"It's coming! Get ready! All you fucking tea-party-baggers. It's coming. Get ready."
Meade visits the Wisconsin Capitol singalong — "Which side are you on?" — last Friday, August 26th.
R.A.A.N. = Red & Anarchist Action Network. I'll let you Google that yourself. It seems to be connected with a record label, and I can't help viewing this as mostly about promoting music. It's a tired old musical message at this point in punk history. But who knows? Maybe these people are coming to get us.
I refuse to fight a class war against unarmed opponents.
Too funny. There are no more tea bag rallies!
And, the GOP insiders walked off with all the prizes!
Class warfare my arse.
A few paid agitators. (Well, it keeps sign painters alive.)
But it doesn't amount to a hill of beans.
On the other hand? Come any election day ... and the VOTERS DO!
People who vote contribute to the "WAVE" ... And, yes. Audiences have been known to break out in waves ... when they're thrilled.
Free speech doesn't bother me at all.
This all would be better if we had us a few great comedians!
A tradition once started with Will Rogers.
And, believe it or not, RONALD REAGAN! He could wow a crowd with offhand jokes.
But he was blessed with a memory for punch lines.
It's going to be a fun 14 months leading up to The One's landslide re-election.
Anyone see the Sterling Hall Bombing story on CBS Sunday Morning this morning? Madison should be proud. This is how it concluded:
Robert Fassnacht's widow, Stephanie, remained in Madison, where she raised their three children. She never remarried.
She declined to appear in this story. But she did give us a message for Karl Armstrong: "I would like him to know that I harbor no ill will towards him - and I never did."
"I've always felt shame for, you know, it's - but I felt that the original motivation for the bombing was true," said Armstrong.
Still, Armstrong's message for his fugitive confederate may surprise you:
"If he's watching this show, if he's watching you right now, what would you want to say to Leo?" Greenberg asked.
"Good job keeping yourself free, Leo, good job," Armstrong replied.
"No hesitation on that message?" Greenberg asked.
"No. Because, you know, to us there was purity of purpose. And it just went bad."
"Good job keeping yourself free, Leo, good job," Armstrong replied.
"No hesitation on that message?" Greenberg asked.
"No. Because, you know, to us there was purity of purpose. And it just went bad."
As Paul Zrimsek points out, we TEA Party tends to be well armed. It isn't exactly a fair fight.
A class war is coming?
"It's coming! Get ready! All you fucking tea-party-baggers. It's coming. Get ready."
Sounds like J.
Sounds like J.
Doubt it. None of those guys look like they can bench 400 lbs.
Um.... I'm on the side with the guns. Unfortunately, most of us have jobs so it would be real neighborly if they could schedule the class warfare on a weekend. Thanks much.
I was actually alluding to the old joke about refusing to fight a battle of wits against an unarmed opponent, but BigFire's got a good point too.
"Which side are you on?"
The side with guns and brains.
Their logo includes an AK-47 with a banana clip.
I'm totally scared, you guys.
I think there's a much higher than normal chance of violence by the Madison left.
The combination of groupthink, a siege mentality, formerly being in political control and repeatedly coming close to winning but then losing is a potent mix. It well may be enough to push fringe members over the line.
Violence during or immediately after the 2012 electoral cycle wouldn't surprise me a bit, but I don't expect it will amount to much down here in Texas. Negrodocious flashmob cities might want to have an eye out, though.
Class warfare?
Bring it. And unlike Paul Zrimsek, I have absolutely no problem fighting against unarmed opponents, especially when they're dumbass, phony, priveleged middle class white kids that haven't done an honest days work in their lives.
You little shits come after me, and you'll see what "class warfare" means.
"The RAAN Principles & Direction - The P&D is the founding and original document of RAAN. Written collectively over many months, it is the product of hundreds of debates and lays out the network's most uncompromising points of unity. "
Hundreds of debates = sitting in parents basement with like minded friends, smoking pot talking about how to stick it to the man (in this case The Man is represented by the 3rd shift manager at the local McD's not letting them taking a extra smoke break)
Notice how Althouse wants to shift the people's attention from the super wealthy's class war on the rest of us.
Reaganomics = been pissing over the middle class for 30 years.
The spirit of lawlessness has its devotees and seeks more followers all of the time.
The proclamation of God's authority is what it cannot stand up to like a virus cannot stand up to a strong immune system.
So if the President himself is a lawless man, then the restraints on lawlessness are effectively lifted.
What we get is a dangerous case of acquired immune to lawlessness deficiency.
Who will win this race to 2012? The Lawless Mobs are getting nervous as Obama's powers seem to weaken.
Damn. It looks like Alex didn't get swept away by the storm last night.
Better luck next time, I hope.
"Reaganomics = been pissing over the middle class for 30 years."
True. If only we could get back to the paradise that was the 70's. The Carter years especially. The 30 years since the middle class has just gone downhill. Except for standard of living, compensation, etc. Thank goodness we are getting back to those Carter years. Thanks Obama!
Listen you fuck - I'm secure in my underground bunker. Reinforced steel plating 24" thick. I've got 3 months supplies and an entire harem of hookers to keep me compnay.
"5. Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage."
Excuse me while I pinch a loaf. Toodles.
I'm doing my best, Althouse.
Notice how Althouse wants to shift the people's attention from the super wealthy's class war on the rest of us.
Which is, of course, Alex, the reason that you don't have any money, no one will employ you, and you're stuck in your parents' basement, waiting for their Social Security check to come in so you can steal enough for half a bong hit.
It certainly couldn't be your own need to wear $250 designer jeans. It couldn't be your own inability to deal with "oppression", such as being expected to show up for work sober. It couldn't be your own sense of self-righteousness, nurtured by incompetent parents who were more concerned about whether or not a volatile thirteen-year-old "liked" them than whether or not said three-year-old ate their vegetables, did their homework, and wasn't smoking pot.
Most of these "class warfare" brats would be astonished how quickly they could join the ranks of those they hate if they were willing to take a shower, fill out a job application, and actually show up to work consistently for a few years. But given that the only method of earning money with which they have any familiarity is screaming at Mommy, what we can see these rallies as being is a group of thirteen-year-olds turning purple and demanding that their parents hand over more cash.
"Notice how Althouse wants to shift the people's attention from the super wealthy's class war on the rest of us."
I think it's all a crazy mishmash. The protests are supposedly about the public employees and their unions. These are middle-class people with excellent jobs and a significantly better pay package than most citizens of Wisconsin. They are employed by government and work for us, the public, not for some rich people. What sense does it make to merge this with communist and anarchist ideology? Why are people who care about the underclass or working class getting all agitated about the public employees.
Wait until you see my next clip, when the singalongers harass actual workers.
#1 - What's wrong with bong hits? As long as they're for Jesus it's ok right?
#2 - What's wrong with living in a basement collecting SSI checks? Last I heard it's a free country.
Neener neener. I'm so glad you're funding my existence.
Neener neener. I'm so glad you're funding my existence.
Actually, Alex, I'm technically funding your parents' existence for which they paid into the system.
On some level, the fact that they're wasting it on you is their own fault, although I think it also makes clear the need for Social Security fraud detection -- since I doubt you will stop after they're dead.
How hard can it be to stir up shit between anarchists and communists?
WV: comenesh
What sense does it make to merge this with communist and anarchist ideology? Why are people who care about the underclass or working class getting all agitated about the public employees.
I think, Ann, it has to do with the need to establish unlimited access to the public teat, which is the underlying and overall purpose of all those groups protesting.
The Marxists and the anarchists are hiding behind those who at least have the decency to do something for the government in exchange for receiving payments. The danger to them is that, if the government has public support to limit payments to those who actually work for it, then there must be (and is) public support for limiting payments to those who do NO work yet still receive.
"Which side are you on?"
Mr. Smith's and Mr. Wesson's. Want to come see?
Their logo includes an AK-47 with a banana clip.
I'm totally scared, you guys. they know how to grill a raccoon? That is the big question.
.22-250 with a scope. Works very well on varmints (ground squirrels) probably just as good on urban varmints too.
Yet another reason to totally avoid the urban areas during the upcoming "troubles" around the election.
I have a relative who gleefully sent me Warren Buffett's OPED where he said he is under-taxed.
I responded by asking the relative if she didn't think it was far-fetched for her [an Ivy League grad whose mother was also an Ivy League grad] to be such an advocate for the hate the rich and class warfare BS. I think it hit home because she has not replied to my question.
All quiet here in scenic Waukesha County. No anarchists to be seen, although a few who don't live here are threatening to disrupt our local school board meeting tomorrow night.
Try this fun trick at work tomorrow: Storm into the boss's office and scream demands about your 'right' to author the employee handbook.
Pretty much the same deal expected at the school board meeting. Out-of-area anarchists will disrupt the meeting because they didn't have a 'seat at the table' when the employee handbook was written for the local school district's employees.
I read the copy provided my wife by her school district. It's very employee friendly, although it ends seniority as a decision-making criteria, requires teachers to dress like professionals, and reduces paid sick days from sixty to ten.
Other than that, anarchists aren't a big deal here. Waukesha County is big on CCW, and most anarchists are such pussies that they fear guns. Game, set. match.
What was it the MC5 said so many years ago via musical agitprop?
"Kick Out the Jams Mother Fucker!"
I can't get enough of that Wisconsin Protest Drummin!
What happens in America if Obama loses and Walker wins?
Damn, with all this talk of class warfare against the ruling class, you'd think these guys were American Spectator writers or something.
Globally there's a developing generational problem.
The #s of college graduates (engineers, lawyers, ect.) who are unemployed is growing in North America, Western Europe, and in parts of the developing world.
Meanwhile it's a different world compared to what the boomers grew up in for the young -- austerity, educational cuts, high payroll taxes to pay for social security, non-dischargeable obscene student loans and, most significantly, unemployment and slowing growth.
The US, UK, and western Europe are all facing a severe generational problem.
North Africa, the Middle East -- likewise a generational unemployment problem. Too many unemployed university grads.
Mesquito @ 1:26 PM ... THAT! WAS FUNNY!
Indeed, I am getting ready. I actually agree with him. That's why yesterday was given over (9am to 3pm) to a Beginning Handgun course at the local gun range.
Haven't shot a gun in my entire life, but I actually believe guys like this, to a degree.
And, sir (to the guy in the video)? I'll be ready.
How can one be a Communist AND an Anarchist? I thought they had beliefs that might be labelled as being in direct opposition to one another.
That is an interesting perspective Canuck.
I also think a lot of it has to do with the absolute, boiling over, frustration of the tax payers. People who, for the most part, have earned their station in life; are aghast at the vast incompetence of the government utilization of their money (and their children's money). The tea party is just a by-product of government run amok.
For those protesters, I've got some news - - austerity is coming one way or another. Better find a way to actually earn a living, soon.
Just an aside, "the One's" disapproval is at the high-water mark of his reign; at 55%
The soggy middle and vapid expression of the blue shirt guy holding one end of the banner makes me think we're more likely headed for a no-class war.
As long as we keep making adolescents, there will be movements like this.
Trianle Man wrote:
As long as we keep making adolescents, there will be movements like this.
These losers look to be considerably past the temporal sweet spot, lifespan-wise, TM. I predict the shock troops of the R.A.A.N will be mostly restricted to downhill movements.
Jacksonjay asked:
"What happens in America if Obama loses and Walker wins?"
That would be a win for America!
"I also think a lot of it has to do with the absolute, boiling over, frustration of the tax payers."
I agree - taxes are high (not just income, but payroll) and people don't have enough money left over to save for retirement and pay for their kid's college education.
Recent grads can't get jobs, meanwhile. It's a mess right now in US/ UK/ western Europe.
(places w/ oil are doing better - TX, North Dakota, and oil saved Canada.)
It ought to be interesting to see if more people start showing up at these singalongs, now that the students have moved back to campus.
The effect of oil on Canada has got to be salutary. They also have the best wheat farmers in the world, according to the Wheat Council which was bemoaning the effect of Obama's neglect of the Columbia FTA now that Columbia signed a big agreement to import Canadian wheat instead of US wheat.
Canada is benefitting from the US neglect of basic principles of capitalism. I wonder if leftists are still going to want to flee to Canada if Perry is elected?
You guys are famous.
Are all these people on these videos commenting to you because they know you?
I might do the guy that was yelling though. A lot of anger can me good sex. Also, he is thin, which is unusual in Wisconsin.
It's coming! Get ready! All you fucking tea-party-baggers. It's coming. Get ready.
Hahahahaha. I'm looking forward to it.
They would come to get you if they could. They are completely serious. They would take your property, beat you over the head and kick your ass up and down the street if they could get away with it.
How can one be a Communist AND an Anarchist? I thought they had beliefs that might be labelled as being in direct opposition to one another.
People who call themselves anarchists in modern times don't have any connection with historical anarchists beyond wanting to tear down the current system. I never met one who wasn't actually a communist, whether or not he realized it.
People who call themselves anarchists in modern times don't have any connection with historical anarchists beyond wanting to tear down the current system.
Historical anarchists were part of the extreme left from day one. They saw the state as just being the superstructure over the capitalist system and shared that view with the communists. The split came around the time of the Second International, but anarchism is historically a left-wing ideology, notwithstanding the views of some libertarians like Murray Rothbard.
But that having been said, I doubt most of the people calling themselves anarchists these days have given the concept a whole lot of serious analysis, even if that analysis would lead them to some bad, but at least somewhat well thought out, ideology.
If conservatives, who, frankly, have been a bunch of no-fighting-back pussies up to this point, ever work up the courage to, you know, actually defend themselves for a change, these delusional loser douchebags - should they attack - are going to get hurt. Badly.
Is that what the jerk was saying? I couldn't make it out over the off-key singing.
Oh, deary me! I'm really frightened.
I refuse to fight a class war against unarmed opponents.
Ah, but Paul, its my favorite kind.
cnation. I just had a really funny thought - - down here in flyover country; we [pussies] would let them have their say. But the minute those dolts started anything; they'd learn - - really fast - - how much the south prize the 2nd amendment.
Of course, they wouldn't have the balls to start anything like that here.
Come to think of it - - it seems the only place those protests occur are in "blue states."
Have any of you ever seen a "protest" anywhere else?
I can't help think it seems ironic that anarchists would want a "network"
There is one little problem with their class warfare threat. Not one of these assholes has ever been in a fight. Not one. They will not like the feeling of being hit and will not get it that those hitting them will not stop when they ask. Just a head's up to any anarchists listening.
Never tire of listening to internet tough guys telling us how tough they are on their computer.
I'm literally trembling!
So, RAAN says they're coming for the TEA Party. Well, RAAN might regret that statement.
But, one point RAAN should ponder is that the result of going after the TEA Party and people like those wonderful folks will be much more horrific and terrible than RAAN could believe. Of course, the TEA Partiers might have some reaction too from seeing all that blood flowing from RAAN and its fellow travelers.
Comrade Garage!! You think we are fucking with you, Comrade? You think we rich guys aren't both armed and fit? Dream on, Comrade dipshit, and, by the way, shut up because they are trying to sing and you are spoiling the solidarity. HAhahaahha. Raw class warfare, Comrade? Too funny.
Union thugs or union wimps? Make up your damn minds!
I still say 99% of internet tough guys are fucking pussies trying to compensate.
So two idiots with a sign has you this distraught? Now I'm really doubting the supposed toughness. I'd hate to see you in a tense real life situation.
Mommy! Mommy! They have signs!
Union thugs or union wimps? Make up your damn minds!
No, no. Union thugs. Wannabe anarchists wimps. The anarchists I actually know a) are some of the toughest, most competent people and b) are as far from the contemporary left as you can possibly be and still be on this planet.
Anarchists in bed with the left are wannabe anarchists by definition. An anarchist wouldn't be caught dead with those pushing for more government involvement in private affairs.
I’m sure Bill Ayers and Van Jones are watching with a smirk of satisfaction.
The methodology of these miscreants will revolve around civil disturbance (where they’ll be portrayed as the victim) and bombings (plausible deniability for collateral damage). They will take lessons learned from the Weather Underground and will receive assistance from the SDS, ISO, and other similar radical organizations.
As far as the tax issue, they’re not concerned that people are paying too much but that the rich (translation – if you have a job you’re rich) aren’t paying enough. Their real objective is to gain power by any means necessary. Which leads to the next question; who will have the organization in place to pick up when the fodder can no longer maintain.
Tea party is the non-elites, duh, so they're not going to get far w/o the real fighters - the sort of every day people that won the original revolution.
I mean, really, look at that guy in his little outfit. Not a real insult, he's like the anarchist former bud I mentioned that wanted to join in the Rodney King riots and is now an attorney for liberal causes in a leafy green suburb.
It's a "gettin' down withe people" pose that has become traditional. Not to say it can't or even shouldn't happen, but it won't happen like that.
Comrade Garage: No one is upset about these clowns, we are delighted and amused. It is you, comrade, that are of concern because nothing, absolutely nothing from Stalin to these turds bothers you about the splendid revolution. You are a sick dude, Comrade, sick.
The kind of dopes that would bring drums and vuvuzelas to a gunfight. Bring 'em on.
garage mahal said...
Union thugs or union wimps? Make up your damn minds!
I still say 99% of internet tough guys are fucking pussies trying to compensate.
8/28/11 4:48 PM
You may well be right about the 99%. But I would be concerned about the other 1% particularly if they are armed. About 30 something years ago somewhere down south ( NC?) there was a confrontation by communists against Klansmen demonstrating. In the ensuing malay the Klan guys pulled out their guns and shot a number of communists. Now I am not equating TEA Partiers with Klansmen. Nor do I endorse violence. What I am saying if the far leftists engage in violence or intimidation tactics it could seriously backfire on them and frankly no one is going to give a crap if leftists thugs get shot while behaving as leftist thugs. Just like no one gave a crap when rioters and looters get shot. Its not a good idea to use threats of violence like the communist-anarchists do. There is no guarantee that there won't be a counter reaction of a much more violent type.
I say bring it on! Last winter I loaded all the 5.56 I would need to handle mewling thugs like this. They act like the Second Amendment doesn't even exist. Nothing like bringing harsh rhetoric to a gunfight.
These morons would make perfect candidates for a Darwin Award.
Bet this tea-bagging college prof has much more ammo, training (Army Reserve), and extra wepaonry than all the hippies in Madison. They're to busy spending their stident loan money on faux jump-boots and mohawks.
How can one have a class war with individuals who lack class?
garage mahal --
"Union thugs or union wimps? Make up your damn minds!"
Thugs when they outnumber someone, wimps when the odds are even. It's not an either/or dichotomy.
Supposedly "you don't have the guts to shoot me" is the most often expressed sentiment before one gets shot in the US.
Not a surprise to see mahal on the side of the cheap bullies who bluster but fold like a cheap tent.
I look forward to the "class" warfare these rich bitch white college kids with to much time on their hands want to have. I and my two same aged sons (college) and husband will welcome them with our weapons of choice until they beg us to stop and they will be begging in the end.
Re Rialby's comment. I missed the show. That said, I thought Stevie Fassnacht went to Denmark for a while after the bombing (after the murder). Am I wrong?
Regards — Cliff
Hey, you ain't talking about trashing an empty Starbuck's, sport. Bring it.
You want class warfare? Come at me bro.
FYI to help you understand these twisted alliances.
If you view the political spectrum not as a straight line with the left on the left and the right on the right but rather as a twisted Mobius strip, you'll have a better understanding of the political dynamics in America and in a good part of the western world.
For sake of argument we'll assume there is an actual political center though I dare not call it "moderate". To varying degrees from the center to the left the "progressive" is characterized by an increasing allegiance to big government, bureaucratic fascism, hyper-regulation of industry, belief that ones unalienable rights are bequeath by the state and an aversion to free market capitalism.
From the middle to the right conservatism is characterized by increasing allegiance to limited government, minimally-regulated industry, laissez-faire free market capitalism, and the founding concept our unalienable rights are a gift from God.
The extreme far-right advocates no government, the extreme far-left advocates virtual government tyranny and where these two extremes meet at the joining ends of the twisted Mobius strip is found anarcho-socialism.
On the left side of the Mobius strip you can locate Marxism and Soviet communism on one side of the twist and national socialist Nazism on the back side of the same strip since Nazism and Sov-communism are merely two sides of the same collectivist/socialist gem.
And on the right side of the center of the Mobius strip you can put mainstream American conservatism and on the back side of the same strip you can put Libertarianism with it being a little further from the center. For example, there is such a political animal as anarcho-libertarians or in my own case, a conservative-libertarian.
This is your complete political spectrum from the all-government extreme left to the no-government extreme right. The whole point of the "twist" in this political Mobius strip is to communicate how there are some shared traits from the back to the front of the Mobius strip on each side of the "center". NOBODY IS A TRUE CENTRIST.
Hope I've communicated this well enough.
BTW, the lunatics engaging in "raw class warfare" are essentially anarcho-socialists - a truly weird and disturbing hybird of rebellious narcissists and tin-plated despots who are little more than demented sheep in wolves clothing.
Union thugs or union wimps? Make up your damn minds!
"Bullies" is probably the correct characterization. Thuggish until challenged, then wimpy.
Didn't Wisconsin just allow concealed carry? Bring it on!
North Dallas Thirty: "Most of these "class warfare" brats would be astonished how quickly they could join the ranks of those they hate if they were willing to take a shower, fill out a job application, and actually show up to work consistently for a few years."
There's a lot of wisdom in that. I was a leftist like these punks in college. I went through the motions of getting a degree (2, actually) and then went to the Big City to Seek My Fortune. I was cynical, expecting at any time to get screwed over. I got a job in software development. "Beginner's luck", I thought. They'll get me yet.
So I worked for a few years as a developer, changed jobs a couple times, and my salary suddenly started to skyrocket. I hated myself, thinking I was becoming one of "them". I was ashamed when I won employee of the month (twice), thinking I must have sold out. But I was doing what I loved.
Then one day, instead of ridiculing Rush Limbaugh, I actually listened to his show for the first time on my lunch break. I was looking for ammo against a right-wing friend...but I've always tried to be intellectually honest, if nothing else, and I wanted to hear how racist he was and how mean and evil and Nazi-like. I just heard a guy who had a strong point of view and who liked to ridicule his opponents.
This was around 1995-1996, when the internet was really starting to take hold. I found other sites (never did much care for Rush for some reason) and other points of view. The OJ thing and liberals' reactions to it had soured me on them, and I considered myself a centrist. Then I met a new co-worker in 1999. He said "look at yourself. You worked hard. In a few years if you want, you'll easily be making 6 figures. Do you honestly think everybody deserves that, whether they worked for it like you did or not?
That began my complete flip. I considered it. No, people who don't work for it should NOT get what people who do work for it get. Yes, it's pretty clear that pretty much anybody CAN do what I've done in America, in whatever their chosen field is. If they work at it, and don't take no for an answer until they hear a "yes" and then follow through. ANYBODY can do it.
"Class warfare" my ass. When you work hard for what you have, there's a much higher percentage chance that at some point you'll buy a gun to protect it. If these clowns or any of their fellow travelers want to come and try to take what I've earned, they might succeed, but I'll take a couple of them with me. My wife is much tougher, she'll probably take 8 or 10 before they get her.
"Hey, you ain't talking about trashing an empty Starbuck's, sport. Bring it."
They seem to think that this will be one sided. A fantasy where shops are empty and tea baggers lie down in the street to be beaten.
They should realize that many of us are armed, most of us will be defending our property, and some of us will be activly hunting them.
That mollycoddled middle-class moron would crap his pantaloons at the mere sound of a round being jacked into the chamber of a shotgun.
Well I'm too old anymore for a fist fight and too damned fat to run away. I reckon that leaves my ol' double barrelled shotgun or my deer rifle.
The first rule of a gunfight is: Have a gun. The second rule is that: the only reason for a handgun is that it might give you a chance to get to your long gun.
I'm no internet tough guy. I'm old and tired. I do not carry a shootin' iron because I'm tsough but rather to protect my family in spite of bein' old and kind of frail anymore.
The Garage Mahals might well beat me. Viet Nam taught me that no matter how good you are you can go down. This fight, if it happens might well be the end of me. But I can say that from what I've seen of 'em I'll have a nice collection of servants in the afterrlife.
Three words sez it all about these people..."Look at me!!!!"
Oh, come after me. Please. Hurry. I have treats for you. In a wide variety of calibers. I'm really looking forward to serving you.
Zrimsek- +1
I expect to see some folks like those anarchist yutes this next summer - when Chicago hosts the G8 and NATO summits.
If the Chicago PD doesn't rout them, I guess I will be there with the ILARNG. We'll see if it is a "class war" or a lot of talk then running way.
If you have ever been hit with CS - you'd run away too. God knows I would, had I no protective mask...
I doubt they realize just how ready we are.
I agree with the basis of most of these posts - however - I remember a lot of things going boom in the '70s from idiots that knew very little. And yes, they were wussies head to head, but created a lot of damage.
I'm supposed to take Mr. Flood Is Coming Pants and his overweight pervert partner serious? Seriously?
Go fondle a donkey, tough boy!
Class Warfare .... oh how 1968 of you.
Looks like Governor Walker needs to do some more work on cleaning out the cockroaches.
I'll start worrying when I see a lot more Obama bumper stickers at the gun range. So far we're at Threat Level 0 on that score.
Still not sure why they assume they will come out ahead in any 'class war'. There are productive people and non-productive people, if your profession is agitating for a class war your category pre-conflict is pretty much a given. Why do they assume they know anything about how to get anything done? Why do they assume productive people will help them do anything?
I guess it's fun to be part of the vanguard but there aren't enough trust-fund babies in the world to make their campaign worthwhile. You have to pick through a lot of heavily-armed middle-class and upper middle-class strivers to find the folks they're mad at, and what with box magazines and semiautomatic weapons being fairly common these days, their ranks will be pretty thin by halfway through Class War Day One.
Nihilism is never pretty.
Well, if nothing else, these silly self-described anarchist protesters have given some of the commentariat here the opportunity to let their minds wander to little violent fantasies on a fine Sunday. And who says they didn't accomplish anything?
Folks, the only effective response is to "Go Galt". Just quit. Quit creating jobs in the U.S., quit giving to phony leftist nonprofits, quit doing business in the U.S., quit spending money, quit paying taxes (legally) in the U.S.
Total withdrawal....let them feed themselves. It'll be good for them.....well, for the few who survive.
The new biathlon: debate a liberal then get in the ring with him. I. So. Wish.
If a tea party person said, "No justice, no peace", the left would go bezerk about the violent right wing.
It was fake even when it was coolo-daddo in the way cool 1970s.
One of the Clash band members once explained how it was all concocted for record sales .. and to be cool with the lefty pinheads in the music press.
You bet it's coming. November 6, 2012.
I don't think we should take threats like this lightly.
While Obama will stay above the fray to appear "presidential", his minions will be stirring up the race and class hatred because he has no record other than failure to run on. Maxine Waters and other black politicians are already threatening the Tea Party. There are plenty of leftist radicals willing lead it all; our own university systems have indoctrinated them well.
I predict that flash mobbing and the London rot will spread as the Obama campaign becomes more and more desperate, before the election. When violence occurs, the media will blame the right and the Tea Partiers.
And if he loses, all that hatred he and his campaign will have stoked in his base will still have to be released somewhere.
Wow, what a bunch of losers. If this guy wants a war, bring it! My guess is as soon as one of their thugs gets shot in the face they will turn tail and run. These jokers are all talk......what do you expect from people who look at themselves as brave for supergluing a school's doors shut?
What an Idiot! For twerps like him to want actual war against midwestern farmers and hunters, and men that have been shooting and reloading all their lives, shows his true lack of comprehension of reality. Those men could kill him without effort. Maybe he thinks it's all a game, he won't REALLY be dead, shot full of holes, and he will just file a harassment lawsuit or some such tripe. You see, the London type riot could NEVER happen in America, the rioters would be shot dead by shop owners and homeowners. End of riot by wannabe anarchists.
They have clearly communicated a threat of violence and done so with both imagery of a weapon and in a group. A reasonable person can feel threatened, that is a reasonable person can feel that they have been assaulted, and if these people appear and behave in a threatening and confrontational manner then a reasonable person would be justified in defending his or herself. If I was on a jury and a defendant who was arrested after responding with force to a visit by these people articulated that defense then I would probably refuse to convict.
These self proclaimed revolutionaries believe that they can rely on the benefits of a peaceful law abiding society even as they act to destroy it. If they meet people who treat them with the public contempt that they display then they are shocked and feel aggrieved.
They think it would be a victory if they provoke violence because they think that any violence by their victims would result in the forces of civilization dissolving into incoherence when charged with hypocrisy and then losing the support of the people that confers legitimacy.
That theory is simply untrue. The people are sovereign and defend their liberty when attacked. The government reaffirms its bond to the people when it acts to protect them from threats and violence and supports them when they defend themselves.
The Communists have a right to protest. They do not have a right to threaten assault or commit violence. If there is a confrontation then the people acting through a jury, which is formally a subset of the Militia, determine which is the guilty party.
These fucktards do not scare me. And to prove it, I am going to have my kids open an unpermitted lemonade stand, while I make guitars with wood from India. Bring it.
Their biggest and proudest accomplishment appears to be the Great Parking Meter Sabotage of 2007. I sheit you not. I withdraw my previous comment, the only way these people could possibly hurt you is to give you a hernia from laughing at them so hard.
Fred: "One of the Clash band members once explained how it was all concocted for record sales .. and to be cool with the lefty pinheads in the music press."
Oh, GOD yes. The Sex Pistols and most of the rest of them were the same way. Put up the front that they know will bring pinhead wannabe "anarchists" in droves, befriend them and then take their money. And who can blame the bands? It's easy money. I actually rather admire their initiative and understanding of the situation. I know a band from the 80s that took the same attitude about the whole long-hair, breaking guitars on stage thing. One of them told me he figured that each guitar they broke probably made them $10,000 on average. He said the touring circuit was physically brutal, but enriching beyond belief. He took a similarly soldier-of-fortune attitude toward the leftist "rock chicks" who would throw their naked bodies at him after shows. And who can blame him for that, either? A beautiful woman is a beautiful woman, especially if she's naked and even if she's stupid.
I also spoke to an ex-member of a white-power band once. He laughed at the neo-Nazi fans of his band, and called them names I won't repeat. "But the money was GREAT."
Music fans, make sure you really love the music. Because to the musicians, it's all business. Me? I just like the late 70s and 80s. Def Leppard and Aerosmith and Kiss and Bon Jovi and Heart and Fleetwood Mac and the rest can laugh at me all they want...their music is all I need from them. And it's money well spent.
How are we American Citizen Tea Partiers going to wage a class war against ignorant classless union and anarchist thugs?
They are clueless! You lost; go back to work or get fired.
Again..much concern over nothing. Guy is just a colorful promoter getting us primed for an upcoming CD. It's coming. Get ready.
The other guy? Well..I thought only dogs at farmer's market wore rebellious handkerchiefs around their neck like that. Maybe it's a working like a dog aesthetic.
"Paul Zrimsek said...
I refuse to fight a class war against unarmed opponents."
Dude, trust me, safest way to do it — oh, I see, you were making a play on words, heh, never mind...
And, actually, we are ready. Come on ahead.
Well, if nothing else, these silly self-described anarchist protesters have given some of the commentariat here the opportunity to let their minds wander to little violent fantasies on a fine Sunday. And who says they didn't accomplish anything?
One or two of these douchebags is nothing to worry about, but let a bunch of them get together and they can be a real pain in the ass. See Seattle 1999 or London more recently.
Titus said...
"I might do the guy that was yelling though. A lot of anger can me good sex. Also, he is thin, which is unusual in Wisconsin."
Shameful pandering, I know, but several seconds after that clip ends, Yelling Guy turned his head back toward me and yelled, "Death to Republicans."
I found it sort of hilarious but, Titus, for you it might have been hot.
wv: cofrosel Cofrosellation between the hipster anarchists and cloud trippers is prohibited on this public beach.
next word verification that popped up and I kid you all not:
Their moment came and there were no CNN cameras.
I blame the Internet.
Snort. The Left doesn't have guns.
And when the time comes, right-thinking people won't even have to waste ammo on Leftist trash.
The rifle-butt will suffice to cave in their skulls.
The employment picture for engineers is rather difficult. Unemploment in that sector of the economy has gone from about 2% pre-Depression to around 5% post-Depression.
That is going to hurt.
So, they're coming to get us?
Three words:
for all these poseurs who are so enamored of anarchy, I will happily show them what 'anarchy' means- it means me getting my way with them at the point of a gun
read your history goatee boy. you'll be first up against the wall.
Everybody's focusing on the guns. I thought Paul Zrimsek's comment (1st one on the thread) meant that it is difficult to fight a class war with people who have no class whatsoever.
That is what you meant, Paul?
campy says: "It's going to be a fun 14 months leading up to The One's landslide re-election"...
Hmmm, some other fool that wants the US of A to look like Detroit from sea to shining sea...
The #s of college graduates (engineers, lawyers, ect.) who are unemployed is growing in North America, Western Europe, and in parts of the developing world.
Lawyers are a glut on the market, but engineers have much better prospects. My son got his BS in Mech. Eng. and got a job that pays quite well - and his grades were far from the top.
LTC John:
The G-8 will get interesting. Of course, we have one of Obama's boys as Mayor now, so he's probably got some sympathy for the anarchist types. But the Chicago police are not particularly known for either sympathy for leftist causes or restraint in the face of violence.
"It's a tired old musical message at this point in punk history."
... and even more tired when you realise that the man singing that song now advertises butter on British television. What will these anarchists-who-don't-know-the-meaning-of-anarchy be doing in 30 years?
Hey, Anarchist Nitwit, be careful what you wish for.
I wouldn't put the Sex Pistols on the left. There's no Marxist vibe from their music. They attack sacred cows all over the place. For instance, they sing a pro-life song. But in a "fuck! fuck! fuck you!" kind of way. It keeps them from sounding like Mother Teresa.
The Clash is more of a Marxist band.
As indicated by several posts, the "class warfare" battle will be fought and won at the voting booths next year. With nary a live round fired. Get ready for it. It really IS coming!
Listen you fuck - I'm secure in my underground bunker. Reinforced steel plating 24" thick. I've got 3 months supplies and an entire harem of hookers to keep me compnay.
Jees, I didn't know you were a member of Congress.
From Robert Heinlein:
What are the marks of a sick culture?
It is a bad sign when the people of a country stop identifying themselves with the country and start identifying with a group. A racial group. Or a religion. Or a language. Anything, as long as it isn't the whole population.
A very bad sign. Particularism. It was once considered a Spanish vice but any country can fall sick with it. Dominance of males over females seems to be one of the symptoms.
Before a revolution can take place, the population must loose faith in both the police and the courts.
High taxation is important and so is inflation of the currency and the ratio of the productive to those on the public payroll. But that's old hat; everybody knows that a country is on the skids when its income and outgo get out of balance and stay that way - even though there are always endless attempts to wish it way by legislation. But I started looking for little signs and what some call silly-season symptoms.
I want to mention one of the obvious symptoms: Violence. Muggings. Sniping. Arson. Bombing. Terrorism of any sort. Riots of course - but I suspect that little incidents of violence, pecking way at people day after day, damage a culture even more than riots that flare up and then die down. Oh, conscription and slavery and arbitrary compulsion of all sorts and imprisonment without bail and without speedy trial - but those things are obvious; all the histories list them.
I think you have missed the most alarming symptom of all. This one I shall tell you. But go back and search for it. Examine it. Sick cultures show a complex of symptoms as you have named... But a dying culture invariably exhibits personal rudeness. Bad manners. Lack of consideration for others in minor matters. A loss of politeness, of gentle manners, is more significant than a riot.
This symptom is especially serious in that an individual displaying it never thinks of it as a sign of ill health but as proof of his/her strength. Look for it. Study it. It is too late to save this culture - this worldwide culture, not just the freak show here in California. Therefore we must now prepare the monasteries for the coming Dark Age. Electronic records are too fragile; we must again have books, of stable inks and resistant paper.
"War?" "F*cking Teabaggers?" "It's coming?"
So who are are the intolerant fascists, again?
I'm so confused.
What is the "it" that is coming, exactly? If they really mean war, I say take them at their word and shoot them first.
If an angry stranger tells you he's planning on killing you, common sense and all principles of self defense tell you to take him seriously and beat him to it. Don't see how this is any different.
If they didn't mean it, shouldn't have said it.
Who is this unheard of comedian? He said, "WHAT"? So, this boy say's he is coming? He, He, that boy don't look like he is big eenough to even have a toy he can play with, then for him to threaten us, that's funny. Well little boy, I don't think your messly little threat mean's much. I don't believe that you of all people don't scare anyone, so what you say don't mean nothing. I'll tell you what, if you are really that serious, then instead of making threats that are like clouds without rain, leave just me your name and home address, then I'll make a visit to your home, or somewhere of your choosing, and then we can start this whole threat of yours off between you and I, what do you say, boy? Are you game? I am.
PLEASE start with us out here in the boonies?!
I've been practicing, so it will be painless, and we could really use the compost/dog food!
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