June 3, 2024

"This year’s election season has been particularly bloody, with dozens of mayoral candidates and local officials killed."

"As Mexico headed to the polls, voters were deeply concerned about rising cartel violence, which has emerged as a top election issue. Despite some efforts, the current government has struggled to curb the rampant killings, disappearances and extortion that plague the country."


Jamie said...

So, perspective?

Narayanan said...

how many ballots were marked for Joe Biden 2024 already?
does Mexico do finger staining or digital pixeling?

Hassayamper said...

I’m in Mexico now and yesterday I saw long lines of orderly, patient, patriotic Mexicans waiting to cast their ballots in person. One of the lines was at least half a mile long. I haven’t seen anyone with purple-marked thumbs but it’s clear they are not mailing in their ballots.

By the way, they also use paper ballots, demand photo ID, and have volunteers count their ballots at the individual precincts under the gaze of multi-party observers, instead of sending them to a central elections office to be counted by government workers behind papered-over windows. After Revolution 2.0 is over, and the likes of Marc Elias and Ruby Freeman are dead or in Canada, similar common sense ought to be explicitly codified right in the new Constituion.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I saw on the AM news that the democrats are going all-out to accommodate Spanish speaking 'voters"

robother said...

Do the cartels publicly endorse candidates? Or is it more word of mouth?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Cartels and mob rule... we are just getting started in leftwing 'merica.

Achilles said...

Using feminism to mask tyranny.


Who came up with this crazy new strategy.

Gusty Winds said...

Do you think our CIA talks to the Cartels? I do.

Makes no sense we let a country on or border suffer like this while we waste billions on Ukraine.

The cartels infect our cities with fentanyl and other addicting drugs. They make people want to flee the country and head here for shit wages, or free gov't bennies.

It's almost like the those in power want it this way. If they US gov't was interested in doing something about it, they would.

n.n said...

George "Fentanyl" Floyd syndrome imported from China, assembled and redistributed through immigration reform, consumed by Americans who die by the thousands annually.

n.n said...

Using feminism to mask tyranny.

Diversity is equitable and inclusive. That said, throw another baby... fetus on the barbie, it's over.

Jupiter said...

Another key element in the country's transition to "democracy".

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs said...

Bad news for México. Her new Constitution includes changing private property to “concessions” and companies will be “cooperative societies” run by the government.
More steps to be like Venezuela and Cuba. The people get the government they deserve. I wonder whether the new president will turn a blind eye, as did her predecessor, to the levels of intense violence in Mexico.

It appears to be impossible (read: deadly) to be elected in Mexico without approval of or at least tacit complicity with the cartels. I do not think there is much of an alternative.

RonF said...

Meanwhile the cartels use the explosion of additional financing enabled by Biden's open border policy to take over more and more of Mexico.

Freeman Hunt said...

I would immigrate to the United States, legally or illegally.

Gravel said...

Blogger Freeman Hunt said...
I would immigrate to the United States, legally or illegally.

That may very well turn out to be a "frying pan/fire" situation. If (and I believe it's a question of when) things get kinetic, some of the nicest people you know are going to get really ugly really quickly.

Mason G said...

"It's almost like the those in power want it this way. If they US gov't was interested in doing something about it, they would."

They either want it this way or they don't. Neither of those options are a good look.

Bruce Gee said...

My son and his Mexican partner live in Oaxaca. Their take on the election is: this was a cartel win, she's in the bag with them. They predict Mexico is going to be Venezuela in a few years. Just more of the same "hugs not guns" which translates to thousands of gun deaths a year by cartel members, and the government is owned by them. Should be an interesting interaction between the new/old gummint of Mexico, and the Trump admin, should that come about.