August 28, 2012

Could it be... Sarah?

The mystery speaker at the GOP convention.

I'm betting on Hologram Reagan.


MadisonMan said...

Nancy Reagan? Hologram Ron would be pretty interesting, however.

The Crack Emcee said...

Sarah's hinted at a third party run, so I doubt it'll be her.

Please, please, please, please, please,...

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Scott M said...

Sorry, Ann, but Hologram Reagan is driving Curiosity on Mars.

syd B. said...

Gen. Patraeus? Maybe.

Charlie Crist? Maybe not.

prairie wind said...

If the GOP is smart, it will be Sarah. She's the one who will get the Tea Party fired up, and the GOP needs them fired up. Right now, they support Romney only because he isn't Obama. They need the TP to support him because they are excited about him.

shiloh said...

Cons still trying to bring Dutch back from the dead lol ... go figure!

How 'bout the navy seal being interviewed on 60 minutes next Sunday? Oh wait!

Colonel Angus said...

The GOP doesn't need Palin speaking.

Darcy said...

I'd love to see Sarah. I think the risk is that she'll upstage Romney. But if it's Sarah, I would be all the more impressed with Romney.

He's really been a pleasant surprise.

Bill said...

The best thing I can imagine right now is just showing "A Time For Choosing". We've all been seeing it the last year or so but most people either haven't seen it or have long since forgotten about it. It's prescience would have a powerful impact.

If it's not that, it better be something better.

Lauderdale Vet said...

Hologram Ron would generate some headlines and if they put it on YouTube afterwards, would definitely reach a broad, younger than usual audience. You'd be delivering useful content. Thumbs up.

shiloh said...

Dinesh D'Souza

and please tip your waitresses ...

MadisonMan said...

Sarah would be a tactical error, I think. You DO NOT want a speaker to upstage Romney, and I think Palin might, just as she upstaged McCain.

KCFleming said...

Maybe it's God, who will smite the GOP in person, given that Isaac disobeyed Him.

This was a surprise, as Isaac had always been quiet, gentle, guile-less, and faithful.

Anyway, expect some serious smiting.

edutcher said...

To hear all the trolls "warning" us about Miss Sarah means it's a great idea.

As for the Gipper via hologram, too kitschy.

The Crack Emcee said...

Sarah's hinted at a third party run, so I doubt it'll be her.

No, that was an option for the MO Senate race.

Cons still trying to bring Dutch back from the dead lol ... go figure!

And the Lefties are still trying to bring back Willie, JFK, and FDR.

Even bigger laugh.

Triangle Man said...

Head-in-a-jar Nixon.

shiloh said...

mama grizzly would be preaching to the choir and if "they" need to be aroused ;) to vote, mittens is already sunk.

Indeed, conventions should "try" to appeal to undecided independent moderates. Unfortunately most of them will be reading a good book or a reasonable facsimile thereof.

Quite the conundrum ie Akin/Paul Ryan trying to appeal to moderates!

KCFleming said...

If you're gonna go the reanimation route, better bring back that real ol' timey Republican Lincoln.

I hear Daniel Day Lewis does a pretty good Abe.

dreams said...

It won't be Sarah Palin and I'd bet on that.

dreams said...

Though I like Sarah Palin.

Cedarford said...

Like to see HW Bush have one more Convention. Supposedly he demurred because he has some balance problems (He's 88).
He would be a welcome Speaker to all factions there.

Of course I would like a real surprise...not a retread.
Wouldn't it be nice if it was the Editor of the Harvard Law Review for Obama's class...saying that his experience was Obama was useless.
Lazy, refused to contribute any material when asked, was more interested in discussing socialist theory and redistribution of wealth.

AllenS said...

Sarah Palin appearing and speaking, won't upstage anyone. I would imagine that a lot of people like myself would find her at her best, making a passionate statement why we should vote for Romney.

edutcher said...

If the Romster is already sunk, the polls aren't showing it.

Especially the WaPo - skewed to the Demos by 9 and the Romster still up by 1. Then there's the Black Rock poll skewed Demos by 2 registered voters and Choom only up by 1.

And trying to tie the Romster to Akin at this point is really lame.

Methinks even the little animal is losing heart for his Messiah.

syd B. said...

OK, here's my vote: Colin Powell.

Can you imagine the stick in the eye impact that would have. The Dems would be puking on their shoes and soiling themselves at the same time.

AllenS said...

And, please, no more Bushes.

Lauderdale Vet said...

Wouldn't Hillary Clinton be a hoot?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

If the GOP is smart, it will be Sarah.

IF they were smart (and there doesn't seem to be much evidence of that)they would have had her on the speaking schedule long before the convention. Trying to play nice and suck up to the Tea Party is a bit late.

I know they say better late than never...but I say fuck 'em .....too late.

shiloh said...

The Sec of State, as a rule, stays out of politics, which is why she hasn't commented on the Reps current discombobulation.

Cedarford said...

The time to rehabilitate Sarah Palin, anathema to women and independent voters will happen, hopefully under Romney.

But it won't be by another goober-centric stump speech.
Its better for Republicans wanting the women, independent votes to have no real role for Palin, Santorum, Gingrich, Cain, or Todd Akin in the days after the Convention where they are seen as Romney proxies.

I'd like to see her given a chance to run a Department, like Interior. See if she can do a good job, and last 4 years in it without quitting.

edutcher said...

Love to see David Petraeus, but I think he'd be violating regs.

Saw Miss Sarah last night and she was talking about working for Congressional candidates. If it's her, it just happened this morning.

PS The Sec of State has too much discombobulation in her own party, not to mention her own career.

AllenS said...

She doesn't need to be rehabilitated, C4. She's seems to be doing fine and drawing nice crowds wherever she goes. The fact is, some people are never going to like her. I'm sure she understands this, and goes about her day not worrying about it. That's why she always appears to be strong willed. A good trait.

Paddy O said...

It'll be Bill Clinton.

Known Unknown said...

Emmanuel Goldstein.

test said...

EMD said...
Emmanuel Goldstein.

A short parody play on this topic would be hysterical. Could you imagine all those lefty mouthpieces forced to describe it for their readers? Then post it to YouTube so everyone can see how obvious it is the lefties are spouting Obama propoganda.


Anonymous said...

Please please please...oh please...

Rabel said...

"Love to see David Petraeus, but I think he'd be violating regs."

He's a civilian now.

Don't forget W. But I'm guessing Palin.

Howard said...

I hope it's Mamma Griz, Reality Queen and Tea Bagger spank bank.
Powell Loves Mitt

traditionalguy said...

So many story lines???

America has talent!

Maybe they trick Gabby Giffords into thinking she is speaking at the Dem Convention about the war on Congresswomen.

Or speaking of celebrity Gabbys, maybe they get the new heroine of the Olympics to gallop in on Ann Romney's horse, do a back flip off the steed, and empty her NRA issued colt 45s that look bigger than she does.

Those would be more exciting than Palin serving tea.

Darcy said...

Alas, whomever the mystery speaker turns out to be, he or she will almost certainly be upstaged by the giant vaginas at the DNC.

garage mahal said...

I wonder why Palin wasn't invited in the first place. But they have a slot for Joe Arpaio?

Matt Sablan said...

I think it'll be a Democrat-turned-Republican to counter Crist.

ricpic said...

There are rumors it could be Glenn Beck.

Matt Sablan said...

People: Petraeus has said he has no interest in politics. He's one of the few people I believe when he says that.

Larry J said...

Obama could be the mystery speaker. They could put together a pretty effective virtual appearance by Obama by creating a video of his littany of promises overlayed with what actually happened.

Mr. D said...

In order of value:

Joe Manchin
Evan Bayh
Colin Powell with hat in hand

Darcy said...

Ace is wondering if it is Governor Wilder.

Matt Sablan said...

:( No fair. I suggested Dem-turned-Rep first.

Darcy said...

Sorry, Matthew! Wouldn't that be great?

test said...

Darcy said...
Ace is wondering if it is Governor Wilder.

No chance. There's a wide gulf between regognizing one guy in your party leadership is an idiot and repudiating your party.

Matt Sablan said...

Artur Davis was actually my initial guess, but I think he's got a confirmed speaking role already.

Matt Sablan said...

My initial guess was Artur Davis, but I think he's got a confirmed speaking role already.

Matt Sablan said...

"No chance. There's a wide gulf between regognizing one guy in your party leadership is an idiot and repudiating your party."

Nonsense. It sets up the perfect chance to say something pithy, like: I didn't leave the Democratic Party, it left me.

Though, Wilder may not want to get involved with politics any more.

test said...

Matthew Sablan said...
"No chance. There's a wide gulf between regognizing one guy in your party leadership is an idiot and repudiating your party."

Nonsense. It sets up the perfect chance to say something pithy, like: I didn't leave the Democratic Party, it left me.

Nonsense. All you've done is assume the answer. The question isn't whether this would be a good venue to say X. The issue is that there is zero evidence he believes X.

Matt Sablan said...

Maybe, maybe not. The general theory is that Wilder just doesn't like Biden (presumably because Biden is an idiot); someone pointed out that Wilder had gone out of his way in the past to call Biden to task.

Still, he'd be a darn good get if they could. It's pretty unlikely though; he made a point to quash any rumors he was at the Ryan fundraiser on purpose.

Darcy said...

Ace says he showed up at a Ryan fundraiser and then accidentally showed up at the "wrong hotel".

Matt Sablan said...

I think a reporter on Twitter had a copy of Wilder's schedule from Wilder's staff that showed it actually really was a mistake, not the wrong hotel, just the wrong room in the right hotel? I honestly forget.

traditionalguy said...

I've got it!

The entire Mormon Tabernacle Choir is being shipped in at Mitt's expense to sing the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

garage mahal said...

George Zimmerman?

SPImmortal said...

think it'll be a Democrat-turned-Republican to counter Crist.


They already have that slot filled with Artur Davis.

But Crist was never a Republican anyway, so it's kind of hilarious for Democrats to try and claim him as a convert when he was a Democrat that switched parties out of political expediency to begin with.

SPImmortal said...

Wilder is a good guess but I'm going with Tim Tebow.

Paul said...

Nobody can draw a crowd like Sarah so that would be the smart get as many eyeballs as possible to watch Ryan and Romney afterward.

It would be awesome if it was in the works all along.

bagoh20 said...

Allen West does what Palin does, and makes Obama look like a child.

mccullough said...

Obama's brother who lives in a hovel in Kenya.

bagoh20 said...

West can say whatever he wants. He can tell the truth, and then Tingles Mathews can call him a racist.

shiloh said...

"Tim Tebow"

Kristi Yamaguchi or some other con athlete associated w/mittens U.S. tax payer bailout, SLC Olympics.

Jim said...

Wouldn't it be funny if, after all this feverish guessing, it ended up being Trump?

Paul said...

"Allen West does what Palin does, and makes Obama look like a child.'

He's great, but Sarah is the big draw.

Dr Weevil said...

Maybe they'll try some reverse psychology, and get shiloh or some shiloh equivalent to say whatever she wants for the other side. The usual shiloh snarky shit (try saying that three times!) would turn off independents in droves.

If they want someone famous, inviting Biden to make his best case would be pretty much equivalent to inviting shiloh.

chickelit said...

Darcy said...
Alas, whomever the mystery speaker turns out to be, he or she will almost certainly be upstaged by the giant vaginas at the DNC.

That speaks volumes about the men inside the DNC.

garage mahal said...

Breitbart hologram.

Matt Sablan said...

"Wouldn't it be funny if, after all this feverish guessing, it ended up being Trump?"

-- I would die a little inside.

Darcy said...

Ha! Chickelit. You get me.

john said...

Just to see someone with a name like that, I'd love to see Mia Love.

What a name.

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

A very strong, credible source told me it is going to be Harry Reid.

john said...

No one over 40 unless he's Clint.

bagoh20 said...

"I'd like to see her given a chance to run a Department, like Interior. See if she can do a good job, and last 4 years in it without quitting.

First of all the protological analysis of her email pretty clearly showed a dedicated, hardworking and effective Governor.

The idea is a good one though, because then we could get the Democrats to shrink government by doing their best to have any department she heads shut down. Then, we just keep moving her around until we get a government like the constitution permits and the people can afford.

Colonel Angus said...

Kristi Yamaguchi or some other con athlete associated w/mittens U.S. tax payer bailout, SLC Olympics.

Actually that's an excellent point shiloh. Mitt Romney can demonstrate that he can use taxpayer funds in a more fiscally responsible manner than Obama.

Well done sir. Well done!

Anonymous said...

The Koch Brothers perhaps with their hands up Ryan's butt making his mouth move?

Just a thought.

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

I think there are a number of lefties who would actually make an incredible case for Romney if they were just allowed to honestly speak their mind on national TV. Just let them talk wearing an Obama/Biden T-shirt.

shiloh said...

hmm, this a thread about the Rep convention and Althouse flock can't stop talking about Dems lol.

ok, ok, willard ((( I'm not familiar precisely with exactly what I said, but I stand by what I said, whatever it was. ))) mittens is probably more of a liberal than ... never mind.

mittens as always, is still evolving. btw, on the 1st day of Romney's presidency Ann is gonna tell him he lost! courtesy of Letterman a couple mos. ago.

Anonymous said...

bagoh20 said...
I think there are a number of lefties who would actually make an incredible case for Romney ..."

Yes bagoh, "incredible" is just the word I had in mind ... just the perfect word.

you guys are soooo easy.

Revenant said...

My guess: George W. Bush.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Oh God. Not Bush!.

Allen West would be good. But since the Romney bots are doing their best to totally and permanently piss off the conservative base and the Tea Party by changing the rules to make the nominee KING who can choose who the delegates from the States can be, not likely anyone like West or Palin.

Zel Miller!!

Nope. Maybe Herman Cain

Revenant said...

I don't see the point in having Bush or Palin as speaker. They're both failures and widely disliked by the public.

I just have a feeling it is Bush. West would be an interesting choice, though.

Known Unknown said...

The Koch Brothers perhaps with their hands up Ryan's butt making his mouth move?

Fisting is a Tuesday night event. Check the schedule.

chickelit said...

Lindsey Meadows said...
The Koch Brothers perhaps with their hands up Ryan's butt making his mouth move?

Just a thought.

What kind of woman thinks about fisting and hand puppets?

Just another thought.

B said...

chickelit said...What kind of woman thinks about fisting and hand puppets?

The kind who brags about being so horny she just had to dash to the men's room at a tavern right then and there and fuck some guy?

bagoh20 said...

"hmm, this a thread about the Rep convention and Althouse flock can't stop talking about Dems lol."

Well, somebody has to. The Dems are that other party in the race - the ones the media forgot to mention - the continuing crap fest you get if you don't vote to stop them.

Michael said...

Lindsey Meadows. That would be the Kochs who donated the largest amount ever for ballet.

garage mahal said...

Lindsey Meadows. That would be the Kochs who donated the largest amount ever for ballet.


bgates said...

Cons still trying to bring Dutch back from the dead lol

Lol! Caroline Kennedy's speech at the Democrat convention will be Sept 4. But that's not just ancestor worship by the tribe; given her inheritance has grown to be worth over $100M, she's in the special position of being able to report on the War on Women from inside the One Percent.

bgates said...

The Koch Brothers perhaps with their hands up Ryan's butt making his mouth move?

Just a thought.

Not yet it wasn't, sweetie, but keep trying and I'm sure you'll have one eventually.

Michael said...

Garage: You wouldn't be interested in ballet, surely, given your heft. But you might be interested in the fact the the Kochs are one of the largest contributors to cancer research in the US.

BaltoHvar said...

I am stunned that nobody's mentioned one of the already proven biggest guns on the team!!?? Stood his ground effectively, and was the recent target of overly snide comments by Mr. Obama - clearly I jab that could not be counter-punched...

Marco Rubio.

BaltoHvar said...

"a jab" - I am waay too skinny for boxing...

Sunslut7 said...

It Ayn Rand speaking in a filmed message from the past. She encourages her discipals to seize the moment and strike hard for liberty.

Revenant said...

It Ayn Rand speaking in a filmed message from the past. She encourages her discipals to seize the moment and strike hard for liberty

I'm not sure what a discipal is, but I doubt you'll find an Ayn Rand one at the Republican convention. :)

bagoh20 said...

The GOP bench is pretty impressive relative to the Dems. There are at least half a dozen speakers who would be able to bring in people who voted for Obama in 08, fire up the base, and make good arguments in an impressive presentation that would be remembered. I don't know if the Dems even have one. Maybe Ward Churchill or some other fake Indian.

CarolMR said...

I hope it's George H.W. Bush. He's 88 and who knows how much longer his health will allow him to attend a convention? I think it would be a touching and surprising moment.

chickelit said...

Hippos dancing ballet: link

chickelit said...

I won't make any guesses beyond the certainty that no matter who it is, garage mahal will despise them.

Paco Wové said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gadfly said...

"Any of you going to be in Florida?” Biden told reporters at a campaign stop in Minneapolis. “Well, I’m the speaker at the convention. I’m gonna be down there." Reporters assumed Joe Biden meant it as a joke, but nobody can know for sure.

gadfly said...

Seriously, it will be The Donald.

CarolMR said...

Colin Powell?

Known Unknown said...

The GOP bench is pretty impressive relative to the Dems. There are at least half a dozen speakers who would be able to bring in people who voted for Obama in 08, fire up the base, and make good arguments in an impressive presentation that would be remembered. I don't know if the Dems even have one. Maybe Ward Churchill or some other fake Indian.

Andrew Cuomo
Martin O' Malley

Surprisingly, the Democrats do have an age problem (at least in the Senate and Governorships) with not many of their current elected officeholders born after 1962. (50 or under club)

Known Unknown said...

I'd add Cory Booker to the list of Dems with charisma, etc. but I doubt the DNC looks as favorably on him as it once did.

Sydney said...

I've seen speculation that it could be Nancy Reagan. Bleh. I hope not. Seeing her never reminds me of the good aspects of Reagan, only the bad ones for some reason.

dustbunny said...

Rumor is Clint Eastwood is heading to Tampa

CharlesVegas said...

If it's not her, what utter disrespect to her and her base to bill a "mystery guest" knowing speculation would center on her.

shiloh said...

"Clint Eastwood"

Indeed, mittens needs all the help he can get!

Pragmatist said...

Oh, please let it be that reality show whore. That would be perfect.....What these idiots need is NOT a fire up gang of tea baggers but a fired up gang of independent voters. The 30% of electorate that is whacked is already going to vote for the their candidate (I guess they are forgetting how much they hate him since they hate O more)...

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