October 27, 2012

The AP reports an increase in racial prejudice since 2008 (based on research that is at least somewhat scientific).

"Racial prejudice has increased slightly since 2008 whether those feelings were measured using questions that explicitly asked respondents about racist attitudes, or through an experimental test that measured implicit views toward race without asking questions about that topic directly."
The explicit racism measures asked respondents whether they agreed or disagreed with a series of statements about black and Hispanic people. In addition, the surveys asked how well respondents thought certain words, such as "friendly," ''hardworking," ''violent" and "lazy," described blacks, whites and Hispanics. 
The same respondents were also administered a survey designed to measure implicit racism, in which a photo of a black, Hispanic or white male flashed on the screen before a neutral image of a Chinese character. The respondents were then asked to rate their feelings toward the Chinese character. Previous research has shown that people transfer their feelings about the photo onto the character, allowing researchers to measure racist feelings even if a respondent does not acknowledge them. 
I'm guessing that AP thinks this material is helpful to Obama, perhaps guilt-tripping Americans into voting for Obama as a way to say I'm not racist. But it can cut the other way, because Obama came into office at least in part because people believed in his seeming promise to take us to a higher ground racially, as if he had a special gift to cure racial ills.

Obama didn't give us that gift. We didn't get what we wanted for Christmas. But we're not children. Let's say we were deluded/misled into thinking this nice young man could solve old problems in some miraculous new way. It turned out that he was a normal politician, operating in a political mode, playing us on the issues he found playable. Fine! Okay. We're smarter now. We have more information. We don't want to be racist, but what's the non-racist response?

Judge him up or down on his actual performance. He is only a man, only a politician. Treat him accordingly. 

MORE: Detail on how the research was done here and here (PDF).


Seeing Red said...

How come there is no yellow? Isn't that racist?

Paul said...

Obama IS the racist.

He has race baited since day one of his administration.

So the polarization he has created most certainly made more racist. And quite a few are black.

kcom said...

"We're smarter now. We have more information. We don't want to be racist, but what's the non-racist response?"

Judge him on the content of his character. Period.

Shouting Thomas said...

Vote for Obama or you're a racist!

I scanned that article earlier this morning. The "experts" consulted are all academics who make their living in the grievance industry, or in some soft discipline like "communications."

The commenters weren't fooled or amused. I think we're all onto that scam by now.

I'm guessing "racial prejudice" will go into decline again if Obama wins. Right?

jrberg3 said...

Obama and the media have used race during every step of his Presidency! They used it to try and shut down legitimate debate, claiming the main reason people disagreed worth the One's policies was racism.

So yeah, I think this has stoked the fires of racist attitudes among everyone in the country.

cubanbob said...

Yes we are all more racist than four years, whatever, deal with it. Really, when are the libs going to stop flogging that dead horse? After a while one tunes out the hectoring.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

The explicit racism measures asked respondents whether they agreed or disagreed with a series of statements about black and Hispanic people. In addition, the surveys asked how well respondents thought certain words, such as "friendly," ''hardworking," ''violent" and "lazy," described blacks, whites and Hispanics.

A survey like this is completely useless and bullshit.

First of all, my answers to those questions would be based on the impressions I have of the people that I know and interact with. So....depending on where you live, you might find Hispanics to be violent, lazy etc versus the rural areas where the consensus would be hard working, church going.

Everyone's experiences are different and to try to pigeon hole a whole demographic of ethnic people (blacks, white, asian, whatever) as being the same or thinking the same is....again total bullshit.

Propaganda, pure and simple in an attempt to try to 'guilt' white people into voting for Obama or supporting policies [amnesty] through of some sort of ethnic guilt.

john sager said...

Digging the bold comments at the end feature advising how to think.

Very helpful for degree zero people like us. Cheers.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Science? They keep using that word. It does not mean what they think it means.

Tim said...

"Judge him up or down on his actual performance. He is only a man, only a politician. Treat him accordingly."

Except, he never would have been nominated, let alone elected, had he been Caucasian.

Obama was John Edwards lite, without the experience.

It's sad that the one signature virtue of Obama's election (that America elected a "Black" man president) backfired, but an honest assessment would necessarily conclude the only reason he won was because he was "Black."

So, was it worth it?

Probably not.

Let's elect on merit from here on out, shall we?

Andy said...

The non-racist response is the for the Republican Party to stop race-baiting the President. That includes top Romney campaign guy John Sununu who has engaged in a number of racially-charged attacks.

An increase in racism didn't just happen. Take this out of the passive voice. One party decided to stoke white resentment using a racialized campaign strategy.

Maybe you have a problem with that, or maybe you don't.

Andy said...

By the way, the Republican Party's response that the real racist is President Obama would be humorous if it wasn't so cynically tearing at the fabric of our ethnically heterogenous country.

Seeing Red said...

Wouldn't you love to see what the blacks & hispanics said about each other?

Seeing Red said...

A community antagonizer did his job.

The community is antagonized. Why should there be any surprise?

Wince said...

AP did not "report" the results. AP paid for the results.

Hence, no need for critical analysis of the methodology.

Overall, the survey found that by virtue of racial prejudice, Obama could lose 5 percentage points off his share of the popular vote in his Nov. 6 contest against Republican challenger Mitt Romney. But Obama also stands to benefit from a 3 percentage point gain due to pro-black sentiment, researchers said.

The difference being?

Shouting Thomas said...

An increase in racism didn't just happen. Take this out of the passive voice. One party decided to stoke white resentment using a racialized campaign strategy.

You're such a smug, sanctimonious asshole, Andy.

You are precisely what you think you hate. You're always lecturing people about their purported sins.

God, but you are an awful asshole.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I'm not prejudiced.

Some of my best friends are AP pollsters.

But I wouldn't want my daughter to marry one.

Anonymous said...

It turned out that he was a normal politician....[w]hat's the non-racist response?

Throw the bum out!

Doc Holliday's Hat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dmoelling said...

The survey is a meaningless assessment of "racism". However it may represent a feeling that the race card has been abused and respondents can say anything knowing that they will be judged racist regardless.

By the way, it looks like Obama will share the fate of other affirmative action black pols like David Dinkins (mayor of NYC) or Harold Washington (mayor of Chicago) who lacked the managerial experience required for the office. Non-Affirmative action blacks like Clarence Thomas seem to be doing OK.

From Inwood said...


You nailed it.

No further comments necessary.

These polls are junque.

MayBee said...

How weird.

We are constantly told black people, hispanics, and women are enough alike and think enough alike that they/we are all one voting bloc.

I don't get why it is ok to group people together when talking about their political actions, but not on other presumed actions. It's either prejudice, or it's not.

Carol said...

I question the premise. England had a Jewish PM over 100 years ago, and they were still as anti-Semitic as ever when I visited there in the 80s.

Maybe "racism" is a normal adaptive behavior... and maybe some traits are immutable?

Shouting Thomas said...

Facebook discussions are really starting to go to hell. My liberals friends are all adopting Andy's asshole tactics.

Nothing but name calling, vicious accusations and hysteria. Anybody who doesn't agree with them is in favor of martyring gays, degrading women and lynching blacks.

It's pretty disgusting shit.

TWM said...

"By the way, the Republican Party's response that the real racist is President Obama would be humorous if it wasn't so cynically tearing at the fabric of our ethnically heterogenous country."

Pure delusion. Very humorous, indeed.

Lee Merrick said...

All the surveys were conducted online.

donald said...

He is man in the loosest sense of the term.

Men do not behave like Barak Obama.

Tim said...

"It's pretty disgusting shit."

Get used to it.

It is all they have.

It will likely get nastier before it gets better.

Too many people like to be told, and then believe, they are victims.

It makes them feel better about their failings.

Christy said...

Did you miss the statement, deep in the article, that this was an on-line poll? Worth the paper it was taken on.

wyo sis said...

Or, we (those who voted for Obama) got exactly what they wanted for Christmas, and then found out it wasn't as much fun as they thought it would be. I can't believe voting for Obama because he's black is considered a rational response to what has come to be called racism.

Michael said...

I feel like I'm more cynical about black people now. Well, black politicians and their being able to transcend race to be a leader for the entire country and not just a pork-grabber for their constituents, anyway.

Wince said...

Overall, the survey found that by virtue of racial prejudice, Obama could lose 5 percentage points off his share of the popular vote in his Nov. 6 contest against Republican challenger Mitt Romney. But Obama also stands to benefit from a 3 percentage point gain due to pro-black sentiment, researchers said. Overall, that means an estimated net loss of 2 percentage points due to anti-black attitudes.

No. It implies:

1.) A net loss of 2 percentage points because because anti-black sentiment exceeds anti-white sentiment by 2%.

2.) Racism is three times more prevalent among blacks since they drive 3/8ths of the "racist" vote with only 1/8th of the population.

Unknown said...

Judge him on his performance without regard to race? What a racist thing to say.

Chuck said...

Sorry, Ann. I call bullshit. This was a survey. A poll. Hardly a "study."

Would we accept one single Associated Press poll on the likely election results as authoritative? Even Nate Silver wouldn't accept a single survey as authoritative.

Now, I might accept the fact that this survey, done repeatedly in the same way over time, might be able to shed some light on the movement of public opinion. And in that regard, you might have focused on the right thing -- that the Age of Obama hasn't exactly been the Dawning of the Age of Racial Enlightment.

But I wouldn't accept any grand summaries of American viewpoints at large, from one survey.

There is of course one form of racial prejudice that is still widely accepted in American political discourse. It is the bland, evidence-free assertion that Republicans are racist. Such assertions can be seen all over the mainstream media. NPR comments pages. Allegations of "voter suppression" throughout the mainstream media. Wild commentaries and racial allegations by supposedly great mainstream voices. Wherein it is seemingly routine to listen to crazy racialist theories by someone like a Congressman such as John Lweis or a tenured Ivy League university professor like Cornel West. Saying the sorts of things that, if the racial contexts were reversed, would be thought of as quasi-criminal hate speech or worse.

MayBee said...

The other thing is, people are allowed to have whatever feelings they want to have. It's acting on them in a way that hurts others is the problem.

For example, you are never going to get Andy R to respond positively to a picture of a woman who appears to be an evangelical Christian. That's ok. He can have whatever private thoughts he wants to against such a person. He just shouldn't treat her badly when they interact (and vice-versa).

Chuck said...

Just for the heck of it, I note that in 2008, Barack Obama carried the City of Detroit, winning 97% of the vote.

Ninety-seven percent.

Hagar said...

Races is something we learn about as children. For myself, growing up in that little "jerkwater country up by the Arctic circle, as my teenage son used to put it, I knew about Negroes in Africa, Chinese in China, Hindus in India, and Indians from Hollywood movies. The Japanese and other Asian peoples did not much figure in this and "Hispanics" not at all, so I have not, and still don't, think of these people as of different "races."

As for Obama, he is not "just another politician." Exactly what he is I am not clear about, but "politician" is not what comes to mind.
So to speak, in "24" Denis Haysbert portrayed a believable U.S. President and "politician" who happened to be "Black." Obama is not that.

Shouting Thomas said...

Here in Woodstock, the looniest of the leftist loons are even beginning to suggest that Romney is going to declared "martial law" as soon as he assumes office.

God alone knows where they got that one.

donald said...

I work in the construction industry and I can tell you that the brothers got a real problem with la Raza. Course they gotta a lot of problems with whitey too. I don't differentiate the reasons, it just is.

I wish I could link the South Park "they're taking our jobs!".

wyo sis said...

Shouting Thomas
God alone may know, but I'm guessing they got it from the same place they get the rest of their ideas. They pulled it out of

Well, you know the rest.

yashu said...

The last refuge of a scoundrel.

Anonymous said...

People who aren't racists don't like being accused of racism, Beer Summits aside.

Farmer said...

Andy R. said...
By the way, the Republican Party's response that the real racist is President Obama would be humorous if it wasn't so cynically tearing at the fabric of our ethnically heterogenous country.

If there's one thing I can't stand, it's people running around cynically tearing at the fabric of our ethnically heterogenous country. Fucking hate that.

Anonymous said...

It may have something to do with the fact that we are called racist just for existing these days. After a while, perhaps it does make one more racist because you stop caring about it if you are going to be called racist anyways.

Sam L. said...

Prejudice is when you vote for or against someone before you know them. Smart is when you vote against or for someone when you can see what the person's done and how well or poorly it was done.

And we keep being told it's raaaaacist to vote against Obama. That doesn't pass the BS smell test.

n.n said...

Respect individual dignity? That would be positive progress.

We should also reconsider policies and programs which remove value from human life.

alan markus said...

@ Donald

I wish I could link the South Park "they're taking our jobs!".

Hope this helps:

Southpark - They Took Our Job!

DADvocate said...

I've been looking through the survey and the responses.

The real news in this survey is the number of people refusing to answer questions. (I found the survey here: http://surveys.ap.org/) The increase in the percentage of people refusing to answer questions covers the difference in the answers, past and present, in nearly every case. The other news is researchers finding what they're looking for, racism.

Of course, incidents like the Black Panther voter intimidation case have no impact on feelings related to race.

Plus, looking at survey resultes, attitudes towards whites have gotten more negative too. But, whites deserve it. Right?

rhhardin said...

People aren't interested in race any longer. The charge of racism no longer works.

Derbyshire (I think it was) reported that whites stopped caring about race after the OJ trial, which might be right. It's certainly true today.

Americans reject the grievance ploy.

sakredkow said...

Facebook discussions are really starting to go to hell. My liberals friends are all adopting Andy's asshole tactics.

Nothing but name calling, vicious accusations and hysteria.

I've never once seen AndyR call you a name Shouting Thomas - maybe somewhere he did, but I've never seen it.

But virtually every thread in which Andy gives his opinion, you are there with foul language and namecalling.

sakredkow said...

You gotta wonder what the fuck you are overreacting to, Shouting Thomas.

gk1 said...

I read anything on yahoo like the W.W.II British intelligence would have audited Tokyo Rose or Lord Haw-Haw.They are nothing but a conduit for the democratic party. This is telling they are playing the race card. It means its the last card in the deck. No October surprise, no nothing. Pathetic, but quite predictable.

T J Sawyer said...

"Wouldn't you love to see what the blacks & hispanics said about each other?"

Even more, I would like to see what African-born blacks and
African-American blacks said about each other.

campy said...

The difference being?

The difference is that racial prejudice (by definition, something that all non-black persons feel) is bad. Very, very bad. Ugly. Evil.

Pro-black feelings, OTOH, are GOOD. Very, very GOOD.

Got it?

Hagar said...

Which "whites" are you referring to?
Squareheads, limeys, frogs guineas, romanys, krauts, spicks, whatever?

kentuckyliz said...

If I were invited to a beer summit at the White House, I would request a Black Dog Ale.

James Pawlak said...

If, and only if (Oh I loved my logic teacher), that increase is real, them much of it has been stirred up by such racists as Al (The Liar) Sharpton, Jessie (The Extortionist) Jackson, Cornel West, The Duke U. "Gang Of 88", the US Attorney General and what's his name.

They do so to maintain their incomes and poof-up their over-developed senses of self-worth.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

I confess that I find a survey instrument that professes to measure racism while actively promoting it -- i.e., forcing the respondent to characterize people in ethnic categories -- intensely off-putting. If the honest answer to "How do you characterize Hispanics?" is "I do my best not to characterize Hispanics at all; I know a lot of Hispanics, and they're all over the map on each of these characteristics, just like any other bunch of individuals," how would they score that?

Conserve Liberty said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


Disraeli was Jewish only in the ethnic sense; religiously speaking, he was good old C of E.

Conserve Liberty said...

So. I am a


I guess I am an


Tim said...

The great thing about sports is, it does not matter what your skin color is, or your nationality.

Five Giants are from Venezuela: Scutaro, Sandoval, Blanco, Sanchez, and Mijares.

Three of the greatest Giants in the modern era, Mays, McCovey, and Bonds, are Black.

In the NFL, the greatest of all time, Jerry Rice, is Black.

The Hall of Fame QB's, Montana and Young, are Caucasian.

No one cares. And this is true across all of sports, for all teams, and individual sports as well.


Because it is about merit, and merit alone.

You can play and perform, or you cannot.

And everyone can see whether you can, or can't.

Just like in the Oval Office, the corner office, the cubicle, out in the sales field or on the line.

Affirmative action, of course, necessarily corrodes this, to the point of fostering cynicism.

But liberals still embrace it, because it's the easy out to the real problem: fixing the public schools, which cannot be done as long as the teachers are unionized.

Anonymous said...

I voted for Romney yesterday afternoon at 4 PM.


One word: Benghazi.

If the POTUS cannot be honest, then what good is he? As a foreigner now a citizen of US of A, I am held by many standards. If for a sec. I do something fishy, I am called upon to prove my loyalty.

Why is POTUS BHO give a free pass? Is this free pass only for Obama or anyone associated with Kennedy or Clinton?

Should I not also have a get-out-of-the-jail free card? I do not. I will never get it. As I am an alien. But, I have to prove my loyalty 24/7, 365.

Why did he not help those in need in Libya?

Will there be reporters like Woodward and Bernstein today?

Why not?

DADvocate said...

I wonder how the answers to a question like this is interpreted: "When it comes to politics, would you say that each of the groups listed below has too much influence, just about the right amount of influence, or to little influence?"

23% say whites have too much influence, up 2%. 15% say blacks have too much, up 1%. Looks like racism against whites to me.

kentuckyliz said...

Based on experience, when one bears the consequences of having to work with an Affirmative Action hire, it reduces the belief in Affirmative Action solutions and increases racism. If people would quit living down to the stereotype, it would be different. I've never heard of an Affirmative Action hire that worked out well. Have you?

Shouting Thomas said...

I've never once seen AndyR call you a name Shouting Thomas - maybe somewhere he did, but I've never seen it.

But virtually every thread in which Andy gives his opinion, you are there with foul language and namecalling.

He's calling every person who disagrees with him a "racist," phx. Which is the most damaging accusation that can be made against another person in the public arena.

Perhaps you need reading lessons.

The little asshole is constantly lecturing people about what he sees as their racist sins.

You're a liberal, phx. In some bizarre way typical of leftists, you've internalized (in that great BS language of the left) the notion that there's no harm in calling people racists. Because dumb bastards like Andy have their hearts in the right place and they're trying to solve a pressing social problem.

No, the little fuck isn't trying to solve a social problem. He's just a dumb, sanctimonious asshole.

Get it?

bandmeeting said...

That's rich. We're supposed to judge him as just a man when huge numbers of lefties voted for the Just A Man" because he was some sort of god who transformed people by his mere presence, according to the San Francisco Gate.

sakredkow said...

Because it is about merit, and merit alone.

That's because the enforcement against racism is so strict. Remember the pre-Jackie Robinson era?

If players, managers and administrators in sports were left to their own devices, it wouldn't just be about merit, and merit alone.

Dr Weevil said...

dmoelling (11:17am):
I hope you're wrong about Obama having the same "fate" as Harold Washington, because that would mean being reelected, then dying of a heart attack less than a year into his second term, which, in Obama's case, would leave us with 3+ years of Joe Biden as president.

Just how far did you intend to go in comparing Obama's likely fate with Harold Washington's? There have been persistent rumors that Washington was poisoned, or that had cocaine in his system or was wearing lady's underwear when he died.

kentuckyliz said...

Ali, IKR?

Geraldo Rivera was saying we didn't need to learn more about Benghazi.

And him, an investigative journalist!

DADvocate said...

forcing the respondent to characterize people in ethnic categories -- intensely off-putting.

This is why I find it interesting the percent of Refused/Not Answered responses interesting. These increased by a factor of 2 to 4 in most cases. That alone would make comparisons to past surveys questionable.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Judge him up or down on his actual performance. He is only a man, only a politician. Treat him accordingly.

Interesting, Althouse, that you have at last come around to the rationale that we on the right have always insisted is our reason for detesting Obama, and it has nothing to do with the color of his skin. We have judged him on his performance and found it wanting in the extreme. We have acknowledged that he is only a politician, only a very bad politician. Yet you have never failed to impute racism to the right. For the last time, conservatives don't give a damn that Obama is a black man. Conservatives do give a damn that he is a dangerous, destructive president.

Tim said...

So, what kind of Hate Crime is this? Vandal Keys ‘Obama’ Into 2 Cars In Alta Loma.

Andy R would no doubt call it self-defnse, lol.

Automatic_Wing said...

I'm guessing that AP thinks this material is helpful to Obama, perhaps guilt-tripping Americans into voting for Obama as a way to say I'm not racist.

Probably true, to some extent, but I think the main reason they published this when they did is to help frame the post-election "Why Obama lost" narrative. Give all the "It was racism!" stories some kind of "scientific" gloss.

Though admittedly the two motivations are not mutually exclusive.

Dante said...

What if all this junk about "social racism" is merely a scam? That is, it has nothing to do with "Society," but merely is how the brain works?

It associates a huge bunch of information, creates neural connections, and that informs various parts of our decision making process.

Maybe people see facts, and these facts become part of the neural network.

Here's the money shot:

The poll finds that racial prejudice is not limited to one group of partisans. Although Republicans were more likely than Democrats to express racial prejudice in the questions measuring explicit racism (79 percent among Republicans compared with 32 percent among Democrats), the implicit test found little difference between the two parties. That test showed a majority of both Democrats and Republicans held anti-black feelings (55 percent of Democrats and 64 percent of Republicans), as did about half of political independents (49 percent).

Despite that Democrats pretend they aren't affected by their own brains, they are. All this social engineering anti-racism stuff has led to is a filter on top of what Democrats actually feel, with some 23% not in touch with their inner assessments.

As usual, this is cast as reaction to black and brown skin colors. Where are the similar tests for how Americans react to Asians? Not there. Is it bad if Americans react positively to Asians?

And what if all this merely shows is that the culture associated with skin color affects how we view people with certain skin color? As in, is it racist to walk down the side of the street that has an attractive young Asian woman doing shopping, or the other side of the street with black man who looks like he is part of a gang?

To me, it's survival skills, to the authors of the study, it's racism. The researches to spend a few nights in the area I went to primary school in San Francisco to see if they change their mind, if they survive.

Tim said...

"If players, managers and administrators in sports were left to their own devices, it wouldn't just be about merit, and merit alone."


Bullshit on stilts.

The world has changed.

Considerably, significantly, and forever. And thankfully.

So stop lying.

Most of all, stop lying to yourself. The worst lies are the ones you tell yourself.

Always have been.

DADvocate said...

Judge him up or down on his actual performance.

That's not what happened in '08. Huge numbers of lefties, and blacks, voted for him simply because he's black. If they went by performance, you and they would have voted for Hillary.

wyo sis said...

Slown may be rethinking his intention to vote for Obama. I would be.

Andy said...

"My party, unfortunately, is the bastion of those people -- not all of them, but most of them -- who are still basing their positions on race. Let me just be candid: My Party is full of racists, and the real reason a considerable portion of my party wants President Obama out of the White house has nothing to do with the content of his character, nothing to do with his competence as commander-in-chief and president, and everything do with the color of his skin, and that's despicable."
-Retired Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, former Secretary of State Colin Powell's former chief of staff

BrianE said...

I agree. Obama was nothing more than a Chicago politician with some unresolved Oedipus issues.

That, apparently, is all that's needed to make you racist.

I've decided to wear my racist tag proudly, since there's nothing I can do to change it. The racist tag, like the homophobe tag is losing it's cachet IMO.

The fact that we adopted an African child apparently isn't enough penance.

Automatic_Wing said...

There goes Andy R, talking about "those people" again. LOL.

Andy R, is it your belief that if Obama were white, no one would oppose his policies? Is he really so awesome that he'd be universally loved, absent the dreaded racism?

sakredkow said...

He's calling every person who disagrees with him a "racist," phx. Which is the most damaging accusation that can be made against another person in the public arena.

Perhaps you need reading lessons.

The little asshole is constantly lecturing people about what he sees as their racist sins.

You're a liberal, phx. In some bizarre way typical of leftists, you've internalized (in that great BS language of the left) the notion that there's no harm in calling people racists. Because dumb bastards like Andy have their hearts in the right place and they're trying to solve a pressing social problem.

No, the little fuck isn't trying to solve a social problem. He's just a dumb, sanctimonious asshole.

Bullshit Shouting Thomas. Right wingers are constantly saying lefties are racist - the examples are right here in this thread. Unless they're personally naming me I shrug it off as the usual idiotic nonsense.

No, there's something else. You really hate AndyR - and he's not doing anything other than what dozens of righties do here everyday, they just do it for their cause.

Don't tell me you aren't hiding something from yourself.

Conserve Liberty said...

Lawrence Wilkerson speaks for himself, not his party. And certainly not for me.

ricpic said...

Will blacks ever be called on to say "I'm not racist?" Tick tick tick tick tick...

KCFleming said...

So the community Balkanizer actually increased racism.

Whodathunk? I mean, who could have guessed that decades of racial preferences and anti-white propaganda in schools and the media might actually worsen polarization?


Andy said...

I've decided to wear my racist tag proudly

I'm guessing you're a Republican, then? Sounds like Wilkerson was right!

"My party, unfortunately, is the bastion of those people -- not all of them, but most of them -- who are still basing their positions on race. Let me just be candid: My Party is full of racists, and the real reason a considerable portion of my party wants President Obama out of the White house has nothing to do with the content of his character, nothing to do with his competence as commander-in-chief and president, and everything do with the color of his skin, and that's despicable."
-Retired Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, former Secretary of State Colin Powell's former chief of staff

wyo sis said...

I was told, back in the 60's that showing preference for black people just because they are black was also racist. I'm not sure where that idea came from, but I think it was expressed by black people themselves. An extension of MLK's "content of their character" speech.

It was supposed to be "cruel neutrality" so to speak, that would end racism.

Andy said...

No, there's something else. You really hate AndyR

phx: The two comments I remember directing at Shouting Thomas were me telling him that I will not respond to him. He shows up constantly to spew his hatred at me anyway. I'm not sure what his problem is. My best guess is that it's an elaborate scheme to make angry-right wing bigots look bad by engaging in the most over-the-top disgusting rhetoric in order to discredit them. If that theory is correct, he is doing a great job. I have similar theories about Jay and edutcher, by the way. No one can sincerely believe what they write.

Shouting Thomas said...

Silly stuff, phx.

I know an asshole when I see one.

Andy's just a sanctimonious, dumb prick.

sakredkow said...

AndyR - Well I don't give a damn one way or another but it's like their personality disorders are spilling out all over Althouse comment areas.

They need to clean their filth up.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Judge him up or down on his actual performance. He is only a man, only a politician. Treat him accordingly.

I was under the impression that an affirmative action recipient was supposed to do better than expected... as a way to negate the idea that affirmative action was a way to get around a supposed genetic deficiency… This is not my own view of course… its something I picked up when I was around 18.

I wasn’t even going to say anything on this tread... not only because I'm supposed to be working and not on the blog... but also because Althouse put them bold letters there. Wasup-with-that?

Gahrie said...

You gotta wonder what the fuck you are overreacting to, Shouting Thomas.

Because normal people just nod and shake their heads when called a racist.

Automatic_Wing said...

If not for its pernicious racism, the Republican Party wouldn't even bother running a candidate against a president with Obama's awesome record.

Really, they would.

ricpic said...

Did the AP deign to report that a white girl, age 12, was murdered and her body stuffed in a trash bin by her neighbors, two black brothers, age 15 and 16, because she had a nice new shiny bike that she bragged about on the internet and when they said Gibsmedat! she refused? Happened in New Jersey last week. Just one of HUNDREDS of such black on white horrors, or is that THOUSANDS yearly. But no racism, folks, move along, nothing to see here because if you do YOU'RE UGLY!!!

Shouting Thomas said...

I regard Andy in precisely the way I'd regard a sanctimonious, zealous, Bible pounding evangelist who's constantly screaming at people that they are sinners.

Both are fucking assholes.

Andy is just a fucking asshole.

Seeing Red said...

Powell is voting for Obama cos he's black, that's priceless.

sakredkow said...

There are a lot of us assholes here, Shouting Thomas.

Your nonstop, foul-mouthed invective against one of us sullies you and makes the Althouse site look bad.

Keep your personal shit to yourself.

Seeing Red said...

Powell's for the Benghazi cover-up.

DADvocate said...

"My party, unfortunately, is the bastion of those people -- not all of them, but most of them -- who are still basing their positions on race....

Democrats don't? They base their positions on race. It's just that the Dems pander to minorities and women to get their votes. What's right and best be damned.

Of course, Powell is so in touch with the average Republican too. He's making it up, just as your are.

sakredkow said...

@Gahrie Nobody called Shouting Thomas a racist.

Shouting Thomas said...

I'll keep reaming out the little asshole as long as he continues to be behave like an asshole.

You do what you please.

Automatic_Wing said...

The Republicans never opposed Democratic policies before Obama came around. Then they started doing so because of their ugly, ugly racism.

True story.

Seeing Red said...

So, soldiers in Afghanistan can't vote because the plane carrying the ballots crashed?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Andy said I will not respond to him. He shows up constantly to spew his hatred at me anyway. I'm not sure what his problem is.

Shouting says:"Andy's just a sanctimonious, dumb prick."

ST pretty much nails it.

If Andy wants to have a serious conversation about... anything, he might start off by not calling people names and throwing out blanket insults. According to him, we are ALL racists, homophobes etc.

Sorry Andy. No one can take you seriously.

Plus...you might look up the definition of sanctimonious. It fits you perfectly.

sakredkow said...

Because normal people just nod and shake their heads when called a racist.

Normal people argue in the same measured tone their opponents argue in. They don't froth and spew disgusting names at them.

Shouting Thomas said...

No, Andy just likes to whack off in sanctimonious pleasure by calling whole classes of people racist... white, hetero men.

A tactic that the little fucking asshole would be the first to condemn were it employed against gays.

phx, this standard tactic of liberals is bullshit. I won't play by your rules, no matter how pissed off you get.

BrianE said...

"My party, unfortunately, is the bastion of those people -- not all of them, but most of them -- who are still basing their positions on race..."


I think he needs to find new friends. It's amazing they stayed with the Republican party as long as they did.

It just goes to show that the Republican party is a big tent party.

sakredkow said...

Heh, Shouting, clearly you're the one with anger issues.

Synova said...

phx, when the conservatives here call liberals racist it's on the basis, uncontested btw, that liberal policies deal with people as members of groups instead of individuals, and that blacks (for example) are too dumb or ineffective to get an ID card and that it's appropriate to use terms like "race traitor." When liberals call conservatives racist it's on the basis that there could not *possibly* be any reason to want small government and lower taxes and that anyone who says so is actually a racist who is lying about it.

Shouting Thomas said...

The psychotherapeutic gambit doesn't work on me either, phx.

Andy is a sanctimonious, obnoxious little prick.

sakredkow said...

@synova That's a very self-serving definition that allows Republians to call Dems racists but then excuses the frothing at the mouth that guys like shouting thomas go through if someone accuses Repubs of harboring racism on their side.

Just make the fucking arguments. Leave the personal namecalling out of it.

Anonymous said...

From my racist, sexist, homo-hating point of view, it's simple:

What happens when the fantasy scenario becomes reality?

For sixty years, lefties have fed us a shit ton of propaganda that said three things:

1) Blacks are unfairly oppressed by white's racism.

2) Blacks are equal to non-whites in intelligence and civilization, and only oppression keeps them committing "crimes" and from achieving the same as whites.

3) Racism against blacks by anyone (including non-whites) is caused by evil whitey's "hate."

So we got bad movies (Mississippi Burning, To Kill a Mockingbird, Crash, A Time to Kill, etc.) and TV sitcoms(Good Times, All in the Family, Cosby Show) that emphasized these talking points. Even non-race movies and shows emphasized these points, when they had the chance.

One trope used in movies was the black authority figure, who was hyper-competent, incorruptible, and thoroughly left wing. Pick your poison, but the black chief of police was almost a joke in buddy-cop movies for a while.

And then came the black president figure. The all-perfect Magical Negro figure who healed all old racial wounds and saved the day, and was brilliant, too.

So 2008 for many people (Ann) was supposed to be the electing of the Magical Negro who saved the day. Like the Last Judgment, to our society, this seemed to be a clear sign of perfection to come.

But it wasn't. After the country elected President Magical Negro, not only did he act like a hate-filled black stereotype usually by "racists" (Letting militant black violent thugs like the Black Panthers go after convicting them; portraying guilty black criminals as innocents like Skip Gates and Trayvon Martin; having his V.p. tell black people they would be put into chains if the other side won; "punishing his enemies")...

he also proved to by hyper-incompetent at doing anything to save the country from the economic crisis left-wing policies created.

And yet, anyone who criticized his performance or actions was labelled "racist."

So most of us (myself included) came or are coming to the same conclusions:

1) the propaganda was a lie;

2) Affirmative action blacks are less competent, and it's OK to say that

3) if you're going to be called a racist for criticizing a failure, might as well go all the way and really smack them down.

The left-wing lies of the last 60 years have lost a lot of their power, bitches.

BrianE said...

What's amazing is that Colin Powell likely would have been the Republican presidential nominee, some years ago, had he chose to run.

I probably would have voted for him. That's before I found out how racist I am.

Seeing Red said...

--Normal people argue in the same measured tone their opponents argue in. They don't froth and spew disgusting names at them.--

Like racist?

n.n said...


They didn't always pander to women and minorities. Presumably, they changed their strategy when they recognized that they could not maintain their political, economic, and social standing in our constitutional republic (which emphasizes democratic principles) without increasing their voter base. It was probably around this time that they made a semantic change and replaced eugenics and population control with pro-choice, reproductive rights, and planned parenthood. They still want to control the presence of unwanted and undesirable individuals, but they know they cannot do it directly. The conservative opposition was overwhelming and they are still a predominant force in America, despite efforts to corrupt Americans through promotion of hedonism and other terminal behaviors.

Synova said...

"The Republicans never opposed Democratic policies before Obama came around. Then they started doing so because of their ugly, ugly racism.

True story.


Before Obama being accused of racism was the worst possible thing. There was huge social pressure to make sure you never accidentally said something that could be misunderstood or misinterpreted. You didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings and you certainly didn't want anyone to think you were a bad person.

Ted Rall and others could make the most egregious racial references about black members of Bush's administration and not seem to receive any significant push back from liberals who seemed to approve of any "race traitor" themed attacks.

But that didn't do it. There wasn't a "you do it so we can to" reaction.

But when Obama was elected and suddenly any opposition AT ALL to the president was explained in serious terms by one pundit or celebrity after another as *of course* not being about the economy at all, but just because Obama is black... and who objected to that ever? Anyone on the left? EVER?

Well f*ck it. Call me whatever you like.

Seeing Red said...

Republicans aren't the party of Margaret Sanger.

sakredkow said...

@Seeing Red - who personally called who a racist here? Other than BrianE who apparently called himself a racist.

sakredkow said...

There was huge social pressure to make sure you never accidentally said something that could be misunderstood or misinterpreted. You didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings and you certainly didn't want anyone to think you were a bad person.

Who's this "you" person you are talking about? Is that the first-person personal 'you'?

Speak for yourself, white woman.

Sorun said...

Any study that doesn't examine racism in all the races is completely useless, except as racist propaganda.

Seeing Red said...


Why did Chevy Chase & Richard Pryor pop into my head?

Synova said...

Of course anyone paying attention understood that Obama wouldn't help because during his first campaign he projected and assumed racism from the other side. He set the tone. People were going to object to him because he didn't look like the guys on the money. Any surprise that's what happened any time someone objected to him?

Synova said...

What, phx, you don't like being grouped into generalities?

What can possibly bother you about that? Hmm?

Seeing Red said...

"Dead Honkey."

Still one the the best bits ever.

Along with Richard Pryor as a preacher "I want you to dig down deep and come up with the bread."

bgates said...

Remember the pre-Jackie Robinson era?


At least, as vividly as I can remember an era that ended a year before my mother was born.

sakredkow said...

What can possibly bother you about that? Hmm?

I don't know, but I do know it doesn't make me want to call you all the names that Andy's been called in this thread.

Chuck said...

If Colin Powell has a strong and decisive preference for Obama policy issues, and not Obama as a kind of racial pioneer, such that Obama has gotten Powell's endorsement in both 2008 and 2012, the real question is why is Powell still a Republican? Is Powell now a kind of professional Recovering Republican? Or is he just a black Wesley Clark?

As a Republican myself, I'd be far more comrfortable with Powell saying, "I really don't like Obama's policies and performance, but it has really been important for American to get over the hump of having a black President, so that's why I am supporting he re-election."

It is precisely because Powell says that his decision is all about serious policy matters, and not race, that I find his choice disturbing. If Colin Powell thinks that Obama POLICY choices have been good for the country, I have a hard time figuring out what is the difference -- besides one having had a career in the military -- between Colin Powell and Star Jones. They are both black celebrities and authors who are Obama supporters. Neither one of them could seriously be considered as Republicans.

sakredkow said...

Really I didn't think you were grouping me into generalities as much as you were speaking for me. Bu you know, carry on.

bgates said...

in which a photo of a black, Hispanic or white male flashed on the screen before a neutral image of a Chinese character.

That's a good strategy. Nobody has race-related feelings about Chinamen.

sakredkow said...

One thing that sure doesn't seem to have changed is that people on opposite sides don't seem like they know how to speak to each other about race.

wyo sis said...

We are all scared to death to talk to each other about race, because there are so many ways it can trip you up. Careers and lives have been made and ruined by using racism as a hammer.
It's freeing in many ways that the race card has been over played.
When Obama looses this election and it becomes clear that it is because he's incompetent, then maybe we can begin to have conversations with each other.

Oh, what am I thinking? Of course we won't.

Synova said...

Also, phx, the blogger Baldilocks had a discussion on her blog with readers who explained how socially harrowing it was, and how concretely damaging it was, to receive a false accusation of racism. She was surprised, not being white she didn't know. It's not just me. There's been a pivotal event that has fundamentally changed people's attitudes about just how hard they are going to try to keep their good name. And that pivotal event was the constant accusations of racism any time someone voiced opposition to Obama. Outright statements that the only reason to oppose universal health programs or Keynesian stimulus was racist opposition to the president. As if no one opposed universal health programs during the Clinton years and Hayek didn't exist prior to 2008 and no one had ever heard of Milton Freidman or the Austrian School. Nope. Racism.

And now we're supposed to all act as though an accusation that could destroy careers if made in the workplace is just no big deal, nothing to actually be angry about?

Because the accusers were aware and unserious about their spurious and politically motivated accusations no one else is suppose to CARE?

The damage is not the fault of those people who refuse to play the game any more.

Shouting Thomas said...

One thing that sure doesn't seem to have changed is that people on opposite sides don't seem like they know how to speak to each other about race.

No, it's your side that's got a problem, phx.

Were I to encounter Andy in the flesh and he carried on that way, I'd re-arrange his face.

The liberal tactic of calling people "racists" and "bigots" is a punching out offense.

The little bastard needs to learn some manners and stop doing it.

His shithead tactics, and your defense of them, are fighting words.

Chip S. said...

I didn't read the story, but went straight to the survey results. From Althouse's post I imagined there was going to be some very clear evidence of worsened attitudes toward blacks. I was pleasantly surprised.

The only pattern I could really see was a slight (2-3 percentage points, probably well w/in sampling error) reduction in the most highly favorable view of blacks and a corresponding increase in non-responses. Pretty much a big nothing.

The survey questions themselves were worse than I expected, and I didn't have high expectations.

For one thing, of the 5 responses offered, 4 involved some degree of "racism". That's a stunning violation of the basic principles of survey design. Even worse, all the race stuff was written like it's 1962.

Worst straw-man question of all: "Agree/Disagree: Blacks would be just as well off as whites if they only tried harder." How much more loaded can a survey question be? One alternate wording of this question is, "Is there pervasive racism in the US economy?" And if you say "no," then you're a racist. Of course, another equivalent wording is, "Are blacks simply unable to do as well as whites if they make the same effort?" Yet a "yes" answer here would count as non-racist.

Given how divisive I think Obama has been, I was pleasantly surprised by these results, subject to the huge caveats that apply to online surveys.

Tim said...

phx said...

"One thing that sure doesn't seem to have changed is that people on opposite sides don't seem like they know how to speak to each other about race."

That can't possibly be because "one side" wants to constantly, incessantly talk about race because it has a political payoff, and everyone else just wants to get on with life, could it?

No, it couldn't possibly be that...

Anonymous said...

You gotta wonder what the fuck you are overreacting to, Shouting Thomas.

10/27/12 11:52 AM

In ST's defense, he lives in Woodstock and is surrounded by people who think a former governor of MA is going to declare martial law if he gets elected.

Being around that level of stupidity on a daily basis would certainly try my patience too. In fact, I am around that level of stupidity, since I live in Shorewood, WI, among preening libs with "Coexist" and "War Never Solved Anything" bumper stickers on their Volvos. But then, I keep my distance from my silly neighbors. As a result, my blood pressure is perfect.

sakredkow said...

No, it's not, Tim. It's because neither side will actually listen to the other. And neither knows how to help the other side listen to them.

sakredkow said...

You disgust me, exiledonmainstreet. I may never get over it.

Andy said...

We are all scared to death to talk to each other about race

Retired Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, former Secretary of State Colin Powell's former chief of staff isn't scared to death to talk about race!

Shouting Thomas said...

The constant liberal extortion tactic of calling people "bigots" and "racists" is the problem, phx.

The only solution is to make the bastards like Andy pay a heavy price for doing it.

sakredkow said...

Oh please, Shouting Thomas. You aren't making AndyR pay a thing. He's probably laughing his ass off at how little self-control you have. What your doing is polluting the thread.

You can't make a rational argument, that's your problem.

dc said...

One of the questions asked in the survey is about violence.
Since the black crime rate is higher than the white crime rate,are you labeled a racist if your answer reflects that reality?

Andy said...

He's probably laughing his ass off at how little self-control you have.

Ok, this made me laugh.

Shouting Thomas said...

That doesn't make any sense, phx.

Obviously, Andy thinks he's extracting some sort of price by constantly calling other people "bigots" and "racists."

He's using the same shaming tactics that he complains so much about when he perceives those tactics being used against gays.

I am responding in kind. I'm shaming the little bastard for acting like a sanctimonious prick.

You keep thinking I just can't go to war with this little lowlife fuck. You're wrong.

Shouting Thomas said...

And, you'll notice the little bastard, despite his constant pleas that he doesn't notice, is reading this with relish.

Anonymous said...

Obama didn't just "fail to give us a gift"; he made things worse.

It wasn't an accident and it wasn't hard to predict. For two decades Obama attended, by enthusiastic intention, a black power church and took that pastor on as a personal friend and mentor.

Only the ill-informed and gullible voted for Obama, expecting him to bring the races together.

We got exactly what we deserved for putting a guy like Obama into the White House.

sakredkow said...

You keep thinking I just can't go to war with this little lowlife fuck. You're wrong.

Rolling my eyes. Brother, how self-important are you? Like he cares about your little "wars". He doesn't even address you.

Grow up. Take a valium.

Shouting Thomas said...

phx, none of these tactics are going to work on me.

Andy, you'll continue to get the same treatment you dish out back in spades from me.

It's not going to change.

sakredkow said...

AndyR stop staring at Shouting Thomas that way! Do you hear me?

You're making him call you disgusting names.

Anonymous said...

"Remember the pre-Jackie Robinson era?"

And nothing's changed at all since 1947.

Andy said...

What your doing is polluting the thread.

I think Shouting Thomas is doing what he's doing here because he knows he can't do it out in polite society. People like him have been completely marginalized. And he knows that people like me are winning. He knows I can talk to my friends (and strangers!) at any time and put out a message that extreme anti-gay Christians are flat-out bigots. They can't hide behind their god any more. They've been made to own their bigotry. The tide is turning and my side is clearly winning and ST is impotent and rage-filled and all he can do is scream in a blog comment section.

Everyone knows the gays are winning, and that calling the bigots "bigots" has been an important and effective part of that victory.

sakredkow said...

ShoutingThomas you're your own worst enemy. I'm not trying to make something "work" on you. I'm trying to get you to stop fucking up the thread with your constant namecalling of people with four-letter words.

Grow up man. Make an argument, which I don't think you can. Retard.

Chip S. said...

Another potentially interesting thread hijacked by the civility police.

phx, until you started lecturing ST on what you think are his "issues", people were discussing the actual topic of the post. Now it's a referendum on ST and AR.

And FTR, Andy's two initial comments were race-trolling, off-topic bullshit.

Andy said...

And just to be clear, although I don't respond to Shouting Thomas comments, I have never asked him to stop. He is welcome to keep saying whatever he wants to say.

Shouting Thomas said...

Andy, I don't even regard you as a political actor.

The political arguments you set forth are pointless.

I'm simply addressing your behavior.

You're a nasty, lowlife, sanctimonious fuck. You don't have a political argument.

Oddly, you don't even know what my opinions are on the issues you espouse. You're such a dumb, sanctimonious fuck.

sakredkow said...

Now it's a referendum on ST and AR.

You know, I haven't actually seen that. But it doesn't make a difference to me.

You can talk about what you want.

Anonymous said...

Ha, phx. I will do my utmost to keep right on disgusting you. Everytime a leftist is disgusted, an angel gets his wings.

sakredkow said...

AndyR I know you haven't and I'm not sticking up for you.

I personally think it's time to address some of the crazy shit in here.

Sorun said...

This topic strangely reminds me of the saying: "The beatings will continue until morale improves."

sakredkow said...

exiledonmainst You are clearly violating my civil rights.

PatCA said...

Racial shaming=Get Out The Vote.

Shouting Thomas said...

I personally think it's time to address some of the crazy shit in here.

That's precisely what I'm doing, phx.

The issue of Andy's repugnant tactics is entirely separate from the issue he thinks he espouses.

I'm pretty neutral on the issue of gay marriage. My state has allowed it, and I don't care enough either way to make a fuss about it.

I lived in gay neighborhoods in SF and NYC for decades.

The issue here is the liberal tactic of smearing people who disagree with them as "bigots" and "racists."

You have conned yourself into believing, as this sanctimonious little prick also does, that the issue here is a disagreement over political ideas.

Anonymous said...

I just read that the Nation of Islam and Scientology are somehow merging.


Maybe that will fix things.

Chip S. said...

I personally think it's time to address some of the crazy shit in here.

You do that all the time. I personally think meta-commentary is tedious.

But since that's where we are, I'll say this: Anybody who's been here a while knows enough about ST to know that he's not a racist. Furthermore, it's also clear that his annoyance w/ AndyR's predictably off-topic slanders of Republicans is cumulative.

sakredkow said...

The issue here is the liberal tactic of smearing people who disagree with them as "bigots" and "racists."

Yeah, that doesn't happen here on the other side at all. You can't even find it in this thread.

Self-righteous hypocrisy much?

sakredkow said...

I personally think meta-commentary is tedious...Anybody who's been here a while knows enough about ST to know that he's not a racist.

You can find tedious anything you like. And I don't know anyone who called ST a racist.

hombre said...

I will be voting against Obama partly because he and his DOJ are racist.

Does that comport with the APObamamedia theme?

Andy said...

Anybody who's been here a while knows enough about ST to know that he's not a racist.

Who called ST a racist?

Shouting Thomas said...

Self-righteous hypocrisy much?

You are assuming that I belong to a side, which I do not perceive to be the truth.

In fact, I've stated numerous times on this blog that, while I will probably vote for Romney, I'm OK with either candidate winning so long as they face an opposition Congress.

sakredkow said...

...predictably off-topic slanders of Republicans is cumulative.

You should see this place from a Dems point of view.

sakredkow said...

ST: I don't know or care who you'll vote for or what you think of gay rights.

The self-righteous hypocrisy is that you pretend you're only full of foul-mouthed invective because Andy makes unjustly calls the GOP racist.

You've never so much as raised the teeniest objection when someone falsely called a Dem "racist" here. Not once.

Oh, I know. Dems ARE racists, Republicans can't be.

sakredkow said...

But you, ST, you're very evenhanded and fairminded on these things.

And you always keep your cool and argue with reason.

Chip S. said...

phx said...

You can talk about what you want.

You can find tedious anything you like.

Humble thanks, your lordship.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

his annoyance w/ AndyR's predictably off-topic slanders of Republicans is cumulative.

Bingo a rooni

It is the cumulative effect of Andy R calling people racists and homophobes in almost every single thread he has participated in.

Are some people racists and homophobes? Maybe. But not everyone. Andy sees the world through a prism or his own personal world view that distorts everything Things are black and white in Andy's little world. There is no allowance for independent thinking or any deviance from his opinions. If you aren't in absolute lock step....you are called names.

People tend to not appreciate that attitude and eventually, they will snap. As ST stated, Andy is lucky he is on the internet because in real life, he would have the snot beaten out of him, not for being gay or for being a liberal, but just for being a general prick and asshole.

sakredkow said...

your lordship.

That's not necessary.

hombre said...

It is amazing how fiscally illiterate, groupthink Obots stimulate responses here when they basically have nothing to contribute but distraction.

Michael K said...

Blogger Andy R. said...

The non-racist response is the for the Republican Party to stop race-baiting the President. That includes top Romney campaign guy John Sununu who has engaged in a number of racially-charged attacks.

An increase in racism didn't just happen. Take this out of the passive voice. One party decided to stoke white resentment using a racialized campaign strategy.

Maybe you have a problem with that, or maybe you don't.

Hatboy, you're right that one party decided to stoke racism but you are confused (as usual) on which party that is.

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm full of "foul-mouthed invective" for Andy because he's got it coming.

Has nothing to do with the GOP, or any political faction or issue.

He's putting his own form of "foul-mouthed invective" out there and I'm handing it back to him.

Here's where you and I disagree. Slow down and think about this. You think, as a liberal, that there's some sort of legitimacy to his "foul-mouthed invective."

No, he's just a jerk. Now, I've got to get busy and memorize some lyrics for my gig tonight.

edutcher said...

If you disagree with Zero, or don't think he's likeable, that's racist.

On Nov 7, there will be so many racists in this country, Nazi Germany will look like Mr Rogers' Neighborhood in comparison.

Andy R. said...

I think Shouting Thomas is doing what he's doing here because he knows he can't do it out in polite society. People like him have been completely marginalized. And he knows that people like me are winning. He knows I can talk to my friends (and strangers!) at any time and put out a message that extreme anti-gay Christians are flat-out bigots. They can't hide behind their god any more. They've been made to own their bigotry. The tide is turning and my side is clearly winning and ST is impotent and rage-filled and all he can do is scream in a blog comment section.

Everyone knows the gays are winning, and that calling the bigots "bigots" has been an important and effective part of that victory.


That's why Chick-Fil-A is doing so well.

Shouting Thomas said...

My general opinion of Andy is that he's probably correct that people hate him and want to kick his ass.

It's just that this has nothing to do with being gay.

He's just an asshole. That's what people hate him for. He's mistakenly blaming his sexual orientation.

The cause of the hatred he faces is his abominable asshole-dom.

Now, I've got to memorize lyrics.

sakredkow said...

Right, there aren't any bigger assholes here, are there? You hypocrite.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Andy R. said...

Everyone knows the gays are winning,

Funny, your demeanor is that of someone who is losing. Winners can afford to be magnanimous, which you most decidedly are not.

sakredkow said...

Go memorize your lyrics.

God, but you are an awful asshole.
You're such a smug, sanctimonious asshole, Andy.
The little asshole
Dumb asshole
I know an asshole when I see one
dumb bastards like Andy
The little bastard
this sanctimonious little prick
I'll keep reaming out the little asshole

Nice lyrics. Kind of fixated on assholes, but I know you have your fans.

Shouting Thomas said...

There's definitely a good country song in there, phx.

sakredkow said...

Shouting you do the music I'll rearrange the lines. :D

Known Unknown said...

I'm such a racist I voted for Ted Strickland over Kenneth Blackwell in 2006.

Couldn't let the black guy into the Guv's mansion!

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Even more, I would like to see what African-born blacks and
African-American blacks said about each other.

My husband had a friend from Nigeria in college, and he had nothing but amused scorn for the American grievance industry and the role of African-Americans in it.

DADvocate said...

phx and Andyr are dumb asses with better than average vocabularies. Writing more than one comment pointing this, or any similar fact regarding their limited scope and abilities, is a waste of keystrokes.

Pookie Number 2 said...

As ST stated, Andy is lucky he is on the internet because in real life, he would have the snot beaten out of him, not for being gay or for being a liberal, but just for being a general prick and asshole.

This is the main point about Andy. He's not interesting, and he displays neither curiosity nor intelligence. All he ever brings to any conversation is an entirely uninformed smugness. That's not true of most liberals, but it his true of him, and 'asshole' is the best word to describe his tedium.

phx is bright, Inga's oddly appealing, Titus is delightfully insane, and even garage shows signs of thought. But really, 'asshole' is the only word for Andy.

wyo sis said...

I think I, at least, get my feelings about Andy from his picture. He just looks like everyone's idea of a smart ass frat boy. Inga is the opposite. She looks like a smart pretty lady. Then when you read their comments you have your first impression confirmed in Andy's case and not in Inga's case. You have to read her stuff more closely, and she sometimes has a point.

Automatic_Wing said...

Whenever I see Andy R posting, this song comes to mind and I can't get the damn thing outta my head.

sakredkow said...

phx and Andyr are dumb asses

Thanks, Gomer.

rasqual said...

I wonder whether some folks look at the wildly disproportionate representation of blacks among the twitter users posing often overtly racist death threats (certainly mere hyperbole from most of these morons) in the direction of Romney, and begin wondering WTF.

Is it racist to get cynical when you see some the historic victims of American racism becoming racist thugs themselves?

For part, I'm tired of the idiocy regardless of race. The idiocracy is equal opportunity -- though Democrats often seem to want to apply affirmative action in that regard in the public schools.

Anonymous said...

@Hagar - yeah, me too. I was taught as a small child that ppl were no longer prejudiced against black ppl, and so naturally I thought black ppl were the only other race. Everyone else was white. Hispanics were a more swarthy version of white, just like southern Italians or some French ppl. Japanese people were white ppl who were ethnically from Japan, just like Swedish ppl were white people who were ethnically from Sweden as so had certain distinguishing characteristics.

It also helped that as a kid when we shared our various backgrounds at lunch, like sharing our horoscopes, there was not one pure breed Anglo-Saxon among them.

I was truly embarrassingly old before I realized that's not how it was. I also thought it was about hair, not skin.

Anonymous said...

BTW, I think I've taken this test, and my piano/keyboard abilities were of more value than anything else in getting a very low score for prejudice. IOW, the ability to read information in front of me and quickly translate it to keys and switch between hands with relative ease.

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