I see a distinct difference between these 2 stances. Yes, there are similarities. Both are blatant and hilarious. But the Sarkozy ass-gawking stance says: I admire but I must not act. And Obama is caught at the moment of as-yet-unconstrained pursuit.
Sarkozy holds his arms against his chest in a closed — but not tightly closed — position. The head is turned but upright. He is smiling, but the index finger lying against his lip blocks the edge of the smile from the point of view of anyone standing in front of him, though if the woman were to turn around, she would see it easily. His hand is tipped upward at a jaunty — one is tempted to say phallic — angle. The foot closest to the woman is planted firmly on the ground in the don't-go-that-way position, yet the other foot angles toward the object of desire. Still, the angled foot remains flat on the floor, and, at a shoulder's distance from the other foot, it the whole figure of the man a solid immobility.
Now, swivel your eyes over to Obama's feet. The foot closest to the woman, like Sarkozy's, is planted and aimed forward, but the other steps off in the direction of the woman, bending the knee upward into a bit of a crotch-squeeze and forming the base of a dramatic tilt of the entire body into a flexible S-shape that leans toward the woman. Obama's arms hang free, emphasizing the tilt, and either gravity or will causes the left arm to hang inches away from the torso. See how much lower the right hand is than the left? His neck is craned out and around so that the line of sight is directly at the ass. His mouth is open as if to say: That's what I want.
AND: Yes, I have seen the video, and I stand by my analysis of the still photograph.
Sarkozy holds his arms against his chest in a closed — but not tightly closed — position. The head is turned but upright. He is smiling, but the index finger lying against his lip blocks the edge of the smile from the point of view of anyone standing in front of him, though if the woman were to turn around, she would see it easily. His hand is tipped upward at a jaunty — one is tempted to say phallic — angle. The foot closest to the woman is planted firmly on the ground in the don't-go-that-way position, yet the other foot angles toward the object of desire. Still, the angled foot remains flat on the floor, and, at a shoulder's distance from the other foot, it the whole figure of the man a solid immobility.
Now, swivel your eyes over to Obama's feet. The foot closest to the woman, like Sarkozy's, is planted and aimed forward, but the other steps off in the direction of the woman, bending the knee upward into a bit of a crotch-squeeze and forming the base of a dramatic tilt of the entire body into a flexible S-shape that leans toward the woman. Obama's arms hang free, emphasizing the tilt, and either gravity or will causes the left arm to hang inches away from the torso. See how much lower the right hand is than the left? His neck is craned out and around so that the line of sight is directly at the ass. His mouth is open as if to say: That's what I want.
AND: Yes, I have seen the video, and I stand by my analysis of the still photograph.
1 – 200 of 225 Newer› Newest»Sarkozy clearly comes off better in both my view and I suspect that of their respective spouses.
Basic rule: You can look but not touch. The O appears to be ready to break the rule.
Get thee behind to me, Satan.
Obama would be the one looking to improve his hand.
Man, that's a lot of verbage to say that Obama looks like a dork and Sarkozy looks like a Frenchman.
According to news reports she's a 16 year old girl...
Interesting that it's not in either of the papers that got delivered to my house this morning. Both papers that went out of their way to embarrass the previous President.
LOL! Poor Michelle.
The ass that launched a thousand quips.
Sarkozy is laughing at Obama wanting him some white ass.
Sarkozy reminds me of..."Thank Heavens, for little girls..." Quite French is his sophisticated gawk.
And the best quip I heard of Obama is: "I have changed my stance on off shore drilling."
Barry should watch this unsettling version of Johnny Burnette's You're Sixteen, with a middle-aged Ringo Starr and an actual teenager. Blecch.
I do like this older photo that Glenn Reynold's posted.
Here's another picture of the duo at the G8.
"An ass smaller than a wash tub? Michelle told me that was not possible!"
A (conservative, Obama-hating) friend pointed out that Sarko probably has more experience at that sort of thing. (Checking out the scenery, I mean...)
Maybe he's looking for an intern.
At long last, the President has an opinion I agree with.
Sarkozy is relentless.
Damn it, for some reason the pic ain't loading.
Oh well they have it up at Hotair.
The lovely feminine curve, that parabolic force, creates a comely vortex drawing even the powerful hungrily hither.
Sarkozy may thus prevail merely by distance, a mere happenstance.
Sarkozy is thinking, ‘I go home to Carla and you go home to The Beast of ACORN!’ There’s our leader doing what he does best – community booty organizer. The only ghetto mannerism missing is his unconscious hand clutching his boy-brain (crotch) in MJ fashion!
Obama makes me horny in that picture.
Sarkozy may thus prevail merely by distance, a mere happenstance.
On this we agrre, Pogo. The worst thing in the world is to be too close to a woman, that you just have to, got to take a good peek at. At that distance your going to look bad either way.
And here is the the encounter on video.
It's still funny.
With lust, as in real estate, it's location, location, location.
Sarkozy introduces the second element of successful ogling: practice, practice, practice.
Sarkozy exudes an aura of urbane sophistication as he contemplates the erotic possibilities of her form.
BO just looks like a jaw-dropped yokel.
Affirmative Ass Action
Talk about carbon footprints and global warming. When they get home the discussion will most assuredly be about carbon offsets.
Somewhere a chunk of glacier just fell off the Arctic ice pack.
That Photographer deserves a raise.
How do you know that's a woman?
I'd be looking slyly but these guys are, no doubt, reflecting on fiscal policy.
More pics like that!
When I'm at work, all the guys do that "Oh, look at that!" shit, and it's embarrassing. My experience has put me so far past that shit. Men need to grow up and gain some self-control. And I don't mean like Sarkozy (he, too, is oogling a 16-year old girl) but actually being more serious people. Right now, they're exactly what they look like:
Two jokes.
I didn't think much of the picture yesterday on Drudge. I heard about the video this morning, and thanks to reader_iam for providing a link. I see a funny picture, but the video doesn't show any gawking.
Personally, after seeing the face, I wouldn't have checked the trunk. She looks 16 or less, and hasn't quite learned to use makeup to its best advantage.
"the video doesn't show any gawking"
Ha ha.
Shows how much you know men.
Sarkozy is shown as being far less subtle, even grotesque, in the video. But Obama is indeed looking.
He has mastered the art of plausible denial; it's his signature move in all things, really.
...and forming the base of a dramatic tilt of the entire body into a flexible S-shape that leans toward the woman.
I wondered aloud elsewhere whether the President has scoliosis of the spine which is also visible here. In one case it leads him towards the woman and in the other away from the woman.
Of course it was only the material and cut and color of her dress that attracts men. And then again, a basketball player's moves often look one way and cut the other way, so Pres.Obama may have been driving to some other net at this moment. IMO the cool Obama is not into lust, unless its appearance will win him power over nations.
I think the video makes it pretty clear that President Obama was looking at the steps, not the girl. But the video also paints Sarkozy in a much less flattering light than our hostess paints him; his whole head moves to follow the girl as she walks up the steps.
Agree Theo.
Apparently Pogo's taste is a little poor too. I will though back trackand say I can give benefit of doubt to Obama, but not Sarkozy.
Video clearly shows he doesn't even notice the woman as he's stepping down. Funny analysis from Althouse, but it's wrong.
I support President Obama's ass-gazing policy.
The man has cameras on him 24/7. If there were cameras on me 24/7 there'd be nothing but pictures of me checking out ass. You can't be discreet if there are shutters clicking every 1/2 second.
No big deal. Just please, White House, don't ruin it with some unbelieveable spin like "I didn't inhale."
i guess obama thinks that ass is likeable enough?
"Apparently Pogo's taste is a little poor too."
Hey dude, it's those two gawkers gawking, not me. I'm merely commenting on the ease at which males are snared by feminine arcs, sines, and tangents.
"...he doesn't even notice the woman as he's stepping down"
Oh, Zachary, of course.
As likely as Obams's pending repeal of DODT, the DOMA, GITMO closure, and "no rationing" "no trojan horse" single payer health care, etc etc.
With BHO, we're repeatedly being told that what you see is not what you're seeing.
I thought Sarkozy was laughing at Obama's obvious head swiveling.
I agree with The Crack Emcee, and I would point out that in an apparent attempt to equalize such behavior, many women have begun emulating it.
Reader, that video was hilarious. Obama doesn't seem to be looking, but Sarkozy? Yow!
Now people want to argue that the girl isn't pretty enough? Please.
I watched the video and it appears Obama was not checking out the young lady's ass. I am disappointed in him.
Sarkozy's gaze is even more obvious & lecherous in the video.
I tried to find that clip from It’s A Wonderful Life when Violet crosses the street and traffic stops. Bert the Cop who is looking on quips, “I have to go home and see how the wife is doing.”
And if you go to the other women in the photo hot air has, Barack is definitely checking out her butt. That is good.
"You want them to hate to see you go but love to watch you leave."
Funny video.
I was waiting for the liberal Obama butt boys to show up and start the "He wasn't looking at her ass" meme. I am not disappointed.
Yeah on the video it's pretty clear the Big O has some plausible deniability. Not so much the French guy. Viva la difference!
And, ladies, I'll tell ya, it's instinct. Women spend time and effort looking good and we so often admire your efforts, some times before we even realizing we're doing so!
Sarkozy was thinking this...
An amusing comment from elsewhere:
"Obama's got boner leg."
It looks like Drudge has crashed the Brazilian site that had her picture.
BTW the girl isn't white. If you look at the frontal photo of her, she clearly has Africanish features. She's high yella.
For the sake of accuracy, UNICEF says the girl (Mayara Tavares of Rio) is 17 years old:
AllenS at 6:57 AM
From the front photo the girl is black or biracial.
Rabbit trail: Why at something like the G8do we have 16 year olds involved? What's that about?
I want grownups there.
If the Clinton presidency is any indication, Obama’s numbers should start to go back up along with... ooh never mind.
Funny. Anne reads the photo like a painting, where each gesture, each placement of hand, foot or finger is intended to convey the subject's character -- a portrait of the whole person, mind and body. Photos don't really work quite like that -- snapshots aren't portraits in the same way. But her commentary hits the mark in that O and Sarko both get what they deserve (and, I suspect, neither would mind being portrayed as Anne paints them).
I was waiting for the liberal Obama butt boys to show up and start the "He wasn't looking at her ass" meme. I am not disappointed. .
Yeah because this topic is deadly serious.
I don't know if he was or not. If he did I wouldn't blame him. Admiring feminine charms is one of life's little pleasures. Though he saw her and probably realized she was young (I doubt 16).
Conservatives are so uptight. Loosen up, man. It's Friday.
Is there any factual basis to the claim she's 16?
They get what they deserve? What, some teen poon?
That story wasn't in the papers. Yet.
Young miss goes home and brags to friends, "I went as a delegate to the Junior G8 and f***ed both Obama and Sarkozy!"
Now that's what I call international relations.
This girl is 16 or 17?
Is it appropriate to use a teenage girl as a pawn in jokes about politicians and/or sexual impropriety?
It wasn't a few weeks ago.
Before anyone freaks out: the age of consent in Brazil is 14, and in France, 15. No child abuse.
Oops, I was too late. I said "Before someone freaks out..." and someone already freaked out.
Sanford fell for an Argentinean and Obama stumbled for a Brazilian.
American woman, stay away from me
American woman, mama let me be
Don't come hanging around my door
I don't want to see your face no more
I got more important things to do
Than spend my time growin' old with you
Now woman, stay away
American woman, listen what I say.
The posteriors of their respective first ladies should be taken into consideration when contemplating the thought processes of the two presidents when confronted with the shapely young backside. It isn't surprising that Sarkozy would be a bit bit more "Meh." about the whole thing.
So, here's video of the incident, in which it's clear Obama wasn't paying the least bit of attention to the "woman's ass."
Let's see if Ann has the integrity to post a correction.
Why at something like the G8do we have 16 year olds involved?
It's something called the Junior 8 summit, that's been going on along with the G-8 for a while now. Some 50 teens from all over the world went to Rome; 16 or so got to go to L'Aquila to meet the augmented G-8 leaders (Brazil, China, India, etc.)
Sarkozy looks like he's admiring a fine work of art. Obama just looks like a gangly pizza-face teenager whose brain isn't developed enough to process his impulses and walk at the same time.
it's clear Obama wasn't paying the least bit of attention to the "woman's ass."
The video does not make it clear. Obama could have deftly sneaked a peek. Or it might simply have caught his eye. Remember the Seinfeld episode which turns on the irresistability of gazing at cleavage.
I love the Bad Company version of "Youngblood." Me and my bff Andrea would always hit the dance floor and shake our assets in the biker bar when we were young party grrrls. Good times.
I saw her standin' on the corner
A yellow ribbon in her hair
I couldn't keep myself from callin'
Looky there...
Youngblood, yeah youngblood
(Oh, youngblood)
I can't get you out of my mind
I took one look and I was fractured
I tried to walk but I was lame
I tried to talk but I just stuttered
What's your name...
Youngblood, yeah youngblood
(Oh, youngblood)
I can't get you out of my mind
Her crazy stuff-she looked so tough
I had to follow her all the way home
Then things went bad-I met her dad
He said you better leave my daughter alone
Well, I couldn't sleep that night for cryin'
I saw the risin' of the sun
And all night long my heart was sighin'
She's the one...
Youngblood, yeah youngblood
(Oh, youngblood)
I can't get you out of my mind
Youngblood, yeah youngblood
(Oh, youngblood)
I hate to be a crank and ruin all the fun-but-fair is fair-
Our youth delegate is the beautiful young lady standing behind Obama-I think there are place markers on the steps for where each person is to stand and Obama is stepping aside so that she can step down and is pointing out where she should stand.
Now, maybe Sarkozy is amused by that or something else I don't know.
I support President Obama's ass-gazing policy.
The Bush policy when abroad was to stick to American women ;)
Obama did promise change.
I see ABC has jumped in to defend Obama..."No! He's pure! Look at the video!"
Surely you remember the MSM defusing the phony "the turkey was plastic" lie that the left still believes about Bush's Thanksgiving trip to Iraq.
I support President Obama's ass-gazing policy.
The Bush policy when abroad was to stick to American women ;)
Obama did promise change.
I commend President Bush for getting behind America's Olympic athletes.
Hey dude, it's those two gawkers gawking, not me.
You're the one claiming I don't understand men, even though I am one. I saw the girl's face, and those arc sines, arc cosines, and arc tangents aren't worth checking the other side. Check the unicef site fls provided, and if you're a man and her face makes you want to check her backside, then I don't understand you.
You're ruining it. I didn't have to know she was a bowser from the front (IM will be glad to hear the girl is, er, colored, though - was worried there about him betraying the race and all that). I didn't even have to know she was sixteen (though we doubtless recall the Victorian-era age-of-consent of TWELVE).
Really, nothing more at all needed to be said. It was a moment in time...and that moment is officially dead and buried. RIP, moment.
Oh, to be a fly on the WH walls, to see if Michelle buys Pat's, ZPS's, etc., spins.
All this is based on the assumption that Obama is heterosexual, something for which I have yet to see any evidence.
So, here's video of the incident, in which it's clear Obama wasn't paying the least bit of attention to the "woman's ass."
Yeah but the Frenchie was takin it all in. Well that settles it. We know who the nancyboy is now.
There are two perfect asses in the picture, one of them being the President.
If that statue Michele was photographed next to is missing its club today, I think I know who took it and who she used it on.
Esse encontro é realizado pelo UNICEF desde 2005, paralelamente ao encontro dos líderes dos países mais ricos do mundo, o G8, com o objetivo de dar visibilidade à opinião dos adolescentes sobre as questões discutidas pelos Chefes de Estado.
The encounter was arranged by UNICEF since 2005, to coincide with the mettings of the leaders of the worlds richest countries. With the objective of visualizing the adolescents over the questions discussed by the chiefs of states.
Sic ;)
I tried to find that clip from It’s A Wonderful Life when Violet crosses the street and traffic stops.
I love the way Violet says “this ole thing? I only wear it when I don’t care how I look!” before she walks off.
Oh grrrreeeaaat-
The Germans in one of the captions for a photo are calling it-
The 'O-bum-a-gate' Affair.
I didn't even have to know she was sixteen
She was once sixteen, but no longer. Now she is seventeen.
'When I was seventeen,
It was a very good year.'
From http://www.unicef.org/media/media_50192.html
News note
UNICEF: J8 meets G8
Junior 8: Climate change targets must be met, teachers’ standards improved
ROME, L’AQUILA, July 9 2009 - Fourteen young people from countries attending the G8 today called on their respective leaders to get tough with countries who don’t meet climate change targets and teachers whose standards slip.
At the meeting, the J8 representatives presented these recommendations and others for the 14 leaders attending the G8.
The young people were chosen by their peers to represent the UNICEF Junior 8 (J8). One young person represented each of the G8 countries and non-G8 countries invited to L’Aquila - Brazil, China, Egypt, India, Mexico and South Africa. In all there were 54 young delegates aged 14 to 17.
To read more about J8 2009 globally, and read this year’s and previous declarations, please visit: http://www.j8summit.com/. The young people meeting the leaders are:
Country Name Age
Brazil Mayara Tavares 17
something for which I have yet to see any evidence
Not even Sasha and Malia? Maybe not conclusive evidence, but Malia looks a lot like her dad, I think. Or are you thinking Michelle was artificially inseminated after Obama whacked off to gay porn?
Brazilian totty is hawwwwwt. I was there in 1994 and I think I had a good time but the memories are fuzzy.
I wonder if Obama will use a teleprompter to explain his actions to his wife?
Sarkozy: trained, seasoned professional.
Obama: still new to the game-gawks unprofessionally and gets caught in the act.
Is it appropriate to use a teenage girl as a pawn in jokes about politicians and/or sexual impropriety?
It wasn't a few weeks ago.
Oh, give me a fargin break. The "joke", as it were, isn't about her at all, it's about the Pres. And on the record, I agree that the video seems to clear Obama of lasciviousness. I just think it's funny that ABC jumped to his defense so quickly.
So, here's video of the incident, in which it's clear Obama wasn't paying the least bit of attention to the "woman's ass."
Add this one to the cache of magic videos that don't show anything, like the video clearly showing Obama didn't bow, or didn't bash his noggin on the doorway of Marine One, or ...
You would think that Althouse would know better than to engage in photo analysis at this point. Just sayin'...
President Obama - "Let me be clear. I. did. not. gawk. at. that. woman. Mayara Tavares of Rio."
Was he staring at Palin's ass?
Before anyone freaks out: the age of consent in Brazil is 14, and in France, 15. No child abuse.
Not that it would apply here, since she's 16 or 17, but US law bars a US national from having sex overseas with anyone under 16 (or under 18 for "commercial" sex, even if the transaction is legal in the country where it occurs) regardless of the age of consent in that country.
Just in case someone was making plane reservations for Brazil, or whatever . . .
I agree with those who think this was not what it seemed.
But you know what? Alinsky Rules in effect.
It's hard to stay focused on the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression when there are hot young babes around.
I find this entire episode Tawdry Audrey. I don't know what I am going to tell my children.
AlphaLiberal --
"Conservatives are so uptight. Loosen up, man. It's Friday."
Only some. I'm with you on this one, the girl has a nice figure and it's shrink-wrapped for viewing.
Bush is to blame.
He merely wants to show her his new stimulus package.
Remember this?
Perhaps this post should have an "Obama is like McCain" tag.
I think Obama is a disaster for our country, and further, that he did not even like the USA till we were stupid enough to elect him, but I must give him a pass on this one. After viewing the video I don't think he saw her nice butt, he was just doing his part to help pose the photo.
How do you like having a primitive for president?
The video show his awkward pose wasn't caused by gawking, but it can't prove he didn't see it. No doubt he tried not to be as blatant as Sarkozy, but the truth will out.
Sarkozy looks like he has small feet. Barry looks as ungainly as an adolescent.
I disagree with you, Ann. I think that the video totally torpedoes your "analysis." The guy appears to be looking for a "mark" for a photograph.
Meh, the woman clearly has a nice ass and I'd take a gander myself. However, you can clearly see the amusement in Sarkozy's face. While he is pondering what great ass he's looking at, he's also giving a knowing smile towards Obama in which a lot of guys will do to each other when a woman they find attractive or are looking at the same time passes by. I see it in the gym all the time. From Sarkozy I would expect this from a Frenchman, from Obama it seems awkward and odd because of his 'elevated god-like' status, it makes him seem like a little bit of a pervy that should be above all of that petty nonsense.
Well, I don't think the pic is necessarily accurate, but some of you Althouse commenters are very funny.
Cheeky, almost.
My wife's cousin, a Broadway actress, has a picture taken by one of her coworkers of Bill Clinton totally fixated on her butt as they were preparing a threesome photo with Hillary about four years ago when the Clinton's took in th play. Unfortunately, men's brains are hardwired to be attracted by hemispheres. In the Obama case, at least he wasn't standing five feet from his wife as in the Clinton case above. It is also harder not to stare when the young ladies wear a shear dress and thong undies.
"Oh, give me a fargin break. The 'joke', as it were, isn't about her at all, it's about the Pres. And on the record, I agree that the video seems to clear Obama of lasciviousness. I just think it's funny that ABC jumped to his defense so quickly."
Wolf -- I agree the joke isn't about her. That's why I said she's a pawn. You (and KentuckyLiz) should notice that I didn't object until there were comments that were indisputably unkind to the girl.
I don't have a problem with Althouse's analysis. I do think they were likely caught in a peek, but it wasn't a full-on gawk. So it would have been better if Drudge hadn't posted the picture, since it's misleading, and sets the girl up for embarrassment for no good reason.
I do agree it's funny that ABC felt compelled to jump to Obama's defense and replay the video clip over and over like the damn Zapruder film.
Quincy Troupe would title this post "Male Springtime ritual" and he has a message for all you old, staid, Christian chauvinist--
eye mean it can drive you crazy, walking behind one of those
memorable asses in springtime, when the wind gets cocky
& licks up one of those breeze-blown, slit, wraparounds, revealing
that grade A, sweet poontanged, rump of flesh & its moving, deep
like those old black African ladies taught it to do & do
eye mean, its maybe too much for a good old, staid, Christian
chauvinist, with a bad heart & a pacer
eye mean, what can you expect him to do—
carrying all that kind of heavy baggage around—
but vote for bras to be worn everyday & abolish any cocky wind
whose breezy tongue gets completely out of hand
lifting up skirts of young, fine, sweet thangs
eye mean, “there ought to be a law against some things”
eye’m sure he would say, “reckless eyeballin’”
eye’m sure he would say
anyway, it’s hard on menfolk streetwalkers in springtime
liable to find your eyeballs roaming around dazed
Why at something like the G8do we have 16 year olds involved? What's that about?
I want grownups there.
So O should have stayed home?
"AND: Yes, I have seen the video, and I stand by my analysis of the still photograph."
Well then, congratuations on your firm embrace of ignorance.
m00se said...
Man, that's a lot of verbage to say that Obama looks like a dork and Sarkozy looks like a Frenchman.
Excellent crack.
So to speak.
Sorry Jack, you won't get any signs of integrity from Althouse.
Never admit you are wrong!! Even if there is a video to prove it. That is the A-house way.
It is also the A-hole way.
i'm glad the blogger posted her analysis regardless of the video's evidence (and even acknowledging it!).
the logical hoops that some must jump through astounds me.
The hits keep coming...
h/t to Instapundit
Shorter Ann Althouse...
Nobody ever looked at my behind in that way :(
My dear lady it is quite clear that your president is only interested in young men in that way.
His children are obviously the product of sperm donated by his dermatologist. It is all the range among his people.
After looking at the video, I'd say the Obama gave a quick glance at the young lady's tush (as would 95% of all men, whether they did it consciously or not), but even so it was so fleeting that it hardly could count as a ogle.
Now the French obviously know how to execute a proper ogle.
John, the only glimpses of Ann we get are frontals, and not enough of that. If she wanted us to check out her ass, she would post pics of her ass. I don't think Mrs. Althouse is short of guys who want to bone her.
Besides, as noted, at least AA's face doesn't make one want to puke. The G8, Jr. girl needs a bag over her head - two bags.
I saw the video too, and I think this time Althouse is full of it.
"Back and to the right! Back and to the right! Back and to the right"
Makes me want to trade Presidents with France.
Sorry, no.
Sex sells. Reuters job is to (attempt to) provide an accurate depiction of real events. They could have chosen any frame from the video and went with this one. Their motive? It not even a visually interesting picture, with people moving about, clearly published to create a scandal.
And the other aspect of seeing the video second - if one had seen the video without seeing the still shot first, I doubt this’d be *news*. I wonder how much the stopping for all time, in this manner, determines how we watch the video. You can't unring a bell.
The girl was a bit of a Butterface
(Nice ass, but her face?)
There's only one world leader conspicuously gawking at that lady's ass. That's the POTUS.
The president of france is not a world leader. He's in charge of a country that exists because of US. That's why he's smirking.
Sarkozy's ruing the fact that W. or Obama or any POTUS can do what they want. Obama's thinking "Yeah, I'm checking out her ass you worthless frog fuck. Keep up your smirking and I'll fuck your wife too."
I'm not sure he was looking at it, but it would be hard to glance at her. She does have a really nice ass.
Mound of Sound I saw the clip. I spent more time looking at her ass than Obama did. Is that "the view from Wisconsin"?
If you watched the clip, one thing is clear. Nick Sarkozy WAS definitely gazing approvingly at that woman's ass. I think maybe Carla's going to have a word with him tonight.
Why do you hate America, Althouse?
She does not hate America you dimwitted poltroon.
It is the nubile young woman that she despises.
Why else the continuing commentary about politicians and breasts and bum.
It is the coin the prune owes the ripe peach.
The left has totally lost it's sense of humor.
"His mouth is open as if to say: That's what I want."
Or perhaps his mouth is open as if to say:
"Here, let me offer my arm as you walk down these ridiculously steep steps, nice woman behind me whose ass is not even visible." Which everyone - including the obstinate in the face of reason (and very funny) author - can see is exactly what he did.
mccullough said...
There's only one world leader conspicuously gawking at that lady's ass. That's the POTUS.
The president of france is not a world leader. He's in charge of a country that exists because of US. That's why he's smirking.
It's a good jibe, but many ignorant of history actually believe it.
We could go back to how the French saved us in the Revolutionary War on many occasions by tying up Britain elsewhere, gave us lots of supply, then ended the war when their Fleet trapped Lord Cornwallis.
But if we look at WWII, France would have existed even if the Germans won. As a French-speaking protectorate along the lines the Germans set up in Bohemia, Norway, the Baltics. As was, the Germans lost - mainly because 84% of their military was tied up and consumed fighting the Soviets and in the Balkans.
Even in the West against the rump German military, the US supplied under half the blood and treasure. In fighting in N Africa, Italy, and in N Europe after D-Day, if you noticed an Allied military unit in the fight- the odds were that it was non-American. Canadian, Free Pole, Brit, Commonwealth nations other than Canada.
We had the most impact keeping the UK supplied with critical materials, our air campaign, and certain things the Red Army was sent off to fight and die with. That aid didn't exactly cause the Soviet victory at Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk - where Germany truly lost the war by August 1943 - by every military analyst's conclusion...but helped hasten the decimation and retreat of Germans from the East. And War's end.
Sarkozy (thinking): A short chair? Putin you amateur. THIS is how you humiliate a U.S. President.
A little aside...
I strongly disagree with the people who have trashed the girls' looks. I've just seen a picture of her with Lula. She's a pretty girl. Some people need to re-calibrate their standards.
Now, Lula, that's one ugly rotund pigmy....
Prof. Althouse you're wrong. The video clearly torpedoes your analysis, but thanks for trying to trash POTUS.
Sarkozy nearly breaks his neck trying to get a better look.
FWIW, whether you pick the video or the photo is irrelevant, Obama was definitely checking out her assets.
As far as her being underage, I'd give him a pass because from the angle, etc. it couldn't have been obvious to him that the young lady was underage.
Does it matter? No. As others have pointed out, Obama is a man and he would hardly be one if he didn't admire the opposite sex. However, one would expect a person who is both married and POTUS would have developed a heck of a lot more subtlety than he shows here and in other photos where is clearly "checking out the merchandise."
I do think it's interesting as a litmus test though. Some are reflexively condemning Obama, others are reflexively claiming that the Annointed One couldn't be possibly be human after all. Others see it for what it is: just a little laugh at Obama's expense for showing an all too human foible.
Like I said, interesting....
Turns out the girl is Jessica Valenti.
RuyDiaz, that chick's face is broken. She fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down. I don't even want to look at the video again because,
My eyes...the goggles do nothing...
Although a warthog may look pretty to another warthog. Perhaps where she comes from, that face is considered pretty.
Wherever that is, though, I don't want us to send any foreign aid other than contraceptives.
"Although a warthog may look pretty to another warthog..."
Now you are just being obnoxious.
Back to topic, here is her picture with Rotund Lula:
The only "problem" I see is that her teeth are too big. But that's not a big problem. Overall that's a pretty girl.
Definitely not a warthog.
The video does not exonerate him.
I was more than prepared to accept this as a too-good-to-be-true moment, that the video would show him trying to get down the stairs. It doesn't; that's nonsense.
The video clearly shows him oogling.
Jim, it may well be litmus test, and I am not a fan of Mr. Obama (in fact, I hope he fails), but I'm not prepared to damn the man over this picture.
What bothers me, though, is the spinning by the ABC reporters, desperately determined to convince their viewers that what they're seeing with their own eyes isn't what's happening.
I especially marvel at how they overcompensate and double down by snickering so brazenly at Sarkozy so as to deflect attention away from Obama.
I'd expect that from his people, not from the Fourth Estate. Of course, they are his people, but that's part of the larger problem.
BJM said...
The left has totally lost it's sense of humor.
They never had one.
Well, okay, maybe not Frankenstein's monster, but not my type. As you are Latin perhaps she is more yours. I will admit the video was unflattering to her (and, back on the subject, does little to exonerate 0).
Skinny too, no breasts worth mentioning, skinny calves - but what a butt! Obviously ready to breed whatever her age. I'm sure she can shake it like a paint mixer.
Doable, but no, not pretty.
I think she is Brazilian. Looks Brazilian anyway. Bigger/shapely bottomed and a little smaller up top.
My dear boy, she looks like a young Cantinflas.
Very much like a dancer I met in those glorious days in Espana when I was a volunteer.
Actually, this sort of thing happens a lot. A lens with a long focal length screws up the perspective and everyone seems to be on the same plane, regardless of where they really are. A photographer will tell you that he's probably looking three or four feet behind the girl, not at her.
A better explanation is here.
Besides, as noted, at least AA's face doesn't make one want to puke.
You said it. Yum.
Okay, you'll stand by your "analysis" after seeing the video, but with such a breathless analysis, doesn't it start to smack of the oversexed African-American male stereotype? To wit: And Obama is caught at the moment of as-yet-unconstrained pursuit.
Should we lock up the white wimmin, Ann?
barack (and his ghetto wife) have ZERO class. they are an embarrassment.
Where all de white wimmin at?
Excuse me while I whip this out.
I said nothing insulting to the girl. I think she's pretty. And I didn't insinuate that she's a hooker.
Oh no ... shades of the "Mystery Earplug" in the election debate that surely must be there even if it's invisible (in fact, the suspicious nature of its invisibility PROVES its reality).
So much "analysis" yet so little observation - it's obvious that Obama's looking at the steps & not at the booty. His head just isn't turned back far enough. The video makes it even more obvious. Sarkozy is just as obviously scoping out some callypigian delights, & again, the video confirms it.
My observation cost me all of 10 seconds - probably about 5 seconds more than the picture merits - how much time did your "analysis" cost you?
This is one of the more ridiculously stupid analyses I've seen a while. How you can have watched the full video clip and still come to this conclusion boggles my mind.
Jesus Christ...
Wow! You're right. There's a couple of Presidents in that picture! (I looked for three minutes before I found them.) Good catch.
Obama has just come down an overly tall step (12 inches or more, compared to a normal seven). I think he realized the step was a big one and was turning to extend his arm to the woman to his immediate right (in high heels and a blue and white skirt). This photo just caught him as he turned. He wasn't checking out teen butt at all. Sarkozy though is another matter.
He's obviously reaching to help the young lady in back of him down a tall step. You may hate his policies, but unfortunately for you, there are NO horndog incidents in his past. Ogling a girl not much older than his daughter is understandably a familiar behavior to you, but the video bears out that that wasn't happening. You also embarrass yourself with your crotch-level speculation.
I don't think you get it. An ass like that has no age. It could belong to a 16yo Brazilian or a 22yo intern or Catherine Deneuve. It is timeless. The "Oh she's jailbait" response is not a reflex, it is learned behavior and thus slow. She is very obviously sexually mature, it isn't as if he was ogling a 12yo or Kate Moss.
I have no unique problem with him ogling this chick. I have a problem with him looking so blatant about it. How can you say Sarkozy had his tongue out and 0 was cool? I prefer to believe my lying eyes rather than Willie Nelson in this case.
Frankly Sark's not even looking down that far, he seems to be looking at the level of her face or his back. It really almost looks as if he is having good chucks looking at 0 with his nose wide open for the girl. (Probably thinking, Memo to DGSE, get a honey-trap working rapidement.) After all, he is married to a beautiful woman, whereas 0 has Michelle.
Baron, if you mean Mario Moreno Reyes, again I saw Eww! But that's just me; tastes differ, I'm sure he got the girls to swoon.
You know we're all in for it when the perfesser takes the still picture at face value - and Michelle Malkin, of all people, says there's nothing there, based on the video.
Oy, you people are nuts (well, many of you). Of course you cannot say that Obama absolutely did not look as her ass, but is is clear from the video that there was nothing that could honestly be labled 'gawking'.
His mouth is open because he is TALKING to the girl behind him. His hand is away from his body because he is about to offer it to her. His body is awkwardly twisted because he is in the process of turning to help her down a step. He keeps looking down even after the girl in the dress has passed, and only looks up after he has finished helping the girl down the step. Immediately before he is talking to someone else to his left, and immediately after he is shaking the hand of someone in front of him. If he checked out her ass it was surrupticiously, and in passing.
You want it to be there, so you for you it is there.
All right, as much as it pains me to admit this, after looking at the video several more times I'm now thinking the insufferable Lefties are right, that Obama isn't oogling and may, in fact, not even be looking at the girl at all. The step down is considerably higher than a normal stair, and his focus seems to only be on helping the other girl down.
Of course, in the spirit of magnanimity, Sarkozy probably deserves the benefit of the doubt, too. Who can be sure what he's looking at? There are a lot of people, and a lot of stuff going on all around them.
The Republicans are jealous, because they are in short supply of happily married hetereosexual leaders. By the way, wingnuts, the video shows that Obama wasn't looking at the woman's ass. Not that the truth ever once mattered to you freaks.
I don't know if the video proves anything one way or another, but ABC is analyzing it like the fucking Zapruder film of the JFK assassination. Heh - he said "ass ass ination".
For all of those who are trying to claim that Obama wasn't ogling what he was clearly ogling, I invite you to check out this post which clearly shows him ogling yet another young woman's assets.
Doesn't look like he's climbing steps, or looking for a mark, or talking to anyone else, or anything of the sort. What incredibly lame excuse will you come up with for him having done it twice in one day?
We're not talking the crime of the century here, so admitting that your Messiah likes to sneak a peek isn't going to send him to jail. Trying to claim that he wasn't, will, however, destroy your own credibility. Are you really willing to sell it that cheaply?
Greg -
"Okay, you'll stand by your "analysis" after seeing the video, but with such a breathless analysis, doesn't it start to smack of the oversexed African-American male stereotype? To wit: And Obama is caught at the moment of as-yet-unconstrained pursuit. "
WOW. Talking points straight off MSNBC. Your complaint would have had more credibility if it had been an original thought. Do you have to pay some kind of reproduction fee when you rip the words straight out of someone's mouth or are you pulling a Biden?
LMAO, Ann Althouse with this "analysis" and standing by it even after watching the video is hilarious.
Ann, you have been caught with your fly open and fondling your clit.
The photo exists. Whether it's been presented in a gallery or published in a paper or online, it is. As such, it is subject to review and interpretation. That a video of the same moment seems to suggest another interpretation does not change what the photo evokes for this reviewer.
To make it a little more fun, imagine Althouse's words read by an enthusiastic Sister Wendy.
You folks totally miss it.
Obama is just in a 'catch me before I fall, I just broke my neck following that ass....' posture. With the unintended will I or won't I facial expression.
Sarkozy on the other hand has already made the decision - yes I will bork the bitch. What is going through his mind is, do I call this an 'affair' or an 'assignation'; ie the exit strategy.
We're not talking the crime of the century here, so admitting that your Messiah likes to sneak a peek isn't going to send him to jail. Trying to claim that he wasn't, will, however, destroy your own credibility. Are you really willing to sell it that cheaply?
This concerns me greatly, coming as it does from one of the people who goes on a three-day shrieking jag every time Obama buys an ice cream or orders the wrong kind of mustard.
"The photo exists. Whether it's been presented in a gallery or published in a paper or online, it is. As such, it is subject to review and interpretation."
This comment exists. (Someone's been reading too much--i.e., any--of Atlas Shrugged, but let's continue.) As such, it is subject to review and interpretation.
It clearly demonstrates the poster's sociopathy, in that he not only announces his indifference to matters of truth, fairness, and evidence, but is proud of it.
Nice group ya got here, Ann.
Steve and Evie, fwiw, I've never read Atlas Shrugged or any of Rand's other works.
The truth of what happened (or didn't happen) is a different matter than what is going on in a particular photo.
It may be hard for you, but it's not hard for me to imagine that one can have a little fun at Obama's expense and still like the guy and still have a mostly favorable opinion of his administration.
peter hoh, for that presumption you'll be the first one up against the wall.
Boy, I wish all you "debunkers" had been around during the Tet Offensive when that spy was executed by ARVN Col. Loan in the immortal photo: http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/showthread.php?t=131040
"What never caught up with the impact of the picture was the fact that in the first hours of the Tet Offensive before Loan shot the man, Vietcong had beheaded a Vietnamese colonel and killed his wife and six children."
Just think, you could have won the Vietnam War all by yourselves, with all this truth squadding!
Oh and Todd, we're on to the leftist use of "shrieking" as the new agitprop flavor-of-the-month. Call into Party headquarters, why don't you, and get the new vocabulary.
Yeah, Nichevo, I'm not really interested in your opinion. You're the lead scumbag tearing apart the girl in the picture, who as far as I know never did anything to you. Crawl back under your rock.
Nichevo, I may be missing some attempt at humor in your first comment.
Yes, the war photo you mention benefits from context. This photo is another one for which the viewer must know the story before jerking his or her knee.
It's almost always a mistake to go from "what's happening in this photo" to "here's what we should do." The emotional impact of photographs shouldn't be underestimated, and the potential for misdirection is rather great.
Good to see your method of analysis remains constant throughout various issues.
Legal issues? Hillarious photographs? If your initial analysis is called in to question by evidence that you're wrong, what do you do? Fail to adjust your analysis!
Todd, I really can't think of anything more appropriate to tell you than STFU, but I'll try to break it down for you.
1) You would have no real way of knowing whether I am a scumbag or not. This is after all the Internet. We can skip ahead to the part where all of your political opponents are scumbags, but you already kind of telegraphed the punch.
2) How have I torn apart the girl? I said in effect that she's a, what was that priceless expression, Butterface. Anyone can be ugly, it's not a crime. Did I say she was mean? stupid? wicked? a Democrat (but I repeat myself)? These would be more substantial criticisms, to my mind.
And in any case the girl will never hear my opinion of her face, breasts or hair, so no harm done.
Perhaps you think there is one single person on Earth who is fooled by your attempt to defend 0 by pretending to defend the girl. You are mistaken. You would eat her liver with fava beans and Chianti to perpetuate one jot or tittle of your political agenda. Sadly for you, this is quite clear to all.
3) You're quite right, the girl never did anything to me. I wish her no harm, although hanging out with lowlifes like L and 0 and Medvedev will corrupt a girl. The point of the exercise is not the girl - the story would be the same if she had an ugly face or a pretty one.
The point is that 0 tracked her, or appeared to track her, like a hungry dog after a double mutton chop. That this made an amusing photo. That on the one hand it appears to humanize 0, and on the other to lower him a bit, by making one wonder about his upbringing and impulse control. But since we already know that he is a bastard who scarcely knows who his father is, and grew up as a red-diaper baby, you would expect him to play the hyena when he is not playing the jackal.
In that sense you're right, it is scarcely newsworthy. It is light entertainment. I have no idea what it would do to his polls - the demographic likely to be impressed is already in the tank for him - but it's a nice little laugh.
Not like President Bush serving the troops at Thanksgiving, posing with a turkey that some fools (you among them?) said or even believed was plastic. No, for some reason that was perceived as the kick in the door that would surely bring the whole rotten edifice down.
It was certainly milked as if it would lead to impeachment! But again, Todd (and every Todd I have ever known or known of, with one exception, was a superlative asshole), we would expect this of you. You expect it of your opponents, which is why you are so way off base. As far as I'm concerned the best thing he's done since he's been in office was to ogle that girl. I only wish he would stop trying to destroy Western Civilization and go eye-fuck foreign hotties 24/7. I'm certainly not going to try and use this politically. Except as Alinsky says, ridicule is dangerous to a pol. But what he also says, Todd, is that ridicule cannot be stopped. So flail as you may, you won't get far. But for me it's all lulz, no more.
peter hoh, yes, I was trying to be funny. You are one on this board who I don't have pegged; you often seem reasonable or at least human.
My point was that as a heterodox left-leaner but not an orthodox mindless leftist, you stand to be punished by the appartus of conformity. Dissent from the likes of me is only to be expected; from you it is a sin. Under the Spanish Inquisition, IIRC, Jews per se were not actually put to the flames; they were invited to convert, or else expropriated and exiled. The ones who were burned at the stake were those who had identified with the Catholic creed but who showed any evidence of dissent.
Or maybe I was thinking of Stalin's pattern of dealing with political enemies. Either way, the Left loves to hurt the ones they love.
Also, my, what a photo! I don't know the incident, would you care to tell us a story? Thanks.
Todd -
"This concerns me greatly, coming as it does from one of the people who goes on a three-day shrieking jag every time Obama buys an ice cream or orders the wrong kind of mustard."
If your post wasn't so ridiculous, I could take it seriously. Show me where I have ever made a single comment about anybody and mustard. Show me my "three-day shrieking jag" about ice cream. Go ahead and back up your accusations or be shown as just another liar throwing around baseless smears because you can't tolerate any criticism of your personal Messiah no matter how minor or trivial.
Really. Retreat to your closet where you have your shrine to obama and light a candle in prayer for deliverance from your earthly chains in your mother's basement. Eat of the cookie from the pantry that you have consecrated as the body of Obama, and drink of the Kool-Aid that is His blood.
You need to take your meds before you bring your juvenile drooling here again. Now back to your room until your mother calls you for dinner.
"This concerns me greatly, coming as it does from one of the people who goes on a three-day shrieking jag every time Obama buys an ice cream or orders the wrong kind of mustard."
If your post wasn't so ridiculous, I could take it seriously. Show me where I have ever made a single comment about anybody and mustard. Show me my "three-day shrieking jag" about ice cream. Go ahead and back up your accusations or be shown as just another liar throwing around baseless smears because you can't tolerate any criticism of your personal Messiah no matter how minor or trivial.
Really. Retreat to your closet where you have your shrine to obama and light a candle in prayer for deliverance from your earthly chains in your mother's basement. Eat of the cookie from the pantry that you have consecrated as the body of Obama, and drink of the Kool-Aid that is His blood.
You need to take your meds before you bring your juvenile drooling here again. Now back to your room until your mother calls you for dinner.
Good one- respond to my "shrieking jag" comment with... another hysterical shrieking jag. Well played.
Context for the photo can be found on wikipedia.
It's a photo that shows the brutality with which the Japanese attacked Chinese civilians.
In support of its nomination for Featured Picture status, a wiki contributor wrote: This picture was very significant in history. I understand that it was widely printed in the American media and was one of the reasons why the US public supported American sanctions against Japan for its aggression in China..
You would have no real way of knowing whether I am a scumbag or not.
Sure I have. I can read your words:
at least AA's face doesn't make one want to puke. The G8, Jr. girl needs a bag over her head - two bags.
that chick's face is broken. She fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down. I don't even want to look at the video again because,
My eyes...the goggles do nothing...
Although a warthog may look pretty to another warthog. Perhaps where she comes from, that face is considered pretty.
Wherever that is, though, I don't want us to send any foreign aid other than contraceptives.
And on and on. It's the language of a pig.
So, how do you like Jeremy then?
Because you can suck his dick. I wouldn't touch you with a ten-foot pole, but he is always looking for it.
When you've flossed sufficiently, come back and explain why criticizing someone's looks is so upsetting to you.
And what is this lie of "on and on?" You seem to have gotten everything. To imply that there is anything substantial you've missed or omitted is, of course, a lie. You lie, you lying liar, you.
BTW I agree that Jim could have used the rapier instead of the bludgeon on you, but any stick will do to beat a wicked dog like yourself.
Peter, thank you. I haven't looked at wiki yet, but what is the context that could excuse or ameliorate that photo? I'm sure that there are Japologists (excuse me) who offer some ;>
You have a filthy mouth, son. And you're just confirming my original assessment of your character.
Here's what I left out:
"Skinny too, no breasts worth mentioning, skinny calves - but what a butt! Obviously ready to breed whatever her age. I'm sure she can shake it like a paint mixer.
Doable, but no, not pretty."
I'll leave it to you to cock-fight yourself over whether this truly amounts to "on and on". Go nuts.
Son? How old are you? I ain't your son! I know who my daddy is, unlike the President!
BTW since you're sticking to #1 in my list I accept your surrender on #2 through #n.
Keep digging, son.
Uh, whatever.
Don't mention it- I'll be happy to spank your bottom again when you forget to behave yourself.
Do let me know when you intend to start making sense. Actually, no, don't bother, troll.
I can only repeat a coment I left at another blog regarding the same photo:
Here is an outstanding example of how photographs can be misleading. Because they reduce three dimensional space to a two dimensional surface the actual placement of the subjects in space is ambiguous, especially on a cursory viewing. A more careful examination of the relative size of Obama (who we must remember is tall), Sarkozy and the bearer of the pert little derriere suggests that Sarkozy and Ms. Tavares are well, uh, behind Obama. Unless Obama has basketball player’s eyes on the back of his head, he could not possible be ogling the ass. Even if he were, a photograph does not reveal the inner thoughts of the subject. Mr. Sarkszy might be admiring the curls of Ms. Tavares’ hair, the color of her dress, possible the bee that has slighted on her arm, all without lustful intent. He might be looking at the ever attractive Angela Merkle, who might be just out of frame. Actually, it was likely Klaus Tschütscher, the prime minister of Lichtenstein and a notorious tease.
John, with respect, wtf? They are all three right at the foot of the stairs. 0's and Sark's feet are at the base of the tall step nd the girl is stepping up. Any variation in their depth is within an inch or so. Yes, 0 is bent forward, which exaggerates his stoop and neck-turn, and Sark is standing straight and in that sense is looking behind 0's back in the direction of the girl. But no, I don't see what you're saying.
If it makes you feel better, I agree that 0 is not camping there ogling her for any long time. In the video he was evidently doing something else - then he saw her and the whole neck-snapping thing happened. Perhaps if Sark were not so poised he would also look more awkward. But sure, she just flashed into 0's view. Whereupon, IMHO, he ogled. Understandably.
I don't see the need for such defensiveness. He's human; he's a man, presumably; who wouldn't look? It's just a pity from the kerfluffle standpoint that he was so obvious.
Personally I got far more chucks looking at some other pix that show that Medvedev is an obvious stone drunkard. Surprised that no one threw that one out there, if only as a distraction, but I guess the lefties want to be nice to the Russians.
Frankly this is a lesson in how important people shouldn't mingle with the crowds, and how crowds of jailbait shouldn't be brought into the presence of important people.
Obama turns his back and say:"It's amzing".
Sarkozy wonders asks:""Qu'est-ce que c'est?" then he turns around and looks and say: "Oh là là!"
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