March 3, 2021

Now who's saying the Nazi imagery was unintentional?

I'm reading "CPAC’s ‘Nazi Rune’ Stage Designed By A Liberal Company Which Has Worked For Biden, MSNBC"(National Pulse): 

The company – Design Foundry – told Forward it “had no idea that the design resembled any symbol, nor was there any intention to create something that did.”... The statement comes days after mainstream media outlets and left-wing Twitter activists slammed the conference for intentionally designing a stage to depict a Nazi rune, as outlets ran stories like “Nod or blunder? No CPAC 2021 apology for a stage shaped like a white supremacist symbol” and “CPAC veers into neo-Nazi fantasy: Was it deliberate? That hardly matters.”

That last one, saying the deliberateness "hardly matters," was in Salon, here.  Does it still hardly matter when you could accuse this design firm of branding CPAC as Nazis?


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Tina Trent said...

OK Liberal Hare. Maybe we agree. I cannot believe any nazi symbolism was intended by anyone. If you also believe that, we're in agreement.

Why would anyone do that on purpose? Stages look very different from the bottom or side. There are no nazis in the GOP. This is all crazy talk.

Inga said...

Thanks Tina, I’m doing well. Got my first Covid vaccine and I’m so looking forward to spring. Hopefully Biden is right and every American can be vaccinated by May. What a glorious summer it can be! I hope you and your family are healthy. Thanks for the kind words!

Anonymous said...

Hercules Roundup! (You Day people get up so early, and yes, I said YOU People.)

Billie Bob - "Progs are insane. They see evil everywhere. It's a mental illness."
Progs are not insane. They are Alawites. A minority of the Country they live in. Vicious and grasping.

Inga - "No, it doesn't concern me. So, who is ready for Trump’s inauguration tomorrow?!"
Heh. Inga gets a good one in now and again.

Oath Keepers - good guys. Former police and military. Saw what America became. Wanted to do something to stand against the tide.

Proud Boys - good guys. Antifa blocked streets in Portland and beat up old people. Police did nothing. Men formed up and responded. Won the temporal fights against Antifa...lost the fight against the Prog March Forward. Just guys.

(BTW...boogaloo was never a thing. There are no 'Boogaloo Bois'. Boogaloo is a dance. It's electric! Get it? Electric Boogaloo?)
It's like a man squaring off with another man and saying 'Let's dance."
For conspiracy minded progs...The men are not actually going to dance. They're gonna fight. It's an Electric Boogaloo. Geez. Get a clue.

Nazis!!! The swastika symbol, 卐 (right-facing or clockwise) or 卍 (left-facing, counterclockwise, or sauwastika), is an ancient religious icon in the cultures of Eurasia.It is used as a symbol of divinity and spirituality in Indian religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.

On the 2nd floor of the Courthouse in San Mateo, CA, the tiled floor is filled with sauwastikas. I think they were going for 'divinity and spirituality', but Progs should absolutely burn California to the ground because they look like swastikas turned to the left.

Hmmm...a swastika turned to the left? A swastika turned to the left. Has anybody examined the uniforms of the F B I? Political prisoners held indefintely. Murderers, rapists, carjackers released without bail. What is ProgWorld telling us?

Michael - "I openly embrace white supremacy in my avowed preference for Classical music and books by European authors."
Yeah. Me too. What has 'Hey, hey, Ho, ho, Western Civ has Got to Go' wrought?
Here's some unasked for advice...Get rid of the 'Smart Phone'. Get off Facebook.

Liberal Here - "The stage DOES look exactly like the Nazi symbol for racial purity."


Nonapod - "On the other hand, most Progressives view Conservatives as evil."
Progressives are about 27% of the population. They have a big microphone. They shout that Conservatives are evil, when what they mean is decent people greatly outnumber them. They have a pipe dream that they chase. They get really pissed off when folks suggest they put down the pipe.

Narciso - "but they hate the boy scouts"
Progs demanded that homosexual males MUST be hired as Scoutmasters! Schools and Churches evicted the Boy Scouts because they resisted 'Equal Rights!'
Boy Scouts USA is in bankruptcy now because of the 90,000 lawsuits of Man/boy molestation.
We used to be smarter than this. There actually was a time when most American men knew God, or at least were willing to suspend disbelief.

Michael K - "proverbs with well compensated schizophrenics." Doc, I hate to impose, but can you extrapolate on 'well compensated schizophrenics'. I don't know what that means.

hpudding said...

> 200 comments on this?

Tina Trent said...

Best of luck to you and yours. I am eagerly waiting until I qualify, lucky enough to live away from people, and the possums and bobcats don't come very close. We did have a fire incident of 17,000 dead chickens next door last week, so it's sort of busy here with wildlife, but they have no interest in meeting us, let alone coughing on us. North Georgia and all. I will say that 17,000 burned chickens really turns one off from feather pillows. I had been expecting a fried chicken smell. The sweet 911 operator said: Ma'am, you do know they don't pluck them until they kill them?

I said yes, I guess I understand that now. I learn something new every day in the woods. It is humbling.

Drago said...

Russia Collusion Dead Ender Truther Inga: "Hopefully Biden is right and every American can be vaccinated by May."


When Trump left office the infrastructure was in place and the target for every American having the option to get vaccinated was........

.......wait for it...........

.......wait for it...........

....April 30!

But Biden gets in and calls it 1May and Inga swoons!

We must once again ask the question we've asked before: is it a strategic advantage, in the long run, for the democraticals to have such astonishingly gullible base or, in the end, is it a disadvantage?

Well, time will certainly tell.

hpudding said...

But Biden gets in and calls it 1May and Inga swoons!

Well if Trumpster Fire hadn't done such an incompetent divisive job up until November maybe he could have been the one in office in May to see it.

But we get it. Incompetent and divisive is the way you like him. Actually, it's the only thing you really find important.

Sprezzatura said...

“When Trump left office the infrastructure was in place...”

Drago, you may want to delete and reword your comment. Your text recalls the DJT admin lies re “infrastructure week.”

It’s cool that you’re inadvertently pointing to DJT jabber and his taking credit when his doing such was BS.

It’s sorta SAD! too.

Jamie said...

Oh hey, infrastructure week! Let's talk about light rail...

What was this post about again?

Right - Nazis. Big fans of central planning, if I recall. LiberalHere says stages can be changed overnight - this is true; circuses do it all the time. But if you're not a circus, and you change your stage for no other reason than that someone said it looks like an obscure (and yes, it's obviously obscure since no one recognized it until prompted to do so) objectionable symbol, what will the unfriendly press say? Perhaps that you were hoping your planned objectionable symbol would be seen by its intended audience but you were found out before that happened?

Come on, man. It was a Kafka trap. You know it, we know it.

Bob Smith said...

If the CPAC guys were dumb enough to let this happen to them we can never give them power. Some Mexican will ride in on a goat and take over.

D. said...

What's wrong with rounding up the woke bastards and putting them in concentration camps so that they kill each other?

Narr said...

Blogger D. said...
"What's wrong with rounding up the woke bastards and putting them in concentration camps so that they kill each other?"

Wristfights take too long.


GMay said...

That Twitter mints legions of experts on a daily basis for a dizzying array of topics - like, say, epidemiology or Nordic runes - is an unheralded societal benefit.

Anonymous said...

Giving this one to Trina Trent:

"Inga, it is nice to hear from you here. I hope you are well. I don't agree with you, but you are in my thoughts and prayers."

Love that girl, Trina. All of History...the arc of all about rounding up people to put others in concentration camps. That is the Arc of history.
the Arc of History bends towards concentration camps.

For a moment in time, Colonial Brits seized God. They grabbed ahold of God and wrestled with Him as if they were Jacob.
They became Americans.

We are not them. They freed the slaves. We re-enslave.

Bunkypotatohead said...

In the right light, even Joe Biden looks a bit hitlerian.

gadfly said...

@NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

"gadfly said..." was strangely used but my quoted sentence about neo-Nazis was bashed to launch discussion of a theory of what CPAC knew and what its subcontractor knew without offering an explanation as to the what the real intent for the rune shape of the stage.

Fact is that subcontractors work for principals who make final decisions on all "go-no go" decisions. Contract language about ownership of the design and materials is a protection mechanism to prevent future trademark claims by the principal.

Design Foundry's past and future customers are not part of this issue but the subcontractor's skill likely had a great deal to do with contract price. We do not know if CPAC specifically asked for the design they got but perhaps they did.

Unless we are to entirely believe that the not-so-conservative politicians involved in CPAC are saying - complete with their declaration that Trump won the presidential election - I will pass on their claimed innocence. CPAC's attorney did not help their cause at all.

Narr said...

I'm outta this rune show.

Feets don't fail me now

narciso said...

Well not exactly the spanish army in the person of valeriano weyler did put cuban rebels in reconcentration camp (one of his men was angel castro, father of fidel) the brits did the same to the boers, this led them to partially support the germans in the next two engagements

Anonymous said...

Trump won the election. The scariest thing was that he won California. Got chain link fences and razor wire around the Capitol City now.

That bastard won California.

Got chain link fences and razor wire around the Capitol City now.

Flat Tire said...

Jesus face on your toast.

Anonymous said...

Masks are good, but anal swabs are better. We're gonna need you to wear your underpants on the outside of your clothes, so that our Health Professionals can check. mmmKay?

Rusty said...

Are they going to need a mask for their ass? Maybe two?

Michael K said...

the brits did the same to the boers, this led them to partially support the germans in the next two engagements

I believe the British blocking the German ships attempting to aid the Boers was a significant factor that led to WWI. The Kaiser had no other reason (besides pride and envy) to build a High bSeas Fleet.

Michael K said...

Michael K - "proverbs with well compensated schizophrenics." Doc, I hate to impose, but can you extrapolate on 'well compensated schizophrenics'. I don't know what that means.

There are schizophrenics, especially paranoid type, who do not show obvious signs of psychosis in casual conversation. We had one outstanding example with a Korean-American man who had a very plausible story that he was scheduled to travel to South Korea and had a million dollar deal pending. He sounded so reasonable that the family had put a letter in his chart warning that he was crazy and had attempted to kill his mother.

Asking a schizophrenic to interpret "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush," for example, will usually getting an English speaker into long soliloquies about birds. They just don't get the logic of possession being better than anticipation.

Todd said...

LiberalHere said...

No, not really. I don't really care where the idea for the design came from, and I don't blame either CPAC or the design firm for missing it. Only a Nazi history buff or a member of the National Socialist Movement [of America] would have noticed, but I repeat myself.

I don't have a story, but I do have a point. As I wrote earlier, I'm also perfectly OK with people making honest mistakes. Lord knows I've made a few.

My point is that the folks who didn't change the stage, and the folks who gave speeches standing on it were sending a message. Not an obscure history lesson, but a statement that they are OK being associated with a notorious symbol for racial purity. They made that decision all by themselves. The CPAC advance team didn't make it. The design firm didn't make it. They did.

If violence occurs they own it.

3/3/21, 7:05 PM

Sorry but total BS start to finish. It is only an issue if YOU think it is an issue. NO ONE ELSE but bed wetting libs think it is an issue and a "got you" moment for them. NO ONE SEE Nazis but you.

No need to change it, no need for violence, no need for anything but ignoring the liberal Karens of the world until they all go away.

Of course, since it is against Republicans, there will be riots and protests and mayhem as that is what the left does and what they enjoy. The fact that this is an entirely made up thing for you all to get all moist about makes it all the more delectable for lefties.

This is the evil opposite of the humorous pranks that 4chan pulls off. Take your fake concerns and fake reasonableness and fake "I can see both sides" and shove off. That weak sauce doesn't work here.

Ann Althouse said...

"Why are you reading, and citing to “National “Pulse.” Have you seen the homepage?!?"

It was linked at Memeorandum, which has been my #1 source for links to varied press reports for 17 years.

I see it's linked again this morning. It must be within a mainstream set of things to be within the scope of Memeorandum's radar.

If there's something wrong with it, I don't know, but can you question the facts stated in the article I linked to? The facts seem to come from Forward, which is a longstanding NY newspaper (that used to be called The Jewish Daily Forward).

Sam L. said...

The Left is dethhhhhhpicable (H/T, Daffy Duck).

Jason said...

In other news, America's dumbest, most hysterical, paranoid morons continue to demonstrate their uncanny knack for reliably identifying 998,974 out of every five actual Nazis.

I'm looking at you, Liberal Here.

Seamus said...

There was no reason for them to keep the stage the way it was after it started attracting front-page news coverage, and lots of reasons for them to change it.

There is a very good reason not to change it: It would reward bad-faith troublemakers and send the message that all you need to do to make conservatives jump like trained bears is find some innocent things that, if you squint at them sideways, can be described as "Nazi" or "racist", then rolling out the accusations like hand grenades.

CPAC did the right thing by telling the accusers to go eff themselves, and then by canceling the (liberal) design company. Sure, it was probably unfair that the design company lost future business for an innocent--I'd say "mistake," except it really wasn't even that--but this kind of bullshit will only stop when the left learns that cancel culture can cut both ways.

Seamus said...

This story got me thinking about the stylized version of the Chrysler logo and its similarity to the Nazi eagle symbol, and then I noticed that the Bentley logo is an even closer match. OMG!! Does that mean I have to get rid of my Bentley?

Don't worry. If you give it to me, I'll make sure it's properly disposed of.

Seamus said...

Donald Trump knew the symbolism of that stage, and he decided to stand on it and give his speech.

Said LiberalHere without evidence.

boatbuilder said...

Am I the only one who thinks it looks like the Starship Enterprise?

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