October 23, 2012

Is Trump's bombshell old divorce papers of Michelle and Barack Obama?

That's what the Daily Mail is rumoring. Unless there is a revelation of some significant misbehavior, this isn't big at all. It mainly makes Trump look small. And it's not helpful to Romney's cause for Trump to claim the spotlight, in the last 2 weeks of the campaign, over this.

Who cares about the internal workings of a political marriage? I always assume there's some phony PR to it. But the fact is they are together, they've played the public role of married couple, and they have 2 very real little girls who don't deserve to be hurt. And because of that, Trump's news, if this is what it is, will only make moderate, middle-of-the road voters feel compassion for Obama.

Trump should crawl back into his hole right now, before he does any damage.


Mogget said...

Jack Ryan, please pick up the white courtesy phone...

Revenant said...

If that's the "bombshell", I expect it will help Obama by making people sympathetic to him.

Of course, Trump's only actual motivation is "publicity for Trump". I seriously doubt he cares if the effect of his "bombshell" is good or bad for either party.

bagoh20 said...

I wanna hear Biden on this.

Bob Ellison said...

That's really stupid.

alan markus said...

What about this?

Gloria Allred Heads To Court, Attempts To Unseal Romney Testimony And Lift Gag Order

Famed civil rights attorney Gloria Allred will be in a Boston area courtroom Wednesday in an attempt to unseal the sworn testimony given by Republican Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, in a prior court case, RadarOnline.com is exclusively reporting.

"The Boston Globe is headed to court tomorrow morning for an emergency hearing in an attempt to obtain a court order to unseal the sworn testimony given by Mitt Romney in a prior court case and to lift a gag order so that the parties can speak about Romney. Gloria Allred will be in court representing one of the parties in the case," a source close to the situation tells RadarOnline.com.

The emergency hearing will take place at the Norfolk Probate & Family Court in Canton, Massachusetts, and Justice Jennifer Ulwick will oversee the proceedings which will begi

Anonymous said...

I'm no fan of Obama (and that's putting it mildly) but who gives a damn about crap from the past like this (assuming it's about a rocky point in his marriage)? Worst political race ever - The Donald Dick and Gloryhound Allred are taking over the headlines.

Ben Morris said...

"If that's the "bombshell", I expect it will help Obama by making people sympathetic to him."


ndspinelli said...

This might as dramatic as Geraldo @ the Capone vault.

Freeman Hunt said...

If that's the "bombshell", I expect it will help Obama by making people sympathetic to him.

I agree. "Couple almost divorces but pulls through and heads on so far through twelve years of stable marriage since." How would that do anything but make the couple look great?

commoncents said...

We have what is probably Mitt Romney's best ad so far... "Apology Tour":


Bob Ellison said...

Well, maybe Allred has a license to practice law in Massachusetts, unlike the Democratic candidate for Senator there, Elizabeth Warren.

rhhardin said...

Trump is a Democrat.

Gahrie said...

My first thought was: "Payback's a bitch!"

President Obama has opened previously sealed divorce records at least twice in successful efforts to destroy political opponents. It would be nothing more than poetic justice to see President Obama torpedoed by his own divorce papers.

That said, if the whole thing is nothing more than they were thinking about getting divorced, best to let it lie.

Gospace said...

Wow, bringing up people's old divorce records again. Obama should really be ashamed of doing things like this.

Anonymous said...

My theory is that Trump wants to hurt Romney, re-elect Obama, and then position himself for the presidency in 2016 by defeating Hilary Clinton.

He'll soon declare martial law, and the lucky among us will be living in condos with names like "Trump Towers at Golden Trump Lake" or "The Donald No. 256"

I"m on board.

traditionalguy said...

Everybody is already sympathetic to Obama for losing. He was used by Soros and friends to pull off major thefts and do critical damage to the US Dollar for their speculation riches.

But first we need sympathy for the 23 million unemployed and wiped out investors that were "collateral damage" in their con. And how about the last 1000 dead in Afghanistan as a cover for this petulant dweeb.

Balfegor said...

Jack Ryan, please pick up the white courtesy phone...

My first thought too. It's a slimy move . . . just the sort of thing Obama has done. One doesn't expect any better of Trump, but at least Romney ought to be above this sort of thing. If it's true.

Jon said...

The Allred thing supposedly also involves a divorce (of Mitt's former business partner).

Ann Althouse said...

"... position himself for the presidency ..."

How delusional can one man be?

He's horrible.

Anonymous said...

I see a future with lots of toupees and marketing. The White House will have some gambling tables and black marble with gold lettering in the lobby.


Revenant said...

at least Romney ought to be above this sort of thing. If it's true.

According to the earlier rumors, the Romney camp rejected using the "bombshell" information. Rightly so, given that it will help Obama.

Tim said...

"And because of that, Trump's news, if this is what it is, will only make moderate, middle-of-the road voters feel compassion for Obama."

Not if Romney gets out in front of this, stating simply the campaign is about the issues and America's future, and that he calls on all partisans to focus on that, rather than late-night "gotchas."

It potentially has the virtue of immunizing him from any late tricks launched by Obama or his partisans, but we all know fairness is a one way street favoring Democrats.

Otherwise, anyone who votes for Obama out of sympathy because of some late-breaking personal news, rather than on the previous four years, is just an idiot and should not vote.

He has a record in office, people. Focus on that.

That alone should be enough.

Sammy said...

It's obvious that they don't have a good marriage..... From the first a thought Michelle Obama held a comtempt for Obama, especially in 2008. When she was a bit more honest in interviews ... This year not so much , probably because she likes the First Lady life style too much, so it's all about win at any cost, no "Obama is lazy", "it's all about him," "can't get him to do the simplest thing around the house"," his childhood was that of a wild animal". I "he's too into his own head", .... If he loses .... They'll divorce within a few years, Obama's a cold fish , and she's all battle axe .

And you know, there's the rumors that's he's on the down low..... So who knows.

Baron Zemo said...

I would agree that it could rebound to Barry's benefit....unless there is something in there that would upset the ladies.

Maybe some spousal abuse.

Maybe an affair.

With a dude.

Let's wait and see if that is what it really is about before we jump.

kimsch said...

Mogget said...

Jack Ryan, please pick up the white courtesy phone...

and Bret Hull.

Obama got Hull's divorce papers out so he could eliminate his primary opponent and sail into the general for one of Illinois' two senators and then Jack and Jeri Ryan's divorce papers to eliminate competition in the general.

And he didn't even serve a full term!

edutcher said...

That doesn't seem Donald enough.

Remember, he was the one who bluffed Zero into releasing his birth cert.

I'm still going with the gay bath thing.

That would blow Little Zero out of the water with some of his key constituencies.

hombre said...

Surely Trump wouldn't be stupid enough to intrude on and politicize the Obama marriage.

Obama, on the other hand has had some success getting court's to unseal records. Certainly the integrity of the courts - like so many other institutions, including the Presidency - cannot be trusted where Obama is concerned.

ricpic said...

Don't hurt my Barry, you nasty nasty man!

alan markus said...

Let's wait and see if that is what it really is about before we jump.

I don't think Trump would waste his time on a near-divorce - especially since this was already mentioned in "The Amateur" by Edward Klein.

chickelit said...

Let's wait and see if that is what it really is about before we jump.

But tomorrow is so far away. People need to know now!!

Wince said...

There has to be more. Can Trump really be this stupid? Not to release it, necessarily, but all the build-up.

As for Gloria Allwet, is it likely she can obtain a selective, targeted release like that from a sealed case or "gag order"?

At most all this will do is prevent Obama from going down in a complete landslide.

Baron Zemo said...

I wonder how the ladies will react if there are acts of spousal abuse.

I mean I bet Michelle slapped the shit out of him a few times.

Knocked him right out of his Mom jeans.

reformed trucker said...

So what if it was a paper marriage; that didn't seem to hurt the Clintons.

Wince said...

edutcher said...
I'm still going with the gay bath thing.

Not that the rumors are mutually exclusive.

Kansas City said...

Trump is a self promoter/publicity hound. I agree divorce papers should not be publicized, although hard to feel sorry for Obama since two of his prior opponents were the victims of unsealded divorce papers.

I actually think it is something else. Trump is not dumb. This seems to have little benefit for him. If true, it is unlikely to affect the election, so long as Romney does not blow the response. Proper response? Maybe

"Highly inappropriate to release divorce papers. It will not in any way be part of my campaign and, in fact, I will not have any further comment about the issue after this statement. I will not even give the issue any thought. My only thoughts about Barack and Michelle Obama are that they are a lovely couple with beautiful children and they and their family have well represented the United States as our First Family. I urge all voters to feel that same way about President and Mrs. Obama and their family. Thank you."

Comanche Voter said...

Someone once said of Billy Jeff Clinton that he was a liar--but that he was uncommonly good at it.

Now Donald Trump not only knows how to make himself look small--but he's uncommonly good at it.

Writ Small said...

We can't imagine Romney doing certain things the president has done:

Mocking his opponent's intelligence by condescendingly explaining what aircraft carriers and submarines are.

Releasing sealed divorce records to win an election.

I agree it is a bad idea, just like the other "bombshell" Obama critics got excited about: Obama's 2008 racial speech.

Trump is butthurt over being mocked when Obama released his birth certificate, but Trump should back off. Let Romney try to win this thing clean.

Baron Zemo said...

We don't know who filed here so we need to wait and see.

What if Obama was the one who had issues? What if Michelle was the one who was stepping out? What if Barry wanted Michelle to have sex in front of other people in sex clubs?

Who would want to win an election based on such sordid revelations?

Jon Burack said...

Meanwhile there are rumors of an equally odious effort by the equally odios Gloria Alred to get some family court records unsealed. Any news on that? It is time for the night crawlers, I guess.

coketown said...

I think it depends on how dishy the details are. If it's Raisin-in-the-Sun caliber, it could be damaging. But if it's on par with the series finale of Good Times, it's probably DOA.

But let's be real. It could be authentic footage of Obama and Axelrod burying a hooker in the desert and the media would ignore it.

Probably the press will digest Trump's bombshell in a compare-and-contrast exercise with Allred's stunt. Trumped-up Chump vs. Stunt Cunt. Page 1 material, folks. The two will tire each other out and self-diffuse. It's best if both candidates stay clear of the whole thing.

BUT WOULDN'T THAT BE SOOO FUNNY?! If Obama sank by the same means he's sunk others--by the impeccably timed release of juicy divorce details? That's poetry. That's Raisin-in-the-Sun caliber.

alan markus said...

Kevin DuJan, at Hillbuzz.Org (gay, conservative, former Hillary Clinton supporter) has some interesting speculations:

1) Trump is "trumping" whatever Gloria Allred is doing tomorrow.

2) Trump has gotten access to Obama's college records.

It's all speculation, just like here, but it is a different spin.

By the way, over at Hillbuzz they often imply that Obama is gay - ("Bathhouse Barry", member of the Chicago "Down-Low Club", etc.)

Michael Haz said...

As an attentive American, I always pay attention to what Donald Trump says about marriage, and what Gloria Allred says about responsible behavior.

Fine exemplars, both.

Mom said...

Kansas City, precisely. If it's divorce papers or some other slimy thing of that nature, Romney should jump out there and separate himself from it like the classy guy he is. Not only is that the right thing to do -- but it'll make it harder for Obama to use whatever slime Allred may be cooking up without looking just like the petty little jerk he is.

BaltoHvar said...

I agree that with divorce rates as high as 50% that a "revelation" like that would pretty much be "ho-hum." I'd also believe that as shrewd as Trump is, he'd not foist something that mundane on the campaign now.

Besides, there are plenty of other bones in the closet that would qualify as "bombshell" material.

"Trump should crawl back into his hole right now, before he does any damage." Is that a tell?

hombre said...

Shyster, mediaswine and Democrats, a Troika of Evil, unite in a last ditch effort to slime Mitt Romney for having the gall to offer the country someting other than Chicago thuggery and economic ruin.

Disgusting, if true.

garage mahal said...

By the way, over at Hillbuzz they often imply that Obama is gay - ("Bathhouse Barry", member of the Chicago "Down-Low Club", etc.)

A good sign you have no life is if you find yourself trolling Hillbuzz looking for scoops on whether or not Obama is gay.

pm317 said...

You know he won his two elections before 2008, getting a court to unseal sealed divorce papers of his opponents, right?

I want to know what MO accused him of doing in those papers. If nothing else, it should shatter the lovable 'boyfriend' image.

cold pizza said...

Can Glory trump Trump? Whose face will be all red? Inquiring minds...oh, who the hell cares? -CP

Amy said...

The idea of an old almost-divorce is absolutely non-news, to be sure.

BUT one thing I noticed after all the debates is how, after the debate, when the spouses came up on stage, the president and Michelle did the STRANGEST hug/pat thing. It was strikingly platonic. I forgot about it the first time, and then was struck anew by it at each of the following debates. Romney and Anne seemed to hug one another with genuine affection.
But the patting thing was so noticeable - anyone else see it?

Joe Schmoe said...

Trump isn't that dumb and he's on wife #3 himself. So I don't think Trump would consider plain-jane divorce papers to be 'yuge'. There would have to be something sensational in them.

Good thing the GOP rebuffed Trump, first as a potential candidate and then as a primary debate moderator. They put some distance between themselves and the Donald.

BaltoHvar said...

Decades ago a local City or County official had a fairly public run-in with G.A., Esq. At the time she was quite a piece of work visually. I mean it was ugly. He combined the term for a male longhorn and a a dam in Holland. I think his name was Cunningham (help me bagho20).

So just a very short time later she re-appeared looking like she'd been the winning contestant on "What Not to Wear" (mmm Stacey London) and the rest is, as they say...

alan markus said...

The idea of an old almost-divorce is absolutely non-news, to be sure.

And it's also old news - Google "Edward Klein The Amateur Obama Divorce" and you will find at least 6 pages of links from May 18th.

Again, I suspect this whole post is one big bark up the wrong tree.

Methadras said...

If that is all trump has, then he has nothing. I'd thought for sure he'd say that he has Urkel's college applications and transcripts.

Issob Morocco said...

Sounds eerily like your complaint about Romney and race before the debate. Methinks you are back for more with this piece. Isn't it enough for the Badgers to lose at home this Saturday?

Dante said...

Maybe it's the news that Obama or his henchmen opened up the child custody records of his Republican opponent, causing him to withdraw.

Maybe it's the news that Obama was able to purchase a beautiful home under price, and that the wife of his now-felon associate bought the bare property next door.

Or maybe it's that she sold him a ten strip of the property next door, making it useless for development as the lot was no longer large enough.

Or maybe it's that millions Rezko took were to renovate slums in Obama's own district.

Or maybe it's that Obama started his rise to political power by using legal challenges to kick of is democrat opponents.

Or maybe it's some of the people Obama consorts with, people most Americans might find reactionary.

Or maybe it's another divisive race baiting speech the man gave.

Or maybe it's the way he treats his impoverished half brother.

Or maybe it's that he was the head of the Choom gang.

Seriously, what can't the man get away with? There can be no bombshell on this man. People still vote for him.

Methadras said...

chrisnavin.com said...

My theory is that Trump wants to hurt Romney, re-elect Obama, and then position himself for the presidency in 2016 by defeating Hilary Clinton.

He'll soon declare martial law, and the lucky among us will be living in condos with names like "Trump Towers at Golden Trump Lake" or "The Donald No. 256"

I"m on board.

I thought Trump and Romney knew each other and are actually friends.

alan markus said...

A good sign you have no life is if you find yourself trolling Hillbuzz looking for scoops on whether or not Obama is gay.

Sounds like the voice of experience chiming in.

Renee said...

In a culture of divorce, I welcome the idea of any couple reconciling and saving their marriage. Trump wouldn't understand, that's a good thing.

Anonymous said...

I could not agree with Althouse more. This will not help one bit. In fact, it will do the exact opposite. If this is what it is, I hope the Romney people are on the phone now telling Trump to STFU.

alan markus said...

I had read the linked article before it appeared here (over at Legal Insurrection)- I took a second look at it.

Do you all realize the "source" is a Gnome?

Douglas Kass, a Florida-based investor who appears on CNBC’s talkshow ‘Squawkbox’ where Trump is often a commentator, tweeted to his 48,000 followers: 'High above the Alps my Gnome has heard that Donald Trump will announce that he has unearthed divorce papers between the Prez and his wife.'

Anonymous said...

Yes, except that Trump is then pulling this from the Obama playbook. Should we then by logical extension think the same way of Obama? As a small and petty person?

Sydney said...


Anonymous said...

The rumor mill. About Obama.... Where there is smoke... nuff said..

Same is being done to Romney. At the same time. Just that people perceive it differently.

chickelit said...

Is Gloria Allred anymore more defensible than Donald Trump? If so, why?

Cedarford said...

Not interested in old divorce stuff, unless it was a divorce about Michelle catching Barack buggering a male law student of his.
(Even there, I wouldn't care to read it)
What I WOULD be interested is Trump using his NYC network to score Chooms full Columbia transcripts. Grades, SATs, letters of recommendation, full description of courses.

wyo sis said...

Romney is smart to distance himself from October surprises. If Obama is smart he will too.

I'd like to see the end of the October surprise as an election tactic. I can't believe it works.

Anonymous said...

I agree. I wish Trump would not give the liberal media a distraction from Obama's serious loss of support.

garage mahal said...

You know he won his two elections before 2008, getting a court to unseal sealed divorce papers of his opponents, right?

Obama "got" a court to unseal divorce records?

1. The Chicago Tribune and WLS sued to release the records.

2. Ryan's primary opponents urged for the release of the records.

3. Obama at the time told Democrats to stay away from using them.

4. Obama was way up in every poll taken before the records were released, and eventually beat Alan Keyes by 40 points.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

And it's not helpful to Romney's cause for Trump to claim the spotlight, in the last 2 weeks of the campaign, over this.

In this pageant Romney's dress is the most delicate ever.

Revenant said...

Obama has been President for four years. You're crazy if you think a Shocking Revelation from his Dark and Troubled Past is going to swing voters at this point. People have seen how he performs as President. Either you're happy with that -- or you aren't.

Most people aren't. Romney has presented himself as a legitimate alternative, which is why the race is starting to swing in his favor. Personal attacks against Obama are a distraction; this is about the job.

mesquito said...

If Trump is a Republican, why is he acting like a Chicago Democrat?

chickelit said...

Garage Mahal, O.D.
(Doctor of Obamapology)

Kelly said...

I don't think democrats are wringing their hands over the Allred stuff (in fact, I imagine them panting like a hound on a scent) the way republicans are with the Trump crap. It isn't fair, but it's just a fact of life democrats can get away with this kind of dirty politics.

Anonymous said...

I didn't say it was a good theory.

bagoh20 said...

If I was a lawyer, I'd hunt down Allred and treat her like the zombie undead that she has chosen to be. A more despicable creature rarely walks free.

Gospace said...

As long as we are speculating, why did Michelle give up her law license? maybe Trump knows...

edutcher said...

EDH said...

I'm still going with the gay bath thing.

Not that the rumors are mutually exclusive.

By no means, in fact, the case can be made one may have prompted the other.

wyo sis said...

I'd like to see the end of the October surprise as an election tactic. I can't believe it works.

As long as the Demos can't win on the issues, they have to use it.

And it's really never worked.

mesquito said...

If Trump is a Republican, why is he acting like a Chicago Democrat?

Sometimes the only way to win is beat the bad guys at their own game.

Besides, there can be a perverse satisfaction in it.

chickelit said...

Garage Mahal, O.D.
(Doctor of Obamapology)

Not only wins the thread, but the day.

garage mahal said...

(Doctor of Obamapology)

Don't worry, facts and common sense will never get in the way of your ODS.

clint said...

Alternative Allred theory:

- She knows there's nothing there that's harmful to Romney.
- She knows the judge will refuse to unseal the records.
- By ginning up the coverage and speculation, she will have produced the impression that Romney has something sinister in his past that he's desperate to hide.

Alternative (even less likely) Trump theory:

- At the last minute, Trump will announce that Mitt Romney called him up and personally asked him not to release this information, damaging though it would be to Barrack Obama.

Thus, Romney appears to be the better man, and we're left with the impression that Obama has something sinister in his past that he's desperate to hide.

On the other hand, both of these theories may just be an expression of my desire for both of these self-promoting cretins to go away quietly, without throwing mud all over our election.

Revenant said...

I don't think democrats are wringing their hands over the Allred stuff

Romney is, at the moment, winning. Changing the focus of the campaign when you're winning is idiotic.

Romney's strategy, all along, has been "Obama has failed, and I'll be a competent manager". It appears to be working. Why in the hell would he want to switch to "eeeew, Obama had tawdry marriage problems a decade ago"? I mean seriously, who gives a greasy shit about Obama's marriage? Its the economy, stupid.

Anonymous said...

One has to wonder if Trumps big story is a response to something damaging Allred has unearthed. I have a feeling it isn't any big deal. Of course, it won't matter what Obama did, even if they have video of him smoking weed while being briefed about Libya.

Do we have any clue what is in the records from the Romney case?

mccullough said...

Trump v. Gloria Allred. This should be a nice distraction.

blutax said...
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blutax said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bryan C said...

"A good sign you have no life is if you find yourself trolling Hillbuzz looking for scoops on whether or not Obama is gay."

Please don't make me agree with garage.

The Romney campaign already slapped down at least one potential anti-Obama "surprise" some other dude tried to peddle. I don't think Romney or his people want to have anything to do with stupid stuff like this..

Anonymous said...

Trump, we at the WH LOVE YA. Forget the past when we made fun of your hair piece.

GO FOR this divorce rumor. The people will be sympathetic. You are also divorced, many times. Every-one divorces. My two GF left me.

No, no, please continue.

Just do not release the POTUS transcript from Columbia.

Okay? Donnie-boy!

cubanbob said...

Unless there is real actionable information Obama was taking bribes ( after all he is from Chicago) it's all nonsense.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
pm317 said...

What I WOULD be interested is Trump using his NYC network to score Chooms full Columbia transcripts. Grades, SATs, letters of recommendation, full description of courses.

I agree.

mtrobertsattorney said...

More likely, Trump has gotten a hold of Obama's college application records to Columbia and HLS where he has taken on the persona of a foreign student.

mtrobertsattorney said...

More likely, Trump has gotten a hold of Obama's college application records to Columbia and HLS where he has taken on the persona of a foreign student.

exhelodrvr1 said...

It probably involves horses, bayonets, and Gloria Allred.

David said...

"David said...
Now supposedly it's that Barack and Michelle considered divorce at one point. So what? Climb back in your hole, Trump."

So said me at 5:15 in the prior post on the subject.

Trump should just stay down there and work on his comb over.

Anonymous said...

"A good sign you have no life is if you find yourself trolling Hillbuzz looking for scoops on whether or not Obama is gay."

Agreed. Also coming to Althouse more than 2X per day.

Trump is most likely blowing hot air but I think he's not stupid enough to think that old divorce papers are going to do anything.

It would be fun if he unearthed Obama's college transcripts, and it turned out that "Barry Soetoro" got mostly Cs and Ds.

Titus said...

This could be huge and I am thrilled.

I would be more thrilled if the divorce was because Barry went to a Bathhouse.

Bring it Trump. I am getting excited.....not.


Lyle said...

More respect for Romney for rejecting this information.

Breaking families apart is not what conservatives are about... they're about building families.

Trump knows jack all about that.

garage mahal said...

The wingnut obsession with Obama's college records is just pathological.

LilyBart said...

We're really going to talk about this?

We're $16 trillion in debt. We need a plan (A REAL plan, not smoke up our skirts) to fix this spending problem.

LilyBart said...

The wingnut obsession with Obama's college records is just pathological.

I'd like to see those records - to see if he took and PASSED a basic economics class. I'm thinking no.

Wince said...

garage mahal said...
The wingnut obsession with Obama's college records is just pathological.

Try that response with the next potential employer who asks you for a transcript.

Sloanasaurus said...

I also agree wih althouse. These should stay private.

But..... What if there are allegations of physical violence or crude behavior. Remember obama is only presidnt today because he got at divorce records of two opponents in illinois. The records contained allegations of physical violence and crude behavior of them allowing obama to cruise to victory. I dont think people would sympathize at all with obama if there is such a revelation.

Dante said...

1. The Chicago Tribune and WLS sued to release the records.

It was child custody records.

With Axelrod's hands all over it.

DADvocate said...

Whatever Trump has, we don't need it.

Dante said...

I'm still going with the gay bath thing.

Well he did imply, at a meeting attended by many gays, that unlike Michelle, he goes all the way down.

JohnJ said...

I don’t know that I trust Trump to recognize a real “bombshell.”

In any case, I gotta think that someone in the Romney campaign knows what Trump’s up to. The fact that the campaign has not distanced itself from whatever it is suggests to me that it’s not old divorce papers.

LilyBart said...

The records contained allegations of physical violence and crude behavior of them allowing obama to cruise to victory.

There were charges made by a woman seekint g custody of her children in a divorce. You don't think people tend to lay the charges on a little thick in the middle of a heated divorce?

The judge in that case should have excercised better judgement and left the records sealed, as requested by the people involved in the case.

Those Obama people are awful, awful.

Beldar said...

My take, including (in the first comment) my analysis of the "Jack and Jeri Ryan" precedent: Say no to Trump.

Key paragraph:

"There is simply no net political upside for anyone who opposes Barack Obama's reelection in doing anything that will be perceived, rightly or wrongly, as an attack on the First Lady, or an intrusion into the Obamas' marriage and family that has no close relationship to anything Pres. Obama has done or might do as President."

Steve Austin said...

Trump isn't that stupid. The divorce papers thing is a ruse.

I'd have to think he's got the college transcripts that show him as a foreign student. Barry loved being considered a Kenyan until it came time to run for serious offices in Illinois.

I guess the question is does that revelation help or hurt Rommey at this point? Two weeks ago I would have said help. But now with more Libya questions tonight and F Chuck Todd talking about the polls collapsing for Obama, I'd rather Trump hold it back.

bagoh20 said...

"I'd like to see the end of the October surprise as an election tactic. I can't believe it works."

It will never end as long as Gloria Allred walks the earth eating human brains. It does work, and the zombie lawyerette pulls it every time the Republican gets a chance. She pulled in the last two gubernatorial races in CA and likely cost CA a chance at survival when she ruined Meg Whitman's Republican run by dragging out a bogus illegal alien nannygate charge, which likely led to us getting Governor Moonbeam from the 70's back. Of course he is working his ass off now to get the most taxed citizens in the nation to increase the sales tax, the income tax and others to pay primarily for public employees benefits. Them Dems just never get enough lies, taxes or deficits to satisfy.

Petunia said...

Anybody who would vote for Obama (or any candidate, really) out of sympathy is truly an idiot and should never vote again.

William said...

In an earlier post, commenters speculated on what, given the example of Ted Kennedy, would be a career ending scandal for a Democrat. Well, here's one: If Obama cheated on Michelle with a white woman.....I don't say that this is the scandal, only that this is a scandal that would irreparably hurt Obama with black women voters. He would be better able to negotiate a bathhouse scandal than that.....I think Larry Flynt remains America's preeminent dirtbag. Trump and Alred are just wannabes next to the depth and breadth of this man's exalted ducheitude.

Beldar said...

@ Steve Austin: "Trump isn't that stupid"? Really?

He's as big a clown as Joe Biden.

Trump is good at one thing only: Ruthless self-promotion. He's made a fortune, you say? He's lost many fortunes, many times over; Trump-owned and -controlled entities have wiped out more investors' equity in bankruptcies than you can possibly imagine. Such success as he's had -- and it's a fraction of what he'd have you believe he's had -- has come from successfully suckering people, whether that's still more investors or the reality-TV [sic] fans that are now his real business.

Anonymous said...

Well he did imply, at a meeting attended by many gays, that unlike Michelle, he goes all the way down.


Jesus, do you have all of this stuff in L2 cache or something?

John henry said...

What if Obama is gay?

There have long been whispers about this.

Reggie Love, his former "body man" is alleged by some to be his lover.

John Henry

Drago said...

Garage: "A good sign you have no life is if you find yourself trolling Hillbuzz looking for scoops on whether or not Obama is gay."

When can we expect that "just around the corner" Walker indictment?


Very soon?

Very very soon?

John henry said...

Obama was totally wrong about submarines last night when he said they are ships that go underwater.

All ships can go underwater. It is why they are called "targets".

Submarines can come back up again.

And they are not ships, they are boats.

John Henry

Chuck66 said...

William...good point.

The OJ defense lawyers held focus groups to decide on the jury. Turns out black women hated white women who slept with black men, so that is one of the reasons they let OJ go...he only killed a white bitch and a Jew.

garage mahal said...

When can we expect that "just around the corner" Walker indictment?

When can we expect you to shut the fuck up?

Titus said...

Trumps bombshell has me completely hard and you know what they say...where there is smoke there is fire!

This is going to be enormous and be a HUGE game changer.

I can barely sleep because the news has got my cock rock hard and I can't wait to see how the libtard media tries to ignore this news. The Lame Stream Media will be unable to digest this and it will be so overcuming.

The election is all but over.

Big Fucking Tits.

KCFleming said...

The only real scandal was that a complete incompetent was elected President in 2008.

Chuck66 said...

Titus turns into a realist!

bagoh20 said...

When Althouse or anyone says that something will help a candidate through a sympathy vote, they are talking about women voters.

So any of you guys who have one of these female type devices around the house, I'd suggest you just power her down and put it her in the closet until this important man's work is done. After the election, you can reboot her and celebrate. Don't forget to lubricate the bearings and and check the oil before starting her back up, and she'll probably run a little rough until you get her warmed up.

edutcher said...

Something I saw over at HotAir and not raised here:

Maybe the Donald has a copy of the Khalidi tape the LA Times has been sitting on.

And the NY Post is getting word it's got nothing to do with divorce papers

PS Off Al Reuters: The Feds had a claim of responsibility 2 hours into the firefight in Benghazi.

mccullough said...

Maybe a 2-year old Barack Obama shot JFK.

a psychiatrist who learned from veterans said...

Can somebody tell this guy, if he wants acceptable bad publicity he needs to run for Mayor of Chicago as a Republican. If he does this 'bombshell' thing, even G. Gordon Liddy isn't going to have lunch with him.

Drago said...

sad sack garage: "When can we expect you to shut the fuck up?"


That's it?


Nothing else?

Well here's something you can sink your teeth into: Pics of Romney's campaign event at Red Rocks in Denver tonight..


Red Rocks seats over 9,000 and they were turning thousands away....


In Colorado....

I'll bet you really want me to shut up now don't you sad sack?

Not. A. Chance.

You and yours had your chance. Time for the adults to step back in.

Drago said...

garage the inconsequential: "When can we expect you to shut the fuck up?"

You mad bro'?

john marzan said...

potential to hurt romney because trump is associated with him.

garage mahal said...

"You mad bro?"

No. You're just an annoying idiot.

le Douanier said...

"potential to hurt romney because trump is associated with him."

JAL said...

IIRC, Jeri Ryan wanted the records kept sealed also for the sake of the kids.

Nice people, smart judge, good journolists, over there in Illinois,

JAL said...

I do think that the Obama Campaign was its own "October Surprise."

LilyBart said...

GM says....You're just an annoying idiot.

Pot. Kettle.

Mark said...

Late to the conversation, but my first thought was "Payback's a bitch."

Second thought was that it really matters what the grounds for putative divorce were. If they were "irreconcilable differences" then Trump should be raked over the coals.

If they were "Barry is a coke fiend who spends more nights at the gay baths than at home" then we have something worth seeing.

Mark said...

The wingnut obsession with Obama's college records is just pathological.

I remember a time when Bush's transcript was considered a healthy topic of conversation. And hey, that one had no secret ingredients.

MayBee said...

I understand feeling sympathy for a candidate.

But please do not say "women" will actually vote for a candidate out of sympathy. That has nothing to do with being a woman. That's about being a mush.

MayBee said...

I once again will state my wish that we could keep wives and families out of politics. The idea that we have polling on first ladies is preposterous and in the end, damaging to relationships.

Imagine how much better the lives of John Edward's kids would have been had John and Elizabeth not known being a cute couple would get them votes.

If we weren't asked to fall in love with Michelle and Barack, and indeed if they didn't know Democrat voters love seeing them together, we wouldn't even see the threat of "bombshells" like this.

Roger J. said...

maybe--in the world of some politics, kids and families are just collateral damage--how sad

MayBee said...

maybe--in the world of some politics, kids and families are just collateral damage--how sad

It's true.
I believe Althouse has advocated looking at the spouse of the candidate, because it will tell us something about the candidate.
So, I don't know how she can go all this is disgusting! if someone decides to look into the story behind the story regarding the spouse.

I advocate the idea that we do not know about the personal lives of others- especially politicians- and can't judge on the facade they represent. So let's just judge the candidates on themselves.

Roger J. said...

MayBee--apologies for misspelling your name

MayBee said...

No problem RogerJ. It's not my real name. :)

MayBee said...

I think what has held her [Bachman] back is her husband. A candidate's spouse matters.... But Gingrich's decline coincided with some intense focus on Callista. I'm not saying his decline was all about Callista. He had his surge, and that drew all sorts of scrutiny and criticism, and there was plenty to bring him back down. Yet the wife — and the wives — have mattered.

I agree a revelation about the Obama marriage may not help Romney now. But this from Althouse seems to me to be an inconsistent stance- the spouse matters politically! But nobody cares about the marriage (when it's Obama).

Nora said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nora said...

For Trump to come with this kind of "bombshell" is pretty hypocritical. What # is his current wife?

If this is all he has for "surprise" Romney would be better of if Trump shuts up.

Nora said...

alan markus said...
What about this?
Famed civil rights attorney Gloria Allred ....

Since when she is "civil rights attorney"? She is 'looking for any opportunity to put my on TV' attorney.

taz3.com said...

my co-worker's mom makes $78/hour on the laptop. She has been fired for six months but last month her pay check was $18764 just working on the laptop for a few hours. Read more here http://Run19.com

AlanKH said...

Trump has incriminating photos of Obama opening his Caymans offshore account.

Or he has the Khalidi tape.

Or he has copies of Obama's college transcripts.

Or he has copies of Obama's AND Biden's college transcripts, and Biden has the better grades.

People Died, The President Lied said...

This is just balance.

Balance, for the forthcoming Gloria Allred construct meant to smear Romney.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Michael said...

Garage. Wow, dude, you seem testy about the upcoming indictment from the double super secret grand jury. Have you gotten impatient? Dont sweat it, they are just being extra careful.

test said...

Alan said...

Or he has the Khalidi tape.

This is the only item mentioned anywhere I'd actually be interested in.

Rusty said...

garage mahal said...
When can we expect that "just around the corner" Walker indictment?

When can we expect you to shut the fuck up?

Aw,poor baby.

Matt Sablan said...

Romney: Rejected whatever dirt Trump is about to throw.

Obama: Just asking questions about cancer murder.


smarty said...

Oh yes, the Republicans should never use the Democrats tricks against them, why, it would be UNDIGNIFIED!!

If the Democrats show up to a barfight with a broken bottle, don't be too proud to pitch a cue ball between their eyes.

Patrick said...

Trump is gonna expose the President's secret past as a secretly successful business owner.

damikesc said...

Allred is trying to unseal to unseal somebody else's divorce records to try and attack Romney.

Shouldn't Obama distance himself from it?

Roger J. said...

With respect Ms Allred, "legal ethics" is a great oxymoron--right up there with "giant shrimp"

Roger J. said...

addendum: the judge in question, a Deval Patrick appointee, should postpone the hearing until November 7. But then again, it is MA.

Green said...

Hey Anne, does Gloria outrage you as much or is all of your outrage saved for republicans, like with "obamaphone"?

Christopher in MA said...

The wingnut obsession with Obama's college records is just pathological.

Says the pigfucker who screeched like a loon to see Dubya's TANG records. And who, when asked about his any day now! Walker indictment is reduced to "shut the fuck up."

Oh, garage, your election night meltdown is going to be epic. . .

Gahrie said...

The wingnut obsession with Obama's college records is just pathological.

Less so than the Moonbat obsession with Romney's tax returns.

Romney has released just as many tax returns as McCain did. Every presidential candidate for the last 20 years has released their college records except for Obama.

dreams said...

I'm worried about what the Dems are going to do for their October surprise about Romney. Pat Caddell says they will do something. They will not go gently into that good night for the Dems are totally ruthless and totally without principles.

dreams said...

I wonder if it is about Obama's secret gay life.

Scott M said...

Who cares about the internal workings of a political marriage?

This has probably already been mentioned up above, but didn't a certain incumbent president win an Illinois election because of what was revealed in the divorce filing?

Other than something significant in those papers, this is a non-story and Trump makes himself look worse than his hair. And that's saying something.

Patrick said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Patrick said...

From Mitt Romney's attorney:

I don't give a rat's ass.

Your move, Gloria.

dreams said...

"Hey Anne, does Gloria outrage you as much or is all of your outrage saved for republicans, like with "obamaphone"?"

I have a theory about liberals whereas they proclaim to be compassionate and caring, I believe liberals are actually selfish people who are just out for themselves, for example they give little to charity, I actually believe they have less empathy than conservatives. Of course, no person wants to look in the mirror and see a selfish person so liberals convince themselves that they really are caring people, the way they do it is by promoting big government such as welfare and other services for the poor provided by the taxpayer thus assuaging their guilt. Here is an example of pretend empathy, Charlene R Lamb the state department official who testified before congress about the Benghazi terrorist attack said that she was uncomfortable with the word terrorism. Why would she feel uncomfortable? Can't she put herself in another person's shoes who is the victim of terrorism? Apparently lacking empathy, she can't so she pretends to have empathy but notice her pretend empathy isn't for the victim but for the terrorist.

People who prefer saying man made disasters rather than terrorism are identifying with the terrorists instead of the victims. I say it is because they lack empathy and in overcompensating they show inappropriate empathy.

raf said...

MayBee: ...the [x]matters politically! But nobody cares about the [x](when it's Obama).

Because that would be racist.

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