1. Obama wants to bankrupt to bankrupt the coal industry (and the SF Chronicle sat on the audiotape).
2. Josh Marshall slurs Joe the Plumber as "Joe the Skinhead."
3. Jonah Goldberg pretend-looks back on the Obama presidency -- his "precipitous fall from would-be messiah, to near pariah."
4. "We’ve got to have a civilian national security force..."
5. Sarah Palin receives a (Canadian) prank call.
6. Old radical rag referred to community organizing and had a circular logo.
7. Fred Thompson speaks for John McCain, and John Kerry speaks for Barack Obama. Both do a nice job.
8. Another Senatorial candidate files a defamation lawsuit. The matter in dispute: godlessness.
9. Instapundit had more traffic in September than in October. Me too. Political fever peaks in September. By October, we're just trying to make it to the end.
10. And now, it's November, and this list hits the round number 10. The feeling is: Let it end!
Ha ha ha ha ha. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care.
Today was an amazingly beautiful day.
Went shopping. Got home and one of the bags was missing. Went back and they had my bag 11!111.
I was ready to repurchase the items so that filled me with glee.
I'm glad you don't feel like blogging those rotten things. It's feeds the bad energy and some psychic person said that was bad. Or possibly I made it up.
I know you're probably sick of all this, but what about Palin's confusion about who the First Amendment is supposed to protect?
I was hoping to read your take on this.
Does her statement seem at all concerning to you?
Sorry, Modika, that's a story from yesterday or the day before. That wave passed. I'm only listing things I could have blogged today if I'd felt more like it. Each day's ennui is sufficient for the day. There's no reason to go looking for ennui in the past.
It is finished.
Does her statement seem at all concerning to you?
Actually, it's a lot less concerning compared to many of Biden's statements that mysteriously never seem to be mentioned in the MSM.
Political stories I'd blog if I felt more like it.
Althouse finally joins the MSM. Even her traffic is down, just like theirs. :(
This has seemed like the longest election cycle of my life. I wonder if it is because it was a completely open contest? With Cheney assuring he wouldn't run the campaign seemed to begine the day after the '04 election.
It could also be that the Dem primary lasted far longer than most.
I'm not sure, but I will be very happy come Wednesday morning.
"Each day's ennui is sufficient for the day. There's no reason to go looking for ennui in the past."
That should go in the Althouse book of Quotes. There is an Althouse book of quotes isn't there? Who's in charge of that?
Personally, I'm looking forward to a return to the standard fare (fair?) around here, where all the regular folks banter about the weighty and mundane, without all the politically obsessed getting in the way.
1. Obama wants to bankrupt to bankrupt the coal industry (and the SF Chronicle sat on the audiotape).
"Mine Baby, Mine".
2. Josh Marshall slurs Joe the Plumber as "Joe the Skinhead."
White man + not gay + not Jewish + not doing a Lewinsky on Obama = racist threat to civilized society.
4. "We’ve got to have a civilian national security force..."
How about Americans standing up on their own. Whether that means managing their finances responsibly or looking out for their neighbors.
Jennifer Hudson's mother's neighbors heard gunshots and did NOTHING. On the other side of town people noticed a white SUV park for the first time in that spot for nearly 2 days and did NOTHING.
Maybe if somebody got involved and called other neighbors and called the cops and gone to investigate they could have prevented the kidnapper from murdering Hudson's nephew.
The Obama cult is all part of the Third Worldization and the infantiliztion of America.
Paddy O. said...
There is an Althouse book of quotes isn't there?
It's a Kindle.
I want to seriously know why those of you who have voted for, or are determined to vote for, Barack Obama can keep dismissing the massive amount of evidence that this candidate represents a level of disregard for basic law in the USA.
The campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has been and may still be accepting credit-card and prepaid-card contributions from overseas. It has done so in a way that may very likely prevent it from refunding the contributions to “donors,” many of whom may have had their credit cards used without their consent. It’s virtually impossible that the system for accepting card contributions was inadvertently set up without adequate controls, and almost certain that existing controls were instead deliberately disabled to create untraceability. Finally, it is likely that the total dollar amounts involved run in millions, if not tens of millions, of dollars.
http://pajamasmedia.com/blog/the-obama-campaigns-credit-card-crack-up/ (Read the whole thing, as they say.)
It seriously does not take any imagination at all to extrapolate this behavior and a number of clear intimidation tactics in recent weeks by the Obama campaign to realize that should this man and his team be elected America is in for a very bad, very abusive four years.
This candidate is so dirty that with each day it is harder and harder to believe that he is actually the national candidate of the Democrat Party.
10. Not very bloggy without a LINK
The feeling is: Let it end!
Not really. Campaign 2012 kicks off in about 60 hours or so.
JAL - Geee, what else does Rush and the gang think?
Try to at least be a tad more original with your slurs.
Maybe if somebody got involved and called other neighbors and called the cops and gone to investigate they could have prevented the kidnapper from murdering Hudson's nephew.
Man, evocations of Kitty Genovese, and as if that case, with all its various fallouts, and offshoots, and studying off, and history, and all that jazz, in and from all directions--
never happened at all.
reader_iam said...
"It is finished."
That's the concern that bothers me. McCain just sent around a last minute beg for cash yesterday or Friday, and it's really tough to know what to do. Do you say no, because it seems kinda like throwing good money after bad? But what if the polls are wrong - strike that; the polls are wrong, so what if they're wrong enough in the right direction - and the last-minute cash could push the election over the edge? Sucha tough call to make.
Zeb Quinn said...
"Not really. Campaign 2012 kicks off in about 60 hours or so."
I don't know about that; campaign 2012 won't get off the ground until early next year when the dust has settled. If Obama wins, however, the campaign to shipwreck his administration begins in 48 hours.
If Obama wins, however, the campaign to shipwreck his administration begins in 48 hours.
We are Calypso?!?
I estimate Obama will get a nice long honeymoon from the MSM. No less than three years.
Sucha tough call to make.
It strikes me that if the call came in "Friday or yesterday" and you're still considering how to respond now, verging on midnight Eastern (and Indiana) time Sunday night/Monday morning, this is a) already too late, and b) in and of itself, quite a telling thing.
Sorry, Simon, my intention here TRULY has not to do with snark, nor is it personal. It is, however, to point out what I see.
(Do remember--if it helps--that I'm the lowest of the low, in terms of what I've said I'm going to do, myself, with regard to the top of the ticket.)
The morning pundits were all about how 25% of the voters have already been to the polls. I wonder if that changes any patterns of voting? Last minute scandals have less impact; I wonder what else changes.
Reader, well, they want it by "Monday," so I don't know if they meant midnight sunday, or sometime during monday.
During the election I long considered joining the threads on this account. But something just did not smell right. It is amazing how perceptive intruition can be.
Is that like truth sniffing? :)
Dear [my real name],
Thank you for your generous contribution of $x.00 to McCain-Palin Victory 2008. If I have the honor of standing up for you as the next President of the United States along with the conservatives in Congress, it will be because you stood by us during this historic contest.
I am also grateful that at my side is Governor Sarah Palin, a proven reformer, who, as Vice President, will join me and our Republican team in shaking up Washington.
This may be the most important election in our lifetime. Our great country faces monumental challenges to her well-being and security. Mere talk will not provide solutions. To revive the economy, achieve energy independence, and keep America safe, a McCain-Palin administration and our allies in Congress, must rescue Washington from partisan gridlock and reach across the aisle to grasp real and lasting reform.
The campaign's final stretch will require the very best we have to offer. Governor Palin and I have each demonstrated the courage, sound judgment and gritty determination to succeed despite all odds. Our Republican Team needs your help.
With your continued support, we will fortify the state and national Republican campaign organizations to assure victory, and in so doing, move this nation toward peace and prosperity.
John McCain
*Please note, your contribution will be listed as **** on your next statement.
Paid for by McCain-Palin Victory 2008
A joint fundraising committee by and composed of the Republican National Committee, the Michigan Republican Party, the Missouri Republican State Committee, the Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee, the Republican Federal Committee of Pennsylvania, and McCain-Palin Compliance Fund.
From hell's heart I stab at thee! Take that, suckers! By Odin's beard that's money I actually can't afford just at this moment, but damn if I won't spit right back in your fucking eye for all you've done!
Go ahead, John, that's gas money, take somebody to the polls. Sarah, if that will buy a lipstick that makes you look any better than you already do, arm yourself.
Tell a hundred thousand coalminers that if they vote for Obama they are shitheads. Buy Cheney a box of ammo. I don't care.
I have actually never done this before, donate. Now I am in a database and will probably be harassed to the ends of the earth.
Now of course if I said Obama, you goin' down, that would be either racist or threatening or both or worse, so let me simply say:
Senator Obama, you should not become the President of the United States. I don't think that you are the man for the job.
If you do, I'm sure you'll hack McCain's databases, so no doubt you can find me. Seeya when you get here. It would be a courtesy to cuff me in front, so I don't expect it.
JAL: I agree with you but the internet discussion pretty well breaks down to "Yes, it is" vs "No, it isn't" and neither side believes the other. The undecided folk in the middle will never be sure if they have not figured it out by now.
A new national poll suggests Sarah Palin may be hurting Republican presidential nominee John McCain more than she's helping him.
Fifty-seven percent of likely voters say Sarah Palin does not have the personal qualities a president should have.
A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Sunday indicates McCain's running mate is growing less popular among voters and may be costing him a few crucial percentage points in the race for the White House.
Yes, Palin turned out to be a real disaster for McCain. Without even getting into what a moron she sounded like in that prank phone call that Althouse decided not to blog about.
This was a winnable election for McCain until he chose Palin, taking the advice of the far-right-wing (represented on this blg by so many commenters).
Oh, well, whatever. Will the far-right-wing live and learn? Probably not. But they can look in the mirror and know that when Obama wins in a landslide on Tuesday, it was they who helped it happen!
Now, Sarah Palin, will you take your $150,000 wardrobe back to Alaska? Thanks.
The Althouse right-wing commenters couldn't even convince Althouse to vote for McCain over Obama, and she read all their rubbish and propaganda for over a year straight! Without any MSM intervention!
No surprise Obama will win in a historic landslide. After the right-wingers pressured McCain into selecting Palin as his running mate, he was no longer a fit choice for the mainstream. Watch ow blue the map will be painted on Tuesday and weep!
(BTW, the networks used to alternate the colors red and blue between the parties, but now they are forever sticking with red for the GOP and blue for the Dems. A bit weird, since in most of the world red is for commies.)
" Obama wants to bankrupt to bankrupt the coal industry (and the SF Chronicle sat on the audiotape)."
Twice? What, he didn't do it well enough the first time? As Messiah in Chief, of course he can do as He wishes. One more day, dearest comrades, then your dreams will all come true.
Simon: "Sucha tough call to make."
Simon - I say that you should kick in a few more dollars. If McCain-Palin wins then your money could have made a difference. If the ticket does not win.... as a loyal republican don't you want to help them pay off their campaign debts?
marklewin, part of the problem is that money allocated to a lost cause is money that can't be pressed into the service of throwing obstacles before an Obama administration. Patriotism has to trump partisanship, and slowing, stopping or derailing Obama's administration is an urgent national priority, even if it leaves McCain hanging. Then again, the very best way to stop Obama's administration is to prevent it from being created, so maybe the most efficient way to spend that dollar is to throw it at McCain now. Hence the dilemma - and the clock is ticking.
LoafingOaf, the idea that Palin hurt McCain is beyond idiotic. It's asinine; it's a hackneyed talking point on the left that completely ignores reality. McCain's chances were grim at best until he picked her; that he hasn't won in an highly inhospitable election environment is no poor reflection on him. I just don't see who you think McCain could have picked that would have been a better pick than Palin, and if your answer's Lieberman, you confirm your ignorance.
I don't know about that; campaign 2012 won't get off the ground until early next year when the dust has settled.
I don't see how the campaign for 2012 can start before the next President is sworn in, so at least we have 2 months of breathing space :)
The weather here in the Badger state is delightful for early November. I put clothes out on the line to dry before coming in to work. I'll take them in and put another load out tonight to dry tomorrow. And pay zero attention to any thing political.
10. And now, it's November, and this list hits the round number 10. The feeling is: Let it end!
Neither pride nor hope rekindling at the end descried, so much as gladness that some end might be.
No, Simon, I'm not "ignoring reality". Ignoring reality was when you considered Palin qualified.
Here's reality, from this past weekend's polling data: A growing number of voters have concluded that Sen. John McCain’s running mate, Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, is not qualified to be vice president, weighing down the Republican ticket in the last days of the campaign, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.
McCain was gaining - slowly but surely - on Obama before he picked Palin, beginning when he started running his ads which were attacking Obama's lack of experience and celebrity hype. Then McCain picked a running mate who lacked experience and was all hype and undermined his entire campaign.
God forbid anyone would criticize Joe the Plumber for the racist tripe he spews.
When calling a racist a racist is worse than being a racist, then someone is seriously off.
When calling a racist a racist is worse than being a racist, then someone is seriously off.
Wait, how did discussion of Obama's racist pastor of twenty years end up unacceptable in mixed company again?
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