April 2, 2021

"Though still early in his presidency, these three false claims have been repeated by President Biden despite previous fact-checking."

Writes WaPo fact checker Glenn Kessler, in "President Biden, recidivist": "[T]here are three claims President Biden has made that appear impervious to fact-checking, given that he’s already said them at least three times. Some readers have noticed, sending us puzzled emails about why the president keeps making these statements."



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JAORE said...

During the run up to the election Biden repeated the "Fine people on both sides" lie multiple times. Since that horrifying lie was left unchallenged, why stop now?

As to "I dont believe Joe will come near breaking the record of the last losing Pinnochio, because..." it is simple. There are none so blind as he who will not look.

The left and media searched for any hint of incorrectness by Trump with the zeal of a Russian server farm mining bit coins. Then the counted each as a clear and deliberate lie.

Do he same for Biden and watch the counters smoke.

Lurker21 said...

USA Today goes into detail about the suspect’s attraction to Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. The New York Times puts its story on page A1. NPR’s Weekend Edition led with the story.

And that's it? It's already not a story on TV and soon enough it won't be in the papers anymore. Now suppose the attacker was a Trump supporter or just an old fat white guy. You'd hear a lot more about it than just that.

This is is MSM that was supposed to ignore the story and bury any notion that the attacker was a devotee of the Nation of Islam.

Whoever thought that? Obviously the media was going to mention the story. And then it would go away.

Skippy Tisdale said...
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Skippy Tisdale said...


Narayanan said...

Lucid-Ideas said...
In his own defense, he genuinely doesn't remember what he's said previously. This includes what he just said 5 minutes ago.
to be clear the Q is : does he know he is uttering falsehood whenever (regardless of memory) he says those words

Marcus Bressler said...

Why is Chuck still here?


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