September 20, 2012

"Amazed nobody at Obama HQ noticed this, especially with all the hand-stuff."

Yes, but... pointing it out...

Too far?

ADDED: I got a few emails this morning pushing me to do a Drudgtaposition post based on the bloody handmark photograph and the Obama flag graphic. But Drudge didn't put up the handprint photograph next to the flag graphic. Not that I saw. He put up that flag graphic with the text "OBAMA SELLS 'OUR STRIPES' FLAG...", linking to the campaign's merchandise page.

ALSO: It seems to be widely believed that the red stripes on the American flag are red to represent blood (the "blood of patriots"). 

UPDATE: I'm sorry. It was too subtle for me even with multiple emails pointing me to it. Drudge did have the handprint next to the flag. Here's the screen grab:


Pastafarian said...

I'd say defacing a flag hundreds of thousands have died for is too far.

I'd say ignoring days of advanced warning of these attacks because they were preoccupied with Pimp with a Limp and fundraisers was too far.

Pointing out the tragically ironic results of their branding ineptitude? No, not far enough.

Chuck66 said...

Worshipping a politician is creepy. Very totalitarian. Think about the creepy Obama kids video.

There is a version of this out there where at the end, they put in a clip of Hitler kids singing a song about their admiration and loyalty to their leader.

Tim said...

It won't matter; Obama voters do not care; no failure is too big to dissuade them from voting for their guy.

Failure is all they have.

Chef Mojo said...

No, not far enough.


Christopher in MA said...

To be fair to the Obama campaign - and I can't believe I'm typing that - the design was probably worked up and approved before the embassy kerfuffle. So I'm inclined to give them a pass there, if warranted.

But the whole bit of replacing Old Glory's stars with the "O" logo? Or Obama's face? That's where the criticism of Obama as being an American but not of America comes from. We simply don't do cult-of-personality nonsense. Any other politician - any other Democrat - would be laughed back to Podunk if they tried to match the SCOAMF's Mussolini complex.

alan markus said...

This kind of thing gives me hope that last week's pre-mortum analysis of Romney's campaign demise might have been a bit premature.

Known Unknown said...

To be fair to the Obama campaign - and I can't believe I'm typing that - the design was probably worked up and approved before the embassy kerfuffle. So I'm inclined to give them a pass there, if warranted.

This is most likely the truth.

The bigger problem to me, is appropriating a national symbol for a political purpose.

(I know, bald eagles and stars are used all the time in political campaigning — it's nothing new ... but there is something odd and cult-like about morphing the national flag into an Obama flag as if you are replacing one with the other.)

Matt Sablan said...

Well, so much for my hopes that politicians could be viewed just as other people. This whole stars, stripes and political party thing is kind of silly.

Oso Negro said...

I note that Obama's new flag has fewer stripes and only one star. Perhaps he is planning to eliminate the states he doesn't like. That could explain the enormous purchases of ammunition by the Department of Homeland Security.

Wince said...

Yes, but... pointing it out...

Too far?

A Drudgetaposition means never having to point it out.

Tim said...

"But the whole bit of replacing Old Glory's stars with the "O" logo? Or Obama's face? That's where the criticism of Obama as being an American but not of America comes from. We simply don't do cult-of-personality nonsense. Any other politician - any other Democrat - would be laughed back to Podunk if they tried to match the SCOAMF's Mussolini complex."

Exactly right.

This cultish idiocy alone was reason enough to vote against Obama in '08.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Wall Street Journal -
Mr. Pawlenty will be stepping down from his post as national co-chairman of Mitt Romney‘s presidential campaign. Until now, Mr. Pawlenty had been viewed as a leading contender for a top job in a Romney administration.
Tim Pawlenty, who touted his middle-class roots in his campaign for president last year, has been picked to lead a key Wall Street lobbying group. The Republican will become chief executive of the Financial Services Roundtable.

When you have lost Tim Pawlenty ...

Dante said...

On the same page, a link to an article for Crack, about Obama cult.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

If Romney's campaign had put out a similar flag that resembled the bloody finger marks, the press would treat it as the mother of all gaffes, the one that would finish off his campaign. End of story.

Kind of like whatever they proclaimed was a gaffe yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that.

Smoberproject said...

Goebbels would be proud!

Smoberproject said...

P.S. never liked Tim Pawlenty. Not a loss if you ask me.

Tim said...

Link tag doesn't work so well...

Ignorance is Bliss said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ann Althouse said...

"A Drudgetaposition means never having to point it out."

Yeah. That's Drudgniabilty.

virgil xenophon said...

"Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image,... Thou shall have no other gods before Me."

Talk bout worshiping false Gods! I see the minions of the Obamassiah have neatly vaulted THAT hurdle..

shiloh said...

"When you have lost Tim Pawlenty ..."

Bailing from a sinkin' ship. Land Ho! lol

Jason said...

The use of the Obama logo (or any other logo) for that matter, attached to any likeness of the American Flag, is a violation of a federal law. Specifically, it violates Title 4, Section 1 of the U.S.C.

Details, including specific language from the law here:

Colonel Angus said...

I'm confident that the Obama campaign is completely unaware of the historical significance of modifying the national flag to represent your political movement and asking your supporters to pledge themselves to the leader of the country.

Tim said...

More Cultism: Jessica Alba and the Obama campaign are asking people to pledge themselves to Obama and take pictures of them doing so.

These people are the new Moonies.

Nathan Alexander said...

I'm not seeing how Pawlenty is lost to Romney.

There's no reason he can't do the job he just took for 6 months. He gets appointed in early February, 5 months from now, and then leaves when the appointment is confirmed.

It may be Pawlenty making sure he is covered no matter what happens in the election, but I don't see this is any sort of setback at all.

It's not like Pawlenty has been praised for his handling of the campaign or anything.

tim said...

Too far? Please!

If you read pajamasmedia you would have known that an attack on the Cairo embassy was threatened. The bengazi consulate had been attacked multiple times.

To allow what happened to happen required willful blindness to facts and utter incompetence, or as I like to say "just another day for the president."

So let's recap what has happened since sept 11.

Vegas baby! Let's make some money.
Letterman. No time for Bibi. Can't remember the debt.
Jz and B. Yeah! Gold champaign tower.
Pose with pirate.
Pimp with a limp.
I believe in redistribution.
More hard hitting interviews with entertainment shows.
Oh yeah, let's not forget skipping the Intel briefs.

No Ann, its not far enough.

Tim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dust Bunny Queen said...

To be fair to the Obama campaign - and I can't believe I'm typing that - the design was probably worked up and approved before the embassy kerfuffle. So I'm inclined to give them a pass there, if warranted.


You give a pass to the President of the United States for defacing and disrespecting the flag that hundreds of thousands (including the Civil War here) have fought and died for.

It is OK that he uses it as his own little personal reflection of his special kingly status.

There is NO excuse for what the man has done or for what he is. A traitor to OUR country and a man bent on destroying us.

No excuse...NONE.

Christopher in MA said...

"When you have lost Tim Pawlenty ..."

Then T. Coddington van Voorhees VI can't be far behind.

Tim said...

Hey Shilo,

Show us your picture pledging allegiance to Obama, as he's asked you to do.

Got a link for us?

Or make it your avatar.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Nathan Alexander said...
I'm not seeing how Pawlenty is lost to Romney.

He is obviously not anticipating a fat cabinet post coming his way any time soon and is voting with his feet.

WSJ says ...
Until now, Mr. Pawlenty had been viewed as a leading contender for a top job in a Romney administration.

Known Unknown said...

I am just heartened to see "Drudgetaposition" come into the full vernacular!!

Known Unknown said...


He's giving them a pass on timing.

If you read farther, you'll see that he (and I) take umbrage with the repurposing of the flag.

Tim said...

Hey AReasonableMan,

Show us your picture pledging allegiance to Obama, as he's asked you to do.

Got a link for us?

Or make it your avatar.

You know you've done it.

Show it off for us!

Matt Sablan said...

I honestly didn't even know Pawlenty was part of the Romney campaign until I learned he wasn't.

alan markus said...

I'm thinking this flag thing has some staying power. Could replace the "You didn't build that" & "the empty chair" thing.

I see a market for those flags (maybe paper version, not the $35 type you can buy from the Obama campaign).

Lots of public burnings of the "Obama" flag. What an image that would be!

TosaGuy said...

"When you have lost Tim Pawlenty ..."

you have added by subtraction.

I'm from Minnesota and TPaw's only political skill in the state was running against people who were more horrid politicians than him.

Minnesota is a case study of how bad politicans of each of the three parties can win in 3-party races.

Sam L. said...

Pointing it out ios raaaaaacist!

Anonymous said...

They've pulled this crap before.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Christopher in MA said...

Then T. Coddington van Voorhees VI can't be far behind.

In fact, Coddington is still in the tank for Romney. He recently issued the following statement, "Romney's background and positions on the issues are so similar to mine that we could be one and the same person. Besides, we belong to the same country club. Tally-ho, what what."

Colonel Angus said...

I'm thinking this flag thing has some staying power.

Armbands can't be far behind.

Christopher in MA said...


You give a pass to the President of the United States for defacing and disrespecting the flag that hundreds of thousands (including the Civil War here) have fought and died for.

It is OK that he uses it as his own little personal reflection of his special kingly status.

There is NO excuse for what the man has done or for what he is. A traitor to OUR country and a man bent on destroying us.

No excuse...NONE.

Oh, for fuck's sake, DBQ!

If you're going to call this defacing the flag, then political campaigns all the way back to the 1850's have been doing it; a simple perusal of campaign ephemera will show you plenty of American flags with mottos such as Free Men, Free Soil, Fremont or Lincoln and Union embroidered across the stripes.

I'm simply pointing out that I don't believe this is a deliberate slap in the face immediately after the embassy massacre.

Believe me, in my world, the moment President Romney finished uttering the words So help me God," he'd turn to that worthless crackhead and say "By the power vested in me as President of the United States, I hereby arrest you, Barack Hussein Obama, for high treason against the United States."

Dust Bunny Queen said...

He's giving them a pass on timing.

Ooooh. Timing. That makes it all good then?


Known Unknown said...

Ooooh. Timing. That makes it all good then?



Tim said...

Where are all the pictures of the Obama voters pledging allegiance as he asked them too?

Are they ashamed?

Or are they proud?

Show us the pictures!

Pledge Allegiance to your candidate!

He WANTS you to!

NOW is the time to prove your loyalty.

Obama, or America?

Which is it?

Nathan Alexander said...

Another, more educated opinion on the Pawlenty move (from the comments at Hot Air):

FWIW, don’t be gulled by any liberal spin that this means Pawlenty is bailing on the Romney campaign. This job search has been going on for months and the FSR board is meeting today, so the CEO pick had to be done by today. It is a premier job and my sources tell me Pawlenty was recruited by FSR and did not seek out the job.

If they’re tapping one of Mitt’s close friends from the campaign for this position…who are they betting is going to be in the White House in January?

Christopher in MA said...

In fact, Coddington is still in the tank for Romney. He recently issued the following statement, "Romney's background and positions on the issues are so similar to mine that we could be one and the same person. Besides, we belong to the same country club. Tally-ho, what what."

Boola, boola
would be the preferred finalizing chuckle, but otherwise, not bad. I do give you props, though, for pretending that the Punahou Kid with the bank VP grandmother and Ivy League education is somehow a horny-handed son of toil.

Anonymous said...

In fact, Coddington is still in the tank for Romney.

Romney may be kowtowing to the Tea Party rabble, but I never thought good old Coddy would do anything so infra-dig. Neither of them will ever be able to show his face at the Buzzards Bay Regatta again.

Nathan Alexander said...

Who would have ever guessed that ARM wouldn't understand the "T. Coddington van Voorhees VI" reference?

Anonymous said...

The Obama flag is in poor taste, I don't know what genius let this idea come to fruition. I don't think anyone should be wearing the flag either, or wrap themselves in the flag for that matter, literally and figuratively.

cold pizza said...

Anyone buying or flying this flag will immediately out themselves as belonging to the "dumb-ass nation."(tm) Power to 'em. -CP

virgil xenophon said...

"Armbands can't be far behind."

Given the degree to which the Obama minions are, shall we say, "historically challenged," I'm sure that most would think that would be just a peachy--keen el neato
thing to do...Shhh, you'll give them ideas..

Anonymous said...

Obama defaces the flag and he nor the left see anything wrong with that.

Hey Allie the Obama Whore, let's hear your defense of Mein Obama on this one. You were so Janus-like with your ringing hatred of the 1st Amendment when it bothered Obama, you worthless bitch.

Colonel Angus said...

The Obama flag is in poor taste, I don't know what genius let this idea come to fruition.

Allie for those paying attention in the run up to 2008, he ran a pretty tasteless primary campaign tarnishing his opponents as racists and doubling down on the meme in the general election.

The fact that he's creating a cult of personality around himself says much about him as well as the people who support him. That this doesn't bother most people indicates history is a dead subject in academia.

Anonymous said...

@Allie the Obama Whore:

or wrap themselves in the flag for that matter, literally and figuratively.

--Why? Just so easy for someone to get hurt when you burn one, bitch?

Tim said...

Hey Allie!

You're voting for Obama, right?

Did you take your picture yet of you pledging allegiance to him as he asked?

Show us!

furious_a said...

The Obamalytes have done the creepy pledge act before.

Good until about 3:23 -- a "servant to Barack Obama"? -- after which the Happy Children Express their Love to the Dear Leader.

cubanbob said...

Colonel Angus said...
I'm thinking this flag thing has some staying power.

Armbands can't be far behind.

9/20/12 11:28 AM

Your on to something there. Now lets see, using the O! flag as an armband worn on the stylish black Hugo Boss jacket and lets not forget the hat. Gotta have a hat, a hat with the O! in the center. And boots. Doc Marten boots.

Anonymous said...

Hey Allie the Obama Whore,

Where's your picture pledging allegiance? Obama asked you to. Put it your avatar, skank.

Colonel Angus said...

I don't agree with Allie politically but I don't need to denigrate her by calling her vile names. Mature and intelligent people stopped doing that around 5th grade.

Perhaps you can make a modest attempt at being a decent person. It's not that difficult.

Darcy said...

Kind of you.

shiloh said...

As one Tim to another, don't be too jealous ...

Got a link for us?

btw Tim, you too can become a member of Obama's honorary kitchen cabinet. All aboard!

Anonymous said...

Yes, thanks Colonel, much appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Please don't tell me YOU are Whoresoftheinternet. Strange you both said the identical thing.

Known Unknown said...

Yeah, WOTI is really quite uncouth.

I don't favor anyone draping themselves in the flag, either.

Exceptions, however, are to be made for Rocky Balboa.

DADvocate said...

When I went to Instapundit for the first time today only the top half of the picture was showing, the half with the Obama flag. My first thought was the red strips looked like the blood on the columns in Libya. When I scrolled down and saw the entire pix, I thought, "Wow. I'm not the only one."

Ironic how the Obamaites used 5 stripes instead of 7, which made the association more obvious.

Jason said...

Perhaps they couldn't agree on a pattern for the blue field for 57 stars.

furious_a said...

Armbands can't be far behind.

Pledge yourselves to the tasks to which our Great Leader calls you!


Freeman Hunt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Freeman Hunt said...

Imagine the year is 2004. Imagine that that flag has a big 'B' on it instead of an 'O.'

Imagine the media.

Ha ha ha.

Clyde said...

Tim said...
Hey Shilo,

Show us your picture pledging allegiance to Obama, as he's asked you to do.

Got a link for us?

Or make it your avatar.

Or just borrow Jim Messina's!

Anonymous said...

Ironic how the Obamaites used 5 stripes instead of 7, which made the association more obvious.

The five stripes are probably a reference to Obama's "Five Pillars" theme: "Five Pillars of Change," "Five Pillars of Education," and
"Five Pillars of Foreign Policy." Elect him again and we will get more "Five Pillars."

Strangely enough, "Five Pillars" comes straight out of Islam. The "Five Pillars of Islam" is a big concept for Muslims like the "Ten Commandments" is for Jews and Christians.

Of course, that's just a wild coincidence and those right-wingers who suspect that Obama is secretly a Muslim are either inbred or were dropped on their heads as children and can't know any better.

chickelit said...

asking your supporters to pledge themselves to the leader of the country.

Did Obama start that or was it some lame actress in Hollywood?

It is insiously wrong though and Obama should denounce it. No such pledge should ever be partisan or even bestowed upon a single branch of the Government.

edutcher said...

Reminiscent of the Office of the President-elect nonsense.

Absolute clueless.

And speaking of clueless...

shiloh said...

When you have lost Tim Pawlenty ...

Bailing from a sinkin' ship. Land Ho! lol

A few headlines off Drudge

GALLUP: O 47% R 47%

Jewish support down 7% in FLA...


Jobless claims -- 382,000...


IRAN: Hundreds chant 'Death to France,' 'Down with the U.S.'...

IRAQ: PM condemns U.S. over YOUTUBE anti-Islam film...

INDONESIA: U.S. consulate shut for second day amid protests...

AFGHANISTAN: Hundreds chant anti-American slogans...

And speaking of sinking ships...

Luxury Hawaii estate ready in January?

Pay attention to the 4th paragraph.

As one Tim to another, don't be too jealous ...

Got a link for us?

Considering the little animal runs and hides whenever he's asked to provide one...

Blaid Drwg said...

By his stripes ye shall be healed....

Jason said...

Wh o th internet...

Attack the argument. Not the individual. Or take your hateful bullshit somewhere else.

I disagree vehemently with Allie. But I respect her much more than I do you.

Methadras said...

The blood of a country' hard fought freedoms from a monarchy as represented by the red stripes as a juxtaposition of a theo-politicratic (I think I just coined a term) movement spilling the blood of the people that belong to that country being emulated on the iconographic flag designed for a Marxist islamofascist sympathizer.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

To be fair to the Obama campaign - and I can't believe I'm typing that - the design was probably worked up and approved before the embassy kerfuffle. So I'm inclined to give them a pass there, if warranted.

Even so, releasing this now is the pinnacle of being tone deaf. They couldn't stop it?

Wince said...

Drudge definitely had the images side by side this morning.

Tim said...

AllieOop said...


Please don't tell me YOU are Whoresoftheinternet. Strange you both said the identical thing."

No Allie, not me.

I may play with sharp elbows from time to time, but I won't go that far.

Nor do I have time to play with blog comments as more than one person. Who has the time? Who cares that much? This is a distracting outlet, and not much more.

Anyway, here are
people Pledged to Obama over America
; where's your picture?

Tim said...

More to the point, Allie, you don't deserve that. It's childish, stupid, and exceedingly rude.

Some on your side may deserve similar response to their childish, rude nonsense - but you don't.


Oh, one more thing - where's your picture pledging support to your president, lol?!

Tim said...

"btw Tim, you too can become a member of Obama's honorary kitchen cabinet. All aboard!"

No, because I didn't add my photo to those of
people Pledged to Obama over America

Where's yours?



Or does it show you on your knees, wiping your chin?

Ralph L said...

Gotta have a hat, a hat with the O! in the center
A fedora, like O's in those college photos.

Last night, I wondered why they didn't stop this design after the attacks, but after all the unflattering WH photos and avoidable faux pas & poor staff work of the last 3.5 years, I think they're just not that smart.

AndyN said...

So the man who wouldn't wear a US flag lapel pin because it was used as a display of false patriotism and who was famously photographed more than once with his hands folded in front of his groin while the national anthem played or the colors were presented now has a flag of his own and supporters who pledge him their support with their hands over their hearts? Like Mark Steyn said the other day, if a novelist created the Obama presidency, the critics would pan it as ham-handed.

AndyN said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
cold pizza said...

"I pledge Allie, gents, to the drag, on the United States of America. And to the repugnance, for which it plans; one matron, underdog, with liver trees and just ICE for all." -CP

Slight apologies, Allie. Stream of consciousness kicked in based on "Allie" and "pledge" and the rest was just... there. Besides which, I was also disgusted by WOTI, which I think was it's intent to generate trollish reponses--the equivilent of "look at me!!!! eleventy!!!" and all I see is some 3-year-old screaming in the candy aisle, using words without comprehension. -CP

Known Unknown said...

I think they're just not that smart.

Also a good dose of the h-word ... hubris.

Can't you all see the O Flag is just too cool!

All the kids will want one to hang next to their voting-bloc-specific bumper sticker.

PeachTreeStreet said...

Hey, Ann,
I emailed you a screenshot of the flag/bloody hand marks on Drudge this morning. It was pretty dramatic.

Christy said...

Building upon AndyN's comment -
From 2007 about wearing flag pins:

"You know, the truth is that right after 9/11, I had a pin," Obama said. "Shortly after 9/11, particularly because as we're talking about the Iraq War, that became a substitute for I think true patriotism, which is speaking out on issues that are of importance to our national security, I decided I won't wear that pin on my chest.

Emphasis added by me to compare with the WH minions complaining about Romney speaking out last week on issues that are of importance to our national security.

chickelit said...

AndyN said...
So the man who wouldn't wear a US flag lapel pin because it was used as a display of false patriotism and who was famously photographed more than once with his hands folded in front of his groin while the national anthem played or the colors were presented now has a flag of his own and supporters who pledge him their support with their hands over their hearts?<--this

furious_a said...

It is insi[di]ously wrong though and Obama should denounce it.

No he shouldn't. Government is the only thing we all belong to.

So...assume a kneeling position and Pledge already!

Big Mike said...

Are you asking us whether "pointing it out" goes "too far"?

Ah, ma'am, he's the man in charge. If it's not his fault, then whose fault is it?

kcom said...

When it comes to Obama, the buck stops somewhere...ah...over there.

Of course, when there's credit to be taken, it's all I, I, I.

gadfly said...

T-Paw didn't make it through the Republican Candidate primaries either.

His new clients had best be cautious of his sticktoitness.

miss j said...

Funny. I thought of it immediately when I saw the flag yesterday. On the other hand, those horrific handprints from Libya were one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen. I've been horrified by the story behind that photo ever since I first saw it may days ago.

It's disturbing that you repeatedly read so much meaning into carrots, onion rings, strawberries, bananas and finger gestures but can't react to, or remember, something so visceral as the tangible evidence of a man being dragged while near death.

chickelit said...

Well said, miss j. My thoughts exactly.

I would add that letters-on-the-pajamas-thing that Althouse concocted four years ago was the height of her silliness on sublety.

mz said...

gotta love the Obama haters out there slamming him for missing out on intelligence briefings---what say you all about your beloved W passing up that Aug. 6, 2001, "Bin Laden Determined in U.S", I've attached a link for your low-information, tea baggin' readers....

mz said...

It's curious to see Ann as a shill for the Romney/Ryan campaign. You're a public employee Ann. You pull down over $150,000 (over $158,000 as of 2009) as a state employee. Shouldn't you be spending more time in the classroom teaching students and less time stoking up the irrational fears of your tea baggin' base? How do you justify the time that you spend on the tax payer's dime blogging for Romney/Ryan?

m stone said...

Gotta love it when the lib commenters are silent on stories like this. Too much insanity to excuse even for them.

Known Unknown said...

Just interesting to note that most of the 'evidence' presented in the memo was pre-2000.

David R. Graham said...

"Obama, or America?

Which is it?"

Yes. The election is not about "the economy" or any of the other usual suspects. It is about ideology: US Constitution or personality. Personality has already won, at least for the time being.

David R. Graham said...

"How do you justify the time that you spend on the tax payer's dime blogging for Romney/Ryan?"

Althouse blog death knell.

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