April 14, 2008

Shots and beer.

Hillary drinks. On camera. Does it make you like her more or less?

Now, we want to see Obama out regular-guy her. All he needs to do — on camera — is down some shots and beer — and smoke.


Anonymous said...

All candidates engage in this sort of photo op; just wait until the 4th of July and see the BBQ and beer pics. Hillary nursed the shot a little before downing it. Seemed rather natural and casual. I wouldn't say I like her anymore, and this certainly wouldn't make mee want to vote for her socialist agenda, but this is the first thing that suggests humanity under that politician's veneer.

The folks over at HotAir have villified her mercilessly and needlessly. People have too much time on their hands and too much hatred in their souls when they critique someone's drinking mannerisms. It's a non-issue for normal people.

Chennaul said...


I was watching a commercial on HBO and they were doing a preview for an Obama interview with Brian Gumbel.

Now for some damn reason the subject of wether or not Obama could take Bush at one on one basketball came up and Obama's response was-

He looks kind of athletic but I am sure I could take him.

I'd like to see Obama run three miles with Bush.

Obama just recently went from 25 cigarettes to ten, to Nicorette.


[And they say they want to see McCain's health records...I'd like to see Obama's lung X-ray]

Dean has been hitting McCain on issues of his age-but it was Obama who had a memory relapse-he couldn't get the name of Senator Rockefeller's wife right in a speech in West Virginia-had that kind of fumble and forgetfulness been displayed by McCain it would be news at 5 and 11.

Also the unfairness of the press-

In a recent Marist College Poll Clinton was barely beating McCain in her own home state-New York.

By less than the margin of error-she led by only 2%

Imagine the damn inverse of that-

If McCain was only leading Hillary by 2% in Arizona.

They'd be splattering that all over the place.

[No- Marist College is not a card carrying member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy]

P_J said...

I knew Ted Kennedy. I drank with Ted Kennedy.

Senator, you're no Ted Kennedy.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I bet, by last call,Teddy would think Hillary was looking hot.

Chennaul said...



Main Entry:
weth·er Listen to the pronunciation of wether
Middle English, ram, from Old English; akin to Old High German widar ram, Latin vitulus calf, vetus old, Greek etos year
before 12th century

: a male sheep castrated before sexual maturity; also : a castrated male goat

I meant whether...

I meant that alternative possibility.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Heh. Crown Point is about as GOP as they come. I'll tell you right now they probably had to bus in some Democrats for that photo shoot.

But I have no doubt she can hold her own. Hell she;s married to Bill. I'm betting she's cracked more than one bottle of Southern Comfort across his head.

Hoosier Daddy said...

I also heard that Obama was going to visit Gary but they couldn't get enough of the 3rd ID from Iraq to pull security.

EnigmatiCore said...

He tokes on camera, I'll vote for him.

For sheer ballsiness.

Chennaul said...

Make that Bryant Gumbel-


Roger J. said...

Hillary and Obama: two f**king idiots. This country deserves better, and this is the best the democratic party can come up with.

garage mahal said...

I definitely think Hill would take a hit off a J passed to her if she thought it would get her one vote. She drank what was given her. Props for that.

john said...

If you don't do shots of Yeagermeister in PA you will never convice anyone you have working class creds.

Funny, her drinking really did make me like her a little bit more.

It's BO's turn now. Just no bowling again.

Simon said...

It makes her seem more like Kenneth Clarke, and I always thought he was a decent sort. And if she drinks Blue Moon, as they claim, she at least has good taste.

Methadras said...

If Obama smoked a pack of Kools, a blunt, drank old english 800, and proclaimed that he was "Rick James, bitch!!!" then I might consider voting for him.

Hoosier Daddy said...

I'm certain Obama would have turned his nose up to that shot and asked for a nice Chablis or if he was adventerous, perhaps a chocolatetini.

I bet he uses one of those pussy cigarette filters like FDR did too.

Anonymous said...

Hillary (v), just one of the boys. Right. Did anyone check to see which restroom she was using? I wonder if she does the "how far can you stand from the urinal" trick, or the "can you write your name in the snow" trick, just to prove it.

Well, OK. Maybe if she practiced...

Bissage said...

Does it make you like her more or less?


Much more.

Much, much more.

In fact, it makes me like her so much more that the man who could pull me out of that should be crowned King of England!


Because . . . you show me a middle-aged woman . . . desperate for attention . . . surrounded by men . . . doing shots and beer . . . and I’ll show you a boner that lasts all night long!


amba said...

Running for president is such a degrading process, it's a wonder if any of them has a shred of dignity left for the office.

Anticipating the objections, no, it's not the drinking I think is degrading, it's the pandering.

Bissage said...

Hey, was that rude?

I’m sorry.

To make up for it all, here’s a picture of Bill and Hill, back in the early days.


amba said...

The Clintons made $109 million in the last 8 years. They're just folks.

EnigmatiCore said...

"Just no bowling again."

He wantsta bowl with-
the gangsters
but oh well it's obvious he's
too white n' nerdy.

I'm Full of Soup said...


I thought you meant the blog comments were the most degrading part :)

Revenant said...

Does it make you like her more or less?

The only way I could like her less is if she came over to my house and drank all of MY beer.

Richard Fagin said...

I'd go out for a beer with Bill. He might help me get lucky with some interns.

Automatic_Wing said...

"All he needs to do — on camera — is down some shots and beer — and smoke."

Yeah, but Hillary could easily top that by drinking and smoking while getting a tattoo at a tractor pull. Don't think she wouldn't do it.

Matt said...

If she were smoking dope I might respect her a little more.

garage mahal said...

It makes her seem more like Kenneth Clarke, and I always thought he was a decent sort. And if she drinks Blue Moon, as they claim, she at least has good taste.

I was a Blue Moonologist for a while, that is of course I drank a bottle of Spotted Cow. Hard to even put a number of how many I've had since. One of the last few real gems is a road trip around the hills of Swiss towns of New Glarus out to Monroe for anyone in the Madison area.

vnjagvet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
vnjagvet said...

Crown is a bit smooth for boilermakers. Old Overholt Rye and a Fort Pitt (if still available) is about right.

Mortimer Brezny said...


Simon said...

Matt said...
"If she were smoking dope I might respect her a little more."

I suppose that if she gets the nomination we'll be able to say that she smoked a dope.

Richard Fagin said...
"I'd go out for a beer with Bill. He might help me get lucky with some interns."

Fine by me. While you two do that, I'll stay in and drink shots with Hil. ;)

Ruth Anne Adams said...

It makes her look less like Queen Bess and more Thatcher-y.

Hillary was in SCRANTON having a press gaggle and she mentioned that she was near her father's grave. I couldn't help thinking that Michael Scott would make a field trip for the Dunder-Mifflinites to go pay respects at the Rodham plot.

Kansas City said...

I think Hillary is a congenital liar and would be a bad president, but I thought she looked cute with the shot and a beer.

I also think that over time Obama's cockiness will hurt him, plus his apparent but strange difficulty in coming across as as regular guy.

Anonymous said...

I also liked her better. She's acting like a trouper, a campaigner, and not a robot.

I'd like to see her get a little sloshed and let everyone know what she really thinks!

Da Bears.

Mortimer Brezny said...

I suppose that if she gets the nomination we'll be able to say that she smoked a dope.

Just call him a nigger already. We know you want to.

Blair said...

She took an awfully long time to knock that shot back. She needs to harden up if she wants to be Ms President

Simon said...

Mort, the only people who care about race in connection to Obama's campaign are he and his more zealous supporters. (You saw echoes of what those people really think of african-americans at the mere hint that Rice might be the GOP's veep.) Those of us critical of him are, for the most part, people who subscribe to Justice Scalia's Adarand concurrence on matters of race. It seems to me that America needs a "national conversation on race" about as much as it needs a nuclear strike on its major urban population centers. What race relations still need in this country, as Sen. Moynihan put it, is a period of benign neglect. The rest of time should be an adequate period. I treat people like people, encourage others to do the same, and I have little patience with those who want to put their thumb on the scale. If that's racist, so be it.

EnigmatiCore said...

My oh my, Mortimer sure has the vocabulary. He imagines his foes are the types to use such slurs, while he happens to be the only one on this thread, or any other in a long time, to do so.

Totally lacking in redeeming qualities like intelligence, wit, insight, honesty, or integrity-- that's our Mortimer.

Mortimer Brezny said...

Those of us critical of him are, for the most part, people who subscribe to Justice Scalia's Adarand concurrence on matters of race. ... If that's racist, so be it.

My comment has nothing to do with racial preferences in government contracts. Justice Scalia, whom I admire, is totally irrelevant to this thread.

Totally lacking in redeeming qualities like intelligence, wit, insight, honesty, or integrity-- that's our Mortimer.

You are one of the least intelligent, witty, or insightful regular commenters here. Your comments are dull. And if I see you at the next Althouse meet-up, I will punch you in the face. Honest enough for you?

Simon said...

His basic position - that people ought to treat other people as people - is relevant when you're accusing people of racism because they think a given candidate is a prick, Mort. As Scalia said, "we are just one race here. It is American."

john said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
john said...

"Hill, one more bump, my treat, before they kick us out."

"Mort, yer fuckin' sloshed, lets go home."

"I am not I'm perfffectly shober, come on, one more Yeager."

"Alright, but if you call Barak a nigger again, hes gonna punch you in the face."

"That wimp."

garage mahal said...

Mort's a little down in the dumps as most Obama supporters are these days, especially seeing Hillary knock back shots with the locals while he is bowling gutterballs and insulting them.

I bet this is really aggravating.

blake said...

I guess "authenticity" is out of the question.

Simon said...

Parting comment for the evening: I have to admit that I never thought I'd have something resembling common cause with Garage Mahal, but I'm pleased to have such.

garage mahal said...

Hah, true that. Same here.

Mortimer Brezny said...

Mort's a little down in the dumps as most Obama supporters are these days, especially seeing Hillary knock back shots with the locals while he is bowling gutterballs and insulting them.

I wouldn't call myself an Obama supporter; McCain has yet to choose a VP, and I have no idea whom I will vote for in the general election. But I do think Obama will win the nomination, even with Clinton's jealous conniption fits going off in the background.

And, no, I don't think her attempts to ingratiate herself with PA voters is working or attracting superdelegates. I think the dynamics of the primary are the dynamics of the primary and she's scared of not getting a double-digit win, as she's expected to. The only person who is down in the dumps is Hillary Clinton, which explains her desperate campaign tactics.

She should stick to a positive case for why she deserves the nomination or hammering John McCain, because all this flare-up has shown thus far is Obama's ability to take a punch and counterpunch effectively.

His basic position - that people ought to treat other people as people - is relevant when you're accusing people of racism because they think a given candidate is a prick, Mort.

I didn't call you a racist. Nor did I suggest you have a politically incorrect position on government contracting. Your responses have been wholly off-topic.

What I said, explicitly, is that you should go ahead and call Obama a nigger already, because it appears you want to. You did not deny that: Instead you said that if your conduct could be accurately described as racist, then so be it. I had no intention of calling you a racist and in fact did no such thing. You accused yourself of being a racist; what that has to do with a Supreme Court Justice is beyond me.

As for Obama being a dopey prick: you're someone who thinks Hillary Clinton is sexy, so your judgment of politico charisma isn't of high value.

Donna B. said...

She pulled off that shot just fine, even if it did start with a sip or two.

Now if she could just perform that well with a shotgun, she'd have it made.

M. Simon said...

Now if she could just perform that well with a shotgun, she'd have it made.

Which hunting companion does she have to shoot?

If I was Bill I'd be some where else. Like two states over.

EnigmatiCore said...

"And if I see you at the next Althouse meet-up, I will punch you in the face. "

Oooh! I am going to get punched by the irascible Mortimer!

He's a violent one, isn't he?

If you try, make sure to watch your form. I'd hate for you to break a nail or hurt your wrist.

Ann Althouse said...

"And if I see you at the next Althouse meet-up, I will punch you in the face."

Uh... just when I was thinking of doing a goodbye-to-Brooklyn meetup...

Simon said...

Mort, this is becoming tiresome. Your claim was that I was itching to call Obama a nigger. That's false (I hadn't thought it so veiled as to make an explicit statement necessary), and the claim must, it seems to me, spring from the assumption (or ancillary claim) that my hostility to Obama springs from some motivation that would also give rise to my wanting to use the N word. The only motivation that reasonably fits the bill is racism; so, in context, yes, the gravamen of your comment was to accuse me of racism. That makes an explanation of my view on race - accomplished by reference to someone else's view on race with which I know you're familiar - relevant to the point at hand. And none of this is "beyond [you]," Mort, you've shown many times that you're entirely smart enough to understand all the foregoing.

MadisonMan said...

Uh... just when I was thinking of doing a goodbye-to-Brooklyn meetup...

I think you should vlog the fisticuffs.

Crown Royal? Eeesh. The beer was awfully light, too! The whole thing seemed staged. I suppose that makes sense, her bein' a politician an' all.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Madison said:

"Ann, I think you should vlog the fisticuffs".

And maybe charge a fee for admission to the meet-up :)

[Ann - you knew it would come to this one day]

stoqboy said...

I would like her more if she smoked a cigar. She can get one from Bill.

Anonymous said...

Ten bucks says someone made sure it was a non-alcoholic beer. Or a Coors, which is the same thing.

C'mon Hill. Go over to Penn State and hammer the beer bong a few times with some undergrads!

Trooper York said...

I hate it when I miss everything by actually doing work. Jeeez.

Mortimer Brezny said...

Uh... just when I was thinking of doing a goodbye-to-Brooklyn meetup...

Oh, I was obviously kidding. I have too many questions about perfume to ask Palladian to bother dealing with less interesting commenters.

Mortimer Brezny said...

Your claim was that I was itching to call Obama a nigger. That's false (I hadn't thought it so veiled as to make an explicit statement necessary),

Ah, so you admit that your desire to call Obama a nigger was so thinly-veiled that an explicit statement was unnecessary. We agree. We still disagree to the extent I never said you were itching. Your itchiness is your own affair.

Simon said...

Mort, the difference between you and Titus is that he'll admit it when he's been licked.

Trooper York said...

Everybody get fiesty on April 15th.
Paying taxes makes everybody cranky.

Mortimer Brezny said...

Mort, the difference between you and Titus is that he'll admit it when he's been licked.

First of all, I have no desire to be licked by you, Simon. Just to make that clear. Second, your reasoning is wholly illogical:

"the claim must, it seems to me, spring from the assumption (or ancillary claim) that my hostility to Obama springs from some motivation that would also give rise to my wanting to use the N word. The only motivation that reasonably fits the bill is racism; so, in context, yes, the gravamen of your comment was to accuse me of racism."

No, the claim need not be.

You might simply want to call Obama a nigger because you dislike him and nigger is a very nasty epithet. If you want to throw a blow as hard as that, you might as well go ahead and just use the word. No need to clean it up with ill-fitting terms like "dope" and "prick" and "elitist".

And, in context, I explicitly commented on your behavior, not your intent. That was intentional, not an accident. I did not accuse you of racism. You brought up racism and continue to defend yourself against charges of racism that you alleged against yourself. I honestly have no idea what motivates you to do that, and I do not presume to know what would. But it isn't a rational response to what I have written here, nor is it at all germane. I do not care whether you are a racist, but if you want to call Obama a nigger, my suggestion is that you do so instead of beating around the bush.

Mortimer Brezny said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Simon said...

Mort, perhaps it has escaped your notice, but the N word isn't merely a "very nasty epithet" to be used interchangably with other epithets against a person whom one "dislike[s]." It is freighted with its history, and so far as I know (at least when used as an insult) invariably carries racial overtones. So, yes, the claim need involve the tacit accusation of racism, unless you've taken it upon yourself to coin an entirely novel and idiosyncratic linguistic framework for the use of the word. The rest of us will procede on the assumption that the words you use are to be evaluated in light of their ordinary meaning in our linguistic, temporal and cultural context. As I said this morning, this impression of a brain-dead kossack you've latched onto is wearing thin. You made an unsupportable and insulting accusation that has no support in anything I wrote. Give it up.

Mortimer Brezny said...

The rest of us will procede on the assumption that the words you use are to be evaluated in light of their ordinary meaning in our linguistic, temporal and cultural context.

If one takes your theory of ordinary language seriously then I cannot understand your sentence because "procede" is not a word.

In any event, people can use words that have certain connotations without meaning to import all of their baggage with each usage. I doubt Chris Rock actually means to offend anyone in his audience with his "Black People v. Niggers" routine. Indeed, people laugh.

Wanting to insult someone for racial reasons doesn't necessarily mean you're a racist. It just means you want to hurt the target's feelings in a particular way. Your reason for disliking them might be pure, but your act is not, e.g., "I hate that guy; that guy happens to be black; I'll use a slur for black people as the vehicle for my hatred." It might be liberating. You really should try it before you knock it.

Mortimer Brezny said...

You made an unsupportable and insulting accusation that has no support in anything I wrote.

Where is the insult in "If you want to exercise your free speech, feel free to exercise it?"

Trooper York said...

Hillary is the kind of lady who would stagger into the bar a half hour before closing, take three tries to get on the barstool. Then she would fish around in her pocket book and take out tons of stuff like used tissues and a hairbrush and assorted junk till she fishes out a crumpelled dusty linty five dollar bill with half a lifesaver stuck to it. She orders a dirty martini, slugs down half of it and swivels on her chair and says "Hello, how ya doing" in a voice that is a cross between Kathleen Turner and a bullfrog. You could be in a lot of trouble. If you don't believe me, ask Councilman Gallagher from Woodside about that one.

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