December 17, 2010

Andrew Sullivan: "I have to say the more I see of Chuck Heath, [Sarah Palin's] dad, the more he seems like the real thing."

"The revelation of the episode was his little shed full of astonishing artefacts of wildlife, small and large, that he joyfully shared with the kids. He stole the entire show, captivating the children like an iconic granddad from the wild, and he is obviously an educated, smart, curious man. How on earth did he produce an intellectually inert brat like his daughter?"

Sullivan was watching a TV show about Alaska. He should come to Madison. We eat intellectually inert brats for lunch.


Kevin said...

More Andrew Sullivan chum?

Hmmm, intellectually inert... that seems like Andrew Sullivan to me.

Fred4Pres said...

Andrew Sullivan is like the Grinch when it comes to Sarah Palin, except his brain is three sizes too small.

Clyde said...

Perhaps the "intellectually inert" person is the one who believes what the left-wing blogger-media complex has fabricated about Sarah Palin. Sullivan himself is the obvious example. He has allowed his own preconceptions to supersede objective reality.

Larry J said...

Sullivan, who demonstrated his utter stupidity to the world with his obsession about Trig Palin, has no room to talk about anyone else's intelligence. Unless he has some incriminating photos of Atlantic executives, I can't imagine why they keep him. Every time I see a link to the Atlantic, my first thought is of how Sullivan has discredited them all.

Sarah Palin isn't nearly as ignorant as her critics claim, nor are they as smart as they believe.

TMink said...

Now I have to go through the whole day after you tricked me into reading Sullivan. Thanks Ann. Thanks a lot.


Wince said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wince said...

It's not exactly a secret that Andrew is more attracted to "Bears" than to "Mamma Grizzlies."

Expat(ish) said...

What strikes me about SPA is that it is the most amazing free political advertising since, well, since BHO got elected. Maybe even more so.

I love the little sideways glances that Todd cuts at Sarah when she's done something that tickles him or ticks him off. I really enjoyed the show with his son where Sarah was clearly on tenterhooks about the various mishaps.

Hard to Imagine "Barack Obama's Hawaii" isn't it?


PS - Sarah and her dad - it is pretty clear how much she adores him. And vice-versa. I can't comment on her intellect, not being nearly as brilliant as AS, but she's clearly a high functioning emotionally mature adult. Which is a lot.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Intellectually inert. Sorry but those who call Palin dumb and had no problem pulling a level for Joe Biden as VP then I just don't take them seriously.

Hoosier Daddy said...

I can't comment on her intellect, not being nearly as brilliant as AS, but she's clearly a high functioning emotionally mature adult.

I know a a few really stupid smart people. You know, the kind that write in really big words but couldn't pour piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel.

Matthew Noto said...

"...except his brain is three sizes too small."

If you put Andrew Sullivan's brain in a bird, it would fly backwards.

And then it would probably dress up like Carmen Miranda, and hang about the piers emitting it's sibiliant mating call of "Hello, Sailor!"

chickelit said...

Andrew Sullivan wouldn't know the "real thing" about America if it was there in front of his nose.
I think he's even proud of that and advertises the fact.

Meade said...

"He should come to Madison. We eat intellectually inert brats for lunch."

Yeah - raw. We like to dress up like Jenjis Khan and eat them raw.

Triangle Man said...

Mmmm...brats. With a side of fried cheese curds please!

Bob Ellison said...

Professor, that made me laugh out loud for real.

Rich B said...

"If you put Andrew Sullivan's brain in a bird, it would fly backwards."

Hey, that's good. Amused me for sure.

X said...

How on earth did he produce an intellectually inert brat like his daughter?

Is Sullivan just uninformed about how reproduction works or is he about to launch into Sarah/Chuck trutherism?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

What chickelit said at 8:43

Wince said...


Speaking of "fashion" faux pas:

“… razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan.

Leland said...

I'd say pot calling kettle black in the case of Andrew Sullivan, but when the Professor says "We eat intellectually inert brats for lunch"; I find the analogy of Sullivan as eatable distasteful. True, he's an intellectually inert brat but not good for consumption.

chuck said...

1) Chuck Heath is a man.
2) Sarah Palin is a woman.

Andrew is familiar with the one sex, but the other remains a mystery to him.

Toad Trend said...

An "intellectually inert brat" in the Nancy Pelosi or Kate Gosselin sense?

test said...

I can't beleive we're still quoting a man whose entire position on foreign policy reversed because the President didn't agree with his view on DADT. If there is anyone less credible on any public policy topic I can't imagine who it could possibly be.

Rumpletweezer said...

Can anyone point me to actual evidence of Sarah Palin's stupidity...or of Obama's brilliance?

Unknown said...

Given that what Miss Sarah says and does is on the minds and lips of a lot more people than what Andy says or does, the intellectually inert thing would appear to belong to him.

Expat(ish) said...


Hard to Imagine "Barack Obama's Hawaii" isn't it?

It would be for him, too.

PS Agree with Lem on what chickelit said.

Hagar said...

Well, for "an intellectually inert brat," Ms. Sarah writes uncommonly good English!

Carl Vero said...

I imagine Andrew Sullivan – wearing his thought screen gear, daydreaming of Sarah Palin – would look like this,

Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

I am planning a show called "Trooper York's" Brooklyn where we go in search of the elusive rice ball and where is the best place to hunt down an egg cream.

Trooper York said...

I would take the cameras to the Mexican food carts at Red Hook field for the best Mexican food in NYC.

Trooper York said...

We would do frozen Vodka shots at Rasputin the Russina Night Club in Brighton Beach.

Trooper York said...

Perioges and latkas at this little joint I know in Greenpoint.

Trooper York said...

We would ship out on the last party boat out of Sheepshead Bay and do some blue fishing or maybe go out for flukes or flounders. We might even get some fan mail from that one.

Trooper York said...

Fried Duck Necks at this Cantonese joint in Sunset Park.

Trooper York said...

For about thirty years I passed this place on Altantic Avenue and Saratoga Avenue called Gaither's Soul Pub. I always wanted to go in there for a drink. I bet Rooster and Huggy Bear are sitting there drinking Hennesy while wearing those big ass hats and six inch platform shoes with goldfish in them. That would be a great place to go in for a drink.

Titus said...

I like most Wisconsin food but brats isn't one of them.

I don't like hot dogs either. I think it is the skin around them that bothers me most.

My morning loaf is beginning to percolate.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)
We would do frozen Vodka shots at Rasputin the Russina Night Club in Brighton Beach.
Vodka freezes? At what temperature?
Brighton Beach, no way, I’ve watched all those Law & Order’s Brighton Beach is full of Russkie Mobsters!

Trooper York said...

Trooper York's Brooklyn on TLC every Saturday night at 10pm.

Oh and no midgets.

Scott M said...

Fried Duck Necks at this Cantonese joint in Sunset Park.

Is this the type of place where they sing Christmas carols like, "Far rar rar rar rah, far rah rah rah"?

Titus said...

I am going to my niece's "Holiday" performance today.

It is so depressing that they call it holiday rather than Christmas. That's public education for ya, always having to be PC.

Trooper York said...

The vodka isn't frozen, just icy cold. That's just what you call it.

And the mobsters are the whole point of it dude.

Think of them as grizzly bears with

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)
Oh and no midgets.
Oh I see you’ve got it in for the Vertically Challenged….”HEIGHTIST!” You don’t like Midget Bowling or Bridget the Midget?

Trooper York said...

"Is this the type of place where they sing Christmas carols like, "Far rar rar rar rah, far rah rah rah"?

Well it is the kind of place that if you are a wise ass and ask for
"fried lice" they actually bring it to you.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)
The vodka isn't frozen, just icy cold. That's just what you call it.
Oh, OK, I’ve lived a sheltered life, studying the Torah and Talmud, and seducing Christian virgins, I don’t get out to drink much…

Trooper York said...

That's ok Joe. You can come with me when I visit Borough Park and we sit in on a meeting on how to control the world and make Cedarfords life miserable.

Trooper York said...

We could visit that hat store on Ocean Parkway and try on some beaver hats.

And then we can go to this strip club I know where you can wear a beaver as a hat. We will take ironrailsironweights with us. I know he will be having some fun.

Talk about your mama grizzlies! Oh baby!

Anonymous said...

Hey, for all the Andrew bashing going on, lets make note of this one improvement in him:

He didn't automatically dismiss a Palin relative automatically based on their relationship to Sarah.

It's not much, but it is progress.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)
That's ok Joe. You can come with me when I visit Borough Park and we sit in on a meeting on how to control the world and make Cedarfords life miserable.
*ROTFL* Two days running someone brought tears to my eyes…

kent said...

"How on earth did he produce an intellectually inert brat like his daughter?"

Tell me more about the shadowy, chthonian Trig Palin conspiracy, Andy.

traditionalguy said...

Chuck Heath is actually the first Palin to report seeing Russia from Alaska. So that should disqualify him.

Abdul Abulbul Amir said...

We eat intellectually inert brats for lunch.

With mustard and kraut no doubt. Shame on you madame zeugma.

FormerTucsonan said...

I can't comment on her intellect, not being nearly as brilliant as AS, but she's clearly a high functioning emotionally mature adult.

Which Sullivan clearly isn't. Andy's not used to people in his age group being adults. It's also why he seems well disposed to Chuck Heath, only older people can be adults. This is why Sarah fascinates and frighten's him so.

Kirk Parker said...


"... and make Cedarfords life miserable."

That takes meetings? And actual effort???

Alex said...

Basically Sarah Palin is bad because she doesn't filter her thoughts for public consumption. I still think she's a dunce, but it's refreshing to her speak her mind.

Ralph L said...

It was funny how Sarah focused on entertaining the 8 kids and almost ignored the mother. Their two day camping trip lasted 2 hours. I think it was Todd who said, "She did nothing but bitch since she got off the plane." You'd think someone would have told Kate she'd be warmer if she'd move around, but they assumed she was an adult.

Freeman Hunt said...

The blind spot on this guy.

Freeman Hunt said...

Later from Sullivan:

"Oh no. I hate to even suggest these possibilities, but as a journalist true to his calling, I feel obligated to put this out there.

"I have been analyzing the Palin television show for ten straight days of around the clock viewing. It has been tortuous, but I know it to be my duty as a seeker of truth.

"I have come to wonder about the following hypothesis: Bristol gave birth to her mother with her grandpa and Todd is in a three way bicurious, common-law marriage with grandpa and Willow.

"Some will say that that's inflammatory and baseless, but we must follow the truth wherever it may lead us, even if it leads us to a dark place indeed. I'm not saying that I have proof, but I am saying that we need to be bold enough to ask questions. Such is the moral imperative of journalistic integrity."

madAsHell said...

intellectually inert?

That puts Ms. Palin with the inert noble gases on the RIGHT side of the periodic chart.

Mr. Sullivan must be one of the reactive agents on the LEFT side of the periodic chart with a single electron in his outer shell!

rcocean said...

AS is a pot-smoking, bareback riding, English basket case, who spent months obsessing about who was Trig's mother.

Oh, and he's flip-flopped on Iraq and any number of issuing, all the while declaring that anyone who disagreed with his current position was evil or stupid.

So who care what he thinks?

jr565 said...

rcocean wrote:Oh, and he's flip-flopped on Iraq and any number of issuing, all the while declaring that anyone who disagreed with his current position was evil or stupid.

He's not a conservative, he's a conservative of doubt, as he says. Which explains the flip flopping. He doubts he's a conservative, he doubts his own moral values.
They say a liberal is someone who can't take his own side in an argument. A conservative of doubt doesn't know what his side of hte argument is so keeps changing it.

jr565 said...

Hoosier Daddy wrote:
Sorry but those who call Palin dumb and had no problem pulling a level for Joe Biden as VP then I just don't take them seriously.

Kind of like the argument that we can't have Sarah Palin as VP because she's one seat away from being president if Mccain dies. As opposed to Obama who is just as inept and inexperienced (libs characterization of Palin, not mine) , who doesn't need Biden to die to assume the presidency.

Synova said...

"It is so depressing that they call it holiday rather than Christmas. That's public education for ya, always having to be PC."

A school in town has Holiday Trees for sale. I mean, really! Sure, there are Christmas Trees and maybe Pagan Trees, so why exclude the Pagans? But what other religion has trees for their holy-day?

Clyde said...

@ Synova

I hear that the Jews have a passover cedar...

Oops, that's seder. Not a tree. Never mind.

roesch-voltaire said...

From this blog I have determined that an intelligent person can never be wrong about an issue, and must see the wisdom found in Palin's moose infused brats.

kk said...

Here's my question: what would Sarah Palin have to do/say/read for Andrew Sullivan (and whichever other lefties buy the Sarah-the-dunce canard) to believe she, like her father, is bright?

Do we need video of her reading? Does she need to pass a comprehension test afterward? What, specifically, would be sufficiently convincing? Does she need to sit for the SAT? What?

Methadras said...

LOL!!! Little Miss Sullivan trying to suckle at the cockle of Palin.

Gene said...

rcocean: "Oh, and he's flip-flopped on Iraq . . . "

It took him a while but he finally came to his senses regarding Iraq. Is it too much to hope that on day he'll do the same about Sarah Palin and Trig?

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