March 19, 2009

The JournoList.

A vast liberal media conspiracy?


hdhouse said...

OhMyGod...a free discussion and exchange going on in the background...hide the children and the silver.

Talk about trouble in River City.

Big Mike said...

I always wondered how the left wing loonie fringe managed to coordiante its talking points so quickly. I used to joke with my liberal acquaintances that their rabbis must run a phone tree.

Turns out that wasn't a joke. Only it's Ezra Klein and not the head rabbi of some congregation in New York. But I was close.

traditionalguy said...

Just think of it as a staff meeting for the Attack Media to coordinate the timing of the Word to be Heard everywhere at once. That is clearly innocent when done by Dems, but is Evil when done by Repubs.Just ask the Attack Media as soon as their staff meeting is over.

New York said...

It's highly unlikely be that these glib lefties don't actually understand what people find disturbing about JournoList.

But in case they could use some more help: what they are doing sounds a lot like Chomsky's notion of "manufacturing consent".

Anonymous said...

One can always be sure that, whoever you are, that somewhere there are a bunch of people, more or less in secret, sitting around plotting to destroy you. This insight came to me forcefully when I started working at a leftist research center, where everybody sat around and got paid to think up ways to "do something about the suburbs." Millions of people living in suburbs are going about their lives quietly, raising their kids and watching TV and tending their gardens etc., with no idea that there is a cadre of people who, as a profession, see them as the enemy and who are paid with the very money they send to the IRS and their state tax authority.

JSF said...

If Ezra Klein and The American Prospect have nothing to hide:


Which reporters were on it from which nespapers/magazines?


hdhouse said...

These interim posts are a laugh riot...they all appear to be written by the same lunatic fring right wing under different names but all use the same catch phrases and certainly are beset by rampant paranoia.

Its like the Old White House (Mr. Bush's tenure) fax machine is still tossing out the daily talking points or you've been rummaging through Rush's garbage (as if he had something that wasn't).

garage mahal said...

"Politico breaks story of secret media cabal......containing three of it's own writers".

I'm Full of Soup said...

This is not shocking nor surprising. So I would not consider it a conspiracy.

These are the kind of lib coffee klatsches where terms like "undocumented worker" become part of the accepted MSM vernicular.

hdhouse said...

Hey rightwinglunaticfringe....there is a weekly meeting at the Algonquin in NYC....lefties (does that mean left handed?) gather around and talk and exchange ideas...

SAVE THE REPUBLIC!!! Oh where is J.Edgar when we need him most? (he's the guy in the dress standing at the far right...he's dead but you can't tell)

JSF said...

Here is the thing:

If the heritage Foundation or Americans for tax reform had a group and was giving lines to that included straight reporters -- I would expect the Left to be up in arms.

Since these (unnamed) reporters are following the lines written by a Progressive, it is "...Nothing to see here,"

I wonder how much of the past 8 years has been projection?


Anonymous said...

This is just an example of the 'transparency' as promised by the new administration and its' mouthpieces and minions.

Anonymous said...

A vast liberal media conspiracy?

Looks like more of a White Jewish male liberal conspiracy to me.

Names from the article:

Ezra Klein

Jeffrey Toobin

Eric Alterman

Paul Krugman

Matthew Yglesias

Mickey Kaus

Matt Stoller

John Judis

Joe Klein

Gotta love the Jewish ethnocentrism and liberal "progressive" self deception among so called liberals.

Not big fans of "diversity" when applied to themselves.

There were two women in the article, Eve Fairbanks and Lisa Lerer. Two male goyim Mike Allen, Ben Smith and one other Jewish male who is not a conservative Michael Goldfarb.

Sofa King said...

The thing that is unsettling is the explicit promises that were made that the content of this list was never to be reported on. It goes right to the trustworthiness of the reporters. If they've made agreements to suppress this information, what other things have they made agreements to suppress? How would we ever find out about them?

hdhouse said...

Hey the right wing doesn't drink coffee? Or klatsch? Or perhaps they just stand around with vacant stares, dribble on the chin, protruding orbital rims, knuckles touching the ground....

Gahrie said...

JSF hit the nail on the head.

Look, we all knew this thing was going on. It isn't a shock.

We have the daily conference calls of the Clinton cabal (featuring media types, political consultants and members of the West Wing) making plans.

We had the old Townhall list and now this new Journolist with media types, "experts" and bloggers discussing and distributing talking points.

The point isn't that these things are happening, it's the hypocrisy of the Left in accusing the right of having these things and condemning them while doing it themselves.

The reason why the Left projects these actions on the Right is precisely because they are doing it themselves, and believe that it is something everybody would do, so the Right must be doing it also.

The only evidence that a "Vast Rightwing Conspiracy" exists is the fact that a Leftwing conspiracy does exist.

JSF said...

having been a former Liberal Democrat in NYC (I learned from some of the last of the Machines) -- we were always taught about never hidding who you were -- If you were a Jew, be proud! etc. et al.

If there is nothing to hide, then reporters (who should be skeptical of all Political authorities -- Left or Right, clearly it was not the case here) should announce: I was on the List.

What is there to be ashamed of? And were the attacks of the last 8 years projection by the Democrats?

Questions, questions. if we only had a reporter on this....


hdhouse said...

The paranoia line forms way over there to the right.

Peter V. Bella said...

I did not realize the so called journalists were elected officials. I also did not realize that scribblers were accountable to the public. While we may not like or agree with the concept of JournoList and even go so far as to consider it odorous, they do have a right to join and keep their membership and chats as secret as they want.

Unless it can be proven that they are engaging in unethical behavior- that would be a stretch as they have no ethics to begin with- or illegal behavior directly at the behest of or on behalf of government officials, then they can form any online cabal they want.

This is or was America, after all. I think the people who are realy upset are just jealous- they did not think of it first.

Gahrie said...


1) Does the journolist exist?

2) Did the Townhouse list exist?

3) Do Emmanuel, Begalia, Carville and Stephanopolous (among others) have multiple daily conference calls?

4) Does the Left constantly accuse the Right of a vast conspiracy?

So where is the paranoia?

I'm Full of Soup said...


Be honest. don't you find it an odd coincidence that terms like "undocumented worker" become used across the board by the MSM libs?

hdhouse said...

Peter V. Bella said...
"This is or was America, after all. I think the people who are realy upset are just jealous- they did not think of it first."

Peter: this is America. you might not recognize it after Bush and Cheney repainted it but its the same place.

Jealous yes. Didn't think of it? After 8 years of faxed out talking points to the VAST RIGHT WING MEDIA CONSORTIUM - you know the ones; can't write a lick so they talk up a storm....those guys and gals (not sure what to call Anthrax Annie Coulter but she is one or the other) you did think of it first you rascals.

However there isn't one bit of evidence provided anywhere that this is some sort of coordinated effort to coordinate the news topics. NOT ONE BIT....but hey, as the least among your ilk "jdeeriper" noted above, they have liberal Jews among them so it must be ....

The only thing missing from some of this are the white sheets.

William said...

Last week Newsweek had an unflattering picture of Rush Limbaugh on its cover. This week on the cover of the New Yorker, Rush is portrayed in various poses as a crying baby. I wouldn't expect the editors of either magazine to have a high opinion of Rush, but I find it suspect that both magazines found him so newsworthy or trendsplendourous that he deserved a cover.....I don't mind liberals taking offense at Limbaugh, but the fact that the criticism is scripted and coordinated is troubling....Limbaugh is funny and talented and worth listening to, but, in the end, he is just an entertainer. Tina Fey probably has had as much effect on shaping public debate as Rush. He is not some dark, malevolent force in American life.... With all the crap going on right now, the fact that high ranked politicians and journalists and comedians take time out from their busy schedules to dump on Rush leads me to question their judgement and good will. Shouldn't some of their brain cells be occupied discussing Senator Dodd?

JSF said...

I keep on hearing of this: VAST RIGHT WING MEDIA CONSORTIUM -- then surely there is a link to an actual member of this VRWMC who wrote about it?

Or is this projection?


New York said...

This sort of thing is really just a natural extension of the "progressive communities", "grassroots organizing" etc....

Back when it became clear that Joe Lieberman was way ahead of the Dem candidate pushed by Kos/FDL, all its bloggers decided one day to praise the no-chance-of-winning Republican as winner of a TV debate.

Journolist is the same idea, but appears to extend into the MSM and likely has something to do with its single-note treatment of issues like card check.

hdhouse said...


I'll type real slow so you can get your mind around it...

If you take the readership and listenership of "all" the supposed MSM (to which you really mean Left Wing Media but are trying to be coy and position yourselves as "out of the in struggling to be heard") and stack up their listener/reader weekly minutes (number in the audience times the number of minutes spent listening/readying) you would find out who creates the majority and who is the minority.

But (and I resist calling you a blockhead) that isn't the point. The point is this is a straw dog puffed up on a slow news day...and it works....the silly-right is now on this en masse and the liberal-Jew baiters have actually slithered out to enter the fray...

As I said, the rampant paranoia line forms over there ----->

JSF said...


So, how hard is it to find a link confirming this VRWMC by someone who is actually in it?

And would you be so calm if The heritage Foundation or American for tax reform were to run such a thing?

No link, it's projection.

And what happened to "Speaking Truth to Power" Ezra Klein surely is not promoting it when a Democrat is in the White House. Or is "truth to Power" used only by reporters against Republican Presidents?


hdhouse said...

JSF said...
Hdhouse, So, how hard is it to find a link confirming this VRWMC by someone who is actually in it?"

Surely you are kidding. You can't possibly be asking that can you? OHMYGOD.

JSF said...


What's wrong show a link to this VRWMC?

If it isn't projection, then there is someone who is a taking part of it and is not afraid of telling people.

Why are the Jounalists afraid of admitting they are on Ezra klein's lisserv?

If they truly "Speak Truth to Power," then it shouldn't be a problem for those names to be released or for you to show a link.

Or is "Truth to Power" only used during Republican Administration?


Hoosier Daddy said...

hdhouse said The only thing missing from some of this are the white sheets.

Hey hd, this may be news to you but the only Klan member in Congress is in your party.

rhhardin said...

The journolist was responsible for the most wildly entertaining Rush Limbaugh media montages - every talking head using the same phrase all of a sudden one day, one after another.

Revenant said...

I don't care if lefties have secret meetings or not.

What I find funny is that the whole "the public has a right to know!" thing applies to everything in life EXCEPT conversations between journalists themselves. :)

Anonymous said...

Mickey Kaus is not a member of the conspiracy and is, in fact, very opposed to it. His blog is great. Very similar to Althouse. I could listen to reasonable Democrats all day.

HD: if these conversations are no big deal then:

1. Obviously they should be accessible by the public, and

2. Why are one third of the existing posts here persistent efforts by you to laugh off criticism? Protesteth much?

Jason said...

It's not a conspiracy.

It's a circle-jerk mutual admiration society comprising a bunch of self-reinforcing intellectual inbreds.

People who conspire at least have enough insight into their actions to realize that what they are conspiring is wrong.

That doesn't apply to these guys.

Well, maybe to Kaus. But I assume he just hangs around for laughs.

The Drill SGT said...
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The Drill SGT said...

Peter said....I did not realize the so called journalists were elected officials. I also did not realize that scribblers were accountable to the public. While we may not like or agree with the concept of JournoList and even go so far as to consider it odorous, they do have a right to join and keep their membership and chats as secret as they want

On one level I completely agree with you Peter.

On another, call me old fashioned (rather than conservative, in this context).

I'd like my Journalists, and by that term I mean reporters, rather than pundits, my Army, and my government employees to be non-poitical.

Anonymous said...

Sarge -- Journalists have never been and never will be apolitical. The very best we can hope for -- and what you should be wishing for -- is simply for them to drop the trope of objectivity and get their biases out in the open.

The Drill SGT said...

I Know.

I'd like it to be so, though :)

Bumsurf said...

If anybody on the list is receiving a bonus from stimulus funds I want their name made public.

Anonymous said...

hdhouse said...but hey, as the least among your ilk "jdeeriper" noted above, they have liberal Jews among them so it must be ....

Jews AMONG "them"? Jewish males are "them". Its an overwhelmingly Jewish male liberal cult in a nation that is no more than 1% Jewish and male.

It is absurdly unrepresentative of the racial, ethnic, religious and gender diversity in America. But as I said the Jewish liberals rarely apply the call for diversity to themselves.

It's a racist, Judeocentric, sexist/male chauvinist group of narcissistic liberal policy nerds.

Anonymous said...

Why does it matter that any of these people are Jewish?

JD, you really aren't helping the cause of criticizing these people when you keep harping on their Jewishness. That is one of the very least important aspects of any of this.

In fact, the fact that people who happen to share a common ethnic characteristic are really powerful is quite the opposite of a negative thing concerning that characteristic.

Focus, dude. Both raging and subtle anti-Semitism will get you nowhere.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

jd, I have to agree with 7M here, please don't try to compete with Dr. Goebbels, I mean, Cedarford...

Revenant said...

I did not realize the so called journalists were elected officials. I also did not realize that scribblers were accountable to the public.

If you want to say that only our government needs to be transparent then that's fine. But remember that the next time, say, businessmen (like the folks at AIG) or unelected political operatives (like Karl Rove) engages in secretive activity. Remember that it's wrong to expect their activities to be publicized or to insist that they ought to be carried out in the open.

I'm not expecting many of the JournoList folks to remember that. Like I said before, what makes this funny is that the press thinks there's no such thing as a legitimate reason for keeping something secret, unless it is a secret being kept BY the press.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Agree Revenant.

Contrary to how Hdhouse interprets some of the comments here, I believe most of us grinned and thought "wow I am shocked NOT" when we read the "journolist" story.

traditionalguy said...

The sharing of ideas is what the internet does. Just as the Gutenburg Press expanded all ideas, like Martin Luther's Blog Posting on a Church door, there is nothing bad about this conduct. It should be encouraging to the Atheist commenters here to learn that an Angel does not Name the orwellian NEWSPEAK words of the day, but men and women agree on using them to create the false impression of a universal acceptance of the "new language" of the week.

Host with the Most said...


Again you are on able to boil the issue down to it's essence. Thank you.

hd is getting reved up with some pre-emptive strikin'. But really, house, what does it matter. The leftism of the Main Stream Press has been exposed so many times everyone just yawns. Nothing will change.

So why worked up, brother?

Big Mike said...

@hd, I assure you that I am not the same person as traditionalguy orNew York. Not that I disagree particularly with any of their sentiments.

I just think it's kind of funny that instead of the "vast right wing conspiracy" that Hillary Clinton railed against, it turns out the there is a half-vast left wing conspiracy.

(Read the last line out loud.) ;-)

hdhouse said...

Seven Machos said...
"HD: if these conversations are no big deal then:
1. Obviously they should be accessible by the public..."

Oh? And why is that? Do you have a reason or is your paranoia bubbling forth?

Obviously not. Why does the public at large have accessibility to private conversations? Where is that little nugget written?

Who in their right mind would think such a thing? ohhhhhh....nevermind.

Scott said...

I'm not really concerned about journalists talking to each other on a listserv. What does concern me is the participation of people currently employed in the Obama administration, and in DNC surrogate groups. By using the Journolist echo chamber, they can pre-test messages and policy positions to see how they fly among leftish journalists -- or use the group to fine-tune policy.

Maybe the youngsters in the "juicebox mafia" are too naive to understand how easily they can be co-opted by the government in such an environment. Or, what's worse, maybe they don't care.

There is a lot of honor in being part of an adversarial press in America; but none in being a cog in the wheels of a propaganda machine. It's sad that Ezra Klein and his cohorts are so glib about it.

gbarto said...

If they want a JournoList, that's their business. When I taught college, I always told my students not to look at the test of the person next to them, because that person might know even last. I think it's the same here. If they want to stake their journalistic reputations on the crap that leftist groupthink comes up with, let them take that risk.

JournoList is not a horrible conspiracy threatening the republic. It's the reason nobody bothers to read the papers anymore - they're all the same and they're all wrong.

hdhouse said...

Revenant said...
If you want to say that only our government needs to be transparent then that's fine. But remember that the next time, say, businessmen (like the folks at AIG) or unelected political operatives (like Karl Rove)

And how does that link up? Rove was being paid out of the white house. AIG has billions in our money....and these two examples link to a private blog how? HOW?
You idiot.

"AJ Lynch said...
Agree Revenant."

Equally idiotic.

hdhouse said...

AND while we are on the topic, what in the world and why in the world would you uberzealots care if some liberals exchanged ideas? You don't read the writers anyway, you don't care what they think or write, you dismiss out of hand anything that comes from their PCs or what's it to ya'?

The line for rampant paranoia starts over there ------> keep moving.

I'm Full of Soup said...


Peter Orzag was being paid by taxpayers to be the CBO Director. Instead, he was a big part of the lib "journolist" circle jerk. That means he dealt in political subterfuge in the middle of a prez campaign.

Is that A-OK in your world? At least everyone understood what Rove was being paid for.

hdhouse said...

oh are a silly goose with all that "that means" when it doesn't mean anything of the sort.

Yes though I do agree with you that Rove ..."well everyone knows what he was"

Do we have to line you neo-cons up in a circle to shoot each other or can we just let you wander around alone shooting yourselves in the foot.

You guys know you are on the pathetic strawman of a non-story so why don't you just laugh at yourselves and call it a day....although by God you fellas sure have been funny today.

Revenant said...

And how does that link up? Rove was being paid out of the white house.

Kind of like how JournoList member Peter Orzag was paid by Congress?

But thank you for clarifying the point. I see now that it is only people paid by the the government whose activities should be exposed. It is only private entities such as the RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company or Richard Mellon Scaife who should be able to operate in secrecy. Not that the press actually follows THAT rule either. :)

I think Ezra Klein said it best himself: "candor is essential and can only be guaranteed by keeping these conversations private". Which is another way of saying "if you hear any of the JournoList members speaking in public, they're not being honest".

Revenant said...

AND while we are on the topic, what in the world and why in the world would you uberzealots care if some liberals exchanged ideas?

We don't. It is just funny the way they chose to do it.

garage mahal said...

Exchanging ideas is a terrifying prospect to Republicans, apparently.

I'm Full of Soup said...


One idea the Dems are bandying about is that healthcare spending can be cut by a significant amount by insuring more people. This is Orzag's mantra.

But Orzag [ a career govt bean counter? ] does not strike me as some super efficiency expert. In fact, no one within 100 miles of Wash DC strikes me as a super efficiency expert.

Joe said...

Forget conspiracy, this is just laziness.

As for accountability; it's working, newspapers are going down all over the country.

Anonymous said...

Seven Machos said...Why does it matter that any of these people are Jewish?

Because racism matters. Whether it's Judeoracism or any other kind. Sexism also matters.

White Jewish males have an unacceptably prominent role in the American media in comparison to all the other Americans who are not White or Jewish or male.

Liberals need to be inclusive, diverse and multicultural no less than the Conservatives they mock and hate.

The Jlist is not only a kind of liberal cabal but a White male Jewish one as well.

So despite their liberal/progressive self image they are nonetheless a demographically narrow, Judeoocentric and male chauvinist group.

I think it's important not to be in denial about that truth.

Of course I expect the typical evasiveness and defensiveness that always happen when anyone dares to notice these things.

Revenant said...

Because racism matters.

White Jewish males have an unacceptably prominent role

Yes, readers, the same person wrote both of those sentences with a straight face.

yashu said...

Ah, the mysteries of the internet. Is this specimen a Moby, or just plain schmuck? Who knows.

(If it's the former, I'm afraid you got the current talking-points mixed up. The perfidious Zionist conspiracy is allied *with* the evil neocons, conspiring *against* the good, liberal, reality-based community represented by the Obama administration. Witness the awful character assassination of that good, brave man, Chas Freeman-- guilty only of speaking truth to Jewish Power.)

Trooper York said...
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Trooper York said...

Wow someone has roused hd from his Alzheimer induced stupor to defend his fellow red diaper babies as they advance their agenda.

This is not news. As Jason said it is a circle jerk of Ivy League Elitists and Democratic operatives spewing the propaganda line of the day.

That’s why there is a concerted effort to destroy people like Joe the Plumber, Sarah Palin and Rush. You are not allowed to deviate from the party line. They want to destroy anyone with a different view.

Journalists lie for a living. They are worthless scum. Anyone who believes anything they say is a fool. They make shit up. They would sell us down the river in a minute. Give up vital secrets because they don’t feel they are citizens. They should be scorned and shunned by decent people everywhere.

The only thing worst than a journalist is a lawyer.

Trooper York said...

The only good thing to say about them is that soon they will all be out of a job.

X said...

Exchanging ideas is a terrifying prospect to Republicans, apparently.

It's collusion moron. Would it be OK if it was oil companies "exchanging ideas"?

Anonymous said...

I can see now why Ezra Klein and his friends thought Karl Rove and the neocons ran a huge conspiracy from the White House.

The problem with Ezra Klein and his various lackeys isn't that they are Jewish. It's that they have remarkably stupid and unworkable ideas. They are also hideously ugly to look at. Look into it. It's really sad.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jason said...

I remember Dick Cheney came under a ton of criticism from the leftard media when he convened that council of advisors to discuss energy policy, back around 01 and 02.

I recall that Cheney wanted to keep the proceedings confidential, because he believed that if people present thought their views would be aired out, then the President and Vice President wouldn't get good, unfiltered advice. Everything would have to be hedged against the public finding out what their advice was. People would be reluctant to advocate sound but unpopular policies.

I wonder what these guys were saying about that?

Fen said...

garage mahal Exchanging ideas is a terrifying prospect to Republicans, apparently.

They're not exchanging ideas, they are coordinating propaganda so they speak with one voice. No freedom of thought, just being "on message".

I always wondered what kind of hacks worked for Der Sterner and Pravda. Ezra Klein is the type to stare down at his shoelaces while the cattle cars haul the undesireables away. Pure scum.

hdhouse said...

"As long as the Jews remain anonymous, they are secure. The moment they lose their anonymity, the racial problem became acute and required a suitable solution. We certainly do not hold the Jews solely to blame for the German spiritual and economic catastrophe. We all know the other causes that led to the decline of our people. However, we have the courage to recognize their role in the process, and to name them by name. It was difficult for a time to persuade the people of this, for public opinion was entirely in Jewish hands."

"One has to stay that, even if it stirs up a hornet nest. We know these so-called neutral intellectuals. They do not deserve the name. They do not understand what is happening. They look backwards instead of forwards. They have no idea of what was, and still less of what is coming. They would like to pick things up after the war where they left them when it started. Their sterile fantasies are not sufficient to build the future. They think the possible to be impossible, not to mention that which seems impossible"

These are quotes from what appears to be a hero to some who have posted recently. You can decry the "left wing" all you want but you who do sound like Gobbels.

You need to shower because some of you who have posted some doggeral on this board very much in tune with the propaganda minister should be so ashamed, so repentent, hateful that you truly need to rot in hell.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't bother me that some journalists discuss things in private, although it is pretty weird that they refuse to acknowledge who participates. On the other hand, it reminds me of a bunch of college students who get together to work on a homework assignment for a class and then hand in their papers to be graded as if the work was entirely their own. I'd have thought professional journalists would have moved past that stage and no longer needed such a crutch. I guess the fear of failing in the open as individuals---putting their uncensored and unreviewed thoughts on the line---is more than they can stand.

Gahrie said...

By the way, I'd be interested in finding out if any of the members of the Clinton Cabal, ( Begalia, Carville, Emmanuelle, Stephanopolus et al) are also members of this Journolist?

hdhouse said...

Iapetus said...
"It doesn't bother me that some journalists discuss things in private, although it is pretty weird that they refuse to acknowledge who participates."

Why is this your business? Do you have the right to know who I talk to? Do I have the right to know who you talk to?

If this were the government asking you would rightly scream bloody murder about intrusion into your private life but somehow you think it is wierd that you can ask this question and expect an answer and then, like so many who have posted here, get a huffy when they, as private citizens, refuse.

The gall some of you exhibit is astounding.

X said...

The gall some of you exhibit is astounding.

I especially liked the part where you accused those who criticize the coordinated messages of journoList of being nazi propaganda ministers. Did you medal in the Special Olympics?

Sofa King said...

Why is this your business?

Because these are public figures holding themselves out as honest brokers of information. Don't you think this has some relevance to their credibility as such?

I think you're being obtuse on purpose.

traditionalguy said...

Hd House...I appreciate your thoughts on this post very much. You are an excellent debater.I only read the second half of these comments today. Shalom.

Kev said...

Just as the Gutenburg Press expanded all ideas, like Martin Luther's Blog Posting on a Church door, there is nothing bad about this conduct.

Yeah, Martin Luther was quite a blogger in his day. That famous "95 Theses" post (click the "October 1517" link to access it) took quite a bit of work, especially considering that Blogger software was still in beta form and he was running WIndows (14)95 on his PA (that's personal abacus, of course).

Anonymous said...

I feel compelled to point out, ironically enough, what an anti-Semite Martin Luther was.

Just for the record. If it hasn't been noted already.

Revenant said...

Why is this your business?

Because I want to know. :)

Anonymous said...

Revenant said..."Because racism matters.

White Jewish males have an unacceptably prominent role"

Yes, readers, the same person wrote both of those sentences with a straight face.

Yes, readers who are honest can see you willfully deleted the full sentence.

I wrote - "Because racism matters. Whether it's Judeoracism or any other kind. Sexism also matters.

White Jewish males have an unacceptably prominent role in the American media in comparison to all the other Americans who are not White or Jewish or male.

Everything I wrote is true. And you are a liar and a bigot for evading it.

And so is Ezra Klein.

Anonymous said...

hdhouse, you are a blithering idiot.

I said it didn't bother me. I didn't claim it was any of my business, so don't go around accusing me of saying something I didn't say. Jerk. If you need some attention, go play in traffic.

hdhouse said...

Iapetus said... "hdhouse, you are a blithering idiot."

No. I'm not.

"I said it didn't bother me."

I didn't say you did.

"I didn't claim it was any of my business, so don't go around accusing me of saying something I didn't say."

I didn't.


(he must be letting off steam)

"If you need some attention, go play in traffic."

That's ok. I get lots of attention around here and playing in traffic...well the suggestion isn't appealing...very much like the stench of the Jew baiters on this thread. (Iapetus, I didn't say you were one. I didn't say you weren't one. I didn't say anything about you at all so people can draw their own conclusions as to if you are a Jew baiter but you won't hear a peep from me regarding you and that. No. Not a peep. Mums the word. Silence. Silencio. Ruhig bitte)

Wierd huh?

chibi said...

aww, what a cute little anti-semite jdeeripper is. there are a lot of right-wing paranoid loonies here, but nice to see some unvarnished hate for jews. classy, that's the republican way.

dudhduddhd said...

aww, what a cute little anti-semite jdeeripper is. there are a lot of right-wing paranoid loonies here, but nice to see some unvarnished hate for jews. classy, that's the republican way.

Decrying overrepresentation is unvarnished hatred?

Was it unvarnished hatred to decry the overrepresentation of white folk in the South African government?

Don't get me wrong. I myself am a raging anti-semite, but I still fail to see how it isn't hypocritical.

Anonymous said...

aww, what a cute little anti-semite jdeeripper is. there are a lot of right-wing paranoid loonies here, but nice to see some unvarnished hate for jews. classy, that's the republican way.

Nice, high ratio of smears to argument there. Let's see...anti-Semite, paranoid, loony, hate, (un)classy, (un)cute. Did I miss any? There were 0 actual arguments, so that's 0 for 7. Good work.

That's what people do when they have no argument. Must be why it's such a ubiquitous crutch for liberals.

Liberals HATE getting hit in the privates with their own arguments. It drives them ABSOLUTELY F&#$ing BONKERS. How dare we use their tactics against them?

E.g., liberals have filled libraries with how white male over-representation is a moral and ethical travesty. But add "Jewish" to the list of traits (e.g., white, male, and Jewish), and suddenly the same liberals reverse themselves completely and the references to Auschwitz start flying. Doesn't make a whit of difference if the addition is accurate. In fact, that seems to make the fangs even barer, the spittle even thicker.

LOL, I love the Internet. EAT IT, you wenches, eat it.

P.S., countering with accusations of racism don't constitute a denial of Jewish over-representation. They sound to me more like "but, but, you can't say that! Heretic! Guards, guards!"

dudhduddhd said...

but nice to see some unvarnished hate for jews. classy, that's the republican way.

I just realized you wrote this.

By 'republican' with the little 'r' do you mean Voltaire/French Revolution republican?

You certainly aren't dumb enough to attempt to debate anybody whilst trying to claim that "Republicans" are "anti-Semites" are you?

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