August 23, 2012

"Should President Obama be trying to persuade voters that the economy is recovering?"

"Some Democratic strategists think that could jar against public perceptions that things aren’t really getting better."

Worried that people won't believe what their own experience tells them is not true, the Obama campaign deploys an experienced liar:


test said...

This is particularly ironic since Clinton won his election in large part because the media hyped an already over recession while ignoring signs of improvement.

al said...

I think that depends on what your definition of "is" is.

Rabel said...

“It’s very rare that I come to an event where I’m like the fifth-or sixth-most interesting person,”

B. Obama at a campaign meeting with NBA players yesterday.

Humility is so overrated.

bagoh20 said...

That's pretty weak. Clinton doesn't seem to be real enthused about the prospects of that happening.

The numbers and the numbers people including the CBO are sounding pretty dismal right now. I think the beginning of next year with tax increases is could be a devastating double dip.

Maybe it would be better if Obama does win. He will have to do what works, he will be free to do it and screw his base over again, and the Repubs in congress will support him more than the Dems will on doing those things.

I really am torn, becuase whoever wins is in for a load of crap even worse than what was dumped in Obama's lap.

I'm seeing substantial slowing in businesses I deal with, and absolutely no authentic optimism right now.

Rumpletweezer said...

Whenever I've found myself to be totally incompetent at some endeavor, I've admitted it to myself and moved on. Too bad this administration is in denial.

Anonymous said...

This ad is the prozac version of Hope and Change.

Brian Brown said...

Anyone who believes we are in a "recovery" needs their head examined.

Hagar said...

Obama is not a politician, and he is not going to do "what works."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Agreed with Bagoh. Weak.
I like the small tease about how we need to continue to invest in Obama's ideas. Riiight. Solyndra anyone? Do tax payers really desire more graft for fake start-ups run by democrat donor billionaires like Pat Styker?

Abound Solar is now bankrupt.

Colonel Angus said...

The counter ad would be Bagdahd Bob saying there is no recession in D.C.

So yes, replace persuade with lying and that sums up the ad nicely.

Sorun said...

"President Obama has a plan to rebuild America from the ground up."

That's exactly what I'm afraid of. What sort of an abomination would a racist, self-absorbed, left-wing community organizer create, given the chance.

Colonel Angus said...

If this ad tells us anything its that the 'war on women' meme isn't going to carry Obama across the finish line.

yashu said...

Who needs a recovering economy (or the story of a recovering economy) when you've got Akin?

Via Instapundit, our Unprecedented POTUS and Team Civility strike again: Team Obama breaks precedent to try to spoil Romney’s convention.

Relevant (to this post) bit:

The purpose of the Democratic blitz is clear: With Romney and the Republicans scrambling to defend Romney's tax history and undo the damage from Rep. Todd Akin's (R-Mo.) recent comments on rape and abortion, Obama and the Democrats don't want to give the GOP a weeklong opening to shift the discussion back to jobs and the economy — Obama's chief vulnerability heading into November's elections.

The Republicans' convention messaging will be thrown off, Baker said, "If Joe Biden goes to Tampa and says, 'Where's Todd Akin?' "

Brad Woodhouse, spokesman for the Democratic National Committee (DNC), said the Democrats in Tampa would focus on "how the Republican Party Mitt Romney is being nominated to lead is outside the mainstream on issues of importance to Americans — particularly as it relates to women, Hispanics and African-Americans."

Obama 2012 is a truly repellent, shameless, despicable campaign. I expected nothing less (and expect to see more), but it still surprises and disgusts me.

RonF said...

Some Democratic strategists think that could jar against public perceptions that things aren’t really getting better."

Some. Some? What do the others think? That people don't have the perception the economy isn't improving? That it IS improving? Or that they are more concerned about abortion than they are about the economy? The Democratic party needs some new strategists.

Brian Brown said...

The Republicans' convention messaging will be thrown off, Baker said, "If Joe Biden goes to Tampa and says, 'Where's Todd Akin?' "


Considering Slow Joe most likely will refer to him as Clay Aiken, I'm not going to lose sleep over that one.

These people really do exist in a bubble of ignorance.

dreams said...

"This is particularly ironic since Clinton won his election in large part because the media hyped an already over recession while ignoring signs of improvement."

Plus, Clinton was fortunate to be president while the Reaganomics economy continued its bull run up to the 2000 tech bubble. Clinton was also fortunate that his party lost the 1994 mid-term election which was a repudiation of his first two years in office. To his credit, he then along with the Republican control Congress, proceeded to bring spending under control and had for the most part a free market, business friendly presidency.

Brian Brown said...

"how the Republican Party Mitt Romney is being nominated to lead is outside the mainstream on issues of importance to Americans — particularly as it relates to women, Hispanics and African-Americans."


Because the President who voted against a Born Alive Infant protection bill, and who is mandating Catholic Hospitals provide birth control pills to employees is like so mainstream!

RonF said...

With Romney and the Republicans scrambling to defend Romney's tax history

Scrambling to defend what? Exactly what information do they have that the public - having had the media hammer the airwaves about Romney's tax history for, oh, months now - actually give a fart in a thunderstorm about it? They think this is going to be a big issue to help them win? Because people care?

I gotta start betting on Romney and giving people whatever odds they want.

Brian Brown said...

"If Joe Biden goes to Tampa and says, 'Where's Todd Akin?' "

Joe Biden won't be in Tampa 4 hours before he says something insanely stupid and the story shifts to his gaffe, at which point the media will stop covering him.

furious_a said...

If Joe Biden goes to Tampa and says, 'Where's Todd Akin?' "

That's assuming the former Dumb Blonde of the Senate doesn't go to Orlando by mistake.

furious_a said...

More eliminationist rhetoric:

Yashu: Bucking protocol, President Obama and the Democrats are planning a full-scale assault on Republicans next week during their convention. addition to the literal "full-scale assault" from OFA's Occupy and anarchist auxiliaries.

I'm Full of Soup said...

"Obama campaign deploys an experienced liar". Thanks Althouse for the refreshing candor which can be hard to find.

test said...

bagoh20 said...
He will have to do what works, he will be free to do it and screw his base over again, and the Repubs in congress will support him more than the Dems will on doing those things.

I don't disagree the next few years are likely to suck economically, although I think it will be due to more Euro fallout than this (congress will eventually pass a law reversing those auto cuts in their entirety, or near enough). But I don't understand how you conclude from that that Obama will "do what works", while saying Republicans will support him. Obama and the left don't care about general economic conditions. They only care about the economic conditions of certain Americans, coincidentally those who vote Democratic, government dependents.

We can count on Obama to act consistent with his entire life's work in the next crisis: double down on class warfare tactics and implement policies in the belief we can tax the rich for the salvation of government dependents.

garage mahal said...

the Obama campaign deploys an experienced liar:

Romney takes the gold medal for serial lying. He makes Clinton look saintly in comparison. Oddly enough Romney's welfare ad lie involved Clinton who had to set him straight. No matter, Romney just keeps running it anyway.

furious_a said...

He makes Clinton look saintly in comparison.

When is Pres. Clinton's disbarrment scheduled to end?

rehajm said...

Clinton is a brilliant actor. I watched several times to find the tic or twitch that reveals he knows what he's saying is complete crap. Nothing. Either a great poker face or brilliant editing. Nice enough for Clinton to take a few moments away from the Hillary for President Committee preparations to cut the ad, though.

BTW, here's the economists who approve of Romney's economic proposals and endorse him for president. No fewer than six Nobel laureates.

Colonel Angus said...

I wholeheartedly support the Obama administration intense focus on some obscure Missouri congressman's dumbass comments while Romney & Ryan focus on fringe issues like the stagnant economy, 8.5% unemployment and soaring debt.

That's a winning strategy if I ever saw one.

dreams said...

Clinton doesn't really want Obama to win. I believe its important to Clinton that he remain the only Democrat to be re-elected president since Roosevelt. And it won't help Hillary in 2016 to have to run for president after the America voters will surely be by then sick and tired of the Dems.

Anonymous said...

The MSM propagandists should be lined up and shot for their incompetence. After years of being spoon-fed propagandas, the stupid Americans still believe their lying eyes.

To paraphrase NYT's Tom Friedman: Why can't we be more like China?

Matt Sablan said...

The only metal that Clinton associates with Romney is silver. As in, Romney's sterling business career.

traditionalguy said...

Political Insight 101: The leaders preaching against something are secretly doing all they can to support that thing.

The best cover for a thief is a police officer's uniform.

The best cover for a Marxist Destroyer is a pro middle class financial recovery preacher.

Confusion is the art of war.

furious_a said...

Obama is clutching the adder to his breast. The bad blood from 2008 has only festered since.

Metaphor alert.

Colonel Angus said...

Clinton is a brilliant actor. I watched several times to find the tic or twitch that reveals he knows what he's saying is complete crap.

Serial liars like Clinton can pull that off with complete ease because they actually believe what they are saying is true. That's why he could look square in the camera and say he did not have sex with that woman. Because in his mind getting your dick sucked by a 20 something intern isn't sex.

The climb to political power is over a mountain of lies and at best, half truths. Do it long enough and it simply becomes your version of reality.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...

Romney takes the gold medal for serial lying.

What is funny is that you were asked to provide evidence of Romney "lying" and could not.

I guess you take the booby prize on that one.

Nonapod said...

Just for fun, here's Politifacts list of the lies Obama himself has told, it's multiple pages.

garage mahal said...

What is funny is that you were asked to provide evidence of Romney "lying" and could not.

I did moron, and also, nobody asked me to provide evidence. Do you even try anymore? Not that you ever did, but you seem a lot more incoherent than usual.

Anonymous said...

It's not a bad ad under the circumstances.

* The Obama campaign can't entirely leave the economy as an issue to Republicans.

* Voters would like some relief from the scorched earth negative ads that may already be cutting into Obama's vaunted likability numbers.

* Bill Clinton is not nearly so overexposed as Obama and he is associated with the booming Nineties economy.

* Democrats still like Clinton.

Of course, it's all soft, vague and pretty with no specifics on how things get better if America stays the course with Obama.

It may leave voters wondering why, if Obama has such a good plan to restore a strong American middle-class, nothing has happened so far.

Christopher in MA said...

Romney takes the gold medal for serial lying.

Remind me - when did Romney lie in front of a grand jury? Because I'm pretty sure that would be "gold medal" lying.

And how's that John Doe indictment coming, huh? Any minute now, you betcha!

furious_a said...

I did moron, and also, nobody asked me to provide evidence.

Refresh my memory, Garage, why was Pres. Clinton disbarred and forced to surrender his license to practice law?

bgates said...

Joe Biden wandering the streets of a large city asking passersby for help finding someone is not news.

Kurt said...

If you ask me, the Naked Emperor's campaign is just pushing its luck with this strategy. It is a well-established fact that Clinton is a liar. So to have him lying about the economy to help advance the cause of the Obama campaign should only remind people of why they hate politics and what a disappointment the supposedly "post-partisan" Obama has turned out to be.

Colonel Angus said...

He makes Clinton look saintly in comparison.

When you're reduced to arguing that your preferred politician isn't as bad a liar as the other guy, maybe its time to switch gears.

Myself, I just accept lies as part of a politicians genetic makeup. I vote on who will do less damage to the country. After seeing what Obama has wrought in his first term, I would vote for Pinocchio if he were on the opposing ticket.

luagha said...

The plan is obviously to have Biden attacked in some manner to make the Republicans look bad. It's pretty transparent. If they hurt Biden, if things get out of control, if the cops have to shoot someone, it's all going to be played against the Republicans.

Dante said...

It looks like Clinton is really trying to keep his eyes open and not blinking. But he couldn't help himself.

garage mahal said...

When you're reduced to arguing that your preferred politician isn't as bad a liar as the other guy, maybe its time to switch gears.

True. And I agree. But Romney does take lying into unchartered waters. Every single time he opens his mouth a lie pops out.

furious_a said...

It's not a bad ad under the circumstances.

No, but as was shown from the '94 Congressional elections onwards (and Sore/Loserman '00) the man lacks coattails.

Obama will suffer by comparison to a man known for sucking all the oxygen from the room.

pauldar said...

Nice Recovery - we just laid everyone off and now are back to doing it the way we use to. Just the wife and I. I have had grown men call me crying as they just lost their jobs that they have had for years and years and they had to cancel with us due to the job loss. The current business climate is pretty bad, worse I have seen since we started in 1998. I totally despise current leadership and what they have done to the middle class

furious_a said...

Every single time he opens his mouth a lie pops out.

Garage is in "neener-neener" territory now.

C'mon, G, you're falling behind -- has Clinton reapplied yet to have his license to practice law re-instated, Garage?

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...

I did moron, and also, nobody asked me to provide evidence

No, no you did not.

You keep screeching Romney is a "liar" but have nothing to support that.

I did ask you and you failed.

Synova said...

Obama has a plan?

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...

Romney takes the gold medal for serial lying.

But what about ______?

Camp Runamok said...

I almost get the impression this ad tries to sneak in the subliminal suggestion that Clinton is still President.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...
But Romney does take lying into unchartered waters. Every single time he opens his mouth a lie pops out.

Yet mysteriously, you can't name any of these lies.

paul a'barge said...

It depends on what the meaning of "is" is.

furious_a said...

"Democrats still like Clinton", undeniably, but for all the hosannas for his political skills Clinton didn't secure a majority of the popular vote in either of his victories. Besides arguably costing the Democrats their legislative majorities two years into his first term.

garage mahal said...

You keep screeching Romney is a "liar" but have nothing to support that.

Sharing with you would be a complete waste of time.

Colonel Angus said...

True. And I agree. But Romney does take lying into unchartered waters. Every single time he opens his mouth a lie pops out.

That's the standard how do you know a politician is lying joke.

ChicagoXile said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

Margins for products and servies are being depressed. New employment is part-time, temporary, or is otherwise low quality. The 10% of GDP federal deficit is effectively a regressive and progressive tax on every American and taxable entity, which further constitutes an unsustainable, virtual economy.

By no general measure has the economy improved. Redistributive change is a short-lived gamble with progressively smaller number of winners. Promising anything and everything to gain supporters is a short-lived deception.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...
Sharing with you would be a complete waste of time

Actually, you're an intellectual coward with a track record of linking to things which do not say what you claim they do.

ChicagoXile said...

And of course, they (the Obama campaign) are screening the youtube comments and ratings, making it seem like the video is more well-received than it really is

Christopher in MA said...

Jay, give it up. Asking garbage for proof is like Fred C. Dobbs asking the banditos for their badges.

Proof? We ain't got no proof. We don' need no proof. I don' have to show you any steenkin' proof!"

Hagar said...

But this is the President notorious for not having any plan, ever. He is "Senator Present."
When Speaker Boehner tried to make a "grand bargain" with him, it could not be done, becuse every time it looked like agreement was near, President Obama would dance away. He did not want to be the one making decisions. His whole presidency, indeed his whole career, has been about him just presiding and making speeches, while the action and decision-making went on elsewhere.

Dante said...

" It’s the well-known resource—flattery. Nothing in the world is harder than speaking the truth and nothing easier than flattery. If there’s the hundredth part of a false note in speaking the truth, it leads to a discord, and that leads to trouble. But if all, to the last note, is false in flattery, it is just as agreeable, and is heard not without satisfaction. It may be a coarse satisfaction, but still a satisfaction. And however coarse the flattery, at least half will be sure to seem true. That’s so for all stages of development and classes of society."

Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821–1881). Crime and Punishment.

Sridigailov explains to Raskolnikov how to win a woman's heart.

I always felt like I had to take a shower after Clinton talked.

Obama has some of the same skill.

Colonel Angus said...

but for all the hosannas for his political skills Clinton didn't secure a majority of the popular vote in either of his victories.

No but to his credit he was smart enough to ride the wave of the peace dividend and the tech boom by not trying to implement a massive giveaway program.

Clinton's signature achievements was welfare reform and a balanced budget. Granted it was presented to him by a GOP Congress but he was savvy enough to sign on. The fact he still takes credit for it today proves his grousing at the time was just political posturing to the left.

furious_a said...

Garage: Sharing with you would be a complete waste of time.

Share w/me, 'bro...

Was it Nixon or Clinton who surrendered his law license only *after* disbarrment proceedings?

You know, since *you* introduced the Clinton/Romney ratio as a mendacity metric...

Erik Robert Nelson said...

"...If Joe Biden goes to Tampa and says, 'Where's Todd Akin?' "

With the 24/7 news cycle, Akin will be a few media tantrums in the past by then. It's already overplayed, and won't speak to anyone except those who are already firmly in Obama's camp. All that would really do is remind everyone what Obama doesn't want to talk about. That, and energize GOP voters.

bagoh20 said...

"But I don't understand how you conclude from that that Obama will "do what works","

I don't think that anyone intelligent, left or right, really thinks the spending can continue. We will have to cut it, or the Obama legacy will be creating the worst economy ever. He's not so stupid to really believe the crap he's been told by his lefty friends, or that he spews about. He's gonna be on the line alone from now on, his name attached to whatever happens now, if he wins - no more excuses. Or maybe he really is an idiot. It would be nice to see those college transcripts before November. They're certainly more relevant than Mitt's tax returns. It would be important to know if he's always been stupid, or was just pandering to his base. We've got the other guy's resume.

furious_a said...

No but to his credit he was smart enough to ride the wave of the peace dividend and the tech boom by not trying to implement a massive giveaway program.

Well, except for HillaryCare. But the subsequent signature achievements you noted showed he learned from his mistakes. A skill Mr. Obama sadly lacks.

furious_a said...

bagoh20: He's not so stupid to really believe the crap he's been told by his lefty friends, or that he spews about.

Maybe not, but the Pres. is inner-directed enough to believe what he's been telling himself. What his "lefty friends" have been telling him only reinforces Obama's deep, profound self-regard.

West said...

Yeah because if there is anyone in the whole world whom I trust to not blow smoke up my ass, it's Bill Clinton.

And I'm dating a French model I met on the Internet.


Michael Haz said...

Americans are becoming less and less inclined to believe Barack Obama's lies.

The DNC response is to bring a far better liar, Bill "I did not have sex with that woman, Ms Lewinsky" Clinton to tell lies in a far more appealing manner.

The DNC convention can be broken down into two big categories: (1) I blame Bush, and (2) Killing babies is okay with us.

Meade said...

At :27 in the video, on the word "we", Clinton's eyes shift to his left - the tell-tale sign of a liar

Roger J. said...

I am not much given to conspiracy theories, but I do have to wonder what Mr Clinton is up to. I doubt there is any love lost between Mr Clinton and Mr Obama. most interesting.

KCFleming said...

Hoover 1932: "Prosperity is just around the corner!"

Obama 2012: "Recovery is just around the corner!"

Don M said...

That would be a cute idea: Get Bagdad Bob or Joe Isuzu out of retirement to make a series of fake Obama commercials that echo what Obama actually said.

Joe Isuzu: You didn't build that.
Bagdad Bob: You Didn't Build that.
Obama: You didn't build that

Joe Isuzu: Gonna put you back in chains.
Bagdad Bob: Gonna put you back in chains.
Joe Biden: Gonna put you back in chains.

Colonel Angus said...

I don't think that anyone intelligent, left or right, really thinks the spending can continue.

On the contrary, I believe the current administration and leadership of the Democrat Party are so completely devoid of mathematical reality that by repealing the Bush tax cuts and the Buffett Rule they believe the trillion plus dollar deficit we have will somehow vanish or at a minimum, be under control.

Back on planet Earth, repealing the tax cuts will raise about $1-$2 trillion over ten years. That comes out to $100-200 billion a year which still leaves us with a trillion dollar deficit. Now what? Think Obama and the Democrat Party will cut spending? Eliminate all defense spending and now we are at the Bush deficit level Obama claimed was irresponsible.

Fact of the matter is, spending will continue right up to the point our currency becomes worthless from hyperinflation because any talk of cuts is equivalent if tossing kids and grandma out on the street.

garage mahal said...

At :27 in the video, on the word "we", Clinton's eyes shift to his left - the tell-tale sign of a liar

So while you examine body language for lies, what do you think of this real life howler? from Romney? Added bonus: It involves Bill Clinton

Hagar said...

Obama is an ideologue, not a politician.
Rekigion trumps reason every time.

Hagar said...


Colonel Angus said...

I am not much given to conspiracy theories, but I do have to wonder what Mr Clinton is up to. I doubt there is any love lost between Mr Clinton and Mr Obama. most interesting.

I think at that level of politics, party loyalty trumps personal convictions. The Obama campaign slandered the Clintons as racist during the 2008 campaign yet Hillary gave up a lifetime Senate seat to take the thankless job as SoS. If Obama loses she can pretty much hang up her political career.

I'm still expecting a last minute Biden departure with Hillary stepping into the number 2 slot. His campaign needs a jolt and she's about the only thing short of China attacking Pearl Harbor.

Unknown said...

So Obama is blaming Bush for all his troubles, taking pre-emptive credit from Romney for fixing the economy, should he be elected, all while running on Bill Clinton's record...

That's real leadership!

Kurt said...

Synova asked: Obama has a plan?

When it comes to having "a plan," let's not forget that Obama's budget proposal went down to unanimous, bi-partisan defeat in both the House and the Senate. So at least both parties can agree that Obama's budgets are not worth implementing.

Methadras said...

Did Bill Clinton's calling Obama a fairy tale in 2008 pile onto the professional liar screed? I mean, it looks like he's doing it cause he'd rather see a democrat in office than a republican and that's about it. The rest he believes like one of his 3 dollar bills.

test said...

bagoh20 said...
I don't think that anyone intelligent, left or right, really thinks the spending can continue. We will have to cut it, or the Obama legacy will be creating the worst economy ever. He's not so stupid to really believe the crap he's been told by his lefty friends, or that he spews about. He's gonna be on the line alone from now on, his name attached to whatever happens now, if he wins - no more excuses. Or maybe he really is an idiot.

I don't think the issue is his intelligence but rather his priorities. You may see the economic downturn coming and say "we have to stop this". He sees it and says "we have to help those most vulnerable to this". And where is that "help" going to come from? The answer is a little like asking why people rob banks, it comes from wherever the money is. Sure he'll tell us it's the top 1%, but we all know it's closer to the top 60%. It has to be since the top 1% don't have enough.

As for the spending itself, I don't believe that either. From the left's perspective why would it ever need to stop as long as there's something else to tax to pay for it? When lefties are asked how much is enough, why don't they ever have an answer? Fundamentally they believe taxes should be whatever they need to be to support whatever initiatives good government decides are necessary.

What we're in for can be summarived very succintly: never let a crisis go to waste.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Colonel Angus:
"On the contrary, I believe the current administration and leadership of the Democrat Party are so completely devoid of mathematical reality that by repealing the Bush tax cuts and the Buffett Rule they believe the trillion plus dollar deficit we have will somehow vanish or at a minimum, be under control."

I agree and would add this is true of the average DEM voter. But some of the true leftist DEM leaders know, in their hearts, that placing a huge tax on individual's wealth and raising the marginal tax to 75% is what they really want [Bartlett & Steele recommended a 75% marginal tax just this week in the Philly Inquirer for earnings over $10 Million. I wonder what Obama's NBA star pals think of that idea?].

Hagar said...

It is also a large part of the left's feeling, if not reasoning, that since money is created by the Government, all they have to do is have the Government create more money, and prevent the meanie Rebubs from hogging it all for themselves, and then everyone can be rich!

Chip Ahoy said...

I saw a video up there and thought, "Oh that Ann, there she goes again with those retro YouTube things again."

Known Unknown said...


I know that guy! Eric Flipikowski!

Colonel Angus said...

Bartlett & Steele recommended a 75% marginal tax just this week in the Philly Inquirer for earnings over $10 Million. I wonder what Obama's NBA star pals think of that idea?

The problem is that I don't think these guys get paid in the same manner the guy working the assembly line at Ford. It's the same reason leftist Hollywood doesn't balk at the concept of repealing the Bush tax cuts because they weren't paying the Clinton tax rate to begin with.

Sure you can raise more revenue repealing the tax cuts but its not neatly enough to staunch the spending flow we are on, simply because there isn't enough money in the top 20% to do it. That means you have to tap that 48% who pay the 1% to zero on Federal income tax.

Colonel Angus said...

Neatly = nearly.

Sorun said...

I wonder what typical 20-somethings think about Bill Clinton.

Old perv?

Meade said...

"I wonder what typical 20-somethings think about Bill Clinton. "

I just consulted with a 25 year-old. I said "Bill Clinton", she said "ego".

I think she was trying to be charitable.

Anonymous said...

Isn't he the "racist" guy whose "racist" wife once ran against the Brilliant One who slept thru all his 3:00 a.m. phone calls?

Anonymous said...

By every single one of Obama's own metrics, Obama has failed.

He said he would cut the deficit in half in his first term. Fail.

He said unemployment would be at 5.5%. Fail.

He said we'd have hundreds of thousands of new green solar energy jobs. Fail

He said there would be what, a million electric vehicles on the road? Fail.

He said foreclosures would stop. Fail.

He said the oceans would recede. Fail.

He said he'd have a budget. Fail, fail, fail, fail.

He said his administration would be transparent. Fail.

He said there would be no cronies being rewarded. Fail.

He said America would be loved again. Fail.

He said the middle class would be helped. Fail.

To his credit, he did say if we voted for McCain we'd havea dummy for a VP for the next four years, and in that he was most certainly correct.

shiloh said...

"At :27 in the video, on the word "we", Clinton's eyes shift to his left - the tell-tale sign of a liar"

Meade's Clinton fetish is duly noted.

btw, eagerly awaiting Bush43's pro-mittens' political ad! lol

Dave D said...

"Bartlett & Steele recommended a 75% marginal tax just this week in the Philly Inquirer for earnings over $10 Million. I wonder what Obama's NBA star pals think of that idea?"

Interesting! I was just watching an old Twilight zone where a guy who wished for a million dollars got it from a genie. He gave away about 60K, then an IRS guys shows up and tells himi he owes 940K in taxes (900K in federal), leaving him with nothing. I forgot that the tax rates used to be that high. They REALLY want to go back to those days! Only now, LOTS more prople are flirting with million dollar salaries and it is worth much less than when Rod Serling was creating these shows.

furious_a said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dante said...

Or maybe he really is an idiot.

What if he is not an idiot, but believes "fairness" is more important than "progress."

Perhaps he has convinced himself that fairness will yield improvement to the average lot. I think some philosophers have used predicate calculus to prove one is better off, on average, when born into the "fair" society than the (sort of) merit based society we have now.

I personally do not know how someone can prove such a thing. Probably there are assumptions in there such as innovation continues at the same rate.

I like Yogi Berra's observation:

In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.

Issob Morocco said...

An extremely good liar when he wants to be and a somewhat dispassionate speaker for this President. Almost like a wink and nod to Clinton Dems to go vote for Romney.

Dante said...

Oh, and the missing piece, is that the more the government owes, the more the future will need to look to government for sustenance. They will be serfs to the government, enslaved with financial chains, and therefore it will be easier to put the yoke on them.

Government programs are hard to get rid of, once established.

With regards Obama, I found Romney so distasteful I was almost hoping for an Obama win, so the pot would heat up faster and the frog would jump out. However, I've been convinced this is not likely to be the case. Once established, Obama's programs are going to be firmly ingrained, and impossible to get rid of.

furious_a said...

I wonder what typical 20-somethings think about Bill Clinton.

Considering he was first elected president 20 yrs ago, probably not much -- as in unfamiliarity, not disdain -- among the younger (say <25) cohort. At most maybe television footage, recent newsclips, or what they heard from their parents. Not the real-time live-feed memories of their elders.

This is a base-rallying ad aimed at people old enough to have voted for Clinton.

rehajm said...

Once established, Obama's programs are going to be firmly ingrained, and impossible to get rid of.

Entitlements in their present form they are fiscally unsustainable. There isn't a marginal tax rate that will change that. So they will have to change. The only question is how will they change, and how much suffering will occur as a consequence.

chickelit said...

I wonder if Clinton is forgetting that "his" growth was underpinned with the help of a noted Randian, Alan Greenspan.

Anonymous said...

At :27 in the video, on the word "we", Clinton's eyes shift to his left - the tell-tale sign of a liar

Meade: Where did you get that?

In NLP they teach that when someone looks to the left they are accessing memories. It's when they look to the right that they are accessing situations that they are constructing, i.e. making up.

In my experience there is some truth to this, but I wouldn't take it to the bank.

yashu said...

Entitlements in their present form they are fiscally unsustainable. There isn't a marginal tax rate that will change that. So they will have to change. The only question is how will they change, and how much suffering will occur as a consequence.

Once the entitlement fangs are firmly latched on to the body politic, there's no prying them off. Look at Europe. Once you go far enough down that path, you're down the rabbit hole and there's no way back-- only further down. Take France (which is not even the worst case). Even if France elects the occasional Sarkozy (like that's "austerity"), when the French feel their entitlements are threatened they go whole hog socialist and elect Hollande, the 75% taxer.

After a second term of Obama, and Obamacare entrenched, I'm afraid we'll have reached the point of no return. We will have become a European-style welfare state, and we'll be caught in the European vicious cycle.

You're right, something will have to change. But in the past, hitting rock bottom fiscal crises have led to ugly things like, you know, fascism and war.

Anonymous said...

What if he is not an idiot, but believes "fairness" is more important than "progress."

Dante: Obama is a peculiar, complex character. I think this is a large part of his thinking.

Unknown said...

Colonel Angus--your take is pretty much the same as mine--I think Bubba recognizes the need to be a good democrat and it will make him easier to continue his influence with the party. I gotta tell you, though, Bubba seems like a long time ago in a galaxy far far away. But he is likely to keep the 40 something dems on the reservation.

Anonymous said...

Billy is doing to Obama what Monica did to him.

Have to wonder if uses knee pads

Cedarford said...

Colonel Angus said...
I wholeheartedly support the Obama administration intense focus on some obscure Missouri congressman's dumbass comments while Romney & Ryan focus on fringe issues like the stagnant economy, 8.5% unemployment and soaring debt.

That's a winning strategy if I ever saw one

The message is not targeted to an older white male conservative like you.

The casting of that ignorant hick Right to Lifer as a typical Republican anti-woman pol is for the Obamites to target the younger woman demographic.
As well as older women that may be personally pro-life, but who believe the state has no right to:

1. Force another woman to have a rape baby.
2. Force another woman to carry to term a deformed monster or fetus with severe genetic disease likely to die or be 100% dependent.
3. Really, really get pissed at religious right Republicans that believe it is impossible to get pregnant from rape unless the woman enjoyed the rape.

Dante said...

Entitlements in their present form they are fiscally unsustainable.

Think Greece.

Roadkill said...

Creeley23 said:

"At :27 in the video, on the word "we", Clinton's eyes shift to his left - the tell-tale sign of a liar

Meade: Where did you get that?

In NLP they teach that when someone looks to the left they are accessing memories. It's when they look to the right that they are accessing situations that they are constructing, i.e. making up."

Clinton is left-handed. Does that mean he looks to the right when he's lying? (That's a lot of looks to the right.)

Of course, Hillary would know for sure.

Anonymous said...

Roadkill: If Clinton is left-handed then, according to NLP, the eye access meanings are flipped.

However, NLP instructors do warn that when a subject accesses constructed sounds or imges, it does not necessarily mean that the subject is lying.

There has been some experimental research testing eye accesses with regard to lying which has failed to demonstrate the correlation.

PianoLessons said...

Colonel Angus said...

I wholeheartedly support the Obama administration intense focus on some obscure Missouri congressman's dumbass comments while Romney & Ryan focus on fringe issues like the stagnant economy, 8.5% unemployment and soaring debt.

You rock - any day now, the palace guard media will start talking about Mitt Romney's navel fuzz and then drown the airwaves with talking head blabber beginning with "While we should be talking about this nightmare of unemployment, home foreclosures and bankrupted cities, we find that we need to still talk about Mitt Romney's navel hair fuzz".

I stopped watching them all this week....every sinle person I know has made up their mind and....and per my unofficial small sampling, it will be a landslide for Romney and Ryan in November.

People are more sick to death of the palace guard media than Obama - and that seems to be saying a lot.

Rosalyn C. said...

You just know that Bill got paid for doing this. Well, actually not paid in cash, but in political capital. He couldn't turn down a request for his help without causing major political damage for his family. And Chelsea has recently expressed an interest in eventually running for office.

Next, it's obvious he didn't write his little speech. He's smarter than that. Whenever he makes an argument he uses numbers, and he's convincing. This spot made no sense.

He claims Obama is going to return us to full employment through innovation, education and job training. We know that all has long term benefits but won't improve people's prospects for jobs in the near term. Look at all the wonderfully trained recent college graduates who can't find work.

He also claims Romney's plan is limited to cutting taxes for the wealthy and deregulation. Is that all there is?

You don't have to be an economist to know that businesses will start investing in production and hiring when they feel more secure. When production increases and there is a demand for labor, wages go up. Then the middle class is strengthened.

Obama does not inspire confidence in the business sector. Why is that? Maybe because he doesn't seem to know about business, he only knows how to spend, not how to create. Why hasn't he communicated with the public about the progress his stimulus plan has accomplished? What technologies have been developed under his leadership? The more money he gets the more money he'll waste.

J Baustian said...

Barack Obama Junior has been trained from childhood in the use of newspeak and doublethink. Whatever he says is, by definition, the truth. If you refuse to believe him, that is a flaw in your nature, and you ought to be silenced for the good of society.

Bill Clinton is just an outstanding liar, to quote Bob Kerrey. Lying comes naturally to him. In the art of propaganda, though, Clinton was an amateur.

Rusty said...

garage mahal said...
At :27 in the video, on the word "we", Clinton's eyes shift to his left - the tell-tale sign of a liar

So while you examine body language for lies, what do you think of this real life howler? from Romney? Added bonus: It involves Bill Clinton

The real howler is that Obama is doing so well he has to rely on a previous presidents success to make him look successful.
Pitiful. Just pitiful.

Astro said...

Just wondering out loud here (well, in dots on a screen...)
Does Clinton see the selection of Ryan as ending any hope of Clinton being in the DC spotlight again?
He's got to know that if the economy recovers under Romney (a reasonable assumption), it will likely be 8 years for Romney. And Ryan already looks ready to follow Romney.
So if Romney wins, Hillary's slim chance is gone completely.

Clinton's hope has to be that Obama wins reelection, and then Biden gets removed and replaced with Hillary.

Rusty said...

Astro said,
"Clinton's hope has to be that Obama wins reelection, and then Biden gets removed and replaced with Hillary."

I don't know. Even Hillary is beginning to realize this administration is running the country into a ditch. I don't think she wants to be connected with this fiasco. Notice she hasn't been in the news lately.

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