October 16, 2024

Kamala Harris asserts that Donald Trump has said he will "Terminate the Constitution United States."

I'm trying to listen to Kamala Harris on Charlamagne Tha God, but — to use her phrase — come on. What is the basis for this fear mongering? 

"You know what he says he'll do? Terminate the Constitution United States. Let me remind folks: You know what's in the Constitution of United States? The Fourth Amendment, which protects you against unreasonable searches and seizures, the Fifth Amendment, the Sixth Amendment, the Fourteenth Amendment. And he's going to terminate the Constitution of the United States? Which in most of those amendments, one thing or another, was about a movement spurred by black people to ensure that we would be equally protected under the law. Come on."

The closest I can come to a basis for making this broad claim is his use of "termination" and "Constitution" in a narrow context, back in 2020:
“A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,” he wrote [on Truth Social]. “Our great ‘Founders’ did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!”


donald said...

She thinks black people are stupid.

Dave Begley said...

Kamala will say and do anything to win this election. She's unhinged.

Bill Crawford said...

Donald Trump as "The Terminator"

Aggie said...

Tut, tut. Now, be a good Democrat and stop thinking so much, and reserve your Fact Checks for the opposition.

rehajm said...

This seems like the crap lefties would pull on election day back when there was just an election day. Lies they hoped would spread and infect before the truth got its boots on. Explains why they are so desperate to have X exed- the truth gets moving too quickly…

Dixcus said...

Tim Walz has said he wants to eliminate the Electoral College. And of course, Hillary Clinton has said that if the First Amendment is upheld in court, then they lose all control over us.

These people don't want to terminate the Constitution.

They want to start Civil War II because that's precisely what's going to happen if they achieve their goals.

Donald Trump isn't the threat. And all the Democrats are doing is their standard Saul Alinsky Rule for Radicals: "Accuse your opponent of what you are doing."

Harris is laying the groundwork for the Democrats to "protect Democracy" by not certifying Donald Trump's election. That's all. They haven't been able to murder him yet, so they're laying the groundwork for Plan B.

rehajm said...

The post title needs a fact check- Kamala Harris never asserted anything. The people running Kamala had Kamala repeat what they asserted.

Dixcus said...

They are. Many of them believe that they're getting $20,000 to vote for Kamala Harris.

CJinPA said...

“A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,”

Sounds like he's saying he won't 'terminate the Constitution' unless he thinks he won an election that he lost.

He said a lot of stupid things after the 2020 election that, if he hadn't said them, he could be reserving moving vans now for moving back into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Drago said...

Desperation as kamala-la-la-la-la collapses in the polls.

So much so the DOJ filed suit against Virginia to keep illegals on the voter rolls there along with many other New Soviet Democratical lawsuits to ensure there is no signature verification, no dates required, no chain of custody, mass mailing of ballots to clearly incorrect addresses such as abortion clinics, high schools, etc. And in GA, an democratical appeals court judge just ruled and threw out a simple properly passed law for a manual count of total ballots to establish the count of ballots on hand, which would stop the clear multiple scanning of ballots by the corrupt democraticals in GA....which is what happened in 2020.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Strange that in listing the Bill of Rights she skips right over the two she actively supports subverting, the 1st and 2nd amendments .

Martin said...

They want to pretend it still exists while having SCOTUS "interpret" to mean nothing like what we thought it meant.

Joe Bar said...

I can't stand the way she bobs her head while talking. The vocal fry is insanely annoying, as is the lilt up at the end of statements.

Saint Croix said...

You know what's in the Constitution of United States? The Fourth Amendment, which protects you against unreasonable searches and seizures, the Fifth Amendment, the Sixth Amendment, the Fourteenth Amendment.

Imagine skipping over the 1st Amendment!

She has plans to terminate the 1st Amendment herself, so she glides right over that one.

Also she has plans to terminate the 2nd Amendment, of course.

She may or may not have plans to put soldiers in our homes. So she skips the 3rd Amendment, too.

Who the hell jumps to the 4th Amendment?

Maybe she houses abortion rights in the 4th Amendment?

Anyway, I found that interesting. She wants to save the 4th, 5th, 6th and 14th Amendments. Criminal procedure, criminal procedure, criminal procedure, and equality. That's what she is worried about, I guess.

Inga said...

Maybe he should just have musical rallies from now until Election Day.

Paul Zrimsek said...

She's got pretty big plans for Article III as well.

Inga said...

Kamala Harris up by 5 in new Marist national poll.

wildswan said...

Ex-president Obama has been telling a group which he identifies by its skin color to vote for a person based on her skin color. Average talk for a Dem. Kind of ironic though to hear that Kamala says Trump will terminate the Constitution while she herself supports Obama's Constitution-busting call to vote on the basis of race.

Dixcus said...

I would remind everyone that even if Donald Trump did say he'd "terminate the Constitution" there would be precedent for that: Abraham Lincoln did it in the first Civil War.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

And by no means pay attention to her choice of VP who was the governor most eager to overlook the Constitution by using Covid as his excuse to deny Civil Rights and then hold law enforcement back from stopping the rioters who deprived a lot of people of their lives and property during George Floyd summer.

Two-eyed Jack said...

In a crisis, Lincoln suspended habeas corpus. The constitutional design for presidential election and installation is no match for the ability of States like Georgia and Pennsylvania to stretch out post-election litigation and the counting of votes. So, is the Constitution a suicide pact or not?

Dixcus said...

Obama is smart though. He doesn't live anywhere near black people. In fact, he lives on an island that literally called in the military and had brown Mexican immigrants sent by Texas removed from their island to a military concentration camp onshore within 24 hours of their arrival.

Inga said...

Does Trump even know what those Amendments are?

Aught Severn said...

So the title is asserting, without evidence, that Harris is asserting, without evidence, that Trump has asserted he will terminate the Constitution?

Leland said...

The desperation... it stinks.

Dixcus said...

Thankfully, that poll is meaningless, since national votes don't decide the Presidency.

Leland said...

Just because you don't know the Amendments doesn't mean others don't know them.

Dixcus said...

Its from years and years of bobbing her head, first with Willie Brown.

Inga said...

Trump isn’t a Lincoln, not even if you get your 2nd Civil war.

Dixcus said...

While the immigrants he brought in stole $200 million worth of food aid during Covid.

mezzrow said...

This. When I see Kamala, what I see is a construct. The person inside the construct does not have agency. I actually feel a bit of compassion for her in this sense. That said, she made her choices and now she has to live with them. The additional tragedy for her is that she becomes disposable when no longer useful.

Gerda Sprinchorn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Butkus51 said...

Inga the guppy.

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

How would he terminate the Constitution? He would stand up nice and tall and shout "I hereby terminate the Constitution!" Easy peasy. That's all there is to it.

The Office taught us that is the way you declare bankruptcy. Harris watched that episode and thinks terminating the Constitution is done the same way. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-m3RtoguAQ

rehajm said...

I am available for a titled position in your cabinet Aught…

Dixcus said...

Barack Obama also ordered the murder of American citizens without trial. And the Supreme Court recently ruled that Presidents have complete immunity for their acts committed in Office. So we're going to remember that when we get our 2nd Civil War.

Inga said...

Like he declared the classified documents he stole declassified.

John Borell said...

The attack on the Constitution comes from the left, not the right:


Dixcus said...

Same way Obama terminated American citizens who hadn't been tried much less convicted of any crimes.

Wa St Blogger said...

I said it yesterday. The only way Democrats can get elected is to 1. lie about what they will do and believe. 2. Make up lies about what the other side will do or believe.

Caroline said...

Accuse your opponent of what you are doing." THIS. Dems are coming for the first and second amendments now.

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

Oscar: “You can’t say bankruptcy and expect anything to happen”
Michael: “I didn’t say it I declared it.”

James K said...

"Which in most of those amendments, one thing or another, was about a movement spurred by black people to ensure that we would be equally protected under the law. Come on."

The 4th, 5th, and 6th Amendments were 'about a movement spurred by black people"? Even the 14th was principally proposed and supported by white Republicans.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

She is a lying liar who lies and a puppet to the corrupt left.

Wa St Blogger said...

Does Trump even know what those Amendments are?

Sure as shit Potted Plant (D) doesn't. Like you even care about that.

The Drill SGT said...

Projection on the part of the DNC

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Import a new voter class - all illegal.

Saint Croix said...

Everybody knows the 1st Amendment and one political party is actively hostile to it.

Shouting Thomas said...

Harris summarizes the Biden/Harris administration’s assault on constitutional rights and judicial fairness in its persecution of J6 protesters and the lawfare campaign against Trump. Yes, once again, Democrats are obviously guilty of what they accuse Trump of doing.

The rule of Lemnity said...

YouTube: INXS Mediate

Ampersand said...

Trump frightens the left because the things he is caricatured as doing on behalf of the right are the things that they are planning to do on behalf of the left.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Lying Liars who lie - are cheaters, too.

The corrupt democrat party are telegraphing their plans

Dixcus said...

I'm just glad that Trump is best friends with a guy who can put a rocket into the Earth wherever it is needed.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

The left in a nutshell.. Emphasis on nut.

Amadeus 48 said...

She is flailing. Fact check!

gilbar said...

you KNOW how you can tell, when a democrat is lying.. They Exist.
example: the democrat FBI.
FBI Quietly Revises Violent Crime Stats
When the FBI originally released the “final” crime data for 2022 in September 2023, it reported that the nation’s violent crime rate fell by 2.1%. This quickly became, and remains, a Democratic Party talking point to counter Donald Trump’s claims of soaring crime.

But the FBI has quietly revised those numbers, releasing new data that shows violent crime increased in 2022 by 4.5%. The new data includes thousands more murders, rapes, robberies, and aggravated assaults.

The Bureau – which has been at the center of partisan storms – made no mention of these revisions in its September 2024 press release.

the Democrat party (including their Secret Police (the FBI and CIA) lie NEARLY as often as the Democrat party trolls here lie

Kevin said...

Note how no Democrat running for office will be asked if this is true.

Note how no Democrat running for office will come out and say this is false.

Drago said...


P-Inga pretending she understands the Constitution!

Only 1 person has the full and unrestricted authority to declassify documents for any reason whatsoever. the President, Chief Executive, of the United States.

P-Inga has been told many times to look up the ruling on Presidential tapes that included sectet and TS info Billy Clinton took with him to his private residence and kept in his sock drawer!

The. Court ruled that declassification by a President may be inferred by mere actions alone!

Thanks for playing P-Inga! Maybe you should just go back to Russia Russia Russia and russki bounties on US soldiers. You loved both of those hoaxes and even though they have been debunked you can still try and recycle those lies before launching new psychotic theories.

Kevin said...

We can see if Bret Baier will ask her to defend her statement in a couple of hours.

Drago said...

Marist national poll!


Time to ask P-Inga a crosstab question and then watch her scurry away like a buffoon: P-Inga, tell us, does Marist show this to be a R+1, even, D+1 or greater electorate in their model?

Go ahead and look it up and then compare to 2020 and 2016 and tell us what means.

Now we all sit back and marvel at P-Inga's hilariously marvelous ignorance!

The rule of Lemnity said...

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation." - Thomas Jefferson

If Jefferson were alive today, he would be on a NO FLY terror watch list.

Steve said...

Given that the military swears an oath to defend the Constitution, not the President, can she explain how Trump would enforce this?

narciso said...

Jive turkey

paminwi said...

Can someone educate Inga please? National polls means squat at this point in time.

Bob Boyd said...

Insanely irresponsible and also absurd if think about it for a minute.
Here's another example:

Dixcus said...

Is she? Nancy Pelosi was interviewed the other day and she was crowing about taking out Biden. She's decided, she said, that Donald Trump isn't going to ever live in the White House again and neither is Joe Biden.

That only leaves 1 candidate standing.

Where Pelosi obtained this power to select our President remains a mystery to everyone except her.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

This from the party who has taken billions of our tax dollars - without our permission - and spent it on DEI scams... and NGO scams.... and illegal immigrants...
The party who is going after a Black Mayor of NYC - because he dared to speak out about illegals ruining the city of New York.
The party that openly threatens Elon Musk to get in line - or there will be consequences.

paminwi said...

Once again, can somebody please educate Inga? Does she not understand the president, and the president alone, can declassify any damn thing he wants at any time while he is president. You don’t have to like it sweetheart, you gotta just accept it.

donald said...

I have zero doubt Willie wasn’t the first.

Shouting Thomas said...

The Democrats already violated the constitutional rights of thousands of J6 protesters, and the constitutional rights of Trump in its lawfare assault on his candidacy. They aren’t “planning.” They already did it.

Ambrose said...

More of this to come as desperation settles in on the left. NYT today is running a serious article that Trump will use the military to round up his political opponents.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

And don't forget he's the one who's talking about doing away with the Electoral College.

donald said...

Lincoln was a tyrant unlike Donald Trump.

donald said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Temujin said...

Every successive campaign the whoppers coming out of the Democrat candidates mouths get larger and more unbelievable. But what strikes me is that they save their most outrageous claims, the most out-there, bizarre, and utterly unbelievable claims for their Black audiences.

From Al Gore screaming like he was a Baptist minister at the NAACP telling the crowd the Republicans would turn things back on them, to Joe Biden flat out telling the Black community that Republicans wanted to put them back in chains, to Hillary's smarmish accents and bizarre accusations, and of course, Kamala's now saying pretty much anything to scare the Black community: Trump will round you up and put you in camps. Trump will end the Constitution.

It just seems Democrats have, for decades now, considered Black Americans to be stupid, ignorant, barely able people who they can tell anything to scare them into voting Democrat. Well...it's true that over 90% of the Black community continuously votes for Democrats, even as their own Democratically run cities end their own lives far too early, in too great a number. And the Democrats keep them locked into the worst schools in the nation's history. But their voting habit is more due to historic and generational inertia than fear of being put into camps. My God.

I just think it's astonishingly insulting for Democratic candidates to speak to Black audiences and feed them the bizarre fear mongering that they do, assuming Black audiences are not sophisticated enough to know bullshit when they hear it.

Dixcus said...

Bret Baier is as Deep State is it gets.

Aggie said...

Taking lessons from the Jobs Reports.

Saint Croix said...

It's amazing how delusional people on the left can be. In Brazil, for instance, the Supreme Court is arresting people and censoring newspapers. They are utter fascists. And yet they claim to be "protecting democracy"

The Harris-Biden administration (I put her name first because he's napping right now) is going down this road, demanding that the internet be censored. I personally think Harris is way more likely to act like a fascist than Trump. She hates free speakers and wants to silence her critics. She's a lightweight, glib version of Alexandre de Moraes.

Earnest Prole said...

What is the basis for this fear mongering?

Is it really that hard?

Using the military against American citizens during an election would require suspending the Constitution.

In Trump’s “defense” he appears to be calling for Joe Biden to do so.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

Nice find. Trump sometimes says things he shouldn't s ay. Sometime in 2001 he said something like: someone should remove Biden from office and appoint me. He was obviously frustrated that if the states screw up the Electoral College, little can be done about it.

Like many Americans, Trump doesn't seem to consider a Constitutional Amendment.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, I really like the picture of Harris in your link to the video. It clearly shows that she's white.

Gravel said...

This is absolutely the story of the day. The story of the week will be how studiously it's avoided by legacy media and the rest of the dem establishment. The story of the month will be the attempts to claim that it's somehow Trump's fault.

Dude1394 said...

So did Charlemagne the god nod his head and say “you go sista”.

Iman said...

We must help these Democrats through what will become hard times for them. They are our fellow Americans, after all. But they’ve never had a tight grip on reality and when Harris loses, they'll require heavy sedation.

RideSpaceMountain said...

I'm at the point where I'm fine with putting them in camps. They're projecting exactly what they'd like to do to us. If it's a race to see who gets there first, then you can call me Nature Boy Ric Flash.

Iman said...

I mentioned this stink of desperation yesterday, Leland. They are flailing about.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Iman said...

Hey… even turkeys can have questions.

n.n said...

Democratics actually did abort the Constitution with Whitmer collusion, Pelosi-rrection in past, present, and progressive. Political congruence ("="), transgender spectrum corruption of underage boys and girls, immigration reform, redistributive change schemes, Diversity (e.g. racism, sexism) , Black Lives Matter, Antifa, medical mandates, planned parenthood (e.g. nurse machete), etc. American Civil Liberties Unburdened

Iman said...

Charlemagne teh Fraud

john mosby said...

Where Dems say “find an emanation, penumbra, or scintilla,” Trump says “terminate a provision.” Two languages for the same concept: figure out what to do when the fact pattern doesn’t land squarely wihin the four corners of the Constitution.


tommyesq said...

I don't read Trump's quote as saying he will "terminate" the Constitution, I think he was saying that when the election is conducted fraudulently, it is not subject to the protections of the Constitution and can be addressed (as, for example, by Pence holding up the certification to allow for an investigation to take place).

tommyesq said...

I would note that the Dems have sought to limit or abolish every one of the bill of rights not expressly identified by Harris in that statement.

n.n said...


Calling Out the Militia (e.g. national guard)

Saint Croix said...

Why is it stupid to think that? CNBC is reporting that Harris is proposing a $20 billion plan to give up to $20,000 in forgivable loans to 1 million black male entrepreneurs. And she promises to legalize weed. So, free money for your marijuana start-up. This is basically a bribe.

Another old lawyer said...

Yes, at least as amended and interpreted. Maybe not or a slower suicide in its original form.

doctrev said...

That number's been less than 90% lately. I wouldn't be surprised to hear it was lower than 80% in 2020, but then vote fraud with mail-in ballots and delayed results made that a lot harder to prove.

Things are much worse now. Aside from the disastrous economic mismanagement which hit the lower classes hard, the regime wants fresh bodies for its wars in Israel and the Ukraine. The Rats reliance on abortion and gay issues means they have little to offer men in compensation, and most women who aren't selfish psychopaths don't want to see their men sacrificed.

That's why a billion dollars won't be enough to stop Trump, and it's why a lot of regime sponsors are going to prison. Trump doesn't have to strictly play defense against these people forever.

n.n said...

Ruling from the twilight fringe ("penumbra") is indiscriminate suppression, abortion of the Constitution. Changing provisions occurs in a limited context.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Trump is a clumsy speaker... always has been. His clumsy and cliche way of speaking is a gift to the left. Sadly - he still hasn't learned. that said - nothing Trump will ever do will amount to a drop of what the left accuse him of saying.

Rocco said...

Inga said...
"Maybe he should just have musical rallies from now until Election Day."


For those, especially African Americans, who are finally waking up to Democrat empty promises, here's The Who's Won't Get Fooled Again. Note: It's a double dedication to also include any suckers who are still voting RINO/GOPe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jtb10ZwbReY

Here's a song about Equity from long before it was given it's current name. Rush: The Trees: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWHEcIbhDiw

For those who still want the government to give them stuff, here's The Rainmakers' Government Cheese: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sR9ttAdrEHY

Finally, for all the greenies, here a song about a world where the internal combustion engine is banned. Rush: Red Barchetta: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sR9ttAdrEHY

exhelodrvr1 said...

FBI lying about crime stats - violent crime has increased, so the fact checkers and Harris were wrong in the debate. But the Dems don't give a shit about that.

n.n said...

Kamala must be reminiscing about her time with black males in prison and Democratics on diverse occasions suspending human and civil rights for progress.

Original Mike said...

In the case of crime statistics, I don't think anybody believed them. But, it is truly disturbing how the Biden administration has co-opted government data collection to push their narrative. Another aspect of the Deep State. We really need a good housecleaning.

Earnest Prole said...

Trump: “It should be very easily handled if necessary by National Guard, or if really necessary, by the military.

Let’s see how cheaply patriots will sell themselves out.

Michael K said...

Nice Prog declaration. I guess you want more Bidenomics.

Rusty said...

Two different things. The National Guard is not the militia. The Un organized militia is every citizen with a gun.

n.n said...

"The Court has approved the system of “dual enlistment,” under which persons enlisted in state militia (National Guard)"

Jersey Fled said...

Hillary was up 6+ points at this point in 2016.

Original Mike said...

Putting everything else aside, how, exactly, is Donald Trump going to terminate the Constitution? Stupid.

planetgeo said...

Make sure that Kamala's co-debating teams at ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN all get the update. Force them to publicly give a correction and apology to Trump for their snarky and incorrect "fact checks".

wendybar said...

Fraud?? Like the FBI fudging their numbers to help Democrats lie to the American people??


Earnest Prole said...

It’s my fault Trump talks about deploying the U.S military against American citizens, or just my fault for noticing?

Jersey Fled said...

Black men seem to be waking up. But they tend to have fewer abortions than Black women.

Jupiter said...

Don't overthink this. If she had not been intensively briefed immediately before this appearance, I doubt she could name a single amendment. She's just a stupid whore.

Narayanan said...

to be honest historically constitution did need to be 'terminated'/amended for black humans to be persons

planetgeo said...

Excuse me, I'm a certified Jive translator. Turkey gobbledegook is way easier than what comes out of Kamala's (or Inga's) pie-hole.

Darkisland said...

Can someone educate Inga please?

It has been tried repeatedly and found impossible.

John "A3 with a bullet!" Henry

planetgeo said...

Nice logo you've got there, comrade.

Narayanan said...

when will it sear into that all elections are civil war by other means

Darkisland said...

Over on Journa.host some cat lady posted that she was trying to explain to some "Rethuglicans" that if re-elected Donald Trump would make women show some sort of menstruation passport to travel between states. The idea is to keep women for traveling for abortions. She knew it was true because she had seen it several places on the internet. She literally said that. That is some Inga level stupidity there from a professional journalist.

She was apparently apparently roundly mocked by the Rethuglicans and I think they might have made her cry. She asked what she should do.

Instead of others saying "Don't say stupid shit", others in the group tried giving her strategies to argue that it really, really, really is true. It's all over the internet. We want it to be true, therefore it must be true.

John Henry

planetgeo said...

The millions of unvetted, military-age, illegal aliens your comrades have imported likely have a significant number of actual enemy military among them. When Trump wins, there is a significant possibility they will be among the Antifa mobs that will start the looting and burning, but bigger and badder than before. Local police departments will not be able to effectively stop (a feature, not a bug, of the great replacement strategy). Some organized, National Guard action will very likely be necessary.

Wa St Blogger said...

If you use the wayback machine, you will find the same breathless fearmongering that Trump will call out the military. He didn't use it then. I wonder why? Maybe because it ISN'T a dictator, and DOESN'T want to activate the military against citizens. But he IS aware that it is legal to do so if necessary,...or if really necessary

Trump had 4 years to be the boogieman you want him to be, and yet he wasn't. But THIS TIME it will be different! Maybe THIS TIME he will prosecute his enemies on bogus crimes. Maybe he will fabricate crimes against his opponents. Maybe he will put peaceful protestors in jail for years without charges or trials until they commit suicide. Maybe this time he will track cell phones of people who were in the area and charge them with crimes.

Oh, if such a government would happen, what a disaster it would be. We must vote to prevent that kind of government.

Darkisland said...

Apparently he did. He cut the feed in mid-salad and (probably) said "you go, sista. Go right now. Get the Hell out of my studio"

Video here https://twitter.com/i/status/1846312169714987183

John Henry

Darkisland said...

Rusty, I was under the impression that the militia was every US citizen. Perhaps of a certain age. I don't recall gun ownership being a requirement. It is a good idea, of course. And I could be wrong.

John Henry

Freder Frederson said...

which would stop the clear multiple scanning of ballots by the corrupt democraticals in GA

Pushing this lie cost Guiliani $147 million and his law license. But you continue to repeat it.

gilbar said...

Inga? Mark? Rich? LoneJustice? any comments?

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Hillary and John Kerry have promised to kill the First Amendment - and usher in Orwellian Speech Crimes and unprecedented leftist neo-fascist FBI/DOJ enforced censorship.

Freder Frederson said...

If I am reading this correctly, Harris is fear mongering when she says Trump wants to "terminate the constitution", and you can't find any evidence of Trump saying that he would terminate the constitution, only that he wants to terminate certain parts of constitution (apparently including certification of the electoral college count).

And Harris is fear mongering?

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Wasn't that in reference to after-election rioting?

Real American said...

The folks who want to censor the internet, confiscate all guns, deny the right to know charges against you, confront witnesses, have counsel, and present evidence in university kangaroo courts, pack the Supreme Court and force term limits on SCOTUS justices, delete the electoral college, grant DC statehood, do mass forgiveness of student loans without legislation, create government programs and provide govt benefits only to certain racial groups, tax unrealized gains, take trillions of dollars from people who didn't own slaves and give it to people who weren't slaves, deny parents' right to health information about their children, prosecute their political rivals, cede authority to the United Nations, and racially discriminate in government contracts, hiring, and college admissions, claims the other guy wants to terminate the Constitution.

I don't know. Maybe Trump said something about quartering soldiers in our homes during times of peace and I missed it.

Skeptical Voter said...

It's become apparent that there is no connection between Kamala's mouth and her brain. She will say whatever "comes to mind"--except that it doesn't really come to mind.

Earnest Prole said...

Thanks from an irredeemable, deplorable, bitter-clinger prole.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Give us a direct Quote where Trump says he wants to terminate the Constitution or parts thereof.

stlcdr said...

Remember, according to democrats:
True: Republicans Always Lie.
True: Democrats tell the Truth.

Trump: I'm going to terminate the Constitution.
Kamala: Trump is going to terminate the Constitution.

Earnest Prole said...

National Guard action is Constitutional; U.S. Military action is not.

Yancey Ward said...

LOL!!! Well done!

Freder Frederson said...

John Lott (and also Mary Rosh) is hardly a reputable source.

Yancey Ward said...

"only that he wants to terminate certain parts of constitution (apparently including certification of the electoral college count)."

She didn't even find that, Freder. What Trump was advocating was that Congress and the state legislatures ensure the vote in 2020 wasn't fraudulent. There is literally nothing in the Constitution that would have forbid the legislatures and Congress from doing what Trump wanted done. In fact, there was precedent for doing exactly that- the 1876 election.

Leland said...

Let’s see how cheaply patriots will sell themselves out.

Ok, here is the video: "Video Appears To Show Nat’l Guard, MPD Shooting Paint Rounds At Citizens On Their Porch"

Who ordered them to do this? Tim Walz, retired National Guard Master Sergeant.

As noted above, Democrats always accuse Trump of what they are doing.

Freder Frederson said...

It is right there in Althouse's post. But here we go again (quoted directly from the main post):

“A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,” he wrote [on Truth Social]. “Our great ‘Founders’ did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!”

gadfly said...

Trump Says Americans ‘Won’t Have to Vote Anymore’ If He Wins
He’s telegraphing his authoritarian intentions in plain sight.

[On July 27, 2024,] former President Donald Trump told a group of supporters that they wouldn’t have to vote again if they elect him to the presidency. “You won’t have to do it anymore,” Trump said at the Turning Point Believers’ Summit in Florida. “It’ll be fixed; it’ll be fine; you won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians.”

Trump’s remarks represent an extraordinary departure from democratic norms in the United States— when a major party’s presidential candidate directly stated his aim to make elections meaningless, a notorious hallmark of autocracy.

How did you miss this quote, Ann? When Trump tells you he’s an authoritarian, believe him.
He’s talking like a fascist. He’s planning fascist policies. He’s staffing up with fascists.

Freder Frederson said...

What Trump was advocating was that Congress and the state legislatures ensure the vote in 2020 wasn't fraudulent.

That was not what he said. Maybe this is one of those things that Trump said, but what he really meant was . . .

RCOCEAN II said...

Trump to Constitution : I vill terminate you, with extreme predjudice.

Given that - according to the MSM and Democrats - trump is a criminal, crazy, fascist, incompetent, ignorant, authoritarian, traitor, fool, liar, cheat, demogogue, Nazi, racist, homphobe, woman hater....

I'm not surprised.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Kamala told STg that she would study, take a look at” reparations. That she would propose “black only” loans.

Quaestor said...

A question for Inga: Is Donald Trump better informed than David Muir?

RCOCEAN II said...

BTW, its schumer and Harris that want to: pack the courts, have a two-tier justice system, refuse to protect US Citizens from "invasion", and ditch the 1st Admendment guarnateeing freedom of speech, and allow illegal aliens to vote in violation of Federal law.

Just more Alinsky rules. Attack Trump for what the Democrats are doing.

RCOCEAN II said...

A question for Inga: have all your clique of admirers thanked you for letting them play "crossfire" with you? Without you and the other Leftwing trolls they'd have nothing to say.

Christopher B said...

It's far from that cut and dried, EP. Posse Comitatus is a legislative act, not a part of the Constitution, and it includes provisions for the use of Federal troops with specific justifications. In addition, it also depends on the mission of the troops and exactly who is in overall command.

Eisenhower ordered the 101st into Little Rock, and GHWB had regular Army troops patrolling in LA during the Rodney King riots to name two instances where Federal troops have been used. Eisenhower was probably on stronger ground than GHWB since he was enforcing Federal Civil Rights laws.

ChrisC said...

Sadly, you may be right. In TV ads in Georgia she is claiming - Trump wants a national sales tax - he doesn't. Trump was to end Social Security - he doesn't. Trump wants to ban abortion - he doesn't. Such extreme lying in ads can only work on super low information votes or stupid ones.

Darkisland said...

Isn't that why we have lawyers, and courts? To try to find the technicality that allows us to find the way to do what we want to and do it within the bounds of the law?

What is wrong with going to my lawyer and saying "I want to do X" My lawyer says "You can't do X. The law forbids you to do X. But," he continues, "if you call it Y and also do Z, you can get the same result as if you had done X. And it would be legal."

I used to have a book by John Shelton Reed with an essay about tax laws and tax lawyers. Tax law is like a swamp, he said. Easy to get lost in, easy to get in trouble in. And there are two types of tax lawyers. One is like HR Block, cautious, stays well back from the edge of the swamp. Others are more adventurous. They will wade far far into the swamp and figure that as long as their nose is still above water, they are OK.

Reed wanted the second kind of lawyer. So do I. I want a lawyer who can show me a legal way to do something that is otherwise illegal. Seems like that is a lawyer's principle function in society.

John Henry

Leland said...

Maybe David Muir will provide a correction to his previous statements?
Sky News Australia was laying out the facts a month ago. Glad that the FBI could catch up. Now we wait for ABC/Disney to come clean.

Darkisland said...

Gnossos Pappadopoulis would like to have a word with you

John Henry

Inga said...

A huge difference between Democrats and Trumpublicans is that Democrats believe him when he speaks out of an authortarian playbook. Trumpublicans still think he’s joking, or they agree with his authoritarian goals.

Darkisland said...

Yes, he did say that. He was speaking to a group of evangelicals who do not, as doctrine, believe in voting. He was asking them to vote just this time and they would never have to vote again.

But thanks for playing along, Gadfly.

John Henry

Earnest Prole said...

If Joe Biden deployed the U.S. Military inside the United States to police the 2024 election and its aftermath (as Trump endorsed in the clip I linked), I would pray the people of the United States would call it unconstitutional, and would say those who did not were selling their liberty for a song.

hombre said...

If you can stomach it, look at the comment section of a leftmedia aggregator like Yahoo News. The truth of Riley Gaines assertion that this election is about "normal vs. crazy" becomes apparent. The downside of such a visit in this year of neck and neck elections is that it emphasizes that the other half is indeed crazy enough to believe that Trump would, or could, "terminate the Constitution." ....

loudogblog said...

Musical rallies sounds pretty fun. After all, Trump's campaign is the campaign of joy now.

Leland said...

Do you call what Walz did unconstitutional, Prole?

loudogblog said...

"Kamala Harris up by 5 in new Marist national poll."

Hillary was up by 5.5% and still lost. Remember, it's not the popular vote that decides elections; it's the swing states.

Skeptical Voter said...

Okay I'm woke. Kamala Harris "asserts without evidence" that Trump will tear up the Constitution. That's a rather extreme piece of the customary political blather. And considering that she was part and parcel of an administration that ruled by executive order rather than by promoting and passing legislation, her claim is both specious and braggadocious.

Deep State Reformer said...

At this point the campaigns put out their most odious and dishonest mudslinging, bc three more weeks!

Indigo Red said...

What about the 3rd Amendment? Why doesn't anybody talk about 3A?

Yancey Ward said...

What rules and regulations, Freder? He specifically asked for VP Pence to send the electoral slates of certain states back to the state legislatures for verification plus he asked Congress to not certify those electoral slates because he thought fraud had given Biden those states. There are no rules in the Constitution, the document on which you are focusing, that prevented any of this. In fact, when he did not get what he wanted he left office peacefully.

What you are doing, Freder, is taking something he said generally and in the heat of the moment and applying to it whatever meaning you wish to apply. He was being told that Pence didn't have the power to do what he was asking Pence to do- that was clearly false- nothing prevented Pence from trying to do this- only norms of electoral procedure. All that would have happened is that Congress seated that day would simply have over-ruled Pence and certified Biden's election. Trump was responding to critics who were saying, falsely by the way, that Pence and Congress could do nothing about it because of the Constitution didn't allow it. In short, what you are doing is taking Trump's statement entirely out of context in a completely dishonest manner. I am telling you the context and the context matters.

Bob Boyd said...

President Trump: "General, I order you to go after anyone who does not support me or who won't bend to my will."

General Ribbonfest: "Yes, sir!"

Turns to the troops:
"Well men, the intel boys are sayin' there's millions and millions of Americans out there who don't support the boss and that doesn't even include the Americans who won't bend to his will. We've got a heckuva lotta goin' after to do, so grab your Go After gear and let's get started."

PM said...

The assertions keep growing nuttier. Next up, Trump's failed assassins were hired by Trump.

lonejustice said...

Unfortunately, both sides are engaging in fear mongering, and the losers in all of this are the American voters. Trump says that if Harris is elected, migrants will walk into your kitchen and slit your throat:

"And you remember when they say no, no, these are migrants and these migrants, they don't commit crimes like us. No, no, they make our ​​criminals look like babies. These are stone cold killers. They'll walk into your kitchen, they'll cut your throat."

That's some serious fear mongering.

Eva Marie said...

This is making my head hurt. Can we just all agree to vote Trump/Vance 2024

Earnest Prole said...

Military threats against American citizens sitting on their porches is patently unconstitutional.

You’ve apparently confused me with being a partisan simply because I noticed Trump is proposing to suspend our Constitutional liberties. I assure you I have contempt for both parties.

Yancey Ward said...

However, Freder, if you want to go down this road- let's compare Harris and the Democrats with Trump. The Democrats want to narrow the scope of the first Amendment in an unconstitutional way. They want to narrow the scope of the second amendment in an unconstitutional way etc. The Democrats are the biggest threat to the Constitution, right?

This is rhetorical, Freder- I already know that you think all of those proposed restrictions on the first and second amendments are perfectly constitutional but my point is this- we on the right have a perspective different from you on what is and isn't unconstitutional so you really should step back and then give Trump the same benefit of the doubt with his statement- especially given the context in which it was written.

Yancey Ward said...

Freder, this is a comment you should read and then retell us how Trump is clearly the threat to the Constitution.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Independents: Trump +10
.....But all LV = Harris +5?!


Same old Marist

Leland said...

Suspect in Texas massacre had been deported 4 times after entering US illegally, ICE source says
Texas illegal immigrant indicted on capital murder charge in cheerleader's beating, stabbing death
Illegal migrants lured Jocelyn Nungaray, 12, under bridge, assaulted her for 2 hours before killing her: prosecutors

Those all just a few murders in Texas during the Biden/Harris administration. And yeah, I remember you are the guy that compared cutting his finger while cutting an onion to being shot at and claimed it was no big deal. I thought you wouldn't be stupid enough to come back again, yet here you are.

Gravel said...

No Prole, it doesn't. The President is authorized by Congress via the Insurrection Act (as amended) to call up the guard and the military to address an insurrection, or any situation that deprives the citizenry of constitutional rights, when the states are unable or unwilling to protect those rights. I'm confident that you actually know this.

Leland said...

I recognize you as partisan because you can't tell the difference between a discussion and action or a threat and actual shooting. You downplay what the Democrats actually do, consistently.

Bill Crawford said...

What role, if any, does KH have in certifying the 2024 election?

RideSpaceMountain said...

Context mostly. Most people still have a schoolhouse understanding of it vis-a-vis redcoats shacking up with your family. They don't see (unless they served) the panoply of regulatory separation it creates between the Armed Forces and the civilian world in the current year.

In short, the people Kamala is trying to sell this shit to are Ingidiots.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Would you like me to send you raw Los Zetas narco-war snuff flicks? Because everything he claimed is actually quite tame.

Tina Trent said...

Slander and defamation are still crimes if you're running for office. A very high-bar crime that must include intentional malice, but still a crime. Inga. I'm done with putting up with you. No more one-way streets. We all lose loved ones. You didn't show respect, nor humanity for my gesture to you.

Wa St Blogger said...

A huge difference between Democrats and Trumpublicans is that Democrats believe him when he speaks out of an authortarian playbook. Trumpublicans still think he’s joking, or they agree with his authoritarian goals.

A huge difference between the Demonrats and the Republicans is that when Trump WAS president he did not do the things people claim he WOULD do if he was president but the Demonrats HAVE done such things over the last 9 years.

It is clear that you do not care at all about norms, justice, constitutional rights, or anything else that you keep bringing up. You clearly support such abuses of those things when it suits you.

The question is, how far will you go in efforts to secure expanding rights for women to murder their children for convenience sake.

PM said...

Charlamagne Tha God.

One Fine Day said...

John Lott is an extremely reputable source on crime and guns. He's the one that keeps busting the Leftist liars (like Freddie here) that try to gin up "data" to support unconstitutional gun control. America Hater Freddie calls Lott unreputable simply because Lott is effective against gun controllers like Freddie.

Rabel said...

In the really, really old days the Masters would send out slave patrols to bring them back to the Plantation.

Just a suggestion for Kamala.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical lonejustice is just doing his part as a fake conservative pushing democratical narratives.

I wonder how often he bounces ideas off the departed (from the blog) LLR-democratical Chuck?