April 23, 2008
"It will give Clinton just the tiniest sliver of an argument that she should not drop out."
That's how Andrew Sullivan perceives Hillary Clinton's crushing victory. Just the tiniest sliver.
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crushing. the tiniest sliver.
Are you in a hyperbole contest with Mr. Sullivan?
Man, if she's as bas as Sully says she is you'd think more Dems would vote against her.
Sullivan really, really needs to stop rubbing all that testosterone cream into his chest every day. It's long been muddling his mind.
That's a protease cocktail unguent.
tiniest sliver
It might be high motives.
Thylias Moss :
Even the thinnest, flyweight modicum of doubt gives God the necessity to prove he's worthy of the implicit trust I can never give because I protect him from corruption
How many votes did Sullivan get?
"Hillary Clinton's crushing victory."
You're funny!!!
So she wins by garnering the older, white, racist vote. Let her have them.
Wasn't Obama expected to lose PA by more than 20 points just a couple of months ago? If that prediction had held what superlative would been appropriate - obliterate?
"Are you in a hyperbole contest with Mr. Sullivan?"
No, I'm in a double entendre contest.
Sully announces therein that he "stick[s] to my view that she needed double digits to have reason to stay in." I guess he just misread the numbers, because he seems to think Clinton only got 9%. She got 10% By Sully's own reasoning, that's "reason to stay in."
No, she got less than 10%.
Yourself and Andrew in a double entendre contest on Bloggingheads would be better than any season of reality TV!
No, I'm in a double entendre contest.
In that case, you should blog again about the Hillary Nutcracker, to underscore crushing.
I did not realize Andrew Sullivan had been to the Congo.
I think the rabid Obamaniacs in the media are running scared. They know that if Hillary continues on there is no way they can hide Obama's true face with the propaganda campaigns they have ready for that. it is also beginning to dawn on them that they are no longer the gatekeepers of information and there is no way they can bury Obama's dirty laundry.
They know that if they can not mask his true face by the time the convention rolls around the only ones who will think he is electable are the Obamaniacs. The saner heads in the Democratic party (and I use that term loosely) will realize that Obama will lose big, with an EV map that looks like the one from 1984. Not only that he will drag the rest of the party's ticket down with him.
Andrew's been at eye level with Obama's zipper for some time now. This is predictable.
I did not realize Andrew Sullivan had been to the Congo.
Um. This is an AIDS joke waiting to happen.
I don't know if net +9 delegates is a "crushing victory"
Way to raise the level of debate there buddy!
So she wins by garnering the older, white, racist vote. Let her have them.
So the folks in PA didn't vote for Hillary because they were bothered by his long term association with Reverend Wright, a racist anti-american truther whackjob, or his long association with admitted domestic terrorist Bill Ayers of the Weatherman Underground, nor with his insulting remarks about small town PA voters. Nope, the only reason they voted for Hillary is because they're racists. Keep tellin' yourself that buttercup.
Wasn't Obama expected to lose PA by more than 20 points just a couple of months ago? If that prediction had held what superlative would been appropriate - obliterate?
Actually the only poll to show Hillary with a 20 point lead was an ARP poll taken immediately after Obama's insulting comments in San Fran. Polls taken last week showed him within 6 points of Hillary. Ed Rendell even admitted that Team Hillary expected the race to tighten up since Obama was outspending her 3 to 1 in the state. So yes, given the air of inevitability all y'all Obamamaniacs put on the candidacy of the Obamassiah I'd say that a 10 point loss in PA is a crushing loss for "Mr Inevitable" especially if you consider he hasn't carried a real swing state since Super Tuesday - or are you going to argue that Wyoming is a swing state?
Put down the coolaide slim, your man is in trouble and polishing the turd isn't going to make it any shinier.
mortimer, see today's 5:55 AM post by our hostess.
So now she's the "old" candidate at 60?
FYI, Andrew, older voters have always controlled elections: they vote. Talk to McGovern about that.
If Hillary wins, she will be the 11th oldest President when she's sworn in. In contrast, Obama will be almost exactly Bill's age when he was first sworn in -- 15 days older. If Barack is too young surely Billy Jeff was too.
If Barack is too young surely Billy Jeff was too.
"So she wins by garnering the older, white, racist vote. Let her have them."
Yep. Everybody who voted for Hill is racist. Well, at least the whites who did are...
Did you notice that Obama got 90% of the black vote, while Hillary got 60% of the white vote?
Thank about that. If your vote says something about your racism, who were the more racist voters? The blacks or the whites?
Hey Craig, you have voted for people who look like you since you could vote.
Don't be an ass. What explanation do you have for the age breakdown? If no one over 40 voted in this election, Obama would win in a landslide. What is the reason for that?
No, I'm in a double entendre contest.
Ooh! I think Ann just questioned the size of Sullivan's manmeat.
franglosaxon said...
"If no one over 40 voted in this election, Obama would win in a landslide. What is the reason for that?"
Because a generation of pampered young voters used to getting whatever they want and not thinking too much about the cost aren't experienced enough to know when they're being bullshitted?
"If no one over 40 voted in this election, Obama would win in a landslide. What is the reason for that?"
That a majority of people under 40 are gullible idiots?
That a majority of people under 40 are gullible idiots?
Or as Pliny the Elder once put it:
"Politics is not for the young"
I'd imagine that the Dem power brokers are disturbed by other internal ways of looking at the overall primary election results. Hillary, who everybody says can't win the nomination, beat Obama everywhere it matters, in the blockbuster and even battleground states of OH, TX, PA, CA, and NY, and Obama's wins were in smaller and/or states that are going to go red in November anyway. There's no mistaking the trend.
"If no one over 14 voted in this election, Miley Cyrus would win in a landslide. What is the reason for that?"
"If no one under 80 voted in this election, Charlton Heston's resurrected corpse would win in a landslide (maybe). What is the reason for that?"
This is fun.
Hey Simon, this generation of young people is the first that cannot expect to do better materially than their parents. I am not sure if you grasp what that means to us psychologically.
Personally (I'm 29) I could really use a break from all the idiotic culture clash 60's holdover BS that influences pretty much all of our politics, defines the Clintons, and has no bearing on my world and my problems. Unfortunately I am being held in a demographic choke-hold by the execrable baby boom generation and their psychodramas (like I have been my whole life).
If Obama loses, I will conclude that there's nothing to be done until the boomers and their craven politics pass from this earth. Unfortunately again, my generation will also be notable for our shorter lifespans, due to the strain of having to support the surfeit of baby-boomers well into our middle age (medical technology coincidentally seeming to progress in lockstep with the ailments that trouble the baby boom generation).
I guess you could say I'm bitter about it.
franglosaxon said -
"I am being held in a demographic choke-hold by the execrable baby boom generation and their psychodramas (like I have been my whole life)."
Wow, at 29 you would think you would have enough arm strength to break that choke hold. Maybe not, as lifelong victims tend to get along after a while without much oxygen to the brain.
Try push ups and bench presses. Oh, and maybe you should finally move out of your mother's house.
"I guess you could say I'm bitter about it."
Are you sure you're not just clingy about it?
Hey John, it's cool, I actually live at your mother's house. She's a great cook and I have a thing for older ladies.
Couldn't be my mom. She kicked me out for being a whiner, but it eventually shaped me up.
this generation of young people is the first that cannot expect to do better materially than their parents. I am not sure if you grasp what that means to us psychologically.
People have been telling me since I was a teenager that my generation is the first that can't expect to do better, materially, than our parents.
When I was 25 my salary surpassed my mother's. At 28 it surpassed my father as well. I guess I've just been too busy succeeding to be pessimistic about my future.
If only old people would just die, DIE, I could finally get my Obama and stop having to pay for these parasites.
"If I'm happy, I'm happy".
We boomers intend to live forever so we will continue to monopolize the health system in pursuit of that quest. All medical advances will be hoarded by us to ensure that none of the younger generation will benefit when we are gone (which won't happen, since wer'e not going away).
And all because there are not enough iceflows to set us on (we caused global warming for a reason, you know).
I'm amazed leading Democrats are not insisting Obama drop out of the race. He has shown he can't win the big states. By refusing to disavow Wright, he has compartmentalized himself as a black candidate. And, thanks to Rezko, he has been shown to be sleazy. He should accept Hillary's offer of the second position on the ticket and hope that in eight years people will forget Wright and Rezko.
franglo -- Carter was spewing the same BS in the 70's, how we needed to lower our expectations, take our place as just one more nation, yadda, yadda, yadda.
Maybe it's because us old people remember that we told him to stuff it and ushered in the most prosperous 25 years in history.
How about you cowboy up and invent something cool instead of trying to figure out how the government can take other people's stuff to extend your adolescence.
How about you cowboy up and invent something cool instead of trying to figure out how the government can take other people's stuff to extend your adolescence.
I'd settle for just not insulting moms...
I'm amazed leading Democrats are not insisting Obama drop out of the race. He has shown he can't win the big states. By refusing to disavow Wright, he has compartmentalized himself as a black candidate. And, thanks to Rezko, he has been shown to be sleazy. He should accept Hillary's offer of the second position on the ticket and hope that in eight years people will forget Wright and Rezko.
God, this is the Connecticut race, with Hillary cast as Joe Lieberman, and Obama as Ned Lamont.
Lamont/Obama appeals to the more ideologically-correct members of his party, but Hillary/Lieberman is the strongest, most viable candidate of the two, who actually COULD win.
Many of us, after the MSM went gaga over Obama after Iowa, genuinely thought for a while that McCain can't beat either candidate.
But now?
Now, I know he can. He'd trounce Hillary, and I think maul Obama.
I'm not too sure I want one of my guys in 1600 this time around, because he'll be an one-termer for sure.
As I alluded to above, you really don't have enough experience, you really don't grasp what's going on in the world if you think that the issues that animate modern politics are "idiotic culture clash 60's holdover BS." Now, concededly, I don't know exactly what you have in mind, but since you seem to be shilling for Obama, it seems fair to infer that you have in mind the same sort of "culture war" issues that Obama claims to want to get past. But of course, Obama and most of his supporters aren't interested in moving past those issues, they are (as Amba notes today, coincidentally interested in winning. Take abortion, for example. If it has no bearing on your world and your problems, and you think it's all just a distraction, you presumably have no problem with changing the law to "no abortions, ever, under any circumstances." I sincerely doubt you'd be happy with that. Moving beyond the "pyschodrama[]" to people like you means your side wins, the other side loses. And that's different to your baby-boom predecessors how?
"Hey Craig, you have voted for people who look like you since you could vote."
Craig may have been doing so, but I sure haven't and I'm not about to vote for Hillary.
"Don't be an ass. What explanation do you have for the age breakdown? If no one over 40 voted in this election, Obama would win in a landslide. What is the reason for that"
Ummm....because most people under 40 and almost eveyone under 30 haven't had the benefit of age and wisdom to see beyond the superficialities of Obama's empty suit??
Being over 40 I can tell you that there is absolutely nothing new(other than his melanin content) and nothing wonderful about Obama. He is the same tired old cliche just dressed in a different suit this time. Grow up.
"Hey Simon, this generation of young people is the first that cannot expect to do better materially than their parents. I am not sure if you grasp what that means to us psychologically."
You are one year younger than my daughter who is doing just fine and pulling in a mid 6 figure income.
Why should you "expect" to get somehting for nothing l.e do better than your parents. I suggest you get over yourself and your psycolgical shortcomings and get off of your dead butt, get a real job and become a capitalist pig. I guarantee you will do better :-)
I can give you some tips, being an integral part of the vast right wing conspiracy myself.
Is your daughter married?
"Crushing Victory" my aching ass. She was ahead by more than twenty, she won by less than ten. And even that margin was only because the hillbillies in northeastern PA are out and out racists.
Sullivan's time has come and gone. The guy really is a complete washout at this point and his oozy, dripping, and yearning to sit in Obama's lap and talk about the first thing that pop's up. Really, what more can Sullivan do to try and rehab his already self-besmirched image. You can't be for Obama and really call yourself a Conservative whether or not your are a homosexual. Maybe call yourself a Christian, but at this stage in the game, Sullivan would most likely be called a Christian Marxist. That's what I would call him. Either way, his sheen of prurient dignity in the face of obstacles yet to come is so faux at this point. Andrew if you are reading this, stop the lame fawning, it's so beneath you and quite unbecoming. However, you won't do it and it will just give me more excuses to bust what little balls you have left.
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