July 30, 2008

Obama is everywhere!


Obama Is Everywhere

"It's like Che," said the voice at the other end of that arm on Melrose Avenue.

He's lurking behind the mechanical fortune teller and the magic-mushroom beaded curtain in Venice Beach:

Obama Is Everywhere

"Down with Bush"...

Obama Is Everywhere

Says the visual pun (in Silver Lake).

"Obama is the new black."

Obama Is Everywhere

Obama is everywhere.


EnigmatiCore said...

He's the smiling face on your TV.

Anonymous said...

his daughters and those kids of their generation will be forgetting to sing

"if i could be like mike (as in black male athletes)"

i just hope they don't end up singing:

if i can be like flashy boobed obama girls

Hoosier Daddy said...

Seriously, doesn't this stuff strike even Obamatrons as creepy? or are giant smiling Obama billboards with the words DEAR LEADER just around the corner?

ricpic said...

Actually, Obama is very much the old black.

In a speech yesterday to black journalists in Hawaii he said the U.S. will have to make amends for its "tragic" history not just in words but in deeds.

Translation: pay up whitey. The first trillion wasn't enough.

Ms. Czarina Hacktress said...

Going into the sun without a hat, without Ray-bans....without a huge SPF (70?) .

You do realize how much proper Dermatological care in Los Angeles costs? Los Angeles/Beverly Hills Dermotologists don't take insurance. You pay cash....up front.

Potential Employers won't even look at you if you have so much as a single blemish, sunspot, demarcation, disfiguration, deformation , and such.

You are committing DERMATOLOGICAL SUICIDE by exposing fair, pale skin to the sun like that.

Yes, I know you want to fit in. But if you weren't born with melanin, then you weren't born with melanin....and destroying, your skin---trying to get that swarthy look of a Mexican..... won't change that.

Fake tans, or a gold-tinted moisturizer are best. Listen to what I'm saying---it's your face, not mine !!!!

MadisonMan said...

Resistance is futile.

Brian Doyle said...

Ricpic doesn't see anything tragic about slavery, apparently.

ricpic said...

What's tragic is living in the past and using that past as an excuse not to get off your duff in the present, doyle.

Actually, it's not tragic it's pathetic, like you.

bearbee said...

To Obama:

I LOVE you more today than YESTERDAY ..........

Anonymous said...

Ricpic doesn't see anything tragic about slavery, apparently.

Horribly tragic, yet overshadowed 100% by all the good things this nation and its people have accomplished.

Also, I personally didn't have a thing to do with it. Nor did any of my ancestors since they didn't even get here until after it was rightfully abolished.

So quit the guilt trip already. I ain't buying it.

Godot said...


Simon said...

Who would have thought it - Los Angeles, CA supporting the nominee of the Democratic Party! Inconceivable!

dbp said...

I propose that the US Govt. pay each and every person who was legally enslaved in our country $1,000,000. Tax free.

On second thought, why not make it a cool trillion since there aren't any such people living in the USA.

Trooper York said...

Look at this way ricpic. Reparations won’t be so bad if you can get free cab rides from those Egyptian cabdrivers for you lantsmen that built the pyramids.

Everybody has a story.

Simon said...

Doyle said...
"Ricpic doesn't see anything tragic about slavery, apparently."

No one who is more ashamed of this country's past with slavery than they are proud that this country fought a civil war to eliminate slavery is fit for public office. It's the sort of mindset that should be left to skulk around in back alleys and the minds of malcontents.

Trooper York said...

Personally I want free chips for life from those dirty limeys who wouldn't give my great-great-great-great grandfather a potato.

Ms. Roberta Crasski said...

I'm going to pretend that I didn't hear the word 'Silverlake'.

That's not the Westside, and doesn't even come close.

Lady, you're headed in the wrong direction.

AllenS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
le Douanier said...

"i just hope they don't end up singing:

if i can be like flashy boobed"

It's too late in SoCal. I know perfectly stable and confident women who, after a decade in this environment, chose to go with ridiculously unnatural implants.

And, ricpic, I can't tell if your dishonest retelling is the result of your conscious lies, or is this just your ignorant regurgitation of the conscious lies of right wing media. I saw that entire event, so I do know that your retelling is a lie, regardless of it's origin.

That you spread lies is now boring to me. But, at least for now, I am still slightly curious about where you fit in the lie food chain. Being manipulated by others is pitiful. But, being a manipulator is to be weak and lack integrity.

Sad, either way.

If folks want to be against reparations, it seems that such a position can be taken without making up lies about BHO's comments. Starting from a point of truth would actually help your cause. Basing an argument on a lie allows informed folks to completely discredit you, even if some of you points could be reasonable, or at least arguable.


Original Mike said...

I want reparations for Polack jokes.

Trooper York said...

Ok the government is sending you a car door.

(So you can roll down the window if it gets too hot)

Simon said...

Where does Obama stand on reparations, by the way? I heard scuttlebutt that he was asked about it and waffled, as he is wont to do, but I never found it credible enough to take seriously.

MadisonMan said...

Why aren't there George Bush Tshirts being sold? The market won't support them. I say the people who are selling Tshirts and filling the apparently desperate need for cheap outerwear are Grade-A entrepreneurial Americans!

Trooper York said...

He's waffling. Does that mean those greasy Belgians are going to get free waffles for life? That sucks. I want government waffles too. I love waffles. With strawberries and cream. Damn, I wish my great-great-great-great-grandfather was Belgian now.

Joe M. said...

Found here:

"I consistently believe that when it comes to whether it's Native Americans or African-American issues or reparations, the most important thing for the U.S. government to do is not just offer words, but offer deeds."

(Original news article)

So, 1jpb: all lies?

Henry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Peter V. Bella said...

We already paid reparations. Years and generations of welfare. Historically the British brough slavery to these shores. If anyone should pay reparations it should be them.

Henry said...

Where does Obama stand on reparations? He thinks something should be done.

What should be done? Something.

AllenS said...


I've received about $34,000 from the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The White Earth Land Settlement Act of 1985 was payment for land my grandmother was allotted and then lost by questionable methods. Obama is probably just trying to please the crowd, and like everything else, doesn't mean it. If not, this is going to cost a lot of money.

Trooper York said...

Cool Allen S. So you are part Native American? Can we use you as a front man to open a casino?

Not me you understand, but I have friends of ours from Bensonhurst who want to know.

Andrew said...

Hoosier Daddy,

Do you mean like this?

Mrs. Henrietta P. Humpington said...

Well hello and good morning dear Althousian commentariat! It is a morning of sunshine and lustfulness at chez Humpington.

I find this man, this Barack Obama, a swarthy gentleman of questionable morals and skin color, but no matter, no matter, because he conjures the brooding image of a strong horse, a black stallion with firm, pulsing thighs and tight, bulging arms. I am taken back to my days of promiscuity, when men of such size and stature had their way with me, unbeknownst to my guardians ...who would've been outraged! A woman of my fair color shall never be seen with a man from the wild!

I am tempted, just like the fair Althouse, however, to place my ballot in his name, cum this November. And I will live with the secret shame of disavowing my fragile white brother, Mr. Obama's opponent. But no matter, no matter, because this is a matter of the heart, a matter of my passion, my yearning, my bosom's swelling...oh...oh...oh!

I trust the fair Christopher, akin to his mother, will be faced with a similar conundrum.

God speed, my friends.

Your sister in Christ,
Mrs, Henrietta P. Humpington

AllenS said...


I've met a lot of people who claim to have Indian blood. I always say, "Oh yeah? Have they sent you any money?"

Andrew said...

Oops, wrong link. This should be the real billboard.

Anonymous said...

And what exactly has America done in the last 8 years that we're supposed to be proud of.

It enabled the slaughter of 400,000 brown people in Iraq and the creation of 2 million plus refugees. I guess that is kind of cool to some people.

It disenfranchised 15 million gay people by making them second class citizens by enshrining bigotry in state constitutions, forbidding them from serving their country, etc.

It put its head in the sand when it came to global warming, ignoring science in the name of ideology.

It's economy sucks, with the economy even smaller than the ailing Eurozone.

There are now about 20 countries that have more freedom than the U.S. including countries like South Africa.

Really. What is exactly is so special about America recently? And no, I'm not impressed with the fact that we abolished slavery about 50 years after most of the developed world at the time, followed up with 100 years of Jim Crow laws.

Paddy O said...

Where does Obama stand on reparations, by the way?

"You will embrace this rebellion. Support it, from our lands in the north. I will gain English favor by condemning it and ordering it opposed from our lands in the south. Whichever way the tide runs, we will rise."

The Dude said...

He is the new Che, only he will deal death on a much larger scale.

All Hail Our Dear Leader, the Smoker of Hopium and Kools. He will Lower The Seas. He will Calm all Troubles in the World.

The Counterfactualist said...

If reparations means self-righteous people like ricpic and Simon have to shine Al Shaprton's shoes for a year, I am all for it.

Anonymous said...

How silly of me.

Americans should be proud of the fact that they defeated Al Queada and killed Bin Laden.

Americans should be proud of the fact that gasoline has dropped from $4.10 a gallon to $3.90.

Americans should be proud of the fact that the economy is growing a whopping 0.8% a year.

Americans should be proud of the fact that inflation has been held to just 5% a year.

Americans should be proud of the fact that we had job growth in December (never mind the 6 straight months of job decreases since then).

Americans should be proud of the fact that we stopped the faggots from destroying civilization.

And most importantly - Americans should be proud of the fact that they're #1 at being brainwashed by Fox News.

veni vidi vici said...

"So, 1jpb: all lies?"

No, as the great one said, "just words, just words..."

Hoosier Daddy said...

Ricpic doesn't see anything tragic about slavery, apparently.

I don't know about you Doyle but my family didn't own any slaves so I personally don't feel the need to pony up more of MY money to hand over to people who were never slaves and whose slave descendents have probably been dead for about 6generations.

But don't let me stop you for assuaging any guilt you may have.

Trooper York said...

Don't worry Hoosier Daddy. We are working on the Polish reparations.

You are going to get a new bowling ball to put in the sink.

AllenS said...

If Obama gave blacks reparations and a free plane ticket back to Africa, nobody would take it.

le Douanier said...

joe m,

You are funny.

Read other quotes from your first link. BHO is for better schools (including some things that upset the teachers unions.) And, if you saw the whole thing you'd know that he said if anything, poor whites need more help than well off black folks, when affirmative action was discussed. Really, folks should watch these events before they think they know what happened. This is just like those who "feel" certain that they know BHO is just like Wright, never mind that there is no evidence to support that assertion. These folks are shouting about their own thinking, but they don't even know it. Funny and sad.

Also, look at the basic logistical details of this event. Compare these with ricpic's story, you can see that he's obviously a misguided, ignorant regurgitater. He can't even get the simple facts right. Of course he doesn't know the full text of BHO's comments, he's not suppose to his right wing media leaders are keeping that a secret from him. This is how they put food on the table, or go golfing around the world on their private jets, as the case may be.

ricpic (and others) = (oblivious) sucker.

Really sad.

MadisonMan said...

Reparations to me sounds very backwards looking. Look to the future for opportunity, not the past. Anticipate a need and fill it and you will make money.

It will not surprise me, however, if reparations occur. After all, the government paid money to those affected by the OKCity bombing and by 9/11. The government should just say in all those cases: "Sorry. Life's unfair."

Mrs. Henrietta P. Humpington said...

I must confess...

I would let Obama motorboat me.

Trooper York said...

I want reparations for my half Italian side too! My grandfather had to eke out a living with a monkey with a little hat begging while he played the accordion. Yes he was an organ grinder.

So I want to government to send someone to grind my organ. Preferably Patricia Arquette. Or Mariska Hargitay.

But with my luck they would send Maxine.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Don't worry Hoosier Daddy. We are working on the Polish reparations. You are going to get a new bowling ball to put in the sink.

Hey, that's not funny. I take very good care of my bowling ball so much so I bowled a 245 last Saturday with my league.

I believe Polish reparations should include a life time supply of sausage casings, perogis and our own personal German or Russian slave that we can beat up from time to time.

Speaking of t-shirts, there was some guy down here at our Wednesday Farmer's Market selling Obama t-shirts just like the ones the Professor took pictures of. I bought one and told the guy I needed a new car washing rag.

Hoosier Daddy said...

I want reparations for my half Italian side too!

You know we Pollacks put out our garbage in clear plastic bags so you Degos can go window shopping.

Trooper York said...

Polish guys can't spell. That's Dago not Dego you perogi puller you.

knox said...

Why aren't there George Bush Tshirts being sold? The market won't support them.

What we need is a fairness Doctrine for tees.

Simon said...

downtownlad said...
"And what exactly has America done in the last 8 years that we're supposed to be proud of."

Re-read my comment, and if you still don't understand why your reply is wholly inapt and irrelevant, work on your reading comprehension and try again. Repeat until enlightened.

knox said...

1jpb will brook absolutely no comments that do not appropriately praise Obama as the shit.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Polish guys can't spell. That's Dago not Dego you perogi puller you.

Hey, perogis are meant to stuffed with delicious things like potatoes, sausage or prunes. Kielbasa is for pulling.

Hey when you get a flat tire does sound like wop-a-wop-a-wop....?

Hoosier Daddy said...

How silly of me.

Very good DTL. The first step in helping yourself is recognizing you have a problem.

Anonymous said...

downtownlad - Dude! Chill out.

Americans should be proud of a lot about their country, because America only has a duty to make a best effort, not to meet the standard of perfection you dreamed up and seem to want to judge us against.

Besides, if you want to dream up a higher standard than any of us claim is our duty, why stop at your paltry few.

Why not curse America because we haven't eliminated all global poverty under $40,000 per year by direct cash grants?

Why not hate America because we haven't stopped all murder and DWIs globally.

Why not hate Americans because we haven't subsidized the teaching of every child in the world how to play pool and speak Korean?

I mean, we may not have defeated Al Queada and killed Bin Laden, but no towers in NYC have gone down lately. That's not bad.

Maybe gas has only moved from $4.10 a gallon to $3.90 recently, but it isn't $11.00 as it is in the UK and most of Europe.

Economy may be growing only 0.8% a year, but it isn't as bad as Japans economy went from 4% annual growth between 1974-1990. Since then it has stalled three separate times: Zero growth in 92, a large contraction in 97, and again stalled in 2001.

Inflation to 5% a year? Actually, this really is our largest systemic problem, and it is likely to get worse because Greenspan flooded us with money for so many years. But it still isn’t as bad yet as it was during the Carter years (10% in 1979-80)

Job growth in December? Lately, we've been running in the 5% unemployment range while France has been running fully above 8% since 83 and France and Germany have been between 8 and 12% since 94, with a peak at 12% in 1997 (US was at 4% in 1997, a number widely considered “full employment” )

More freedom in South Africa? Perhaps. But the key to personal freedom there is not getting murdered. That is really the key.

Americans should be proud of the fact that we stopped the faggots from destroying civilization? Hey? Which group came up with the idea to radically shift and alter the many-thousand year foundation of society?

Being brainwashed by Fox News? Is that any worse than being brainwashed by DailyKos or your liberal professor at any major academy in the US?

Global Warming? Until you can tell me what caused the ice ages, I'm not sure I believe you have a good handle on what is going on right now either.

So, I dunno, it just depends on how you WANT to look at it, I guess. I don’t think we’re doing so bad, really, compared to the rest of the world.

Asante Samuel said...

Sen. Obama's brand of smokes could be more instructional than his choice for VP.
I also want to know if he prefers box or hard pack, and if he opens the pack from the top or bottom.

We could be on to something educational here.

vbspurs said...

"Obama is the new black."

I thought Obama was the new pink?


ricpic said...

The word on the street where I have my box is that Al Sharpton is a stingy tipper at best and won't tip white boys like me at all. Something about redress for past wrongs. So I gave him a pass the last time he wanted his Reeboks shined. My buddy Rufus was none too pleased to get Al's business on the rebound, so to speak. Something about a brotha fronta ofays and a motha fronta brothas, if I recall.

Brian Doyle said...

No one who is more ashamed of this country's past with slavery than they are proud that this country fought a civil war to eliminate slavery...

Well, not the whole country, right? Otherwise it wouldn't have been a civil war.

TitusSpartacusAmI said...

You bowl in the summer Hoosier?

Even, my parents who were diehard bowlers said summer bowling was a faux pas-well they didn't use the word faux pas because they wouldn't know what that word means.

Bowling is a winter sport, not a summer sport. Is it even really a sport?

Now curling is definitely something you wouldn't do in the summer....I think.

TitusSpartacusAmI said...

blogging cock is funny.

TitusSpartacusAmI said...

You don't even see Obama tshirts everywhere in NYC.

What's up with southern California?

I did see K Lo on the street with a Mccain hat though. That was a pretty picture.

knox said...

Well, doyle if you're so torn up about it, get up, unplug your computer and go give it to someone less fortunate.

Brian Doyle said...

All I'm saying is that there's no need for scare quotes around "tragic" when referring to slavery, which did actually happen, regardless of how guilty you may or may not feel about it.

TitusSpartacusAmI said...

It's too tense here. Let's all relax and talk about blogging cock.

Blogging Cock-Dam that is funny.

Say it fast three times. Hilarious.

Trooper York said...

Well you see Hooiser Daddy has to bowl all year round so he can explain the shirt.

And the shoes.

TitusSpartacusAmI said...

I am picturing an actual cock at the keyboard blogging. Perhaps with a face painted on the head and the peepee hole being the mouth and with long feathered blonde hair-like Farah Fawcett in Charlie's Angels.

God that is hilarious.

Blogging Cock.

TitusSpartacusAmI said...

The blogging cock would need to be erect though-the flacid blogging cock couldn't type very well.

vbspurs said...


Hoosier Daddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoosier Daddy said...

Even, my parents who were diehard bowlers said summer bowling was a faux pas-well they didn't use the word faux pas because they wouldn't know what that word means.

Or they didn't want to let everyone know they speak the same language as those cheese eating surrender monkey Frenchies.

Bowling is a winter sport, not a summer sport. Is it even really a sport?

Well its more of a sport than say, golf which was invented by some druken Scotsman who had to think of something to do on a Friday night when the rest of the sheep turned him down for a date.

Well you see Hooiser Daddy has to bowl all year round so he can explain the shirt. And the shoes.

Well I will admit the shirts do leave something to be desired but you have all those 20 somethings walking around in those fake bowling shoes thinking its stylish. What a bunch of morons but then again they're voting for Obama so no surprise.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Well, doyle if you're so torn up about it, get up, unplug your computer and go give it to someone less fortunate.

Oh Knox you silly boy. Doyle is a liberal which means he'll just take your computer and give it to someone less fortunate.

Palladian said...

That "Obama is my Homeboy" shirt is a modification of an older shirt. Move over Jesus, there's a new Messiah in town!

Anonymous said...

Hoosier Daddy: FYI, Knox is not a silly boy. ;-) Her moniker is a shortened version of her old pseudonym, knoxgirl.

Trooper York said...

You always have to explain things carefully to Polish guys.

TitusSpartacusAmI said...

Hi Palladian.

Now assume the ready position, unlock your door, leave out fancy treats for the rare clumbers and let's get to business.

TitusSpartacusAmI said...

Blogging Cock would wear a sun bonnet too.

Kit said...

"It's like Che..."

Heh, yes, indeed it is!:


I don't own the site, I just came across it and bought a shirt for my husband, and it's since brought lots of amusing comments.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Doyle said: Really. What is exactly is so special about America recently?

Nothing. I think you'd better leave for your own good.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

My Grandfather was Welsh, so don't bet with me...wait...was that Welch or Welsh.

I have zero 'white guilt' since one side of my family (the Irish and Welsh) didn't arrive here until after the Civil War. And on my Grandmother's side Quakers who helped the slaves and supposidly related to Grant (7th cousin or some such thing) I believe this to be true because I can drink with the best of them :-)

knox said...

Thanks, Randy, I assumed reg. commenters would know it was me. oh well.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I am picturing an actual cock at the keyboard blogging

Or...maybe at at the piano?

Maybe NSFW. :-)

Anonymous said...

Knox: What with all the sock puppets popping up around here recently, it definitely is getting hard to remember who-is-who, particularly if there's been even a minor alteration in name. Even if one had a scorecard, as someone suggested on another thread a while ago, it would probably prove useless ;-)

Hoosier Daddy said...

You always have to explain things carefully to Polish guys.

Yeah but you only have to tell us once. You Dagos still need a picture drawn for you.

Sorry knox. I stand corrected.

Anonymous said...

The pictures they're drawing at the moment aren't particularly pretty.

Peter V. Bella said...

downtownlad said...

Nothing as usual. What a waste of oxygen. A truly pathetic individual. He reminds me of the ubiquitous little boy who stares in the mirror, shaking his fist, shouting “I hate you, I hate you…”

Peter V. Bella said...

Hoosier Daddy said...
Hey when you get a flat tire does sound like wop-a-wop-a-wop....?
You Dagos still need a picture drawn for you.

Hey Troop, sounds like we have to take a little ride to Hoosierville and straighten out a certain Daddy. I wonder if he enjoys the symphonic and Operatic sounds of Italian trunk music.

Trooper York said...

Hey MCG, Hoosier is one of the good guys. There is nothing like busting your friend’s balls with good natured racial slurs and personal insults.

Plus you should be nice to him. He's Polish. And he lives in Indiana. He's suffering enough as it is.

Peter V. Bella said...

Trooper York said...
Hey MCG, Hoosier is one of the good guys. There is nothing like busting your friend’s balls with good natured racial slurs and personal insults.

Plus you should be nice to him. He's Polish. And he lives in Indiana. He's suffering enough as it is.

Hey, just trying to have a little fun here. I know he is one of the good fell... er guys! I know he can't change being Polish, but he can always move. That may alleviate some of his suffering.

blake said...

Say, wouldn't Obama owe reparations? His white side were slave-owners, and since his black side was still in Africa, there's a good chance that side was slave-owners and traders!

TRundgren said...

I'd actually like to know how Obama feels about any of the issues.

He's an image in search of substance.

When he finally has to fill in the detail (if he actually has any specifics on any subject) he's finished.

We'll see how long he can get away with hot air.

LoafingOaf said...

"I consistently believe that when it comes to whether it's Native Americans or African-American issues or reparations, the most important thing for the U.S. government to do is not just offer words, but offer deeds." - Obama

Obama should be forced to be way more specific before November. There are some deeds I would support and some I definitely and strongly would not. Given Obama's intimate, long association with a reverend at a church that gave an award to Farrakhan, Obama should not force us to speculate on what he might mean by deeds, because then I have to think the worst ideas I've heard over the years from the reparations push are possibly what Obama means. If the deeds he wants to offer as president are being kept a secret until after the election, we have to assume it'll be stuff that would've harmed Obama in the election.

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