August 26, 2012

We saw the movie "2016 Obama's America" in Madison, Wisconsin.

Of all places. There were about 50 people in the audience for the 12:40 show. I talked to a couple women who thought they'd arrived at a pro-Obama movie and then, half way through, realized it was against him. One wisecracked "I'm a Republican now." And then, again, in a humorous tone, "It almost makes you pro-colonialism."

I said Dinesh D'Souza was not against anti-colonialism but against the kind of anti-colonialism that developed in the 20th century and involved left-wing, collectivist ideology unlike the anti-colonialism of the American founding. One of the women said, "That's pretty complex," as if that wasn't the idea spelled out extremely clearly over the course of the 90-minute movie they'd just watched.

The movie is doing quite well:
Mr. D'Souza's co-director, John Sullivan, said in an interview that even he was surprised by the strong weekend showing. He credited talk radio, a bastion of conservative thought, as a key megaphone for the film....

Mr. Sullivan said that, perhaps counterintuitively, some of the movie's strongest earnings have originated at a theater in Manhattan's Union Square, far from any conservative stronghold. 
Don't exclude the possibility that people are wandering in there under the impression that they're going to a pro-Obama show. Why else would it be playing in Madison/Manhattan/Leftytown?

It fits with the movie's theme that Americans didn't try to learn more about Obama before voting him into the Presidency. If we didn't take much care about that, why would you expect us to pay any attention to what movie seat we're plunking our asses into?

ADDED: Here's what I think is the key clip that's used in the movie:


cassandra lite said...

The NYT, in its report on how surprisingly well the docu did, said that it couldn't crack the top five weekend box office grosses, which were all holdovers--but failed to point out that, well, the film is playing in two-thirds fewer theaters than those top-five holdovers. Good weekend for Abramson to say, "No liberal bias to see here, move along." There's commission and there's also omission.

Tea Party at Perrysburg said...

We saw it too last night. 4:00 show WELL attended by geezers. Not a blonde or brunette in the audience (anymore at least).

People murmured throughout, sat in their seats when it ended and then applauded about a minute later. Out in the hallway groups stood around talking about it. Never seen anything like it.

VERY disturbing movie, and not because it's "anti-Obama," as the Obamabots are wont to say.

You can really see how he became the way he did. But what a sordid background. And the communism. Uh.

avwh said...

I could see that most superficial Obama fans would of course think it was pro-Obama. There wouldn't be an "Obama's America" in 2016 unless he wins again.

rehajm said...

Plunking down $8-$10 for your matinee ticket without verified knowledge of the upcoming content strikes me as economically reckless.

Unless it's hot out and there's no air conditioning at home...

Tregonsee said...

I expect at least a few, seeing the future date, thought it might be a science fiction movie.

Shouting Thomas said...

I guess I had a head start on knowing about Obama back in 2008, because I knew that his mom was a white Red Diaper Baby, with the customary fixation on saving the world by mating with a black man.

I've met a lot of these white Red Diaper women in Woodsotck, the West Village and Berkeley.

Kids who lose their parents obsess about how they would make that lost parent return and love them. That's what you have to know about Obama. I raised daugthers who lived through the deaths of their mother and step-mother so I've seen how that dynamic works.

So, Obama is struggling to measure up to his lost mom and dad. Mom was that standard "America is a force for evil" Red Diaper baby. Dad was a pseudo-Marxist social climber and Big Man in black Africa. He was also a bureaucrat, a bigamist and a drunk.

"The apple doesn't fall very far from the tree," says my Filipina girlfriend.

So Obama was steeped in the anti-colonialist mentality of his mom and dad, who both abandoned him.

I'm looking forward to seeing the movie.

Rabel said...

If you guys are listing a little to starboard after the movie here's a "fair and balanced" report from Brian Ross of ABC on the GOP convention to put you back on an even keel (did I hold to my metaphor?):

Jill Abramson approves this message

pm317 said...

Many of us saw this movie in primary 2008.. figuratively speaking. It is quite disturbing that there was absolutely no vetting and the media became the propaganda wing for Obama in his primary 08 campaign until today and perhaps well into the November election, hiding reality and embellishing void.

Right is right! said...

How we acquired this Affirmantive Action Communist Jive Talking' Huckster as President will be written about for generations. The idiots who voted for him should be Denied the right to vote for the next twenty years. They are either really stupid or are enemies of America. Either way they should not be picking our leaders.

MisterBuddwing said...

Plunking down $8-$10 for your matinee ticket without verified knowledge of the upcoming content strikes me as economically reckless.

Two of my most enjoyable recent moviegoing experiences stemmed from not knowing all about the movie ahead of time ("Midnight in Paris," "Hugo").

What I would have given to see "Citizen Kane" without knowing about Rosebud beforehand.

pm317 said...

The fact that he had done nothing of worth leading up to 2008 campaign should have been a red flag in and of itself and we see now the absence of accomplishments was because of incompetence not because of lack of opportunities.

Shouting Thomas said...

When will it be safe to actually notice the true nature of Rev. Jeremiah Wright?

And ask what in the hell Obama was doing in his church?

ricpic said...

The fact that Obama, the product of a thoroughly nasty background and thoroughly nasty mentors made it to the presidency is testament to the success of the Gramscian project. Never would have happened without the well placed marxists at the editorial desks of the NYTimes, WaPo, NBCABCCBSCNN telling John Q Public, "Nothing to see here folks, move along."

rehajm said...

Two of my most enjoyable recent moviegoing experiences stemmed from not knowing all about the movie ahead of time ("Midnight in Paris," "Hugo").

Viva la difference! That was a great strategy for me when I could spend all day at the googleplex for my $4 student not so much...and I'm now a 1 percenter...

Right is right! said...

A large majority of whites voted against Obama in 2008. He only got elected because he had 96% of the black vote. We really need to be asking ourselves why are we allowing Jerimiah Wright American hating minorities determine its future.

somefeller said...

Why else would it be playing in Madison/Manhattan/Leftytown?

Because even in Leftytown (especially if the Leftytown in question is a heavily populated city like New York), there are enough anti-Obama people to fill a theater for a few weeks. And the people who stumble in because of they think it will be pro-Obama will help sell some tickets also.

It fits with the movie's theme that Americans didn't try to learn more about Obama before voting him into the Presidency.

Maybe, but I'm guessing most of the people going to the film are people who did not vote for Obama in the 2008 general election. That is the case for the few people I know who have mentioned the film.

pm317 said...

Well, if Obama could hoodwink Althouse, ignorant and illiterate voters, did they have a chance?

Paul said...

Well professor, as an Obama voter what do you take from the movie? Did you learn anything you didn't already know? Were you surprised by anything you saw?

edutcher said...

Having seen the trailer on TV, it doesn't come across as something pro-Obama.

And the fact it's appearing in limited release means people will be coming farther to see it, so it's not going to be limited to the city in which it plays.

What interests me are the anecdotes I've heard about people taking undecideds and Obamatrons to see this to make up their minds.

caseym54 said...

The movie was in first place for the weekend on a per-theater basis, clearing $5,718 per theater 8/24-26. The Expendables 2 was next highest at $4,024.

Box Office Mojo

lemondog said...

...but failed to point out that, well, the film is playing in two-thirds fewer theaters than those top-five holdovers.

Showing in one theatre in Chicago.


Wally Kalbacken said...

I saw it yesterday and the simplistic anti-colonial view ascribed to Obama and his father (and his mother) reminded me of 30+ years ago in Madison (Hey, hey, hey, ho, The Shah has got to go!). The convincing take on the wealth of nations is that it is not what you have (relative natural resource wealth) but how you use what you do have that makes the difference between leading or lagging in GDP/capita. So, it's more a matter of culture. Kenya and other African nations which are now free of colonialism are nowhere today, despite resource wealth, because their culture does not support positive economic development. End of story.

I liked the inclusion of the Tom Brokaw - Charlie Rose excerpt acknowledging, after the election, before the inauguration, that they didn't know jack about Obama. I was aware of the issues about Obama before sitting down in the theater, but I think the film did a good job of presenting it in a context which has never been assembled by the media.

I watched it in a theater in a heavily GOP part of Palm Beach County at a 5:45 pm showing, in a theater which could hold 300, about 60-65 seats were occupied. But then again half the county was hunkering down for a tropical storm.

The Crack Emcee said...

Great - now that I'm done with "8" - The Mitt & Ann Romney Numerology Celestial Sex Mix, maybe I can get out and see it,...

Beer, Bicycles and the VRWC said...

Saw the movie Friday night in Menomonee Falls. It was precisely as you say. And the anti-neo-colonialism idea really clears up what Obama is. None of the other theories, in and of themselves covers all of his (seemingly) irrational moves.

Note also that he resonates with the Democrat base because they are also anti-neo-colonialists. It's the "No Blood for Oil", "Blame America First", "Reparations", "Coexist", "Green", "Global Warming"-istas. It all makes ssense now.

ricpic said...

Right is right! - The only way around the problem you describe would be to limit the franchise to those not receiving welfare. The Republican Party, as presently constituted, lacks the gonads to enact such a law even if it were to achieve overwhelming control of Congress. Which is to say, there is no solution.

Right is right! said...

My hope is that the Tea Party will replace the Dems as one of our two major parties and WILL deny the right to vote to people (over-whelmingly Rev. Wright American-hating minorities) who are receiving welfare. People should not be allowed to use their vote to line their pockets with the wealth created by hard working Americans.

chickelit said...

Once you go Barack you can go back.

Republicans are pitching a huge tent this election and there's plenty of room.

Right is right! said...

The Tea Party hopefully will end welfare and hopefully many of these leeches will slink back to Mexico or Africa or where ever they define themselves as being from.

bbkingfish said...

Will the UN take over Texas before, or after, 2016?

shiloh said...

Like watching fixednoise 24/7 er preaching to the choir.

Or buying an Ann Coulter fairy tale.

Hey, free enterprise!

Meade said...

"Like watching fixednoise 24/7 er preaching to the choir."

Shiloh, you've seen the movie?

Rabel said...

Obama's response to questions about the Medvedev hot mike-my election comment was that he was talking about the Republicans or something:

"Obama returned fire on Tuesday, telling reporters as he wrapped up a three-day diplomatic tour in Seoul that he had merely been realistic about the problems of dealing with a Congress partly controlled by Republicans."

“The only way I get this stuff done is if I'm consulting with the Pentagon, with Congress, if I've got bipartisan support,” Obama said of the missile defense negotiations. “And frankly, the current environment is not conducive to those kinds of thoughtful consultations.”

lemondog said...

Kenya and other African nations which are now free of colonialism are nowhere today, despite resource wealth, because their culture does not support positive economic development.

Resource-hungry China is pouring in cash and building infrastructure to exploit the continents natural resources.

Until this post I was not aware of the movie.

Econophile said...

Why else would it be playing in Madison/Manhattan/Leftytown?

As somefeller already suggested, in absolute terms, there are far more who are not on the left in Manhattan than in Colorado Springs. Millions more.

Also, since coming to Madison, I've had a strong urge to seek un-Madison things--such as Althouse. Perhaps other Leftytown misfits have the similar needs.

I was really impressed by 2016. The story and the filming. D'Souza's framing of Obama's perspective as "third-world" was right on. Subtly different from your standard American Leftist thought.

cubanbob said...

ricpic said...
Right is right! - The only way around the problem you describe would be to limit the franchise to those not receiving welfare. The Republican Party, as presently constituted, lacks the gonads to enact such a law even if it were to achieve overwhelming control of Congress. Which is to say, there is no solution.

8/26/12 4:04 PM

While that would be desirable the constitution has amendments passed in the 20th century that preclude that possibility.

shiloh said...

Meade, why would one pay $$$ for an anti-Obama ad. Unless their hatred for Obama is at critical mass. In Ohio, you can watch them 24/7 for free lol or change the channel.

But to be fair, I didn't pay for any of Michael Moore's docs either although I downloaded a few on the net.

After the election Meade I will download the 2016 OA torrent and watch w/popcorn. Promise! :)

cubanbob said...

I haven't seen the movie, I just might do so but seriously how can anyone who has lived the last four years in this country possibly vote to have four more years of this crap?

yashu said...

right is right, moby is moby.

Econophile said...

Another thought: I wouldn't think of the documentary as "anti-Obama" necessarily. It's too sincere.

I especially liked the bits with Shelby Steele on Obama's racial bargaining.

CWJ said...

Two thoughts.

Ricpic please don't try to engage Right is right! seriously. He's an obvious Moby. I tend to read comments before looking at who wrote them, and even I recognize him alomst immediately by his cartoon-like insincerty. R is r!, up your game Man(woman)!

Like many mainstream conservatives, I've dismissed D'souza's premise as too simplistic for such a "complex" man. But perhaps Occam's razor, should be applied and that I am wrong.

edutcher said...

The little animal is reduced to babbling about Meadhouse's choice of movies.

Maybe it's that poll showing OH now a dead heat both for POTUS and US Senate.

PS I have to laugh he thinks Althouse is who I mean by The Blonde.

Yeah, sure, she's slipped off with me in the stories I've told here about Puerto Vallarta and Cancun while Meade wasn't looking.

lol, at the very least.

Althouse may be The Redhead or The Platinum to Meade, but she sure ain't The Blonde. Not mine, anyway.

Titus said...

Did Meade get a hardon during the movie?

Unknown said...

Not playing anywhere near downtown Chicago. If I was a leftist, I would scream censorship or something.

pm317 said...

I was really impressed by 2016. The story and the filming. D'Souza's framing of Obama's perspective as "third-world" was right on. Subtly different from your standard American Leftist thought.

I just mentioned this to my hubby and he could instantly see what you(and D'Souza) may have meant by the "third-world". To me what it means is that there is no polish or finesse in the political dialog with your opponents. He thinks of them more like enemies on the one hand and as obstacles and retards who don't see his greatness on the other.

Titus said...

Meade is hard right now after the movie.

He is splewing everywhere and very excited.

And the best is he doesn't have to work tomorrow.

Hopefully there is some protest he can videotape to consume his time

Meade is kind of a big time loser.

ndspinelli said...

He is indeed, Titus. But he's a legend in his own mind!

ndspinelli said...

I wonder what the hell it is about Sundays? Early bloody marys and then nastiness?

Unknown said...

"a legend in his own mind"

fantastic, yours? nah, i'm just fucking with you.


Anonymous said...

"I will transmit your information to Vladimir," said the spider to the fly.

I think it's funny that these people can't even contemplate an anti-Obama movie that they walk in unsuspecting of the truth. These, of course, are the easiest to convince. I think the movie will make a few converts.

Anonymous said...

BTW I just read Walter Mosley's newest book. His detective protagonist is a black man, Red diaper baby, and now quite dismissive of all that.

Has Obama lost the literary set too?

Alex said...

"I will transmit your information to Vladimir,"

If Romney had any testicles, he'd run that clip over and over again.

Gahrie said...

I truly, honestly, cannot understand how anyone can watch that embeded clip, and still contemplate voting for President Obama.

It's just so transparent that he considers his supporters to be ignorant rubes.....

Alex said...

shiloh - do you believe anti-Obama ads are full of lies and half-truths while anti-Romney ads are full of truth?

Econophile said...

pm317 said: "To me what it means is that there is no polish or finesse in the political dialog with your opponents."

That's certainly part of it, but I have a different interpretation for what third-world intellectual thought entails (if there's such a thing). Beyond intense bitterness, there's no appreciation for culture or complex, emergent institutions--especially legal traditions and property rights. To me, it also characterized by a truly perverse understanding of trade and technology and sources of innovation. It's an unsophisticated, fixed-pie sort of conception of the world and trade, tribal, and always global.

The Crack Emcee said...

Anyone who doubts that Obama deserves to lose is living in a dream world.

I just wish the option was someone I could get behind (Or that others would insure he'd be disciplined, especially regarding his cult's actions, once he's in power.)

Oh well, you guys, do what you must,...

Alex said...

Yet Crack also says Romney deserves to lose, so what to do if you're a Crack-head?

Meade said...

Titus said...
"Did Meade get a hardon during the movie?"

Only once. At one point, the movie got a little boring and my mind drifted to thoughts of you, Titus. Not the now you, the earlier you, back when you were young and pretty and full of self confidence. Back when you were hot and everyone could see it. Back when you didn't have to try so hard.

pm317 said...

@Econophile Beyond intense bitterness, there's no appreciation for culture or complex, emergent institutions--especially legal traditions and property rights.

Yes. I would say lack of polish or finesse is a result of this mindset. Coming from where I do, I have seen it all. Lot of intellectuals in that part of the world excuse this mindset in their politicians and leaders alluding to poverty, lack of education, corruption, and greed. What is Obama's excuse?

KCFleming said...

I expect I already know most of what's in the movie, so I dunno if I'll see it. I hope the film makes a difference, though.

Tim said...

pm317 said...

"The fact that he had done nothing of worth leading up to 2008 campaign should have been a red flag in and of itself and we see now the absence of accomplishments was because of incompetence not because of lack of opportunities."

The red flags were obvious.

Those who ignored them did so willfully.

Those who decided he was still better than McCain despite them did so stupidly, or out of ideological devotion, or out of rank dependency.

None of them are honorable explanations, let alone excuses, for voting for Obama.

Meade said...

Pogo, do you know the real reason Obama returned the gift of the bust of Winston Churchill? I did not, but now I do.

Tim said...

"I hope the film makes a difference, though."

I agree, but if the last four years haven't convinced people that Obama was never qualified to be president, this film won't do the trick.

Some people are just too stupid to learn from their mistakes.

The Crack Emcee said...

Yet Crack also says Romney deserves to lose, so what to do if you're a Crack-head?

God, Debbie, you are such a liar - I've NEVER said he deserves to lose:

I said I can't vote for him and he should be vetted.

I dare you to find a single comment of mine that says otherwise. One. Don't do your jumping-all-over-creation routine. Find one (1) comment of mine - ever - where I said he deserved to lose this election.

Look - don't bother - I'll save you the trouble and suggest you do your regularly scheduled disappearing act now,...

Tim said...

"It's just so transparent that he considers his supporters to be ignorant rubes...."

It has always been transparent.

His supporters were/are too dim to notice, or lacking enough self-respect to care.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I have not yet watched. I suspect it hammers home how out pathetic, lazy, commie media never even attempted to cover any of the facts about Obama.

shiloh said...


btw, saved this one because I knew you had no willpower lol ie one day you pretend to be a lib, next day a con, etc. etc. And figured this out after a couple days. :)

To answer your question, all politicians are liars, but mittens/Ryan are compulsive, flat out, unmitigated liars ... on a good day!

take care little buddy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Brain Ross is a hack and quit possible the shittiest "journalist" going.

Pete said...

Althouse will never apologize for voting for Obama but at least she plunked down $10 for an anti-Obama moive. That's something.

Big Mike said...

"That's pretty complex"

Complexity is a challenge. Most liberals can reason from A to B, and from B to C, and from C to D. But reasoning from A to D is wa-a-a-ay beyond any of them

Big Mike said...

The post siloh put up while I was typing is a prime example of what I mean.

Judith said...

While I applaud the movie's message, I found the herky-jerky, quick-cut camera work annoying and distracting, with the overall experience too close to carsickness. Enjoyed the book more!

Michael Haz said...

We saw the movie Friday afternoon in a theater near where we live.

I was expecting a semi-amateur movie similar to Steven Bannon's movie about Sarah Palin. What we saw was a masterwork by Dinesh D'Souza. Well researched, well written, well narrated.

The film tells an important and true story. It should be seen by everyone, regardless of political orientation, before the presidential election.

D'Souza has done the work the mainstream media should have done, were it not fully in bed with the Obama administration.

damikesc said...

Meade, why would one pay $$$ for an anti-Obama ad.

Do you frequently post out of a position of absolute ignorance?

*remembers who I am posting to*

Yeah, I guess you do.

wyo sis said...

I'm trying to imagine what it must be like to filter every thought and experience through Titus' mind.

It seems all thoughts begin and end with bodily functions. If I remember my psych 101 textbook correctly, most people get past the potty phase at a very young age. Is there a special exception for LGBTQRSTUV people?

Meade said...

Pete said...
"Althouse will never apologize for voting for Obama but at least she plunked down $10 for an anti-Obama moive. That's something."

To be accurate, it was my $10. But you are correct not to expect an apology and, instead, learn to leave the past behind.

Beverly Lapp said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bill said...

I could open my bookmark folder and find you any number of thoughtful rebuttals to various Michael Moore movies. I'm curious if anything like that has surfaced on the left. Have they even acknowledged it? Will they?

Meade said...

In fact, it wasn't even $10. It was $7.50. Matinee. She's a cheap date - just my kind of girl.

Bill said...


Well the comment preceding my earlier one was deleted but here was the link contained within:,1230760/critic-review.html

a response at least. YMMV

Anonymous said...

I took a friend to see it today. My friend is a generally apolitical woman who bought into the Hope and Change in 2008. The theater was almost full and applause broke out in the audience after the film. My friend was quite shaken. Much of the information in 2016 was not new to me, but it was to her. She said "I can't believe I voted for that guy. I feel like volunteering for Romney now." Wave bye to another vote, Barry. In a swing state. Take an undecided/apolitical friend or relative when you go. It's quite powerful.

CWJ said...

@meade @ 6:25

Thank you for that bit of sanity.

The Crack Emcee said...

Hey, where's Alex - I mean, Debbie?


I told you:

Her post-lie disappearing act is AMAZING,...

Anonymous said...

Is it worth seeing even if you are totally No-bama already?

I do hate those quick cuts. I will never forgive MTV for starting this.

Meade said...

Pat, in that case, I would say read the book instead. I enjoyed the pace of the movie. I did have a problem with the volume of the audio - wished I had brought along ear plugs - but that was most likely the particular theater we were in. If you have a friend or family member who voted for Obama in 2008, it might be interesting to take them and see what they think.

shiloh said...

"learn to leave the past behind."

Too funny as all Meade and Althouse cons talk about is the political past ie Carter/Clinton etc. etc.

ok, ok, "they" don't like talkin' about the recent past lol ie cheney/bush ... just Obama.

SunnyJ said...

Went to see it Friday night. This is not an "anti-Obama" film, infact I found it a pretty compassionate film that recognizes where he came from parents/mentors impact and the impact of his environment. He's a kid that got abondoned by self involved narcisstic parents, one of which was anti American and one of which was anti-colonialism of the British kind. He created a composite of them and has been doing it ever since. He thinks he's entitled to downsize America to make his parents proud and right all the wrongs. Seriously, if we were talking about a border agent they would take away his gun, a tower controller at the airport would be grounded, and a President of the USA/leader of the free world needs to have the briefcase removed and escorted out of the WH.

You can see how he is manipulated by the adults in his life and continues to be with unearned praise. It's pathological, turns on and off and used to create at will the latest composite scenario.

The people around me at the film walked out incredulous..partly that they had voted for him I guess, but also because where the hell were the free press when the vetting was suppose to be going on?

It's really well done, easy to watch, logical and presents an algorithm of Obama's development and the parallel tracking of the development of American citizens that made the perfect storm occur.

It also makes it clear, love him or hate him, he cannot safely be trusted with America and has got to go.

Mike and Sue said...

I don't ever want to get Meade angry.

Only once (Titus). At one point, the movie got a little boring and my mind drifted to thoughts of you, Titus. Not the now you, the earlier you, back when you were young and pretty and full of self confidence. Back when you were hot and everyone could see it. Back when you didn't have to try so hard.

Ralph L said...

I just watched the trailer. Please tell me the movie doesn't flip through images that quickly; it's beyond irritating.

Titus said...

Meade is kind of horrible and boring and a big homopobe, tach.

But we still love him, except me...I never liked him.

Meade said...

Sunny J makes a really important point: the movie is not anti-Obama, the man. It is not ad hominem. And, in fact, it is very sympathetic to him in that Mr. D'Souza, who wrote the book and made the film, is himself an "outsider", like Obama's father, who came to the United States as a student on a scholarship.

The critical difference is that D'Souza believes in the American Dream and in the concept of American Exceptionalism.

Barack Obama, Senior and Junior, reject both.

Meade said...

Titus, I have absolutely no fear of anything homo. And I love everyone. Including you.

Now go do something thoughtful for someone other than yourself. Maybe your husband.

Meade said...

If you really have a husband.

somefeller said...

Mr. D'Souza, who wrote the book and made the film, is himself an "outsider", like Obama's father, who came to the United States as a student on a scholarship.

And Mr. D'Souza has spent his entire career as a conservative apparatchik, starting with his days at the Dartmouth Review. But I'm sure the film is very sympathetic, fair and balanced.

pm317 said...

Meade, I read out SunnyJ's comment to my husband and he said the same thing you're saying that D'Souza because his own experience (he is from India) sees where Obama is lacking (In a way we do too because we believe that innovation and the unique idea of the American dream were keys to American success among other things).

pm317 said...

I should add, D'Souza irritates the heck out of me.

pm317 said...

You know what, looking at some of the comments that talk about surprise from their Obot friends after watching this movie.. this is what we Hillary supporters were begging for from the media in 2008. Just do the vetting, put the information out there. We screamed but nobody heard us. Where were the Republicans during primary 2008 when we were struggling to get the message out? Jake Tapper talks about media bias now toward Hillary in 2008. That asshole Chuck Todd admits it. Idiot Halperin goes around saying media is quick to do Obama's bidding. At least now, wake up, demand fairness whether you fully like/support Romney or not.

Titus said...

Meade, in all honesty, you have never been pretty.

You look like an angry muppet...who attends and films stupid protests.

You are gross, and fags dislike you, and you are boring.

And your claim to fame is being married to some blogger.

In other works, Meade (homo hater) you are really fucking dull.

Embrace it.

Anonymous said...

Titus, how do you know what Meade looked like, say, 30 years ago?

Given your desire to bonk Scott Walker, I question your taste.

I certainly question your husband's taste.

Titus said...

Meade got a hard on in the movie.

Imagine the grossness of that.

Alex said...

Titus - you're one to lecture about "grossness" posting 1000s of times about your "pinching a loaf".

Alex said...

Titus said...
Sounds like a wonderful experience to me.

Don't you all be a bunch of Judge Judy's.

Life, experience, adventure, step out of your boundaries, and pinch a group loaf.


7/12/12 10:01 AM


tiger said...

Titus said...
Meade is hard right now after the movie.

He is splewing everywhere and very excited.

And the best is he doesn't have to work tomorrow.

Hopefully there is some protest he can videotape to consume his time

Meade is kind of a big time loser.

Could be but he's a minor leaguer compared to the bullshit you spout.

You ad hominem(sic) attacks on him make you the loser but then I doubt you have the self-awareness allah gave a squid so realize it.

Meade said...

Titus, so you mean you don't really have a husband.

I'm sorry.

Alex said...

maybe Titus is shiloh's sockpuppet. Ever think about that? He's been fucking with us for years.

Paco Wové said...

I usually just assume that everybody posting here except me is a figment of Althouse's imagination. You know, "art project" and all that.

Known Unknown said...

I usually just assume that everybody posting here except me is a figment of Althouse's imagination. You know, "art project" and all that.

Oh, like you just came up with "Paco Wové!"

Known Unknown said...

But I'm sure the film is very sympathetic, fair and balanced.

Does it have to be?

somefeller said...

Does it have to be?

Of course not. But some here are claiming that it is such a thing. Let's just say I'm skeptical of that.

Meade said...

I only said it was sympathetic. Who said it was fair and balanced?

If you want fair and balanced, watch Fox News.

KCFleming said...

@Meade said...
The real reason Obama returned the gift of the bust of Winston Churchill?

I'm guessing having the colonialist WC staring at him was simply too much.

There was also the rumor about Obama's "grandfather's" "imprisonment" by the limeys.

But all BHO's stories are bullshit, so I'm not sure.

Nathan Alexander said...

I've noticed the supporters of the proven/known prevaricator Barack Obama, shiloh and garage mahal, claim that Romney (and/or Ryan) are the supposedly the lyingest liars since the Father of Lies Himself.

Which only goes to show that in the liberal progressive lexicon, "liar" means "truth that a liberal progressive can't face up to or argue with, so will be dismissed by calling it a lie".

Methadras said...

I blame FDR and the timidity of HUAC for Urkel!!!

Meade said...

@Pogo - exactly right. Next time, I'll just email you. And save 15 bucks. (Plus my ear drums).

KCFleming said...

I might take my son.

It can't be louder than Batman at the Imax.
I hope.

Meade said...

Romney should buy the thing and live stream it from now until election day. Landslide.

Revenant said...

And Mr. D'Souza has spent his entire career as a conservative apparatchik

You don't actually know what the word "apparatchik" means, do you. :)

But I'm sure the film is very sympathetic, fair and balanced.

Good point. Nobody with actual political views can be trusted to make a documentary about politics.

Now if only we can find some Martians to make our political documentaries for us...

shiloh said...

Damn, a Hillary supporter still whining about 2008. Hey it wasn't Obama's fault she thought the race would be decided in her favor after Super Tuesday and had no back-up plan and was out of $$$ while dodging bullets in Bosnia.

Indeed, both Hillary and Bill gave uplifting, full support speeches of Obama at the 2008 Dem convention so obviously they don't hold a grudge by still whining about their failed primary.

pm317 feel free to do the same or not.

I yield back the balance of my time to the scintillating Titus/Meade discussion ...


shiloh said...

"Romney should buy the thing and live stream it from now until election day. Landslide."

But, but, but it's not anti-Obama lol.

PianoLessons said...

Ann - I love how Meade asked:
Pogo, do you know the real reason Obama returned the gift of the bust of Winston Churchill? I did not, but now I do. Pogo later replies (with a pretty good answer BTW)

I knew its significance the minute I read about it in early 2009. This speaks of my education (K-12 Jesuit run Catholic schools in Chicago where we learned history and read stuff - tough stuff).

And I know - first hand - that home-schooled kids and many private school taught kids are learning the reason why the Churchill bust being returned by Obama was an iconic moment in his "so called transformative" presidency.

Further - I feel the big tragedy about high school freshmen about to descend upon college in a week or so may have no clue about this significant metaphor that says so much about America's roots, Western Civilization and the way to examine our past so we do not repeat mistakes.

BTW - my husband and I saw 2016 at Eastgate in Madison Friday night and it was a full crowd - many older folks - applause at the end. Sadly - we both knew most of this stuff about Obama a long time ago. My big wish is that DeSouza would have talked a lot more about Edward Said (the anti-Zionist 'Buddha" of Post Colonial Criticism - the kind of crap I had to swallow in grad school in 2002-2004)....he did mention him as one of Obama's mentors - but not nearly enough.

DeSouza is the Said antidote - and he -pedaled his own importance in this film - in my opinion.

exiledonmainst said...

I took a friend to see it today. My friend is a generally apolitical woman who bought into the Hope and Change in 2008. The theater was almost full and applause broke out in the audience after the film. My friend was quite shaken. Much of the information in 2016 was not new to me, but it was to her. She said "I can't believe I voted for that guy. I feel like volunteering for Romney now." Wave bye to another vote, Barry. In a swing state. Take an undecided/apolitical friend or relative when you go. It's quite powerful.

8/26/12 6:41 PM

pm317 said...

Meade, I read out SunnyJ's comment to my husband and he said the same thing you're saying that D'Souza because his own experience (he is from India) sees where Obama is lacking (In a way we do too because we believe that innovation and the unique idea of the American dream were keys to American success among other things).

8/26/12 8:35 PM

Anonymous said...

Well, it sounds like it would be interesting, given that it's not just a campaign ad.

BTW did you know movie theaters are exempt from decibel-limit ordinances? They sure do have good lobbyists.

Ralph L said...

I'm guessing having the colonialist WC staring at him was simply too much.
Or was it because Churchill was half-American--and more Indian than Elizabeth Warren?

Why didn't he just move it elsewhere? They could have put the pair of matching busts on either end of a mantelpiece or something, with Stalin in the middle.

rick rogers said...

Transmit? What is he? A f*cking optical fiber?

LoafingOaf said...

It fits with the movie's theme that Americans didn't try to learn more about Obama before voting him into the Presidency.

It was only a little more than a year ago when Meade, in a rare moment when he put aside his partisanship, confessed that he wished he had voted for President Obama.

This was because he realized Obama had been right in 2008 when he said, "If Pakistan is unable or unwilling to hunt down bin Laden and take him out, then we should." And Obama did just that, after so many years of President Bush's failed policy in Pakistan.

But now Meade has reverted back to the right-wing propaganda. Obama doesn't really believe in America. His goal is to destroy the American Dream. Why, he modeled his health care reform on...Mitt Romney's! Meade had better vote for Romney so we can have a real American in the White House again. You know, like President Bush, who hoodwinked us into war in Iraq and put the economy on the brink of collapse.

harrogate said...

"Romney should buy the thing and live stream it from now until election day. Landslide."

People assume the movie preaches to the choir for a reason. Can you guess what that reason might be?

dreams said...

I haven't seen the movie yet but I've read a lot about it and I'm a big fan of Dinesh D’Souza, below is what one of the powerline guys think of it and his opinion is consistent with my view based on what I've read that Obama is an un-American, Anti-American socialist/communist like his father and "fellow traveler" mother.

"But perhaps Barack Obama Sr. can help explain the intensity of his son’s hostility toward traditional American beliefs and values and toward its traditional role in the world. Unlike the case of many on the left, Obama’s hostility did not begin as an act of juvenile rebellion or as a way of fitting in with his peers. Rather, it seems deeply rooted in personal biography and psychodrama."

"For me, that’s what makes “2016″ a scary movie."

Paul Mirengoff

LoafingOaf said...

Dinesh D'Souza is that right-winger who wrote The Enemy at Home: The Cultural Left and its Responsibility for 9/11.

In faulting the cultural left, I am not making the absurd accusation that this group blew up the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. I am saying that the cultural left and its allies in Congress, the media, Hollywood, the nonprofit sector and the universities are the primary cause of the volcano of anger toward America that is erupting from the Islamic world. The Muslims who carried out the 9/11 attacks were the product of this visceral rage—some of it based on legitimate concerns, some of it based on wrongful prejudice—but all of it fueled and encouraged by the cultural left. Thus without the cultural left, 9/11 would not have happened.

Yuck. What an un-American scumbag Dinesh D'Souza is.

And here he is when he appeared on The Colbert Report.

Wow, one of the things he says in that interview is that Americans who give social sanction to homosexuals and those who support gay marriage rights are part of the cause of 9/11. And he's sympathetic to the terrorists on these sorts of issues. What a disgusting anti-American terrorist sympathizer Dinesh D'Souza is.

LoafingOaf said...

Meade: Shiloh, you've seen the movie?

Why would we go see the movie? Your wife's blog post about it doesn't even say she recommends it. Did you drag her?

dreams said...

"And he's sympathetic to the terrorists on these sorts of issues. What a disgusting anti-American terrorist sympathizer Dinesh D'Souza is."

That isn't a fair characterization of what he said and you would be better served to get your news and your knowledge of Dinesh D'Souza from a more reliable source.

I haven't read his The Enemy at Home: The Cultural Left and its Responsibility for 9/11 though I seem to remember that it was generally received poorly by many or at least some people who I also admire and so therefore I don't have an opinion of it but I also don't expect to agree with everything he has written.

I remain a big fan of Dinesh D'Souza and admire his work.

I for sure don't admire LBJ and I don't share the generally held lofty view of FDR with the exception of his world war two performance.

I suggest this D'Souza's book of Reagan listed below also for a better understanding of FDR and his response to the great depression I suggest Amity Shlaes' book also listed below.

"Dinesh D'Souza rates America's 40th president as one of its greatest, right below Washington and Lincoln. He makes a forceful case for this rank, probably the best ..." The Forgotten Man: A New History of the Great ...
(368 Reviews) This breezy narrative comes from the pen of a veteran journalist and economics reporter. Rather than telling a new story, she tells an old one (scarcely lacking for ... -

Sal said...

Right wing porn. Figures.

LoafingOaf said...

That isn't a fair characterization of what he said and you would be better served to get your news and your knowledge of Dinesh D'Souza from a more reliable source.

I made that statement after reading the author's summary of his book on his own web site and listening to his own words in the interview I linked.

D'Souza is running around claiming President Obama is "Weirdly sympathetic to Muslim jihadis". Actually, as I showed above, it's D'Souza himself who's weirdly sympathetic to terrorists. D'Souza hates America.

dreams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LoafingOaf said...

LoafingOaf said...
Meade: Shiloh, you've seen the movie?

Why would we go see the movie? Your wife's blog post about it doesn't even say she recommends it. Did you drag her?

Althouse is known for reviewing movies she hasn't seen, but here she saw a movie but didn't want to review it.

dreams said...

"D'Souza is running around claiming President Obama is "Weirdly sympathetic to Muslim jihadis"."

Regardless, I know which man is the true American and that man is Dinesh D'Souza.

Meade said...

LoafingOaf quoted himself...
LoafingOaf said...
Meade: Shiloh, you've seen the movie?

"Why would we go see the movie?"

So you could discuss it intelligently.

LoafingOaf said...

Meade, the movie was made by someone who says Althouse helped cause 9/11 because she supports gay marriage and other liberal positions on social issues.

SPImmortal said...

I made that statement after reading the author's summary of his book on his own web site and listening to his own words in the interview I linked.

D'Souza is running around claiming President Obama is "Weirdly sympathetic to Muslim jihadis". Actually, as I showed above, it's D'Souza himself who's weirdly sympathetic to terrorists. D'Souza hates America.


It's hilarious to hear some Obama butt sucker decry someone for being a terrorist sympathizer. You guys have some serious chutzpah.

I'll give you two words: Bill Ayers.

harrogate said...

"'Why would we go see the movie?'

So you could discuss it intelligently."


dreams said...

"it's D'Souza himself who's weirdly sympathetic to terrorists."

A more accurate characterization of what he said is that the he agrees with the more moderate Muslims who share our Christian and Jewish values.

LoafingOaf said...

A more accurate characterization of what he said is that the he agrees with the more moderate Muslims who share our Christian and Jewish values.

At the end of the Colbert interview (linked above), Colbert pulls it out of him that he agrees with many of the things the Islamic terrorists are against in America. Well, I don't think I'm an "enemy at home" who "caused 9/11" because I don't believe in God or because I support gay marriage. That guy's a fucking fool. He can run around saying Obama is "weirdly sympathetic" with terrorists, but I just showed you that it is, actually, D'Souza who is.

LoafingOaf said...

SPImmortal: While D'Souza was telling us the terrorists have a lot of good points about liberals and American culture, Obama has been busy killing terrorists and foiling terrorist plots.

dreams said...

"Colbert pulls it out of him that he agrees with many of the things the Islamic terrorists are against in America."

From that answer, you come to this conclusion "What a disgusting anti-American terrorist sympathizer Dinesh D'Souza is." It seems to me that you just want to believe what you want to believe.

Trochilus said...

"rehajm said...

Plunking down $8-$10 for your matinee ticket without verified knowledge of the upcoming content strikes me as economically reckless.

Unless it's hot out and there's no air conditioning at home...
8/26/12 3:30 PM"

Yes. But it's a short term loss. Some people go to the movies without thinking or checking ahead of time on a regular basis. I suppose they tend to be people who trust others' judgment . . . like the theater manager, or maybe the director. Actually, most of those folks probably are drawn to attend because of the "star," which is exactly what I suspect happened to those who did not nave any idea that this film was critical of Obama prior to entering the theater.

Perhaps -- like a post-conviction alcohol countermeasures class -- it will have some positive effect on the thinking of a small percentage of those who wandered in unaware. Or, am I just being hopeful that they will change?

Long ago, I did attend one movie about which I knew absolutely nothing in advance. And I did so to my eternal delight.

"Cool Hand Luke."

On those few other occasions where I've willingly and of my own volition, forked over cash to see a movie I knew nothing about, I recall that almost all of them turned out to be a clunkers, or so-so at best. So, I've decided I'm not lucky in that regard.

Some people cast votes for President because it is the socially acceptable thing for them to do at the time. There are far more serious consequences to that sort of thinking!

I think ths time a sufficient number of folks are far more aware of the consequences, and having also been exposed, for example, to the constant race-baiting and class warfare, and will simply never vote to reelect him.

Ralph L said...

Meade, ..., confessed that he wished he had voted for President Obama.
That was before we found out that Obama and ValJar had refused the mission to kill Osama twice, and that Panetta forced his hand to get it done.

Meade said...

Good for ValJar and Panetta and for Obama for employing them.

In 2008, I didn't trust Obama with, among other things, our national security. His green lighting the bin Laden hit was a pleasant surprise for me. Are we worse off now than we would've been with 4 years of McCain? I say we are not. As long as voters don't make the mistake of giving Obama 4 years more.

Amartel said...

The sad dullards you ran into at the theater are typical of the DNC base. Eager for propaganda about their messiah but it didn't occur to them that it was an anti-messiah message ... until part way through. Duh. Then the best they can do is cheap sarcasm and clumsy half-witted malinterpretation.

Kind of like most of the progressive ninnies who comment here. Same old insults, same old lies, strawman strawman, change topic, attack attack attack. Realize: That's all they've got.

I know these people. I live in their midst. They are not used to diverse thinking. It's threatening and scary. It upsets the comfortable status quo. They are used to rightthink and happy talk. Any divergence must be violently stamped out.

It is totally hilarious that Obamabots in dark blue areas are going to see this movie. A fair&balanced press would note the mass delusion and stupidity.

In America, there's the Stupid Party (GOP) and the Party of the Stupid (DNC). Choose your poison, I'm going with the one that isn't lethal.

Andrew said...

"I said Dinesh D'Souza was not against anti-colonialism but against the kind of anti-colonialism that developed in the 20th century and involved left-wing, collectivist ideology unlike the anti-colonialism of the American founding. "

So, in other words, the anti-colonialism of slaves and peasants instead of slave-owners and aristocrats.

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