November 20, 2012

I see Hillary Clinton is taking a "farewell tour."

CNN blah blahs.

My question: Has Hillary Clinton ever registered an actual accomplishment? She's been given some positions of responsibility, and now she's stepping down (perhaps to return). But tell me: What are her achievements, if any?


Michael K said...

She has avoided the blame in the Benghazi fiasco. Nothing else.

Anonymous said...

She married Slick Willie.

Patrick said...

Not a single nation has attacked another nation with nuclear weapons under her watch. Probably, because they feared her wrath. when she steps down, though, look out!

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

She uncovered a vast right wing conspiracy.

edutcher said...

Madame, you just broke the code.

The Smartest Woman in the World has nothing to show for her life, except possibly the screw-up in Benghazi.

She was a disaster as education czarina in Arkinsaw, even more so as healthcare czarina, a nonentity in the Senate, and her ineptitude at State will echo through the ages.

She was so disliked as FLOTUS (a record only Moochelle will surpass), they had to keep on non-stop tours to keep her away from the cameras.

If ever anyone earned the sobriquet, "All hat and no cattle", she did.

Chip S. said...

The symbolism of the trip's importance, and Clinton's role, was captured through the image of her walking off Air Force One with Obama...

When Suu Kyi came to greet the two on the tarmac, Clinton noticeably held back, letting Obama have his moment.

Does anyone else find the tone of this article weird?

Joe Schmoe said...

What's the female version of a cuckold? She's got that going for her.

Anonymous said...

"It Takes a Village" was an achievement, but I'm sure none of you here will see it as one. To stay married to Bill was quite an achievement in itself. Her work as a forerunner in Universal Healthcare was an achievement, but again, I'm sure none of you agree.

edutcher said...

Chip S. said...

The symbolism of the trip's importance, and Clinton's role, was captured through the image of her walking off Air Force One with Obama...

When Suu Kyi came to greet the two on the tarmac, Clinton noticeably held back, letting Obama have his moment.

Does anyone else find the tone of this article weird?

We are talking CNN, remember.

PS Actually, it's more of a "Don't let the door hit ya..." tour.

McTriumph said...

She is a successful carpetbagger.

Automatic_Wing said...

She's a winner of the Tammy Wynette Stand By Your Man award.

Also, she is an accomplished cookie-baker.

McTriumph said...

She was a top cattle futures trader.

Chip S. said...

It would be kinda cool if her last public appearance was testifying before a Senate committee investigating Benghazi, given that she started out as a staff lawyer on the committee investigating Watergate.

McTriumph said...

She was an Ozark developer.

McTriumph said...

She is good at hiding files.

somefeller said...

US Senator, Secretary of State, national political leader and focal point of obsessive loathing from the fever swamp portion of the American Right. Yeah, she didn't accomplish anything in life. What a blank CV.

McTriumph said...

She knows how to employ travel agencies.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

She was a counsel in the Hose committee looking to impeach Nixon... and then she was married to a president who did get impeach... but you cant have everything.

Joe Schmoe said...

She's retiring? I thought she was no ways 'tard.

Palladian said...

US Senator, Secretary of State, national political leader and...

Answer the question. What has she actually accomplished during her career? I know it's fashionable to believe that impressive titles and awards and degrees mean something, but let's ignore that. What, concretely, are her accomplishments?

somefeller said...

And if I was a mean psychoanalytic type, I might suggest there's a little Baby Boomer female jealousy underlying the question at hand. But fortunately, I like to stick to political rather than psychological analysis.

Charlie said...

Carpetbagger extraordinaire!

Patrick said...

Re: healthcare, Inga has mistaken "failure" for "achievement."

Joe Schmoe said...

She was likeable enough.

Automatic_Wing said...

She has a pretty good black accent for white chick from the Chicago suburbs.

Palladian said...

Hey, let's keep playing this fun game!

What, positively, has Barack Obama actually accomplished?

It's actually a little easier with him than with Mrs Clinton.

Patrick said...

Somefeller has mistaken "high profile jobs" for "achievement."

Palladian said...

But fortunately, I like to stick to political rather than psychological analysis.

I bet a lot of things that you touch end up sticky.

Keep your fingers to yourself.

Automatic_Wing said...

She was adept at dodging sniper fire.

Sorun said...

Inga, I guess that would be damning her with faint praise. Don't forget, she also raised a daughter and might have helped housebreak the dog, Buddy.

edutcher said...

somefeller said...

US Senator, Secretary of State, national political leader

I want what you're smoking.

She was a failure at the first two (a joke, really) and a leader in what nation?

If Willie wasn't her hubbo, she'd still be in Li'l Rock chasing ambulances.

somefeller said...

Yes, let's ignore a bunch of things that would be considered to be accomplishments if one were discussing anyone else. Sorry, not taking the bait or accepting the premise. If you want to dismiss items from Hillary's history that would be considered to be accomplishments for other political leaders to play a little resentful rightwing game, be my guest. Just don't expect many people outside the peanut gallery to join in.

Joe Schmoe said...

She used to be able to pull of a decent John Lennon impersonation.

Automatic_Wing said...

So what did she accomplish, somefeller?

Palladian said...

See, if you play this achievement game with other names, it's easy:

Leonardo da Vinci
Isaac Newton
Benjamin Franklin
Marie Curie
Franklin D Roosevelt
Jack Kennedy

Now, try it with Hillary Clinton!

Kevin said...

I was one of the very few who thought Chelsea was kind of cute, and Hillary was the one certain parent there, so that's an accomplishment.

I got nothing else though.

McTriumph said...

Maguro said...
She was adept at dodging sniper fire.


somefeller said...

And Palladian goes for the adolescent sexual innuendo. Come now, you can do better than that!

Automatic_Wing said...

She gave that "Reset button" thingy to the Russians.

Patrick said...

Segeller has defended Mrs. Clinton, bit has not pointed us to an achievement she had while in those jobs.

Palladian said...

Yes, let's ignore a bunch of things that would be considered to be accomplishments if one were discussing anyone else. Sorry, not taking the bait or accepting the premise.

In other words, you can't do it!


Like in "The Wizard Of Oz", all you need is a diploma or a testimonial and you're suddenly someone important!

But unlike Hillary, Dorothy Gale and her sidekicks actually accomplished things!

Nathan Alexander said...

She accomplished nothing.

Everything she obtained, she received as proxy for her husband, or as an attempt to woo his political skills to their side.

She had no experience to qualify her to be Senator, she had no experience or ability to qualify her to be Secretary of State.

Which is why she accomplished nothing at either of those stops.

I do find it fascinating how Obama used appointments to vital posts as part of his political strategy, rather than to try and find the best person for the job.

That's how we ended up with Huntsman as Ambassador to China, Petraeus as CIA director, both to undermine possible challenges for President; Panetta as SecDef and Hillary as SecState, where neither had any experience to speak of in those realms, no credibility, and no past accomplishments that would indicate they would be even decent at the job, much less the best person for the job.

For Obama, politics uber alles.

somefeller said...

Asked and answered to the extent I deem necessary and proper with this audience, Maguro. With this crowd, this is a "when did you stip beating your wife" question. So I'll treat it with the lack of respect it deserves.

Chip S. said...

Her achievements speak for themselves.


[shh! Must be vewwy vewwy quiet.]

Palladian said...

And Palladian goes for the adolescent sexual innuendo. Come now, you can do better than that!

Sexual innuendo?!

I was talking about that guava jelly you spilled.

Automatic_Wing said...

She came up with the idea of putting racist subliminal messages on pajamas.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Hillary could dance with Bill unaided by music.

How many couples can do that?

edutcher said...

somefeller said...

Yes, let's ignore a bunch of things that would be considered to be accomplishments if one were discussing anyone else.

Name one, any one.

What bills did she author in the Senate? In what committee memberships did she distinguish herself?

What foreign policy successes did she have at State?

What policy successes or initiatives as FLOTUS or FLArk?

Not picking a fight here, but name something.

PS Like your avatar, Lem.

Looks a little like our oldest, Quasar.

somefeller said...

And Palladian declares victory. Always a convincing move on the internets. Nope, once again, I'll just point out the absurdity of the question and won't play along. No need for that.

Joe Schmoe said...

She was the second-tallest female Secretary of State in our nation's history, clocking in at 5'7", slightly trailing Condi Rice at 5'8", but dwarfing Madeleine Albright at 4'10".

Automatic_Wing said...

I can't believe Hillary doesn't have a Nobel Peace Prize. WTF?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

She was adept at dodging sniper fire.

lol... how could I forget that one?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

She could take a 3am call.

David said...

She rode her husband's coat tails to power quite nicely until she totally screwed up her Presidential candidacy.

She got Bill elected and kept him from being convicted in the impeachment by keeping her mouth shut, except when opening it to lie or bullshit.

She also got Obama re-elected by being a good soldier.

Let's see what her reward actually is, now that Obama's great need for her and Bill has diminished.

She is actually the quintessential modern American politician.

Chip S. said...

She was the second-tallest female Secretary of State in our nation's history...

Also the second hottest. By a chin whisker.

Chip S. said...

Don't forget Hillarycare.

Freeman Hunt said...

Somefeller, Palladian is asking a normal thing that anyone would be asked in a job interview. If the interviewer said, "What have been your greatest achievements?" Answering that you were hired for other jobs would be a very bad answer. You'd want to say something like, "I cut operating costs at my last company by 20%," or "I increased our donor base by 50%," or "I designed a product that sold a million units," some such thing. Actual accomplishments.

Unknown said...

Kevin took mine.
Chelsea seems to be a decent person, she's not cute at all, but she seems to be fairly normal.

McTriumph said...

She was a first time home buyer.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Hillary could go from makeover to allover.

Automatic_Wing said...

She took the DC bar exam.

McTriumph said...

She's only had one corrupting private sector job. Not counting the boards she's been on.

edutcher said...

wyo sis said...

Kevin took mine.
Chelsea seems to be a decent person, she's not cute at all, but she seems to be fairly normal.

Apparently, she has a drinking problem which, given her parents, should surprise no one.

If she's smart (and lucky), she'll realize she's better off away from public life.

Sorun said...

Mr. Rogers might say something about how everyone is a big achiever in their own special way.

Unknown said...

"It Takes a Village" was an achievement, but I'm sure none of you here will see it as one.

It was a book. Not every person can get a book published. But, keep in mind that white house pets can get books published, so getting published as a member of the first family is not that hard to do.

To stay married to Bill was quite an achievement in itself.

This is a bug not a feature.

Her work as a forerunner in Universal Healthcare was an achievement, but again, I'm sure none of you agree.

This isn't an achievement as I'm sure you have mentioned about Mitt Romney.

None of these things show up well in the theoretical interview Freeman mentions.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

She hired a bar bouncer named Craig Livingstone.

Lydia said...

Inga said:

"It Takes a Village" was an achievement, but I'm sure none of you here will see it as one.

You know that was written by a ghost writer, right?

Joe Schmoe said...

She managed to lose a sure-fire presidential coronation to an incredibly inexperienced and unqualified freshman senator.

Joe Schmoe said...

She might not be done for good. She might get back in the game, and one day be able to match accomplishments with Sarah Palin.

Freeman Hunt said...

She was probably the first person to give a reset button as a gift to a foreign dignitary.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Out of all the women that Bid bed, Hillary was the only one to give him a daughter.

That has to be huge... I mean, what are the odds of having condoms available all those times.

Ralph L said...

Odd that Chelsea married the son of a crook & a politician.

Panetta as SecDef
He'd been WH chief of staff when Clinton was busy raising money and trying to avoid doing anything about Bosnia and Bin Laden, so he wasn't totally unqualified. Oh wait...

Freeman Hunt said...

I googled "hillary clinton accomplishments," and an article came up about her visiting 100 countries while the former record for a Secretary of State was 96 countries. So she probably sits on the plane well.

Chip S. said...

So she probably sits on the plane well.

She sacrificed her ankles for our nation.

mccullough said...

She sat next to Bill Clinton in Jan 1992 and lied to 60 minutes about Bill's affair with Gennifer Flowers, which helped Bill finish a solid second in the New Hamlshire primary and catapult to the Dem nomination.

Joe Schmoe said...

She sacrificed her ankles for our nation.

She sure did.

McTriumph said...

And the winner is.....

So she probably sits on the plane well.

I'm still laughing.

Freeman Hunt said...

USA Today attempted to write a very pro-Clinton article about her accomplishments. I don't think they were damning with faint praise on purpose, but that is the effect.

Chip S. said...

This is like a game of charades that's gone on way too long.

C'mon, somefeller. Tell us the answer so we can all go home.


Comanche Voter said...

Heck she didn't even stay home and bake cookies.

Chip S. said...

@Joe Schmoe--that pic!!

She didn't bring back the pantsuit. It came back on its own just for her.

Sorun said...

"C'mon, somefeller. Tell us the answer so we can all go home."

He's still thinking!

Freeman Hunt said...

Oh well. It's not like the other members of the Cabinet are so incredible. When they are accomplishing things, they're mostly accomplishing bad things, so maybe it's better to have them coasting.

mccullough said...

In fairness to Hillary, she has done a good job as SoS in not embarrassing the US. But we haven't had an outstanding Secretary of State since Jim Baker.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

She hired Huma Abedin as her body woman and then married her off to a penis tweeting congressmen named Weiner.

Chip S. said...

She's an aristocrat!

F said...

Folks -- You've all missed the most important accomplishment: Hillary popularized R2P (Right to Protect) in Libya. Except when applied to American diplomats and CIA employees. . .

McTriumph said...

She's a gal that changes her mind, a year ago she was calling Basher Assad of Syria reformer.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Thanks edutcher..

Anonymous said...

She managed to assist President Affirmative Action in destroying the last remnants of the First Amendment,

Good job, man pants!

Chip S. said...

I see a deletion wave coming.

My "aristocrats" comment will soon make no sense.

Lydia said...

mccullough said...

In fairness to Hillary, she has done a good job as SoS in not embarrassing the US.

"We came, we saw, he died” -- words delivered with a laugh by Hillary upon the death of Qaddafi.

Does that count as embarrassing?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Unlike novice Petraeus... Hillary kept her affair so secret, Vince Foster took it to the grave.

Unknown said...

She has grope potential.

RAS743 said...

Ms. Althouse, did you ask the same question about Barack Obama in 2008?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Ms. Althouse, did you ask the same question about Barack Obama in 2008?

McCain lost her.

Chip S. said...

RAS743 said...
Ms. Althouse, did you ask the same question about Barack Obama in 2008?

Let's be fair here. Obama accomplished nothing w/o any help from his spouse.

Chip S. said...

leslyn said...
Can we play this same game with Colin Powell ("I lied to the UN but it wasn't my fault") and Condoleeza "Always Two Paces Behind" Rice?


I think Colin Powell had something to do w/ some sort of successful military venture.

Condi started life on the wrong side of segregated Birmingham and published her way to a tenured position at Stanford.

Cute new avi, leslyn.

Ralph L said...

Rice was National Security Advisor for 4 years, a much more important and taxing job than SoS. Whether she was particularly good at it is a matter of opinion requiring inside information.

By the way, Powell served in Vietnam.

Chip S. said...

leslyn, Hate the game, not the players.

Chip S. said...

leslyn, those are some seriously tautological lyrics.

Ralph L said...

Leslyn, we expanded it to Hillary's entire life. Don't be so narrow-minded.

The NSA & NSC staff have really taken over most of the State dept's former turf, thanks in large degree to Kissinger and Nixon, so recent SoS's preside more than decide.

ampersand said...

Regarding "It takes a Village",both Obama and Elizabeth Warren would be correct in stating "You didn't write that Hillary"

What's the female version of a cuckold?

Ask Anthony Weiner.

Craig said...

She nailed Nixon to the wall and made him resign instead of getting impeached.

gadfly said...

Hillary got away with murder in Fort Marcy Park. After all was said and done, no one could be allowed to know about the Vince Foster-Hillary affair.

Ned said...

Whoa!!!! You are sounding like a CONSERVATIVE!!!!
Be very ask that question often enough your whole world view will change!!!
Doubt you have the courage...too safe and comfortable living off public largesse.

Unknown said...

From Nathan:

I do find it fascinating how Obama used appointments to vital posts as part of his political strategy, rather than to try and find the best person for the job.

That's how we ended up with Huntsman as Ambassador to China, Petraeus as CIA director, both to undermine possible challenges for President; Panetta as SecDef and Hillary as SecState, where neither had any experience to speak of in those realms, no credibility, and no past accomplishments that would indicate they would be even decent at the job, much less the best person for the job.

For Obama, politics uber alles.

And let's not forget that every female Democratic governor who could have legally challenged him for President got a cabinet seat.

Rose Hughes

edutcher said...

Craig said...

She nailed Nixon to the wall and made him resign instead of getting impeached.


John Tower, Barry Goldwater, and John Tower were the ones who told Nixon he had to resign for the good of the country.

Hillary had her shot with Willie and blew it.

(no pun)

AllenS said...

Hillary was named after a famous mountain climber before he ever climbed a mountain.

I'm going to declare myself the winner of the thread.

So there.

Rusty said...

Palladian said...
See, if you play this achievement game with other names, it's easy:

Leonardo da Vinci
Isaac Newton
Benjamin Franklin
Marie Curie
Franklin D Roosevelt
Jack Kennedy

Now, try it with Hillary Clinton!

Bless her heart.

ww1posterfan said...

She got Bill Clinton elected.

ww1posterfan said...

She got Bill Clinton elected.

Michael said...

AllenS. Bingo!!!

Rusty said...

Chip S. said...
I see a deletion wave coming.

My "aristocrats" comment will soon make no sense.

No. I got it and I'm still laughing.

Rusty said...

Chip S. said...
I see a deletion wave coming.

My "aristocrats" comment will soon make no sense.

No. I got it and I'm still laughing.

Zorro said...

"Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat."

She deserves a Nobel Prize for solipsism and self-delusion.

Zorro said...

"Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat."

She deserves a Nobel Prize in solipsism and self-delusion. Probably narcissism, too. Can we add stupid, just to be safe?

Katielee4211 said...

@inga It isn't universal healthcare perhaps that is at the heart of that issue-we all know it needs fixed. It's this particular healthcare monstrosity, and those behind it that 's the issue.

Katielee4211 said...

@inga It isn't universal healthcare perhaps that is at the heart of that issue-we all know it needs fixed. It's this particular healthcare monstrosity, and those behind it that 's the issue.

Anonymous said...

I recall that she made public expressions on the source of Mexican bound guns.

AllenS said...

As a vast array of commenters have noticed, everything about Hillary is a fucking lie.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Vince Foster was unavailable for comment. That's an accomplishment.

Roger J. said...

AllenS: on the other hand, Ms Clinton has reintroduced orange pants suits to a waiting world.

jdkchem said...

She brought hope to pantsuits everywhere.

Dustin said...

She had some amazing accomplishments in real estate profit, if I recall.

AllenS said...

Roger, she's just covering up her bloated ankles.

test said...

You guys are too rough on Clinton. Remember when she gave Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov the reset button? By doing so she accepted that disputes were due to inappropriately irresolute US positions and strengthened the Russian negotiating leverage. That was quite an accomplishment.

Of course you first have to understand we're the only country in the world whose government officials believe their job is to negotiate with their own citizens on behalf of various international constituencies. But once you understand that things make more sense.

Baron Zemo said...

She made cankles cool.

MadisonMan said...

What are her achievements, if any?

Well, she didn't kill her boss. Despite many temptations, I am sure.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Plladian - with your knack for incisive questions, you would be a great host for Meet The Press. Of course, and unfortunately, none of our elected pols would dare to come on your show.

tree hugging sister said...

She got a whale of a send-off as SecState in Elle magazine this month. Sort of a "can't you just see her as Prez!" present.

Corky Boyd said...

Obama is sending Hillary to the Mid East because he knows her mission is doomed to failure -- even getting a workable cease fire. He is sending her because he doesn't want to be tarred with the results.

Just remember he didn't take her with him on the first summit meeting with Putin and Medvedev. Obama wanted the glory of the "reset" (which never came) and didn't want to share it with his SecState.

It's the old saw of giving the suicide missions to subordinates, but keeping the glory missions for himself.

Corky Boyd said...

Obama is sending Hillary to the Mid East because he knows her mission is doomed to failure -- even getting a workable cease fire. He is sending her because he doesn't want to be tarred with the results.

Just remember he didn't take her with him on the first summit meeting with Putin and Medvedev. Obama wanted the glory of the "reset" (which never came) and didn't want to share it with his SecState.

It's the old saw of giving the suicide missions to subordinates, but keeping the glory missions for himself.

Tank said...

She had some sort of accomplishment in the commodities market, no?

Also, good intentions.

Also, a big nothing.

Also, thank God she has no accomplishments - geez, imagine for a minute what they'd be like - ya know, think It takes a Village, Hillarycare, etc.

DADvocate said...

Has Hillary Clinton ever registered an actual accomplishment?


I was going to respond to this last night but couldn't quit laughing.

Other than riding her husband's coattails and then claiming to be an accomplished, liberated, "I'm not sitting here, some little woman standing by her man. I'm sitting here because I love him and I respect him" woman?


Martin said...

Back in 2000 a (female) cousin was going on about how wonderful Hillary was and I asked what she (Hillary) had ever done... sputtering followed by silence.

What was her qualification for SecState? Only her "telephone call at 3 a.m." campaign ad.

Previous commenters got it right, her only accomplishment was marrying Bill and then managing the relationship to her advantage

DADvocate said...

Didn't she do a short stint as a comedienne using an "Easy" button as a prop?

Hagar said...

Hillary! has been secretary-treasurer and chief legal counsel for Clinton, LLP. for going on 40 years in which time the Clintons have gone from being in hock for their student loans to controlling nearly a billion dollars worth of assets.

campy said...

You people are all discounting the billions of sets of ladyparts she's protected.

Hagar said...

Without Hillary! Bill Clinton would most likely have wound up like his half-brother Roger, except that given his propensity for violence to women, he probably would have gone to jail sooner.

Molly said...

I searched for "Bill" and didn't see this particular point (sorry if I've overlooked it):

The not-secret-but-unspoken reason the many liberals support Hillary is that they believe (hope) that Bill will be the de facto President. It is a way around the 2 term limit in the Constitution. Remember when Bill left office there was a flurry of proposals to amend to constitution to allow him to serve more terms?

But don't these supporters see how insulting this is to Hillary, and to women in general?

derfsnook said...

Since when do you need experience to get elected as a Democrat?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

In 2016, Hollywood will come out en masse to support her?

Guildofcannonballs said...

H. R. C. accomplished living a life of luxury derived from others' labor and investing.

She will accomplish what she set out to achieve, which is more than all but the very top 1% of Americans. That is living a life of celebrity in opulence and given respect by people she cares and respects on her side of the political chasm.

That is part of the reason I hate the Clintons, is because of their regard for their own self and, pretty much, only their own self.

But they both have accomplished great leaps in the levels of cynical thoughts to be stewed and savored daily across this great land of ours.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Re-set button and lots of travel miles put on the tax payer charge card.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Single Payer or "universal Health Care" are the same thing. The government is in charge of health care, the tax payer is grafted to pay for it, and all citizens (except those in government) must ask the government permission first, wait in line, and if you are considered too old, you will be denied and told to take a pain pill.

Sounds good, huh?

Weary G said...

That's racist! Er, I mean, That's Sexist!

jacksonjay said...

She has been the Chief Skirt behind which President Homeboy has been honored to lead!

Brian G. said...

Clearly, you hate women and want to continue the war on them. She is every bit as qualified as Mr. Obama was when he was elected.

jacksonjay said...

She has been the Chief Skirt behind which President Homeboy has been honored to lead!

jr565 said...

She invented the Internet.... Oh wait, wrong dem..... I got nothing...
My mom Voted for her for president, and because of how's he was treated she wasn't a fan of
Obama. But of course, voted Obama this past election.... Sigh.....

DH said...

Hillary's accomplishments all center around turning a blind eye to her husband's philandering.

In 1992, when Gennifer Flowers burst on the scene, she stood silently by and viola! .. she became head of the healthcare overhaul.

When Monica Lewinsky came to light, she had the power to implode his presidency by leaving. But the line of defense quickly became "if Hillary doesn't care, why should I?" .. and bingo!! A senate seat from a state she never lived in.

Sec'y of State was just a consolation prize to keep the Clinton money machine working for Obama.

SteveR said...

I don't think she has lived up to the image of an accomplished feminist even though many wanted to do that. Mostly its been a negative in that way. Yet her and her husband remain sainted by many liberals. FLOTUS (thank Ross Perot), Senator (NY Democrat, what a challenge), SOS (lots of time on jets and.......)

tiger said...

Professor? That is one damned good question.

Funny how no one in the MSM is asking it...

Insufficiently Sensitive said...

Hey, she successfully hid a bunch of legal papers in the White House to shield them from the Special Prosecutor. And she did the same earlier in the Watergate hearings, when she removed the Douglas files from public access and hid them in her committee rooms to prevent use by opponents.

So she's a crooked partisan hack, and what's she hiding about Benghazi?

Seeing Red said...

Charging the Secret Service rent to protect her?

That was brilliant.

Seeing Red said...

Hillary touted Canada's single payer system as a guide - they don't have it anymore.


They couldn't make it work, the court didn't protect the ideal.


Too much pain & suffering under the human rights charter.

joated said...

Having looked at half the comments here, all I can say is you must all be sexist prigs to question the accomplishments of Hillary.

Henry said...

Want to know a first lady that went on to really accomplish something?

Lady Bird Johnson

Gospace said...

As I read the comments attempting to defend Mrs. Clinton, whose jobs resulted doley from her being Mrs. Clinton, and accomplished nothing in them, I wonder how those same defenders feel about Sarah Palin, mayor of Wasilla, governor of Alaska, who got there by pluck and determination, not by who she was married to.

Probably just an ignorant hick from the sticks is what I'll wager they think.

As the third senator from Arkansas, Mrs. Clinton did nothing for my state of NY. She was elected and re-elected because of the D in the party description.

Anonymous said...

Her real accomplishments as I see them: A bright woman, but a wooden speaker, who perhaps could have been a politician on her own but no one really knows. Perhaps an accountant in PA depending on circumstance, but she had ambition and a few ideas.

A coat-tailer, a carpetbagger and part of a successful power couple. Someone who put political expedience above the right thing to do a good many times, calculating away. A rider on the surf of public sentiment and no doubt deep feminist on the inside, still stinging with anger. She seems to have raised Chelsea well.

Geoff Matthews said...

She stood by her man and is able to string sentences together.
She has a Hah-vad degree, so she's 'one of them'.

Chip Ahoy said...

Wellesley College, Yale law.

McTriumph said...

Watching Hillary talk in Cairo , she evidently can't do an Egyptian dialect, they're not black enough.

RebeccaH said...

I have no respect for Hillary Clinton, other than that she probably loves her daughter. But, then, she also loves that Muslim Brotherhood spy Huma Abedin "like a daughter", so love in her case is suspect.

turtle said...

And yet Hillary has been far more vetted and far more accomplished than the Radical Community Organizer currently occupying the whitehouse. (whose collegiate, and state records are STILL sealed)

The Left are in the process of burning this nation to the ground, I say "let it burn".

Big Mike said...

She managed not to hack off her husband's penis with a rusty butterknife after he left semen on the dress of a woman less than half his age. I'm sure my wife couldn't accomplish that.

At any rate I'm not ever going to give her an excuse to find out.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

Is this a possible accomplishment: She's done a pretty good job of hiding her bi-sexuality?

mr burns said...

She has an amazing record as a cattle futures trader.

mr burns said...

She has an amazing record as a cattle futures trader.

Victor Erimita said...

Hillary and Obama are very similar in so many ways. Both have degrees from impressive schools. Both enamored with early 20th Century "progressivism," Saul Alinsky, unlimited state power and the rhetoric of paleoleftism. Most of all, they are both deeply convinced of their own destiny to lead the world, based on their own individual wonderfulness. Neither have a record of achievement outrside of titles and office holding (although Obama will rack up some very impressive destructive achievements in the next four years.)

Both are perfect exemplars of what the leftosphere admires: attitude and rhetoric. Mere concrete results are irrelevant. Hillary lost to Obama because she didn't have the other critical element of success on the left: the ability to project hipness, snark and postmodern glamour. Leftism today is all about appreances and superficiality. Substance is not even a remote consideration.

damikesc said...

She managed not to hack off her husband's penis with a rusty butterknife after he left semen on the dress of a woman less than half his age. I'm sure my wife couldn't accomplish that.

If you were as unfaithful as Bill was, I doubt your wife would still be there.

Some women have self-respect. Hillary ain't one of them.

Big Mike said...

Well, Hillary negotiated a cease-fire between an Israel that didn't want to be fighting in the first place and a Hamas that was being beat to sh*t. Or at least she was in the room when it was negotiated.

So that's something.

Michael K said...

I should apologize for my initial remark about her accomplishments. She has achieved middle east peace today by arriving only 24 hours after Hamas and Egypt agreed to a cease-fire with Israel.

Of course, the cease fire had to be delayed so she could be there and announce it and the people killed in the last 24 hours might not appreciate her role, but it is an accomplishment. Her major one I believe.

Nash Equilibrium said...

She will be the first female President, unfortunately. That my friends is a certainty in 2016. The media is already working on it.

Gene said...

I think Colin Powell had something to do w/ some sort of successful military venture.

Yes he did. He whitewashed My Lai. It was a preview of what he would later do in his UN testimony regarding Iraq's supposed development of weapons of mass destruction.

Michael Haz said...

Hold a photo of Chelsea Clinton's face next to that of a 35 year old Webster Hubble and ask this question: Who's your daddy?

Michael Haz said...

She made wearing pants suits okay for cankle-Americans.

Cynthia Ruccia said...

We need to elect a woman president. It is important for both parties to nominate a woman in 2012, and who else do the Dems have?

Beldar said...

Hillary Clinton is the Paris Hilton of politics, famous for being famous.

Now that's not as damning an indictment as it might appear. For one thing, no one would have expected Paris Hilton to pass the D.C. bar exam.

But more importantly: Both women have worked very hard at being famous for being famous, or they'd have been just heiresses/politicians'-wives. They're certainly both cunning as well, and they have worked their respective systems (which overlap quite a bit, actually) so well for so long that they've become quite formidable.

But accomplishments? Pish-posh.

Donald Sensing said...

Argh, I never thought I would speak favorably of H. Clinton, but I can think of one thing. The administration, to its credit, has turned America's security emphasis away from Old Europe toward the Pacific far rim and the Asian subcontinent. This is frankly decades overdue. No matter what federal office (such as DOD) did most of the work, it's impossible for me to believe that the SecState, any SecState, could not have been deeply involved. It happened on her watch and so she should get at least some of the credit.

Beldar said...

That last might have been too obscure.

As far as I know, Paris Hilton has never sat for any jurisdiction's bar examination. (In some states, she might by now be eligible for reciprocity, though, just based on the time she's spent in bars generally.)

The Hon. FFL-FUSS-STBFSS Clinton — that's former first lady, former U.S. senator, soon-to-be former SecStat Clinton, if you're keeping straight your orderly acronyms representing positions in which she's been famous without accomplishment — sat for and passed the Arkansas bar. But Hillary also sat for and failed the D.C. bar examination. I'd say "infamously," but it's actually "un-famously," for this fact is undisputed and indisputable, but not widely known.

At the time the D.C. bar had a notably high passage rate compared to many other jurisdictions (including NY, IL, TX, CA, MA, PA, MA, etc.). It was reputed to be pretty easy; indeed, I considered taking it cold in 1980, along with the Texas bar, just on the off chance that I might ever want to practice in D.C., and I know of several new lawyers who did exactly that, with good results.

Mrs. Clinton admitted this failure in her autobiography, and our host, Professor Althouse, has mentioned it in blog posts a few times IIRC.

Paul said...

Hillary who?

Ralph said...

Hillary made it acceptable for our government to support and embrace terrorist front groups like the Muslim Brotherhood. And don't you dare mention the offspring of high level Muslim Brotherhood leaders who latched on to Hillary 15 years ago!

Brad said...

Hillary's accomplishments amount to a recitation of the positions she's held and not anything that she actually accomplished while holding those positions.

She was given charge of healthcare "reform" by Bill and - thankfully - screwed it up so bad that her work product sank without a trace.

She was elected to the Senate from New York. Other than calling Petraeus a liar, what did she do while there that was notable?

Being nominated as Secretary of State was an interesting turn of events, given she had no demonstrable training or experience which would make her suited for the job.

To date, there hasn't been an "opportunity" which Hillary has earned on her own account - to the extent she's had a public career, her primary qualification (remember, she's a Democrat) has been "She's Bill's wife."

Now, to some extent, that's unfair - after all, as far as her public career is concerned, she's always been "Bill's wife" - - - so we have no way of knowing what she would have accomplished (if anything) if she had not been Bill's wife.

The things I remember most are, #1, her saying she can't be concerned about undercapitalized businesses unable to bear the expense of her proposed healthcare reform; and, #2, her screech about dissent being patriotic (as long as you're disagreeing with Republicans, of course).

mrkwong said...

Now, mind you I thought Condi Rice was pretty much a nonentity at State.

But Clinton's really notched her claim to the William P Rogers Award for Insignificance.

This is 21st century America, where you don't actually have to be good at anything, you just have to be famous.

Kirk Parker said...

"And let's not forget that every female Democratic governor who could have legally challenged him for President got a cabinet seat. "

Ok, fine... but nobody made them accept those appointments.

Robohobo said...

Really? Really?

Why did you not ask the same of the Boy-G-d-King Baraq I? I seem to remember you voted for him.


Anonymous said...
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Gospace said...

Looking at the other comments since my last posted one, I'd vote for Paris Hilton over Mrs. Clinton for virtually any position. Paris, shallow as she is, has actually used her position to legitimately make money.

Mrs. Clinton? Not so much.

And this comment is from the heart, after consuming a full bottle of pre-Thanksgiving wine...

Also, Paris, though well used, is a helluva lot better looking.

SukieTawdry said...

Chip S. said...It would be kinda cool if her last public appearance was testifying before a Senate committee investigating Benghazi, given that she started out as a staff lawyer on the committee investigating Watergate.

When the Smartest Woman in the World decided to launch her bid for the presidency (eight for him, eight for her) as the junior Senator from New York, the supervisor of the Watergate staff lawyers did an op ed piece for the WSJ. He said his staff of approximately 200 was comprised largely of eager-beaver recent law school grads like Hillary. At the conclusion of the proceedings, he was pleased to give the vast majority recommendations for future government positions.

But there were a handful he wouldn't recommend and Hillary was among them. He said her attitude about the law was troublesome, that she regarded it as something to be used or ignored depending on the objective. Particularly bothersome was her fierce advocacy for making lying to the American public an article of impeachment (is that a high crime or a misdemeanor?). Such a delicious irony that.

In the official saga of Bill and Hillary, she gave up the promise of a brilliant career in Washington for love in Arkansas with him. But it seems, in fact, that she fizzled out in Washington and took the most viable option available by attaching herself to Bill's rising star. That it had to be done in Arkansas must really have chaffed.

Michael S. Kochin said...

Hillary supported Bush's wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Talkingtitletownsponser said...

She may have hired Mark Middleton AND was the operational definition of "cankles"

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