September 25, 2012

"What's behind all the... hype?" — asks the Washington Post, revealingly.

The WaPo seems to be brimming with optimism about the sunny prospects of our handsome President. Look at him striding forward silhouetted against blue skies.

But look closely, there across the top. Yes, the new poll — Lead widens! — and there's Elizabeth Warren — Gloves are off! — but then the facade slips. See it?

"What's behind all this kale hype?"

Yeah! Hype! I keep seeing it everywhere! Ridiculous promotion! Ridiculous promotion of... a vegetable. You know, that one: Kale!!! Why's everybody talking about kale?!! Kale! It's on everyone's lips! Kale! We're gonna live forever! Kale! I'm gonna learn how to fly! On Air Force One!!!11!!1! I got more in me, and you can set it free, I can catch the moon in my hands. Don't you know who I am? Barack Obama. And Kale! We're gonna live forever. I feel it coming together. People will see me and cry. Kale! I'm gonna make it to heaven! He went to Harvard not Yale! Kale!

And have you heard? WE'RE EATING MORE BEETS!


edutcher said...

No mention of a skew (there's a surprise).

As for Loathsome Dove, a more fitting analogy might be picking up the war hatchet.

Or battleaxe, if you prefer.

And isn't kale grown in the ocean?

Nonapod said...

Kale is possibly the worst tasting green thing I've ever tasted. It seems to me people's infatuation with eating garbage like kale is a sort of self flagellation, a penance for transgressions against the gods of good health.

purplepenquin said...

Posting a Doonesbury reference? Our hostess must be trying to run away from that "conservative"

Wince said...

While the practicing law without a license angle is still percolating in the Boston press, this today:

Miner: Elizabeth Warren’s biz ‘hypocritical’ -- Warren fought for steel company to avoid paying benefits

Warren was one of two LTV lawyers who wrote a petition to the U.S. Supreme Court challenging the appellate court decision siding with the coal miners, documents obtained by the Herald show. The high court never took up the case.

Warren was paid about $10,000 for her work, according to her campaign. The latest disclosure comes after the Herald reported that Warren defended an insurance giant against asbestos victims.

chickelit said...

That Doonesbury sketch is very Crumby. Keep on truckin' those veggies across the nation!

Texan99 said...

An enthusiasm for Tuscan kale is one of the few things I have in common with the First Lady. We grow it. I can't get enough of it. Never did understand why people don't like to eat greens -- not that I have any interest in telling other people what to eat. They should eat what they like, as long as they come by it honestly.

Andy said...

Yeah! Hype!

Latest Swing State Polls

Obama is at 50% or better in all those states except North Carolina. By the way, Ann, you need to start ignoring national polls. What's important is the electoral college, not the popular vote total.

Claiming that it is a tight race because the two of them are tied in the national tracking polls is a completely ignorant comment about a presidential campaign.

Obama's Lead is Starting to Look Insurmountable

Oh noes!

Anonymous said...

I prefer collard greens or turnip greens, made with ham hocks or smoked turkey wings, if you can't get past the hock thing. Lots of red pepper seeds, a big onion, some big cloves of garlic, salt, pepper, let simmer for hours for collards, not that long for turnip greens.

Delicious and nutritious . Make sure you eat those hocks, or smoked turkey wings too, tender falling off the bone scrumptious.

AF said...

Easy there, Professor. I understand that it is a cognitive and perhaps emotional strain to muster several daily doses of two-minute hate toward a cultural group that you essentially agree with and belong to, at least when you stop to reflect on what you really believe, and who you object to on essentially aesthetic grounds, because you consider yourself wittier or more thoughtful or honest or insightful than they, and also because through happenstance you have developed an audience that expects you to insult these people. But it will ease up after the election. You're going to get through this.

Wince said...

What Althouse is taking note of is large segments of the establishment media have embodied Obama's goal.

Not in terms of some positive way forward for the nation, but simply in terms of his own reelection.

Calypso Facto said...

And by "insurmountable", Andy means one of the weakest leads by an incumbent in modern history....

chickelit said...

Andy S. chirps: Obama's Lead is Starting to Look Insurmountable

The only word that gets Andy more excited than "insurmountable" is insurrection.

Christopher in MA said...

Obama's Lead is Starting to Look Insurmountable

Oh noes!

President Dewey would like a word with you, Hat.

Brian Brown said...

ndy R. said...

Latest Swing State Polls

Obama is at 50% or better in all those states except North Carolina

Why don't you tell us the internals of those polls?

Really, I can't wait to hear all about it.

Brian Brown said...

Andy R. said...

Obama's Lead is Starting to Look Insurmountable

Oh noes!

With a link to Mother Jones, no less.

Calling you stupid is an insult to stupid.

TosaGuy said...

"I prefer collard greens or turnip greens, made with ham hocks or smoked turkey wings,"

I love that too -- put in the crock pot and let for for a few hours. Fortunately, my collard patch rocked this year.

Brian Brown said...

Andy R. said...

Claiming that it is a tight race because the two of them are tied in the national tracking polls is a completely ignorant comment about a presidential campaign.

Pretending Obama is 'ahead' by referencing polls which over sample Democrats as a part of the methodological is not only ignorant, its comical.

Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) said...

Wisconsin is by far the leading beet producer in America. I produce beets in Kansas.

Per capita annual consumption of beets is under 0.2 pounds.

Nobody's gonna get rich producing beets, or for that matter ... eating them.

Colonel Angus said...

If Obama wins you can rest assured you will hear the words 'its not my fault' for the next four years.

Anonymous said...

I hate beets.

Brian Brown said...

Andy R. said...

Obama's Lead is Starting to Look Insurmountable

Oh noes!


Iowa now has 20,000 more registered Republicans than registered Democrats. That's a 130K flip from 2009.


Number of Florida voters who registered with the GOP up 67,000 from 2008; Democrats are down roughly 170,000

Number of New Mexico voters who registered with the GOP up 10,000 from 2008; Democrats are down roughly 14,000

Oh and the GOP has a registration edge in Colorado - there are 837,732 active registered Republicans and 739,778 active registered Democrats, about a 98,000-voter advantage.

But you go on believing Obama is ahead in Colorado little boy.

That will make your day easier.

I promise.

machine said...

I just wish we were able to enjoy the terrible Kale in our private jets with the windows rolled down...oh wait...

Brian Brown said...

By the way that Ohio poll is D+7 poll in a state that is currently R+1.

Watching Andy slobber all over it is funny though.

Anonymous said...

By the way, Ann, you need to start ignoring national polls. What's important is the electoral college, not the popular vote total.

You do know that she only needs to bother with that if it's a tight race, yes?

edutcher said...

Andy R. said...

Yeah! Hype!

Latest Swing State Polls

Obama is at 50% or better in all those states except North Carolina. By the way, Ann, you need to start ignoring national polls. What's important is the electoral college, not the popular vote total.

Claiming that it is a tight race because the two of them are tied in the national tracking polls is a completely ignorant comment about a presidential campaign.

Not to mention going off a report that cherry-picks which polls say what they want to spread.

Obama's Lead is Starting to Look Insurmountable

Oh noes!

Mother Jones. A fine, objective source.

PS Like to see what unskewed polls might look like?


I'm the first to say YMMV as to how close one might take this to heart, but it does raise some interesting scenarios.

Texan99 said...

Bart Hall: good man. Nothing wrong with a beet, either, especially roasted in a salad with apples, feta cheese, and pine nuts.

Michael K said...

"“Any vegetable that has a very deep color the way kale does, that means there is a high concentration of nutrients, and that translates into a range of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects in the body,” says Deirdre Orceyre, a naturopathic physician at the Center for Integrative Medicine at the George Washington University Medical Center."

The way medical schools have sold out to the anti-science left is disgraceful. Usually, it is some rich dope (often the wife or widow) who is just certain that acupuncture works or kale has to be good for you because it tastes so bad. The medical schools go for the green (the spendable kind) and scientific medicine takes another hit. The feds and insurance companies support this because they think it is cheaper to pay for stuff that doesn't work.

The Romans used bread and circuses.

YoungHegelian said...

Watching the media hype Obama this election is really a fascinating exercise in watching post-modernism close up:

The discourse must be controlled at all costs!

Il n'y a pas rien au dehors du texte.
(There is nothing outside the text) ---- "Big Jake" Derrida

Well, I guess we'll find out.

garage mahal said...

Pretending Obama is 'ahead' by referencing polls which over sample Democrats as a part of the methodological is not only ignorant, its comical.


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

Inga misattributes: "We wanted [journalists] to ask the questions we want to answer so that they report the news the way we want it to be reported."

Sarah Palin

Sorry babe, wrong Angle.

You really are a Sulivanist, aren't you? :)

carrie said...

With young voters, I think that the war on obesity (i.e., retricting school lunches) is going to hurt Obama more than anything. The school lunch and vending machine restrictions have been put into effect in many high schools over the past few years, and the majority of high school students hate them. A lot of these high school students have graduated and are now eligible to vote and they have a real life exerience with the over-reaching of government in their lives. As you can see on Drudge today, the kids are starting to rebel but they have been complaining about the unfairness of it all for years.

carrie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gerry said...

Jay Cost:
The bottom line: Historically speaking, this president is in weaker shape than any postwar incumbent who went on to victory, with the possible exception of Harry Truman; he is enjoying a convention bounce later in the cycle than any incumbent in the postwar era; and if he manages to win, it will probably be via a true squeaker, with plenty of twists and turns to come.

Patrick said...

When I was a kid, I hated beets. A couple of years ago, I discovered that roasted beets taste terrific. My wife makes a great roasted beet salad. She has to roast extras, because I always eat them.

Ann Althouse said...

I'm eating more beets. I'll tell you that. Previously, I'd never eaten beets. Ever. Not one. Meade insisted that I taste some that he'd made for himself. Insisted and insisted. I ate a bit of what was a small forkful. That's it. I'm done. Done eating more beets. So now, I'm eating less beets.

machine said...

Unskewed Polls?!?!? You might as well ask Dick "the genius" Morris...

"Even the founder of Rasmussen Reports, whose surveys often show higher Republican numbers, cast doubt on Chambers' methods: Scott Rasmussen told BuzzFeed in an e-mail that "you cannot compare partisan weighting from one polling firm to another."

When you've lost Rasmussen...

Ann Althouse said...

Beet salad. That's even worse. Cold cooked vegetables. Blech. You don't eat cold cooked spinach, do you?

Also, I condemn pasta salad.

Generally, if you're going to cook something, eat it hot.

And that goes triple for eggs.

DADvocate said...

Every time I pass by that colossal bag of kale at the grocery store or our local farmers market, I have the distinct feeling that I should be eating more of the dark, leafy green.

I've had that same experience. Just last week I was in Kroger's drooling over the kale, getting ready to sneak a handful and eat right there in the store. As I reach for it, a young lady charged in front of me and buried her face in the "dark, leafy green." I snatched a small piece while the store staff hastened to get the young lady under control and out the front door. Third time that week, they told me.

Ann Althouse said...

Rasmussen is the one that is doing the best weighting, because he's not relying on the 2008 election for the proportions. Is this election going to be like 2008 or not? If you think not, you should understand why Rasmussen is different and better.

Ann Althouse said...

Also there is methodology to determining who counts as "likely" to vote. You don't just ask people if they are going to vote. If you do, you're not getting sophisticated results. Rasmussen has a whole series of questions that extract whether the respondent is likely to vote.

shiloh said...

hmm hype ...

Like the press going goo goo ga ga when George Mission Accomplished !!! Bush landed on the USS Abraham Lincoln w/his flight suit on.

Wahhhh !!!

Texan99 said...

You can put beets into a salad raw, but they'd be kind of crunchy.

Anonymous said...

It's going to be a close kale, but I say Obama can be beet.

Michael Haz said...

What was that Go-Go's song? We've Got the Beets? Yeah, that's it, we've got the beets!

As far as the polls go - they are innacurate. Here's a look at the polling results after the Dem bias is removed.

Romney is nearly +8.

chickelit said...

Shilho's ego lands in the Althouse comments again wearing his moonsuit and spouting non sequiturds.

duly noted lol

blessings, take care

Michael said...

If you would like to see the future, listen to the interviews that Howard Stern does with some Obama voters. Link is at Drudge. Shocking.

Colonel Angus said...

Is this election going to be like2008or not?

In the sense Obama will likely win? Perhaps but certainly minus much of the enthusiam of his supporters.

Should he in fact win, I think we can mark that date in the history books of America's irretrievable decline.

Aridog said...

Kale = a perverse cabbage, the new Arugala. Goat food.

I quickly check Chip Ahoy's "Things wot I nade then ate...and didn't die" blog to see if he'd put some Kale there. Nope, Not yet.

But the Tonkatsu Corn and the Shrimp and Grits dishes looked great...hungry now.

Richard Dolan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Clyde said...

How can anyone with any sense of decency or honor support Warren or Obama? Other than abject ignorance, I mean.

Seeing Red said...

Why can't The Bamster close the deal?

shiloh said...

Rasmussen Polls Were Biased and Inaccurate; Quinnipiac, SurveyUSA Performed Strongly

"Nate Silver looks at recent polling and finds that President Obama performs better in polls that include people who only have cell phones:"


" As I observed on Tuesday, and as The New Republic’s Nate Cohn also found, Barack Obama seems to have received a much clearer bounce in some types of polls than others.

Although there are exceptions on either side, like the Gallup national tracking poll, for the most part Mr. Obama seems to be getting stronger results in polls that use live interviewers and that include cellphones in their samples — enough to suggest that he has a clear advantage in the race.

In the polls that use an automated dialing method (“robopolls”) or which exclude cell phones, Mr. Obama’s bounce has been much harder to discern, and the race looks considerably closer.

The difference seems especially pronounced at the state level. Mr. Obama got very strong results in a series of NBC News/Marist College polls last week in Ohio, Florida and Virginia, which included cellphones and used live interviewers. Likewise, Tuesday morning’s series of New York Times / CBS News / Quinnipiac polls had reasonably good news for Mr. Obama in Virginia and Wisconsin.

By contrast, the automated polling firm Rasmussen Reports has recently released polls showing Mr. Obama two points behind Mitt Romney in New Hampshire and three points behind in Colorado — the worst results that it has shown for him in those states all year. Another automated polling firm, Gravis Marketing, recently put Mr. Obama at a five-point deficit in Virginia, in contrast to three traditional polls that put him ahead by margins ranging from four to eight points there. A third automated polling firm, Public Policy Polling, has shown stronger results for Mr. Obama, but they also had him with good results before the conventions, and so haven’t shown him gaining much ground."


The robo-calling distinction is important because firms that used that kind of technology, whether they are polling firms or commercial businesses, cannot use that type of technology to call cell numbers.


machine said...

Oh well if Jerome "Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President..and is gay" Corsi said it, it must be true....

ricpic said...

Who ya gonna believe, Obama, or your lying eyes, when he calls himself eye candy?

Seeing Red said...

Why can't The Bamster close the deal?

Richard Dolan said...

Laugh all you want about kale, but a friend recently served 'kale chips' - lightly fried and then toasted little frilly leaves. Cute and so much better for you than the potato(e) version too.

Perfect for an Inaugural Event, don't you think? No doubt Michelle will want to have them on the menu. Ann should immediately take up O's endless invitations to chow down with the Big One so she can tell him all about it. O has thoughtfully already sent her the seating plan, and she'll be RIGHT NEXT to the One. Oh, the joy! (But Meade will surely pop a cork.)

It's all part of the hype. Read about it tomorrow in the WaPo -- both the kale chips and Michelle's new dress for the inaugural balls. It's what all the smart people want you to believe.

Farmer said...

Nonapod said...
Kale is possibly the worst tasting green thing I've ever tasted. It seems to me people's infatuation with eating garbage like kale is a sort of self flagellation, a penance for transgressions against the gods of good health.

I love it! Especially baked with a little salt to make kale chips!

wildswan said...

It's interesting to add to my possible menus, to try to like kale. But it never stops there. The kale promoters always try to snatch bacon and eggs away by staying terrible things about my breakfast while I politely eat their stupid kale for lunch.

The same in the school lunch issue: - the Regulators didn't just add fruit and vegetables, they restricted protein to 1.5 ounces and calories to 850. I maintain that telling students in this situation to have their mothers pack snacks is government-mandated hunger for the poor. I thought the Regulators got control because the poor kids were hungry, that poor and hungry kids was a bad thing (it is) and so the government provided lunches. Now the poor are hungry again but somehow the Regulators want us to believe that this is good hunger. Hunger isn't good and I venture to guess that kale hype isn't going to sell this hunger game.

PS. Studies have shown that my special diet emphasizing coffee, dark chocolate, blueberries and bacon will extend my life - possibly forever. Which I will enjoy because I won't be eating kale.

Richard Dolan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aridog said...

Obama addressing the United nations today, vis a vis the death of Ambassador Stevens, said:

"It will not be enough to put more guards in front of an Embassy...."

"More" guards? There were no guards other than hired Libyan rent-a-cops.

You cannot get more weaselly than that...."waaaaagh, it's not my fault!"

Uh, nobody said it was, but now that you mention it in the terms you do, Mr President...why yes, it IS your fault.

Pragmatist said...

At least Kale is not bitter (if cooked right) or angry (unless left undressed). And Kale will compromise to seek a solution to our food deficit.

jrberg3 said...

I can hardly wait for heads to explode (not literally of course for all those literal liberals out there!) when Romney defeats the One in November. It will be better than watching everyone going nuts about last nights blown call!

AF said...

Althouse: "Rasmussen is the one that is doing the best weighting, because he's not relying on the 2008election for the proportions."

Except on the occasional days when Romney is doing better in Gallup than in Rasmussen; then Gallup is the more relevant poll.

Patrick said...

You don't eat cold cooked spinach, do you?

I just don't cook spinach. I can agree with your general rule about eating cooked vegetables hot (I typically prefer them raw - if they're fresh), but I seem to have more exceptions than you. Roasted beets are great when they're hot, but they are really good in the salad. The beets are still warm when they go in, so they mix very well with the feta cheese that's also in the salad.

Also - potato salad. Maybe for me it's roots that are good cold after being cooked.

shiloh said...

"I’m part of that 1/3 of American households. I haven’t used a landline phone since 2006 or so and, quite honestly, haven’t really missed it. I don’t fall into the “more Democratic” cohort, but I’m sure that this group is only going to grow, and polls that don’t take them into account are going to start becoming as unreliable as the polls that predicted that Tom Dewey would easily defeat Harry Truman in 1948.."

Thus ends today's lesson on Rasmussen's bias/unscientific polling. Althouse can heed or continue adhering to the infidel Rasmussen political gospel ...

So it shall be written, so it shall be done!

Brian Brown said...

shiloh said...
Likewise, Tuesday morning’s series of New York Times / CBS News / Quinnipiac polls had reasonably good news for Mr. Obama in Virginia and Wisconsin.

Wisconsin's sample in that poll was D+10

Virginia: D+6

You are simply a gullible idiot.

Brian Brown said...

shiloh said...
Thus ends today's lesson on Rasmussen's bias/unscientific polling.

You really can't be parodied:

The Pew Research Center and Rasmussen Reports were the most accurate in predicting the results of the 2008 election, according to a new analysis by Fordham University political scientist Costas Panagopoulos.

The Fordham analysis ranks 23 survey research organizations on their final, national pre-election polls, as reported on


kentuckyliz said...

Kale is a culvert weed picked for garnish on the edge of a plate, nothing more. I don't eat kale like I don't eat kudzu.

Obama's lead is insurmountable.

I think he can relax now.

I think the CREEP* can relax now. It's a done deal. When's the keg?

* pop quiz - do you remember what this acronym stands for? No googling or wiki-ing.

kentuckyliz said...

I was about to ask when's the pig roast, but that would have offended the Muzzies. Ain't halal.

Actually neither is a keg.

When's the child rape?

When's the stoning?

Interesting if elections would include the winner raping the loser's children and stoning the entire family to death.

Reeeeligion of peeeeeeace.

Rabel said...

Kale is just collard greens in drag.

Craig said...

I'm Joe Beets?

Craig said...'m%20joe%20beets&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&sqi=2&ved=0CCYQFjAB&

Rabel said...

I see a trend.
From the Isthmus report on Obama's speech in Milwaukee:

"The rain stopped as Obama wrapped up his speech: "We are going to win Milwaukee. We are going to win Wisconsin," he declared, and "We are going to show the world why the United States of America is the best nation on Earth."

"The sun is going to come out," he added.

As if on cue, the light broke through the clouds in shafts and a huge rainbow arched across the sky behind the stage, as the theme song, "We Take Care of Our Own" played, and the crowd dispersed."

Moose said...

Why so cranky? I mean it's not that this is anything particularly new. Just what we've all grown accustomed to. If you object too strongly, you'll be branded a "clinger" or worse...

garage mahal said...

As far as the polls go - they are innacurate. Here's a look at the polling results after the Dem bias is removed.

Makes you wonder about the Republicans that are ahead in these same polls: how far are they're really ahead, doesn't it?

Have to admit this is probably the funnest part of watching this election. Watching righties spins the polls. Oh, and watching Scott Walker and Paul Ryan turn into labor activists overnight.

Anonymous said...

"I don't believe Romney can win. No one I know is voting for him." -- Pauline Kale

Shanna said...

I like Swiss Chard (and good old fashioned spinach) best. I make a great chard lasagne.

Anonymous said...

'I think the CREEP* can relax now. It's a done deal. When's the keg?

* pop quiz - do you remember what this acronym stands for? No googling or wiki-ing.'

Yep! The most unfortunate acronym in American history followed closely by the infamous CINCUS

damikesc said...

The robo-calling distinction is important because firms that used that kind of technology, whether they are polling firms or commercial businesses, cannot use that type of technology to call cell numbers.

...which is laughable since that, literally, is absolutely false. I wonder how anybody can take Nate seriously when he gets basics wrong.

I WORK for an extremely large cell phone company. I have to deal with this type of nonsense daily. Spam calls from robomarketers are a constant issue.

"The technology isn't able to use it"? Really? Tell me MORE because I find this so endlessly fascinating.

They get your number --- and they will get your cell number in a lot of interesting ways (social media and those idiotic "text this to vote" are amusingly effective) --- they have no problem spamming you with robocalls.

damikesc said...

Oh, and watching Scott Walker and Paul Ryan turn into labor activists overnight.

Can you cite their desire to do away with private unions?

A link would be lovely.

...or you can admit that you're just a troll without an original thought.

shiloh said...

Committee to re-elect the president.

Let me say this about that ...

shiloh said...

dami raises an important point ie how many folk consider Rasmussen spam? Rhetorical.

Brian Brown said...

Oh, and watching Scott Walker and Paul Ryan turn into labor activists overnight.


Because that is totally what happened, idiot.

And really, there is like no difference, none at all, between a private sector union and a public one.


virgil xenophon said...

Ok stacked red-head, (Woof woof) CREEP=Comm to Re-Elect teh President (Nixon)

virgil xenophon said...

GADS! shiloh (of ALL people) beat me to it. (As I say this about that, lol)

SteveR said...

if, like me, you have a medical condition, in my case M.S. for which there is an uncertain cause and lacking a cure or effective treatment, you will get plenty of diets thrown at you promising to restore you to great health. Commonly these are some variation of a "paleo diet" full of things like sea weed, organ meat, and of course kale.

Let me know how that works out, I'm going to eat a green chile cheeseburger with a Dos Equis thank you.

shiloh said...

virgil, I watched the house judiciary committee Watergate Hearings religiously! Go figure.

John Dean spilled the beans ...

Kirk Parker said...

"Also, I condemn pasta salad."

How Althouse Lost Me.

Kirk Parker said...

"Per capita annual consumption of beets is under 0.2 pounds."

Why is this figure so low? Beets me.

shiloh said...

"Also, I condemn pasta salad."

Never liked macaroni salad, although I like all the ingredients.

mmmm, I'm hungry!

Freeman Hunt said...

Today at Sam's I was craving colcannon, but I didn't want to eat potatoes, so I figured I'd just saute up a bunch of cabbage. Sam's didn't have any cabbage. They had a big bag of hearts of romaine though. Why not? It was pretty good.

damikesc said...

I shouldn't have asked how anybody can take Silver seriously after making egregious mistakes on basics?

Then I remembered he was a member of Journolist. So narrative above all else.

Christopher in MA said...

Every time I hear "now let me just say this about that," I think of poor Vaughn Meader.

Known Unknown said...

if, like me, you have a medical condition, in my case M.S. for which there is an uncertain cause and lacking a cure or effective treatment, you will get plenty of diets thrown at you promising to restore you to great health

What have you heard about BG12?

Known Unknown said...

Once Paul Zimsrek comments on a thread, all other commenters should cease trying to be funny.

Rocketeer said...

You know the best way to eat beets?


And do you know the best thing you can do with beet pickle juice?

Pickle hard boiled eggs.

Seriously, pickled beets and beet pickled eggs are pretty freakin' awesome.

Freeman Hunt said...

You know the best way to eat beets?



Patrick said...

See, now pickled beets takes me back to when I didn't like them. My mother pickled them by the bushel and we ate 'em all winter. Well, not ate so much as hid, or threw at each other.

Nope. roasted beets is where it's at.


SteveR said...

What have you heard about BG12?

I have Secondary Progressive MS and BG12, like most MS drugs, is designed for the Relapsing Remitting MS. It is an oral drug, not injectable, so better in that way

Rocketeer said...

It's fine to roast those beets that are too flawed to attain the highest form of beetdom: the pickled beet.

Seriously, the Platonic form of "beet" is teardrop shaped, deep reddish-purple, and dripping with sweet, sweet pickle juice.

Kirk Parker said...

"I watched the house judiciary committee Watergate Hearings religiously! Go figure."

Yes, it definitely figures that this would be a religious experience for you.

Kirk Parker said...

"I just don't cook spinach."

What--no Joe's Special????

Kirk Parker said...

k-liz: next time try a hard question! :-)

Darrell said...

You too can be "Beet Of The Week" in Commrade Obama's Socialist Paradise. Ask the PeoplesCube how.
Bring your government shovel.

edutcher said...

Ann Althouse said...

I'm eating more beets. I'll tell you that. Previously, I'd never eaten beets. Ever. Not one. Meade insisted that I taste some that he'd made for himself. Insisted and insisted. I ate a bit of what was a small forkful. That's it. I'm done. Done eating more beets. So now, I'm eating less beets.

You and me both, but The Blonde loves beets, largely because she had an iron deficiency as a kid and they were preferable to the tonic the doctor wanted her to take.

machine said...

Unskewed Polls?!?!? You might as well ask Dick "the genius" Morris..

You mean the guy who kept Willie out of jail and in the White House?

Oh well if Jerome "Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President..and is gay" Corsi said it, it must be true...

He certainly nailed the Swift Boats.

Didn't he?

shiloh said...

Rasmussen Polls Were Biased and Inaccurate; Quinnipiac, SurveyUSA Performed Strongly

"Nate Silver looks at recent polling and finds that President Obama performs better in polls that include people who only have cell phones:"


Q-Pac joins forces with the Black Rock/Gray Lady poll and their skew jumps 5 points into double digits.

ricpic said...

An entirely neutral comment: historically the undecideds, most of them anyway, don't make their final decision as to who to vote for until the final three or four weeks of a presidential campaign. Just as Carter was comfortably ahead of Reagan in September '80 so Bush I was comfortably ahead of Clinton in September '92. Mid-October, that's get serious time, pollwise.

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

These are pickled beats in the fast lane to crashville:

Pickled Beats

Muncie Home Brewer said...

It's funny. When the polls started to tip in Obama's favor during the Democratic Convention, Ann pointed out that Intrade had not moved.

Well, Intrade started to move soon thereafter and currently gives Obama a 72.8% chance of winning. Nate Silver has it currently at 77% in Obama's favor. Granted, a little lower than Intrade. But my guess (just a gut feeling), is that Intrade has a slight Republican bias due to the self-selection of the participation.

I personally don't believe that a 73-77% chance is insurmountable. But even the most ardent Republican has to believe that time is quickly ticking off the clock and that with each passing day, prospects are looking bleaker.

Or, alternatively, is it the belief of many who follow Ms. Althouse that all of this is just one big media conspiracy and that Romney is actually doing better than Fivethiryteight or Intrade suggests?

Darrell said...

Intrade appeals to Lefties and all people that don't ubderstand the stock market. And Dems like their phony polls. Any website requiring a passport and two utilities bills to use isn't representative of anyone.

Darrell said...

Shiloh, Purple Penguin, and Andy R. are "Beets Of The Week." You can be one too. Report counter thought to your neighborhood guard now. Spread the word.

shiloh said...

"religious experience for you."

Well, Nixon violated the US Constitution every which way bt loose and con evangelicals, like many here, are all about letting religion influence constitutional decisions.


Again, Willard ain't no Dutch aside, some Althouse fool comparing 2012 to 1980.

er ((( wishin'/hopin'/prayin' ))) 2012 will be like 1980.

btw, undecided voters breakin' for the incumbent's opponent is a myth. And a good portion of undecideds don't vote!


Kirk Parker said...

"Nixon violated the US Constitution every which way bt loose "

orly? Care to enumerate some of the ways?

bagoh20 said...

Intrade is based on the same data: the polls. Based on the polls, I'd give Obama a 77% chance too, but I would not make that bet.

Unfortunately, we have a sizable bet wagered on this thing, like it or not, which is another excellent argument for smaller government. Wouldn't it be nice if it was not so important, and was just politics - a ball game where a bad call is just a bad call.

edutcher said...

shiloh said...

"religious experience for you."

Well, Nixon violated the US Constitution every which way bt loose and con evangelicals, like many here, are all about letting religion influence constitutional decisions.

Actually, he didn't; that honor goes to the little weasel's wet dream - Willie Whitewater.

And he doesn't get (surprise!) the difference between religion and religious principle.

::::::::Some Catholic:::::

btw, undecided voters breakin' for the incumbent's opponent is a myth. And a good portion of undecideds don't vote!

No, that's a good portion of registered Democrats and the numbers are there to prove it.

Oh, I'm sure this is the Gospel according to Ned Silver.

mittens Dutch Althouse cons

lol lol lol lol

Tippecanoe and Tyler Too.

shiloh said...

Again, apologies for Althouse #1 trained, dancin' seal ...

edutcher said...

No rebuttals, either.

>: <' {(

Anonymous said...

Nothing more unpalatable than a pickled beet, roasted with other root vegetables, tolerable, but pickled, gack.

hombre said...

Has anybody pointed out that kale is hyped because it Is good for us? Obama and Warren? Who knows? But it ain't that.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Did you know that big thick slices of pickled beet come standard on burgers in Australia? I was shocked and disoriented. The waitress could have warned me.

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