"They’ve said it. Every Republican’s voted for it. Look at what they value and look at their budget and what they’re proposing. Romney wants to let the — he said in the first 100 days, he’s going to let the big banks once again write their own rules — unchain Wall Street," Biden said. "They’re going to put y’all back in chains. He’s said he’s going to do nothing about stopping the practice of outsourcing."I'm saying idiocy, but perhaps it is "anger and hate." Anger and hate... from loveable little Joe?
August 15, 2012
"Mr. President, take your campaign of division and anger and hate back to Chicago."
Romney responds to some sheer idiocy from Biden.
To call Slow Joe Biden an f%*$ing Idiot is a slur on all of the F%*$ings everywhere. He is the reason I pray for Barry's health and well-being, God help us if Joe Biteme ever became president.
This just in from CBS NBC MSNBC ABC CNN NYT WP AP: "Romney campaign going negative".
I like Biden, being from Delaware, he was my Senator. As a person, he's made mistakes, but he always has seemed genuinely nice (if daft.) But, since he hitched along with Obama, he's just been meaner and meaner.
Remember the Obama ad insulting McCain for being unable to type? Because McCain was crippled due to torture? Remember who came out saying that the ad went too far and was wrong? And then who was forced to change his story? Biden should've walked away then. Now, they have him saying y'alls and whispering that Republicans want to enslave people in the South.
It's kind of a shame that someone like Biden will most be remembered for being a goof on the campaign trail instead of what he could've been.
When Biden bashes banks, I laugh because he was once known once as "The Senator from MBNA". In fact, I seem to recall Slow Joe bought a home in a good deal from a bank exec.
Saying Biden is an idiot is not going to make headlines. We all knew that already.
The Dems are very divisive and hateful. Good for Romney to start calling them out on it.
Poor dumb ole' Joe Biden! He can't even speak Southern properly! Since he was speaking to a crowd, he should have used the second person plural, which should have been "All Y'all".
Remind me again of the Obama plan to prevent outsourcing?
Gee wonder why #GuessBidensNextGaffe
has been near the top of the trending at twitter for the past 2 days. Some mighty funny ones in there.
None of the above. It's simply pandering to blacks. They cheered. Well enjoy your life on the Democrat plantations dumb asses.
Gird your loins.
Matthew: there is no getting around the fact that Biden and other long-serving Congress critters had a big part in the federal govt's insolvency. Almost all of them are to blame and perhaps should be prosecuted for financial malfeasance.
mittens won the Rep primary by runnin' 95% negative adds against his train wreck opposition!
reinhold reince priebus recently sayin' Obama has blood on his hands notwithstanding.
Oh what a tangled web willard weaves ...
I yield back the balance of my time to Althouse and her ironic, self-righteous flock!
Nice response on Romney's part.
We need to be careful when gauging what Joe Biden says — it’s best to consult Neil Kinnock first.
It's just an insult war, not hate or idiocy.
The left wants an insult war, and the right wants an issue war.
Romney goes off message and sends back an insult, which means that the insult war is on and the left wins.
Yeah, Shiloh. Romney ran negative against his opponents. But that was always business. You could tell he found it kind of awkward; his nervous laugh, the stuttering.
The speech last night? It's personal. Romney has been personally offended. This wasn't an in-the-family disagreement. He's been accused, literally, of targeting a gay child for cruel torture, allowing a woman to die from cancer and cheating on his taxes for 10 years.
That's why he had his Medicare ad waiting to unleash on Obama, just like his Bain counter-punch. He knows how to play the game, but now that he -personally- has been attacked, the game is on.
I like the phrase "intellectually exhausted" that Romney uses to further his remarks.
They have some good wordsmiths as speech writers, carefully avoiding pejoratives while still arguing Obama isn't up to the job anymore.
He's capable, but just tired. He's exhausted. He tried, but it wasn't enough and now he's worn out so can't contribute any more. For his own good, let him sit on the bench. It's okay not to vote for him, indeed it's for his own good.
I know politics ain't beanbag and to become a career politician you have to divest yourself from a certain amount of class and principle but this just reaches the level of school ground taunting. If there is such a thing as a self respecting Democrat, they should be embarrased.
I'm sure by next week the Obama/Biden campaign will have loved on to Your Mama jokes about Romney and Ryan.
mittens disingenuous outrage has been duly noted since the day the silver spoon boy was born.
And too funny some of Althouse's lemmings say Romney wants his campaign to be all about issues/policies as he distances himself from Ayn Rand's lover boy daily ...
The laugh test meter just went past tilt lol.
The full passage from Romney's speech is worth reading:
[Y]ou don’t hear any answers coming from President Obama’s re-election campaign. That’s because he’s intellectually exhausted, out of ideas, and out of energy. And so his campaign has resorted to diversions and distractions, to demagoguing and defaming others. This is an old game in politics; what’s different this year is that the president is taking things to a new low.
It wasn’t supposed to be this way.
In 2008, Candidate Obama said, “if you don’t have any fresh ideas, then you use stale tactics to scare voters.” He said, “if you don’t have a record to run on, then you paint your opponent as someone people should run from.” And that, he told us, is how, “You make a big election about small things.”
That was Candidate Obama describing the strategy that is the now the heart of his campaign.
His campaign and his surrogates have made wild and reckless accusations that disgrace the office of the Presidency. Another outrageous charge came a few hours ago in Virginia. And the White House sinks a little bit lower.
This is what an angry and desperate Presidency looks like.
Politics aside, Obama's supporters should be ashamed, not only of the debased rhetoric, but of Obama's utter betrayal of the hope he inspired four years ago.
I'm sure by next week the Obama / Biden campaign will have moved on to Your Mama jokes about Romney and Ryan.
At this rate, by October the crackhead in chief will be in full Calypso Louie mode, shrieking "you got to get out there and KILL those white muthafuckers, homes!"
No, Shiloh. Romney has always played the politician's game. He was willing to meet in a battle of ideas. As Creeley outlines above, he believed Obama wanted to do the same.
Just remember: Yesterday, Obama was making jokes about Seamus the dog. Romney was asking us to elevate the discussion and talking about policy.
Obama: "Dogs on roofs!"
Romney: "Here's how I plan to help you keep roofs over your heads."
People notice the difference.
"which means that the insult war is on and the left wins"
I disagree. The Romney campaign is taking the values of the Left and holding them to them.
Division and anger. Those are precisely what Obama modeled himself as opposing in 2008. Hope and change are now division and anger. If Obama is perceived as those things, he loses his entire image.
Hate. Think in terms of hate speech. Anyone who is perceived of as using hate speech is tossed out from civilized society. And note that it is not even about the intent of the speaker, but how it is received. Labeling Biden as a purveyor of hate speech instantly puts the campaign on the defensive, to show why aren't hypocrites to their defined own value system.
I've spent my whole life trying to behave decently and sensitively. I'm tired tired tired of being called racist simply because I'm white. So, for this election, at least, the Democrats have lost me.
I've spent my whole life trying to behave decently and sensitively. I'm tired tired tired of being called racist simply because I'm white. So, for this election, at least, the Democrats have lost me.
shiloh said...
mittens won the Rep primary by runnin' 95% negative adds against his train wreck opposition!
Hey retard:
A speech isn't a "negative ad" and neither is accusing your political opponents of slavery.
But of course you equate such things as the drool runs down your chin.
I continue to be pleasantly surprised at Romney. I thought his takedown of the heckler the other day was really almost Reaganesque in its humor and optimism, all the while calling Obama out.
I think it may be possible to be enthusiastic about R&R in a way that it was not with M/P.
Althouse, does it make you damn proud when your incoherent con buffoon, Jay, monopolizes a thread? Rhetorical.
Ignore the braying of shiloh. He's very scared now. Remember confident ticket doesn't engage in these kind of scare tactics.
"Remind me again of the Obama plan to prevent outsourcing?"
He hasn't one. See? Like I keep pointing out, Obama and Romney are more alike than different, and they're both disasters!
We're screwed whoever is the next president.
I know whinging about the poll options is frowned upon, but
we need a seventh option: Fear.
Romney was interviewed on CBS' morning show and was asked about Biden's remark. Unfortunately, the news anchor cleaned up Biden's remark for him. She asked Romney why he would be upset about Biden saying that Republicans wanted to "put the middle class in chains"?
The rephrasing removed much of what was offensive in Biden's remarks. Most of those watching wouldn't have understood from the question the racial implications of what Biden said in front of a largely black audience -- that Republicans want to "put y'all back in chains." The only group in the US that can be put back in chains are African-Americans. Clearly, Biden was saying Republicans want to return to the days of slavery.
Given the history of the two political parties, this is particularly offensive. It was the 1st Republican president, Abraham Lincoln, who ended slavery and it was Republicans who broke Democrat led filibusters to enact the civil rights laws of 1950's and 60's. Republicans are rightfully proud of this heritage and to suggest that Republicans want to go back to slavery is particularly repugnant. The party was formed over opposition to slavery! In many ways it is a worse slur than suggesting that someone would idly stand by an let someone's wife die of cancer. (Not that anyone would ever make such a ridiculous charge.)
Imagine the outrage if Romney or Ryan had said this before a significantly African-American audience (e.g., Romney's speech at the NAACP convention). He'd be vilified for using slavery rhetoric and for descending into racially stereotypical argot. But it's a Democratic vice president who said it, so black opinion leaders and the media are just fine with it.
How long have we been listening to this man's brain farts? The earliest my memory goes back is 1987, when he led the Senate Judiciary Committee's star chamber, er, "hearings" (read: serial polemics) on Robert Bork's nomination to the Supreme Court. And it's been downhill ever since. What's hilarious is that his tribe (that would be liberals) still insists he's intelligent. Right. Thank you Delaware.
And, what's your plan, Cookie?
Convince the Chinese to unionize and demand $25 an hour?
The only solution to outsourcing is individual. Develop marketable skills.
I've worked for decades in a field that has been devastated by outsourcing... programming.
I've found a way to stay employed. It's up to the individual to be smart and to move fast.
I don't want the government to take care of me and fix things. Nor do I have any desire to belong to your great collective.
Biden says things that aren't idiocy?
Ryan and Romney are getting a crash course in heckling. They have handled it well, so far and it will get worse. IT will not benefit those paying the hecklers unless R%R get shaken but they don't look like it will get to them. Remember Muskie's crying ? That was a heckler.
As a Southerner, the "ya'll" jumped out at me when I first heard Biden last night. I thought, "Biden, you ain't no Southerner. Take your bullshit and shove it where the sun don't shine. You're a typical Democrat fanning the flames of hate and racism." (I hardly ever say or think the word "ain't," but, when I hear an uppity Yankee politician use it to pretend he's relating to us Southerners, it really gets me dander up.
The Dems are truly exposing their hate filled hearts this election season. Truly the Party of Swine.
Remember the attacks on Palin who didn't deserve to be a "heartbeat away from the Presidency?"
Giving the democrats a pass for Biden -- what hypocrisy -- I think the GOP should start making it an issue -- that Biden is unfit for office.
Robert Cook said...
"Remind me again of the Obama plan to prevent outsourcing?"
He hasn't one. See? Like I keep pointing out, Obama and Romney are more alike than different, and they're both disasters!
We're screwed whoever is the next president.
Hi. Bob. Can I call you, Bob?
Sometime next year a domestic company will begin taking astronauts up to the space station at a hell of a lot less than 23 million a pop.
But please. Give us your insights on "outsourcing" american jobs. I haven't had a good laugh today.
"You didn't build that."
You are being much too charitable; it was an even more embarrassing pander. He didn't say, "they're going to ..." He said, "they gonna ..."
Word to the wise: Dropping outrageous words is a strategy that Biden has perfected.
It is the right cross after feints with the left hand jab of niceness.
The "Oops, I mis-spoke" is never true.
The Dem opening Statement was, "the rich pay no tax while the non taxpayers lives are threatened by it.
That will be the evidence they claim to have while no Media challenges them on lying through their teeth. ( Except CNN did challenge Little Debbie on the facts...what's with CNN?)
That will be Obama/Biden's closing statment.
The framed question is always for a voter to chose between free benefits for themselves or tax relief for the super rich making over 200K a year.
I yield back the balance of my time
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Gold. You're gold.
to Althouse and her ironic
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ironic ha ha ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ironic ha ha ha ha ha
Oh my God this dipstick is gold.
And then it comes back!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ironic ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Joe Biden as Delaware version of Sen. Jubilation T. Cornpone is one thing, nominating him for Vice-President another, and that tells you about all you need to know about how Obama views his office.
So, President Obama and Vice President Biden are campaigning at a level they are comfortable with: in or near the gutter. Issues have no place in such a campaign. Expect an orgy of it from now until November, and use their statements to assess their character.
The incompetent buffoon trying to monopolize the thread is the little animal, not Jay.
As for Halo Joe, is this the right time to remind people he bought, owned, and sold a home with a restrictive covenant on it?
This speech by Romney and all the ads he's running in Florida to scare the shit out of seniors about Obama's raiding Medicare to pay for Obamacare show Romney wants to win bad. I have to give Romney some credit here for going for the jugular.
I can't find an option of "Accurate and prescient". Did you just forget to include it? Romney is already asking for bids from companies who will supply said chains. Shiloh told me so.
mccullough said...
This speech by Romney and all the ads he's running in Florida to scare the shit out of seniors about Obama's raiding Medicare to pay for Obamacare show Romney wants to win bad. I have to give Romney some credit here for going for the jugular.
8/15/12 12:57 PM
You forgot one important detail, what the Romney ads are saying happens to be true. Facts are stubborn things.
He hasn't one. See? Like I keep pointing out, Obama and Romney are more alike than different, and they're both disasters!
Well I guess I would like to know how the Federal Govt. can dictate to a private company where it can set up shop. I would think offering incentives to keep a company on our shores is the preferred method. Preventing is a bit totalitarian don't you think?
" Obama and Romney are more alike than different,"
Maybe, maybe not, but after the election the country will change in noticeable ways if Romney wins. That may be irrational, but it will still be good, and therefore, rational.
Hope can be an incredibly powerful thing, but only if the right stuff is expected. People feeling positive because the President is gonna fill their gas tank is not real stimulative in the long run.
He hasn't one. See? Like I keep pointing out, Obama and Romney are more alike than different, and they're both disasters!
First prove to me that outsourcing by itself is a bad thing.
One of the very few redeeming qualities to living in Deep Blue Cali is that neither side sees any point in wasting money on political advertisements here, so I've been pretty much immune to them.
Except for the anti-Romney ones that are running on the History Channel. Wonder what Obama's SuperPAC paid for nationwide ad buys aimed at the senior demo...
Obviously ((( struck a nerve ))) w/the the Chipster. Althouse, please give your gif boy a hug!
btw, yield "back the balance of my time" doesn't mean I'm permanently leaving for those of you like CA who don't understand English.
Again, I come and go as I please.
Deal w/it as you must, chippy ...
First prove to me that outsourcing by itself is a bad thing.
The nice thing about people who rail against "outsourcing" is that you can easily identify them as people who don't actually know anything about the subject. It is like hearing a white politician complain about "hippity-hop music".
Personally, I like to point out to them that only a handful of countries, such as North Korea, have successfully prevented their citizens from paying foreigners to do work for them. It hasn't been worth the effort.
(f) All of the above. Biden's comment was full of anger and hate, and angry, hateful idiocy. And it was reckless, dumb and mean. All too typical of reckeless, dumb, mean Biden-talk. It might have been thought of as clever rhetoric, if it had succeeded in luring Romney into sounding as angry and as hateful as the dumb, mean, demeaning Biden. But it didn't. Still it was demeaning to the people whom Biden was speaking to -- "y'all" gives that away.
I think that covers it. An Althouse Poll, wherein all of the multiple-choice answers served as better new coverage of the event than anything in the New York Times or on public radio.
And what is wrong with enslaving black people again? Just think of all the ills of the country it would serve.
Cheap labor. We can send all the illegals home.
Prison overcrowding. Hell we got most of 'em in prisons anyway. Lets break up the prisons to the highest bidder.
Deficit reduction. See above.
Crime. They ain't gonna have the energy to do anycrime after a full day of working, and singing spirituals.
Unwed childbirths. Don't even keep that as a statistic anymore, just breed 'em like any other domesticated animal.
Drugs. Everyone knows they only sell 2 things downtown...drugs and malt liquor.
Inner ciyt blight. They'll all be at the fields.
Unemployment. They'll be employed, just not paid.
Violence. Idle hands are the devils workshop.
Sarcasm off
Only a dim-ocrat can think like Joe, and Shiloh. Everyone else has to act rationally.
Joe Biden hs to be the dumbest man to ever hold public office in history. The man is a blithering idiot, a babbling buffoon, and a bumbling baboon- no offense to baboons.
Joe Biden is an embarrassment.
Remember Obama picked Joe Biden, knowing full well the man was an incompetent. That is all we need to know about Obama's intelligence.
Certainly Joe would exempt the "clean and articulate" among the crowd from that fate, right?
"They have some good wordsmiths as speech writers, carefully avoiding pejoratives while still arguing Obama isn't up to the job anymore.
He's capable, but just tired. He's exhausted. He tried, but it wasn't enough and now he's worn out so can't contribute any more. For his own good, let him sit on the bench. It's okay not to vote for him, indeed it's for his own good."
What was that line in a Dr. Who episode... the Prime Minister says the Doctor has no power over her and then the Doctor claims he can put the Prime Minister out of office with five words (or six or four or whatever), and then he walks past her aide and says... "doesn't she look... tired... to you?" or something to that effect.
Wasn't it someone here that linked that once?
"Remind me again of the Obama plan to prevent outsourcing?"
He does have one.
Obama's plan to prevent outsourcing is to stick it to the rich who have too much money. They're the enemy and they should pay.
He's going to scapegoat them into, um, public shame and um, then they'll learn to be better people.
Or something.
Is it possible for the accuser be guilty of the accusation? When the accusation is about being hateful and divisive, it almost always is not only possible but also a sure thing. Love you... go pick up some good work, please.
Synova, I don't often take credit, but it could have been me. Six words.
"Don't you think she looks tired?"
now I waste my time:
Shiloh, I knew a kid like you in high school. (SRSLY - your name isn't Jonathan, is it?) There is no remedy except the hands (which works). Certainly you are not an honest person who can be reasoned with. You're not even really listening.
This being the Internet, we will just have to endure you till you grow weary.
I wonder, will you be weary when Obama loses?
There is a philosophical concept called "falsifiability." If your arguments are not capable of being proved wrong - that is, that they cannot be put to the test - then they're not really arguments.
You don't even try to make arguments. You make noise.
What do you even gain? The hope that your hatred - and it really is hatred that drives you no matter how jovial you play - will cause one of our cells to turn cancerous? Or failing that, that one of us will get a headache? Or that you will affect Althouse's coverage a jot, tittle or iota?
If that last, you're frankly stupid. All you have to do to "get her vagina to drain into the gutter" is to butter her up. Lol, ask tradguy or whoever was trying it the other day.
Crack could do it the other way, like what you're trying to do - I bet if he had met Althouse in college he woulda pimped her out and become a multimillionaire - but you're not Crack.
In fact, what you are really is nothing.
Ann, I apologize for extra spacing I put stuff in braces, you know, > and <, and it disappeared. Chiefly what was in them was
[inane catchphrases]
and the like, to mock Shiloh.
Oh, Jon, the word you are looking for is "projection." Elementary psych concept.
... from loveable little Joe?
You mean the twit from Delaware who has been worthless on the best day of his life?
Your concern er infatuation is duly noted. I knew a kid like you in grade school ...
And Althouse doesn't give a flying fuck about you, really. So not to worry.
Macaca to y'all.
(Only George Allen wasn't pandering.)
Biden is Obama's life insurance policy.
Hell must have frozen over. I will be voting for Obama, something I could not have imagined a week ago. But now that the Vice President has revealed that Romney plans to bring back slavery, what choice do I have? And I will have to contribute to the SOB too, and max out, which I really can't afford. But you do what you have to do - slavery is serious evil.
A shout out to Biden. I didn't even know slavery was an issue in this campaign. Thanks, Joe.
Mitt to MSM...
"Make Barack stop hitting me!"
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