People need two-sided signs. On the front should be their support Walker/TP sentiment. On the back, facing back to the noise-makers, it should say, "Lefties suck ass!".
And it was only a few weeks ago that the Dems were lecturing us that Gov. Walker had to listen to everybody, including his most angry opponents, or "it wasn't democracy."
This is what next year is going to look like for the six months before the election. The slugs are not going to give up easily.
The CA Supreme Court just denied a hearing to a suit by two Orange County Supervisors trying to reverse a doubling of deputy sheriffs' pensions RETROACTIVE to their hiring date.
Not only did the pension double to 3% per year at 50, but the increase was retroactive costing the county $300 million per year. This is why California is going broke faster than everyone else. No Scott Walker in our future.
Thanks for going. What boors these union guys are. I'm in the Chicago suburbs and was interested to see at about 7:44 a guy amid the booing jerks clearly wearing a Chicago White Sox jacket.
I am surprise all of the Teabaggers here don't remember when Teabaggers shouted down Dem congresspeople at healthcare townhalls. Payback is a bitch. Also nice Selectron big screen TV. I guess the Koch brothers are still the Teagaggers sugar daddies.
I am surprise all of the Teabaggers here don't remember when Teabaggers shouted down Dem congresspeople at healthcare townhalls.
Oh, I remember. (Maybe that's because I'm not a Tea Partier.) I also recall a lot of sanctimony from the left at that time along the lines of, "We believe in PEACEFUL protest; we don't believe in being disruptive." Sez you.
Is it possible that folks who sop up canned lines from pols (of either political flavor) aren't in on the joke.
BTW, that was quite a nice rollout for the Palin line that seems to be so popular. No way anyone could predict that was going to end w/ a catchy punchline related to women. Ha.
Jar R., Congrsspeople at townhalls are supposed to listen to the voters, who are the people who hired them. Its their job. If they won't do that, they're going to get yelled out once in a while. Quite different from from trying to drown out a speaker at an opposing party's rally.
I am surprise all of the Teabaggers here don't remember when Teabaggers shouted down Dem congresspeople at healthcare townhalls. Payback is a bitch. Also nice Selectron big screen TV. I guess the Koch brothers are still the Teagaggers sugar daddies.
When somebody lies to you and you both know it, you're allowed to disagree.
The Congresscreeps, however, weren't shouted down. But that is what the Lefties claim, just as they claim Tea Partiers call themselves by an odious slur first raised by a homosexual CNN anchor. Answers were demanded when they tried to obfuscate the issues and the Tea Partiers weren't going to be denied.
But Jay Retread doesn't understand that. Anytime someone disagrees with a Lefty, they call it being shouted down and claim their free speech rights (and they're the only ones who should be allowed something as important as free speech) are being violated.
Good question rhhardin. Exactly why is she shouting? I can hardly hear the horn, the banshee howls of the thugs, and the various noise making machines over all that shouting.
Good grief... I'm 4-minutes in and I really find it difficult to go on. So far, Sarah Palin has been doing nothing but the "I am one of you" schtick, followed by a recitation of cliches and talking points. And she's been shrieking them in a god-awful tone. She seems off-balance.
Could she possibly learn brevity? Could be possibly learn to speak with her own voice, not just recite things like she were talking down a list? Could she speak calmly and pause once in a while to draw the attendee or viewer in, instead of repulsing him away?
No, I don't think she can. She is a has-been. Her political potential is used up. Take a graceful exit now, Sarah, or a least a year or two of vacation to recharge and learn some Presentation Zen.
She's no Donald Trump. Viva la toupee!
And to think... before watching this, I was watching-- uhhh... yeah... "watching"... some lesbo porn with five Russian girls in their early 20s in an all out sex romp. I shouldda stuck with the porn.
Palin made a good point. The unions all claim to be interested in the "brotherhood". Well, of course that is manifestly not true. In WI they are interested in protecting long term employees and their benes. The newbies can go to hell. Some brotherhood that is.
I agree with the observations that we will have a lot more of this type of stuff. There are lots of people who get lots of money from governments...and they aren't going to scale back quietly...and they are not interested in who pays the bill.
"Could she possibly learn brevity? Could be possibly learn to speak with her own voice, not just recite things like she were talking down a list? Could she speak calmly and pause once in a while to draw the attendee or viewer in, instead of repulsing him away?"
Let me be clear: maybe she should get the evil Koch brothers to buy her a few teleprompters? Maybe she can adopt some of that faux-black-church cadence when talking about substantial, concrete things like hope and "the fierce urgency of now"!
"No, I don't think she can. She is a has-been. Her political potential is used up. Take a graceful exit now, Sarah, or a least a year or two of vacation to recharge and learn some Presentation Zen."
Keep whispering that to yourself, Julie, and the fits might die down for awhile.
oh, and btw...the "thuggery" will work in some cases. People get tired of the noise. Extortion works sometimes. What did O say, push back twice as hard, get in their faces. Well, as O knows, most people want to be left alone. So the unions/leftist activists have the ability to make things unpleasant....and lots of people will say, ok, what's a few hundred dollars a year.
It's funny, I don't even really like Sarah Palin as a politician and I probably wouldn't vote for her in the near future, but I absolutely love how she drives the right people into paroxysms of impotent rage! I support her and defend her just because the right people hate her!
Here’s an idea for the union members who are employed by the Koch Brothers; if these guys are so evil why don’t you really send a protest message and quit your job. Don’t you feel guilty and denigrated collecting a paycheck from these oppressors of the middle class?
maybe she should get the evil Koch brothers to buy her a few teleprompters? Maybe she can adopt some of that faux-black-church cadence when talking about substantial, concrete things like hope and "the fierce urgency of now"!
Let me tell you, my dear homosexual friend, that teleprompters and faux-black-church cadence and hope and change (threw that one in for 'ya) and "the fierce urgency of now" are all so 2008.
The future is... well... the future. Not grumbling about campaign promises and speaking style of some half-black dude that duped his way into the Presidency and has turned out to be an authoritarian incompetent immersed in Washington corruption. Obama is a has-been... even more of a has-been than Palin is, because Palin still has a future that she could sieze if she got it together and stopped acting like an amateur as she did here.
That Reuters piece reads like it was written yesterday... by a Palin-loving Trump-hater.
I suspect there will be a snowy day on Waikiki Beach sooner than we'll see President Obama speak in public in an overwhelmingly Republican Congressional district.
Sarah Palin has her faults, but refusing to go into hostile territories isn't amongst them. Obama has lived his entire life cocooned in a 'progressive' bubble, and as President he's chosen to retreat even farther into that bubble rather trying to figure out why only about 30% of the electorate hold all the wonderful progressive ideas he and his cronies do.
Mel said... "I'm surprised the ass bags didn't rush the stage."
Apparently, at least one did. I have video of her being arrested in a very non-brutal way even though she was screaming bloody murder. I don't think my editor wants to use the clip though and I have to agree - some of the things the Palin-haters did weren't really representative of anything beyond their own individual personal embarrassing jackassery.
With what? Lies, disrespect, moans, groans, boos, and squeaks? All you've shown is that you are unwilling and incapable of being the arbiters of your own destinies and choose to put them in the hands of those that do the thinking for you. What you think is roaring back is nothing more than groupshout. An focus chorus of incompetent thought. Go ahead, break your own arms to pat yourselves on the back for the remarkable job you've all done in accomplishing nothing but derision and disgust for your argument and your ideology.
You all demonstrated how truly pathetic and weak your ideas are. Bravo.
Pale Hairball, does it make you cringe a little that your party line is now that politicians you hate are puppets of rich billionaires of Jewish ancestry? Are you guys gonna start printing a newsletter called the Völkischer Beobachter, in which you expose the strings of these Jewish puppeteers?
Mel said... "I'm surprised the ass bags didn't rush the stage."
I went to the pro-Walker(counter rally to the union rally) rally in Denver a couple of months ago, when their rally was done, OH MY.. They wanted to get to us SO bad.. A line of cops seperating us. Our group was mostly seniors, a handful of youth and a bunch of MOM's.. One man came in our midst, screaming, veins popping, spittle flying.. They crept closer and closer, trying to intimidate, swearing at us, etc. I did notice that a majority of them looked like the aging hippy, with hair cuts, like the Bill Ayers types..
All that shouting was rude. Very, very rude. A speaker ought to be given a chance to speak-- isn't that a fundamental liberal principle? It reflects very badly on those doing the shouting.
If you were one of them, Alpha, then I think you ought to reevaluate your attitude and be more personally accommodating to freedom of speech.
Oh and I heard that in Canada the government decides what is a news channel based on "not lying". Which means Fox News is not allowed in Canada according to their tyrannical censors.
Did you know that “Sarah Palin” is an anagram for “Sharia Plan?”
You better think twice about that one!
We only hollered when they lied. And they lied about us a lot.
Are you even a fucking adult? It's like watching a coward form words to justify how snivelingly weak he really is. You should be fucking embarrassed and ashamed to even claim you are a male.
Oh, I'm the great AlphaLiar and I pick on women that have bigger balls than I do. Misogyny much?
All that shouting was rude. Very, very rude. A speaker ought to be given a chance to speak-- isn't that a fundamental liberal principle? It reflects very badly on those doing the shouting.
If you were one of them, Alpha, then I think you ought to reevaluate your attitude and be more personally accommodating to freedom of speech.
Julius - we have our disagreements, but at least we agree that people should be allowed to speak without being shouted down, harassed or otherwise inhibited. Unfortunately, AL belongs to that sect that believes they are 100% right and thus are allowed to engage in fascist tactics.
J Allen said... I agree with Browndog and besides having to do a better job at remembering names you need to practice leaking interesting video.
Heh. It's more disturbing than interesting. And it doesn't really prove anything except that when you get a large enough crowd, you will always find a few people who go off the rails. Sometime you can protect them from themselves and sometimes you can't.
I had dinner with an aging hippy type last weekend and he told me point blank - "we need to tax the FUCK out of the wealthy" while gobbling down his 2nd helping.
AlphaLiar isn't even man enough to be a proper fascist. He's too busy being a marionett in engaging in such individualistic thought processes beyond his groupshout/groupthink. He's just a fucking leftard cult zealot.
"Of all the places in Wisconsin she had to come to the lion's den. Madison is like Berkeley. Why go where you are so hated?"
Because Madison has been ground zero for the Obama campaign and the unions intimidation efforts. If you want to send a message to your opponent you do it where it matters the most to them. America is still watching Madison. SP just sent a shot across the bow and she's not backing down.
You did notice that there were over 20 Million people watching Livestream alone, yes?
Julius wrote: And to think... before watching this, I was watching ... some lesbo porn with five Russian girls in their early 20s in an all out sex romp. I shouldda stuck with the porn.
You are the porn, Julius. Your lack of class is obscene.
If she does run, and I agree she probably hasn't decided, she might just bait the fascist left into giving themselves away. Unfortunately, that could be a violent campaign. I am very concerned about next year.
I don't think we are going be listening to informed debates on economics. I think a campaign of intimidation will be more likely.
AL wrote: ... did Andrew Breitbart mention how that lawsuit from Shirley Sherrod is coming?
You're going to be surprised how that turns out, Pinky.
Wait until she tries to prove damage to her reputation if she even gets by the directed verdict on the defamation allegation. Breitbart's lawyer's will have a field day.
We're not hiding anything. And neither are we lying.
The question was about rushing the stage. There wasn't any rushing, as evidenced by what it seemed was a sole individual crossing a security barricade and refusing to follow a police order to retreat. The woman was not representative of the Palin haters who were purposely obnoxious but who, as far as I could see, did not challenge police orders.
The woman who was arrested may very well be just as disappointed as you are that we choose not to use the video of her. She seemed to be begging for special attention and she got it. Just no additional attention from us. That's all.
I'm willing to record anything I can but not everything is blog-worthy. In fact, most things aren't.
Ann and Meade - Thanks for delivering yet again! Note to Democrats who would lecture on civility - this is what you bastards look like in the real world.
I can say with authority that Meade is nothing like the mainstream media.
My daughter is a producer in the Washington Bureau of one of the "Three" network news divisions.
You wouldn't believe how often she's told by the Executive Producer, "We're just not going to air that. Doesn't fit our values nor what our viewers want to see."
Meade's saying, "I'm not going to air that. Doesn't fit my editorial values, regardless of what our viewers want to see."
While I do enjoy watching random acts of stupidity I must defer to your judgment and respect your position. Just because one can does not mean one has to. Thanks again for being out there today.
I have a modest proposal. Wisconsin should fully fund public sector pensions by increasing taxes on public sector workers. Public sector workers are, as the President would say, rich. They have the leisure to protest willy nilly, ditch work with impunity, and buy expensive protest costumes, signs, motel rooms, ad nauseam.
Let's redistribute some wealth. You young teachers should pay the pensions of the old ineffective retiring teachers so that when you are old and ineffective, the younger ineffective teachers will pay for you.
I paid for my kids' education twice, once in property taxes, and once with a check to an excellent private school. I'm not paying for your worthless asses, and neither should my kids.
Outnumbered 20 to 1. Sorry, that's BS. It was sligtly over 1:1.
And really, my hearty congratulations to the left. It again proved that it is able to community organize several thousand stoned college students and burned out former students (from the nearby campus of thirty thousand) along with enough socialist teacher shock troops to avoid it looking like a greatful dead concert. Truly an achievement!
George said, “Yeah, well I figure the guy with the Cowbell behind us has a worse noise headache than I do.”
But when they complain of hearing loss they’ll get to claim for compensation as it was ‘work related’. Should have been looking for doctors handing out hearing loss slips.
Thanks Ann and Meade for the video. I was at the rally today and the hostility and bad manners of the Left had to be seen and heard to be believed. Any residual thought I may have had that they respect the rights of others was extinguished today. They stared at individual Tea Party people and yelled at them while banging on drums and blowing into noisemakers. Their whole purpose was to prevent other points of view from being heard. This is what democracy looks like? Ha! Hardly. They are the lackies of the totalitarians. In the comments on this blog, sometimes they hide behind snide comments draped in theoretical intellectualisms. But today it was out in the open and on display.
Thank God the Tea Party men have self-control. I think many of them could have drop-kicked the noisemakers, but they didn't. Peace was kept.
To be subjected to this hostility and noise from people who say they are engaged in democracy was very educational.
So again, Ann and Meade - thanks for video that shows what the sound level was really like.
Although, from where I was standing, it was actually worse -- no one could hear a word she said.
Lastly, one think I feel I saw today is that they are sending a vibration of death and failure, hatred and defeat, out into the universe. They are denuding their own tree of its leaves. They cannot win, because no fair-minded person will ever be drawn to that energy. And the video of their conduct today will go on for a long, long time, for many people to see lest they forget.
What an amazing video this is! I think that Mr. Breitbart's "GTH" was completely appropriate, having seen this video in its entirety. So delicious to see these disgruntled fat loser union thugs demoralized and beaten, all the while the 'Cuda's beautiful voice of liberty sailing over them. What a glorious country America is. I still recognize her. We will win. America's best days lie ahead. There is no sound more wonderful than a cussing, mad liberal who is drowning in their own excrement.
LC, again as mentioned previously, AA's totally conservative blog is somewhat "entertaining" if taken in moderation and not too seriously.
take care
That never stopped your incessant doucheiness did it? Maybe you should spread the message of moderation to the rest of your psychotic ideological brethren. Maybe they will listen to you, the voice of reason.
Well my saying with these Nazi leftists is this: "when you gotta slaughter the hogs you have to roll your sleeves up and get a little muddy in the pigpen with the sows" and that's why I treat em like the hogs most are and shout em down with the same nasty vile crud they dump on everyone else which they don't expect from conservatives. That simple.
I finally tracked down a good copy of the speech, and there was good and bad.
Starting with the bad - I, along with most males of my age, am losing some hearing, and what I am losing is at the higher frequencies. When she is shouting over a crowd, she sounds a bit shrill, and that doesn't work well with me. Not sure if I could handle any woman these days doing that, if I weren't motivated to listen. Gender bias on my part, but not all my own fault.
The good? The last half, maybe last third, was as hard hitting as it comes. So many facts, and so many quotable lines. "Bullet train to bankruptcy". "Winning the Future, WTF?"
I esp. liked the last one. Some here, and elsewhere, have put them together, and had started lampooning the President's campaign for it. But not done this well. Not only does it discredit the President's campaign, but it also points out how disconnected it is from the mainstream, who do know what WTF actually means.
I don't know if she is going to run. Don't know if even she knows. But, I do think that she will be on point, and that the President will be playing defense the entire campaign as a result.
I tend to agree that Palin needs to lower her pitch. But she was that high because she was being as loud as she could to be heard over the protestors. All the females went pretty high in the pitch range to drown them out.
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So if they don't bother to listen to another point of view, why should I respect theirs at all?
wv. swistato--a swiss potato
Attempting to shout-down the free speech of others is the first tactic of fascists.
The good looking Wisconsin women are back. They wear the gray gloves.
People need two-sided signs. On the front should be their support Walker/TP sentiment. On the back, facing back to the noise-makers, it should say, "Lefties suck ass!".
The Tea Partiers seemed a lot more fired up than the union slugs.
And that line, "As a former union member...", was really twisting the knife.
That's what this is really about.
Attempting to shout-down the free speech of others is the first tactic of fascists.
Is that surprising to anyone?
Democrats and leftists aren't going to hell for eternity because they are basically immoral people.
They are basically disnonest immoral people BECAUSE they are already going to hell.
John 3:17
And by the way, the same kind of thing happened to Christ - evil-hearted people leading the simple minded lemmings in seeking to shut Jesus down.
Evil has always used the same tactics.
And it was only a few weeks ago that the Dems were lecturing us that Gov. Walker had to listen to everybody, including his most angry opponents, or "it wasn't democracy."
This is what next year is going to look like for the six months before the election. The slugs are not going to give up easily.
The CA Supreme Court just denied a hearing to a suit by two Orange County Supervisors trying to reverse a doubling of deputy sheriffs' pensions RETROACTIVE to their hiring date.
Not only did the pension double to 3% per year at 50, but the increase was retroactive costing the county $300 million per year. This is why California is going broke faster than everyone else. No Scott Walker in our future.
"Fight like a girl"
I'm a little bit in love with Palin right now.
More video of the counter-protest.
The amazing thing about this is that these jackasses think that it speaks well of them that they want to shout down Sarah Palin.
Are those shouting bad mannered people teaching our children??? We really need to change that before it is too late.
traditionalguy said...
The good looking Wisconsin women are back. They wear the gray gloves.
"Fight like a girl" was the money line.
Brilliant on many levels-
Most notably, she meant it!
Thanks for going. What boors these union guys are. I'm in the Chicago suburbs and was interested to see at about 7:44 a guy amid the booing jerks clearly wearing a Chicago White Sox jacket.
Wanna bet he's from Chicago?:)
And a union honcho?
I am surprise all of the Teabaggers here don't remember when Teabaggers shouted down Dem congresspeople at healthcare townhalls. Payback is a bitch. Also nice Selectron big screen TV. I guess the Koch brothers are still the Teagaggers sugar daddies.
Jay Retread seems a bit confused. The townhalls were presumably to listen to constituents.
If congresspeople filibuster their own meetings or tell people to shut up and sit down that's not in the best tradition of democracy is it.
I am surprise all of the Teabaggers here don't remember when Teabaggers shouted down Dem congresspeople at healthcare townhalls.
Oh, I remember. (Maybe that's because I'm not a Tea Partier.) I also recall a lot of sanctimony from the left at that time along the lines of, "We believe in PEACEFUL protest; we don't believe in being disruptive." Sez you.
WV: undiv
Nor is foul language
Is it possible that folks who sop up canned lines from pols (of either political flavor) aren't in on the joke.
BTW, that was quite a nice rollout for the Palin line that seems to be so popular. No way anyone could predict that was going to end w/ a catchy punchline related to women. Ha.
JayRetard can't get enough teabagging.
He sucks it up every chance he gets-
Yep, calling you out-
Jar R., Congrsspeople at townhalls are supposed to listen to the voters, who are the people who hired them. Its their job. If they won't do that, they're going to get yelled out once in a while. Quite different from from trying to drown out a speaker at an opposing party's rally.
I guess the Koch brothers are still the Teagaggers sugar daddies.
The Koch Bros are my sugar daddies? Sweet. But wait -- how come I'm eating Ramen noodles for dinner?
Oh yeah. 'Cuz the Koch Bros line is as tired, thin, and worn out as my wallet. Seriously, get some new material.
All the shouting seething angry goons are Union plants paid for by George Soros.
I miss the days of "Girls Gone Wild." They at least had more dignity than Teachers gone Wild.
Jay Retread said...
I am surprise all of the Teabaggers here don't remember when Teabaggers shouted down Dem congresspeople at healthcare townhalls. Payback is a bitch. Also nice Selectron big screen TV. I guess the Koch brothers are still the Teagaggers sugar daddies.
When somebody lies to you and you both know it, you're allowed to disagree.
The Congresscreeps, however, weren't shouted down. But that is what the Lefties claim, just as they claim Tea Partiers call themselves by an odious slur first raised by a homosexual CNN anchor. Answers were demanded when they tried to obfuscate the issues and the Tea Partiers weren't going to be denied.
But Jay Retread doesn't understand that. Anytime someone disagrees with a Lefty, they call it being shouted down and claim their free speech rights (and they're the only ones who should be allowed something as important as free speech) are being violated.
I admire the stamina of whoever was endlessly blowing that horn. It must have given them a real sense of purpose.
They're saying they don't agree.
It's a little rude if somebody actually wants to hear what Palin has to say; but neither side has anything much to say at the occasion.
It's all been said elsewhere.
Why is she shouting, is the question. Is she Palin unplugged?
Reality check: At the Townhall meetings - The Tea Partiers/fed up tax payers - were shouted down by the Congress member himself. (or herself)
Hey Shankman... I mean, Jay Retread, how's the restraining order working out?
Well, I linked you, and it's got the full video: 'Sarah Palin Rallies Madison Tea Party! — VIDEO ADDED!!".
Good question rhhardin. Exactly why is she shouting? I can hardly hear the horn, the banshee howls of the thugs, and the various noise making machines over all that shouting.
She must be unplugged.
Good grief... I'm 4-minutes in and I really find it difficult to go on. So far, Sarah Palin has been doing nothing but the "I am one of you" schtick, followed by a recitation of cliches and talking points. And she's been shrieking them in a god-awful tone. She seems off-balance.
Could she possibly learn brevity? Could be possibly learn to speak with her own voice, not just recite things like she were talking down a list? Could she speak calmly and pause once in a while to draw the attendee or viewer in, instead of repulsing him away?
No, I don't think she can. She is a has-been. Her political potential is used up. Take a graceful exit now, Sarah, or a least a year or two of vacation to recharge and learn some Presentation Zen.
She's no Donald Trump. Viva la toupee!
And to think... before watching this, I was watching-- uhhh... yeah... "watching"... some lesbo porn with five Russian girls in their early 20s in an all out sex romp. I shouldda stuck with the porn.
Palin made a good point. The unions all claim to be interested in the "brotherhood". Well, of course that is manifestly not true. In WI they are interested in protecting long term employees and their benes. The newbies can go to hell. Some brotherhood that is.
I agree with the observations that we will have a lot more of this type of stuff. There are lots of people who get lots of money from governments...and they aren't going to scale back quietly...and they are not interested in who pays the bill.
Jay Retread said...
I am surprise all of the Teabaggers here don't remember when Teabaggers shouted down Dem congresspeople at healthcare townhalls.
You can't provide the slightest bit of evidence your allegation is true.
"Could she possibly learn brevity? Could be possibly learn to speak with her own voice, not just recite things like she were talking down a list? Could she speak calmly and pause once in a while to draw the attendee or viewer in, instead of repulsing him away?"
Let me be clear: maybe she should get the evil Koch brothers to buy her a few teleprompters? Maybe she can adopt some of that faux-black-church cadence when talking about substantial, concrete things like hope and "the fierce urgency of now"!
"No, I don't think she can. She is a has-been. Her political potential is used up. Take a graceful exit now, Sarah, or a least a year or two of vacation to recharge and learn some Presentation Zen."
Keep whispering that to yourself, Julie, and the fits might die down for awhile.
oh, and btw...the "thuggery" will work in some cases. People get tired of the noise. Extortion works sometimes. What did O say, push back twice as hard, get in their faces. Well, as O knows, most people want to be left alone. So the unions/leftist activists have the ability to make things unpleasant....and lots of people will say, ok, what's a few hundred dollars a year.
At least, that's what the left is counting on.
It's funny, I don't even really like Sarah Palin as a politician and I probably wouldn't vote for her in the near future, but I absolutely love how she drives the right people into paroxysms of impotent rage! I support her and defend her just because the right people hate her!
Here’s an idea for the union members who are employed by the Koch Brothers; if these guys are so evil why don’t you really send a protest message and quit your job. Don’t you feel guilty and denigrated collecting a paycheck from these oppressors of the middle class?
Ah, Julie, if you think Miss Sarah is a has-been, consider what Reuters thought of her speech.
I'm surprised the ass bags didn't rush the stage.
Palladian said...
"Hey Shankman... I mean, Jay Retread, how's the restraining order working out?"
I'm sorry. I know it's wrong. But that comment made me laugh loud out loud.
Palladian said...
maybe she should get the evil Koch brothers to buy her a few teleprompters? Maybe she can adopt some of that faux-black-church cadence when talking about substantial, concrete things like hope and "the fierce urgency of now"!
Let me tell you, my dear homosexual friend, that teleprompters and faux-black-church cadence and hope and change (threw that one in for 'ya) and "the fierce urgency of now" are all so 2008.
The future is... well... the future. Not grumbling about campaign promises and speaking style of some half-black dude that duped his way into the Presidency and has turned out to be an authoritarian incompetent immersed in Washington corruption. Obama is a has-been... even more of a has-been than Palin is, because Palin still has a future that she could sieze if she got it together and stopped acting like an amateur as she did here.
That Reuters piece reads like it was written yesterday... by a Palin-loving Trump-hater.
Did you know that “Sarah Palin” is an anagram for “Sharia Plan?”
You better think twice about that one!
We only hollered when they lied. And they lied about us a lot.
I suspect there will be a snowy day on Waikiki Beach sooner than we'll see President Obama speak in public in an overwhelmingly Republican Congressional district.
Sarah Palin has her faults, but refusing to go into hostile territories isn't amongst them. Obama has lived his entire life cocooned in a 'progressive' bubble, and as President he's chosen to retreat even farther into that bubble rather trying to figure out why only about 30% of the electorate hold all the wonderful progressive ideas he and his cronies do.
Of all the places in Wisconsin she had to come to the lion's den. Madison is like Berkeley. Why go where you are so hated?
hey AL - do you think Sarah Palin deserves to speak without being shouted down?
Not Alpha. The only voice he wants to hear is his own or his fellow travelers.
I just love this photo of Sarah Palin hectoring Madison today at the Teat Party rally.
Really, Sarah? You are AFP? As in Americans for Prosperity? The same "Americans for Prosperity" founded by David Koch, the oil billionaire?
And, what did AFP, er the Koch boys, pay Palin today?
Word is, BTW, she was supposed to talk for half an hour but quit halfway though, only 15 minutes. Does Koch get a refund?
"We only hollered when they lied. And they lied about us a lot."
You mean it wasn't true when Palin said that Walker's efforts were meant to help the union?
Mel said...
"I'm surprised the ass bags didn't rush the stage."
Apparently, at least one did. I have video of her being arrested in a very non-brutal way even though she was screaming bloody murder. I don't think my editor wants to use the clip though and I have to agree - some of the things the Palin-haters did weren't really representative of anything beyond their own individual personal embarrassing jackassery.
Alex, we only shouted when she lied.
She thought she was going to come to our town and lie about us.
How's that working for her?
Palin and the AFP/Koch supporters was outnumbered 20:1.
For once, Palin spoke directly to the people she lies about. And we roared back.
"How's that working for her?"
Seems to be working pretty good. If she keeps it up most of your mooks are gonna have a stroke. Hee.
Ask Editor in Chief if, in the name of journalistic honesty, you would consider leaking the violent, bloody arrest to...oh...Wikileaks?
....or, a suitable substitute..
(I don't think Insty's doin anything right now...just sayin')
"Did you know that “Sarah Palin” is an anagram for “Sharia Plan?”"
And did you know that "Alpha Liberal" is an anagram for "Halal Bra Pile"?! And also "Pale Hairball"?! And "Arable Phalli"?!
"Pale Hairball" wait a minute that's Trump's campaign slogan.
That can't be right.
"We only lied about shouting when she lied".
I know one thing that's for sure. AlphaLiberal didn't have the balls to go up to Meade to introduce himself like a gentleman.
I couldn't hear where I was, but did Andrew Breitbart mention how that lawsuit from Shirley Sherrod is coming?
Didn't think so.
Can't wait to see him under oath.
AlphaLiberal said...
And we roared back.
With what? Lies, disrespect, moans, groans, boos, and squeaks? All you've shown is that you are unwilling and incapable of being the arbiters of your own destinies and choose to put them in the hands of those that do the thinking for you. What you think is roaring back is nothing more than groupshout. An focus chorus of incompetent thought. Go ahead, break your own arms to pat yourselves on the back for the remarkable job you've all done in accomplishing nothing but derision and disgust for your argument and your ideology.
You all demonstrated how truly pathetic and weak your ideas are. Bravo.
Alex, we only shouted when she lied.
She thought she was going to come to our town and lie about us.
How's that working for her?
Except you guys say every word out of Sarah Palin's mouth is a lie, so you are justified in shouting her down the entire time. Right?
Pale Hairball, does it make you cringe a little that your party line is now that politicians you hate are puppets of rich billionaires of Jewish ancestry? Are you guys gonna start printing a newsletter called the Völkischer Beobachter, in which you expose the strings of these Jewish puppeteers?
Mel said...
"I'm surprised the ass bags didn't rush the stage."
I went to the pro-Walker(counter rally to the union rally) rally in Denver a couple of months ago, when their rally was done, OH MY.. They wanted to get to us SO bad.. A line of cops seperating us. Our group was mostly seniors, a handful of youth and a bunch of MOM's.. One man came in our midst, screaming, veins popping, spittle flying.. They crept closer and closer, trying to intimidate, swearing at us, etc. I did notice that a majority of them looked like the aging hippy, with hair cuts, like the Bill Ayers types..
"And we roared back."
Always trust people who "roar back" with the power of the State. It always works out well.
Alpha liberal is not able to match his subject and verb, but he is woman, hear him ROAR!
@ Meade: Is Jackassery more similar to Buffoonery or Ass Clown-ishness? Just wondering.
I agree with Browndog and besides having to do a better job at remembering names you need to practice leaking interesting video.
People who roar and bang cowbells are obvious the most sensible, intelligent and rational individuals around.
You're comments are odious and stupid.
Please go away.
You aren't clever. You're an asshole.
All that shouting was rude. Very, very rude. A speaker ought to be given a chance to speak-- isn't that a fundamental liberal principle? It reflects very badly on those doing the shouting.
If you were one of them, Alpha, then I think you ought to reevaluate your attitude and be more personally accommodating to freedom of speech.
Oh and I heard that in Canada the government decides what is a news channel based on "not lying". Which means Fox News is not allowed in Canada according to their tyrannical censors.
AlphaLiberal said...
Did you know that “Sarah Palin” is an anagram for “Sharia Plan?”
You better think twice about that one!
We only hollered when they lied. And they lied about us a lot.
Are you even a fucking adult? It's like watching a coward form words to justify how snivelingly weak he really is. You should be fucking embarrassed and ashamed to even claim you are a male.
Oh, I'm the great AlphaLiar and I pick on women that have bigger balls than I do. Misogyny much?
All that shouting was rude. Very, very rude. A speaker ought to be given a chance to speak-- isn't that a fundamental liberal principle? It reflects very badly on those doing the shouting.
If you were one of them, Alpha, then I think you ought to reevaluate your attitude and be more personally accommodating to freedom of speech.
Julius - we have our disagreements, but at least we agree that people should be allowed to speak without being shouted down, harassed or otherwise inhibited. Unfortunately, AL belongs to that sect that believes they are 100% right and thus are allowed to engage in fascist tactics.
Alpha, by his own admission, "roared". It was probably more of a meow.
J Allen said...
I agree with Browndog and besides having to do a better job at remembering names you need to practice leaking interesting video.
Heh. It's more disturbing than interesting. And it doesn't really prove anything except that when you get a large enough crowd, you will always find a few people who go off the rails. Sometime you can protect them from themselves and sometimes you can't.
For example - Alphalfa Liberal.
Julius, that comment was better.
Would you please refrain from comparing Palin to a prostitute?
That's getting a little old.
sorry but in my book, AL is a criminal.
I had dinner with an aging hippy type last weekend and he told me point blank - "we need to tax the FUCK out of the wealthy" while gobbling down his 2nd helping.
Alex said...
engage in fascist tactics.
AlphaLiar isn't even man enough to be a proper fascist. He's too busy being a marionett in engaging in such individualistic thought processes beyond his groupshout/groupthink. He's just a fucking leftard cult zealot.
"Of all the places in Wisconsin she had to come to the lion's den. Madison is like Berkeley. Why go where you are so hated?"
Because Madison has been ground zero for the Obama campaign and the unions intimidation efforts. If you want to send a message to your opponent you do it where it matters the most to them. America is still watching Madison. SP just sent a shot across the bow and she's not backing down.
You did notice that there were over 20 Million people watching Livestream alone, yes?
the way I stay civil with aging liberal hippies is by treating them as cartoon characters. They aren't real people.
"sorry but in my book, AL is a criminal."
Your book has about as much credibility as Jayson Blair's.
When has the Modern left (or more exactly, Alpha Liberal) ever cared about Free Speech Right?
A true Liberal would defend palin's right to speak, but we know AL does not care about anyone's free speech rights but her own.
Hey full credit to SP for going into the lion's den. I'm know I wouldn't have the courage to do that. SP has balls.
Julius wrote: And to think... before watching this, I was watching ... some lesbo porn with five Russian girls in their early 20s in an all out sex romp. I shouldda stuck with the porn.
You are the porn, Julius. Your lack of class is obscene.
If she does run, and I agree she probably hasn't decided, she might just bait the fascist left into giving themselves away. Unfortunately, that could be a violent campaign. I am very concerned about next year.
I don't think we are going be listening to informed debates on economics. I think a campaign of intimidation will be more likely.
Yes, Julius, the bathhouse gay humor isn't funny here.
Can't you stop doing that shit?
Save it for the bathhouse.
AlphaLiberal said...
For once, Palin spoke directly to the people she lies about. And we roared back.
The same way you roared in the last 2 elections?
More like a sad belch.
Does Kos pay you, or are you this insipid for free?
Julius said...
That Reuters piece reads like it was written yesterday... by a Palin-loving Trump-hater.
Scared, I see. And I'll just bet you love the Donald.
And let's not forget, AphaLiberal was nowhere to be found when Althouse and Meade were threatened.
At what point can we call Alpha Liberal a Brownshirt?
I say unto Meade-
Welcome to Mainstream Media.
You have chosen not to post (air) footage, based on "considerations".
I think we all understand that-
However, to say it is incumbent upon yourself to interpret the meaning of it is a tad presumptuous.
You say you are saving her from herself, however, i feel you are trying to do something less noble.
That is, saving Althouse readers from themselves-
Their own judgments. Their intelligence. Their sense of context. Their sense of honesty.
I think it's an unintentional insult.
You said it (the arrest) was not indicative of the counter protest.
I doubt anyone here does not take you at your word.
If you think most of Althouse readers are looking for an opportunity to "crush the enemy", then fine.
But, I thought this was a conversation among adults who seek the truth.
Isn't hiding the truth a ....lie?
AL wrote: ... did Andrew Breitbart mention how that lawsuit from Shirley Sherrod is coming?
You're going to be surprised how that turns out, Pinky.
Wait until she tries to prove damage to her reputation if she even gets by the directed verdict on the defamation allegation. Breitbart's lawyer's will have a field day.
Palin and the AFP/Koch supporters was outnumbered 20:1.
mama grizzly's faux adoration/fame disappeared some time ago ...
Plus the weather was not conducive to a conservative gathering lol.
Well, somebody has the balls to post a tea party counter protest--in all it's glory-
Portland, Ore
Weasel Zippers.
Language warning:
"I Wipe My A** With the American Flag":
This isn't sensationalism-
This is the truth about the world we find ourselves in.....sorry to say
mama grizzly's faux adoration/fame disappeared some time ago ...
I dunno, I think she delivered some good lines which will outlive the event. Her words have legs.
We're not hiding anything. And neither are we lying.
The question was about rushing the stage. There wasn't any rushing, as evidenced by what it seemed was a sole individual crossing a security barricade and refusing to follow a police order to retreat. The woman was not representative of the Palin haters who were purposely obnoxious but who, as far as I could see, did not challenge police orders.
The woman who was arrested may very well be just as disappointed as you are that we choose not to use the video of her. She seemed to be begging for special attention and she got it. Just no additional attention from us. That's all.
I'm willing to record anything I can but not everything is blog-worthy. In fact, most things aren't.
"And we roared back." - AlphaLiberal
Ann and Meade - Thanks for delivering yet again! Note to Democrats who would lecture on civility - this is what you bastards look like in the real world.
AlphaLiberal said...
Palin and the AFP/Koch supporters was outnumbered 20:1.
And then what?
Walker's bill still passed and Obama is still and idiot (and so are you).
You have no point.
I'm willing to record anything I can but not everything is blog-worthy. In fact, most things aren't.
Indeed as most of AA's posts are irrelevant fluff!
Did you know that “Sarah Palin” is an anagram for “Sharia Plan?”
Damn, never caught that one - but I like it!
I can say with authority that Meade is nothing like the mainstream media.
My daughter is a producer in the Washington Bureau of one of the "Three" network news divisions.
You wouldn't believe how often she's told by the Executive Producer, "We're just not going to air that. Doesn't fit our values nor what our viewers want to see."
Meade's saying, "I'm not going to air that. Doesn't fit my editorial values, regardless of what our viewers want to see."
Let's see what our resident "liberals" have to say to defend the disgusting assholes on Browndog's link.
While I do enjoy watching random acts of stupidity I must defer to your judgment and respect your position. Just because one can does not mean one has to. Thanks again for being out there today.
I have a modest proposal. Wisconsin should fully fund public sector pensions by increasing taxes on public sector workers. Public sector workers are, as the President would say, rich. They have the leisure to protest willy nilly, ditch work with impunity, and buy expensive protest costumes, signs, motel rooms, ad nauseam.
Let's redistribute some wealth. You young teachers should pay the pensions of the old ineffective retiring teachers so that when you are old and ineffective, the younger ineffective teachers will pay for you.
I paid for my kids' education twice, once in property taxes, and once with a check to an excellent private school. I'm not paying for your worthless asses, and neither should my kids.
You pay. I'm done.
------.the "thuggery" will work in some cases. People get tired of the noise.-----
Yeah, well I figure the guy with the Cowbell behind us has a worse noise headache than I do. And next time, I'm bringing some serious noise makers.
Fair enough Meade.
I'll put it to bed.
Thanks for all you and Althouse do.
I appreciate it.
Outnumbered 20 to 1. Sorry, that's BS. It was sligtly over 1:1.
And really, my hearty congratulations to the left. It again proved that it is able to community organize several thousand stoned college students and burned out former students (from the nearby campus of thirty thousand) along with enough socialist teacher shock troops to avoid it looking like a greatful dead concert. Truly an achievement!
shiloh said...
I'm willing to record anything I can but not everything is blog-worthy. In fact, most things aren't.
Indeed as most of AA's posts are irrelevant fluff!
No, but PB&J/shiloh/some phony folksy's comments are.
edutcher, not to worry as you are already on my AA Groupie list. :)
take care
George said, “Yeah, well I figure the guy with the Cowbell behind us has a worse noise headache than I do.”
But when they complain of hearing loss they’ll get to claim for compensation as it was ‘work related’. Should have been looking for doctors handing out hearing loss slips.
Thanks Ann and Meade for the video. I was at the rally today and the hostility and bad manners of the Left had to be seen and heard to be believed. Any residual thought I may have had that they respect the rights of others was extinguished today. They stared at individual Tea Party people and yelled at them while banging on drums and blowing into noisemakers. Their whole purpose was to prevent other points of view from being heard. This is what democracy looks like? Ha! Hardly. They are the lackies of the totalitarians. In the comments on this blog, sometimes they hide behind snide comments draped in theoretical intellectualisms. But today it was out in the open and on display.
Thank God the Tea Party men have self-control. I think many of them could have drop-kicked the noisemakers, but they didn't. Peace was kept.
To be subjected to this hostility and noise from people who say they are engaged in democracy was very educational.
So again, Ann and Meade - thanks for video that shows what the sound level was really like.
Although, from where I was standing, it was actually worse -- no one could hear a word she said.
Lastly, one think I feel I saw today is that they are sending a vibration of death and failure, hatred and defeat, out into the universe. They are denuding their own tree of its leaves. They cannot win, because no fair-minded person will ever be drawn to that energy. And the video of their conduct today will go on for a long, long time, for many people to see lest they forget.
What an amazing video this is! I think that Mr. Breitbart's "GTH" was completely appropriate, having seen this video in its entirety. So delicious to see these disgruntled fat loser union thugs demoralized and beaten, all the while the 'Cuda's beautiful voice of liberty sailing over them. What a glorious country America is. I still recognize her. We will win. America's best days lie ahead.
There is no sound more wonderful than a cussing, mad liberal who is drowning in their own excrement.
shiloh said...
I'm willing to record anything I can but not everything is blog-worthy. In fact, most things aren't.
Indeed as most of AA's posts are irrelevant fluff!
4/16/11 9:08 PM
And yet, here you are.
LC, again as mentioned previously, AA's totally conservative blog is somewhat "entertaining" if taken in moderation and not too seriously.
take care
shiloh said...
LC, again as mentioned previously, AA's totally conservative blog is somewhat "entertaining" if taken in moderation and not too seriously.
take care
That never stopped your incessant doucheiness did it? Maybe you should spread the message of moderation to the rest of your psychotic ideological brethren. Maybe they will listen to you, the voice of reason.
Well my saying with these Nazi leftists is this: "when you gotta slaughter the hogs you have to roll your sleeves up and get a little muddy in the pigpen with the sows" and that's why I treat em like the hogs most are and shout em down with the same nasty vile crud they dump on everyone else which they don't expect from conservatives. That simple.
"She thought she was going to come to our town and lie about us.
How's that working for her?"
It's working pretty damn well. She comes across great - you union thug liberals come across as, well, union thug liberals.
I finally tracked down a good copy of the speech, and there was good and bad.
Starting with the bad - I, along with most males of my age, am losing some hearing, and what I am losing is at the higher frequencies. When she is shouting over a crowd, she sounds a bit shrill, and that doesn't work well with me. Not sure if I could handle any woman these days doing that, if I weren't motivated to listen. Gender bias on my part, but not all my own fault.
The good? The last half, maybe last third, was as hard hitting as it comes. So many facts, and so many quotable lines. "Bullet train to bankruptcy". "Winning the Future, WTF?"
I esp. liked the last one. Some here, and elsewhere, have put them together, and had started lampooning the President's campaign for it. But not done this well. Not only does it discredit the President's campaign, but it also points out how disconnected it is from the mainstream, who do know what WTF actually means.
I don't know if she is going to run. Don't know if even she knows. But, I do think that she will be on point, and that the President will be playing defense the entire campaign as a result.
Thought that this was great from Pallidin:
And did you know that "Alpha Liberal" is an anagram for "Halal Bra Pile"?! And also "Pale Hairball"?! And "Arable Phalli"?!
I think that we all need to keep this list around for responding to him. I suspect that at least "pale hairball" sticks.
She was scheduled to speak for ten minutes, so your "word" can go take a long walk off a short precipice.
I tend to agree that Palin needs to lower her pitch. But she was that high because she was being as loud as she could to be heard over the protestors. All the females went pretty high in the pitch range to drown them out.
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