Says Brett Smiley at New York Magazine.
I agree. In the video — which appears in long form at the link — Obama is a Harvard Law student introducing a highly respected Harvard Law professor, and he does an outstanding job, displaying the now-familiar charm, and even breaking the tension and getting a laugh from a crowd of protesters that had been displaying a grim, aggrieved demeanor. I am impressed by Obama's mildness and moderation in this video, and I remember very well the controversy that led to Professor Derrick Bell's protest in 1990. I was a visiting professor at Boston University Law School in the fall of 1990, and I used to attend a reading group called "FemCrits" that included BU, Harvard, and other female law professors in the area. I saw and heard plenty of the radical lawprofs of that era, and Barack Obama does not come across as their acolyte. He seems independently well-grounded and perhaps even aloof from the controversy. Obama had just been elected president of the Harvard Law Review, its first black president. That put him in a position where he may have been called upon to do the introduction, and he handles the task with diplomacy and aplomb. What I see in that video is a great and natural politician, not some hardcore radical.
1 – 200 of 286 Newer› Newest»Uh oh. Here come the denunciations.
I think the first comment I had on this upcoming video was that it was going to be underwhelming. There's always the possibility of the drip-drip-drip thing, but if this is all they have, #epicfail
A definite dud.
But IIRC, Breitbart's tactic was to release the easily-countered stuff early, holding back the good stuff until his targets had relaxed.
We'll see.
We are still waiting for a Marxist tirade from Obama's youth.
In the words of Peggy Lee, is that all there is.
OTOH, one thing that was very noticeable in the video was Obama's weird tic of putting his hand in and out of his pocket continually. It does send the subliminal message about putting his hands in our pockets now that he can reach them.
you lived in Boston? Never new.
I do think there is more to come but this was nothing.
Agree with Chip and Scott.
The one point that interested me was that this Prof Ogletree was so happy this had been suppressed, so I do wonder if we're looking at a Chinese water torture of vids for the Demos leading up to a real October surprise.
BTW, didn't know the Breitbart org had recruited Ben Shapiro. With him, as well as O'Keefe and Giles, they've got quite a band of Young Turks.
PS Noticed GodZero's delivery hasn't changed one iota in 20 years or so.
Almost like there was a computer chip in there.
tsk, tsk.. you fell into that trap too? Haha. I hope the Breitbart team is smart enough to bait the media to think 'nothing to see here' it and then BOOM! Personally I feel it is enough if they are effective in showing media's complacency and protection of Obama and that they hid these things. Pollak who appears poised and articulate and with some help from Amy Holmes in this CNN video has the idiot Soledad flailing. Make the media uncomfortable and hurt them where it means, their credibility -- make them look like fools if they are not already seen that way.
must see CNN video
Easy to see why you voted for him.
Unless they are setting something up later, this is pretty ho-hum. Doesn't even come near to Rev. Wright on a good day.
They need more TV-savvy pundits too. These guys are jumping out of their skin about...not much.
What, there is no there there? And this surprises exactly how many people?
What I see in that video is a great and natural politician, not some hardcore radical
Then why did the media hide it? Why does Ogletree say it is OK for him to show it now and not in 2008?
I am surprised he didn't need teleprompters then. I wonder what happened to him later that he can't go without teleprompters now.
The one point that interested me was that this Prof Ogletree was so happy this had been suppressed,...
Me too, I think Althouse maybe should google these characters rather than relying on her memory and youthful impressions.
I thought it was a dud too, until I saw Prof. Ogletree say they hid this in 2008.
I agree that the video contained nothing even slightly damaging. What struck me was how little Obama's voice and inflection have changed since then--although it wasn't of course very many years ago. It's also interesting that his g-dropping, which I'd regarded as an affectation before selected audiences--was evident then as well, so perhaps it isn't an affectation at all.
He may have had a braille transcript stuffed in his pocket. That would explain a lot.
Thing is, even if there was something he said that was overtly radical and weird, well, it was in 1990, he was in law school, and just developing his chops. It wouldn't have mattered much, especially if he repudiated whatever he would have said that was out of the mainstream.
That said, had the media been at all interested in "vetting" candidate Obama, this, and much more would have been 5 year old news.
"you lived in Boston? Never new."
I lived on Hereford Street, near Newbury.
"I thought it was a dud too, until I saw Prof. Ogletree say they hid this in 2008.:
Oh, Ogletree is obviously being funny.
Get a grip, people. If something sounds off, think about whether it's a joke.
I hate to admit it, but I was expecting something more explosive. I'm disappointed, because I know there's more, but probably not on video.
Here I was looking forward to an aggrieved explanation from Althouse about how it's not at all unusual for a law review editor to favor selling white people into slavery to pay for reparations, and how irritatingly ignorant we are not to know that any elite law school will want to enroll as many avowed Trotskyist revolutionaries as it possibly can. And now there's no occasion for it.
"Thing is, even if there was something he said that was overtly radical and weird, well, it was in 1990, he was in law school, and just developing his chops."
Do you realize what student radicals sound like? They do not sound like that!
And his chops were damned well developed already.
This "secret radical" theory is lame.
Where was the 'vetting'? That is the question.
Hillary pointedly asked for it numerous times in her campaign in 2008 but everything was hidden and the question is why.
This should be more about the media than anything else. They help steal the Democratic nomination from Hillary and give it to Obama.
The vetting is, of course, the broader point. Or rather, the MSM's lack of vetting in the 2008 election. Why was hiding this video so important? It's obviously nothing much, and Althouse is right that Obama comes across well in this.
Again, Breitbart's broader point was the double standard used by the media.
You may think it's a total dud and maybe this is all they've got and maybe it's weak tea, but the fact that it was specifically held back by his allies says otherwise. The fact that republicans are constantly 'guilty by association' if they wander into the same zip code as any controversial figure says otherwise.
It's still tea. And if I were a liberal, I'd be pretty nervous until I was sure that was all they had.
This is what The Obama Ninjas killed Breibart over? This? LOL
This guilt-by-association genre is something that critics go to when there's nothing else to criticize. It used to be a favorite of the Left but it seems to be catching on on the Right.
This video is a throwback to 2008. Obama has 3 years as President now, so what he did 20 years ago doesn't matter very much. We are no longer trying to see what he'd do as President if elected- he is President and he has done many things.
I suppose it's "proof" that the President is a radical, maybe. But so what? What matters is how he governs, which everyone can see, and we can vote based on that reality.
If Ogletree is joking, nobody is laughing. You voted for him and you want to see it all in positive light. But people who are aggrieved about a democratic process run amuck are not so amused.
introducing a highly respected Harvard Law professor
Your view of "highly respected" isn't universal.
It might have made a slight difference in 2008, but at this point you have to assume that Obama will be judged on his performance in office, instead of what he might have said 20 years ago.
"What I see in that video is a great and natural politician, not some hardcore radical."
What you see is what he is - a smooth-talking, non-threatening con man. The emptiest of empty suits.
It still astonishes me that your loathing for McCain / Palin was such that you had to entrust the reins of state to this complete cipher.
Considering the Obama administration's doings to date, I don't think the "secret radical" theory is so lame; just that it is out of Bill Ayers' playbook rather than Saul Alinsky.
Dammit, I was hoping for a hidden camera video involving Obama, Hulk Hogan and nude wrestling.
Definitely a let down for me.
Ok, Ogletree was being funny?
He did get a laugh.
Nothing to see here, move along.
"This "secret radical" theory is lame."
What the hell are you talking about? I've proffered no such theory, and in fact said that even if he had been radical, it wouldn't really matter. Did you even read the comment beyond what you clipped?
Normally you read carefully. You missed the boat.
Tears, idle tears from the dead-enders.
At first I thought... so what? He appeared on a panel discussing Alinsky. He introduced a law professor. So?
The notion, though, that a young Obama would be expected to do this social duty. There is nothing there?
Big Government is now claiming that Obama assigned Bell to his students more than any other author. It's sounding like all Bell all the time.
It becomes much move difficult to claim that Obama didn't fully endorse Bell.
And while Obama could claim that he never actually listened to the sermons before throwing the Rev. Wright under the bus, how does he claim not to know what was in the books he assigned?
Prof Ogletree may have been joking but there is nothing funny about the way so many supposedly objective media types have chosen to handle Obama from his early days as a national figure (2004) up to the present.
While some see an evil conspiracy, I just see willful idealogical blindness. People aren't doing their job. I'm not laughing.
Althouse's silliness in actually posting this non-story notwithstanding and slow news day aside, it is somewhat amusing Breitbart goes out w/a wimper at best.
btw much like Reagan, Breitbart is still dead!
Althouse let's move on, shall we.
PBS covered this video in 2008....I'm amazed Breitbart Inc didn't let O'Keefe edit the video like they do everything else...
At CPAC Bretbart said "I have there may very well be more. I don't belive for a minute that he thought the video released would be damning. But his tactic (incorrectly stated here as making his accusers relax) is to get people to push back, and take a stand, to be able to show them as liars and hypocrites in real time.
As I've said before, it's nice that liberals suddenly notice the problem of selective editing and out-of-context quotes.
Oh Noes!
Law student/Professor Obama fought for diversity representation!!!!
Crank up the protect Male Whitey machine!
"...the problem of selective editing and out-of-context quotes"
Do you mean the Atwater/Rove model?
Fortunately or unfortunately ;) Breitbart is now being judged by the almighty!
For those who are true believers ...
Prof Ogletree may have been joking but there is nothing funny about the way so many supposedly objective media types have chosen to handle Obama from his early days as a national figure (2004) up to the present.
Don't you just want to sit next to them and help dry their tears?
Law student/Professor Obama fought for diversity representation!!!!
Um, Prof Bell was arguing for a lot more than that.
But of course the lies you need to tell yourself to be a leftist are endless.
According to what seems to be a contemporaneous interview of Thomas Sowell, Bell was specifically for Diversity only when the hire was a real black person with the proper ideas.
Breitbart’s Obama Video Is a Total Dud.
Duds long-buried on the Western Front in France still pose a threat: link
The left had better busy themselves unearthing the rest and trying to dispose of them.
"John Lynch said...
As I've said before, it's nice that liberals suddenly notice the problem of selective editing and out-of-context quotes."
Liberals believe selective editing and out of context quotes is for pikers and rubes. Liberals now simply manufacture "facts"...gas tanks blowing up...white guys with guns at Obama speeches, memos...
Rob, I too was very surprised at how little his rhythm, inflection, accent and humor have changed.
Despite having the same charm (at least to the more credulous among us), he seemed as insincere and uncomfortable with himself then as he does now.
One can't be so guarded for so long without losing a great deal of substance--his character now makes a lot more sense to me.
Another in a long line of posts where Althouse justifies her re-vote of Obama.
When will we see the video of the natural politician and pro-Hamas "scholar" Rashid Khalidi!
I can't wait for the next installment from Breitbart's Orphans. This was really good stuff.
He hugged another black man!
Why was the hidden from us in election of 2008? Just wondering why the station and other professors wanted this hidden. Seems like no big deal to me, but still have to question why hide it?
According to the Harvard Crimson from October, 2011:
"Although women make up an insufficient 25 percent of the Harvard faculty, blacks and Latinos each compose a mere three percent."
Granted, that's the college as a whole, not just the law school, but it looks like Harvard is still a racist institution as the late Professor Bell alleged.
And like Obama, Bell seemed very fond of his imagination when it came to race. Can't find some racism to point to? Make it up! Granted, Obama didn't try to claim that white people would sell blacks to aliens, but he did warn us about the people who were going to, Some time in the future, complain he didn't look like the pictures on the money.
Waiting for white people to Do something racist is so inefficient. So make stuff up. Like aliens!
And really, did Obama assign this guy all the time? Was it as a warning not to be creatively insane in the pursuit of racial justice? An anti-example?
Why was the hidden from us in election of 2008? Just wondering why the station and other professors wanted this hidden. Seems like no big deal to me, but still have to question why hide it?
To get the slow and greedy to fall for the headfake.
The Significance Of The Breitbart Video Is:
There isn’t any, at least in the grand scheme of things.
So let me get this straight. Obama has not exactly been a fine steward for the country’s economy and fiscal health over the last three years… And this is what we get – A video tape from Obama College years????
Critical Race Theory… Jeremiah Wright… Saul Alynski blah blah blah. Charles Ogletree says we hid the video (may or may not have been joking – once again EDITED so we don’t see the whole context of the comment). No one outside the Republican Party cares about any of this. The US economy is in hell, and this is what the great minds of the Conservative Collective can bring to the table to try and defeat the President????
This is red meat for the Conservative carnivores. Someone please tell me – How the HELL is trying to show how the press didn’t vette the sitting President because they were so in love with the concept of having a black man win the Presidency going to help you NOW???? Answer – It’s not. No one outside your little circle cares much about any of this. He’s got three years in office to be judged by, and drudging up this old crap is the best the Conservatives can do???
Jeez, are you guys deliberately trying to lose this election?????
“There’s nothing new about the clip or Obama’s role in the controversy at Harvard Law School,” PBS said. “It’s been online at our site and on YouTube since [2008].”
Can conservatives really be this stupid?
A video shot 22 years ago...and online for 4 years?
The Hug. The Hug was suppressed. The Hug would not have been suppressed by Ogletree and the MSM if it was not significant. More to come, I'm sure. Wait for the pooh-pooh-poohs, then POW! #IAmBreibarticus.
Obama tells us to "Open our minds and hearts"to Bell's thoughts.
To judge if this tells us anything about what Obama thought about race when he was a law student at Harvard, we need to know more about Bell's thinking.
Did Bell think that, as a class, white people cannot be trusted? Does "Critical Race Theory", a theory associated with Bell, have racist undertones? In short, can Bell fairly be described as having racist views?
Synova - Are you actually trying to say that this video has you up in arms? Really, really upset?
Well, keep this in mind: 22 years ago Breitbart was a liberal.
The conservatives are so out of control right now it's becoming more and more representative of some kind of tragic comedy day by day.
Except of course for the Democrats and liberals and independents...for them it's just getting better and better.
mtrobertsattorney - You're seriously asking if a black man might have thought, or thinks white people can't be trusted?
You're kidding, right?
Chip S. said...
He may have had a braille transcript stuffed in his pocket. That would explain a lot.
Good, Chip!
A braille TelePrompter.
Still, I suppose that still beats Sarah Palin writing her pithy red meat one liners her writers gave her - on her hand.
Obama went to a church for 20 years whose pastor is am avowed racist and believed we had 9/11 coming to us.
I don't need to see some 20 year old video to know what he thinks.
Maybe you don't care if the press does it's job, but some of us think it's important.
The vetting of the winning candidate in 2008 was a complete and total failure and dereliction of the press's duty.
You can't fix something until you show what's broken. That's all Breitbart was ever about. He was liberal socially, and right wing politically, and that means truth matters and a free, challenging, and fair press is absolutely not to be abandoned, just because they favor your side.
The right may be losing the election by their stand on that, but the left is losing the country and everything it's about.
“There’s nothing new about the clip or Obama’s role in the controversy at Harvard Law School,” PBS said. “It’s been online at our site and on YouTube since [2008].”
Um, fail.
The video released by Big Government was not available by PBS as the one at PBS was not full lenght.
But you'll beleive just about anything, you silly dupe.
A few journalists like Solodad O'Brian had meltdowns over this video. But for the most part, it has prompted outcries of "this is nothing!".
I believe the Breitbart plan was to get everyone on record with some kind of a response to an Obama college era video, so they can say, "you responded to the first video, how should we interpret your silence on this one?"
I tried to tell my friends over at Ace of Spades: if most people yawned at Obama's association with domestic terrorists and his racist lunatic of a pastor, why on earth would this make any waves?
Some day, the people will care about the far-left philosophies of academics like Bell, Ayers and their heirs. But not now.
Hoosier Daddy - Bush shoved over 100 attorneys down our throats who attended Pat Robertson University.
You know, the guy who think Katrina was some kind of punishment from God. (Which God...there's a bunch of 'em??)
For every black you think is a racist...there are a multiple of whites to make up for them.
And what exactly is your bizarre obsession with Reverand Wright...other than being a racist yourself?
You contantly waste your time posting comments about someone who is completely irrelevant.
"...truth matters and a free, challenging, and fair press"
From Breitbart Inc? Home of O'Keefe and Shapiro?
Get over yourself...they are entertainers just like the rest of em...they edit for your enjoyment...and to sell page views...
You contantly waste your time posting comments about someone who is completely irrelevant.
After talking about the previous President and Pat Robertson, no less!
You're full on stupid today, jeremy.
“There’s nothing new about the clip or Obama’s role in the controversy at Harvard Law School,” PBS said. “It’s been online at our site and on YouTube since [2008].”
Well, video of Jeremiah Wright's bizarre rants were available FOR SALE on his church's website. Didn't make it any less noteworthy that they showed the Democratic nominee for president sat by while his pastor shrieked about how the U.S. invented AIDS to wipe out the world's black population.
Bush shoved over 100 attorneys down our throats who attended Pat Robertson University.
You know, the guy who think Katrina was some kind of punishment from God.
And of course all "100 of these atttorneys" believe every single word Pat Robertson utters, right?
I mean, going to that school = bad but listening to "Reverend" Wright for 20 years = not bad.
It must be lovely to be so incoherent and stupid.
CJinPA - Ace of Spades is one of the most racist and bigoted blog sites on the internet.
It makes the regulars here look like flaming liberals.
Breitbart was more into proving the media is in bed with the Democratic Party than into taking down President Obama. So I think this "Vet the President" campaign is more about the media and the fact that they did not vet the President the way they did Sarah Palin or even Joe the Plumber. And I think there is more coming. But again, remember it's about the media, not so much Obama.
machine said...
"...truth matters and a free, challenging, and fair press"
From Breitbart Inc? Home of O'Keefe and Shapiro?
Pretty sure he meant that private individuals should not HAVE to fill the void left by disinterested news corps.
Love said...
CJinPA - Ace of Spades is one of the most racist and bigoted blog sites on the internet.
You're one of the biggest racists on the Internet.
Love said...
"You're seriously asking if a black man might have thought, or thinks white people can't be trusted? You're kidding, right?"
Now, this is interesting. Now we're geting somewhere.
Gee, can't imagine Harvard not rushing to grant tenure to "scholars" with such racist views. Thanks for the enlightenment.
Jay - As usual, you miss my point entirely.
Whining anout Reverand Wright, while ignoring the3 fact that our past President appointed 100's of attorneys from a university founded by a far right wing, bigoted preacher makes Hoosier look like what he is; a racist.
And for you to assume the people who attend Pat Robertson University aren't in tune with his political and religious beliefs illustrates how stupid you are.
CJinPA - Once again:
"You're seriously asking if a black man might have thought, or thinks white people can't be trusted? You're kidding, right?"
Get real.
Can Althouse substantiate her characterization of Prof. Bell has "highly respected"?
We have seen Prof. Henry Louis Gates in person after his run-in with the police sergeant, and I at least was not impressed - favorably that is, and I suspect some of these "studies" professors may be political showcase trophies not that "highly regarded" by the actual powers that be at Harvard, which, I believe, are still as lily-white as ever.
The other, if Prof. Bell does turn out to have been someone actually accomplished and influential, is the question of suitability. For me, there is something very disturbing about Bill Ayers being a Distinguished Professor of Elementary Education at UI, Chicago, and Bernardine Dohrn being a Professor of Law(!) at Northwestern.
Jay - Provide one single example of me being a racist.
Love said...
"CJinPA - Ace of Spades is one of the most racist and bigoted blog sites on the internet."
Really? Are we talking about the same Internet?
Here's a simple test: Can you name one racist black American, or racist black organization?
I don't consider some who the President claimed as his spiritual advisor as irrelevant.
Consider his wife who only found pride in her country when her husband won the nomination.
Breitbart said, "I have videos." Plural, more than one.
"Pretty sure he meant that private individuals should not HAVE to fill the void left by disinterested news corps."
So he challenged the void [of truth] with edited videos?
Now that does make sense!
Love said...
Whining anout Reverand Wright, while ignoring the3 fact that our past President appointed 100's of attorneys from a university founded by a far right wing,
Bush did no such thing.
There are no "100's of attorneys" you liar.
And for you to assume the people who attend Pat Robertson University aren't in tune with his political and religious beliefs illustrates how stupid you are.
For you to assume that someone sat in Reverend Wright's church for 20 years and isn't in tune with his radical racial and political beliefs demonstrates what an idiot you are.
Love said...
Jay - Provide one single example of me being a racist.
Please provide one single example of Ace of Spades being racist.
"You're seriously asking if a black man might have thought, or thinks white people can't be trusted? You're kidding, right?"
Um, nooo. Just like we could find a white man who thinks black people can't be trusted.
It's just that you *might* not consider them to be the best candidates to teach. Anyone. At any level. Just a thought.
"Please provide one single example of Ace of Spades being racist."
Now he's trying to find that site he bookmarked that had that one post about that racist comment in Ace's comment section. Because he won't be able to produce anything racist from Ace.
Hagar - Why not take a few minutes to research the man's accomplishments and get back to us.
And while you're at it, post your own extensive and respected resume of accomplishments.
"a highly respected Harvard Law professor"
Thats like saying Karla Holloway is a highly respected member of Duke law.
Looks like the plan is a full out assault on Obama's blackity black blackness, now that it looks like Romney is going to rolled. Should be epic.
Then again he appointed Van Jones as one of his czars who is a self described communist and truther. And Anita Dunn whose favorite philosopher is mass murdering communist (but I repeat myself) Mao tse Tung.
Obviously I'm a racist for pointing this out.
CJinPA - I've visited the site on a number of occasions and it's filled with hateful, bigoted and racist commenters.
And you know it, too.
The secret radical Muslim alinksy conspiracy theories from the right indicate how utterly without any real ideas or solutions they are in this campaign.
That video was boring. I was expecting an extraordinary, transformative thing, and all I got a disappointing piece of crap mediocrity.
Let it never be said that I have not felt the pain of Obama supporters. I have felt the disappointment, and I weep bitterly.
Ann, please tell me you didn't vote for Obama to make things easier at the Madison cocktail parties, or to somehow seem mysterious, enigmatic, or falsely balanced. I read this site every day.
With all you have exposed over the last year, concerning Walker, Wisconsin, and Union power, please tell me you're not going to reverse course Nationally. You are part of Breitbart's army of citizen journalists. At least I thought so.
The point to the vetting is Obama is NOT who he claims to be. And the larger story in the Media Complex as a member of the Obama election team. Breitbart was right. Objectivity and Neutrality are big lies!!
OK. We're going to let you quietly off the hook on your Ace comment. You clearly can't back it up.
But I'm not going to let you weasel out of my simple question: Can you acknowledge one racist black individual or ogranization in America? Just one. From any time.
Well a good idea is to stop spending a trillion dollars more than we have every year.
That would be nice.
Andy R-
Straighten your damn hat, son. No one can take you seriously like that.
From KC Johnson in his blog DIW
"Group stalwart Karla Holloway, asking Lubiano to reflect on the legacy of Derrick Bell—a race-obsessed law professor whose work mirrored the Group of 88’s “discourse” (to borrow a Lubiano term)."
Yeah Bell's influence brought us one of the greatest academic miscarrages of justice in the last few years. And no Anne it wasn't all Nifong's fault.
Love said...
Jay - Provide one single example of me being a racist.
Sure thing:
Love said...
mtrobertsattorney - You're seriously asking if a black man might have thought, or thinks white people can't be trusted?
You're kidding, right?
3/8/12 12:51 PM
That was too easy, bozo.
PS: don't worry cracker, I realize it makes you feel good inside that you believe you're on the black man's side.
Wow are you a dupe.
Edutcher said:
"PS Noticed GodZero's delivery hasn't changed one iota in 20 years or so. "
I noticed that too! Prez Obama has been mouthing the same tired obsolete platitudes for more than 20 years now. What a f-ing bore he is.
Yeah, I'd say it's a dud, but where it excels is in the maturation of where Urkel strawed and steeped his ideology from. Does a calm, cool, calculating radical embrace his presented radical professor if they were in like mind?
Someone mentioned the oddness of Urkel moving his hand in and out of his pocket. That is a subliminal sign of someone trying to hide something. But as we already know, Urkel has nothing to hide and nothing to fear for he is surrounded by the company of other like minded tools of the left. This is what the left is, this is where Urkel was made. This is how Urkel cemented his contacts into his foray into politics. This is how he exercised his deviant ideology, not as a raving, spittling ideologue, but one with a demeanor of a cold, calculating Palpatinesque delivery. Now we know where he was groomed. We can see it's outcome today.
CJinPA - I think I touched on this before, but since you have a reading comprehension problem, let me clarify:
I think there are all kinds of black individuals and black organizations that could be considered as "racist."
But there are one hell of a lot more white individuals and organizations that fit the bill.
Why are you wasting your time trying to refute such an obvious point?
And why are you and others here so out of your little minds crazy over a fucking video from 22 years ago?
Breitbart, the guy you apparently worship...was a liberal 22 years ago.
Things and people change...not most of the nutcase wingnuts here...but in general, that is the case for most normal adults...even a right wing flame thrower like Breitbart.
mike said...
"From KC Johnson in his blog DIW"
Now we're talking. Get KC Johnson on this. He was virtually alone in questioning the Duke Lacrosse team rape allegations. In the end, this single atrocity smeared an unprecedented FIVE institutions:
Judicial - Nifong
Academic - Duke
Journalism - NY Times & others
Political - the case won Nifong the Democrat primary
Religious - clergy join in the stoning
Five institutions failed in one scandal. Yeah, KC Johnson can shed light on Prof. Bell and his ilk.
People change all the time. Then again Obama still wants to spread others wealth around and he still surrounds himself with far left, neo Marxist ideolouges.
Then again by the time you hit 50 and still think leftism offers any solutions other than making misery more equitable then chances are he won't change.
Jay - Why would my asking someone:
"You're seriously asking if a black man might have thought, or thinks white people can't be trusted?"
Somehow in your little mind, represents me being a "racist?"
I have no idea how you connect the dots on that one.
*And are you saying you can't understand how it would be possible for a black person to distrust a white person?
Hoosier - Now we're onto the "Marxist" bullshit?
Even YOU can come up with something better than that.
Obama has spent his entire life wanting to spread the wealth?
No other goals, no other accomplishments (other than of course, becoming President)...all the man spends every day thinking spreading the wealth.
You get dumber by the day.
Because he won't be able to produce anything racist from Ace.
I know a few filthy Scandis who might challenge that.
Love -
“I think there are all kinds of black individuals and black organizations that could be considered as "racist." But there are one hell of a lot more white individuals and organizations that fit the bill. Why are you wasting your time trying to refute such an obvious point?”
There are more racists whites because there are more whites, or because they are more inherently racist? Most rational people would agree with the former, reject the latter. I think people like Bell believe whites are more inherently racist.
“And why are you and others here so out of your little minds crazy over a fucking video from 22 years ago?”
If you can point to a post that show me to be out of my mind on this, I won’t accuse you of making shit up. Obama either associated with an extremist (again), or he didn’t. The age of the video means absolutely nothing.
“Breitbart, the guy you apparently worship...was a liberal 22 years ago.”
You do rely on hyperbole don’t you? I was a liberal in college too. Lots of us were. Then we grew the hell up.
You didn’t answer: Why would you want a professor who doesn’t trust white Americans to teach at a university? Why on earth? Unless you think that there simply are no qualified black professors who don't hold such racist views.
CJinPA - Now we're onto the Duke Lacrosse team rape allegations??
Are you and Hoosier in some kind of fucking time warp?
So much for Cruel Neutrality.
"... Hoosier - Now we're onto the "Marxist" bullshit?
Even YOU can come up with something better than that..."
Don't have to since Obama does it all on his own. An old saying my folks told me which holds true is that you can tell a lot about a person by the company he keeps.
I know these facts are difficult for people like you who have devoted yourselves to him but that's tough.
I think this video will prove to be the biggest story in the history of the universe.
I also predict Hoosier, CJinPA and some of the others regulars here will spend the next months and even years watching and watching and rehashing every moment, maybe even creating trading cards that can be sold and traded amongst the millions of American who will be affected by the video.
Kind of like conservative group masturbation.
Hoosier - So President Obama also hangs out with Marxists?
Is it a club or just a weekly card game?
Oh, Marxists shoot hoops?
Yeah, that's it...Marxist hoop dreams.
Good grief...
"CJinPA - Now we're onto the Duke Lacrosse team rape allegations??"
Er, I believe the good Prof. Bell lent his support to that atrocity.
So, what's your cutoff date for events that can and cannot be referenced? It had been "22 years" but now you've shortened it to....2006? Which is cool because now I don't have to hear a liberal criticize Bush's invasion of Iraq ever again.
"... No other goals, no other accomplishments (other than of course, becoming President).."
That's a good point because outside of becoming President, he really can't show any, you know, accomplishmens.
Weird isn't it.
you can tell a lot about a person by the company he keeps.
That was one of Jesus' sayings actually.
"Kind of like conservative group masturbation."
You stay classy, now!
Well I listed two of his appointees who share an affinity with the ideology that murdered 100 million in the last century. Then again his dad was a Marxist. Mom seemed to be attracted to the type and he even wrote in his book that he was drawn to radicals and Marxists in college.
If this upsets you blame him for being so damn open about it.
So all the people saying this was buried by the MSM are apparently unaware that this was aired in 2008 by PBS's Frontline on a special about the election. Conspiracy!
Love- The Duke Hoax was a direct result of the spread of Bell's "critical theory" in the academy. Remember that only on law prof at Duke spoke up for justice.
So seven years is a time warp?
Lets never again mention the Scottsboro Trial as a miscarraige of justice because it was soooo many years ago.
Love wrote: I also predict Hoosier, CJinPA and some of the others regulars here will spend the next months and even years watching and watching and rehashing every moment, maybe even creating trading cards that can be sold and traded amongst the millions of American who will be affected by the video.
I predict that "Love" will mysteriously disappear one day like Jeremy did. But then, at some undetermined time, he/she will reappear claiming to have been a gay male all along.
Love, sweetie, nothing I've said remotely suggests that I'm "really, really upset" about anything. In fact I said "no big deal" on the Alinsky panel and Obama doing his social duty introducing the respected professor.
Are you having vapours because I pointed out that a social duty does not force one to assign reading? Or that one can claim not to have listened to sermons but can not claim not to know what is in the books you assign your students?
Maybe the vapours are because I pointed out that being up in arms over a fantasy scenario where white people sell black people to alien invaders is not rational. Yet, in order to get our non-racist credit we've got to pretend that this outrageous fantasy is wise and insightful or at least just a quaint and colorful nothing?
Maybe black people should be treated like adults.
Yes it was. That's why I said it was an old saying.
HD knows his NT
The video is a dud only if you think glad-handing with racists and communists is befitting a Presidential candidate, even if he does it with a natural ease.
Though Althouse may have been comfortable with people like Bell on campus in the law schools, most of America was as yet unaware that the universities had been so completely usurped by socialists, and were indoctrinating their kids with leftism.
So some people might have been shocked by this in 1990, provided they didn't work in a universitiy setting.
The slow march through the institutions is boring to professors and the MSM. The rest of us are less sanguine.
Not even a dud. Obama looks earnest and poised. He could use this in his campaign.....The Rev. Wright and Ayers are jerks whose jerkiness is shockingly obvious. I'm not familiar with Prof. Bell, but, if he were a jerk, he war a jerk in a dignified, stately Ivy League way....I don't think that Obama has ever been quite as radical as some of his friends. But not once in his entire life has he ever criticized anyone on the left for being too far left.
Love -
“I think there are all kinds of black individuals and black organizations that could be considered as "racist." But there are one hell of a lot more white individuals and organizations that fit the bill. Why are you wasting your time trying to refute such an obvious point?”
This might surprise someone so stuck in their bias, but there are more white individuals and organization of all kinds than their are black ones.
The point is you don't have the balance or objectivity to name a single one that's black, yet you are more than willing to name white ones. That's just another example of what you asked for: proof of your racism.
1) You don't judge people equally based on their skin color.
2) You infantilize blacks by assuming they can't handle the equal treatment.
That's your prerogative, but I just thought you might want to learn how it looks to others.
In George Orwell's novel 1984, the Ministry of Love was chiefly concerned with hate.
Barack Obama fathered TWO black children. Prof Bell was black. I'm not sure what this all means, but I just want the world to know.
Now we're talking. Get KC Johnson on this. He was virtually alone in questioning the Duke Lacrosse team rape allegations. In the end, this single atrocity smeared an unprecedented FIVE institutions:
Heh... KC Johnson is a staunch Obama supporter who volunteered to blog for Obama during the 2008 election.
For a tape snippet that is such a dud there's a surprising amount of defensiveness in this thread.
" order to get our non-racist credit we've got to pretend that this outrageous fantasy is wise and insightful or at least just a quaint and colorful nothing?
Maybe black people should be treated like adults."
It's not 1955. It's 2012, and the main racial divide is not black/white or left/right, it's between those who treat black Americans like adults and those who don't.
I just checked and KC Johnson has commented on the video; you can read his thoughts here: The Troubling Video of Obama at Harvard Law
Heh... KC Johnson is a staunch Obama supporter who volunteered to blog for Obama during the 2008 election.
An Obama supporter?? I didn't know. I would NEVER read a blog written by an Obama supporter! Thank you, sir.
@CJinPA: Black (and all) people can expect to be treated like adults if they behave like adults. And most do. But those who go around deliberately scaring people, disturbing the peace, or even just (pseudo)politely demanding handouts because their ancestors were slaves, have chosen to be big babies and are rightly treated like it.
That is not racism. Calling it racism is racism.
At least in 1991 he didn't need a telepromter.
Here's KC Johnson's closing paragraph on the Minding the Campus blog:
"I voted for (and donated to) Obama in 2008; I'll vote for him again in 2012 (because of his position on issues other than higher education). But this video shows an Obama who at least at one time was far more committed, on a personal level, to an extreme version of campus "diversity" than anyone who hadn't attended the 1990 Harvard Law rally previously realized. No one should harbor any illusions that a second Obama term will not continue the first's disastrous record on higher education."
So even after criticizing Obama's "embrace" of Bell's theories, KC still affirms his continued support. is vetting the media. The real story is the fact that the media removed information when it found newsworthy sources, which it should have reported about. The only reason people may not feel any response to this fact, which is being put right in front of them by the team, is because people have been conditioned not to question the media's narrative for so long. Welcome to your awakening from the deep slumber!
James - If you agree; Explain how President Obama has had a detrimental effect on education.
Perhaps you should read KC's column and direct any questions to him.
" is vetting the media."
Now THAT is funny.
Between Breitbart himself posting highly edited videos and interviews and his suck-ass sidekick O'Keefe, also editing and mischaracterizing interviews and're out of your fucking mind.
The video being discussed here has been on the internet for 4 years...where anybody who wanted to, could view it in its entirety.
Two points from Obama supporter KC Johnson @ James’ link:
*Let's be clear about Bell's effort: he was seeking to browbeat the Harvard Law School administration into making a quota hire, and he regularly used race-baiting rhetoric in the process. Yet Obama, in the Buzzfeed video, endorsed Bell's aims. There's no evidence that Obama, as either a state legislator or senator, backed a quota-hiring bill, and presumably he no longer supports the idea. But in his next press conference, he should be asked whether and, if so, why he abandoned his earlier support for quotas in law school faculty hiring.
* …And what exactly was the scholarship that earned Obama's gushing praise? Bell was a pioneer of critical race theory, the idea that the American legal system is so embedded with racism that a neutral application of the law is impossible.
Hopefully this adds some context to let people make an informed decision about Obama’s support of Derrick Bell. We can debate what it means - a little? a lot? But "nothing" now seems a silly response.
James - I asked if YOU agreed with the premise that President Obama has somehow hurt American education.
If not, than we're in agreement.
Shouldn't the regualr Obama-haters be concentrating on things that just a tad more "current"...if they really want to make points?
Between Hoosier whining about Marxism, and the rest of you screaming to high heaven about a 22 year old video...which has been online for 4 years (nobody here have a computer until recently??)'re wasting your time.
I say you get out there and help Santorum/Romney/Newt wipe out pre-natal care for women and contraception and a woman's choice and "government" having literaly ANYTHING to do with our daily lives.
And those nasty "social" programs like Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Veteran's Benefits, Child Welfare, the FDA, FAA, etc.
Things that are really, really important.
The tape is meaningless now but would have been very damaging four years ago. It again shows the incuriosity of the press.
Thomas Sowell (in 1990) on the Prof. Bell situation at Harvard. Of course, Sowell isn't considered idealogically black by people like Prof. Bell. He's a "real" person comfortable in his skin and it makes me not see his skin color.
And shouldn't two black Secretaries of State equal at least 100 lawyers from a "racist" university? Kills me how black folk rationalize their racism against white folk.
Bago-Bolts - According to the SPLC, here is a breakdown of the number of hate groups in the United States by type and number for 2011:
Ku Klux Klan 152
Neo Nazi 170
White Nationalist 146
Racist Skinheads 133
Christian Identity 55
Neo-Confederate 32
Black Separatists 140
General Hate 190
The video is not a dud!
Obama is asking the audience to "open their hearts and minds" to Critical Race Theory. He certainly opened his mind to it as he assigned extensive readings of Bell in his University of Chicago course on race and law.
In my view, this video, together with other information, speaks volumes about what sort of President we have.
The video age was in its birth when Bambi was at Harvard.
Give it another 15-20 years and we will be seeing YouTube videos of candidates at Girls Gone Wild parties. Imagine how the social media and cell phone cameras will fuck up some political careers.
It's going to be glorious.
But this video was a yawner. Like I said before, I already knew from his own words and who he associated with what kind of person he is. I think the majority who voted for him just ignored it cause it ruined the image they created.
Mo5m - I never said Pat Robertson University was racist.
"So even after criticizing Obama's "embrace" of Bell's theories, KC still affirms his continued support."
That's fine. Better actually...
His observations carry more weight coming from an Obama supporter. He said the media should ask the president if he still supports such nonsense. A fair and obvious question. Let's see if it is asked.
That's what sober opinions like Johnson's can do on this - to force, maybe, a thoughtful response. Maybe not from overt partisans, but at least from journalists.
You're right in a way Jeremy. Currently Obama is spending a trillion dollars a year more than we have. I mean if he truly cared about the country he'd not do that since its unsustainable.
Wonder why he insists on spending more.
Obama taught Critical Race Theory at the University of Chicago. He required students to read nearly all of Derrick Bell's writings, even some of the most heavily racialist ones.
This is not going away anytime soon. Drip drip drip.
What we're seeing now is many people spin what Critical Race theory is. Some of them have some history with it and are defensive. Some just like Obama and worry what the rust belt will think of this prejudiced and rather stupid theory.
So what's next? I think what's next is something that will correct those who laughed off Crits as no biggie.
Hoosier - "I already knew from his own words and who he associated with what kind of person he is."
You don't know shit.
All you ever do is whine and bitch and complain about literally ANYTHING the President says or does.
Even after taking out Osama Bin Laden you couldn't bring yourself to give the man one iota of credit for handling the situation in a way others before him had not.
Your attitude, much like many of the other Obama-haters here and throughout the GOP will ensure he's re-elected.
Nobody likes hearing nothing but endless negativity and whining...and you're a true champion at both.
"I am surprised he didn't need teleprompters then. I wonder what happened to him later that he can't go without teleprompters now."
Didn't he say he was on the road to being a junkie in school?
Mccain would have been a better president. In fact, he'd have stopped Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.
No big deal eh, Ann? Maybe just not to your liberal eyes and ears?
OHHHHH look! It's a young Barack!
Then just imagine it as a young college student, George Bush introducing Professor David Duke.
How's that?
Think the media would have been interested then?
Yeah. Me too.
Love -
Assuming you read the KC Johnson link on Prof. Bell and Critical Race Theory, did you it give one moment's pause regarding your opinion of both?
Will you now acknowledge that a reasonable person could be concerned that the president once supported such nonsense?
That is - did the information give you one moment's pause?
"What I see in that video is a great and natural politician, not some hardcore radical."
I seem to remember you "seeing" something moderate in the campaigning Obama, too.
Perhaps there really is something there that you're just not seeing?
Dustin - Disagreeing with one's politics, especially concerning race...and those coming from a black person's point of rather silly...unless you yourself are black and offer some kind of counter argument. (Are you black?)
Here's the Mr. Bell you denigrate:
Holding a position as an assistant counsel for the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (LDF), he worked alongside Thurgood Marshall, Robert L. Carter and Constance Baker Motley.
(What a bunch of losers.)
He supervised more than 300 school desegregation cases and spearheaded the fight of James Meredith to secure admission to the University of Mississippi over the protests of Governor Ross Barnett.
(Is that all?)
He was appointed to the law faculty of the University of Southern California as executive director of the Western Center on Law and Poverty.
(No big deal?)
Hired to teach at Harvard, Bell established a new course in civil rights law, published a celebrated case book, Race, Racism and American Law, and produced a steady stream of law review articles. As a teacher, Bell became a mentor and role model to a generation of students of color, becoming the first black tenured professor in Harvard Law School's history.
(Hey, who hasn't?)
The, in 1980 Bell became the dean of the University of Oregon School of Law, becoming one of the first African-Americans to ever head a non-black law school.
(No big deal?)
Now post your resume for comparison.
Perry got the 5th degree because of a rock on the family property that was painted over instead of.... something.
Oh dear, Jeremy is clutching his pearls because I don't like Obama.
Someone quick, bring in the fainting couch.
Nihimon - You think President Obama is a "radical?"
Please explain.
Synova - It said; "Niggerhead"
You think that's okay?
"No big deal eh, Ann? Maybe just not to your liberal eyes and ears?"
Actually, I think it's that in law school, there are a lot of people who are treated as respectable despite being critical race theorists or other bizarre views. And that's good, of course. You want free exchange of controversial ideas in school and it's too bad this doesn't extend all the way to the right.
The thing is, Obama is not a law prof. He's president of a system he may think is inherently racist. I'm not sure what the coming material will show, but it might show a guy who doesn't really want his administration to be successful at the things I want it to be successful at.
Personally, I believe that the spending these days is the Cloward Piven strategy to create tremendous dependence. I think Obama is hugely in favor of a radical change to our society. I think he should be vetted on that basis. I think many of the people he's friends with and ideas he's believed in only work if he's got utter contempt for our country.
But the real bombshell in this video is the scrambling in the MSM to explain what Critical Race Theory is... apparently no big deal.
Well Perry is white, a Texan and a Republican.
Christ for a liberal he may as well been wearing an SS uniform.
CJinPA - Ronald "The Saint" Reagan was once a liberal.
Will you now acknowledge that a reasonable person could be concerned that that president once supported such nonsense?
Breitbart was once a liberal.
Will you now acknowledge that a reasonable person could be concerned that that a conservative media star once supported such nonsense?
Can you?
Love. You note the Splc estimate of hate groups. I presume you have seen their site and delved further into the composition of many of these "organizations". If you have then you know that the SPLC finished its work years ago and has struggled to discover such a piddling group of loser haters in recent years to justify its continued existence.
"Bell’s ideas were not only radical, but bizarre. After leaving Harvard (he resigned in 1992), he wrote a racialist, antisemitic fictional essay titled “The Space Traders,” which Ninth Circuit judge Alex Kozinski described in the New York Times with disgust:
Imagine, if you will, that space aliens land in the United States and offer ''untold treasure'' in exchange for surrendering all black citizens to them. What does white America do? It votes to accept the deal by overwhelming margins. So says the law professor Derrick Bell, who poses the question in an allegorical tale he calls ''The Space Traders.''
There is opposition, however. Jews condemn the trade as genocidal and organize the Anne Frank Committee to try to stop it. Empathy from another group that has suffered oppression? Not according to Bell. Instead, Jews worry that ''in the absence of blacks, Jews could become the scapegoats.''
(via article at Big Hollywood)
'Mccain would have been a better president. In fact, he'd have stopped Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons."
Apparently, Obama has done so...given that there is no evidence they have any nuclear weapons.
But no, I can't give him's simply that they haven't developed any nukes to begin with.
A "far right wing, bigoted preacher" founds a university, it must be racist, right? You do know what bigoted means.
"No big deal eh, Ann? Maybe just not to your liberal eyes and ears?"
She was a FemCrit. That explains a lot. The law is what the judge ate for breakfast, etc. The Patriarchy, etc. Legal nihilism
Hoosier - Ann Richards was a Texan.
Do you EVER actually read anything or at least try to understand anything...BEFORE posting your standard infantile banalities?
Of course you would think it's just a harmless introduction prof. Althouse, you don't even know that Obama is ineligible-- what do they teach in theat "law school" anyway.
Actually Ronald Reagan (peace be upon him) was a Democrat back when that party actually gave a shit about the US and wasn't dedicated into turning it into socialist paradise.
He became a Republican when the Democrats turned into the welfare state party.
You'd know that if you ever read anything but Daily Kos.
Love, it was painted over. (Did you feel naughty typing that word?)
Michael said..."If you have then you know that the SPLC finished its work years ago and has struggled to discover such a piddling group of loser haters in recent years to justify its continued existence."
That's actually quite the opposite...and if you took the time READ TODAY'S NEWS...instead of posting silly'd already know that:
Synova - Why was it painted over?
Take your time.
Love, are you suggesting that it shouldn't have been painted over? Take your time.
Hoosier - Was Ronald "The Saint" Reagan a liberal Democrat or not?
(He supported Franklin D. Roosevelt, was a supporter of New Deal (a Marxist?), supported Hubert Humphrey for Senator, and opposed the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 which had been passed by the Republicans.)
You can twist and turn it all you want, but my point was directed at you and others...whining to high heaven...about things President Obama said or did 22 years ago.
Why is it so hard for you to grasp that concept of reality...that people can change?
And what possible fucking difference does Bell or any of this have to do with TODAY?
Other than desperately trying to find something to bitch about...nothing.
From KC's article
:Here's how Judge Richard Posner described the concept: "What is most arresting about critical race theory is that . . . it turns its back on the Western tradition of rational inquiry, forswearing analysis for narrative. Rather than marshal logical arguments and empirical data, critical race theorists tell stories--fictional, science-fictional, quasi-fictional, autobiographical, anecdotal--designed to expose the pervasive and debilitating racism of America today. By repudiating reasoned argumentation, the storytellers reinforce stereotypes about the intellectual capacities of nonwhites."
Bell's having advanced that line of argument--which has gained almost no support in the federal judiciary--is what Obama compared to the work of Rosa Parks in advancing civil rights."
Synova - Why was it painted over?
Its a "dud" to those who apply a standard to one side an a different one to the other.
Or were you not just arguing that attitudes of long ago are irrelevant?
Oh, I'm just teasing you! We all understand that a painted over rock is Really Big News and it doesn't matter how long ago it wasnt painted over. It exists forever.
And teaching at Ivy schools that white people Hate you forever, no matter what, is just what right thinking people believe.
Love, was it wrong to paint over the rock?
Love -
I'll make it easy for you: Do you think Critical Race Theory -- the idea that the American legal system is so embedded with racism that a neutral application of the law is impossible -- is a legitimate theory.
Answering that will save you and everyone a lot of time, since it is at the heart of this very post.
Give it a shot.
This video confirms my already established opinion about Obama!
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