January 8, 2010



Breakfast in Austin.


James H said...

Bama got lucky they knocked out the Texas QB so early

Ron said...

After McCoy departure, Janet Napoleon Dynamitano claims that Texas offense is "working."

garage mahal said...

Texas receivers could have helped out the youngster a little more, that's for sure.

former law student said...

If you have to have a "championship" game, Thursday night is no showcase for it. Play it on Saturday.

But who wants to watch college football after New Years Day, anyways?

Original Mike said...

Alabama barely beat a team with a toddler as QB. How on God's green earth can they be proclaimed the best team in the nation?

Original Mike said...

Texas should have gotten Obama to spread out his arms and command the tide to recede.

James H said...

"Alabama barely beat a team with a toddler as QB. How on God's green earth can they be proclaimed the best team in the nation?"

Well that is how it goes. THough I hate Bama I had to root for them for SEC pride. THough I picked Texas to win. After seeing how Nebraska played in the Bowl I realized Texas was a lot better than pundits were giving them credit for

SteveR said...

I thought the turning point was when Forrest Gump ran back the opening kickoff. "Run Forrest Run!"

kjbe said...

fls - I'm resisting the change, too.

OM - That's why they play the game. Sports talk radio will make plenty of hay out of it, rest assured.

Wince said...

As a photographer, maybe Althouse can explain why the NYT photo editor didn't crop that front-page, above-the-fold photo of Napolitano, but instead shared the frame to included a widescreen video monitor next to her displaying the single word "WHITEHOUSE" while she's standing behind a podium that says "The White House - Washington" and in front of a sign with a picture of the White House that says "White House - Washington"?

Is this supposed to symbolize the new "belt and suspenders" approach in action?

David said...

Tide: the "washday miracle that makes oceans of suds."

Original Mike said...

I'm generally against a playoff for college football champion but it does have this going for it: If what happened happens in an official playoff game you shrug your shoulders and say "Well that is how it goes, even though the better team probably didn't win." But in the current college structure, the football puh-bahs really don't have a choice but to positively declare Alabama the best even if it appears that they are not.

knox said...

Oh, it's a football thing.

David said...

What's the photo top left of the front page on NYT? Looks like a White House spokesdame is being goosed by the guy behind her.

vbspurs said...

DENIED BY TIDE? So Alambama GAIN a national title? I bet their ERA isn't that high. They should've Cal gon, not Bama gon.


Anonymous said...

Call them Deacon Blues.

HKatz said...

Denied by the tide...

Now think of a rhyming headline for Texas (whether for their loss or for some scenario in which they win).

Ron said...

Paul: Steely Dan jokes are, indeed, an Althouse staple.

Amy said...

Why are the items in the room labeled? Isn't 'granola' self-explanatory?

former law student said...

Looks like a White House spokesdame is being goosed by the guy behind her.

I'm going to agree with this (it's Janet Napolitano btw). The guy behind her looks preternaturally serious -- like a high school kid trying to deflect attention, he's covering up some mischief.

Anonymous said...

"Bama got lucky they knocked out the Texas QB so early."

Obama was unlucky that the bomber wasn't denied a visa by his presence on the TIDE list.

vbspurs said...

Looks like a White House spokesdame is being goosed by the guy behind her.

SILENCE! That is our fearless national protector of security of whom you speak! Give it up for our capitano, "jump that fence hispano!", so incompetent she's bufano, more zaftig than a soprano, she's Special Ed morano, she could've been a Supreme Court scarano, if we survive Al-Qaeda tomorrow let's toast her with Cinzano... MS. JANET NAPOLITANO!!!!


David said...

So that was Janbaby? I need new glasses.

knox said...

Oh, that was a Steely Dan thing.

Meade said...

Who is the bigger wuss - Colt McCoy or Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab?

Alan said...

James H,

If you want to play the "what if" game, you should do that for the whole season, e.g.:

Texas got lucky they knocked Sam Bradford (OU's QB) out so early...

Well, actually, it still works if you want to play it just for last night's game, e.g.:

Texas got lucky that Ingram sat out with injuries for most of the 2nd half...

Texas got lucky that McElroy came into the game with two cracked ribs.

I'm looking forward to not having to bear obnoxious T-shirt wearing, TSU-, ACC-, or UTSA alum t-sip "fans" all over Austin gloat about how "their" team won another MNC. Actual Texas grads will take the loss in stride.

Oh, and Meade: definitely Colt. See McElroy's actual cracked ribs, above, vs. McCoy's "sprain". Of course, one can ask the wisdom of having your QB as your primary rusher all season, exposing him to just this kind of injury. Running a weak-side option play into an SEC defense is certainly a head-scratcher.

Thanks, and Gig 'Em!

Ron said...

Vic, are you still working on that first pitcher of breakfast mojitos?

Anonymous said...

"Alabama barely beat a team with a toddler as QB. How on God's green earth can they be proclaimed the best team in the nation?"

Hmm, because they won?

That said, being and Ole Miss grad I am certainly no Bama fan, but I love the SEC domination and I am still enjoying the sweetness of Tim Tebow's tears.

Original Mike said...

re: McCoy's injury: I didn't really watch the game very closely. I spent most of the time watching a 2 hr, jawdropping propaganda program over on the History Channel on how we are all going to die due to global warming. Was McCoy's injury not severe enough for him to be sitting?

Original Mike said...

Hmm, because they won?

How very un-nuanced of you.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Interesting how everything is labeled in your room. Do they have labels elsewhere: "sink" "toilet" "light switch" "floor" "towels"

It's like the room was designed for aliens who have no concept of our culture.

former law student said...

I'm thinking the items are labeled for the edification of the staff (kosher salt goes here) more than the guests.

"Granola" does puzzle me. But based on its small size and pitcher shape, I'm guessing it holds (soy?) milk to pour on your granola, not the granola itself.

Henry said...

Postgame report said McCoy suffered a pinched nerve and his arm felt like a noodle.

Big Mike said...

Of course one can always wonder why the Texas coach called a pass -- even though it was a "usually safe" shovel pass -- with the clock winding down deep in their own territory. How about taking a knee and regrouping in the locker room?

I didn't watch the 2nd half.

The Crack Emcee said...


"Why are the items in the room labeled? Isn't 'granola' self-explanatory?"

I've been struck by where they're staying as well. It's got that Eurothing down, bad, like it was designed by Stanley Kubric during his 2001 faze. Not exactly comfy or cool.

Victoria already asked if they were in Texas, but, if you ask me, I don't think they want to be in Texas - or anywhere else that reflects American culture without a NewAge leftist filter.

I think they want internet cafe's, with those too-too-small cups of coffee, and visits to NewAge bookstores (why would anyone in their right mind enter one of them?) but have little-to-no interest in talking with a bartender who calls you "Hon", gives you your *third beer* for free, and is impressed when you show skills on the pool table after drinking it.

Anyway, that's kinda what the "granola" label says to me:

Too NewAge to be American.

Henry said...

Boise State is the best team in the nation.

Original Mike said...

Postgame report said McCoy suffered a pinched nerve and his arm felt like a noodle.

Thanks, Henry.

Big Mike said...

@fls, regarding your comment at 9:13. I like to watch post-season college games. A tiny handful of those players will go on to play in the pros, but most of the seniors know that they are playing their last football game except for some backyard touch. And they put their hearts into it.

I will never tire of seeing people put everything they have into what they are doing.

Henry said...

@Big Mike -- I suspect the shovel pass was designed to give Texas' young quarterback a reception heading into halftime. Confidence booster. Plus there was the possibility that a reception and run straight up the center of the field followed by a timeout could have given Texas a Hail Mary shot at the end zone.

It was a painful game to watch. Just about everything that could go wrong for Texas went wrong, starting with McCoy's freak injury.

garage mahal said...

A playoff system in college football would ruin the healthiest and most compelling regular season in all of team sports. Every game is a playoff atmosphere, and frankly determining who is the #1 team just isn't that important.

Henry said...

Garage -- I totally agree.

Original Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Original Mike said...

Garage - I agree too. I also like that so many teams win their last game.

Chip Ahoy said...

The pepper pig is SUPPOSED TO BE BLACK !!!!!!


Ann Althouse said...

"visits to NewAge bookstores (why would anyone in their right mind enter one of them?)"

To take some pictures to make fun of on the blog.

DADvocate said...

who wants to watch college football after New Years Day, anyways?

Me. (Stupid liberal.)

Texas made a better game of it than I expected. Nick Saban didn't call a very good game. McCoy going down was a nail in the coffin but you can't say what would have happened if he stayed in.

Since when is a 16 point margin barely beating someone in football?

GM makes a good point about a play-off system. The way it is now you better win them all in the regular season or you're out. Makes every game a big game.

garage mahal said...

The "we must have a college playoff system" is for dopey sportswriters. As if these college kids are traumatized and scarred for life because the "true" national champion wasn't settled on the field. And worse, these sportswriters claim it's what the kids want. Well, kids this age rarely want is good for them anyway - and if they had their way they would have half barrels of beer and wet t shirt contests on the sidelines during the game. That's why they should be seen, and not heard, as they would gladly add 2-3 weeks to their schedule prepping for football instead of classes.

J. Cricket said...

Bush failed.

The Longhorns failed.

Texas is for losers!

The Crack Emcee said...

They shouldn't be made fun of - they aren't funny - but should be shunned:

They are houses of misinformation, divorce, and death.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Original Mike said...

How on God's green earth can they be proclaimed the best team in the nation?

Based on their entire season. They beat the following ranked teams:

#7 Virginia Tech
#20 Mississippi
#22 South Carolina
#9 LSU
#1 Florida
#2 Texas

Texas beat the following ranked teams:

#20 Oklahoma
#14 Oklahoma State
#22 Nebraska

Boise State beat:

#16 Oregon
#4 TCU

Meade said...

And hey Crack, don't throw out the high-fiber granola with with the lavender-infused soy milky bath water.

Original Mike said...

Since when is a 16 point margin barely beating someone in football?

The final score was not indicative of the game.

I did watch the 2nd half somewhat closely and I think it's fair to say that Alabama almost got beat. Did I hear correctly that Alabama's first pass completion did not come until the 3rd quarter?

Bill said...

What's the orangy stuff in the third container on the tray, with the "Kosher Salt" and "Black Pepper"? And, do the customers really take their seasonings by the spoonful?

vbspurs said...

It's like the room was designed for aliens who have no concept of our culture.

My grandmother had that trick, DBQ, when she was trying to coach me in languages, like French and German. She would place "chaise" on chair, "Tafel" on table etc.

Unlikely, really, but do you think it could be for the Texan cleaners, waiters, staff all of whom must be majority Mexican? To keep them from putting granola in the salt cellar, etc.


former law student said...

What's the orangy stuff

You can't spot "Sugar in the Raw" on sight? Back to the truckers' cafe for you.

vbspurs said...

And, do the customers really take their seasonings by the spoonful?

It's to show off their design refinity. It's a BoBo affectation. As is that entire hotel that Ann is staying in.

vbspurs said...

OMG, is that really sugar? It looks like lumps of orange ice cream. And I know from high-end, too. A veteran of many a stay at the George V in Paris rightchere.

The Crack Emcee said...


LOL. Sorry but granola, to me, is something you eat by the handful, not with milk - I don't even know what soy milk is - and I'd never stay anywhere they considered it breakfast.

As far as NewAge anything is concerned, my position hasn't changed - it's evil, and wrong, and is to be avoided, or dissed, as often as humanly possible.

It's not funny.

vbspurs said...

Mojitos on me, Ron!

The Crack Emcee said...


"I know from high-end,...a veteran of many a stay at the George V in Paris rightchere."

High Five.

Anonymous said...

"How very un-nuanced of you."

Sorry, it's been a tough morning. Forgive the snark, please.

Original Mike said...

If you'll forgive mine, TRO.

vbspurs said...

High Five.


And I've got the stolen Frette bathrobe and Bvlgari amenities to prove it.

traditionalguy said...

A win is a win. The eternal know it alls will tell you that the loser was a better team based upon their insight into what? Speed usually beats size, but put speed and size together and that should be the better team, ad infinitum...unless the size of the heart is more important than all of the stats. The size of the warrior's heart is measured by Winning instead of Losing. Selah.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

You can't spot "Sugar in the Raw" on sight? Back to the truckers' cafe for you.

At least, you can get a decent breakfast there.

Maybe some scrambled eggs and chorizo with some biscuits slathered with butter and fresh made jam. Or a big mushroom and cheese omelete topped with salsa. Or biscuits and gravy with a side of good sausage.

Better than rabbit food and fake milk.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Unlikely, really, but do you think it could be for the Texan cleaners, waiters, staff all of whom must be majority Mexican? To keep them from putting granola in the salt cellar, etc.

I doubt it. That would require them to be able to read English.

Since requiring people in our country to learn the language is now deemed racist, I think the labels are for the benefit of the guests.

Original Mike said...

Biscuits and Gravy. YUUUM.

vbspurs said...

I doubt it. That would require them to be able to read English.

Or just read...

Okay, so the idea is scotched. Oh! That's what those orange lumps remind me of. A traditional full English breakfast favourite -- Scotch eggs.

The Crack Emcee said...

Anybody else listening to Rush today?

I can't believe nobody willtalk to me, like they talk to Ann or Glenn, as they try to sort this stuff out.

Wait - yea - then again, I guess I do,...

traditionalguy said...

The travelers at the hotels are not all brilliant Althousians. The Palin family for example would need the smoked moose meat labeled to tell it apart from the wolf and biscuits. Seriously, many foreign travelers need some guidance among American customary foods. Pass the grits, please.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Okay, so the idea is scotched. Oh! That's what those orange lumps remind me of. A traditional full English breakfast favourite -- Scotch eggs.

Mmmm. I've made those before. Completely decadent.

My grandmother used to make us Shirred Eggs for breakfast. Also decadent.

Matt Eckert said...

Thats only because they are afraid of the Macho Response.

Keep up the good work!

The Crack Emcee said...

O.K., I'm being adopted by Victoria and the DBQ.

rcocean said...

I agree no reason for College Playoffs. And stop playing bowl games after Jan 1st.

former law student said...

Or biscuits and gravy with a side of good sausage.

Which reminds me. Why is it so hard to find grits on a breakfast menu in California? I literally have to go to a truckstop to get some. Biscuits and gravy, si; grits and gravy, no.

The Crack Emcee said...


Dude, you're killing me! Good stuff.

I gotta go to work - that's WORK, Matt! - I'll see you guys later.

Original Mike said...

And stop playing bowl games after Jan 1st.


vbspurs said...

Anybody else listening to Rush today?

I listened, or more properly, watched him yesterday on HD. Ironically, when he stood up, he almost gave ME a heart attack with those floral Lily Pulitzer green and yellow pants.

Kurt said...

I wasn't paying attention to the Austin hotel discussion following some of the earlier pictures. While I think it is admirable that they have such a clear aesthetic vision for this area, I also find it a rather severe aesthetic.

It reminds me that ten years ago I stayed in someone's house when I was starting a new job (and waiting to move into the apartment I had signed a lease on). The owner ran an informal bed and breakfast using her extra bedrooms. She was from Scandinavia and the whole house was decorated in a modernist, Scandinavian style. Although I had always been fond of that style of furnishing, after a few weeks of staying there, I begin to find it rather cold and not especially comforting.

Jennifer said...

HKatz - if Texas had pulled out that comeback...HORNS REBORN.

vbspurs said...

Although I had always been fond of that style of furnishing, after a few weeks of staying there, I begin to find it rather cold and not especially comforting.

My German relatives use that for their winter house (chalet-type). When I stayed there, I marvelled at how well it went with the ski activities outside, cosy, elegant, sleek.

But then...something happened. The chalet transformed itself into Elin Woods. Nice to look at, but you can tell there's no warmth or sexiness underneath.

DADvocate said...

The final score was not indicative of the game.

Did I hear correctly that Alabama's first pass completion did not come until the 3rd quarter?

You can argue the first point. But, Alabama was like a basketball team making a run the final 5 minutes. In sports, many games stay close score wise until late in the game. But, the winner makes a stretch run that demonstrates their superiority.

Texas was showing a good pass rush. With the two running backs Alabama has, passing isn't their first choice, but a way to keep the defense honest and maybe get a cheap score.

HT said...

Hey Longhorns?


JC said...

Got to keep one's priorities straight.

HT said...

DADvocate said...

The final score was not indicative of the game.

Did I hear correctly that Alabama's first pass completion did not come until the 3rd quarter?


I do not believe that is correct.

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