"Any must-read recommendations for waiting out a storm?"
It's Chelsea Clinton, tweeting from the dark zone of New York City. Nice that she's using Kindle. I hope she enters through the Althouse portal. I'm enjoying the new Camille Paglia book. Check that out! Art, culture, miscellanea. A good distraction, with some glossy pictures.
Well, that's a relief.
Look, ma. I'm alliteratin'.
"Any must-read recommendations for waiting out a storm?"
The patented Five Point Plan.
Marc can read the Mike Damone version. Chelsea can read the Mitt Romney version.
Here's a recommendation.
Get off your ash and go help someone without candles and canned food.
If they named their cat/dog/goldfish after Kierkegaard Imma puke!
"Lord of the Flies"
As I Lay Dying
I'd start with a couple of Army survival manuals - even though Mom thought all those service personnel in uniform when she was FLOTUS were distasteful.
Starr report
Barack doesn't understand why she needs Soren and canned food.
On page 274 Paglia finds the hidden sex angle in Chardin still lifes!
"Soren! Soren Kierkegaard!"
"Coming Mother."
Where is BJ when you need illumination? Hell, even if he gave you a cigar to light your way, it probably would be too moist to light.
God, I love that story.
"Any must-read recommendations for waiting out a storm?"
She's going to download new books while the power is down?
Wait, how did she tweet without power? Why is she using candles if the power is on?
I take back every time I defended Chelsea Clinton or every kind word I ever said or wrote about her.
She’s a spoiled idiot.
I just spent 4 days on Long Island without power. I read Alan Furst's "Dark Voyage." Great.
You tweet using a smartphone. You go above 34th St. to recharge your phone.
A question for the Professor: If I understand correctly, you are reading Paglia's book on a Kindle. How can that work with the pictures, as opposed to a nice hard bound book with color photos?
Hmmm....well that's nice to see them together.
I read a nasty rumor on the Internets that he stayed with her for 2 weeks after the marriage, and then quit his job to go skiing.......Alone.
Maybe she goes to Saks to get her smartphone and kindle charged.
"Dark Voyage" is a great book. All of Furst's 30's/40's-set novels are winners. "Dark Star" is real literature. Use Ann's Amazon portal!
Chelsea who?
Nice way to try to profit off of others' difficulties, but I'm sure Clinton's much too well informed to make much use of this self-centered site anyway.
"Barack doesn't understand why she needs Soren and canned food."
Aw, poor multipurpose Soren. Now I feel bad about bringing him up.
Does Chelsea live in Chelsea?
Colossus, the story of taming the Colorado River, building the Hoover Dam, bringing the southwestern desert to life, good "big Government," and how such things used to get done.
Wait, how did she tweet without power? Why is she using candles if the power is on?
They've been recharging at places open to the public - banks, stores, etc.
Thorley Winston said...
I take back every time I defended Chelsea Clinton or every kind word I ever said or wrote about her.
She’s a spoiled idiot.
One without the heat that spoiled idiot Thorley Winston has.
Midtown and north has power. Those are the ones who should be volunteering to help in whatever way you suppose the city isn't able to.
But then, it's NYC, not RedState. I'll bet their official disaster relief efforts are better coordinated and capable than what you'd expect.
"But then, it's NYC, not RedState. I'll bet their official disaster relief efforts are better coordinated and capable than what you'd expect."
Watched the news lately?
There's never been a day in the last twenty years I've been proud of our former first child.
Did you hear the "n" that time Althouse?
Watched the news lately?
I'm seeing some of the stories. It's not good, but I'm reasonably sure you won't see something as outrageous as what you saw in the aftermath of Katrina - much as I'm sure many here are hoping otherwise.
Remember: Staten Island is a Republican stronghold.
Not that it matters to me, but I'm sure you'll see a much more apolitical outpouring relief compared to the way New Orleans was treated by Bush & Co.
Staten Island always complains of being underserved by the city, but they are also much more isolated from it by physical geography and have a much different, exurban landscape and infrastructure layout than what exists in the other outer boroughs. It is really more like a suburb or Long Island than it is like the rest of the city.
O Ritmo Segundo said...
Remember: Staten Island is a Republican stronghold.
Are you saying that Obama will ignore them because they're white?
Time to quit.
Ritmo is here to stink up the place and generally make it unpleasant. I'm sure he can find someone to play, but it won't be me.
Are you saying that Obama will ignore them because they're white?
Is this a serious question? Is this the kind of "play" of which wyo sis speaks?
Having spent the night after the '89 Loma Prieta earthquake with work friends in a candlelit Albany, CA Sizzler (we were trying to carpool back to SFO over the Richmond-San Rafael and Golden Gate bridges after the Bay Bridge upper deck collapsed), I can relate (except no Kindles in '89) to Miss Chelsea's intimate evening.
Or rather, of which she complains?
I don't feel any more of a need to find a political angle in this than good ole boy Rush Limbaugh does. There was even a post here yesterday titled "Did Chris Christie 'sudden love-in' with Obama hurt Mitt Romney?"
It's inevitable that some will focus on stuff like that.
For me, I think the important discussion - if there is anything political to be said about it - comes down to differences of opinion over the actual and proposed role of FEMA and their funding. We all know that this has nothing to do with climate anomalies, so I'm done with that. But gov't disaster relief? That's not a bad faith discussion. It's a relevant discussion, even if I do think the human interest stories are more important.
@Ritmo: My question was predicted on the assumption that you believed the stories that Bush delayed help to Katrina because the victims were black. That's how I recall Obama spinning it at the time.
O Ritmo Segundo said...
Are you saying that Obama will ignore them because they're white?
Is this a serious question? Is this the kind of "play" of which wyo sis speaks?
The people in Texas and Missouri think it's serious.
@wyo sis. You're right. I engaged Ritmo. My mistake. Time to quit also.
My question was predicted on the assumption that you believed the stories that Bush delayed help to Katrina because the victims were black. That's how I recall Obama spinning it at the time.
I'd love to see you back up your "recollection" with an actual citation or source. You do this quite a bit and it's pretty bothersome.
Anyway, I'm sure Bush's reaction to Katrina didn't have anything to do with the racial background of the worst affected residents - although his mommy's remark sure came across that way. I'd say his reaction, to whatever extent it can be criticized as detached and insensitive, came down to:
1. Their lack of ability to donate to him,
2. Republican philosophical problems with government assistance, even for disaster relief,
3. His somewhat detached and less than competent attitude in general, and resistance to a narrative that reflected poorly on his cronyism (i.e. need to praise his buddy "Brownie").
Nah, I don't think things came down to "race" with Bush.
NBC has a telethon going.
The people in Texas and Missouri think it's serious.
If this is a serious remark, then please explain it rusty. wyo sis and rick seem to think that there can't be any benighted or less than fully humane reactions worth discussing when it comes to this disaster, so I'm curious as to what those fixated on a political angle are getting out of it - especially if they're not from around this part of the country.
I knew Sunday was the turning point as Sunday was going on.
You see, I voted for Romney on Friday.
I knew Obama would lose. BUT, I was thinking of SANDY all day Saturday. You can check this blog.
Then on Sunday when I found out that Obama was heading back to DC from FL, I immediately came up with a few scenarios:
- Obama gets a great photo-op.
- He undos the damage he caused in Benghazi, just like that. Like a fart in the wind.
- Press goes wild. Political orgasm at NYT, NPR, and PBS.
I knew this was going to happen on Monday. On Tuesday, I got SCARED.
On Wednesday I could not even eat.
Now, on Thursday, every-thing I thought and said on this blog happened.
On top of that, Bloomberg endorsed Obama. Why? It is not easy to forget that Mike wants the Treasury job. BUT, now Climate Change problem-solver will be Obama. His 2nd term plan is that. He got a peace prize for his potential. He made it without even doing anything, just a photo-op.
Christie was an idiot. He should have asked Romney to visit. And, Romney is an idiot. Did he not realize on Friday that with Sandy coming, Obama would use it for his own photo-op?
Never trust Obama to do anything for USA sake. It is all about him.
Why did GOP screw up by not aggressively working on Sandy?
Why did GOP not realize on Sunday the events of Mon through Thurs?
Why must I be thinking ahead and not anyone from the GOP?
I notice that yesterday Fr. Martin Fox said that the people in Manhattan were too privileged to be shown any care or compassion. Palladian gave an appropriate response.
Anyway, on a factual basis he's wrong. The Lower East Side is not how he describes. Staten Island is not how he describes, either. There's probably a bit greater wealth there, but not like uptown.
That's the factual response.
The point is, if everyone here is done politicizing it, that's fine with me. Get on with the humanity, I say. The problem is, at some point you have to progress beyond "feeling" and suggest what, if anything, should be DONE (or you would do) beyond that. Yes, FEMA had been brought up earlier in this campaign. If people feel differently about that now, that's great. My two cents is just, keep in mind how complicated these things are. They are way more complicated than complaining about unspecified government agencies, made intentionally generic and nefarious, sucking off of the taxpayer. They are about keeping not only the nation's economy and infrastructure alive, but its people also.
Just think is all I ask. Feel all you want to. But think about the kinds of efforts these problems require in order to be addressed, and prevented, effectively.
Nothing wrong with that and everything right with it.
Nothing like a selfish Chelsea Clinton post to rile people up. Have you no mercy Ann?
Anyway, back to projecting our problems onto Chelsea Clinton. Or Schumer. I'm glad to see there are some here decent enough to confine their comments to humanitarian concerns. Others, not so much. Either way, it's good to know when the latter response has reached a point of completely diminished returns.
But seriously, if you do feel strongly about what you're seeing and still can't let go of your HATRED for federal, state or (who knows?) municipal disaster relief, just go ahead and donate something. Give blood to the Red Cross. There are ways to help if you are that turned off by the fact that life goes on for both the residents and those elected officials charged with assisting them.
Chelsea is hairless.
Ritmo is in his frantic panic commenting mode again. Paranoia strikes deep!
Why isn't she having lots of sex? Who needs light and food? In any case we don't need to know.
Idiots like Ritmo don't understand that unlike in NYC, Katrina caused water to infiltrate a city that is BELOW sea level, which took a long time to deal with. Idiot
You do this quite a bit and it's pretty bothersome.
The heraldic device on any and all of Ritmo's posts.
SteveR might be interested in knowing that in NYC there is something called a "subway", which is also below sea level. But surely he is anything but an idiot for missing this fact.
One and only time...
Here's what I think of disaster relief for NY, Hell, any state hit by Sandy.
NJ...rejects aid from non-union crews from other states. Realizes that's even more jacked up than usual for even retards like Ritmo, rescinds the rejection.
Too fuckin' late. Boo Hoo. You tried to score point politically. You should suffer, and the retards that put you in office should suffer more. After the die off, the IQ of the state will increase.
To the people waiting in line for hours and miles for gas.
I wasn't even in the path of he storm and I filled up. You know why? Because there was a fuckin' hurricane coming. That big wet thing that you were warned about 4 days ago. You were told to GET OUT!!! But you didn't GET OUT!! When the die off occurs see #1.
To all the AGW nitwits who are in charge, because let's face it, the libtards are in charge of that zoo, and they believe in AGW. What did you do to protect your constituents from AGW storms? Did you improve the infrastructure of the city, or did you ban Big Gulps? Did you outlaw any new building in what was sure to be flooded after just another decade, or did you ban table salt? Did you bury exposed wiring underground to protect them, or did you ban smoking?
When the die off occurs...
Did the people themselves have food in storage for emergencies? Did they have water? Do you have guns to kill the SANDYLOOTCREW when they come alootin'?
Here's what the people in the NE should do. Take a lesson from Mississippi. Vote R, real R, not POS's like Bloomin'idiot, and then help each other. Don't sit there waitin' for the government to save your ass. If you die the government saves money, and I hate to tell you Sparky, the government LOVES their money.
You liberals in the NE have help foist a whole buncha' worthless government shit down every ones throat, and now you need help.
Fine. I'll help. But get your shit together because this is the last time.
I'm sorry for the lose of life to occur. Everyone on this site knows my views on life. For the poor who "couldn't" leave, ask your politicians why they didn't use schoolbusses to evacuate. Ask why the Jones Act has to be rescinded to get fuel to you. Why only union crews are allowed to work on your damaged power infrastructure.
NY was jacked up from a snow last year, and your politicians learned nothing! Bloomin'idiot is goin; to a b'ball game, and just NOW stopped wasting resources on a footrace for idjits. 3 generators tied up with that idiocy. 1 not even being used! It was a back up!
People tweeting the mayor of Newark if they were going to get vouchers to replace the food lost to defrosting! Are you kidding me? Vouchers?!? But not for a kid to go to a decent fuckin' school! 1 retard wanted to know if the city was going to be giving out dry ice. I'm sorry. Some, no, a lot of these people do not need to be voting. In any election.
FEMA can help, but it ain't gonna save your ass. You need to take some responsibility and do that yourself.
I'd guess this is where we sift out the 47% in NYC, and NJ.
Oh guys! Have some respect for Ritmo. He's watching his little godling step all over his own dick with Benghazi, and Sandy. The retards on MSNBC thought Zero had the "Best Week Evah!" You know with all the lying about what he did or didn't order, and then showing up for the Sandy party, before jetting off to do some REAL presidential business...begging for campaign money.
Ritmo's actually crying on the inside. Don't let his petulance fool you.
NJ...rejects aid from non-union crews from other states. Realizes that's even more jacked up than usual for even retards like Ritmo, rescinds the rejection.
Too fuckin' late. Boo Hoo. You tried to score point politically. You should suffer, and the retards that put you in office should suffer more. After the die off, the IQ of the state will increase.
The governor of NJ is that darling of the GOP, Chris Christie. Gave a well received speech at your convention.
As he would say to his own constituents, "Idiot!"
The rest of Carny's raging spittle flecked diatribe against the victims of a natural disaster, well, I'll let it speak for itself. Suffice it to say, it might reflect standards too low for even wyo sis or rick, not that they'd ever condemn such rank speech for being "too partisan" or anything, though...
You are a credit to your ideology, Carny. A model of good character and decency.
Yeah Ritmo we all know about the fucking subway, hardly comparable to the water issues with Katrina. You're the one that wants to laud Obama and criticize Bush as if its two similar incidents. How many people are trapped by the water in the part of the system underwater? Really weak, more so than typical. Get out more
Obama cares. Your ilk, with characteristically low ignorance, call that "narcissism". Bush was disinterested. I think Bush wanted to care about certain things, but he just lacked the brainpower to get a handle on what that involved. He will not be remembered as a competent president. He will be remembered as a president that had an entire nation and Congress united with him, and squandered that goodwill for partisan aims.
Obama is a decent and competent president who has the brainpower to understand how the resources of government can be put to good use in saving people's lives right here in America, and had to contend with a Congress that wanted him to fail so bad, they didn't mind taking the country's economy down with him.
History will not be kind. There are people's lives at stake, and the Republican governor of NJ (a GOP hero) knows this. He appreciates the model of decent and competent leadership that Obama is providing, and how much that contrasts with what the partisan rank extremism of the other side is offering us. They are reduced to deciding whether or not to resent Obama for being able to provide good, competent, inspiring domestic leadership in the face of a disaster. Why? Because I suppose they can't see a human reason for what he and his government are doing and just appreciate it. Their ideological goals are just that useless, hateful and extreme.
Have a good weekend and enjoy your right to exercise the vote on Tuesday (a right so many allied with you would deny to so many others).
Shorter Carny: The government sucks and is only after your money and ways to spend it. Except when it's all REAL Republicans, who never waste any money whatsoever. They are a model of fiscal salvation.
During the Pinatubo eruption we sat for an entire day and a bit more with no electricity (it didn't get light, either... pitch black for 36 hours) and after survival concerns it's pretty much nothing but unending boredom.
July babies on the way. :)
(Um... the lack of electricity was longer than that, but at least it got light during the day.)
Plus police protection, secret service and a doorman for sure.
She should try Winter's Tale or Bonfire of the Vanities. Very New Yorky.
A Clinton without power.
I wonder what's the over/under on Chelsea ending up divorced or pregnant as a sequlae of this power outage? Maybe both, but the smart money says divorce.
Just had two thoughts:
1. Is John Kerry's yacht safe?
2. If so, who doesn't the missus get a bunch of rich friends together to buy a bunch of stuff to load into the yacht to bring to the beleaguered citizens at Staten Island?
Gosh, she's a vapid woman.
And one that has been foisted on the American public and will never go away.
A few weeks back she said she was thinking of running for Congress.
Atlas Shrugged...
Isaac's Storm by Erik Larson.
The definitive book about the 1900 Galveston hurricane. As bad as it is in the Northeast right now, there are no bonfires on the beach to burn bodies.
O Ritmo Segundo said...
The people in Texas and Missouri think it's serious.
If this is a serious remark, then please explain it rusty. wyo sis and rick seem to think that there can't be any benighted or less than fully humane reactions worth discussing when it comes to this disaster, so I'm curious as to what those fixated on a political angle are getting out of it - especially if they're not from around this part of the country.
You don't remember the fires in Texas or the tornadoes in Missouri and the total lack of federal response?
The majority of the people were white and republican.
Staten Island still without power or other services.
O Ritmo Segundo said...
Obama cares.
Both funny and sad at the same time. I'm sure the Germans have a name for that.
I view this tweet as further evidence of the general correctness of the Oxford comma.
On my first read, I thought Chelsea was wtiting to Marc about a problem facing her and Soren. (Marc, Soren and I...)
Ricpic: Was that a Henry Aldrich shout-out? Ha! and huh?
Wait... Didn't Hillary tell us that her daughter was jogging through the Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel when the storm hit? Can't these two ever get together to get their stories straight?
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