October 6, 2024

Meade sends his first photo from the Trump rally today at the Dodge County Airport in Juneau, Wisconsin.


"Gays for Trump"/"Veterans for Trump."

Meade is waiting in line (and may join the comments):IMG_0595


Meade says he's far back in the line and it's very windy... as you can see:



Achilles said...

You can only hold outdoor rallies if you have thousands of people attending.

People need to prepare themselves. The Regime is going to do something between now and November. They are desperate.

And in between the election and January it will get even worse. Expect them to claim Kamala got 60 million votes on election day and magically 30+ million in the week after the election, mostly in Madison/Milwaukee Detroit and Philadelphia.

All of the illegal immigrants they have imported are having ballots mailed in for them right now.

They will not give up power without a fight.

Political Junkie said...

Have fun Meade!

Original Mike said...

It's clear and warmish, I see. Cloudy and cold 200 miles north today.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...


In CO - Long Cabin Republican - Valdamar Archuleta - is running against the leftist fossil Dianna Degette.

Go Valdamar Archuleta! He's got all diversity check points - and yet that district will keep on with the old fossil - sad to say.

Original Mike said...

Trump's not the only one with inhuman stamina. You go, Meade!

Jupiter said...

Do much for "Don't Ask, Don't Tell".

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ said...

Trump’s speeches, Increasingly angry and rambling, reignite the question of Joe Biden’s age.

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...


Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ said...

When does Trump begins his lies about FEMA and the federal response to Hurricane Helene??

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Bich - Do you get your BS talking points from the D-NBC pez dispenser?
Trump's anger is just a mirror of America's anger. A righteous anger at the greed, neglect, ineptitude and corruption - given to us in non-stop giant soup ladles over the last 4 years... by the corrupt democrat party and their loyal paid pals in the corrupt MSM.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

When do you apologize to the people who have been left behind by broke FEMA?

Original Mike said...

How would we know about FEMA's response? The media won't report it.

Which speaks volumes.

Quayle said...

Troll. Probably foreign. Stirring up contention.

Bob Boyd said...

Awesome Meade! Thanks for thinking of us. Would love to see more pics and read any updates you care to post. Hope you have a great time.

Michael K said...

Did that comment arrive by email or in an envelop with a check ?

Michael K said...

Lies ? What do you believe, the DNC or your lying eyes ?

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

The truth is - YOUR democrat government is a failure, Bich.

Mr. T. said...

Rich said:
"This comment has been removed by the author."

Thank you. That's the most non-psychotic thing you have ever posted.

JAORE said...

I've seen videos of private rescue efforts for several days. That includes helicopter flights into the inaccessible areas.
Today, TODAY(!), I saw videos of military copters in use for the first time.
This administration reacts, and often only reacts, when their indifference to the pain of Americans hits the headlines.

Big Mike said...

So do I believe you about Trump’s alleged “lies,” or do I believe the people on the ground in western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee? I note that you never tell us what you assert that Trump says and how what he says is a deliberate falsehood, so it follows that probably (Occam’s Razor) you are the one spreading lies.

Bob Boyd said...

Headline in 'The Afterlife This Week':

Rose Turned Away From Pearly Gates
Signs With Purgatory
Purgatory's Coach says they're lucky to get someone who's not half bad.

Inga said...


“According to former President Donald Trump, the federal government is intentionally withholding aid to Republican disaster victims. Far-right extremist groups warn on social media that officials plan to bulldoze affected communities and seize the land from residents. A tale straight from science fiction asserts that Washington used weather control technology to steer Helene toward Republican voters in order to tilt the presidential election toward Democratic nominee Kamala Harris.

The claims, according to experts and local officials dealing with disaster response, say less about the reality of the widespread damage from Helene than they do about America’s fractured politics and the fear and distrust shadowing an election year marked by assassination attempts and escalating global tension.

State and local officials from both parties have condemned the conspiracy theories as rumors, saying the focus should be on recovery, not political division and hearsay. Responding to the hoaxes is taking up time that should go toward assisting victims, said North Carolina state Sen. Kevin Corbin, a Republican who urged his constituents not to give into hoaxes.

“Friends can I ask a small favor?” Corbin posted Thursday on Facebook. “Will you all help STOP this conspiracy theory junk that is floating all over Facebook and the internet… Please don’t let these crazy stories consume you.

Meade said...

Thanks friends. I’m in my safe space.

Meade said...

Don’t forget to register and vote for Trump and Vance. And one more thing:

wildswan said...

I don't thinkthe regime will have illegals voting in the big cities. It has stashed thousands upon thousands in small towns like the 20,000 in Springfield, Ohio which is the voter registration center for Clark County. They, of course, cannot legally vote. So that ballot harvesting among these unknown thousands cannot legally happen. That's fortunate because if it did it would overwhelm the legal voters in fairly tight races in swing states. The DOJ/FBI under Merrick Garland can be trusted ultimtely to detect and prevent such activities. It's lucky we don't live in a banana republic because I think the rotten elite of such a republic would not resist the temptation to have peon "voters" rather than citizens monitoring their corruption.

Inga said...

Emergency officials responding to the Hurricane Helene disaster in Western North Carolina say false rumors on social media are impeding their efforts to help tens of thousands of people in need.

“False information is being widely shared on social media channels, including AI-generated content and images,” N.C. Department of Public Safety officials said in a statement. ”Nefarious actors and those with ill intent may be taking advantage of this situation by spreading false information.”

Read more at: https://www.newsobserver.com/news/state/north-carolina/article293523249.html#storylink=cpy

Iman said...

It will be interesting to read Meade’s take on the rally. Have fun, Meade, and avoid teh brown cheese!

donald said...

Rich is thinking about Trump’s member shoved all the way to the back of his throat just throbbing. It makes him feel small and dirty; but it feels so good, he just keeps dreaming.

Leland said...

Ah the new PBS/Inga trick of inflating the complaints and calling it crazy conspiracy theories. Maybe a citation as to "officials plan to bulldoze affected communities and seize the land from residents." Or "Washington used weather control technology to steer Helene toward Republican voters". I haven't heard those complaints until PBS published them and Inga fell for it.

Facts: the Biden Administration had over a week's notice that Hurricane Helene was coming and would stall over the southern Appalachian Mountains. Biden and DHS Secretary Mayorkas said all available aid was sent to the region. DHS Secretary Mayorkas said no more could be sent because they were out of money. FEMA claims it is disinformation to say they are out of money. FAA put a NOTAM Temporary Flight Restriction over Western North Carolina allowing only approved "Medivac" flights despite few if any "approved" operators flying in that region. Private helicopter pilots and STOL bush pilots were providing aid and rescue until they were told they could not fly into the area to provide aid and rescue. DOT Secretary Buttigieg claimed it was disinformation that flights were restricted. Death toll for Hurricane Helene is now 227 and climbing.

BG said...

Indeed you are, Meade! You’re in my neighborhood! Welcome!

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

I-nag shows up with her "Trump" Hate Cult PBS "news" bullcrap.

Shouting Thomas said...

I’m registered and will vote for Trump, but I don’t think Trump can overcome the rigging and fraud.

BG said...

I, too, will be interested in Meade’s take of the rally. I had other obligations into late this morning, so I did not even plan on making it.

Iman said...

One more try… the Dems are desperate enough to send Timmy Walz to appear on Fox News Sunday sans his trainer. The Fat Tub of Goo can’t answer a question to save his life.

Inga said...

North Carolina state Sen. Kevin Corbin, a Republican who urged his constituents not to give into hoaxes.

“Friends can I ask a small favor?” Corbin posted Thursday on Facebook. “Will you all help STOP this conspiracy theory junk that is floating all over Facebook and the internet… Please don’t let these crazy stories consume you.”

Krumhorn said...

You don't see any long lines of people waiting to see Kamalalala. Good for you, Meade! It reminds me of the lines waiting to get in to see Sarah Palin in a small town south of Ft Myers. There's no point in Trump coming to California, but if he did, I'd be out at dawn waiting to get in.

- Krumhorn

MalaiseLongue said...

Inga: Those wild stories are a red herring. My nephew and a friend of mine are on the ground in western North Carolina as members of search-and-rescue and cleanup crews, and there is considerable dysfunction on the part of federal "leadership." The media covered this sort of thing nonstop in the aftermath of Katrina. But now we have the totally objective PBS Newshour taking passing notice of "an election year marked by assassination attempts." Leaves me wondering who was the target. Guess we'll never know.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

The phones and communications are still down. But FEMA is asking people to call an 800 number to register for help and funds. LOL> F off

BG said...

I know the sheriff. He’ll have your 6.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

No Sale I-nag. After all the lies you've pimped over the years - YOU have ZERO credibility. Same with your links and sources.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

The corrupt PBS left have the audacity to blame assassination attempts on Trump himself.

BG said...

BTW, the irony of Kamala holding a rally just a few days before in the birthplace of the Republican Party. Did she stand in front of the little white schoolhouse?

Maynard said...

Go Meade!

It looks like you triggered the lefty trolls.

If Althouse ever says she is voting for Trump, look out.

Inga said...

No, that is untrue. There are numerous videos of very long lines waiting to get in Harris rally.

Inga said...

@ Fake…
If you weren’t such an incredibly stupid person, I’d explain to you how I don’t care if you “buy” anything I post or link to. I post here to express another viewpoint and at times enjoy shoving it in your idiot MAGA faces. It gives me satisfaction to see the aggravation that an alternate opinion gives you people, even though it’s of service for you to hear it. I’m quite certain no amount of people, even Republican governors and Senators will shake the you, the dingleberries off of Trump’s asshole.

Jersey Fled said...

I didn’t know gays drove Civics.

Michael K said...

The dullard prefers a tame Republican over her own eyes. The lefties at CNN agree but Newsweek told a different story last week.

Michael K said...

And Inga gets even nastier to those who don't believe the lies.

Michael K said...

All the ones I've seen have been paid.

Darkisland said...

I suspect that the stories about emininent domain in Chimney Rock is a conspiracy theory. It is not even that significant a source of lithium in the US, much less in the world.


I remember that in 1982 PanAm flight 759 in Kenner LA (on takeoff from New Orleans) ploughed into a residential neighborhood destroyed dozens of houses and killed 8 on the ground plus everyone aboard.

The next day, the city condemned the damaged houses and started bulldozing them without allowing people to remove their belongings. The city said it was going to seize the now vacant land under eminent domain but backed off after protests.

In the 90s New London CT seized a bunch of land and houses under eminent domain for Pfizer. This became the Kelo case.

In other words, if govt did seize Chimney Rock, there would be precedent. And the govt, especially in the past 20 years or so, has proven themselves to be more and more fascist. It would not greatly surprise me if they tried (state or feds or both) to seize the land.

Again, I tend not to buy into the theory.

John Henry