March 15, 2020

The one on one debate.

About to begin.

Will Bernie savage Joe? Can Joe hold up?

ADDED: My son John is live-blogging.

AND: Biden is doing well. I thought he destroyed Bernie on the issue of saving the banks.


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Arashi said...

Bernie is a phony - his angry socialist is just shtick for the rubes.

So now that Bernie has made it look like an actual run for the nomination - what will the DNC give him this time? Another lake house, chalet in the mountains, condo in Florida?

Yancey Ward said...

Time for dinner, this was fun.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Yes- Stephen Green at Vodka Pundit/Insty

Bob Boyd said...

what will the DNC give him this time?

Maybe they'll let his wife skate. Isn't she in a legal jam somewhere?

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

The fix is in, Bernie supporters.

Deep State Joe.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Joe doesn't work for you - you work for him.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

No killer instinct.

3/15/20, 9:08 PM

Unlike his Soviet and Cuban heroes.

Michael K said...

I watched a couple of minutes. That was all I could take.

Lurker21 said...

Was that tonight? I got too caught up in the other zombie show.

I switched to Zoey's Incredible Whatever during the commercials, but I think Bernie and Joe would have been more entertaining.

stephen cooper said...

Yancey - I have spent a lot of time in old folks homes.

Bernie would be right at home there, enchanting the old ladies with his youthful for such a geezer gaze and the few remaining drops of testosterone running through his bloodstream.

The bloodstream of a vicious old man who supported Che and the Castro regime, and worse things.

So you are right, Yancey.

We are in for a few months of hearing about how Biden's dementia is no different than Trump's lack of decorum.

Gotta say, as much as I have no respect for Obama, he saved my beloved nation from the great evils that Hillary in her youthful pride would have done to it, so he gets props for that, and as much as I have no respect for Biden, he appears right now to have kept us from the remote chance of having the profoundly nasty Sanders being sworn in next January.
That would have been very very sad.

I watched a few minutes. Biden is going to get the nomination, I think, and he will be able to hide the dementia all the way to November, I think.

Unfortunately, it looks like I will have to show up and vote, yet again. Even with the dementia, Biden is going to have a solid 42 percent rock bottom level of voter support, unless the Bernie Bros find a 3d party candidate, or something else goes haywire this year, after Beetlejuice, the burning of my favorite church in Paris after almost a millennium without such a disaster, after Wuflu.

Please join with me in praying that whatever powers are in charge of the Yellowstone magma rumpus decide not to shoot their wad in the near future!!!!! I like the people who are my contemporaries and I do not want them to live in an awful era of history !!!!

And I love bats, they are gentle creatures who eat lots of nasty insects and fly in a super cool way and they actually look a lot like puppy dogs if you photograph them from the right angle ....

stephen cooper said...



Confucius would, under the totality of circumstances, totally approve this message.

Known Unknown said...

"WE need tp"

Kinsley gaffe? Or typo?

Gk1 said...

I think the dems make a mistake having these faux pillow fights on CNN. It ill prepares Mr.McGoo for the meat grinder that awaits. Hillary was given the answers to the Trump "debate" and she still managed to lose.

stephen cooper said...

I am probably the first person who scored first in his class in accounting law (mergers and acquisitions) who has gone full PASSIONATE on our need to UNDERSTAND THAT THE BATS ARE INNOCENT, it is the people who ate the bats who made the moral mistake.

(my comments during the EBOLA crisis were much more extreme, btw)

Automatic_Wing said...

Cooper, I don't think anyone is blaming the bats for being butchered in unsanitary conditions.

stephen cooper said...

Automatic/Wing --- I hope you are right, but I remember what the Egyptian villains did to the gentle pigs two or three pestilences ago.

and it was not just the pigs who suffered, many people in Cairo died because of the decline in general urban sanitation that followed when the pigs, who had been eating much of the decaying filth in that city, were all heartlessly slaughtered.

Y'all might think I am close to being a lunatic but I have the heart and soul of a hard working accountant, with a good memory.

walter said...

Bats Lives Matter.

stephen cooper said...

Blue Lives Matter, because police officers are among the best of us.

Bat Lives Matter because they are innocent creatures - at their best they can be a mix of a puppy dog and a wise old crow.

The Vault Dweller said...

I don't think I've ever heard Althouse use the word 'destroys' in reference to a a debate.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Bernie showed a bit of fight when he asked Biden to name the 9 Super-PACS Bernie is supposedly getting money from. Joe couldn't of course, because he just pulled that out of his butt.

But the moderators let Biden get away with it.

Gk1 said...

I haven't watched much. Can someone tell me when Bernie said "I don't want to hear another damn word about Joe Biden's dementia!"

Bruce Hayden said...

“I would select Sinema if I were Biden, but perhaps I shouldn't be giving him advise”

It would be interesting. Would she be the Second Lady? If she got married to a woman, would that make her wife the Third Lady. Or when she ascends to the Presidency, would her wife be the First Lady, or the Second Lady, and if so, then does that bump the VP’s wife to Third Lady? Maybe she should just compliment whomever ended up as her VP - go hetero if she picks a straight guy, or if she really wants a woman, then pick someone like Mayor Buttplug as her VP, who already has a husband.

Dating could be a little daunting too. Esp after ascending to the Presidency. She could tell a future date that she can meet them anywhere in the world (after a security check first, of course), but her staff needs a week or two for security arrangements, bringing in the armored car, the chopper, etc. probably better to just sneak them in the back door, as. Clinton did with Lewinsky.

And, remember, this was where Obama was in his Senate career when he ran for President - in his second year in the Senate.

My vote though would be, if Biden needs a female VP running mate, to tap Tulsi. Better looking that Sinema (though my view there may be because I have always preferred dark hair on women over blond). Military veteran, and an articulate fighter.

0_0 said...

Bernie admits we are the richest country in history?
Not Russia? Not Venezuela?
Hmmm, how did we get here?

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Tulsi should keep her powder dry and run for governor. The VP half of a losing ticket is not much of a springboard.

walter said...

We need to find out who Joe's new personal pharmacist is. Maybe his skill can translate to Wu Flu.
Actually, I'm listening to a KFI host saying the absence of a physical audience kept Joe on track.
I'm thinking drugs.

walter said...

Asking a lot of Joe to forego sniffing her long brown hair.

Gahrie said...

My vote though would be, if Biden needs a female VP running mate, to tap Tulsi.

If the Democrats weren't insane, they'd be rallying around Tulsi instead of shunning her. She's the only one running that has a chance in Hell of beating Trump. (not a great chance, but a chance) More importantly everyone knows that whoever Biden's VP is, is soon going to be the president. There is no way the current Democratic Party will allow Biden to name Tulsi.

I'm still betting on Hillary.

walter said...

Maybe Hunter hooked him up.

Drago said...

Looks like Plagiarism Joe might be up to his old tricks again re: the woman signing to her mother thru a hospital window.

Well, it wouldnt be the first time for that, now would it?

walter said...

C'mon man!

AllenS said...

The two best men that the Democrats have to offer America.

rehajm said...

What happened to Joe's dementia?

He got better...

America’s Politico said...

Due to the virus, I may not make it to Nov. 2020. Therefore, a prediction:

The next POTUS is the dinosaur Biden (bankruptcies king, crime bill hero, war monger, plagiarist, sniffer of women’s hair, son and brother as American grifters, etc).

The next VPOTUS is the boss from hell Amy Klobuchar (put a minority in jail for election, throwing things at staff, fakes as being nice but is mean and vindictive, etc).

Other VP options — Warren (claimed Native American heritage for decades but is free as she is woman and white democratic) and Kamala Harris (who is not African-American and put people in prison to earn votes, got break due to Mayoral connection, etc).

Trump to lose In all red and blue states. Both he and Pence will get clobbered in debates due to the focus on the virus that got me.


Amadeus 48 said...

This is way I see it:

Biden can be tucked away in cotton wool now until the convention. The most you'll see of him is three minutes in small settings. The virus means his campaign can go into hiatus.

They can go into slow motion until he is nominated. Biden will withdraw two weeks later for health reasons. Then we'll find out who the real candidate is.

Bernie has been paid off. The money is somewhere.

Joe will be paid off, too. That money is somewhere else.

These old geezers will have turned out to be great providers for themselves and their loved ones.

Achilles said...

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...
Bernie showed a bit of fight when he asked Biden to name the 9 Super-PACS Bernie is supposedly getting money from. Joe couldn't of course, because he just pulled that out of his butt.

But the moderators let Biden get away with it.

He had to pretend to attack Biden at least once. For appearances.

He picked the easiest and most pathetic attack possible.

Mitt Romney 2.0. Just different rubes.

MikeR said...

Hmm, didn't watch, but do people now have an impression that Biden's dementia was mostly a media creation, built out of sound-bites?

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