March 25, 2011

"Republicans are WMD's."

A woman with a sign at the Wisconsin Capitol, yesterday:



Anonymous said...

The apostrophe is wrong.

Anonymous said...

OK, lady, can we get back to the original issue: how are you going to pay for your commitments?

ricpic said...

Well, at least the eyes are covered, but we still have to endure the nose and mouth.

Anonymous said...

This lady belongs in Portugal.

AllenS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sal said...

She thinks Bill Maher is both funny and deep.

AllenS said...

Maybe it,s not an apostrophe' but a comma that,s to high. Yeah' that,s it.

WV: sulampit

Arab for armpit.

Aggle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christopher in MA said...

Fat, blonde and stupid is no way to go through life, little lady.

Rich B said...

I am constantly amazed by the beliefs that lefties think are self-evident. It's like they never talk to anyone who holds opposing views. I'll bet her friends would nod in agreement to her sign.

Anonymous said...

Another SSI case.

Jesus, you've got a mess of them in Madison.

Does anybody work?

Aggle said...

Shouldn't that read "Republicans are Ws MD"?

bagoh20 said...

Nobody is ever right about WMDs. She shows great courage.

Lincolntf said...

Talk about projection. That scrunt is a Whiny Miserable Douchebag if I've ever seen one.

bagoh20 said...

That's Althouse on drugs. Turning down that acid in 1968 was a watershed moment. Imagine this blog if she chose differently.

traditionalguy said...

A very pithy sign. She wins my award for signage that combines readability with meaning. Republicans are destroying business as usual because the unlimited money ran out.

TMink said...

These folks are driven to hyperbole because of brain development problems. Without a well developed attachment center, we cannot think when upset. So they lose any ability they had to reason and persuade. It is a bit sad and regressed.


rhhardin said...

The apostrophe is correct.

It's used to make the plural of acronyms so that you don't try to read it as a word.

Also occasionally with words that would be hard to read quickly with an s at the end.

Like yes's and no's.

Fred4Pres said...

the new civility

bagoh20 said...

I truly hope she is right, assuming I know what she means. I mean, I assume she thinks they will be very destructive of what she believes in. I don't share her confidence though. I expect Repubs to be more like Weapons of Minor Disruption.

KCFleming said...

"Republicans are WMD's."

Damn right!
Recognize our name, A-fucking-SAP!

Melanie & Jed DeHaven said...

Who's John Galt?

chickelit said...

Waffles are Weapons of Mass Creation.

Waffles are WMC.

No apostrophe/elision is necessary.

holdfast said...

Let me guess - she's a unionized English teacher?

Fire. Them. All.

alan markus said...


"Another SSI case."

You reminded me of this tidbit from 2 years ago:

Use of Capitol building as homeless shelter raises concerns

"In recent years, the marble landmark has become a shelter of sorts from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. because it's a warm, dry place for the homeless to rest and socialize. Activity is the greatest in the winter months, when more people find respite there."

Now, besides rest & socialization, they can add political activity as a "purpose" for being there.

Check out the picture - I think that is the guy that kind of places himself in the midst of the M & I Bank boycotters in that Meade video the other day - the guy who is out of step with the rest of the group.

WineSlob said...

Is that Loretta Swit? What a creaky old hag she has become.

Hunter said...

Yeah, well... your mom is a WMD.

David said...

Oh, how clever. The years of education that went into that thought. See, Wisconsin education is working. Why change anything?

Franklin said...

She's a cutie.

Carol_Herman said...

Well, that's an expensive piece of oak-tag. But the sign's too heavy to hold aloft.

Doesn't seem like there's a whole lot of people in the background. And, what can you fault? Peaceful assembly at its best. Lots of people choose not to vote for republicans. You can't identify this crowd by signs.

Where is the Silent Majority these days?

m stone said...

No apostrophe and it's not an acronym.

That's the least of her problems.

Brian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Crack Emcee said...

Sorry, Meade, but I'm ripping you off:

That photo is brilliant.

Geoff Matthews said...

In the future, everyone will be a WMD for 15 minutes.

Peter V. Bella said...

Republicans are WMDs.

Warring Mindless Democrats.

Rich B said...

Apparently Johns Hopkins School Health is one of very many sources who take issue with her spelling-

Plural form of acronyms
For acronyms, add s (or es) to form the plural. The plural form of an acronym takes no apostrophe.

Exception: Acronyms ending in the letter s take an apostrophe: SOS's

Note: Be careful to distinguish between acronyms and abbreviations, which have different (and complex) rules regarding plural forms. You should consult a style book (first AP, then Chicago) for specific situations.

Cases in point:
President Bush promised us WMDs, and look at what we got.
That Prius may get 50 mpg, but it still doesn't beat a bike.

Of course, she'd be fine if spelling were here only problem.

Wince said...

I think more honest sign would say:

"Republican want to come between me and your money."

Unknown said...

The apostrophe is wrong, use a lower-case ess.

Agree with those who say union teacher.

But, God, these people really have no brain. WMD is so last decade.

Carol_Herman said...

Well, that's an expensive piece of oak-tag. But the sign's too heavy to hold aloft.

Doesn't seem like there's a whole lot of people in the background. And, what can you fault? Peaceful assembly at its best. Lots of people choose not to vote for republicans. You can't identify this crowd by signs.

Where is the Silent Majority these days?

They started drinking tea and are making all kinds of noise.

WV "brathess" Don't know what it is, but I'll bet troop can fit it.

Mr. D said...

This lady belongs in Portugal.

If she gets her way, we'll all be in Portugal soon enough.

vbspurs said...

Republicans are "R"s, lady. Worker Party members are "W"s, Moderate Party members are "M"s, and Democrats are "D"s.

Jesus Christ on cream cheese, she's dumb.

SPImmortal said...


Anonymous said...

Repubs eunt domus!

vbspurs said...

Wassat mean, Paul? My pig Latin is wanting.

MadisonMan said...

Seven Machos gets it right right out of the gate.

I cant STAND apostrophe catastrophes.

Waffles of Meade's Deployment?

Fen said...

*dons libtard mask*

blah blah not a serious blog blah i smart you stupuid blah misrepresenting protests blah cheap shot at Meade blah blah whine moan bitch blah you a law professor? blah

/sorry, but our resident libtards don't get out of bed before noon, and I wanted to get that out of the way

cubanbob said...

She really is the living embodiment of the democratic party. Ugly, stupid, self entitled and parasitical.

AllenS said...


MadisonMan said...

Ugly, stupid, self entitled and parasitical.

I just see a citizen protesting. I think you make too many assumptions.

Unknown said...

Seven Machos said...

This lady belongs in Portugal.

Are you calling her one of the PIIGS?

Shame, shame.

Who do you think you are, Bill Maher?

WV "inesso" What the Rockefellers were.

Anne M Ford said...

No Blood for Oil!! Get out of Libya now!!

vbspurs said...

She really is the living embodiment of the democratic party. Ugly, stupid, self entitled and parasitical.

Not that ugly. I think WineSlob got it right -- a less polished Loreta Swit (l).

cubanbob said...

MadisonMan said...
Ugly, stupid, self entitled and parasitical.

I just see a citizen protesting. I think you make too many assumptions.

3/25/11 11:09 AM

I see a parasite who is whining that someone should be compelled to pay more taxes so she doesn't have to take a pay and benefit cut. I think you posit too many good intentions to someone who doesn't have them.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Where is the Silent Majority these days?

Working. They have jobs and taxes to pay.

Carol_Herman said...

She does look like Loretta Swit. The actress in MASH who was Major Burns' lover.

Duncan said...

I'm not sure. Let's compare Detroit 1962 when the last Republican mayor lost with Detroit, 2011 after 50 years of Democrat Mayors.

Dustin said...

Republicans are Wisconsin's Majority Deciders!

Republicans are What Madison Disenfranchises!!!!!

Republicans are Weapons of Mass Debt-deletion!!!!

DKWalser said...

Wow! At first, I thought that was a picture of my mother-in-law. Of course, since my mother-in-law is now confined to a wheelchair, I realized it couldn't be her, but it looked like it could have been her and the sign is one that she might have been willing to carry.

True story: A year into our marriage, my wife and I were on a sight-seeing trip with my mother-in-law who was visiting from out of state. Upon learning our state had just elected a Republican governor, mom said: "I can't see how people who consider themselves Christian would vote for a Republican." I glanced at my wife who mouthed the words: "My family's Democrat." That's how I learned I'd married someone who's political views didn't jive with my own.

rhhardin said...

The apostrophe is wrong, use a lower-case ess.

You do agree, then, that WMDS is illegible.

What follows from that is that some convention or another will arise, or many conventions.

The apostrophe is one. It's not a confusion with the possessive but a recognition of the need for legibility.

The lower case solution is okay if it's available and if the problem item doesn't already have a trailing s.

The simpler convention is use an apostrophe and screw the prescriptivists.

In a hundred years we'll see which convention survives. That's the one people will converge on.

chickelit said...

Not that ugly. I think WineSlob got it right -- a less polished Loreta Swit

Hotlip's WMDs frankly burn.

How's that for a MASH-up?

Dustin said...

"You do agree, then, that WMDS is illegible."

Since she used the plural verb, the S is easy to understand as plural.

WMDs is extremely easy to understand.

Republicans are HGJFs is easy to understand.

Your convention is not actually a convention at all, IMO. I do find some usage rules to be silly, but in this case, the apostrophe conveys a meaning that isn't correct unless she's trying to say the military industrial complex is akin to our WMDs owning a political party.

She was just too lazy to think about her scribble. She was not trying to clarify.

JohnJ said...

rhhardin said...
"The apostrophe is correct."

As I recall my grade schooling of the late 50s and early 60's, there is no hard and fast rule on this; it's mostly a matter of preference.

Nuns are never wrong (well.., about punctuation, anyway.)

MadisonMan said...

Waffles Made Daily?

vbspurs said...

Duncan wrote:

I'm not sure. Let's compare Detroit 1962 when the last Republican mayor lost with Detroit, 2011 after 50 years of Democrat Mayors.

So I took a look in Wikipedia. Yep, almost 40 years. And as a detail, the last white mayor was Roman Gribbs (left office on 1 Jan '74).

The question has to be asked, though. Atlanta also has had majority Democrat (and black) mayors. And they're not in the crapper.

So it can't just be that. Is it also the stranghold of the unions?

vbspurs said...

How's that for a MASH-up?

Stop it, klinger! You're always on my radar. Get off!


Dustin said...

Actually, after looking into it, apparently there really is no hard and fast rule about apostrophes and acronyms, and are indicated if there are periods use (I realize there weren't any in this case).


Still annoys me. It's making the term harder to understand.

chickelit said...

Was there any ambiguity in her message? That’s what’s important.

@vbspurs: You're a weapon of M*A*S*H destruction! ;)

chickelit said...


Say "Weapons of Mash Destruction" five time really fast.

Makes me spur my bleech!

traditionalguy said...

Vicky...In the last 15 years Atlanta also lost three large auto assembly plants as the auto business sent its capital for assembly plants to lower wage non-union places. Poor Detroit had no other Reason to exist once the auto assembly and auto parts businesses left town. Detroit has therefore over 15 years become third world in appearance while Atlanta has remodeled itself for an Olympics Games and remained an important Office location for many international businesses. Come and see the Masters at Augusta in in April. Lifestyle is a big draw here, as are the good Airport connections.

Roger J. said...

Why are these liberal bitches such ugly c@@nts--what a skank

Alex said...

This woman represents 99% of what the left thinks/feels.

Alex said...

Of course Meade is EVIL for taking this photo according to Ritmo/shiloh. Instead he should get busy taking photos of evil teabaggers holding "Obama=Hitler" signs. Errrr, right.

Alex said...

Democrat Senator Frank Lautenberg says Republicans should be stripped of Constitutional protection

Yup GOPers - you are on NOTICE that should the left gain tyrannical power, you are off to the death camps. You have been warned ala, Mein Kampf style.

Chip Ahoy said...


vbspurs said...

TradGuy wrote:

In the last 15 years Atlanta also lost three large auto assembly plants as the auto business sent its capital for assembly plants to lower wage non-union places. Poor Detroit had no other Reason to exist once the auto assembly and auto parts businesses left town.

From what I understand, Atlanta is dominated by a well-to-do black class, but also has a native white class that is conservative. Thus, if the last Republican mayor they had was in the 1870s, that doesn't mean the city lacks an affluent and conservative voting bloc within the Demo/Dixiecrats to run it.

It can also be argued that Ted Turner altered the fortunes of Atlanta, preventing it from becoming a Detroit, by situating his HQ there.

Impudent Warwick said...

"Republicans are WMD'S"

Better that than the cluster of dumb bombs hanging about the capitol lately.

vbspurs said...

Guess what I'm eating now? That's right. MASHed potatoes.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Stop showing the protesters making fools of themselves! Don't you know that 99.999999999 percent are intelligent, nice, warm, , hospitable people. They also like kittens and enjoy sunsets!

joeyconnell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Meade said...

The Crack Emcee said...
"Sorry, Meade, but I'm ripping you off:"

Please do. All I ask for is attribution. Two ways I identify people who want to be my friend: they address me as "Meade" and they attribute my work to me.


Anonymous said...

I for one am still waiting for more thoughts from you on Professor Cronon's statements and situation.

Your "preliminary" remarks were oddly narrow . . . For anyone who read Cronon's editorial and blog, you appear to be missing the point.

Yawn: I for one am tired about hearing about the misbehavior of the lefty fringe at the Capitol.

Yawn: I am tired of hearing about tape marks and chalk drawings and other triviality.

Do you understand that the more you focus on triviality, the more trivial you seem?

So, what do you think about Prof. Cronon? What do you think about the FOIA request made on the University?

Any thoughts on these issues, Professor?

DADvocate said...

Yes, we are.

Anonymous said...

If only. Would solve a lot of problems.

MadisonMan said...

What do you think about the FOIA request made on the University?

There are clear rules for using University email accounts.

People who use them for partisan purposes are asking for a rebuke. We get periodic email reminders of this where I work.

garage mahal said...

I for one am still waiting for more thoughts from you on Professor Cronon's statements and situation.

Yea it's not like the WI GOP will be doing FOIA requests on predictably sympathetic viewpoints to their own, like "What if the GOP is right!!??"

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

My missile may be a WMD but it sure ain't no Minuteman.

Ba dum dum.

vbspurs said...

My missile may be a WMD but it sure ain't no Minuteman.

Ba dum dum.


Brian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alex said...

I just see a citizen protesting. I think you make too many assumptions.

So when a tea partier held a sign "Obama = Hitler" you also just see a citizen protesting right?

Methadras said...

This is really what passes for leftard theology. Republicans are weapons of mass destruction? Wow, that was, oh I don't know, meant to be profound somehow? This is the kind of leftard groupthinking herd member walks around in their head and then feebly tries to articulate it on a piece of card stock.

Anonymous said...

WMDs - The Working Mans Defender - Trying to protect the working men and women of Wisconsin from the systematic looting by the public servants via confiscatory compulsory taxation that borders on criminal.

This also includes Seniors, especially those on fixed income, who the public servants, through their extravagent and profiligate ways, force Grandma and Grandpa out of their homes.

Of course, it could also refer to destroying the lies of the Left, and pointing out their hypocricy. Oh how the public servants scatter to hide when the light of truth is shined upon them.

Rich B said...

Shorter Chris:

Pay attention to me!

I demand a response!

Quit ignoring me!

I can't help myself - I was reading Ace of Spades post about Media Matters and the snappy comment thread.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Please please tell me that she doesn't teach English.

And speaking of WMDs, she looks like scorched earth.

wv: conin (maybe she is...)

Bryan Caskey said...

This lady


Unable to use proper punctuation.

traditionalguy said...

Vicky...Ted Turner became a generous and fun Braves owner after he bought them to be programing on his new cable TV super station, and he did start CNN here. But he lost all of that in an unwise corporate merger. The basis of Atlanta's good politics remains the contributions from the leadership of Coca-Cola, Georgia Pacific, Bell South, Home Depot, SunTrust and Delta. Those guys have used their clout/money to demand good relations with the Black upper classes that select the Black political candidates. This has always been a major part of Atlanta's politics. We have also been blessed by having a large and active Jewish Community which I doubt Detroit/Dearborn was allowed to have in Henry Ford's town. Our last white (and also Jewish) Mayor was Sam Massell from 1969 to 1974, and Sam still plays a major role in the Buckhead community's leadership.

Sigivald said...

Well, garage, you're right.

The Wisconsin GOP won't bother to send out Open Records requests to see if someone at UW was improperly pushing Republican candidates via UW email.

Also, they won't be asking if the sun shines at night.

(If you seriously want someone to do the reverse, petition the Wisconsin Democratic Party to do it.

Problem is, as above, you'd have to find someone to have them ask about - and who's the UW faculty member pushing GOP-stance-supporting op-eds?

Huh. It's almost like there might not be such a person to investigate!)

shiloh said...

Of course Meade is EVIL for taking this photo according to Ritmo/shiloh.

No, Meade is just AA's er a blowhards tagalong, nothing more, nothing less.

ie peripheral equipment, totally dependent on his owner er its host!


Do you understand that the more you focus on triviality, the more trivial you seem?

AA is all about triviality and hating everything Obama does 24/7. Again, nothing more, nothing less and definitely no grey area.

Yawn indeed!

AllenS said...

Wow. garage, you finally showed up. How do you feel about the new war?

Alex said...

shiloh - ask yourself why you spend so much time on a blog that is apparently dedicated to 24/7 Obama-bashing.

shiloh said...

Alex, you mean besides eloquent AA lemmings, like yourself, telling me to "fuck off".

Again, this blog is slightly entertaining in its ad nauseam winger absolutes.

take care

Alex said...

shiloh - you think we all exist here for your amusement?

Lovernios said...

Democrats are STDs.

Lovernios said...

So, what do you think about Prof. Cronon? What do you think about the FOIA request made on the University?

Professors at State Universities are agents of the government and thus subject to a citizen's FOIA requests.

AST said...

I shouldn't belittle her appearance, but it's practically entrapment.

wv: Hagath - Her name

John Clifford said...

Republicans ARE WMDs... 'whipping most Democrats'

vbspurs said...

TradGuy, hope you read this later -- thanks SO much for the Atlanta perspective. Broadens the picture I had a fair treat. :)

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