August 13, 2007

Rove goes.

Karl Rove is leaving the White House.
Mr. Rove was not only the chief architect of Mr. Bush’s political campaigns but also the midwife of Mr. Bush’s political persona itself.
Love the metaphors. You need an architect for a campaign -- it's a building! -- and a midwife for a persona -- it's alive!


MadisonMan said...

Overdue (originally typed as overude!) IMO. It hasn't been clear to me for many years why political advisors are paid by taxpayers.

vet66 said...

Dream on MM. Rove is still on Bush's speed dial. The only difference is Rove has a new office from which he can go "viral" with other members of the Republican party. Bush just needs to keep the economy strong, push the surge, and vigorously veto any attempts to raise taxes.

"Live! Breathe!" as the monster comes back to life. Horror of Horrors, the democrats will still have to deal with the diabolical Rove, head of the mutant strain of Republicans, the Diabolicans!

Cue the heavy breathing!

MadisonMan said...

I don't object to Rove's presence in the White House, but do object that I'm paying his salary if he's just a political operative. Government is too big.

Hoosier Daddy said...

I don't object to Rove's presence in the White House, but do object that I'm paying his salary if he's just a political operative

I thought he held the position of deputy chief of staff? Is that a paid position in any administration?

MadisonMan said...

You mean I have all this misplaced umbrage? I recall reading somewhere that his duties shifted a while back -- pre '06 election -- to more political and less chief of staff type stuff.

Hoosier Daddy said...

You mean I have all this misplaced umbrage?

I don't know. When it comes to how tax dollars are spent by the government, my umbrage knows no bounds.

I was just pointing out that I thought he held a staff position in the administration and wasn't just hanging around as a policy hack on the taxpayer dole. If his duties shifted, I wasn't aware.

ricpic said...

What a genius that guy is. Of course, why didn't I think of it? Let's bring as many hispanics as possible into the country as quickly as possible -- a sure formula to suicide the Republican Party. Genius!

MadisonMan said...

My memory did not fail me. (I'm shocked!)

Two links on Rove becoming more political before the '06 election.

Chip Ahoy said...

You left out Rove being Bush's brain. What is Bush to do now that he's brainless? For seven years I've read Democrats seething see Rove axed, and I mean really axed. Now I'm going to read how this is proof evil cannot be extinguished.

Revenant said...

Karl Rove, the political adviser who masterminded President George W. Bush’s two winning presidential campaigns

I've been saying this for years, but calling Rove a "mastermind" for defeating Gore and Kerry is like calling someone a "genius" because they can balance their checkbook. Gore and Kerry were atrocious candidates.

Kirk Parker said...

What Rev said.

But also, wouldn't the torture-chamber scene from Princess Bride be more appropriate?

Anonymous said...

If you send along a nice email, I bet Karl will let you lick his balls.

Anonymous said...

vet66 said..."Live! Breathe! as the monster comes back to life. Horror of Horrors, the democrats will still have to deal with the diabolical Rove, head of the mutant strain of Republicans, the Diabolicans!

Cue the heavy breathing!"

Lick, lick, lick...

hdhouse said...

but where are the handcuffs?

Fen said...

but where are the handcuffs?

"24 business hours" HD, 24 business hours until The Day Everything Finally Changed for the Better! I BELIEVE!

/waves to TruthOut.