September 14, 2012

Poor Hillary.

She traveled halfway around the world to distance herself from Obama reelection politics, and now — one week after the Democratic convention that she got as far away from as possible — she's stuck right in the middle of things.


Renee said...

I have relatives voting for Obama. They're well aware of his weakness, but the love Hilary.

Erik Robert Nelson said...

Poor Hillary? Are you kidding me?

Shouting Thomas said...

And, she's the very symbol of the war between the Muslim world and the West... or between the traditional, religious world and the modern world that rejects all tradition and religion.

The destruction of tradition that she represents is precisely what the jihadis hate.

And, with good reason.

As awful as the Muslim world may be in its treatment of women, the West is becoming just as bad in the way that it coddles and panders to women. The ideology of the west is producing truckloads of worthless spoiled brats like Sandra Fluke.

Anonymous said...

I would guess this shuts the door on a last minute "Hillary in for Biden" October surprise.

But back to reality, I do think it damages her for 2016. She could distance herself from Barry's economic failure, but foreign relations is on her.

cubanbob said...

If Hillary had any class she would resign effective today. If Obama were a real president he would fire her this afternoon if her letter of resignation wasn't on his desk by 3pm.

Erik Robert Nelson said...

She's the freaking Secretary of State. Of course she's in the middle of things. It's her policy. We're supposed to feel bad that she actually has to come back to the country and face the trouble she helped create?

Anonymous said...

"I have relatives voting for Obama. They're well aware of his weakness,"

Not too bright, are they?

Matt Sablan said...

Wait for the tell-all books. Clinton has a CYA in place. She is going to say: "I put all of this information in the security briefings and prepped my people to explain it to the president. I don't know why he did not act on this information; he must have had conflicting information. We were prepared and willing to brief him on all information that we had at the time."

Trust me. Clinton will not go down easily.

Renee said...

Not their fault, they watch MSNBC.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If Obama wins, and the economy continues to tank (which it will despite the fed's money-print) What will Hillary do in 2016?
Run on that?
I think Hillary fares better if Obama loses.

Bob said...

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, stuck in the middle with you.

The late, great Gerry Rafferty says it all.

Anonymous said...

"Wait for the tell-all books. Clinton has a CYA in place. She is going to say: "I put all of this information in the security briefings and prepped my people to explain it to the president. I don't know why he did not act on this information; he must have had conflicting information. We were prepared and willing to brief him on all information that we had at the time."

Trust me. Clinton will not go down easily."

Certainly a plausible situation since we know Barry doesn't attend any of the briefings.

Shouting Thomas said...

The West is approaching a crisis of female entitlement that threatens to bankrupt us. The teachers' strike in Chicago is just one facet of this crisis.

The sense of female entitlement has stripped men of their rights in their families and children.

We're murdering babies that have survived birthing.

Reason isn't working, Althouse. Tradition and faith have a purpose that you apparently don't comprehend.

I can see why the Muslim world doesn't want what the West is seeking to impose upon it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

4 people are dead and it's still an Obama Celebration.
The media are still blaming Romney. The whole thing is disgusting.

AllenS said...

Hillary will blame everything on those that died. Dead men tell no tales.

Bob said...

"AllenS said...
Hillary will blame everything on those that died. Dead men tell no tales."

Just ask Vince Foster. Oops, you can't!

Roman said...

How is this happening to the two greatest people in the world? So much for "smart diplomacy".

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

As I've said before, Hillary is almost certainly a multiple felon (e.g. Whitewater, cattle futures, helping suborn or encourage Bill's perjury) who has so far escaped justice. As such, she contributes greatly to the disrespect voters have for our present ruling class.

Her performance as Sec State has become criminally negligentbut that is, unfortunately, no surprise.

What a lineup the Progressives have!!!!

Bruce Hayden said...

Two problems for Hillary. One is that the policies were either hers, or she eagerly did Obama's bidding in implementing them. My guess is more the latter, that implementing Obama's vision of foreign relations, and esp. sucking up to the Muslim world, was one of the quid pro quos for getting her dream job.

The other thing though is that the blood of those four is on her hands, as it is on Obama's. They were working for her, either directly, or indirectly, and it was her responsibility to make sure that they were safe. She failed there. Is she really going to be able to claim that she didn't and couldn't have seen the intelligence that was available at least 48 hours before the attacks? It seems likely that her organization did not pass that intelligence to the people on the ground, those most likely to be affected by it.

cubanbob said...

Our embassy breached. A major national security and diplomatic mess. Four of our people dead, our ambassador sodomized and his bodied dragged in the streets by jackals and our hostess remarks " poor Hillary". Now there is one hugely misplaced piece of sympathy. What happened and our official response is a national travesty. Hillary doesn't deserve sympathy, only opprobrium.

Tank said...

We have an economic plan, and it's working.

We have a foreign policy [reset] plan, and it's working.

Bob Ellison said...

When that call comes in at 3:00 AM, she'll answer it. "Hello? It's Mrs. Clinton here. Can I help you?"

shiloh said...

More hyperbole from Althouse ...


chickelit said...

Althouse captioned: Poor Hillary

Let's hope Althouse was being facetious. And Seven Machos too when he wrote that he "felt sorry" for Obama. Otherwise, they (Althouse and Machos) seem to be scoffing at Eastwood's message that it's OK to get rid of people who not up to the job.

Four people died over somebody's mistakes and it's hardly something to laugh about.

ricpic said...

Poor Hillary, the center of the universe;
Not Chris Stevens, raped and worse.
Let's keep our eye on the glittering fake
And not the wreckage left in her wake.

Anonymous said...

"More hyperbole from Althouse ."

You keep saying that word. I don't think it means what you think it means . . .

Nichevo said...

Ambassador sodomized? What?! Links?

I did see a link or two on Instapundit about bloody handprints showing that at least one American was conscious and dragged out of the consulate against his will.

Damn them.

tina said...

It's of her own making. Seriously, "Islam is a great religion"? What does that mean? What does this opinion have to do with her role as Secretary of State? Is she implying other religions are not as great? Is Islam great because of its rage? Its violence? Are we all to tremble in fear, lest we offend them? Will we be forced to submit to Sharia Law? WTF is going on here?

She deserves what she gets.

Eric said...

The worst thing is that some of those in the press who have been given the honor of reporting about how she's been the bestest ever Secretary of State are sort of mad at her now for making them look bad.

Anonymous said...

"The other thing though is that the blood of those four is on her hands, as it is on Obama's."

It's also on the consulate walls . . .

If it's true that intelligence was ignored, several people at State should resign or be fired, including Hillary, and Barry should also resign in disgrace.

shiloh said...

Interesting Althouse complains about a "hyperbolic" Hillary headline and her next post indulges in hyperbolic Hillary nonsense.

And so it goes ...

harrogate said...

"As awful as the Muslim world may be in its treatment of women, the West is becoming just as bad in the way that it coddles and panders to women."

There are lots of things wrong with that comment. Not the least of which is how reasonable it seems in the context of this blog and its commenters.

harrogate said...

"Are we all to tremble in fear, lest we offend them? Will we be forced to submit to Sharia Law? WTF is going on here?"

Le sigh. Another commenter goes over the rainbow.

shiloh said...

harrogate, this blog is all about hyperbole. It's why cons flock here in droves.

A self-fulfilling prophecy! :)

Same reason cons religiously watch fixednoise! Keep your customers satisfied ...

harrogate said...

If you are worried about "Sharia Law" coming to the United States, you've got serious, serious problems. Mental Health level problems.

Anonymous said...

Shiloh, was "hyperbole" the word of the day at your summer camp or something? Cause, dude you got it on the mind big time.

But again, much like Alanis Morissette's failure to understand the meaning of irony in her song "Ironic" you don't seem to really understand what hyperbole means.

If our ambassador had gotten a black eye from a protestor and we were calling for Hillary's resignation and screaming about Barry's abject failure on foreign policy that would be hyperbole.

As it is, the fact that we have four murdered Americans, embassies ransacked, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs calling a citizen to tell him to shut up, the FBI investigating someone for exercising their free speech rights, and our leaders saying we need to be more respectful of the attackers' religion, I think we are all pretty much being very muted in our criticisms.

Anonymous said...

"If you are worried about "Sharia Law" coming to the United States, you've got serious, serious problems. Mental Health level problems."

I'm sure there were some Brits and other Europeans who said the same thing, but it certainly is creeping it's way into the mainstream over there.

Modern Whig said...

Obama is going to throw Hillary under the bus. He has to (although I suspect he may enjoy doing it). I wonder how Bill will take it.

yashu said...

There are lots of things wrong with that comment. Not the least of which is how reasonable it seems in the context of this blog and its commenters.

Eh, Shouting Thomas (like anyone else who's human) is sometimes prone to exaggeration, as an intentional trope or not. Cf. his chosen name.

I doubt anyone here agrees with that statement taken literally (that it's literally "just as bad").

It's fair to criticize that statement (I would). But it's unfair IMO to extrapolate from one commenter's one sentence to "this blog and its commenters" in general.

I find that move (extrapolating and generalizing about "Althouse commenters" or epithets for them) to be... unsporting, let's say. When you start generalizing like that, you start (very faintly) sounding like someone else around here (whom I consider to be a troll, very much unlike you).

Of course, I realize your generalization (and your claim that in the context of this blog that statement seems "reasonable") is just a bit of exaggeration too.

As for "Sharia Law," I think that's valid metonymy, as it were. What's at issue is the demand and the prospect of prosecuting "blasphemy" (or "defamation of religion," as seen in resolutions passed by the U.N.).

That's highly unlikely to ever happen here, because of our (infinitely treasured by me) First Amendment. But take a gander at Canada and the U.K. to see that criminalizing blasphemous, religion-defaming speech (qua "hate speech") is not farfetched, in societies we consider not too different from our own. And a lot of rhetoric and arguments we've heard from certain quarters in the last few days approach exactly this terrain.

Darrell said...

Poor us!

edutcher said...

Yeah, for once she's in a position of responsibility and can't shift the blame to someone else.

Shouting Thomas said...

And, she's the very symbol of the war between the Muslim world and the West... or between the traditional, religious world and the modern world that rejects all tradition and religion.

The prototypical kept woman.

Matthew Sablan said...

Wait for the tell-all books. Clinton has a CYA in place.

If she can prove what Jerome Corsi alleges, it's probably the only reason she isn't under the bus now.

PatCA said...

She ought to resign, now. She left her diplomats unprotected.

Anything other than that would be sexist coddling of the worst kind.

Anonymous said...

Powerful or not, it's 911. The date is the warning. We are supposed to heighten security around that date. But we didn't even have Marines protecting the Libya Consul, in a country fighting a civil war. We blamed the Egyptian policemen for running away when the mob scaled the wall, while our Marines were armed with blanks. Just like Obama, hollow.

FWBuff said...

In the movie "The Devil Wears Prada", there's a great scene where Andrea the assistant walks in on her boss Miranda who has just learned that her husband filed for divorce. "Oh, Miranda," Andrea says, "I'm so sorry! Is there anything I can do?" "Yes." Miranda replies, "Your job." I bring this up because all the sad eyes and hurt feelings for and by Hillary aren't what we need from the Secretary of State. We need her to do her job. Moreover, if she had been doing her job competently, then we would have been better prepared to deal with this.

Rusty said...

AprilApple said...
If Obama wins, and the economy continues to tank (which it will despite the fed's money-print) What will Hillary do in 2016?
Run on that?
I think Hillary fares better if Obama loses.

Everywhere she goes chaos follows. The mideast is no different.
In 2016 she is still going to run as Bill Clinton's wife. At the end of the day it's all shes got.

pst314 said...

Poor Hillary? No, she has nothing to worry about. All she has to do is get out her famous Reset Button, and all will be well.

Cedarford said...

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...
As I've said before, Hillary is almost certainly a multiple felon (e.g. Whitewater, cattle futures, helping suborn or encourage Bill's perjury) who has so far escaped justice. As such, she contributes greatly to the disrespect voters have for our present ruling class.

And your fellow extremists on the Left, practicing "Lawfare" to try and criminalize the opposition by extending stupid legal charges into politics...say Bush, Cheney are felons because they are war criminals. Ronnie and Nancy were criminals because they paid no taxes for several years, and Mitt Romney likely a dastardly felon as well.
I'm sure a hardcore leftist prosecutor could find some charges on Paul Ryan and Anne Romney as well.

Sick of it, sick of people on both sides chasing trivial scandals while America is under seige with dire, urgent, and real problems.

Cedarford said...

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...
As I've said before, Hillary is almost certainly a multiple felon (e.g. Whitewater, cattle futures, helping suborn or encourage Bill's perjury) who has so far escaped justice. As such, she contributes greatly to the disrespect voters have for our present ruling class.

And your fellow extremists on the Left, practicing "Lawfare" to try and criminalize the opposition by extending stupid legal charges into politics...say Bush, Cheney are felons because they are war criminals. Ronnie and Nancy were criminals because they paid no taxes for several years, and Mitt Romney likely a dastardly felon as well.
I'm sure a hardcore leftist prosecutor could find some charges on Paul Ryan and Anne Romney as well.

Sick of it, sick of people on both sides chasing trivial scandals while America is under seige with dire, urgent, and real problems.

gerry said...

but foreign relations is on her

How many foreigners did she have relations with?

Anonymous said...

"How many foreigners did she have relations with?"

No clue, but I'd check with the women first . . .

tina said...

harrowgate -
nice name calling ability you have there.

Actually I can speak from experience, Sharia Law is creeping into Canada.

I find HRC's statement that Islam is a Great Religion offensive. Call me all the names you like. It's a complete reflection on you.

mikee said...

It is almost as if she might be somehow involved at the highest level of this administration, or perhaps hold an office with some kind of responsibility for United States foreign policy.

RichardS said...

What evidence do we have that Mrs. Clinton is a sound foreign policy hand? She became Senator in New York because the Clinton machine made it happen. She got good assignments in the Senate, and demonstrated, as far as I can tell, a good work ethic and intelligence. Then, after a bit over a term, a time which included a run for President, she became Secretary of State. That's not much foriegn policy experience, however intelligent she is, and however hard she works.

JSF said...

Remember folks!

Siloh does not care about the deaths of our Overseas Foreign policymakers!

The only thing Siloh wants is more votes for Obama.

Someone please remind Siloh the only person in charge of the Embassies is the Commander in Chief whose name is Obama.

But Siloh does not care about anyone's life or death, just the re-election of Democarts.

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