February 23, 2011

At the Teach-in Teahouse...


... you can talk about what you heard...


... or anything you want.



Kurt said...

Have you ever noticed that the median age at any sort of teach-in usually skews pretty far above the median age of the student population as a whole?

Unknown said...

This wasn't just for students; it was open to everyone and was fantastic. Turnout was great--the panel room was so full that they had to broadcast it in two overflow rooms, too.

Almost Ali said...

The first photo shows a lot of unchangeable minds - and "humorists" as in patronizing. Just look at those dour expressions, a regular death panel.

Almost Ali said...

Jim - What precisely was "fantastic"?

Ann Althouse said...

It was quite excellent. Well balanced, informative, serious. Not a political rally of any sort.

Tomorrow, the video of the whole thing will be up here.

Almost Ali said...

Will our president let the infamous Libyan terrorist get away scot-free?

Ann Althouse said...

"The first photo shows a lot of unchangeable minds - and "humorists" as in patronizing. Just look at those dour expressions, a regular death panel."

Ironically, that sounds closed-minded.

Almost Ali said...

Tomorrow, the video of the whole thing will be up

Sounds good.

Almost Ali said...

Ironically, that sounds closed-minded.

It is. I'm a hard case, but not quite beyond redemption.

I'm a Shaaaaark said...

Thanks for posting this stuff. :)

I'm a Shaaaaark said...

Oh, well, what do you know.

The prank caller guy from earlier today? He's a real piece of work.

Yeah, this is a guy you want on national television representing ya.

Anonymous said...

"Have you ever noticed that the median age at any sort of teach-in usually skews pretty far above the median age of the student population as a whole?

Skews pretty white too.

So it must be full of raaaaacists!
Someone call the Reveruuuund Jaaaackson!

JAL said...

Since we can talk about anything we want, let me suggest you wander over to say uncle (hat tip Instanpundit.)

The comments are a trip.

shiloh said...

Ironically, that sounds closed-minded.

Touché ;)

... or anything you want.

"Will our president let the infamous Libyan terrorist get away scot-free?"

cheney/bush let Osama bin Laden get away scot-free!

Dutch let the terrorists who bombed the Marine barracks in Beirut, Lebanon, killing 241 American military servicemen, get away scot-free!


Of course, Khadafi hasn't attacked America or killed any Americans lately, so my analogy/comparison falls short, eh.

Indeed, feel free to debate who was stronger re: national security as AA has indeed said, talk about anything you want.


Although after Reagan cut and ran from Beirut when American military were attacked by terrorists Oct. 23, 1983 he did indeed kick some butt ;) in Grenada Oct. 25, 1983.

hmm, wagging the dog ?!? perish the thought as Reagan was the strongest C-in-C since Alexander the Great, or so I've been told the past 20+ years ...

carry on

MadisonMan said...

Sorry I missed it. I hope to watch it in between compiles tomorrow.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Palladian said...

Do they serve burritos at the Teach-in Teahouse?

Wally Kalbacken said...

Swank setting. The day after I finished law school at UW in '94 - the cranes were coming in to demolish the older potion of the structure. I've never been back. Looks, from this mere glimpse, like a massive improvement. I'm taking about the building here, not the crowd!

William said...

A dour looking lot full of high purpose and seriousness. When idealism and sacred ends become entangled with civil service benefits something like Madison happens. The game is not worth the candle, but the people involved, on both sides, are not the sort to admit that they take things way too seriously. They delight in contemplating their own moral excellence and in explicating the wickedness of their enemies. Keep fighting the good fight people. Your struggles do honor to all mankind and are far more meaningful to the future of America than ice fishing.

Fen said...

Can we defund Shiloh's school district? An Emu Ranch would be a better investment of our tax dollars.

I'm looking forward to seeing the vid. I can appreciate the native's complaints that we are too cynical, but please understand this is a result of past experiences with this sort of thing.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Wondering your teahouse and sound good. really i like that

Romantic Dinner Bruges

shiloh said...

Can we defund Shiloh's school district?

My ole buddy Fen ~ actually, I attended a parochial grade school and a Jesuit hs, so I guess you can blame god for my veracity ;)

Praise the lord!

The truth shall set your free.

And let the record show Almost Ali was the 1st to change the subject.

btw Fen, as a "former" U.S. Marine, aren't you pissed off Reagan cut and ran from Beirut ...

take care

Anonymous said...

Look at the little tripod! It's so cute!

Can't wait for the video. But if it's "Well balanced, informative, serious," it's probably a snooze. I hope it's edited well, with cut-scenes to WWE--no, make that WWF--footage.

Methadras said...

When school children start paying union dues, that's when I'll start representing the interests of school children.

Albert Shanker, President of the Teachers Union (United Federation of Teachers) from 1964 to 1984 as well as President of the Teachers Union (American Federation of Teachers) from 1974 to 1997.

Oh and then there is this wonderful bit of admission:


Unknown said...

For those interested, Zogby has released a poll backing up Rasmussen on public support for Walker.

shiloh said...

"Will our president let the infamous Libyan terrorist get away scot-free?"

cheney/bush let Osama bin Laden get away scot-free!

Dutch let the terrorists who bombed the Marine barracks in Beirut, Lebanon, killing 241 American military servicemen, get away scot-free!

As always, he lies - God-inspired veracity, my ass.

If he's alive - and that's a big if, bin Laden's been hounded more closely than Mengele.

As for the crazies in Beirut, shiloh/PB&J wants us all to forget the bomber died in the blast and most of the conspirators are reported to have died in the fighting in Iraq.

ricpic said...

The ceiling is oppressive.

Fen said...

Shiloh: Fen, as a "former" U.S. Marine, aren't you -

Anyone so ignorant as to put former in scare quotes can't be taken seriously.

Mian said...

God, what everyone needs is a good sunny day so everyone can go outside and play. Won't Spring ever get here?

Anonymous said...

cheney/bush let Osama bin Laden get away scot-free!

Actually, that was President Clinton.

Which is why you leftists wanted to pull ABC's broadcast license for airing "The Path to 9/11"

You're not real big on the facts there chief.

rhhardin said...

Sorry I missed it. I hope to watch it in between compiles tomorrow.

You must have an old compiler.

Everything is instantaneous today, even for millions of lines of code.

The Crack Emcee said...

All three of those photos, with those icky post-hippie people, explain to me why education sucks in this country:

It's Just The Wrong People, The Wrong Time: We're Not Supposed To Be Here (And That's The Truth)

Toad Trend said...

Don't look now but - the WI senate has dispatched the state patrol to multiple dem senators homes.

Could this be just another scheme to give free rides to work for the dems?

wv - boringi

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

*** breaking news from Wisconsin ***

A large flock of cedar waxwings was spotted in my ornamental pear this morning. What fun watching them feast on the small berries. Spring can't be far away!

* we now return you to your regularly scheduled food fight.*

The Concrete Dog said...

this age of anxiety
this tumult
this shifting sand

abroad: revolutns
will thr new mastrs
be friend r foe

frm athens to rome
marseille to manchestr
granada to galway
bills come due
but in th jar
iou iou iou
littl lies
we'll get to this latr

kited checks
have come full circle
pensions r
mere ponzi
empty promises
as canes outnumber prams

the young afraid
the old afraid
of and for th future
faith in the prince

so here we ar
no one
left to lie to

but sam johnson saw
that whn a man knows
he'll be hangd in a week
it concentrats his mind

Fen said...

Actually, that was President Clinton. Which is why you leftists wanted to pull ABC's broadcast license for airing "The Path to 9/11"

And also why Sandy Berger had to steal Clinton documents from the National Archives.

MadisonMan said...

You must have an old compiler.

Yeah, that wasn't written clearly. The compiling is pretty fast. Finding the bug is not.

Calypso Facto said...

I agree... informative with a very concerted effort to stay non-partisan. Even (or especially), I'm very surprised to say, Prof. DeClercq, from the School of Workers. Certainly some left-pandering--giving the audience what they wanted to hear--almost a pre-requisite in the doubly insulated academic world of Madison, but still....

Professor Downs provided the only slightly right of center counterpoint, and it's obvious he's much too acclimated to avoiding conflict with the Left on campus in the interest of maintaining peace to be a strong advocate. So he took on the least controversial topic he could: free speech at and around the event.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Everything is instantaneous today, even for millions of lines of code.

Not in the z/OS or .NET world.

Sofa King said...

To be fair, that's really Downs' own personal cause célèbre. Great professor, great guy. Probably was my favorite professor at UW.

Known Unknown said...

Was the photographer you or some guy named Dutch Angle?

Calypso Facto said...

Oh I agree Sofa. It appeared as though there may have been some suggested topicality, as well. I thought Prof Downs did an adequate job with a mostly non-controversial topic. I did enjoy his one jab of "So much for the lessons or Arizona" (or words to that effect) concerning the protester rhetoric. (To be clear, he fully supports free speech and said "civility" is often a code word for "shut up".)

le Douanier said...


I've always stated that (very likely) W cleaned up Reagan's mess, when Imad Mughniyeh's car went boom in Syria in 1996(?).

kjbe said...

I'd agree, it was quite excellent and am very glad I went. Too bad they had so much trouble with the video feed in the overflow room - made it difficult to get into the flow of the first couple of speakers. Moving to the main hall made a big difference...for varied reasons, I found Jones, Coan and Clauss the most compelling. Kind of makes me want to go back to school.

Triangle Man said...

Yeah, that wasn't written clearly. The compiling is pretty fast. Finding the bug is not.

Clearly you should write code with fewer errors. :-)

Triangle Man said...


Last year the cedar waxwings showed up in Madison around the first week of April.

Sofa King said...

You must have an old compiler.

Everything is instantaneous today, even for millions of lines of code.

You haven't installed Gentoo recently, I presume.

bagoh20 said...

Once upon a time, the very successful company where I worked lost 80% of it's sales due to recession and customers going bankrupt. The company immediately started bleeding money. Management determined that the company and all the jobs would soon be gone forever unless serious action was taken. A plan was devised involving layoffs, pay cuts of 20 - 40%, and reduction in hours. Within 1 week the plan was implemented. within 1 year, the company was back growing and profitable, full time was restored with pay increases and even bonuses. The product and service were improved. The employees were greatful and enjoyed their work more than ever.

This crisis here is no where near as dire or as difficult.

I'm just saying there is a vast difference in methodology and the outcome here will also be different.

The big difference is that when the management at my company was honest, the employees believed them, and did what was needed. Only the employees can actually fix such a thing, but they must be willing.

test said...

Union members assault those who disagree with them.


Don't tell garage. It would be so unfair to introduce reality to the little fantasy world he lives in.

bagoh20 said...

Simple question: Did anyone offer the truth: The current pay, benefits and results are unsustainable and unacceptable?

Even if untrue, a balanced discussion would consider it.

roesch-voltaire said...

I sat in the over-flow room with what appeared to be a mix of law students and a few faculty. I was impressed by one presenters point by point line of argument that Walker's intent was on breaking the unions and less on fiscal matters, which seem to be a pretense.

le Douanier said...

"The big difference is that when the management at my company was honest, the employees believed them, and did what was needed. Only the employees can actually fix such a thing, but they must be willing."

I know a hard core R who has managed to pile up more than a hundred million dollars net worth w/ a businesse in the manufacturing sector, he started w/ nothing.

Anyway, he always says that unions are horrible, but they are the result of horrible management.

bagoh20 said...

No serious lasting reform of the fiscal situation will be possible unless the union loses quite bit of power in the process. Since that power is ultimately more important to them, no serious lasting reform will come until they are broken. This will happen sooner or later regardless, because unsustainable means just that. The only questions are: will it be uglier and more costly than necessary, and do you care?

Anonymous said...

William is right on.

bagoh20 said...

I hate union thugs, and there are many, but that union member assaulting woman video is getting far to much play. It's a little too sensitive when brushing a camera out of your face is trumped up as some kind of assault.

You aren't really having a civil discussion if you are shoving a camera in someones face while you yell at them. And a person should be allowed to push that out of their personal space. I hope this does not become that kind of a pissing contest, because this is a real and serious issue beyond the emotion.

MadisonMan said...

Clearly you should write code with fewer errors.

(laugh) I'm a victim of feature creep! It works fine with what it was designed to do. Then someone asked Could we get it do this?


Almost Ali said...

Kind of makes me want to go back to school.

Ah, to be young and carefree again. Where the real world remains an abstraction, a distant and depressing place to be avoided - except by proxy.

Which brings us back to the so-called teach-in; what was taught, and what was learned? Or was it simply polite wind-spits from behind the glorious ivy of insulation.

In other words, what can possibly be accomplished in the real world by listening to cloistered academics? Especially academics given to intellectualizing in groups.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to the video. Thank you Mrs Althouse.

I wonder if they talked about what Rep Ryan talked about?

"I didn't like Cap and Trade, I didn't like Obamacare, I didn't like the stimulus, but, I didn't walk out"


MadisonMan said...

Did you photoshop in that black man in the topmost picture?

bagoh20 said...

Was there anyone at this teach-in who does not live off of tax money?

Calypso Facto said...

bagoh: Me! Couldn't immediately identify anyone else solely on the taxPAYER side of the ledger.

test said...

"bagoh20 said...

I hate union thugs, and there are many, but that union member assaulting woman video is getting far to much play. It's a little too sensitive when brushing a camera out of your face is trumped up as some kind of assault."

First, in addition to pushing the camera away the union goon punches a woman not holding the camera.

Second, when leftists engage in this activity they laud each other, including awarding Oscars. Now the tables are turned and we see a new standard applied. I wish I could be surprised.

bagoh20 said...

Actually, I meant any speakers who pay more taxes than they take. You know, the other side, the people paying for everything including this teach-in and the building around it.

There had to be some from that strange universe, right?

test said...

"roesch-voltaire said...

I sat in the over-flow room with what appeared to be a mix of law students and a few faculty. I was impressed by one presenters point by point line of argument that Walker's intent was on breaking the unions and less on fiscal matters, which seem to be a pretense."

How can anyone claim reducing union power isn't a fiscal issue? Are we to believe this power is not used in compensation negotiations?

Almost Ali said...

Are we to believe this power is not used in compensation negotiations?

Yes. It's simply a divine right, and NOT a collective shakedown of taxpayers.

kjbe said...

To be young and carefree again? Not exactly. Not even close, actually.

Trooper York said...

Well that sounds like a lot of fun.

Meanwhile back in the real world... they dumped wheelchair fiance guy off American Idol and Jennifer Lopez had a nervous breakdown. Just sayn'

Calypso Facto said...

No bagoh, sorry to disappoint, but it was a teach-in so everyone on the panel was a professor at the UW. Frankly the 99% UW crowd was not the place to make an opposing view known anyway. The people there just wanted to have their biases confirmed (ala R-V) and not face any reasoned opposition. In my opinion, to get anywhere near an open and balanced forum you'd have to go outside of the Socialist Republic of Madison enclave.

rhhardin said...

Meanwhile back in the real world... they dumped wheelchair fiance guy off American Idol and Jennifer Lopez had a nervous breakdown. Just sayn'

It's Leon Klinghofer all over again.

shiloh said...


Put former in quotations 'cause once a Marine always a Marine, except you, eh. Won't make that mistake again.

And I'll just "assume" you're ashamed Reagan cut and ran from Beirut, your inane deflection notwithstanding.

take care

Again re: cheney/bush and bin Laden:

"The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him."
~ G.W. Bush, 9/13/01

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
~ G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

"I am truly not that concerned about him." ~ G.W. Bush, responding to a question about bin Laden's whereabouts, 3/13/02 (The New American, 4/8/02)

'nuf said!

thefewandtheplenty said...

You said we can talk about anything we want so let me ask the question that's been going through my mind during all of this...Where is Mickey Kaus? He hasn't posted for weeks and I've been dying to know what he makes of all this.

deborah said...

Mickey is at The Daily Caller now:


thefewandtheplenty said...

Thanks Deborah.
Somehow I had missed that and had been refreshing his Newsweek page for like 3 weeks now wondering what was going on.

If Instapundit doesn't link to it, I don't know about it.

deborah said...


abeer ahmed said...

For the latest news visit us on cnn.com

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