July 26, 2024

Why Andy Beshear will be KH's choice for VP.

It's obvious. Just look at the lineup (at WaPo): 

The force that makes her want a white man — she on her own maxes out the desired intersectionality — will make her exclude the white men who would add intersectionality — Pete Buttigieg and Josh Shapiro. That leaves 4. One is unusually unattractive. Two look old, just as KH and her accomplices are kicking old to the curb. They can't re-old. That leaves Andy. Wonderful Andy. He's 46! Just old enough to make J.D. Vance look too young. 

I don't know anything about Andy other than that he's the Governor of Kentucky. I tried googling his name and the first thing that popped up was "Andy Beshear issues apology to diet Mountain Dew after argument with JD Vance." What got him attacking Diet Mountain Dew? 
"What was weird was [Vance] joking about racism today and then talking about diet Mountain Dew. Who drinks diet Mountain Dew? But in all seriousness, he ain't from here. He is not from Kentucky. This is a guy who would come maybe in the summers for some period of time, or to weddings or funerals."


Paul Zrimsek said...

I don't know. Can the Democrats get over their hillbilly allergy?

Meade said...

Pronounced: AHndy

Achilles said...

Moore should be on the list.

But they may not care about black men. They may want the party to split.

Dr Weevil said...

"One is unusually unattractive"? Which one? I really can't tell whether you mean Kelly or Pritzker. They both seem quite repulsive, thought part of that is Kelly's expression.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Kamala already picked a white man. She's a Jewish divorcee's black shiksa arm candy. There was some black e-celeb that just yesterday said a huge factor in Kamala's unpopularity not only in the 2020 primaries but also generally in the black community is her white husband.

How funny is it that many in the black community consider her a race traitor.

Mary Beth said...

Two VP candidates, both born in KY. One to a rural eastern KY family, the other to a wealthy political family, who were at the time living in KY's largest city. Beshear's father was also a KY governor. He was in the KY House of Representatives when Andy was born. One knew politics his whole life, one is an outsider.

Kate said...

I'm continuously baffled to see Mark Kelly included.

RideSpaceMountain said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mccullough said...

Andy is a perfect choice.

He’s got no future in national politics.

His Daddy was also Governor of Kentucky so he’s a Nepot like W and Jeb!

He will do what he’s told.

samanthasmom said...

They can't get over their intersectionality. It will be Buttigieg.

Achilles said...

Obama wanted Kelly to lead the ticket. They may have tried to mollify him by making him VP.

Achilles said...

I like how the picture they put up of Shaipro was his "fuck you punch me face."

They could have found a much better picture of him.

But that gets into why he wont be the pick.

mccullough said...

Southern WASPs are worse than New England WASPs.

Steve said...

I figured she would take Shapiro to help in western Pennsylvania. Then CNN reminded me he was a Jew and how much of a risk that was.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Well, let's eee:

Buttigieg - Bad choice, the taxpayers can only afford so much paternity leave.

Moore - Exonerated the Duke lacrosse players, might lose the Black female vote.

Kelley - Virtual non-entity despite the well liked, tragically injured wife and Astronaut career.

Pritzker - Probably drop dead from a massive coronary a month into his term, too risky that Hillary! would get appointed.

Shapiro - Jewish, either he'd be anti-Isreal and loose them what they've got left of the Jewish vote or he'd lose them the Hamasnik vote.

Beshear - He's probably the most promising candidate, if you discount the stupidity thing.

Lilly, a dog said...

I was in the same graduating class of University of Rochester as Josh Shapiro. I don't think I ever met him there, but had a couple friends that knew and liked him. I think he's done a good job as Governor. He seems to be a decent family man.

The Dems need to win Michigan and Minnesota, so I don't think he will be picked.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Mountain Dew just happens to be the same colour as the official Kamala campaign colour.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

"He is not from Kentucky. This is a guy who would come maybe in the summers for some period of time, or to weddings or funerals."

One of the nice things about being from New Jersey is nobody gives a fuck whether you're really from New Jersey.

Virgil Hilts said...

I'm from Arizona and it's going to be Kelly; I actually like him and might even vote for him if it was Kelly versus Trump (if he were running the country I think he would be pretty moderate). But I absolutely cannot vote for Kamala. We're no longer a serious country, but it's pure Idiocracy to elect Kamala.

Freuchie said...

Beshear is perfect for the loony left. Talks like a moderate but made us all wear masks during Covid, including elementary school kids. Got so bad the legislature had to strip his “emergency powers”. Also a big teachers union guy. Previous governor tried to institute some modest state pension reforms, because Kentucky is so far in the hole with funding. Beshear beat him by promising to stop any reform and let the gravy train keep on rolling. But, he “cares about us”, which is all people need to hear.

Virgil Hilts said...

ALso, would not surprise me (of course we'll never know) if Obama slowed/held up his endorsement until Kamala agreed on Kelly.

Limited blogger said...

Hillbilly throw down!


Virgil Hilts said...

Persdonally, I like Shapiro a lot. I might even vote for him if he was running against Trump. But he's an observant conservative jew and there is no way Kamala will pick him (it would sure make things entertaining though with the pro-gaza Dem riots already scheduled for the DNC).

mccullough said...

Vance is more hick and more elite than Andy.

He grew up poor but went to Yale Law School.

Andy’s Daddy couldn’t get him into the Ivy League.

RCOCEAN II said...

LOL - she'll choose Shapiro of PA. Important swing state. Will please Democrat Donors, who are almost all Jewish. Plus, Bibi and Israel will approve.

Nobody wants another chick on the ticket. We already have our Woman/Minority - time for white man.

Jim Dahmus said...

Not Beshear. Even if he was qualified - which he’s not - Kentucky will not vote for Harrisi

RCOCEAN II said...

Shapiro will be the VP pick. It will give Harris a swing state, please the Big Jewish Donors, and Shapiro is a big supporter of Israel.

William said...

If there had been a primary contest, nearly all the VP candidates would have won more votes than Kamala....If Kamala wishes to discourage impeachment or assassination attempts, she would be wise to choose Buttigieg or Pritzker....I don't know anything about Kelly, but just by looking at him, you can see that he's far more qualified to be President than Kamala.

Breezy said...

“Beshear - He's probably the most promising candidate, if you discount the stupidity thing.”

Another plus for Andy then - you never want your VP to be smarter than you….

mccullough said...

Shapiro doesn’t want to hurt his chances in 2028.

He’s not signing up for a Losing Ticket.

Skeptical Voter said...

If Kamala is looking for a white man, Pete Booty Boy need not apply.

On the other hand, if she's looking for a Didn't Earn It person to complement the ticket--two DEI hires, well then Peties her man.

mindnumbrobot said...

I'd guess Kelly. From a swing state and can act as a counterweight to Kamala's idiocy.

Cappy said...

The Democrats won't have Shapiro. It is a Jew hating party.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

astronaut and former Pilot Kelly from Arizona BEST PICK. Son of police officer,39 combat missions,flew space shuttle,has a wife who was shot (for real) and she is a symbol against gun violence.He takes no crap and can speak about the debacle of the trump induced "kill the bi partisan Border bill' BECAUSE IT WOULD BE A WIN FOR bIDEN CRAP. Yeah Mark Kelly plushe resembles a small stature SHREK and you know what "youth" think about SHREK!! :)READ EM AND WEEP

Bruce Hayden said...

“Kelley - Virtual non-entity despite the well liked, tragically injured wife and Astronaut career.”

Mr Gun Control. Good and bad there. I think more bad. FJB was pretty bad there with his ATF. Harris, with Kelly, likely to be worse. Sure, leftists like that. But Kelly would likely energize the anti-gun control crowd far, far, more.

Besides, the Dems had to massively cheat to get him in office.

Leland said...

Yes, pick Kelly to make it clear how Arizona is in play and Democrats desperately need to win it too. It won't matter after Trump wins Pennsylvania and as noted by Cappy, a name like Shapiro can't be on the ticket and win Michigan or Minnesota, but Trump won't need Arizona, Michigan, or Minnesota if he wins Pennsylvania. Pick Kelly and make it a campaign about the border (keep NY and NJ in play too).

mindnumbrobot said...

Blogger seems to be eating comments again.

Aggie said...

The Democrat's only chance to win is to be the Anti-Trump as comprehensively as possible. It'll be Kelly, I think.

Kate's bafflement and DINKY's full-throated hoo-rah is a very accurate barometer of sentiment.

Gusty Winds said...

What white guy really wants to be the DEI pick?

Reverse DEI actually. What a joke.

doctrev said...

If "bland white guy" could position you for success, Hillary Clinton would have ridden Kaine's coattails. The various bland GOP white guys, in turn, could never handle the heat of the Trump era. W was a spineless fool whose mismanagement paved the way for Obama.

But at least they were better than the jez who is going to get destroyed by Trump.

n.n said...

Kamala exceeds her color blocs' Diversity quotas. Will Democrats choose to scalp the fetus in order to mitigate color and class disparities? The very model of Frankenstein's monster in progress.

Yancey Ward said...

I am from Kentucky- fuck Andy Beshear. I hope she does pick him- what little a VP candidate can add to a ticket won't be jack shit from Beshear- it won't play well anywhere but in Kentucky and Trump will still win Kentucky by 20 points minimum.

Yancey Ward said...

My gut tells me the best pick out of that list for the Democrats is probably Kelly- it might get Arizona close enough for mail-in-ballot fraud to work, but it won't help in the states she actually needs to hold onto. Even Tony Evers would be a more practical choice than anyone on that list. Shapiro could help were it not for his last name which is going to cost net votes for Harris.

RCOCEAN II said...

Looking at the comments, is anyone in touch with political reality? Bashear is from KY and this state will go republican. how is beshear going to help Kamala in November?

Its crazy his name is even mentioned. Kelly might help in AZ but Penn has more electoral votes. And Shapiro will bring in a ton of Big Donor money. Kelly wont.

I see no negatives with Shapiro and a lot of positives from the D point of view.

Leland said...

RCOCEAN II said...
Looking at the comments, is anyone in touch with political reality?

Damn you. Democrats have been propping up a demented kook for months after the rest of the world saw first hand he was incapable of sitting much less leading. They replaced that guy with Kamala “don’t give me credit for leading anything” Harris. Both came from deep blue states. Let’s keep them thinking they are on making rationale decisions.

“Bad Genes” said...

Shapiro or Kelly are the only ones that I think make sense among the guys. But there is a case for Whitmer. I would be surprised. She's keeping basically the same Biden team. I'm not sure this is a move they would make. So I would think you would get Kelly or Shapiro. And Shapiro makes more sense because he's in a state that's more important to your fortunes than Kelly.

planetgeo said...

There's a serious problem with every one of these White Beta Males. But that's an inherent fatal flaw in the whole AWFL Party.

Mr. D said...

Isn't Pritzker Jewish, too? I assume he's the unusually unattractive one in your scenario, although if you were casting someone to play Riff Raff in a live-action version of the old Underdog cartoon, Pritzker would be your choice.

Cooper is the only pick who might help Harris carry a state she might not get otherwise, but I don't see it happening. She should lean into her politics and pick a Soros.

Martin Weiss said...

Kelly isn't Jewish but he was married by a Rabbi to a woman who is Jewish (although not Jewish by orthodox halachah), Gabby Gifford a former US Representative. Kelly worked with Israeli astronaut Ilan Ramon. Kelly visited Israel with his wife in 2020 and twice since the Oct 7 atrocities.

The Hamas wing of the Democrat party would not like him.

Big Mike said...

She should pick Susan Collins and run on a Unity ticket.

Darkisland said...

My wife was watching the news this morning and they had Mr and Ms Emhoff (A/K/A Kamala Harris) together somewhere.

They are the same color. She is no darker than he is.

Shouldn't she have a black man on the ticket for DEI?

John Henry

Old and slow said...

Shapiro is the smart choice,but would he accept a number two position to a moron like Kamala? Also, he is Jewish. It will be Kelly.He looks steady and reliable. Is he the unattractive one, or is that the fat guy? I'm not a good judge of these things apparently.

D.D. Driver said...

Andy Beshear seems pompous and douchy. Perfect democrat candidate, Hillbilly Gavin Newsom.

Darkisland said...

Is Harris the new Rachel Dolezal?

Maybe we need some campaign posters of Rachael Dolezal endorsing Harris.

And make her campaign posters beige to match her skin color, not green to match the color of citizens fearful that she might be president.

John Henry

Inga said...

Buttigieg would be my choice, what a ticket that would be! Buttigieg is quick, sharp fearless. I’d love to see him debate Vance, two military veterans, both served in war zones. Vance called Buttigieg a childless cat lady, didn’t he? Buttigieg has two children.

Static Ping said...

Yeah, let's see if Kamala is still the nominee after the convention, virtual or otherwise. Biden may be senile, mean, and a terrible leader, but he's a good politician. Otherwise, he would be selling used cars on some rural highway. Kamala is an idiot, mean, and a terrible politician, basically Biden except somehow less capable. If anyone can blow a sure thing, it is Kamala Harris.

Assuming Kamala survives - not given - the VP is going to be very dependent on if the VP nominees thinks this will help or hurt them. If they think Kamala is going to lose and lose badly, which the polls and past experience indicate, the only people who will be willing to throw their hat into the ring are those that will be immune from the backlash. It is highly unlikely that anyone who wants to run for President in the future will want to get attached to this ticket. It is going to be someone who already has a safe position to fall back upon, like a governor or senator, or someone with nothing to lose and is hoping to be taken care of by the DNC for the sacrifice. It is amusing to be told that Kamala has a wide range of VP candidates, when I suspect this is going to be a take-it-or-leave-it situation in the end.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

"There was some black e-celeb that just yesterday said a huge factor in Kamala's unpopularity not only in the 2020 primaries but also generally in the black community is her white husband."

This rings true. Obama's racial identity was obviously somewhat ambiguous, given that he was raised by his white mother and her side of the family, largely outside the U.S., and given that, even on his father's side, Obama was not descended from American slaves. But Obama married an unambiguously black descendent of slaves, and that solidified his status as an "authentic" black man.

Kamala did exactly the opposite. Her racial background is, if anything, less "black" than even Obama's was, but rather than marrying a black man and having black children, she married a white guy and had no children of her own.

None of this would be a problem for her as such -- it's just that she's trying to use being "black" as an affirmative reason for blacks to vote for her. I don't think that'll win enough votes for her to make a difference in any state. A lot blacks will vote for her because she's a leftie dem, but they'd vote for any leftist dem, whether they're black, white, or whatever. She isn't regarded as "black" enough, in the eyes of many, to win votes from blacks who aren't already set to vote for a dem.

Yancey Ward said...

For once I agree with Inga- I hope it is Buttwxyz- a dream ticket for me, too- two uttterly incompetent morons on the same ticket.

Achilles said...

DINKY DAU 45 said...

astronaut and former Pilot Kelly from Arizona BEST PICK. Son of police officer,39 combat missions,flew space shuttle,has a wife who was shot (for real) and she is a symbol against gun violence.He takes no crap and can speak about the debacle of the trump induced "kill the bi partisan Border bill' BECAUSE IT WOULD BE A WIN FOR bIDEN CRAP. Yeah Mark Kelly plushe resembles a small stature SHREK and you know what "youth" think about SHREK!! :)READ EM AND WEEP

If democrats were serious Kelly would be at the top of the ticket and Moore would be VP or a reverse of those two.

Static Ping said...

Inga, Buttigieg is all flash, no substance. He was a mediocre mayor from a minor city who, for reasons, ran for President for which his only qualification was he was gay. He inexplicably flipped that into Secretary of Transportation, a job for which he rarely ever shows up and has repeatedly failed to do his duties.

Now that I think of it, he would be perfect. He's exactly the sort of VP that would make Kamala impeachment proof, the same role Kamala played for Biden.

Harper said...

Like his father, 2 term governor(2007 - 2015) Steve Beshear, Andy is a smart Kentucky politician. Both also best described in one word - smarmy. Like if this was occurring during Andy's 1st term as governor, there'd be no such full throated support of Harris. Especially Andy trying so hard, coming off as a "pick me girl".

He's termed out of the governor's house, no future in state politics and with his own presidential ambitions, Andy ain't stupid. Personally, as a Kentucky republican, I've somewhat come to just being entertained during his governorship. He's basically a eunuch, with republican super majorities in both legislative houses. His Southern Fried Cuomo-lite daily covid briefings, teachers/government employees support, natural disaster response ensured his 2nd term. His fandom worship during covid was not unlike Cuomo's, I think 75% of Kentucky women fell in love. By the way, I'm a mid 60s Kentucky born & bred woman, hailing from about 25 miles of Dawson Springs, the Beshear family original stomping grounds.

narciso said...

A failure at his last job of course promite him

Darkisland said...

Anyone remember this from summer of 16?

"Texas Senator (and possible 2016 presidential hopeful) Ted Cruz has formally given up his Canadian citizenship, about nine months after learning he had it."


The batshit crazy journalists on www.journa.host reminded me of this last night. Apparently some law professor a couple years ago said that Harris could not be VP or Prez because she is not a natural born citizen under 14A. The reasoning, as I understand it has to do with her parents being here under student visas and, though born and living in the US, she was not subject to US law. It sounded pretty screwy and convoluted.

Anyway, someone apparently asked President Trump about this last year. He seems never to have heard of it at the time and made some sort of non-commital remark when asked about it. "That's interesting" or something like that.

Now the journos are claiming that he is a full-on hard core birther racist (etc and etc)

I am not a birther and don't think he is either. Harris was born in the US and is a 14A natural born citizen. I do not see how there can be any question about that.

Under Jamaican law, though, she is also a natural born Jamaican citizen via her father:


Has she ever renounced her Jamaican citizenship?

Should she?

There is no legal or constitutional requirement to do so. I am not fond of the idea of dual citizenship. I find it unseemly in any citizen. I find it especially unseemly in a politician and most unseemly in a VP/President. Pick which country you are committed to.

“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." (or the US AND Jamaica)

Should she be asked to renounce her Jamaican citizenship, assuming she has not already?

John Henry

Achilles said...

Yancey Ward said...

For once I agree with Inga- I hope it is Buttwxyz- a dream ticket for me, too- two uttterly incompetent morons on the same ticket.

But you agree with her because you have different motivations.

If they pick Buttigieg they definitely want the party to fracture.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"There's a serious problem with every one of these White Beta Males. But that's an inherent fatal flaw in the whole AWFL Party."

It's not a problem at all. The democratic party is the party of women and gays. Liberal men are precisely what they've worked at for 60 years.

The want tame, unthreatening, submissive men that will do what their queens tell them. They have zero problems with it.

Ralph L said...

Roy Cooper has been restrained by a Republican legislature, which might be good training for DC, but he doesn't have much to show national Dem voters. If he hits the campaign trail, his fat black Repub. Lt Gov. might sign enough stuff to get himself elected governor in November.

mezzrow said...

*an evening with "THE DECIDER"*

Reads Mark Kelly bio (nod, nod, nod) gets to portrait.


(points at Beshear portrait)

Great bio. Can we make him look like this guy?

Leland said...

Yancey knows.

effinayright said...

Inga said...
Buttigieg would be my choice, what a ticket that would be! Buttigieg is quick, sharp fearless. I’d love to see him debate Vance, two military veterans, both served in war zones. Vance called Buttigieg a childless cat lady, didn’t he? Buttigieg has two children.

Even better, Buttigieg's wife had a very difficult prgnancy and labor with both of them.

Oh wait....

Darkisland said...

I am not fond of dual citizenship though I do make some exceptions.

Some countries do not permit renunciation of citizenship so I can accept that.

A client of mine lives in Antigua. He holds Antiguan citizenship as a lifelong resident, Canadian citizenship because he was born there (many Antiguan women go to Canada or US to give birth for citizenship. His children were all born in Canada too) and Portugese because his great grandfather was Portugese and why not.

He has no plans to ever leave Antigua but sees what happens in other places and wants to make sure he can leave if he needs to.

Perhaps Harris needs to maintain her Jamaican citizenship in case she has flee the US. As a Jamaican citizen it might be hard to extradite her. Not accusing her of any wrongdoing but you never know.

John Henry

Achilles said...

Darkisland said...

Has she ever renounced her Jamaican citizenship?

Should she?

Waste of time.

I would rather have her explain why she thinks a cackling mediocrity who has failed at every task given to her by powerful men but advanced because she sucks dicks should be at the top of the ticket.

I am also going to point out because people here do look at places out there. In spaces where black people talk about this stuff none of them think she is black. They are separating black people into single women and the rest. The only support she gets in the black community is single black women.

Black people are being explicitly replaced by illegals and most of them know it. This is a huge topic outside the mainstream media spaces.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I'm continuously baffled to see Mark Kelly included.

He’s the activist twin. He made the approved statements about George Floyd? Political Aspirations written all over it.

RideSpaceMountain said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga said...

“Even better, Buttigieg's wife had a very difficult prgnancy and labor with both of them.”

So, are you saying adoptive parents aren’t legitimate parents? This is the sort of comment that will make it more likely independent voters will support Harris and whoever she picks as VP. What have you Trumpists got if you don’t have misogyny, homophobia, racism? Well, you still have Trump, lol.

Darkisland said...

Blogger Inga said...

Buttigieg would be my choice,

No surprise there.

Quick, no DuckDuckGo, how many transportation secretaries can anyone name?

Buttigieg is such a fuckup that everyone knows his name. That is certainly one accomplishment.

Perhaps Inga can name a second. (I don't even ask for a 3rd)

This would be the perfect campaign poster


The Buttegiegs together in bed recovering from the birth of their twins. It almost looks they had something to do with the birth other than signing checks.

John Henry

Rabel said...

What the fuck is going on, Blogger?

Kevin said...

Is this really the year the Dems go all in on gun control?

Mentioning it immediately brings up the image of Trump with his fist in the air shouting, "Fight!"

Darkisland said...


Whitmer is probably no worse than the others being named, maybe better than a few. At least she is a governor.

I doubt she will be picked though. If she is, it will bring to the fore the FBI plot to assasinate her. Yeah, I know it was all kabuki to frame some guys and make it look like the FBI was doing something to combat the terrorist militia movement. She was never in any danger. May or may not have been involved or even aware of the setup.

But the story will get play and people will wonder if the FBI should be engaging in such shenanigans. Congress might start asking embarassing questions like why there is no legislation establishing or authorizing the FBI.

Whitmer is too dangerous to the deep state.

John Henry

Kevin said...

Have any of these guys performed an abortion?

Because that would cement the childless and cat-loving vote.

Darkisland said...

Blogger Inga said...

" So, are you saying adoptive parents aren’t legitimate parents? "

Speaking only for myself, I am saying that they are not birth parents. I certainly understand the deep bond that can exist with adoptive parents.

But it is not the same as blood. I doubt that it ever can be. It may be better, it may be worse. Depends on the kids and the parents.

But it is not the same.

John Henry

Deep State Reformer said...

To hell with all six of those guys. The idea Wreckers Party is trying sell you is that any one of them would result in any meaningful change, and which is false. The main lie they're pushing is that Harris, Kennedy, or anyone else in or adjacent to the party will change the day to day governance. It will not be any different than the last four years of JFB's misrule. There will be the same scandals, gaffs, FUBAR situations, bad appointments, "foreign interventions" as previously. This "election" is merely a scam based on misinformation and outright lies.

Old and slow said...

Inga said...
...Buttigieg has two children.

That he purchased.

Darkisland said...

This might be an even better campaign picture. It is mayor Pete breastfeeding the baby with strapon plastic boobs.


Yeah, yeah, I know it is fake. So explain why that changes anything? It will still make a great campaign poster.

Tagline "Elect pete buttegieg. Man enough to breastfeed"

John Henry

tcrosse said...

If Buttigieg would be a good choice, then Sam Brinton would be even better. He and Kamala could share wardrobe.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"What the fuck is going on, Blogger?"

Three possibilities:

1. It really is just an occasional glitch
2. Professor Althouse is stealth deleting comments
3. Someone with administrative privileges at Blogger is monitoring certain comments and Jeffrey Epsteining them

I don't really have a problem with #1 or #2, but #3 is something that has been happening a lot lately on many other forums like Reddit or Disqus etc. Corporate administrative janitorial prejudice is real and we've seen it at work multiple times over the last 8 years.

Dave Begley said...

It will Mark Kelly.

Swing state.
He drags his poor wife to campaign events all the time to push gun control.

JAORE said...

'“Beshear - He's probably the most promising candidate, if you discount the stupidity thing.”

Another plus for Andy then - you never want your VP to be smarter than you…'.

Ho Lee Katz. How stupid IS Beshear?

Inga said...

“Buttigieg has two children.”

“That he purchased.”

Are Trumpists now anti-adoption?

Leland said...

Blogger RideSpaceMountain said...
"What the fuck is going on, Blogger?"

Three possibilities:

There is a fourth: Google wants to deprecate blogging and is intentionally no longer updating the Blogger software waiting for it to completely fail, hopefully in time to keep people from remembering information Democrats want us to think is disinformation.

Breezy said...

Anyone who pushes EV tech/mandate on us is out of touch with reality. That’s Mayor Pete.

Michael K said...

Blogger Inga said...

“Buttigieg has two children.”

“That he purchased.”

Are Trumpists now anti-adoption?

The Dullard is part of the reason why there is no research on the results of child rearing by gays. It just isn't allowed. The results might be bad and they can't have that.

Michael K said...

I agree that Blogger has gotten much worse. I now have to copy each comment before posting. Only this blog seems to have this problem.

Darkisland said...

Blogger Inga said...

Are Trumpists now anti-adoption?

I'm not. I think people who adopt children are true heroes. (Generally. Don't know enough about Pete and Chasten to say but am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt)

I suspect most Trumpists feel similarly. Some percentage of adoptions are literally life or death. If adoption were not available the children might have been "Reproductive healthcared" in the womb.

When good, loving, parents adopt, they may be saving the child from a horrible life.

As I say "heroes"

John Henry

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

One is unusually unattractive.

I counted two. YMMV. And Shapiro looks too much like Stuart Smalley.

Achilles said...

RideSpaceMountain said...

"There's a serious problem with every one of these White Beta Males. But that's an inherent fatal flaw in the whole AWFL Party."

It's not a problem at all. The democratic party is the party of women and gays. Liberal men are precisely what they've worked at for 60 years.

The want tame, unthreatening, submissive men that will do what their queens tell them. They have zero problems with it.

Actually it is a little more complicated.

They like to trash the tame, submissive men and treat them like servants. They get off on berating "incels" and "Low value" men.

They like to sleep with the rapists and assholes and Chads that treat them like shit.

They are most interested in positions of status and wealth where they get paid to do make work in air conditioning.

Achilles said...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

One is unusually unattractive.

I counted two. YMMV. And Shapiro looks too much like Stuart Smalley.

They posted a bad picture of Shapiro because he is a Jew.

Christopher B said...

Apologizing to Mt Dew is kinda on brand for Beshear.

During COVID the KY unemployment compensation system went to hell and the Beshear crony running it proved unable to manage it. In one of his Beers with Beshear daily briefs he tried to take the heat off by claiming that the main problem was dealing with fraudulent claims and used a guy with the name Tupac as an example. A few days later it came out that yes indeed there was a guy with Tupac on his birth certificate who had a valid unemployment claim. I'm not sure if Andy just wings this stuff or if his staff is a bunch of very online twenty-something twinks.

He's also got quite a bit of experience being a figurehead since the overwhelmingly Republican KY legislature overrides every single one of his vetoes.

Vance is always clear his FAMILY is from Kentucky and he referenced wanting to be buried in the family plot, not that he was born or raised in Kentucky.

Darkisland said...

Not having any problems today but Sunday was really horrible. Blogger ate about a dozen of my comments in various threads.

It was not that they did not post. They would post, blogger would refresh and they would appear normally. Then later I would notice that they had disappeared. Experimenting I found that after initially posting, if I hit refresh, my comment would disappear. Not always but about half the time.

Then blogger started telling me I had posted too many comments and could not comment again for 24 hours.

I was rather prolific Sunday but I tend to get rather prolific from time to time and did not think I was especially so on Sunday.

This was the first time in 15 years or so posting her that I have seen that.

John Henry

Ann Althouse said...

The problem with blogger is as I’ve mentioned in several other places that the spam filter catches things that aren’t spam. I have to go in and release things and I can only do that every once in a while so if something of yours doesn’t go through, you’ll have to wait until I release things from spam. The alternative would be to have everything moderated all the time.

Darkisland said...

I just tried to post this and it is happening again. Looking back, I see another comment I just posted, about adoptive parents being heroes, also disappeared.

Trying again

Not having any problems today but Sunday was really horrible. Blogger ate about a dozen of my comments in various threads.

It was not that they did not post. They would post, blogger would refresh and they would appear normally. Then later I would notice that they had disappeared. Experimenting I found that after initially posting, if I hit refresh, my comment would disappear. Not always but about half the time.

Then blogger started telling me I had posted too many comments and could not comment again for 24 hours.

I was rather prolific Sunday but I tend to get rather prolific from time to time and did not think I was especially so on Sunday.

This was the first time in 15 years or so posting her that I have seen that.

John Henry

John henry said...

This is the 3rd try posting this. I have logged out as DarkIslandPR and logged into my other google account.


I just tried to post this and it is happening again. Looking back, I see another comment I just posted, about adoptive parents being heroes, also disappeared.

Trying again

Not having any problems today but Sunday was really horrible. Blogger ate about a dozen of my comments in various threads.

It was not that they did not post. They would post, blogger would refresh and they would appear normally. Then later I would notice that they had disappeared. Experimenting I found that after initially posting, if I hit refresh, my comment would disappear. Not always but about half the time.

Then blogger started telling me I had posted too many comments and could not comment again for 24 hours.

I was rather prolific Sunday but I tend to get rather prolific from time to time and did not think I was especially so on Sunday.

This was the first time in 15 years or so posting her that I have seen that.

John Henry

John henry said...


Rabel said...

Hold on a second.

Am I hallucinating again or did the comments section radically change in appearance (lots of white space) and format (threaded view) and then change back?

Wa St Blogger said...

So, are you saying adoptive parents aren’t legitimate parents? This is the sort of comment that will make it more likely independent voters will support Harris and whoever she picks as VP.

While adopting #5, I connected with another adopting family who was very curios to meet a liberal family that was adopting. We are from the left coast, so he assumed we were liberal.

I don't think a gay couple with trophy babies will move the needle much either by their personal story or by stupid comments on a blog.

People who vote for prom kings and queens (or queens and queens) already vote left, so Mayor Pete won't add a single vote to the Harris ticket.

Wa St Blogger said...

The alternative would be to have everything moderated all the time.


I'd rather spam eat a posting or two than lose the immediacy of un-moderated comments.

Just an old country lawyer said...

'"Beshear - He's probably the most promising candidate, if you discount the stupidity thing.”

Another plus for Andy then - you never want your VP to be smarter than you….'

But she also doesn't want a running mate who's prettier than she is, and that's a strong argument for Pritzker

Rusty said...

Michael K said...
"I agree that Blogger has gotten much worse. "

Whew! Here I thought they finally figured out I'm an asshole.

Yancey Ward said...

The only reason you would pick Pritzker is if you needed a front to smuggle lots of spice from Kessel.

CentreRight said...

If she is smart she will take Butt. Andy will make her look the the moron she is. I live in Kentucky and he is a really smart, savvy, slick pol. He survived the last election where every major office was filled with a Republican but governor.

Rabel said...

"Here I thought they finally figured out I'm an asshole."

You're a Tool and Die Maker aren't you?


For what it's worth, I share your affliction.

Inga said...

“People who vote for prom kings and queens (or queens and queens) already vote left, so Mayor Pete won't add a single vote to the Harris ticket.”

It’s not the left that should be of concern to you folks, it’s the independents.

Lawrence Person said...

My reading of the tea leaves suggests that Josh Shapiro has already been selected for her.

Wa St Blogger said...

It’s not the left that should be of concern to you folks, it’s the independents.

Answer implied in my first comment. People inclined to vote for prom royalty already vote left. Those who don't vote left don't vote for prom royalty and thus will not be swayed by Mayor Pete's story. That includes thoughtful independents. (Not all independents are actually independents.)

RideSpaceMountain said...

"There was some black e-celeb that just yesterday said a huge factor in Kamala's unpopularity not only in the 2020 primaries but also generally in the black community is her white husband.

How funny is it that many in the black community consider her a race traitor."

Found it thanks to Ace at Ace of Spades. Kamala isn't just a race-pandering streetwalker in her personal life, she's about to be a race-pandering streetwalker in her presidential campaign.

These people are the most transparently awful humans on earth.

Harper said...

Like his father, 2 term governor(2007 - 2015) Steve Beshear, Andy is a smart Kentucky politician. Both also best described in one word - smarmy. Like if this was occurring during Andy's 1st term as governor, there'd be no such full throated support of Harris. Especially Andy trying so hard, coming off as a "pick me girl".

He's termed out of the governor's house, no future in state politics and with his own presidential ambitions, Andy ain't stupid. Personally, as a Kentucky republican, I've somewhat come to just being entertained during his governorship. He's basically a eunuch, with republican super majorities in both legislative houses. His Southern Fried Cuomo-lite daily covid briefings, teachers/government employees support, natural disaster response ensured his 2nd term. His fandom worship during covid was not unlike Cuomo's, I think 75% of Kentucky women fell in love. By the way, I'm a mid 60s Kentucky born & bred woman, hailing from about 25 miles of Dawson Springs, the Beshear family original stomping grounds.

Rabel said...

I'm open to the possibility that Kelly, Shapiro, Buttigieg, Pritzker and the unpictured Wes Moore are space aliens.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

He and Kamala could share wardrobe.

His choices are more feminine than hers. America will never elect a pantsuit afficionado.

Old and slow said...

Blogger Inga said...
Are Trumpists now anti-adoption?

I am very much anti-adoption for gay couples.

RideSpaceMountain said...

@Dogma and Pony Show

She is also a descendant of slaveowners:

Donald J. Harris, a retired Stanford economics professor and Marxist radical, disclosed in an essay that his paternal grandmother was a descendant of Hamilton Brown, an Irish-born British planter who owned slaves in Jamaica. Hamilton Brown founded Brown’s Town in Jamaica and owned over 1,100 slaves across several sugar plantations in St. Ann’s Parish. This historical connection has been confirmed by multiple sources, including archives and records from Jamaica.

According to current-year rules, BRATwurst Barbie is by extension a slaveowner that owes reparations to every black person in America AND Jamaica.

Drago said...

Inga: "It’s not the left that should be of concern to you folks, it’s the independents."


Ok, lets have some fun with this one:
- Which "independent" subgroups?
- Growing or shrinking share of the electorate?
- Where?

This should be good.

Inga said...

“Are Trumpists now anti-adoption?”

“I am very much anti-adoption for gay couples.”

Well, that’s not surprising coming from a Trumpist.

Old and slow said...

Inga said...
...Well, that’s not surprising coming from a Trumpist.

Trump was my least favored Republican candidate in 2016, by a huge margin. So while I certainly support him against any Democrat I am aware of, I would hardly call myself a "Trumpist" Though I was a pretty decent trumpet player many years ago!

Old and slow said...

Oh, Inga, just to be clear, I have nothing against homosexuals.I have had many gay and lesbian friends and family members over the years. I just do not think that they make for an ideal environment to raise children in most cases.

Inga said...

“Donald J. Harris, a retired Stanford economics professor and Marxist radical, disclosed in an essay that his paternal grandmother was a descendant of Hamilton Brown, an Irish-born British planter who owned slaves in Jamaica. Hamilton Brown founded Brown’s Town in Jamaica and owned over 1,100 slaves across several sugar plantations in St. Ann’s Parish. This historical connection has been confirmed by multiple sources, including archives and records from Jamaica.”

I wonder if Hamilton Brown raped his black slave or if it was a love affair. You people are aware that black Jamaicans are descendants of slaves from Africa, right? The indigenous people of Jamaica were not black.

“Original Inhabitants of Jamaica:
They came from South America 2,500 years ago and named the island Xaymaca, which meant “land of wood and water”. The Arawaks were a mild and simple people by nature. Physically, they were light brown in colour, short and well-shaped with coarse, black hair.”

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Here’s the picture that shows why it will be Mark Kelly. While MSNBC thinks Democrats need Mark Kelly to stay in Arizona, Mark and Gabby look great standing next to Kamala. At 6’1”, Andy Beshear is too tall.

RCOCEAN II said...

"I am not fond of dual citizenship though I do make some exceptions."

I disagree. I am fond of dual citzenship though I do make some exceptions. Guess we're on opposite sides of the fence.

Old and slow said...

RCOCEAN II said...
...Guess we're on opposite sides of the fence.

It's more that you are a Jew hating asshole. I've got no problem with dual citizenship regardless of the country myself.

Jersey Fled said...

Nobody is going to vote for Kamala because she has a white running mate.

edutcher said...

Freuchie said...

Beshear is perfect for the loony left. Talks like a moderate but made us all wear masks during Covid, including elementary school kids. Got so bad the legislature had to strip his “emergency powers”.

Don't forget he had the state fuzz arrsst people for going to church during the lockdown.

Stupid barely describes it.

RideSpaceMountain said...


The savior your party has chosen for you is descended from slaveowners, it doesn't matter how. I know it makes you have a sad but that is a fact, and hilariously it's not even close to other things that might make her look bad to demos you "bitter clingers" need to turn this Ho into a House White.

You're cattle Inga, and they don't even need a cattle prod to get you to put your head in the chute.

Achilles said...

Have fun with that Democrats.

Some of the comments:


She was California's first indian senator, first indian Ag. Now she want to be the first black woman president. Gtfoh

Kamala “black only when it matter Harris

Kamala was locking black men up for petty weed crimes. Trump freed Kodak Issa big difference

She’s bugging. I will NEVER EVER IN LIFE VOTE FOR KAMALA! I mean that wholeheartedly and cold heartedly.

Jim at said...

It doesn't matter who she picks. She's still Kamala Harris, and that's not going to change.

wsw said...

'Not Kentuckian enough.' Damn, it's getting real.

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

I think/hope/believe that the Harris candidacy will go down in flames (SWIDT?) in Nov, with a comfortable if not overwhelming victory by Trump- outside the margin of fraud.
That makes me think that most of the above will not give up a good position now to be labeled as Kamala's loser, tarnishing his chances for the next go-round. Petey might be the exception as Sec Trans is not a real job and he has no future anywhere else.

Then I think about 1992, when big shot Dems did not want to run against GHWB, thinking him unbeatable. That opened the door for an obscure upstart governor from Arkansas, and, later, his wife.

No way Shapiro gets the nod- no Jew who would consider switching his or her vote because a Jew is on the ticket would ever vote for Harris. It would be poison in MI, and lose votes everywhere else. I don't think it would even make PA competitive, with Harris much less popular in the black community than Obama was, and the -tucky part of Pennsyltucky solidly on Trump's side.

MadTownGuy said...

All J.D. needs to say is: 'Mr. Beshear, you're no Raylan Givens.'

Jim at said...

Buttigieg is quick, sharp fearless.

He was a do-nothing mayor of a mid-sized town and has been a complete and total failure as Secretary of Transportation.

Yeah. You go with that guy.

Politics ain't your thing. Find another hobby.

Tom T. said...

An otherwise very fluffy article in the NYT disclosed the awkward fact that Kelly has been in business with the Chinese, making high-altitude balloons.

MadisonMan said...

The VP cannot outshine the Presidential Candidate. (See: Biden, Harris; See: Trump, Pence; See: Obama, Biden). When it happens (See: McCain, Palin), the campaign tanks.

retail lawyer said...

Being ugly and/or fat is intersectional, at least here on the West Coast

tcrosse said...

The ballyhoo to whip up enthusiasm for Kamala reminds me of the huge PR blitz surrounding the introduction of the brand spanking new Edsel.

Chick said...

Assuming she is the one making the decision, she will pick the one she's certain she can control.

RCOCEAN II said...

Old and slow is aptly named.

RCOCEAN II said...

Betting Markets:

Kelly is currently the favorite on BetUS, Polymarket and PredictIt with a 47% chance on BetUS, 42% chance on PredictIt and 36% on Polymarket. By comparison, Shapiro is at 33% on BetUS, 26% on PredictIt and 20% on Polymarket. Cooper is at 18% on BetUS and 16% on both Polymarket and PredictIt.

I'll have to put down a bet. easy money with Shapiro so low.

PrimoStL said...

RideSpaceMountain said, "You're cattle Inga, and they don't even need a cattle prod to get you to put your head in the chute."


Their party treats them like fools, and they love every minute of it. The DNC a wife beating abusive boyfriend they just won't leave and defend when they show up in the emergency room with a black eye telling doctors "we fell down some stairs."

PrimoStL said...

RideSpaceMountain said, "You're cattle Inga, and they don't even need a cattle prod to get you to put your head in the chute."


Their party treats them like fools, and they love every minute of it. The DNC a wife beating abusive boyfriend they just won't leave and defend when they show up in the emergency room with a black eye telling doctors "we fell down some stairs."

Ann Althouse said...

Please stop commenting about your problem with Blogger "eating" comments. As explained repeatedly, the spam filter is catching things it shouldn't. There is no meaning to what it's misidentifying as spam, and it's simply my job to go in there and release the non-spam comments. There's nothing to understand or fix here. The instructions over the compose window explain the situation. The only alternative would be to moderate everything. Please adjust and don't talk about it.

Ann Althouse said...

I release comments from spam at random times, sometimes several times an an hour and sometimes with many hours in between, such as when I am sleeping. It's not worth criticizing me about this. Again, the alternative is to put everything into moderation and to have everything waiting minutes or hours. Please adjust to this reality.

John henry said...

I just tried to post this and it is happening again. Looking back, I see another comment I just posted, about adoptive parents being heroes, also disappeared.

Trying again

Not having any problems today but Sunday was really horrible. Blogger ate about a dozen of my comments in various threads.

It was not that they did not post. They would post, blogger would refresh and they would appear normally. Then later I would notice that they had disappeared. Experimenting I found that after initially posting, if I hit refresh, my comment would disappear. Not always but about half the time.

Then blogger started telling me I had posted too many comments and could not comment again for 24 hours.

I was rather prolific Sunday but I tend to get rather prolific from time to time and did not think I was especially so on Sunday.

This was the first time in 15 years or so posting her that I have seen that.

John Henry

Inga said...

“You're cattle Inga, and they don't even need a cattle prod to get you to put your head in the chute.”

You’re a wierdo.

narciso said...

More like the pinto

Hassayamper said...

For the good of the country as a whole, Kelly is the is the guy. Yes, he's in favor of much stricter gun control, which means I can't possibly vote for him. I get the sense that he never gave two shits about it before his wife got shot, though, and I doubt they will make it a centerpiece of the campaign if they want to win the gun-loving swing states and be elected.

In every other respect, he is the superior candidate. Obviously, as a military pilot and astronaut he is three sigmas smarter than average, and two sigmas smarter than Kamala. He would be ultra-dependable in a time of real crisis. He's not a Marxist fool like her, and I doubt he buys into any the far extremes of left-wing thought with regards to things like taxes, racial/diversity issues, support for Islamic terrorists, and deindustrialization in the name of "saving the planet". I can even see him coming to his senses on the disgusting-male-perverts-in-girls'-locker-rooms issue. He was cruising to a pretty easy re-election here, I think, and might provide the margin of victory if my fellow Arizonans decide to go off their rocker and vote for the Dems.

Patentlee said...

I think the more interesting question is whether Harris will be picking her running mate or if someone else will be making the decision for her.

Drago said...

Did Inga ever come up with answers to the "independents" questions?

I am going to go out on a limb here and say no.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"You’re a wierdo."

I'd rather be a [weirdo] than livestock any fucking day Inga. I'm gonna tell some of my friends in San Jose to come up with a new app that petulantly scolds its users at random times of the day and name it after you. They'll call it the I-NAG.

Old and slow said...

RCOCEAN II said...
Old and slow is aptly named.

Very Clever RC! Well done. You are the first to think of that riposte! I actually use that name because most of the people I run with and race are young and fast (genuinely fast). I'm neither, but still much faster than most. You've stopped carrying on about the Israeli "genocide" recently, and satisfied yourself with more generic antisemitic comments. Why is that? Tired of the mockery and ridicule?

Leland said...

Althouse, with due respect to your comments about complaining about spam filtering, there anre other problems. I’ve got error messages just clicking links, like “click for more”. This week, I have gotten an entirely different “edit” layout when trying to comment that looked like an old school bulletin board site. These are happening more often (daily) to me than the occasional failed to send comment, which is still resolved by just refreshing until it sends. I think only once I got spam filtered, if at all.

I just think you should know there are other problems, and I am worried about Google moving away from support.

Michael K said...

When I was racing sailboats, years ago, we had a competitor who was totally bald and had big ears. My crew called him "the prick with ears" and Kelly.is a dead ringer for him.

Inga said...

“I'd rather be a [weirdo]…”

Yes you’re a weirdo.

Lucien said...

The limitations come mainly from Dems condescending ideas of what “America is ready for “.

RJ said...

If Beshear has to resign the governorship to run, it would be good for the citizens of Kentucky if he ran.

Rusty said...


FullMoon said...

I am using Firefox on a laptop. Only problem is frequently getting the "oops, try again" message. Refresh and posts no problem. Never disappears.

Rusty said...

And proud of it!!!

Rusty said...

I like this format. Thanks, Althouse.
"Kelly is a moderate"
You know who else is a moderate?

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

Any chance of installing a Middle School Filter, Ms Althouse?
I rarely agree with RCOCEAN, and never with Inga, but the name calling and schoolyard insults are detracting from the quality of the discussion. I respect your desire to not censor what your readers write in the comments, but today there has been too much shouting "weirdo" in a crowded theater.

Lawnerd said...

To those arguing Kamala is not black enough, I remind you that Kamala is black via injection from Willie Brown.

gilbar said...

let me see if i've got this clear?
an indian woman, that's married to a JEW..
Is going to pick a JEW as her running mate?

THAT is what y'all are saying? AND she's going to do that as the head of the democrat party's ticket?

gilbar said...

seriously, in the entire world.. is there a whiter jew bitch than Harris' stepdaughter?

Tom said...

Oh, wait til you hear ole Andy speak. Seriously, watch him speak.

Also, the oppo on he and his family’s corruption is going to be glorious.

John henry said...

In the 6 years that Kamala has been a candidate or VP I had never heard anyone question her eligibility for the Presidency based on not being a "natural born citizen".

I mentioned the discussion I saw yesterday on Journa.host as the first I'd heard of it.

A few minutes ago, eating dinner while my wife had CNN on Erin Burnett spent several minutes discussing President Trump's FALSE!!!!! Claims about Kamala Harris. One of them was this about qualifications.

Is her campaign really ramping this up?

Or is it just coincidence.

John Henry

BUMBLE BEE said...

What's the big question?
She clearly prefers white men.

John henry said...

I had seen discussion of the dual citizenship going back 5-6 years but had never seen anyone claiming that it was disqualifying.

I don't see anyone claiming it is disqualifying now, or even mentioning it.

John Henry

MadisonMan said...

I have a problem taking Buttigieg seriously. Long ago, during the Iowa primaries, someone mentioned to me that they always picture him stamping his feet in frustration whenever he says something. And I just can't purge that picture from my head, even with the Delta fiasco this week.
It doesn't help that he's short.

Mikey NTH said...

My ongoing question, the same for a presidential challenger to Kamala, is "who wants to jump on at this late date?" There are people with aspirations, people who don't want to self-end their political careers. Who would want to jump in now and why?

Mikey NTH said...

Regarding the dual citizenship thing. There really is no way to control how a foreign country wants to bestow citizenship. For example, Trump's mother was an immigrant from Scotland, if Scotland declared all who had a mother from Scotland as a Scot citizen, what is to be done? We obviously can't let a foreign nation do such a thing to remove a candidate, so best to ignore that. Unless you want to amend the Constitution to include renouncing (on a rolling basis) all such foreign declarations of who that country considers a citizen.

Rosalyn C. said...

I'm not that familiar with all of the possible candidates, don't know Roy Cooper at all but he seems like a fine, intelligent, wellspoken man. Bashear seems too contrived and polished as a politician, and not in a good way -- he makes Kamala Harris look like she's an amateur. BTW Pritzker is Jewish, too. ha ha. So Kamala gets points for considering him and Shapiro but we know the Muslims couldn't handle it, not to mention all the other Jew haters.

I think Mark Kelly is the best choice. He's smart, solid and practical, trustworthy and responsible; he stood by his wife when she was not doing well at all. He's a normal person, a guy who who served his country with bravery and was rewarded, and not because he believes he is owed something. He balances the woke wing of the Democratic Party. Plus he looks more like an adult than Vance, in the chance he might have to assume the office of President.

We'll see how it goes.

RCOCEAN II said...

If you wish to seriously discuss "Dual citizenship" you can start with the fact that it doesn't matter that another foreign country considers you a citizen. Its whether, YOU as an American citizen renounce all other countries. Or whether you claim a dual citizenship and for example, hold more than 1 passport.

IMO, our elected representatives, and certainly our President, should have one citizenship and one only, and that is an American citizenship. It used to be case that before a 60s SCOTUS decision, you could only be a USA citizen if you renounced all others. We need to go back and pass a law to return to that. You want to be an Irish Citizen - go live in Ireland and give up your USA passport. We're not a polyglot boarding house.

JAORE said...


I found your comments on Kelly interesting.
I'd be swayed a lot more from your praise for Kelly (although the gun thing would make him a strong NO from me) if he was the head of the ticket. As a VP, absent an assassination or impeachment of Harris, he'd have a nothing burger job.

And don't tell me he'd convert Kamala to adopt sane positions.

Drago said...

Rosalym C: "I think Mark Kelly is the best choice. He's smart, solid and practical, trustworthy and responsible;"

Mark Kelly is a gun grabbing liberal that voted with biden 90%+ of the time.

I guess you and I probably disagree as to what "smart, solid and practical, trustworthy and responsible" means.

John henry said...


Neither Cruz (born in Canada to a us mom) nor Kamala nor Dr Oz asked for dual citizenship. Certainly not something to hold against them.

Cruz claimed not to know he had Canadian citizenship. When he found out in 2016 he formally and legally renounced it. He is no longer dual.

Dr Oz, born in the us also has Turkish citizenship by his parents. He says that he needs it to be able to act as guardian for his incapacitated mother who lives in Turkey(iirc) he pledged that if elected to the senate in 22 he would renounce before taking his senate seat.

Knowing the reason and pledge, I could live with that.

Kamala, as far as I know, has not renounced her Jamaican citizenship. Jamaican law does permit renunciation.

Why not?

Some countries do not permit enunciation of citizenship. Nothing can be done about that. Unless those folks carry a us passport along with the other country's. But then there is still nothing to be done but dislike it.

Pick a side and be on it.

John Henry

Narayanan said...

Southern WASPs are worse than New England WASPs
which make better soup?

Christopher B said...

Our whole conception of citizenship seems to me to be rather disjointed which leads into inevitable questions about how to sort out various terms and qualifications.

Colloquially we viewed 'citizenship' as an accident of the location of your birth, and have for quite a while. I've heard that when one of the British royals was born in Canada during WWII the Canadian Parliament declared the birthing room in the hospital to be not part of Canada. Yet we also recognize a citizenship inherited from your parents. Generally we try to reconcile the two by imagining this flows from the location of the current residence of your parents but Cruz, Harris, and others illustrate that this doesn't always work out in practice.

I'm thinking the eighteenth and even into the nineteenth century, prior to the introduction of widespread immigration and travel controls such as passports and visas, the difference between residence and citizenship was more distinct, and much more derived from the history of feudal obligations. Your parents didn't determine your citizenship based on where they were born or lived but on their place in the chain of feudal obligation ending in a monarch, regardless of where they resided. Thus the phrase 'and subject to the jurisdiction thereof' in the 14th Amendment doesn't just exclude edge cases like diplomats but any resident who has an unbroken loyalty to a non-US government. It included Native Americans at the time and recognized the condition of enslavement had broken whatever connection might have existed between former slaves and African monarchs.

And 'natural born' similarly would indicate having no potential conflicting loyalty or duty that might asserted by a foreign monarch based on old feudal obligations. Yes, it's somewhat archaic now but Mikey's hypothetical doesn't seem too farfetched.

Rocco said...

Narayanan said...
"Southern WASPs are worse than New England WASPs
which make better soup?

Whichever type you use, make sure your WASPs are recent catch. Fresh ingredients are very important.

Rocco said...

Dr Weevil said...
"One is unusually unattractive"? Which one? I really can't tell whether you mean Kelly or Pritzker. They both seem quite repulsive, thought part of that is Kelly's expression."

The horse I'm betting on is Kelly. In men, baldness is to head adornment as shorts are to the legs. Prove me wrong.

donald said...

“Shapiro or Kelly are the only ones that I think make sense among the guys. But there is a case for Whitmer. I would be surprised. She's keeping basically the same Biden team. I'm not sure this is a move they would make. So I would think you would get Kelly or Shapiro. And Shapiro makes more sense because he's in a state that's more important to your fortunes than Kelly”.

Democrats hate Jews. It’s really that simple, well not for you of course.

Saint Croix said...

It's weird how comfortable they are with racism and sexism.

In favor of white men!

It's like they are picking drapes for the kitchen.

"We need white man wallpaper."

Sorry, excuse me, my grammar is atrocious.

"We need White Man wallpaper."

Saint Croix said...

In the White House they can call it "White Man Wing."

Saint Croix said...

"How did you pick your veep?"

I like white meat!

On white bread.

With mayo.

Saint Croix said...

Do you go with the bagel?

Or the sourdough?

stlcdr said...

CentreRight said...
If she is smart she will take Butt. Andy will make her look the the moron she is. I live in Kentucky and he is a really smart, savvy, slick pol. He survived the last election where every major office was filled with a Republican but governor.

7/26/24, 2:17 PM

Yes, very slick. I’m also dubious about the voting. Maybe I don’t know how people vote, but more people voted for governor than voted for any other position (which were, if I recall, all Republican). Bringing the count down to the same level, Beshear would have lost. Do people only vote for the top spot and leave the rest blank? Wouldn’t such people put their dot on the straight ticket, Republican or Democrat?

Old and slow said...

"You want to be an Irish Citizen - go live in Ireland and give up your USA passport."

Don't tempt me with a good time!

dreams said...
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