, all the world's problems are yours, and you'd better be good at figuring out what's wrong. These problems are much more complicated than why he's fat! He not just a bit chubby. He's very fat. Whatever the subtleties of why people get fat, a good percentage of what he's carting around has got to be from just plain gorging himself. How can he sit there with a straight, sincere face and say "If I could figure out why, I'd fix it"? At least we have video showing us how he looks when he's lying.


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Rumpletweezer said...

Not every problem has a solution. Maybe we'd benefit by having a President who knows that.

Bill Harshaw said...

Though I'd never vote for him, I disagree. Failure to do a good job on personal issues does not mean failure to do a good job as an officeholder, and vice versa. Just witness almost all of our Presidents.

Reagan was a failure at family life but some think he was a good President. Clinton couldn't keep it zipped, but he was good in others opinions. GWBush was good at both, but not so much as President.

MayBee said...

"At what age did you choose to be fat?" *

*(Fat is the old gay)

Sorun said...

"the broadcast veteran asked the New Jersey governor how he would respond to "people who say that you couldn't be president because you're so heavy.""

The correct response to Walters' question is: "Who says that?"

Bob said...

Gland problems. Overactive appetitary and sedentary glands.

Hagar said...

Taft was not that bad a president!

Hagar said...

and a pretty good golfer too!

B.S. philosopher said...

He should have asked her why she lithps

Sorun said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sorun said...

Let me go on the record as saying that I think Hillary Clinton is too ugly to be president

Nonapod said...

It's worse, he's fat and a Republican. If he was a tubby liberal like Michael Moore it wouldn't even be mentioned.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Is saying "I don't know why I am always hungry and overeating" the same as saying "I don't know why fat accumulates to a high degree in my body when it doesn't in most others?"

The answer to the question answers more than just the question and is to be extrapolated to why we shouldn't use the word "lie" too briskly.

Ann Althouse said...

"Though I'd never vote for him, I disagree. Failure to do a good job on personal issues does not mean failure to do a good job as an officeholder, and vice versa. Just witness almost all of our Presidents."

You're disagreeing with me? But that's not what I said.

ricpic said...

He's decided not to torture himself dieting for the rest of his life. I can respect that; beautiful people can't.

Ann Althouse said...

"He's decided not to torture himself dieting for the rest of his life. I can respect that; beautiful people can't."

He could have said: I eat way too much.

I'm talking about honesty and ability to identify the causes of problems -- 2 qualities that matter.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

"If I could figure that out, I'd fix it."

And here we see the downside of having successfully developed the skill of appearing to be a can-do leader.

Ordinary, unambitious people, like me, can avoid an uncomfortable question with a disingenuous shrug of the shoulders and an "I dunno."

A blank facial expression and it all comes together.

Carol said...

Clearly, he is a man of the people.

Towhee said...

Hillary is looking a bit chunky these days, wonder if Barbara will ask her about it next time she's on.

Guildofcannonballs said...

And let's remember Orson as C.F.Kane: "Are still eating?" says the guy to him.

"I'm still hungry!" he thunders back.

His reasons satisfied him.

Same thing with Brando.

X said...

Why are you fat?

for the same reason Barbara Walters whored around. it's a behavioral choice.

Seeing Red said...

Not why do you lisp, why do you fawn over communist dictators?

Have you spoken to Raul Castro lately?

TMink said...

He is fat because his metabolism stores too much fat when he is on a carbohydrate based diet. Same reason as everyone else like him and me who are overweight.

Once I read the research and understood the solution, reducing carbohydrate intake, I have lost 50 lbs and counting.

Here is wishing the same for him.


Hagar said...

Off topic:

Today it is announced that the nurse in the prank call case in fact did commit suicide; she was found hanging in her closet.

That is a little more than a "suspicious" death, and the circumstances would seem to have given a clear indication of what the cause of death might have been.

So, why did the police issue the statements they made? Could it have something to do with the Levinson inquiry and not wishing "a good crisis to go to waste"?

Chip S. said...

Taft was not that bad a president!

And Grover Cleveland was excellent.

Revenant said...

What does "gorging yourself" mean?

Most obese people do the same thing thin people do: when they're hungry, they eat. They're just hungrier; we don't know why.

But telling them not to eat is like telling a person with chronic pain to just suck it up and accept the pain. Hunger is a fundamental human impulse, just like avoiding pain is. Next to hunger, the sex drive is a little thing.

mark said...

@Ann "I'm talking about honesty and ability to identify the causes of problems -- 2 qualities that matter."

How in the world can you say that with a straight face?

Our current President, who you stated as being willing to vote for a 2nd time, is the living embodiment of dishonesty and lack of problem solving skills. And he got half of the voters to elect him again.

It would be nice to have honesty and problem solving skills. But, they obviously do not matter to half the voters.

X said...

can't help but notice Babs did not ask this question on The View.

Pragmatist said...

I will take a fat guy to the lean, mean and hungry Casca anyday. the more some dummy is riding maddly on an excercise bike, flirting with the 20 year old next to him and pretending he is still 30 the more he is likely to let his ego get in the way of his judgement.

Anonymous said...

Baba Wawa--celebrity softball interviewer/infested harpy-nest creatin' left-wing propagandist, asks a great combination of out-of-focus/catty question of a politician she won't support.

Bitch has got this non-journalism thing down to a science.

Pragmatist said...

And someone who is so botoxed up that she looks like a vulture has no business pointing the fat finger.

mark said...

Gov. Christie,

Why are people fat?

The take in more calories then they burn.

How to lose weight?

Make calories burned greater then calories consumed. Pick whatever method you prefer to make that happen (eat less, lift weights, go vegan, eat only meat and vitamin pills, MMA workouts, etc).

Amartel said...

Everybody's got a weakness, a blind spot. With fat people, the consequences are out there in plain sight for everyone to see. No big mystery. Christie should just say, "I eat too much food."

Baba Wawa and her sob-sisters, male and female, live for emotional personal struggles. It's gross, hackneyed, lazy celebrity "journalism." Nobody really respects it. Nobody really sympathizes with celebrities and their teary emotional journeys of personal discovery. Christie is known for his practical, down-to-earth, blunt perspective. He should play to that strength and cut the crap.
I swear, celebrity culture ruins everything!

Anonymous said...


He is fat because his metabolism stores too much fat when he is on a carbohydrate based diet.


He is fat[,] because his metabolism stores too much fat when he is on a carbohydrate based diet.


AllenS said...

If Christie runs for POTUS as a Democrat, his weight will not be an issue.

Unknown said...

What he should have said and I think what he implied is, "It's none of your business".

Anonymous said...

One of Christie's weird strengths is that he zings like a left-wing, in shape comedian. He was a master trial lawyer/U.S Attorney, and of course his youtube "takedowns" of hecklers and teacher union bozos gave him more national credibility.

The left is perplexed he's not more "Romney-ish" (i.e. bland and corportish) or more humble (he's a fat righty! he should apologize and be beneath us!).

The left never has been smart when it comes to being attacked with their own weapons.

But Christie's not an anti-lefty---he's just less lefty than most people in the media, AND he's a Republican.

The asshole rationed gas and licked Obama's balls. He's dead to me (figurative!).

rhhardin said...

Without fat people, cannibalism wouldn't work.

TMink said...

Jeffrey, I was going to ask what in the world you meant by your comma addition as I was completely stymied trying to figure it out. Then I read that you had posted it, laughed, and thought of something more worthwhile.

No need to explain your comment.


kjbe said...

I'm talking about honesty and ability to identify the causes of problems -- 2 qualities that matter.

Specifically, this is about self-honesty. It seems to me, him saying he doesn't know why, is because he doesn't want to know why. I don't think it, at all, correlates to issues outside of ourselves. In fact,it seems obvious that for some, it's easier to deal with these external issues than those within.

damikesc said...

Ask Nancy Pelosi why she looks permanently shocked, mind you, and you're a sexist. Ask Sandra Fluke how a woman can be devoid of any remotely physically attractive qualities and it's the same.

Ask Christie why he's a tubbo and it's fair game.

He could have said: I eat way too much.

Not always the case. I only eat 2 meals a day and they aren't big. But only eating 2 wrecks my metabolism nicely. My job also prevents me from being able to hit the gym as, if I did so, I'd never see my kids.

Not always super easy.

can't help but notice Babs did not ask this question on The View.

And Joy Behar is a tubby piece of work. As is Whoopi.

Unknown said...

Whores almost had me agreeing with him. Thank heavens he added that penultimate sentence.

edutcher said...

Because I look like America.

If black people want to check their brains at the polling place and vote for somebody who sort of looks like them, but is the whitest white guy who ever lived and hates the world because he isn't all white and has made the lives of most black people horrible, then everybody overweight can vote for an Irish Catholic that could add 20 years to his life by dropping 100 pounds.

Ann Althouse said...

He's decided not to torture himself dieting for the rest of his life. I can respect that; beautiful people can't.

He could have said: I eat way too much.

You're making an assumption without the facts to back it up.

And you...,

a law professor.

CatherineM said...

Corzine made fun of his weight and had commercials saying his weight disqualified him. Corzine lost.

Obama is weak and smokes. That makes him an addict which should disqualify him from the office. : )

Paddy O said...

Who are we to say he is fat? Maybe he is a thin man trapped in a fat man's body. Girth should not be an indicator of fatness.

Amartel said...

"If Christie runs for POTUS as a Democrat, his weight will not be an issue."

Actually it would be an issue - in his favor. He'd be all loveable and teddy-bearish and Real American. Clinton was fat. Everybody thought it was adorable. The best Clinton send-up was the SNL skit where Clinton stops in at McDonalds (in his jogging suit) and starts eating other peoples' food as a prop to explain his policies.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Care to weigh in on this Garage?

Get it? "weigh in"? It's funny because you are fat.

Anonymous said...


Hey, sorry. I should have been clear that I was using your perfectly fine sentence for a grammatical (or stylistic) experiment.

The neologism "commatose" refers to MY punctilious condition, not yours.

Crimso said...

"Make calories burned greater then calories consumed."

How many calories that you put in your mouth and swallow actually end up in your body?

Chip Ahoy said...

Man, thothe early recordingth of Barbara Walterth are embarrathing. It maketh you wonder how a perthon that thoundth tho colothally thtupid can get anywhere, and that she did get thomewhere maketh you go, "oh."

Baron Zemo said...

It doesn't matter. Christie will not be the next Republican candidate for President. He is just the latest Rhino the mainstream media wants to foist on the Republicans.

Why would we want a dime store Dom Deluise when we have Ricky Ricardo Rubio for the beaner vote.

jrberg3 said...

But, come on, when you're President, all the world's problems are yours, and you'd better be good at figuring out what's wrong.

We have an economy in the sh*tter, a huge spending and future entitlement problem and a President that has only made things worse.

Yet the country voted him back into office for another 4 years instead of the guy that actually has a solid economic background specializing in fixing struggling companies. So please spare us the myth that being good at figuring out what's wrong is essential to get the job.

Baron Zemo said...

The correct answer is "Hey I can always lose weight but you will still be stupid."

mark said...

@Crimso: "How many calories that you put in your mouth and swallow actually end up in your body?"

Well if you count in your digestive track as "in your body", all of them. After that some goes down the sewer, some becomes kinetic energy, and some potential energy. The ratios of each are most likely unique to each person.

Still to limit the potential energy storage as fat you need to limit intake and increase the other two. For example Olean increased the amount going down the sewer.

Lipperman said...

"Well, Barbara, I'd like to be the kind of tree that blows over and fucking kills you dead the next time you do a live report during a hurricane. We weren't that lucky during Sandy, hahaha!"

That would have been an honest answer.

Chip Ahoy said...

I caught a show last night 'Fat Chefs."

The nutritionist asks each chef what they eat the whole day. The chick added up to over 4,000 calories, and the guy add up to over 7,000 calories, and I'm sitting over here going, "shit, that's a lot."

That's a lot of work shoveling that much stuff in your mouth.

Oh I had this, I had that, I had full breakfast, snack snack snack lunch snack snack snack shovel shovel shovel taste taste taste taste taste dinner taste taste taste.

It's so hard for me to be around my friends and they're eating indiscriminately and I have to watch myself. Poor me.

You know, writing this is reminding me I got to get something to eat.

See, I know what hunger feels like. I feel hunger every single day. A gnawing hunger that motivates me to seek food even though it's all around right here. That's the difference. Christie hasn't missed a meal. Ever.

bgates said...

Questions Babs Could Ask Previous New Jersey Governors:

"Why did your company steal and lose a billion dollars of your clients' money?"

"Why did you think it was a good idea to appoint an unqualified foreigner as homeland security adviser while you were cheating on your wife with him?"

bgates said...

when you're President, all the world's problems are yours

not if you inherited them.

Wince said...

How can he sit there with a straight, sincere face and say "If I could figure out why, I'd fix it"?

"If you'll excuse me, there's someone I have to get in touch with and forgive. Myself."

Of course I'm no happy. Look at me, I'm a big fat slob. I've got bigger titties than you do. I've got more chins than a Chinese phone book. I've not seen my willie in 2 years, which is long enough to declare it legally dead.

I can't stop eating. I eat because I'm unhappy. I'm unhappy because I eat. It's a vicious cycle. If you'll excuse me, there's someone I have to get in touch with and forgive. Myself.

glenn said...

Just another fat loudmouth boomer. They're all over the place.

MayBee said...

PaddyO- exactly.

I hope California soon outlaws those therapies aimed at making people stop being fat. They often don't work anyway.

Crimso said...

'Well if you count in your digestive track as "in your body", all of them.'

I do not, because they are not. The very little bit of published research I've found addressing that issue suggests a substantial percentage does not get absorbed from your GI tract (at least on a net basis). It also suggests that the amount varies significantly between two different populations. I don't disagree with your overall point.

lgv said...

Yes, the fatness should disqualify him. Just as it should have disqualified Taft, Alexander, Roosevelt and later years of the other Roosevelt.

We need a healthy thin president like Woodrow Wilson, someone we know will be physically capable of lasting an entire presidency.

End of discussion.

Tom said...

If Christie isn't eating a paleo diet, and he's tried traditional calorie restricting diets, he probably doesn't know why he's fat. If he's trading sugar for whole grains, he's going to keep stay fat. Grains, especially wheat, cause a tremendous amount of inflammation in the body. The guy may very well be fat because of inflammation and issues with insulin and not simply from over eating. Now, he could be on a paleo diet and over eat - that's possible - and still stay fat. But my bet is that if he eliminates grains and sugar, went paleo, and healed his gut, the fat drops off before 2016.

Anonymous said...


Well, Barbara, I'd like to be the kind of tree that blows over and fucking kills you dead the next time you do a live report during a hurricane.

---lol....Baba report in hurricane outside...hahaha.

She's too busy blowing Sean Penn and lefty world dictators and telling Whoopi and Joy to rip a righty a new one like a couple of catty mean girl bitches to EVER do something meaningful in journalism.

That's for the common rabble!

Steve Koch said...

Clinton was a bit fat but Christie is grossly obese and is almost certain to have serious health problems like diabetes and heart problems as a result. There is something seriously wrong with a person who gets so enormously fat that it is a profound health problem.

America is a superficial country and it seems unlikely that it would elect a super fat guy.

Christie also is a bit obnoxious and his confrontational approach is going to start irritating the public sooner rather than later.

It is extremely unlikely that Christie will be the GOP prez candidate. Most conservatives were not happy with Romney but agreed to his nomination because they thought he had the best shot to beat Obama. In 2016, the GOP prez nominee is likely to be a true conservative. I wouldn't be surprised to see Rubio or Ted Cruz get the nod.

mark said...

@Crimso: "a substantial percentage does not get absorbed"

I would say most of a "normal food" would not get absorbed. Other the other hand, ff what you eat is only sugar water. Then most of your food would be absorbed.

It really depends on the diet and person. I wonder if we should have "human digestible" calorie counts on foods. Basically list a best guess of the calories from the food you are eating most likely to make it into your blood stream.

kcom said...

"It's so hard for me to be around my friends and they're eating indiscriminately and I have to watch myself. Poor me."

So what's the difference between you and them? Why are they able to eat indiscriminately? Presumably if they do they should be fat.

P.S. I've always been about 20 pounds underweight for my height (or more) so I've never had to battle the bulge. But I didn't choose this. It's just who I am. Maybe the difference is that when I get very hungry (like now) I can put it to the back of my mind for a very long time while I'm absorbed by other things (like now). When my limbs start tingling then I know it's really probably time to eat. But when I do eat, I'm pretty indiscriminate. So Mayor Bloomberg can fuck himself while I drink a 44oz. Coke from QuikTrip.

kcom said...

"But my bet is that if he eliminates grains and sugar, went paleo, and healed his gut, the fat drops off before 2016."

While I've found the paleo testimonials intriguing (on Instapundit) I have a serious question. If you're someone like me who doesn't overeat but eats plenty of bread and other carbs and is still 20 pounds underweight (perhaps less so now but for most of my life) and with good blood pressure and lipid levels would there be a reason to? And what would happen if I made that switch?

Ann Althouse said...

Sorry, but he's SOOO fat that it's obvious that PART of it is that he's eating WAY too much.

Even if he'd need something more than just not gorging to get to the point where he isn't fat AT ALL, it's clear that stopping gorging and merely eating with moderately indulgent enthusiasm would solve a big chunk of the chunkiness problem.

The denial on this point is astounding.

Bob said...

We worry about why he's fat and not why we won't balance our budget or reduce spending. We are no longer a serious nation.

Bob said...

We worry about why he's fat and not why we won't balance our budget or reduce spending. We are no longer a serious nation.

Hagar said...

Bahbah Wahwah, what have you done to your face?

Bryan C said...

"Let me go on the record as saying that I think Hillary Clinton is too ugly to be president."

And it'd be a lot easier for Hillary to gussy herself up and find a decent hairdo than for Christie to lose all that weight. Which, I suppose, tells us she's even less interested in "solving problems".

Ann Althouse said...

"If Christie isn't eating a paleo diet, and he's tried traditional calorie restricting diets, he probably doesn't know why he's fat."

Any diet would work on someone that fat.

He's probably eating around 4,000 calories a day to maintain that weight. There's so much to cut. It's just ridiculous to say he doesn't know why this has happened. He's not a stupid man.

Bob Ellison said...

I've struggled with eating for more than twenty years. It's not easy. I wouldn't judge harshly Christie's implication that he doesn't know how to fix the problem. Maybe it's just not that high a priority for him.

Anonymous said...

Chris Christie to Baba Wawa: "Why is your face so shiny?"

Roux said...

We have a smoker who is very lazy and incapable of speaking without a teleprompter as POTUS now. Why can't we have a fat man?

Oh, that's right Obama's black so that makes all the other bad things he is forgivable.

Strelnikov said...

"Hey, man, are you fat or what?"

"Yo! Yo! Ding-Dong! Ding-Dong! Yo!"

Strelnikov said...

Possible Christie response: "So what's with the speech impediment?"

Baron Zemo said...

Boy it is really terrible that he is so fat.

This is the one thing you can be and have everyone hating on you and nobody says jack shit about it.

What if he was gay? Would you say
"Sorry, but he's SOOO gay that it's obvious that PART of it is that he's eating WAY too much cock.
Maybe he should go on diet."

You would never in a thousand years say something like that.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

If there's a correlation between being fat and performance as president, then that skinny ass big government Liberal we have in the White House today should be doing a super job.

MikeR said...

"Why are people fat?
The take in more calories then they burn." Mark, that makes sense, but it's pretty well known by now not to be true. People gain weight because their bodies are set to turn calories into fat. They lose weight because their bodies are set to burn fat. The amount of calories consumed, or burned in worked, doesn't play the role one would expect.

The standard example is a child with pituitary hormone issues, who isn't growing. You don't just give him more food. You find a way to adjust his body's hormones.

Baron Zemo said...

Maybe being a fat fuck is his personal choice.

Like killing a baby or sucking lots of cocks or marrying another dude or smoking dope because of your chronic fatiuge syndrome.


It's just not for baby killing anymore.

garage mahal said...

Get it? "weigh in"? It's funny because you are fat.

How would you know?

Baron Zemo said...

Don't get me wrong. I don't support Christie. I think he is a lousy governor and a lame ass Rhino who cost us the last election.

But he is entitled to be a fat fuck without a bunch of old broads getting their granny panties in a twist.

Bob Ellison said...

Baron Zemo, you owe me a new keyboard.

DADvocate said...

It would have been harsh, but Christie could have asked Walters why she has a speech impediment. You might say Walters can't help it, but my daughter had on and, through speech therapy and effort, overcame it by the time she was 10 or 11.

On the other hand, he could have made her look stupid by stating the obvious, "I consume more calories than I expend."

I'm Full of Soup said...

Please Althouse - Christie will soon do Gingrich like attacks on MSM asswipes like Walters. We should demand competence over all other qualities and I'd prefer a capable fat fuck vs. the current incompetent, unknowledgeable golf addict.

Anonymous said...

Leave the poor guy alone.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Baron Zemo said...

People think just because someone is fat you can just comment on their size and tell them how to live their life. They don't do that about anything else physical.

Do they go up to a emaciated skinny bitch and say "Hey have a donut bitch and stop throwing up in the bathroom."
Do they go up to a guy like Giuliani with a bad comb over and go "Dude stop with the Rogaine and the comb over and just go full Sinead O'Conner." Do they go up to midgets with a bad dye job and say "Hey you need to stay away from the peroxide bottle for a little bit because that is kinda unsightly."

That's the people's choice.

Choice. Not just for baby killing anymore.

Charlie Martin said...

Wow, I didn't realize you were an MD as well.

But that's just snark: I know you're not an MD because if you were, you'd know that no one quite understands the cause of severe obesity, but that the rate of extended remission is actually about 5 percent. That is to say, about 19 ft people out of 20 will never be able to overcome the problem for an extended period.

Mary Beth said...

It's a rude question and didn't deserve an answer. His reply was a diplomatic way of dismissing it.

Bob Ellison said...

Baron Zemo, now that we're possibly past the comment-deletion point, I propose that we start a new meme, a stealth one, on We can invent new slogans and catch-phrases. You said "Choice. Not just for baby killing anymore." That's catchy. I said recently, "Don't play like an Arizona Cardinal." (The NFL hasn't taken me up on that yet.)

This can be an unaffiliated, party-free, fun-filled meme! Garage Mahal, edutcher, phrase-mongers everywhere, join in! I've been trying to get people to say "for all intensive porpoises" forever. This is your chance to change the idiom!

Baron Zemo said...

How about the stupid fucks who like to ride bicycles. How many of those dumb bastards get hit by cars or become vegetables that we have to spend millions on keeping alive because they have to ride their fucking Schwin to their job at the not-for-profit? Where dumb fucks like Nanny Bloomberg puts in bike lanes all over the city that add hours to your commute and leave no place for the freaking taxi to let you off when you want to buy your cigars at Nat Sherman's. Why don't we arrange those hippie bastards. Because who the fuck wants to look at a guy with a grey ass pony tail and a grizzly soul patch in bike shorts in the line in front of you in Starbucks?

Wouldn't you rather look at a fat fuck in a nice suit? Just sayn'

Bob Ellison said...

Baron Zemo, you meant to say:

Swim; don't Schwinn.


Baron Zemo said...

Harangue. Not arrange. Damn spell check.

Colonel Angus said...

Barbara Walters once again demonstrating what an idiot she really is.

FloridaSteve said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Baron Zemo said...

No dude. It should be:

Schwing not Schwinn.

TMink said...

Sorry Jeffrey, I obviously confused you with someone who is a complete jerk and treated you based on that.

Please forgive me, I will not make that mistake with you again.

Have a wonderful Christmas.


bgates said...

Sorry, but he's SOOO fat that it's obvious that PART of it is that he's eating WAY too much.

Think of the body as an analog to the economy. Calorie intake = wealth production; fat = government. That doesn't mean fat is bad! We need some fat, for infrastructure around the organs and communication/control in the nervous system. A bit more fat helps keep the ladyparts in working order.

The problem is there's not a set amount, or even a set fraction, of the intake that gets diverted to fat. It's possible in some cases to get down to the sleek, single-digit bodyweight % Ryanesque physique, or the single-digit GDP% Randian society, and that looks great, but it's rare - and like I said above, probably not the healthiest state for women. More commonly you get a number in the high teens. That doesn't look great (again, looks better on women) but it's serviceable.

Unfortunately, sometimes the regulatory systems get screwed up, and more of the input gets diverted into fat. 22%. 25%. That starts to be problematic.

Do you think cutting the input is going to reduce the amount of input that gets diverted to fat? You're basically telling Christie to Go Galt with his metabolism, and hope that the system will react by becoming leaner, more efficient, and healthier. But what if the regulatory system thinks the calorie recession looks like famine, and insists on directing even more of the reduced nutrients into fat? Meanwhile, the increased pull of the fat exacerbates the resource limitations everywhere else, reducing the system's ability to make more resources available for fat and non-fat alike.

It seems like imposing austerity should burn off the unhealthy fat load, but it doesn't always work out that way.

Alex said...


Anonymous said...

Wow, I didn't realize you were an MD as well.

"But that's just snark: I know you're not an MD because if you were, you'd know that no one quite understands the cause of severe obesity, but that the rate of extended remission is actually about 5 percent. That is to say, about 19 ft people out of 20 will never be able to overcome the problem for an extended period."

12/13/12 1:20 PM

Hey Charlie, don't ya know Althouse aced Anatomy and Physiology in Junior High?!

Alex said...

The only one area Inga "the she wolf" and I agree on is the carbohydrate-insulin response.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alex said...

OTOH, Christie represents the "bulk" of Americans who are obese like him. Should not hurt his chances at all!

Alex said...

But he is entitled to be a fat fuck without a bunch of old broads getting their granny panties in a twist.

Now THOSE are fighting words. No post-menopausal woman wants the whole world to KNOW they wear GRANNY PANTIES!

Inga - do you wear granny panties?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Baron Zemo said...

You know what we could use a lot less of in this world? Tattoos.
They always look stupid. Ugly. Disgusting. Tattoo's are for pirates or people in the circus not the receptionist at your fuckin' optician.
Why can't we go up to every dumb fuck with a tattoo and go "Don't you know you look stupid? That this is a health risk? That you can get hepatitis or worse from tattoos. How is that tramp stamp gonna look when you are sixty and it is hanging over your droopy old lady Barbara WaWa butt sweetheart?

I would much rather see a fat fuck in a Brooks Brothers suit than some scrawny twat with tatts up and down her arms like she was a lascar on the HMS Bounty or an NBA player.

But that is their personal choice. Right?

Choice. Not just for baby killing anymore.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

If its not sizeism, it's ageism, oh well what you gonna do,it's Althouse after all. To be expected.

CharlesVegas said...

Obese people are compelled to eat by hormonal changes caused by their adipose tissue.

Eat less, exercise more is impossible. Their fat takes first dibs at available calories at the expense of available energy for exercise.

The only way out is to control the fat storing hormone insulin. And the only way to do that is to restrict carbohydrate intake.

Alex said...

The only way out is to control the fat storing hormone insulin. And the only way to do that is to restrict carbohydrate intake.

You Gary Taubes worshiping git!

CharlesVegas said...

bgates at 12/13/12 1:49 PM is exactly right.

Tank said...

Ann Althouse said...

Sorry, but he's SOOO fat that it's obvious that PART of it is that he's eating WAY too much.

Even if he'd need something more than just not gorging to get to the point where he isn't fat AT ALL, it's clear that stopping gorging and merely eating with moderately indulgent enthusiasm would solve a big chunk of the chunkiness problem.

The denial on this point is astounding.

Ann, if you only discussed this subject on the internet, you'd think that 98% of fat people are fat for some reason other than ... they eat too much, exercise not enough. If Christie ate 2000 calories a day for a year, he'd weigh way less (weigh / way / get it?). Yes he would. Maybe he prefers to eat (I don't care), but let's stop with the bogus excuses. They guy likes to eat like a pig, and so he's fat like a pig. End of story. Same for most fat people.

Dante said...

I'm talking about honesty and ability to identify the causes of problems -- 2 qualities that matter.

I don't like Christy, but I can't agree with the logic here, professor.

If you read up on the literature, fatness is an issue that has plagued doctors for ages. If you base your claim that he does, in fact know, and he doesn't know, then you strike out on your implication he isn't being honest.

I reject your implications on that ground. However, let's assume you are right, Christy is fat and he knows why.

Since when has being direct and forthright been a quality that is healthy for politicians?

Anyway, Christy is more of that middle of road garp that Romney was. It's a loser for Republicans. Republicans need a conservative.

Fr Martin Fox said...

Our genial hostess has a point; Governor Christie's answer isn't on-point.

Of course, savvy politicians know that it's the job of others to ask the questions; it's their job to be careful what they say in response. Sometimes you give a blathery response because all the alternatives are worse.

My guess is, he doesn't want to dwell on that subject. Even if he has interesting things to say about it, it's not what's important.

He could have referred to Shakespeare--I like the idea of politicians who are merely gluttons, rather than lusting for power. We're far safer. Give me a choice between Ferdinand Marcos and Pol Pot, I'll go for Marcos.

Or he could have said, you know, we have this weird cult of fitness; all those folks who look so great on TV, how much of the goodness of life do they forego, just to look good. Is that healthy?

It might have been a good time to joke about it.

But as I say, it may be he went for what he thought was the least memorable answer.

CharlesVegas said...

Ann Althouse at 12/13/12 11:11 AM:

"He could have said: I eat way too much."

Try this on: He's not fat because he eats too much; he eats too much because he's fat.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Tubby Mahal says

"Get it? "weigh in"? It's funny because you are fat.

How would you know?"

I know this because you told us, and were taunted by Althouse for it. Not that you are not a degenerate liar, but only in support of unions and other left wing causes.

5'11 220lbs. F A T

Scale don't lie.

Alex said...

I'm 5'6" and 124lbs. I'm struggling to increase my weight!

garage mahal said...

I know this because you told us, and were taunted by Althouse for it.

Really? I told you I was fat? Don't think so. Althouse has never seen me before, how would she know?

I thought maybe you were a perv stalker and looked me online or something.

CachorroQuente said...

"Whatever the subtleties of why people get fat, a good percentage of what he's carting around has got to be from just plain gorging himself."

That's bullshit, Althouse. Just because someone studies art appreciation and goes to law school doesn't give that person an exemption from some basic, simple math. Calculate how much weight someone gains from consuming an extra 20 calories a day for forty years. 20 calories is about what's in a teaspoon of sugar. In order to get fat -- even to get as fat as Christie, you don't need to gorge yourself. All you have to do is consume a little too much over an extended period. Two excess beers a week (at 150 calories each) gets you almost 90 pounds in 20 years.

You should go read Gary Taubes's books and learn something. You can even order them through your *(U&#RQ&R Amazon link; wouldn't that be special.

garage mahal said...

And you never did show us a pic of yourself, Moms Jeans.

Are you late for work again and can't get to it?

I'm beginning to think you aren't that svelte swimmer as you claim.

TMink said...

Fun photo garage!


Lydia said...

Althouse said...

Even if he'd need something more than just not gorging to get to the point where he isn't fat AT ALL, it's clear that stopping gorging and merely eating with moderately indulgent enthusiasm would solve a big chunk of the chunkiness problem.

The denial on this point is astounding.

Odd, too, because Eugene Robinson in the Washington Post quoted Christie as saying this after his hospitalization in 2011 for asthma problems:

“I weigh too much because I eat too much, and I eat some bad things, too.”

Why the change? Was it just because Babs was rude?

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Is all that lard clogging your brain and affecting your short term memory Garage? Feel free to go back and look at the threads from that day if you doubt what I cute and paste.

Let's start with what our esteemed hostess had to say:

Ann Althouse said...
"Why any clear thinking person pays attention to this detestable blob is a mystery."

You are expressing bigotry toward the fat.

And yet I happen to know as a fact that you yourself are fat!

Why the self-loathing, garage?

8/25/12 10:23 AM

So Althouse knows as a fact that you are fat. Are you calling her a liar now? Let's see what you had to say on August 25th.

I'm 5'11" 220lbs, is that "fat" fat? No where near as fat as Limbaugh in any case.

The question is why you think a whacked out conspiracy theorist like Limbaugh is worthwhile for your readers. Wait, nevermind.

Straight from the hippos mouth as it were. Own it, lardass.

As to my own physique, I already have told you that I am not the svelte swimmer from my varsity days. I would have to get back down to 170 pounds for that to happen, and sadly I actually work and don't have time to bang out 8 to 10 thousand yards a day along with dryland. I'm okay with my 6'0 185 lbs however, but Althouse did a good job of pointing out your self loathing at your disgusting figure.

Tank said...

July 2011 - Christie on why he's so fat:

Yesterday, NJ Governor Chris Christie suffered a severe asthma attack and was hospitalized for a few hours. The rumored 2012 presidential candidate—or VP candidate—admitted his weight causes problems. "I think the weight exacerbates everything," he said last night. "The lighter I am, the healthier I'll be... I feel a pretty big sense of urgency [to lose weight]. It's one of the major struggles of my life. I'm working on it."

Christie was honest, too, saying "I weigh too much because I eat too much. And I eat some bad things too." He had used an inhaler, but "It didn’t give me the kind of release I normally get," so the state troopers he was traveling with decided to take him to the hospital. But Christie didn't blame his weight for the incident. He said the humidity was what got to him, adding that "Despite the well chronicled issues of my weight, I’ve been healthy by the normal indicators."

He eats too much, and he knows he eats too much. And the wrong kinds of food.

Every friggin fat f*** has an enabler just waiting to give him an excuse to stay fat.

Anonymous said...


We cool.

Lyle said...

Oh, progressives and their bigotry. Soon, it'll be... why are you a white man and not a eunuch.

Ok... that's a little hyperbolic.

garage mahal said...

I'm okay with my 6'0 185 lbs however, but Althouse did a good job of pointing out your self loathing at your disgusting figure..

Well, show us the proof, Phelps! How many times do I have to ask you?

I'll post a current pic, and you do the same. Not that I trust you, but I'll even go first.

Steve Koch said...

Baron Zemo,

You are the commenting doppelgänger of Trooper York.

southcentralpa said...

There a "why" to the gorging, and it's not always obvious why ... It's about an hour, but it will answer a lot of questions (or it did for me, anyway), not only with overeating, but with people who do cocaine and can't seem to stop.

(Bonus: It also discusses why the old Elvis was the way he was.)

President-Mom-Jeans said...

No chance lunchbox,

1. I don't need that pervert Titus, Andy the hatman. and piggy Inga fapping away at a digital representation of me on the internet.

2. I will not be complicit in subjecting the rest of the althouse readership to your corpulence in pictoral form.

And for the record, I am much more of an Ian Crocker than a Phelps, for your information. Pre-fast skin days.

But I feel that I have done an excellent job of documenting "How I know" you are fat. Do you still deny it? I suspect that you were being quite generous to yourself with that 220 number. More like 230 lbs amiright? 38 waist pants?

Maybe you could try and use the Anthony Weiner excuse, did someone hack into your account and write that?

Baron Zemo said...

You don't need to stalk garage mahal to know what he looks like because he posted it on his facebook.

Baron Zemo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
garage mahal said...

1. I don't need that pervert Titus, Andy the hatman. and piggy Inga fapping away at a digital representation of me on the internet.

Yet you are utterly consumed with what you think my body type is. It's literally the only thing you post about. Go figure.

But you inadvertently just revealed what you're "doing" when you think about my body.


President-Mom-Jeans said...

I'm not hearing a denial. Were you lying when you typed that you were 220 lbs?

Please tell me you buy pants that have a waist of 40 inches or less.

Admitting you have a problem is the first step on the road to recovery.

garage mahal said...

Please tell me you buy pants that have a waist of 40 inches or less.

Please stop. I think I've given you enough wanking material already!

a psychiatrist who learned from veterans said...

Your weight kind of gets associated with a set point in your hypothalamus. So however you got there, even if your too heavy, it seems right to the more basic part of your nervous system.

Baron Zemo said...

And of course everyone knows what President-Mom-Jeans looks like.

Just sayn'

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Ah, I see you have chosen to go with the Obama Benghazi special: Ignore that all the evidence points to the obvious conclusion, and yell Squirel!

Everyone on this board knows what you wrote, and how portly you are. Althouse confirmed it.

It was lovely chatting with you blimpy, but back to productive activities I go. I don't work for a union, so I have actually produce results.

Enjoy shopping in the plus size department.

----Drops microphone

Anonymous said...

When will we finally remove big fatty bad role model Ben Franklin from the $100 bill (for the children)

Hyphenated American said...

You think she would have ever dared to ask Ted Kennedy same question?

garage mahal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
garage mahal said...

----Drops microphone

Honestly Phelps, I could give a flying fuck what what an anonymous dipshit on the internet with a "President Mom-Jeans" moniker thinks of me. And you've pretty much guaranteed I will never leave you alone as long as you post under this name. And trust me, I live for this, you cannot and will not ever win this game. Seriously, look at MY avatar!

Petunia said...

"I'm fat because I eat too much and don't exercise enough, Barbara. Why are you such a sanctimonious twit?"

Rusty said...

Why are you fat?

'cause I eat a lot.

Like a chubby planet orbiting around the buffet table.

"All you can eat." is a challenge.

I never met a carbohydrate I couldn't metabolize.

Ann Althouse said...

"Althouse has never seen me before, how would she know?"

Meade met you and took video of you.

I don't really know what you're talking about, but I do know you're fat or were back when the Westboro Church folk were in town.

So what?

All I'm talking about re Christie is whether he's honest and astute.

I don't care if he's fat.

Meade said...

I wouldn't call garage fat. Stout. There's a difference.

Ann Althouse said...

Oh, fat. Just say fat if it's true.

Be honest. Be straight. Be fat, if it's true.

Pussy bullshit is for skinny people.

Alex said...

Stout means big-boned but low body fat.

Ann Althouse said...

Baron Zemo runs a business that sucks up to the fat. Everything he says should be understood in that context.

His "outrage" or whatever... put it in context. The context is: $$$$$

Baron Zemo said...

Sucks up to the fat?


Alex said...

What is Baron Zemo's business?

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Oh snap!

And for the record, I would have no problem with any Presidential Candidate being fat, as long as he had the right economic and foreign policy credentials and record.

I would however, be much much more critical of the Vice Presidential pick for a hypothetical Christie campaign, due to the increased posibility that they might ultimately be called upon to take the top job.

Baron Zemo said...

I admit I am a fat fuck and I am standing up for fat fucks everywhere.

Just as you are standing up for the Clorox industry.

chickelit said...

Ann Althouse said...

Meade met you and took video of you.

The camera added 10 pounds.

chickelit said...

Pussy bullshit is for skinny people.

@Meade: Are you going to take that lying down or on your knees?

Baron Zemo said...

Hey you can't say it just because it's true. That's what political correctness is all about.

Baron Zemo said...

Meade is gonna take it the way he always does.

Biting the pillow.

Baron Zemo said...

Poor garage mahal. One of the best commentors here and he gets all this abuse because he might be a couple of pounds over the catch limit.

I mean really.

chickelit said...

He's got a strap-on camera...

Alex said...

Baron - it's good that you're proud of being a fat fuck. Own it!

chickelit said...

Baron Zemo said...
Poor garage mahal.

Nothing about garage's politics endears him to me. But the stuff about his daughter and what Althouse wrote...quoted above by mom jeans...seems out of line.

chickelit said...

Do blog comments have metes and bounds?

Baron Zemo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Baron Zemo said...

I think Eharmony has metes.

Baron Zemo said...

The daughter stuff was way out of line.

I hated it when they did it to Sarah Palin and I hate it now when they do it to a blog commentor.

See. Garage Mahal and Sarah Palin have a lot in common

Palladian said...

I see that Althouse is already working on improving her hit count, per the thread earlier today.

Expect more provocation in the weeks ahead!

garage mahal said...

I don't really know what you're talking about, but I do know you're fat or were back when the Westboro Church folk were in town.

Well, if I'm fat, then so are you. Just saying.

I admit I'm probably not in fighting shape anymore. But, is this really that fat?

I'm from Wisconsin!

Michael said...

Garage is a woman with a "God hates fags sign?" I would lighten up on the snacks honey. And the sign is not in good taste.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

But my bet is that if he eliminates grains and sugar, went paleo, and healed his gut, the fat drops off before 2016.

And then he looks gaunt, too thin and unhealthy. People will then criticize him for being too thin, just has they have done with Sarah Palin.

Goes to show you never can win. or tell

garage mahal said...

Poor garage mahal. One of the best commentors here and he gets all this abuse because he might be a couple of pounds over the catch limit.

Those extra pounds are potential muscle, Baron. You and I know this.

I make good money. I eat out a lot, drink a fair amount of craft beer. My wife makes a lot of cakes/cookies and whatnot. Life is good.

Here I thought I was managing it all quite well!

No. Here might be a better shot of the belly in question. The dude patrolling the baseline keeping watch on the Westboro kid stepping on the American Flag tied to his belt loop. I really really wanted to rip off his jeans, but I was told I would be arrested by the cops if I did anything but watch.

In my younger days I would have snatched that flag and been 3 blocks down the street before anyone knew what happened.

Dante said...

"I didn't have sexual relations with that woman, Monica Lewinski."

We get it. Democrats don't have to be honest, and beloved by Ann Althouse. When they do these things, are alleged rapists, molestors, exhibitionists, it's OK. These traits are good traits in politicians.

Chip S. said...

Alex said...
What is Baron Zemo's business?

Apparently he operates a liposuction clinic.

Chip S. said...

So that's garage in that photo? I can't really see his gut w/ his back to the camera, but he appears to be in pretty good shape for someone that age.

OTOH, the idiot in the "I Tapa Kegga" t-shirt (hahaha!) should really get his beer 'n' brats intake under control before it's too late.

Anonymous said...

Garage, you're hot!

As for President Mom Jeans, what a fucking nut case. Is he really Meade, Baron?

Congratulations Ann, your blog has hit a new low.

And some people have god awful ugly toes.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

And for the record, I would have no problem with any Presidential Candidate being fat, as long as he had the right economic and foreign policy credentials and record


I don't care if he looks like Baron Harkonnen and needs suspensors to get his fat ass off of the ground if he can fix the economy, protect the country from terrorism and keep the hell out of my personal business.

garage mahal said...

OTOH, the idiot in the OTOH, the idiot in the "I Tapa Kegga" t-shirt (hahaha!) should really get his beer 'n' brats intake under control before it's too late.

Dude, it's the fisheye lens that Althouse likes to use. Check it out.

Chip S. said...

Wait. You're not the guy at the corner?

In that case, you look like a perfectly average 'sconnie.

But there's no excuse for that t-shirt.

Dust Bunny Queen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dust Bunny Queen said...

Dude, it's the fisheye lens that Althouse likes to use. Check it out.

Dude! That is your excuse?? (lol) That's mine when I look into the three way mirror. Can't be real way ..Jose.

Excuses are like assholes.....everyone has one.

garage mahal said...

The only excuse I can offer up for wearing that t shirt in public was that it was bought for me as a top for a set of pajamas. As protests go, it was a pretty early protest, I had to leave my house at I think 8:30 or so. That morning I was winterizing the camper and I was running late. And then I thought, "why in the fuck would I dress up, or change this shirt to go to a Westboro protest?" So I off I went, unshowered, grubby, and an I Tapa Kegga t-shirt.

That's the back story.

But that protest was not about me at all. Westboro was protesting this church that was ordaining a gay pastor. I observed the pastor coming in for the ceremony and meeting some people congregating outside. It was absolutely infuriating like I had not imagined seeing Westboro singing anti-American songs and stepping on the Flag. It was all just a production though. Margie Phelps was the ringleader, and I heard them already talking about logistics to the next protest.

Bob Ellison said...

Yeah, this innuendo about Baron whoever rings sour. Spill, Professor.

chickelit said...

@garage: Do you have the companion "I Phelta Thi" T-shirt?

Chip S. said...

Well, props for showing up to give Westboro some shit.

garage mahal said...

@garage: Do you have the companion "I Phelta Thi" T-shirt?

I Phelta Thi and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.

Alex said...

garage - it's ok to be a fat fuck. Own it.

alwaysfiredup said...

"a good percentage of what he's carting around has got to be from just plain gorging himself."

You say that as if you've never had a serious weight problem. I gained 60 lbs with each of 2 babies and took me 12 years to get it off after the first and I still haven't gotten it off after the second. I barely eat. I guarantee you I eat less than you do. But my body is comfortable being overweight and resists efforts to change it. I've lost 50+ lbs three separate times in my life, and it always comes back. It's about much more than straight caloric intake.

Alex said...

what a fucking copout. Plenty of women don't gain 60lbs during pregnancy and have healthy babies and then shed the 20 lbs that they did gain. Women use pregnancy as an excuse to gorge themselves.

Anonymous said...

Don't pay attention to Alex. He's a scrawny little twerp.

As for Althouse showing any insight, or sensitivity, well....Karma baby.

Alex said...

Inga - I'm headed for the gym first thing tomorrow morning to put some meat on my bones. I might be scrrawny, but at least I'm not a fat fuck.

Alex said...

Why should Ann show sensitivity towards gluttonous fat fucks?

Anonymous said...

Go eat a few donuts.

Alex said...

No donuts for me. Lots of veggies, fat and some carbs. In fact these days you might say I'm closer to being a vegetarian then meat eater.

Anonymous said...

I'm beginning to think Alex is a female. A libertarian lesbian.


Alex said...

You know the idea of me being a female is kinda hot. Then I could fuck myself!

Anonymous said...

That should be NTTAWWT.

Anonymous said...

Well then Alex, go fuck yourself.:)

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