June 26, 2022

I have 6 TikToks for you tonight. Let me know what you like best.

1. You may have mixed feelings about child labor.

2. The child's song: "Please Stop Bugging Me."

3. Harmonizing on "Creep."

4. The North Carolinian in experiences the weirdness of Wisconsin.

5. Saving a sheep.

6. That fevered email written in a Covid fervor.


The rule of Lemnity said...

The Covid email could use a transcription so we could decipherer it like that long sentence from yesterday.

wildswan said...

I like the one about the sheep. It's interesting on sheep and has a nice story in the efforts those people made. Then at the end you see the sheep's face looking not at all sheepish.

Curious George said...

I think even Fauci wants #5 to die.

Temujin said...

Culvers? Really Wisconsin?

fizzymagic said...

What's a "furvor?" I have never seen that word before.

theCase said...

I liked the "creep" one. I'm jealous of people with any musical talent.

BudBrown said...

One is fun.

Nancy said...

"Child labor" was adorable but ambiguous. Yes, mixed feelings.
Otherwise, meh. Sheep clip (see what I did there?) should have been better edited. I'd like to see it unable to walk then running around. COVID, Creep, and weirdness were painfully self indulgent. Ok, stop bugging me was cute.

Ann Althouse said...

"What's a "furvor?" I have never seen that word before."

It's a portmanteau of "furor" and "fervor."

I'll pick one!

Stephen St. Onge said...

        Poppy Bleu's song.  OUTSTANDING.

michaele said...

I liked the Creep one but mostly because it reminded me I needed my monthly listening of Haley Reinhart's version...damn, hers gets to my gut every time. https://youtu.be/m3lF2qEA2cw

Václav Patrik Šulik said...

I've never been to Culvers - would like to go - but I'll give a shout-out to Cook Out. It's a weird fast food place - very lowbrow - but good.

MadisonMan said...

That weird things video is great. Love the shout-out to Ope at the end!