June 6, 2011

Oh, no! It's Weiner's naked...

... torso. Please, make it stop. He went for the full Chris Lee!

To some other other woman.

So hum(a)iliating.

UPDATE at 2:12 Central Time: CNN is saying that Weiner will be making some kind of statement "from a Sheraton Hotel" in NYC at 4 ET.  My prediction — and you heard it here first! — is that he'll announce he's entering treatment for sex addiction. Possibly with a grim/stoical Huma Abedin at his side.


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gerry said...

An ABC News official said that the network has conducted an interview with a woman, who says she received the photos from Mr. Weiner, evidently the same photos Mr. Breitbart obtained.

The Drill SGT said...

He's not a Dem, so resigning is not an option :)

seriously, if he had been honest early, the press would not be smelling blood in the water...

Fen said...




one per week...



from now until election day


Fred4Pres said...

I do feel bad for Huma. She should dump him.

gerry said...

I stole this from Tarranto.

I hope Weiner has a good sense of Huma.

Fred4Pres said...

Weiner is now a proven liar. He was not hacked. Even Dems are running away from him. Radar is posting all kinds of embarassing stuff.

Fen said...

I try to feel sorry for him, but then I remember what a jackass he's been.

Anonymous said...

Well, that's it. You are wrong, Drill. He's gone.

Why do people with power take these foolish risks?

Also, his hemming and hawing is obviously explicable now.

Fen said...

Palladian should make these into a calender.

April for the crotch shot

July for the topless

November for the one with him and the goat.

Mark said...

Slow roasted. Lots of mustard.

Me, I'm making a batch of popcorn.

Chip S. said...

I can state with near-certitude that Titus now needs a new keyboard.

AllenS said...

Huma and Hillary can now cry on each others shoulders.

test said...

Why couldn't it be her topless?

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

If true (I'm cynical enough to doubt everybody in this case), this is a massive failure for Nancy Pelosi. When Chris Lee was caught, the GOP leaders eased him out quickly, so the story would get over quicxly. Rep. Pelosi should've done the same here.

Sal said...

Hey! Someone hacked my Blogger account.

Sal said...

I'm running for Hillary's old seat. My package is at least as big as hers.

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fen said...

Althouse could sell them on consignment through Amazon.

"The Weiner Spread" nah...

"Without Certainty?"

"Sexting Your Barely Legal Daughter"

or just...


gerry said...

AllenS: At least Hillary got a State Department job out of her marriage.

Fen said...

Hey! Someone hacked my Blogger account.

Ha! Nicely done.

TMink said...

I cannot stand his politics or political behaviors. So it is difficult to not enjoy his demise. But he is a human being, and one that really needs help for his sex addiction. I hope, I will even pray that he gets help and is redeemed. The poor guy was out of control. Maybe he still is, but the truth is there for him.


AllenS said...

Good point, Gerry. Maybe Huma can run for and win wiener's district seat. I'm sorry, make that Weiner. My bad.

gerry said...

I have been planing boards all morning and now you want to see a picture of something even flatter?

We have it. Weiner, shirtless.

How he struggles to look rippling!

Fen said...

Huma and Hillary can now cry on each others shoulders.

Scuttlebutt is they have already been doing for some time now.

Lucius said...

I'll solicit Titus now for his thoughts on the NYP photo of Huma with the caption showing her "hesitantly" (or was it 'hesitatingly'?) entering a State Department ballroom.

To me, it looks like it could be an opening still from a photographic "Story of O" update: 'H enters the Master's ballroom at the Chateau de Roissy to begin her training, full of trepidation but an alarming sense of arousal . . ."

Well, considering her boss and her husband, it wouldn't be so shocking, would it? Arguably a step up in self-esteem . . . .

Sal said...

Any woman will tell you: Nothing gets them hotter than receiving a photo of your Weiner.

test said...

"Sixty Grit said...
Huma topless? I have been planing boards all morning and now you want to see a picture of something even flatter?

6/6/11 1:58 PM"

Still better than his though, right?

So it's not the size. Maybe she has a nice ass. Or something. Hmmmm, what could it be.

coketown said...

Could I get some input from some of the female commenters here? Does this kind of behavior actually get you hot and bothered? Do you vicariously swoon when reading stories about Weiner's latest escapades?

On the one hand, this sort of thing keeps happening, so there must be a market for it.

On the other hand, I don't recall any romance novels in which the hero is a scrawny, pasty dweeb who woos women by sending unappealing photos of himself.

RuyDiaz said...

Well, that's it. You are wrong, Drill. He's gone.

Most likely he's gone, but....

He's still may hang on if both of the following happen:

1) The Dem. leadership stand by him.

2) The Rep. leadership declines to press the issue.

Sadly, I think it's still reasonable to think that he'll survive.

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
XWL said...

Great news for the people of Brooklyn, this kills his greater political ambitions, so that means you get Weiner for life!

He hasn't broken any laws, though both twitter and yfrog might have civil claims against him for falsely accusing them of being hackable, which could have been financial damaging had those claims been even slightly plausible.

Saul said...

He did a Farve and a Lee! I thought Huma was Hilary's girlfriend anyway, so she may not care.

gerry said...

so there must be a market for it

It's called gay.

Fen said...

Maybe Huma can run for and win wiener's district seat

Hillary's losing her edge. A true friend would have put an end to this.

Hey Weiner, best you stay far far away from Fort Marcy Park.

Anonymous said...

He's gone. It's one thing to have an affair. That's commonplace, even expected. It's another to send such pictures to people you don't know.

There's no way Weiner doesn't resign. No way.

A. Shmendrik said...

Say bye!

Anonymous said...

You can't hide your lyin' eyes
And your smile is a thin disguise
I thought by now you'd realize
There ain't no way to hide you lyin' eyes

My, oh my, you sure know how to arrange things
You set it up so well, so carefully
Ain't it funny how your new life didn't change things
You're still the same old boy you used to be

And with all of this, Weiner is sitting on a campaign war chest of $5.1 million for the NYC mayoralty race he was born for....


Hey Huma.....Huma?....where'd she go?

WV: eneclogr, do not administer without a Doctors advice.

test said...

"Saul said...
He did a Farve and a Lee! I thought Huma was Hilary's girlfriend anyway, so she may not care."

So if the woman would be a beard, the guy would be ... maskara?

Geoff Matthews said...

Just goes to show that, no matter how hot the wife, there are some men who will pursue other women.

AllenS said...

And to think that Huma left Hillary for this jerk. What was she thinking?

RuyDiaz said...

Could I get some input from some of the female commenters here? Does this kind of behavior actually get you hot and bothered? Do you vicariously swoon when reading stories about Weiner's latest escapades?

On the one hand, this sort of thing keeps happening, so there must be a market for it.

Well, I'm not a femlae of the species, but I want to comment on this too.

As we've seen, sending such pictures does not (usually) happens out of the blue. There is a conversation, a hint, a joke, whatever. Then, as part of a escalation, he sends the pick.

On the other hand, I don't recall any romance novels in which the hero is a scrawny, pasty dweeb who woos women by sending unappealing photos of himself.

Ah, but you need to understand the women with whom the Weiner is doing this.

They seem to be groupies: for them, Anthony Weiner is a moral hero, standing up to the power that be, fearlessly defending the powerless.... Getting attention from him, is like a Knight paying attention to a peasant in medieval times; hence, the swooning.

Anonymous said...

New Pussy Syndrome is a terrible affliction that besets every man with a pulse. But, God, man! Have some decorum about your disease.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Oh no.. another garage tread bare ;)

rhhardin said...

It's humiliating because respectability for a women comes from how good a deal she makes for herself.

High priced hookers are respectable, for instance.

Here it turns out that it's a deal not hard to make, which is the humiliation. Ordinary women are making it.

I do feel bad for Huma.

I'd assume she's not doing her job at home; namely showing AW that she's satisfied with him.

MayBee said...

Why do people with power take these foolish risks?

The risk is the thrill.
The power makes it possible.

Nobody's going to tweet #WeinerYes if he's a podiatrist in Queens.

Anonymous said...

Weiner press conference scheduled for 4PM Eastern.

Predictions, anyone?

(Here's my prediction: Admits he has a problem. Describes it as a private matter. Checking into sex rehab for a time. Not resigning. Huma will not be in attendance but he will say he has her support.)

erictrimmer said...

Let's not jump to conclusions, folks. Maybe he meant to tweet those photos to his doctor.

"Do these spots look suspicious?"

"Halfway to curing ED! Could you up my Viagra script?"

gerry said...

Weiner to hold presser at 4 P.M.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Mr. Weiner is expected to address the news media at 4 p.m. at a Midtown Manhattan, breaking several days of silence.

He will not resign.. I guarantee it.

AllenS said...

I'm with Lem, I don't think he'll resign either.

Original Mike said...

He blames Bush.

Anonymous said...

This is a perfect example of.....hold on....riffles through papers,

The Democrat Culture Of Corruption!(tm)

Repeat incessantly until election day. (Hey, it worked on the independents last time, right?)

Blue@9 said...

I wonder if Clinton is providing a shoulder to cry on.

"There, there, Huma, at least there's no dress."

Anonymous said...

I say he resigns.

rhhardin said...

New Pussy Syndrome is a terrible affliction that besets every man with a pulse.

It afflicts a man not getting any at home, not a man with a pulse.

Men's low standards work to make monogamy very easy.

edutcher said...

Those look like implants.

Fen said...

Palladian should make these into a calender.

April for the crotch shot

July for the topless

November for the one with him and the goat.

No, he'd have to be Moslem.

Coketown said...

Could I get some input from some of the female commenters here? Does this kind of behavior actually get you hot and bothered? Do you vicariously swoon when reading stories about Weiner's latest escapades?

Andrew Klavan's theory (via Insta) is that all the denials are phony. Yes, it does work.

And his logic is hard to deny.

DADvocate said...

Treatment for sex addiction. LOL. Every pervs excuse. Who else was it that pulled this during the past year or so?

We don't need addicts in Congress. Resign in ignominy.

Chip S. said...

Watch for the attack on Breitbart.

Anonymous said...

Sex addiction is the goofiest thing I have ever heard.

traditionalguy said...

Another CO2 source is spouting out from the frenzied heavy breathing all over the Twitter World whenever Weiner Man hits the send button on his government computer. It is like toilets flushed during the Super Bowl halftime. The world is not ready for the exhaled gasps of the Weiner Man's young lady friends.

Fen said...

Can you imagine if Breitbart told him there would be one pic released every day until the day he resigns?

Woodward and Bernstein? Amateurs.

Sal said...

Try telling your wife you have sex addiction when you haven't had sex with her in a month!

AllenS said...

If he wasn't getting enough at home, why on earth try to hit on someone all the way across the country?

Anonymous said...

"Do you vicariously swoon when reading stories about Weiner's latest escapades?"

I don't know about the ladies ... but I have a raging Schadenboner watching this sick pervert get his.

One down, 254 to go.

Anonymous said...

rh -- I disagree vehemently. All the evidence of history goes against the idea that men don't want to have sex with different women.

RuyDiaz said...

Sex addiction is the goofiest thing I have ever heard.

I've had sex addiction since before even having sex.

Chip S. said...

Will Althou.se feature instant parimutuel betting?

wv: pronr

Now wv is piling onto the poor schmuck.

Anonymous said...

"There, there, Huma, at least there's no dress."

Lots of stained Underoos, though, for her to wash.


Chip S. said...

All the evidence of history goes against the idea that men don't want to have sex with different women.

The Coolidge Effect

le Douanier said...

"Possibly with a grim/stoical Huma Abedin at his side."

I hope she dresses hot! Maybe she could show Mrs. Vitter how to pull off a cheater' outfit.

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RuyDiaz said...


NPS, doesn't mean that you go ahead and do everything in your power to sleep with other women. It means that you find other women... tempting.

XWL said...

The, 'I'm a sex addict' speech with Huma at his side seems the most likely direction for the upcoming announcement, but wouldn't it be refreshing if he says instead, 'I love pussy, my wife loves pussy, and we love to love the same pussy at the same time!'.

Could a politician be in an actively 'swinging' relationship and be 'out' about it?

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Chip!

The saying goes: No matter how hot she is, there's some dude who is tired of putting up with her shit.

In no way am I excusing Weiner. New Pussy Syndrome is a disease that must be fought one day at a time.

Lincolntf said...

He may very well lie (sex addiction, please!), but the question is whether or not the bubbleheaded Libs he's been embarrasing for weeks take him back into the fold.
If not, then his trip to "rehab" will really be the run-up to a special election.

Anonymous said...

"I hope she dresses hot! Maybe she could show Mrs. Vitter how to pull off a cheater' outfit."

Anyone who blames Vitter for shopping around for a little strange just needs to take a look at that photo.

That's why Vitter got away with it.

Flashy Tony won't get away with it because he has a hottie wife. And by God if you're going to hoard hotties from the rest of us, then your ass is just going to have to resign.

Chip S. said...

7M, Glad to oblige. All I ask is that "NPS" be replaced in the Alt lexicon with CE. It puts Silent Cal in a new light.

AllenS said...

Maybe it would be different if he was actually caught getting some pussy on the side, but he wasn't. He was caught sending weird wiener pictures to women that he's never met. This man is a goofy fucker.

traditionalguy said...

I bet Hillary will recommended the ceramic Bobbitt tool available at Amazon.com. It is a guaranteed intervention tool that stops male sex addiction when it is even shown to the jerk.

Anonymous said...

If Bill survived the blue dress evidence, small-peck Weiner will do his best to survive this.

Here's how it will go:

"It's just a silly but benign flirtation. Stupid? Yes. But harmful? Not in the least.

"And I've learned my lesson. And I'm seeing a therapist about it, and have been for a while, and my wife is encouraging me in my recovery.

"Plus, my enemies have done far worse, and are more nefarious than am I. The lack of any evidence of their wrongdoing is proof enough of how devious and powerful they are that they can keep it all hidden.

"Besides it is only about internet sex, not about actually raping and pillaging the middle class, like those evil republicans.

"So can we please get back to the important business of yada yada yada.

Anonymous said...

Vitters is the perfect example of how you go about having an affair. Clinton also. There must be a thousand more. There are acceptable mores that must be followed.

Sending cock pictures to strangers falls outside those mores. Others will have to blaze that trail before it becomes acceptable for politicians.

Anonymous said...

"He was caught sending weird wiener pictures to women that he's never met. This man is a goofy fucker."

Like some fucking perv in the park with a trench coat.


Chip S. said...

I hope that CNN producer that Weiner called a jackass is at the presser.

Lincolntf said...

Great point, Chip! I hope so too.

Anonymous said...


GarageBanal is notably absent.


LL said...

How about "my truth is that I am a gay American"?

edutcher said...

Any "leave of absence" will be orchestrated at the highest levels of the Democrat Party.

He is doing more damage to the Demos, at a time they don't need it (Dow down another 70), than Craig, Foley, and Cunningham put together did to the Republicans.

PS Troop should be here to give us the fish taco report.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Weiner is close to the Clintons.. If the Clintons could survive Monica, its not hard to imagine they are advising the Weiner to hang on.

Hilary worked over Huma and Bill took care of the Weiner.

A. Shmendrik said...

I think the fat lady is clearing her throat right now!

Seriously, as a long term observer of the House (I'm a CSPAN junkie, OK?) I have never seen a larger asshole than Weiner. His karma went around and came back in his face! If he leaves, good riddance, if he announces anything less than resignation - I'd say to Breitbart, fire the second barrel and show us the full monty!

Peter Hoh said...

Martin, my guess is that Weiner lied to Pelosi, et al. And as long as there were no further allegations or photos, he might have been able to get away with it.

None of the people he lied to are going to support him any more.

He's finished.

RuyDiaz said...

How about "my truth is that I am a gay American"?

Nah. Weiner's heterosexuality is now established beyond reproach. No way somebody does something so humilliating for virtual pussy he doesn't really like.

Peter Hoh said...

Lem, Clinton got away with the sex part of his sex scandal. It was the lying part that almost got him.

Had three other interns turned up with stained dresses, I suspect that Clinton would have resigned in disgrace.

That's what's going on with Weiner.

Now, he just might be a big enough jerk to think he can weather this, but he can't.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

..he just might be a big enough jerk.

His pic doesn't lie ;)

Chip S. said...

The Atlantic made the most important point 4 days ago:

While Weiner represents a New York City district that's conventionally thought to be safely Democratic, in reality it has trended sharply in a Republican direction in recent years.

The Dems' dilemma is to figure out whether their chances are better if Weiner emerging from "rehab" will be a stronger candidate than whoever would win the primary if he quits. Seems to me their safe play is to have him hang on for now and see how the polls shake out in a few months.

Anonymous said...

"He's finished."

Do not discount the lockstep voting stupidity of New York voters.

Peter Hoh said...

Seven, Clinton didn't follow the affair guidelines. The rule is, only have an affair with someone who has as much to lose as you should the affair become public.

What's Bond say in

Peter Hoh said...

. . . What James Bond says in Casino Royale about preferring married lovers -- that's the British upper crust guide to affairs in a nutshell.

Chip S. said...

15 minutes to post time! Ladies and gentlemen, please place your bets.

coketown said...

Mmmm. I just signed up for Weiner's Christmas card mailing list. If he sends pictures like this out in June, imagine how generous he'll be around Christmas.

RuyDiaz said...

15 minutes to post time! Ladies and gentlemen, please place your bets.

Fools rush in where angels fear to thread.

I ain't sayin' nuthing.

Original Mike said...

"Ladies and gentlemen, please place your bets."

The man does not have a shred of decency. He stays.

Anonymous said...

T minus 9 minutes-
All countdown functions are now automatically controlled by the GLS computer located in the Firing Room Integration Console.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I'm betting on Weiner rehab..

Not a long shot.

Anonymous said...

T minus 7 minutes, 30 seconds-
Humas access arm is retracted.

Anonymous said...

Won't rehab take time away from the important work of the American people?

Chip S. said...

Maybe Weiner will announce that this has all been part of his one-man crusade against the vile slurs of Foreskin Man. Snipped Pride, or something.

AllenS said...

Men like Weiner have no shame. He'll stay.

Anonymous said...

T minus 4 minutes, 55 seconds-
the liquid oxygen vent on Weiners boner is closed, Verify ET/SRB range safety system safing & arm device armed.

Anonymous said...

This just in, Tony Weiner today announces that he will resign from Congress, effective immediately, to accept a position as marketing manger for Tiger Beat.

Distraught wife Huma, added that she was supportive of Tony and Tiger, but worried tht her Uncle Abdul had some misgivings. She was heard muttering something to the effect of "cocktail weenie is no match for scimitar" as she left the platform. Weiner was visibly deflated as he limped toward his waiting escort service. Those close to Weiner speculated that he would retire to his home and take solace in his two pussys.

Chip S. said...

Breitbart. Kind of Aryan-sounding, isn't it? Maybe he's behind Foreskin Man.

The Crack Emcee said...

He's a friend of Jon Stewart's - I say he goes.

AllenS said...

"It's my wiener, and I'll do what I want with it! Now, let me get back to spending money that we don't have."

Mark said...

You might as well face it you're addicted to....

Well, it would be wrong to call it love, but that would be less creepy than being addicted to literally adolescent adoration.

Dude has issues. Wonder if The Magnificent Bastard is waiting until tomorrow to introduce the woman who got those pictures because she turns 18 then.

Larvell said...

Damn, Breitbart has this down to a science. Do a story ... wait for the indignant denials ... wait some more ... wait some more ... wait just a little bit more ... THEN come out with additional stuff you had all along.

Anonymous said...

T minus 2 minutes, 50 seconds-
the external tank oxygen vent hood-- known as the beanie cap -- is raised and retracted.
(I'm not going there)

Peter Hoh said...

Enjoy the presser without me. I've got to go rescue my mother-in-law. She was out visiting her friend at the old folks home, and her car won't start.


Chip S. said...

Mesdames et messieurs, les jeux sont fais!

AllenS said...

He's not even addicted to pussy. He's just sending pictures of his wiener to young women that he's never met.

Anonymous said...

T minus zero-the holddown explosive bolts and the T-O umbilical explosive bolts are blown by command from the on-board computers and the SRBs ignite, The news conference is now committed to launch.

gerry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This news conference is stuck on the launch pad and burning a hole through to China.

Original Mike said...

These things never launch on time.

Chip S. said...

Apparently all Dems run on Obama Time.

rcocean said...

Knowing liberal democrats this will probably help Weiner's career.

Anonymous said...

This just in, San Fanciscans outraged that Breitbart would contemplate skinning Weiner.

Anonymous said...

Breitbart having a very contentious news conference on FOX sharing the split screen with various and sundry Weiner photos.

Anonymous said...

"He's not even addicted to pussy. He's just sending pictures of his wiener to young women that he's never met."

See, that's the thing. He's addicted to his hand. And that ain't ever a 'goin 'nowhar.

Larvell said...

And now Breitbart shows up at the press conference before Weiner and takes the podium. Classic. http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/06/06/live-blog-anthony-weiner-news-conference/?hp

wv: befur -- "Breitbart spoke befur Weiner at the presser."

The Crack Emcee said...

According to Hot Air, he's not going to resign, so we're in Weirdsville now.

Popcorn, people, I need popcorn!!!

***I love that the reporters are calling Andrew "Mr. Brietbart" - credibility achieved!!!

Original Mike said...

Maybe the hold up is Weiner can't find a rehab clinic that will take him.

Anonymous said...

This just in, the much anticipated climax to the Weiner saga was interrupted prematurely. Weiner aids said that the Congressman would be ready again in a few more minutes. Wife, Huma, explained that "Tony often goes off half cocked. Give him a few minutes to check his Twitter account and his resolve will be stiffened."

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

One of the Weiner's O rings has ruptured.. launch count has stopped.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he's late because he can't find his Blackberry.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Possibly with a grim/stoical Huma Abedin at his side.

if so......then yet another political doormat of a wife with no self respect.

Original Mike said...

"The news conference, which had been announced by Friends of Anthony Weiner, did not appear to be a hoax."

The Friends of Anthony Weiner? Sounds like a hoax to me.

Larvell said...

Why do I think the press conference will be over before Huma even knew it had started? And that Weiner will then say, "That was the best press conference ever! I'm the king of press conferences, baby!"

RuyDiaz said...

According to Hot Air, he's not going to resign, so we're in Weirdsville now.

Ethics investigation. Now what we need are Republicans with enough balls to go after Weiner.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

its on

Anonymous said...

He showed up!

windbag said...

confession now.

Original Mike said...

Is he wearing clothes?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I have made terrible mistakes..

Its coming clean..

I have brought pain to people close to me..

Nothing about resigning.

Not resigning.

I was right baby.

Anonymous said...


* Admits lying about the hacker.
* Cracks his voice at just the right time
* Admits more victims
* Admits giving messages & obscene photos to 6 women, some taking place AFTER his marriage.
* Claims to have not had physical relationships.

Acadamy Award nomination in ...

... 3

2 ...


Anonymous said...

100% mea culpa with tears.

windbag said...

refusing to resign. hypocrisy of dems in full bloom.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Seriously, who cares about his wiener. The issue is that he has put himself in a position to be blackmailed.

And now, he says he isn't going to resign. I guess that rule only applies to Republicans.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Weiner is a shameless turd.

Anonymous said...

Responsibility ... but no consequences. Flatly refuses to resign his seat.

As I predicted ... Huma not by his side.

He should be expelled from the House.

Anonymous said...

I'm watching. The Weeping Weiner is going to soldier on and carry this heavy burden because of his deep commitment to the people of his district.

AllenS said...

I told you. People like Weiner and Clinton have no shame. None.

coketown said...

What does it say about him that he sent a picture of his weiner as a joke?

Larvell said...

"Congressman, will you apologize to Andrew Breitbart, the reporter you called a jackass, and everybody else you've basically called liars the past week?"

Anonymous said...

Can't say with any certitude that he did not use government resources to commit these acts.

Refuses to resign or take any other responsibility accept admitting what we all already knew.

Claims Huma loves him, but refuses to say where she is.

Anonymous said...

"What does it say about him that he sent a picture of his weiner as a joke?"

He's minimizing again. Trying to have it both ways.

virgil xenophon said...


My heart pumps piss for you, Weiner. Eat shit and die!

Anonymous said...

"The Weeping Weiner is going to soldier on ..."

Best possible outcome for Republicans going forward.

They will have Flashy Tony Weiner to kick around!

Boo ya!

Anonymous said...

Show us the long-distance bills from your office for all the phone sex you've been having with women you met on the internet, Congressman Flashy.

Anonymous said...

I was wrong.

Anonymous said...

I guess Barbara Walters' cockamamie theory she passed off on The View that Weiner took these photos for his wife to tell her how much he loved her has now become "not operative."

He didn't come clean to Huma until THIS MORNING.

windbag said...

When pressed, he finally choked out an apology to Breitbart.

AllenS said...

Seven, you made a mistake thinking that this was an honorable man. He isn't. Not your fault.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


I was wrong on Weiner rehab.

Chip S. said...

Q. "Where is [your wife]?"

A. "She is not here."


Pastafarian said...

So he claimed that he was hacked; and he allowed his minions at left-wing sites to go after the guy that retweeted the dick pic.

They posted the guy's name, they sent it to the FBI and so on; they were ready to destroy this guy.

But Weiner's sorry, and that's that. So let's move on. He said he's sorry, he has no explanation.

What an asshole.

Anonymous said...

He hid his lies from his own wife until THIS MORNING ... and now at 4 in the afternoon, he's telling people they love each other and she's not leaving him.

But admits she was not happy, told him as much. Is not with him right now and won't say where she is.

Anonymous said...

He didn't come clean to Huma until THIS MORNING.

I never come clean. I hope the make-up sex was good, though. Or was it a mercy fuck?

Anonymous said...

"Were you alone a lot, is that why you did this?"

yea, throw him a life preserver.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

They will have Flashy Tony Weiner to kick around!

Weiner please don't go.

Chip S. said...

I'll admit it. I'm disappointed that he didn't use the Cutter Pride defense.

Anonymous said...

Refuses to admit he's a sex addict. "I did a horrible thing, and I apologize."

That's all he'll admit to.

Chip S. said...

I hope the make-up sex was good, though.

Huma and Hillary had a falling out?

Anonymous said...

Admits he did this sort of stuff before his wedding and that his wife knew about it, but didn't know about the ones AFTER his marriage until this morning.

But refuses to admit he has a mental health issue.

AllenS said...

An honorable man would have said something like this:

"What the fuck? It's not like I was fucking some woman with a cigar!"

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

..she was not happy, told him as much. Is not with him right now and won't say where she is.

Huma is upstairs with the Sausage ;)

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Pastafarian said...

They posted the guy's name, they sent it to the FBI and so on; they were ready to destroy this guy.

Don't forget: a dkos diarist posted the names of two 16 year old girls involved in this, and then strutted around proud as a peacock for having done so.


Anonymous said...

"OpenID nevadabob said...

Admits he did this sort of stuff before his wedding and that his wife knew about it, but didn't know about the ones AFTER his marriage until this morning.

But refuses to admit he has a mental health issue."

No. it's a character issue.

Chip S. said...

"Accepting responsibility" = "keepin' on keepin' on.

It's good to be a Dem.

Anonymous said...

Admits he didn't know the exact ages of these women and only can claim they were adults "to the best of his knowledge."

Admits someone could have been lying about their ages.

Where the hell is Chris Hanson on this fucking pervert?

Anonymous said...

New Pussy Syndrome is not a mental health issue. I would say the opposite.

Anonymous said...

"No. it's a character issue."

No, he has a mental health issue. He has what psychiatrists diagnose as: exhibitionism.

Treatment regimens for this mental defect include both drugs and psychiatric examinations and therapy.

Call him an ambulance. He is in health crisis.

Anonymous said...

How does it feel, to be on your own, just you and your bone, like a rolling stone?

So, is his Twitter account deleted, or....?

Original Mike said...

"Responsibility ... but no consequences. Flatly refuses to resign his seat."

"Congressman, you keep using that word (responsibility). I do not think it means what you think it means."

Republican said...

It's not a sex addiction, it's a sex drive.

He's sexting with women b/c he's not getting sex from his wife.

I love how the men always think they're the biggest dicks ever seen on the Internet, that women are dying to see the gigantic bulge in their undies, the women always know how to give the BEST head and ENJOY IT! and only one side of the combo ever thinks to save it all to hard drive, for a rainy day.

On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog--until you go into heat.

Anonymous said...

Claims he did nothing that violated the rules of the House ... but used his Congressional telephone to conduct phone sex sessions from inside his House office.

The House of Representatives can - with a two-thirds vote of its membership - expel members who commit ethical violations that bring disrepute onto the House.

And that's precisely what needs to occur. Congressional Republicans need to schedule a vote on this man who refuses to do the right thing and voluntarily resign his seat.

BJM said...

Weiner says these women became social media "friends"...he shows his weiner to friends?

Anonymous said...

No, he has a mental health issue. He has what psychiatrists diagnose as: exhibitionism.

Bob -- I said this before, but I'll be here if you need to find some good exhibitionist clubs in Chicago. We also have miles of beaches, where mental defects wear skimpy clothing. And, dude, you probably don't know this, but in Europe and even a few places in the United States people go to the beach buck naked.

Also, there's this phenomenon called sexting.

Why, I'd say the whole world is swept up with this terrible affliction. Get us all help, dude!

Pastafarian said...

This is the same House of Representatives that still boasts Barney Frank, who ran a gay whore-house out of his bungalow, was a member, right?

Yeah, I sort of doubt that they'll be booting Weiner out of the House any time soon.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I want to add: just because you shouldn't do something, or it's unethical, or even just totally crazy according to customs and mores, that doesn't make the action any sort of disease.

Should Weiner resign? Yes, if he has even a shred of dignity. Is he mentally ill? Of course not.

Anonymous said...

The idea that this Congressman is "accepting responsibility" for his actions is complete bullshit.

Admitting what everyone already knows you did after you got caught doing it is not the definition of "accepting responsibility."

Resigning is accepting responsibility. In fact, Rep. Weiner used his press conference today to avoid all responsibility for the things we already knew he was guilty of.

He seems determined to bring disrepute onto the House of Representatives. The House isn't really left with any other option except to expel him for violation of the House ethics rules.

Chip S. said...

Any chance Christopher Lee moves into Weiner's district to run against him?

Anonymous said...

Bob -- The House isn't going to expel him unless there is someone underage involved. The man broke no laws or, to the extent that he did, they are stupid laws.

Weiner should resign. Apparently, he won't. Oh well.

Harangue us some more about mental illness.

Anonymous said...

"Is he mentally ill? Of course not."

Yes he is.

He exposes himself to strangers he doesn't know. That is the clinical definition of the mental illness known as: exhibitionism.

That is a serious sexual defect. You might not agree that it should be a mental illness, but it is a widely diagnosed psychiatric defect that is widely discussed in medical literature.

Anthony Weiner needs a doctor. He is in medical crisis.

Anonymous said...

Now what I want to know is where's GarageMahal with my fucking apology?

I have been consistently accurate and right in my estimation of what was going on here and now that the pervert Congressman has owned up to his weirdo sex life, I'd expect GarageBanal to at least be a man and show up and apologize.

Anonymous said...

Barbara Walters: If Palin
‘can ride around on her
bus,’ Weiner can stay in Congress

Walters is way past her expiration date.

Way past.

Anonymous said...

He exposes himself to strangers he doesn't know.

So does Ginger down at The Admiral. So does every stripper. Do you know that sometimes people have sex for money? Do you know that sometimes dudes do awkward things in lame, sorry attempts to convince women to have sex with them?

Behavior you find repulsive is not mental illness. Your ridiculous assertions are pointless and totalitarian. But funny.

Original Mike said...

"If Sarah Palin can still ride around on her bus and be considered as a possible president, this man can override this, stay in congress"


Anonymous said...

"Behavior you find repulsive is not mental illness."

But behavior that is a mental illness is a mental illness.

What he does has been diagnosed by doctors as a mental defect. He is an exhibitionist. That is a mental illness whether you want it to be or not, dude.


Just because OTHERS have it also doesn't make it any less of an illness or a defect of the human mind.

He's a sick, sick man who should be getting treatment and it's a crying shame that people like you want to marginalize him by comparing a sitting United States Congressman to fucking skankwhore strippers and other assorted perverts.

He doesn't deserve that just because he's one man ... flying over the cuckoo's nest.

Curious George said...

I missed the presser...any pie throwing analogies?

Frankly, I'm glad he didn't resign. The guy is a fucking punchline. Affairs can be forgiven by voters...shit happens. But this guy is freak...a joke.

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