March 14, 2009

At the Striped Wall With Tulips Low-Angle Café...

Striped wall with tulips

... you can talk about me... you can talk about anything...


chickelit said...

I put up beadboard paneling like that on a wall in our house. My wife still compliments me on the perfect job. I'm going to go buy her some tulips before she wakes up.

Bob W. said...

We could talk about eroding Veteran's benefits, or maybe those enterprising Russians, who are thinkin' about a bomber or two in Latin America. Lovely picture, by the way. . .

traditionalguy said...

That's one old farmhouse, all redecorated in a masculine, German/scandiavian look. This guy must love his family traditions from the 200 year old ( 5 generations )western Ohio settlers culture. I wouldn't try to remake him too fast. Just sneak up on him with the Althouse charm... Did you see Drudge this AM saying Putin wants to put his Bombers in Cuba. What will the Chief Community Organizer's instincts try to buy him off with? Negotiating Cuban relations offering Castro the 51st state and A cabinet post? Raising the high Obama Carbon production tax on USA oil, gas and coal will only make Mother Russia's resources twice as valuable. Maybe he and Pelosi could trade him Alaska to finesse around Palin in 2012 at the same time we add the State of Cuba.

AmPowerBlog said...

Well, I'd love to talk about you, Ann ... and perhaps Jessica Valenti's pending marriage. What does that say about "those breasts" AND contemporary feminism?

You've got some linky love over at my place, by the way ...

Anonymous said...

The Russians smell weakness.

I do too.

The sales department has control of the company.

LonewackoDotCom said...

Politicians live in their own separate world, and the MSM is approaching Soviet levels of dishonesty.

What do the leading lights of blogdom suggest? Holding "tea parties", unfocused events that only appeal to a very small number of people and that will have no impact whatsoever. Not only that, but some recommend sending teabags. Politicians are never going to get enough of those that they're going to pay any attention.

Perhaps Althouse would care to help Instapundit understand how to do things that will actually be effective rather than just wasting everyone's time. See this, which also includes a recording left by a Congressional staffer threatening someone who sent them a teabag.

Note the first comment on that thread, which says It was not a stunt. The American people are trying to be heard.

Yes, it was just a stunt, and if the American people want to be heard they need to do this the right way, by asking politicians real questions. Instapundit isn't suggesting that but instead is just promoting things that will have no impact at all.

Wince said...

The photo has the "I just woke-up in an unfamiliar place" look to it.

From that angle, what, is the mattress on the floor?

When I put my mattress on the floor as a teenager because I thought it was "cool", my mother told me she wouldn't let me turn her home into a "flophouse".

The term flophouse has cracked me up ever since.

Althouse, flophouse, let's call the whole thing off.

David said...

If the Russians smell weakness, they should check their own armpits first. Their economy is a total shambles, their politics are a mess, their legal system is capricious and their male population has a life expectancy of less than 60 years.

With all our problems, the USA is incredibly strong by comparison.

Now, the Russians may smell lack of resolve. Seems Joe Biden was right about a major test in the first six months, and I doubt that President O will have a clue what to do.

My suggestion? Say nothing. Please, Obama, no letters to Putin or phone calls.

Act by: (1) having about 8 USA submarines surface simultaneously and briefly in proximity to Russia, (2) shadowing every Russian bomber that comes within 2000 miles with USA fighters close enough to count freckles, (3) test a few more ABMs, (4) discontinue for a year all discussions on the antimissile system as fruitless and say we will revisit them after a year is up in light of "conditions."

That is all.

David said...

Next on Althouse: pictures of the ceiling.

The Dude said...

David, those are all nice suggestions, but remember, Bambi is on the same side as Putin. He is as eager to see this country destroyed as all the other socialists in the world.

Give him time, he will succeed.

traditionalguy said...

@David...You can already see the ceiling in the mirror. I'm not saying that there are mirrors on the ceiling, you cannot see that. Mirrors can be tricky. Then there are the two-way mirrors for secret surveilance photos, but I suspect no one gets to see those.

Michael Haz said...
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Michael Haz said...
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Michael Haz said...
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Anonymous said...

I like the old-fashioned porcelain door knob.


ricpic said...

Just saw Watchmen. I liked it. The actor Jacky Earle Haley who plays Rorshach was worth the price of admission alone.

AllenS said...

A short story by AllenS:

I think I'll go buy some beer.

The End

Jason (the commenter) said...


2 days and five hundred miles later, she was feeding bits of the semi-stranger to an unsuspecting dog.

It hadn't gone well and the worst part was being told she was "callpygian".

She wasn't sure what that meant, but it didn't sound good.

Besides, she had minored in human dismemberment, and it seemed a shame to put all that expensive schooling to waste.

Her only problem was that the dog she was promised would eat anything had been much more discerning than she was led to believe.

Trooper York said...

When she read his posts on her blog, she never thought that they would have anything in common.

He only seemed interested in puppies and poultry.

But when she visited him in Ohio she found out about a whole new side of him that no on the internet knew existed.

He was a mathematician and he really knew how to manipulate numbers.

Best of all he really knew how to make the beast with two backs.

john said...

That picture makes me think of putting on my old cable-knit turtleneck;
lighting Monica's cigarette;
looking out the window, seeing the boat on fire.

Michael Haz said...

I have deleted the collaborative short story thread. It probably wasn't a good idea, and I am don't want it to devolve into something worse.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

That room has a Punxsutawney Bed & Breakfast feel to it.

Here is Althouse's perfect man

Yes there he is...
Who is he?
What can you do?
What does he want?
Why does he move like that?
How does he move like that?

Look at him
Look at him now
And now
Look at him all the time

Now the music.. it's gone
No music anymore.

There is a bed in the room ;)

J. Cricket said...

In your beer-soaked dreams, Trooper.

Althouse didn't drive 500 miles to spend time with someone who she "met" through the comments on this blog. And if she did, she would be as likely to end up buried in the field as in some kind of blissful heaven.

Your cord is being yanked, Trooper.

I guess you like it. Maybe she'll come spend a week with you next!!!


john said...


Good try tho. It's hard to compete this weekend, with basketball tourneys and the seedings coming up tomorrow. Everyone's too distracted.

Trooper York said...

That's ok Robert we are all in on the joke. So why don't you just relax and go back to whacking it to your autographed picture of Fidel Castro.

Jason (the commenter) said...

ricpic : Just saw Watchmen. I liked it.

Really? I didn't like it.

-the dialog was off
-the soundtrack wasn't well used
-the fight scenes were boring
-the tone was of a serious indy movie with no let up
-the ending was unsatisfying
-the use of CGI was uncreative
-the blue flaccid penis did nothing for me

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Come to think of it.. Isn't the guy supposed to drive 500 miles?... or.. donate his kidney to her?... and certainly not feed it to the dog!

Its a nightmare.. and I cant wake up.

I cant even a drink btw.

Trooper York said...

"-the blue flaccid penis did nothing for me"

That's exactly what Mama Smurf said before she stabbed Papa Smurf and ran off with Captain Crunch.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I ate at McDonalds the other day (had not in a long time) and it appears they give everybody the food in a bag regardless of whether you are eating in or taking it with you.

I'm assuming the practice is not just in Hoboken NJ.

Even if only a third of the people eat in, it has to be a tremendous amount of waste.

john said...

Lem - the real waste is eating in then throwing up in the parking lot.

David said...

Without doubt, Commenters here are more interested in Althouse's love life than the Russians. Not that it's a bad thing . . . .

Jason (the commenter) said...

Lem : Even if only a third of the people eat in, it has to be a tremendous amount of waste.

But they can do away with their tray washing machine and all the water and energy IT wastes.

amba said...

Just sneak up on him with the Althouse charm...

She already did.

Trooper York said...

Well of course Dave. One is concerned with drunken fools fumbling in a frigid wasteland and other stopped being important after the end of the cold war.

Virginia said...

If you lived in an apartment building, and could hear the person above you stomping around a lot, and hear his pounding music, and you could also hear his squeaking bed as he is having sex, would you tell him? Ever? Never?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The burger comes in it's own little package.. so does the fries and of course the drink. I was eating in.. why bag it?

He asked at the beginning if I was eating in.. so when he bagged everything I said I'm eating in..
He looked at me like.. sooo?

At their corporate site they brag about how green they are.. liars.

Trooper York said...

Lem...burgers...oh crap.

amba said...

Althouse didn't drive 500 miles to spend time with someone who she "met" through the comments on this blog. And if she did, she would be as likely to end up buried in the field as in some kind of blissful heaven.

I'm sorry? The hard core here are some really solid people. Can't you tell?

Virginia said...

Trooper York,

It's BrusselS sprouts.

I just found that out today, myself.

Virginia said...

2 days and five hundred miles later, she was feeding bits of the semi-stranger to an unsuspecting dog.

Good one!!!

Virginia said...

why bag it?

It could be that the cashier person was just clueless. The worst is when they bag it and give you a tray. Or, is that what happened? Hopefully it was a paper bag, at least.

ricpic said...

You've gotta get out of that apartment, thirdresponder. Nothing ruins your life more than twitching in anticipation of the next stomp, bang or boom from the people above you or next to you or under you. I know as I lived apartment house hell for years. The peace of your own space more than makes up for the supposed deprivations of the boonies.

ricpic said...

Real women (as opposed to false women, i.e. Titus) are grateful for a hairy chest man.

Virginia said...

"twitching in anticipation" is a good way of describing what you're talking about. But it's really not all that bad now, and really I don't have the choice to move. I gotta stay here. I love my place! Love it. I don't want to move either. But, I would like the noise to stop, and we're all more or less reasonable human beings in this building, so I think I have a fair chance of getting it to stop. Some things have happened in the interim that have now lessened my aggravation at the stomping (and sex) and now I've even come to appreciate it. That's what hearing electro-mechanical noise can do to you: make you appreciate the human-generated kind. But I digress...

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The worst is when they bag it and give you a tray.

Thats exactly what happened.

Virginia said...

Well, I suppose that's bad, but that's not the worst thing I've encountered today. Will you be ok?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Before I go on some save the world one man crusade against McDonalds.
Iam going to visit a few others and see if this what they mean by "acting green".

Jason (the commenter) said...

At their corporate site they brag about how green they are.. liars.

The environmentalism fad is over. Doing stuff cheap is the new trend; like trying to get them to put a McChicken Sandwich inside a Double Cheeseburger, called a McGangBang.

Virginia said...

Why I was against the bailout:

Breaking News: AIG Paying Millions in Bonuses Despite Receiving Bailout

Jason, it's not either or: doing stuff cheap or being an environmentalist.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Jason, it's not either or: doing stuff cheap or being an environmentalist.

Who needs a twenty dollar bamboo shirt when you can get nicer shirts at Walmart for ten?

Who needs organic food when you can get fresher food at Walmart for a third?

Why pay for cloth bags that rip when plastic ones are free?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

A McGangBang.. Sounds like something Titus would come up with.

A Peta and NOW get together with the taxpayer expense in the middle ;)

Virginia said...

The anti consumerism movement is an environmental movement, in many ways. Consumerism most definitely includes the purchase of bamboo shirts.

Anonymous said...

But, I would like the noise to stop

I suggest that you drown out the noise with some music played at top volume.

Nawal El Zoghby's Ayzak (Ayzak) would be a good choice to start with.

Add to that some Elissa - try tracks Betmoun or Ayami Beek (Wana A'dar)

Also, you can't go wrong with Amr Diab. His biggest hit was probably Nour el Ain."

All are on iTunes. Check them out if any of you want to broaden your music catalog.

Jason (the commenter) said...

I suggest that you drown out the noise with some music played at top volume.

Play Abba really loud, put it on repeat, and go watch a movie. Abba kills pretty much anything.

Virginia said...

I liked Nawal. Arabic music heard through a wall or floor for a non Arabic speaker might really be aggravating, I can see that. The problem comes in when trying to figure out how to bother one neighbor (the "bad" one) without bothering the good one. Plus, could my upstairs neighbor hear it anyway?

Peter V. Bella said...

If you lived in an apartment building, and could hear the person above you stomping around a lot, and hear his pounding music, and you could also hear his squeaking bed as he is having sex, would you tell him? Ever? Never

I would very politely state my complaint(s) to them and ask them to be considerate of their neighbors. I would only do this one time. Then I would go into noise control mode. Believe me, they would be very quiet after that.

Anonymous said...

Plus, could my upstairs neighbor hear it anyway?

Depends on the power of your stereo, whether your speakers can be moved, and the height of your bookcases or an amoir you might happen to have.

LonewackoDotCom said...

I hate to post a comment about something that isn't that important, but one thing you could do is somehow rig a bass speaker to a mic or a similar type of setup. Both would be attached to the ceiling, facing upwards. When a sound comes through the mic, the mic sends a similar sound through the speaker designed to closely mimic the sounds. I guess the mic would have to shut down for a bit to avoid a feedback loop. That could be started with a very low volume which would be gradually increased over weeks.

Peter V. Bella said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Virginia said...

Thanks everyone. Really.

I actually have in the past talked to him about the stomping, and as nicely as I could offered ways (both material and suggestions) to soften the footfall. I've been as cordial (I think) as I could be.

I was just wondering now if letting him somehow know that I could hear him going at it, might change the equation somewhat.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

This reminds me of a story (true story) where the neighbors after many complaints of loud music decided to burn the Pentecostal church down.

Sensing an opportunity a buyer miraculously appeared and made an offer...

The buyer was a nightclub empresario.

Payback is some kind of dish.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Play Abba really loud, put it on repeat, and go watch a movie. Abba kills pretty much anything.

OMG Yes. Used to be a guy inthe apartment above mine, who played this ABBA tune over and over while his bed springs were rocking. I don't think he ever had the same girlfriend over more than one time in a row. When he would put the music on that was my cue ....time to go to the bar and get out of the apartment.

I don't mind ABBA so much in small doses, but he played this on a continual loop.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I was just wondering now if letting him somehow know that I could hear him going at it, might change the equation somewhat.

You might ask him why he lets out that high pitched girly squeal when he comes or why he says "Oh mommy Oh mommy beat me eight to the bar" or some other such embarassing thing. :-D

You might want to do that when there are witnesses around.and you have a clear getaway.

dick said...


What good will asking politicians do. All they do in response is tell you to get the f*ck out of here or else it is none of your business whether they paid their taxes or not or whether they have 4 rent-controlled apartments or not or whether they report their earnings to the IRS or not.

We are not permitted to hold the "progressives" responsible to the same laws as the rest of us are held to. We are not worthy.

traditionalguy said...

Lem... It's a Global Warming thing You see CO2 from breathing is a toxic gas! Got that. Now what causes breathing? Ever since their accident of Evolution, the first two cells to eat anything began to breath out and cause CO2 buildup. Now look how far out of hand this living and breathing has gotten. Can't you see that Living and breathing Life is The Threat to the Planet Goddess. Now quit asking for of all people, who dares to breath continually. I wonder if Our Dame Althouse is breathing more than her fair share of air tonight? Now that is a Green Question.

Anonymous said...

Back to Althouse. Are these posts becoming an issue now for her?

We need Ruth Anne here.

LonewackoDotCom said...

1. Regarding the apartment, another idea is to sneak in and install remote-control dimmers on his lights. Gradually reduce them week after week. I think I might have gotten that idea from someone else, however.

2. Regarding asking politicians questions, of course it will have a huge impact, just as long as the questions are good and the questioner knows what they're doing. I'm familiar with doing things like that, and based on my past experience I know that if given enough time I could make a politician look very bad when asking about the topic I concentrate on.

I realize that many people who've only watched food fight shows or read MSM interviews aren't familiar with asking real questions, but I'm talking about something more like an interrogation than something the WaPo or NYT would ask.

If you can't do that yourself, you can start a local group to come up with questions and find someone to ask them.

Freeman Hunt said...

Are these posts becoming an issue now for her?

I would guess that meeting the right person totally changes the equation. I could be wrong, but that's what I would guess.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

the right person

No shorts and no facial hair.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

What are the chances of Althouse meeting that special someone?

Jason (the commenter) said...

No shorts and no facial hair.

All a men needs is to be single, of the right sexual orientation, and in possession of a job.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

We need Ruth Anne here.

I haven't been.. (or I've not been) coming here long.. but it seems like Some people are not coming over as often as they used to.

The blog roach and sir archy have all but banished.

Maybe it's a seasonal thing.

Trooper York said...

They gave up blogging for Lent. They will be back after Easter.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Some of them are on strike because of the trolls. No one tell them the trolls are gone! (Maybe we should pretend complain about them some?)

Penny said...

Life is but a dance.

Frankly, at least for tonight, I hope Ann is swept off her feet by a man who knows how to tango.

I hope that all politicians are break dancing...with half going on permanent disability tomorrow, and so on and so forth until they ALL realize exactly how WE feel.

As for Putin and Obama? I think they take turns leading in the Planet Earth Ballroom.

That must be difficult for a man?

Good thing O has a feminine side.

The Dude said...

Don't forget VBSpurs, AKA Victoria. She has vanished. There are many others who are not around, some are missed, some not.

The Dude said...

All Obama has is a feminine side. What he lacks is a masculine side. Thank goodness his ugly butch wife has high levels of testosterone. She will work hard to protect the country she is proud of. Unfortunately, that is not the US.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Obama has torn this blog apart ;)

former law student said...

We cannot, at least I should not, speak of the ineffable.

500 mile one-way trips, aged milk bottles, the possibility of adding a dog to one's life -- talk of these are as close as one dares get to the ineffable.

Turning to things of which one may speak:

my mother told me she wouldn't let me turn her home into a "flophouse".

Your mother imported the sensibilities of her youth to the modern day.

My mother-in-law is freaked by the modern custom of hanging seasonal wreaths on front doors. In her youth, except at Christmas, the wreath meant only one thing: a death in the family. These cheerful decorations signify only tragedy to her.

those are all nice suggestions, but remember, Bambi is on the same side as Putin. He is as eager to see this country destroyed as all the other socialists in the world.

Give him time, he will succeed.

Perfect example of Items 5 and 10 of Tom Tomorrow's excellent cartoon depiction of G.O.P. Strategies for Success. These steps are familiar to any comment thread reader here.

Eclecticity said...

What a wonderful shot. E.

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