February 19, 2020

Let’s talk about the Democratic debate... now, with Bloomberg.

It starts at 8 Central Time, and there’s a Trump rally starting at the same time. That’s all too late for me even to consider live-blogging, but I may write something tonight. Don’t expect much from me until tomorrow.

ADDED: My son John is live-blogging here. I’ll just say it’s awfully chaotic, with way too much Angry Bernie face. And I really can’t stand to hear them go on about health care. And by the way, Bloomberg blew his chance to make a decent first impression. He’s dull and he looks like death. Who did his makeup?


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Lucid-Ideas said...

Corn pop can't maintain that kind of energy. He would need a seriously connected dealer on speed dial. Not presidential. Wait......

FullMoon said...

Amy has to check notes for mex pres name..

mccullough said...

Bloomberg and Mayor Pete are calm.

There’s something to having responsibility to run something.

The Senators are just whiners. Inside baseball bullshit

Limited blogger said...

Actually Bloomberg has a couple 'own goals' so he's negative

Bay Area Guy said...

Release the NDA's!

Mark said...

Warren needs to attack. If Bloomberg survives, she's dead.

She knows it's him or her.

Quaestor said...

Inga writes: Yes Amy, that’s right humble is good.

Amy Jean Klobuchar, a humble woman with much to be humble about.

Milwaukie guy said...

This is en fuego! This is the first debate my Bernie Brio daughter and ex-wife and my confused Portland liberal brother are watching. I can't wait for tomorrow's post mortem.

Mr. D said...

This is a 200-car pileup.

FullMoon said...

Pete has Amy shaking. She be real tough with Iran and Russia..cry herself to sleep after meetings.

Bay Area Guy said...

Biden has energy, but he just gets flummoxed over his own words.

Ken B said...

Not watching. Skeptical of the anti BBerg comments here. Sounds like a clown show overall. Debating how important knowing the Mexican President's name is?

madAsHell said...

Jesus......they just swung into global warming with some crank from a local Nevada newspaper.

Biden has gone to word salad. He doesn't even know what he is saying.

Quaestor said...

Warren needs to attack. If Bloomberg survives, she's dead.

Liawatha go on warpath. Count-um many coups.

Inga said...

“Release the NDA's!”

Yeah, Trump’s too.

mccullough said...

Hard to take Dems seriously. They are debating NDAs and who knows the name of the President of Mexico

Things are going well in the US. This debate confirms it.

Bay Area Guy said...

The global warming pivot gives all these clowns a reprieve. But that first hour was awesome!

Mrs. X said...

Just switched it on for a second. Bloomberg is shorter than Warren.

madAsHell said...

Warren is a scold.

Ryan said...

Warren went heavy on the Botox.

David Begley said...

Warren is nuts. No mining! No drilling!

gspencer said...

"Who did his makeup?"

The cryptkeeper. See, he's wearing a tie just like mini-Mike,


mccullough said...

Most of Nevada was a nuclear bomb testing site.

Ken B said...

“I'm for boring” repudiates boring. Althouse is to self awareness wear Florence Foster Jenkins was to singing.

madAsHell said...

There's a playground missing a supervisor somewhere.

Investments in science.

traditionalguy said...

Lizzie took her ax and gave Bloomie 40 whacks. The Cherokee warrior in her cheek bones took over.

Mark said...

There is NO way that the other candidates or the party puppeteers would rally around Bloomberg even if he were to buy a substantial number of delegates.

Bay Area Guy said...

No fracking!

madAsHell said...

Why does Sanders sound shit-faced!!

David Begley said...

The Planet is at stake! Vote for me or die!

mccullough said...

Bernie is going to be dead in 6 years. Not from climate change

Limited blogger said...

Ok, we've moved to the 'rev up the base' segment.

Green New Deal now!

Jersey Fled said...

I make it a point never to watch political debates.

But it's fun listening to the commentariate here.

mccullough said...

The Dems are going to kill your jobs. Then you.

Ryan said...

Sanders is too old. Klobuchar looks like a Haloween mask. But shes most calm and looks okay when smiling.

Inga said...

“Bernie is going to be dead in 6 years. Not from climate change”

Then we’ll have President Warren

FullMoon said...

Bloomer needs to buy the nomination because he is not talking his way into it.

Climate change. Very exciting.

Ryan said...

Warren is trying too hard.

mccullough said...

Obama tried this bullshit.

It didn’t work.

2008 called. They want their dumb ideas back

madAsHell said...

Fucking Warren is idiot.

Drago said...

Inga: "Biden, Butti and Bloomy, bye bye."

The Not-So-Killer-"B"ees.

Bay Area Guy said...

The more Liz talks the better we'll be. She is the second coming of my mean ole elementary school principal.

chuck said...


mccullough said...

If we get rid of subsidies, how are Bidens kids going to make a living?

Limited blogger said...

We can never go back to a technocrat for president.

Dems need to pick a victim for November, then get to work on a state of the art candidate for 2024

Drago said...

Ryan: "Warren is trying..."


Ryan said...

Biden is probably a very very sweet grandpa. I'm giving you my apolitical wife's off the cuff observations.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Me Llamo Elena

!Ai. Si. Yo quiero taco bell chihuahua carne. Solo carne. No taco belle

David Begley said...

Joe wants to jail oil and gas executives? Planet destroyed? Forget winning Texas and Oklahoma.

What a fucking idiot.

Quaestor said...

Ninety percent of this bullshit is kamikaze politics aimed at emotionally fragile people like Inga.

madAsHell said...

Biden is going to make $50 dollar an hour jobs to solve the green new deal.

Inga said...

It doesn’t matter if Trumpists don’t like Warren, what matters is if us Democrats and independents like her.

Ryan said...

Probably won't remember Bloomberg's face tomorrow. Says my wife. Who remembers all faces.

mccullough said...

Yes. We are not going to war with China.

So next topic.

mccullough said...

Word not used:


Drago said...

Inga: "It doesn’t matter if Trumpists don’t like Warren, what matters is if us Democrats and independents like her."


The answer to that question is also "no".

Limited blogger said...

Mike making a come back.

He's pacing himself.

Pack has re-formed

Bernie wins!

Bay Area Guy said...

Bolshevik Bernie gets easily agitated.

Say it 3 times fast.

madAsHell said...

I think Althouse needs a tag for carbon-neutral.

mccullough said...

So Obama didn’t get it done.

Excellent indictment of his shit record.

These Dems don’t believe this shit anymore than Obama did.

Ryan said...

Wife says Pete gets credit for trimming his eyebrows because he's probably a very hairy guy.

Drago said...

You're "likeable enough".....Lizzie...

Michael K said...

Yeah, Bloomberg is not getting it done, no matter what his ads say.

Biden looks demented. Warren is scolding.

Bernie will probably be the sacrificial lamb. Probably Amy VP. Gotta have a woman even if no POC.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

Please, please extend this debate another hour or two.

madAsHell said...

What the fuck is environmental justice??

FullMoon said...

1..Triple the cost of energy
2. People use less
3. Planet saved


mccullough said...

Why isn’t Warren discussing the plight of Cherokees?

madAsHell said...

A trillion dollars of reparation.

Bay Area Guy said...

Didn't they use to detonate nuclear bombs in Nevada?

David Begley said...

Warren: One trillion dollar bribe to blacks and browns. The new reparations.

madAsHell said...

Biden is spewing.

Michael K said...

Inga: "It doesn’t matter if Trumpists don’t like Warren,

Only in the general sweetie. But she won't get there. Crazy Bernie will have the honor of doing a Mondale this time.

FullMoon said...

Word not used:


The other N word.

madAsHell said...

Biden said....."garner wealth".

Inga said...

Oh nooooo Biden said garner!

Drago said...

madAsHell: "What the fuck is environmental justice??"


Its marxism turtles all the way down!

Limited blogger said...

It's 1988 Biden!

Pointin' right atcha!

Mark said...

Wife says Pete gets credit for trimming his eyebrows because he's probably a very hairy guy.

He's hairy noon and night, hair that's a fright.
He's hairy high and low. Don't ask me why. Don't know.

FullMoon said...

fifty dollars an hour plus benefits. Sounds like govt work..

Anga2010 said...

Biden wants pppl to be able to garner wealth. YAY!

Drago said...

Inga: "Oh nooooo Biden said garner!"

I miss Jim Garner.

madAsHell said...

I think Buttigig gives a new sense to homosexuality. He can suck his own cock.

madAsHell said...

Warren confuses equity, and subsidies.

Bay Area Guy said...

Bloomer thinks red-lining is a good thing!

Limited blogger said...

Dead silence after Bloomberg says anything.

He couldn't scalp a few tickets for a supporter or two?

Jeff said...

1. Triple the cost of energy
2. People use less
3. Planet saved

Actually, it's

1. Triple the cost of energy via a carbon tax, but only in the U.S.
2. Americans use less, driving down world energy prices
3. Rest of the world can now afford to use more energy, thanks to the U.S. taxpayer. World energy consumption hardly changes at all, but the U.S. is now subsidizing the rest of the world's energy consumption.

Drago said...

madAsHell: "Warren confuses equity, and subsidies."

She's a regular Paul Krugman.

If you ask me when Desperate Tomahawk's campaign will recover, a first pass answer is "never".

Mark said...

Bloomberg's just not saying the right things for a Dem crowd.

daskol said...

So far, nothing about Russia. Now they’re bashing China because that’s where they think Bloomberg is weak. Yet this is supposed to be our gobal-minded cosmopolitan party. Other countries only matter to them as weapons with which to bear opponents. Minorities similarly matter only when they can use them to embarrass opponents. This is far more entertaining than any Dem anything I’ve seen this political season, but this is not going to play well with women. Nobody seems nice except maybe Amy K, who’s a stretch for a VP and, being fair, a decent type to hold some cabinet secretary position given the people we’ve seen in those jobs. Huuuge night for Trump, who will seem much less awful to women who still find him problematic.

Bay Area Guy said...

At least Amy K is a capitalist. Progress!

Inga said...

Yay Amy, Universal child care!

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Goodnight. Bloomie is toast.The great white billionaire savior of the DNC and LLR is done. No way will he attract much Dem support.

Warren and Sanders will keep fighting for the leftists.

Amy, Buttgig and Biden all did ok.

So brokered convention? Hillary to the rescue!

madAsHell said...

"Let's talk about Donald Trump"

Yeah....that's going to be a winning argument.

Temujin said...

Oh my God.

Inga said...

Yes Bernie, that IS immoral and wrong.

Drago said...

Mark: "Bloomberg's just not saying the right things for a Dem crowd."

He's only used to engaging on pro-China issues.

Limited blogger said...

This shit show is gonna takes a week to clean up.

The Nevada caucuses on Saturday could have some crazy results.

Mark said...

Bloomberg brags that he's trying to buy support/influence with the Dems.

madAsHell said...

I think Bloomie is going to hit Bernie with the heart attack gun.

Big Mike said...

We need these clowns to keep hammering on Bloomer. After this debate, he might switch back to the Republican Party.

@Bay Area Guy, you think we want him?

David Begley said...

Let’s just take all of Mike’s money.

Inga said...

Good for you Bloomberg, just give away all your money and then go away.

bgates said...

Obamacare was a gift to health insurance companies.

Yes, but the signature accomplishment of your next leftist heartthrob definitely won't be a gigantic expensive fraud that uses emotional manipulation of people like you to get into position to engineer the transfer of unfathomable amounts of money to enormous corporations.

You can trust Sanders and Warren to fight against billionaires. They're millionaires!

narciso said...

Call in an alpha strike, its likesomething out of cabin in the woods.

Bay Area Guy said...

@Big Mike,

Hell No. But it'd be fun to waste his money.

Mark said...

This thing about Bloomberg's disastrous disqualification tonight is that only a relative handful of people are watching.

Bay Area Guy said...

Bloomer just called Bernie a Communist (sorta).

madAsHell said...

Bloomie used the 'C" word.

Jimmy said...

read on twitter, bloomberg brought a wallet to a knife fight. seems about right. the rest of the dems seem intent on pushing things as far left as they can. and as loudly as they can. what a disaster any of that group would be as president. meanwhile, DJT is having a rally, promoting America and people who actually work for a living.

madAsHell said...

Jesus, Warren is hitting the Bingo black-out.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

has the 'check injun' light come on in this klown kar?

is that a pile of money Bloombucks is standing on?

Apparently Amy is the nicest, most humble, with a sense of humor--

...traits that will come in handy losing in November.

Nominate her.

narciso said...

Next question


h said...

In an earlier comment, I noted Mayor pete's incipient mustache. Now i note Sen. Warren's frequent and loud intake of breath. I don't know that this hurts her among viewers, but it is a notable difference between Warren and any of the other candidates.

Drago said...

Mark: "This thing about Bloomberg's disastrous disqualification tonight is that only a relative handful of people are watching."

Best point made tonight.

As we speak hundreds of millions of Bloomy dollars are hitting the airwaves and social media waves in the form of ads that just about everyone will see.

We will see if this debate even matters.

Hasnt voting already been going on in several dem primary/caucus?

Limited blogger said...

Bloomer was the missing ingredient in the democrat cocktail. This is great.

NBC has lost all control

Inga said...

Sanders will be the next President.

Bloomberg is toast.

Bay Area Guy said...

Bernie & Bloomy can't work together. This is good for America.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

Bernie is full of crap, Denmark is not socialist.

Drago said...

Inga: "Sanders will be the next President."

Uh oh.

Looks like Trump has no path to 270....AGAIN!

madAsHell said...

has the 'check injun' light come on in this klown kar?

You are going to smoke a turd in pergatory!!

FullMoon said...

LIVE STREAM VIDEO: President Donald Trump Holds Rally in Phoenix, Arizona

walter said...

"..Angry Bernie face."
Shorten it to Angry Bern Face.
I get the sense Bloomie's presence isn't exactly lighting up the room.

Bay Area Guy said...

Liz taking a tomahawk chop to Amy K!

Kathryn51 said...

Not watching, but saw this tweet from Piers Morgan a few minutes ago and after scrolling through the comments, it appears that Piers agrees with most of you - including Inga AND Begley (quite an accomplishment)

Pete didn't shave & was mean to Amy.
Amy's self-imploding.
Mike didn't prep & won't release his NDAs.
Bernie's getting very red-faced & won't reveal his medical records.
Joe knows every Mexican president.
Elizabeth is killing it, and Mike.

Bay Area Guy said...

This is the best fucking debate, evah!!!

Drago said...

Diogenes of Sinope: "Bernie is full of crap, Denmark is not socialist."


In fact, the Danish Prime Minister has angrily taken to social media to complain about morons like Sanders making that false claim.

All Trump's team has to do is run the Danish Prime Ministers comments after a clip of Sanders lying about it.

Inga said...

“This is the best fucking debate, evah!!!”

Better than the Trump rally!

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

of the Dems...

is Hillary the winner?

She's coiled, and ready to strike

Iman said...

Very entertaining! They suck so bad.

Bay Area Guy said...

Mayor Pete slams Mayor Mini-Mike.

Inga said...

Yes, it’s what you stand for, that’s right Butti.

Drago said...

Inga: "Better than the Trump rally!"


Inga is so dense she doesnt understand that its the same group of people enjoying both....and for good reason!

Last Months Dems: How dare you call us Socialists!

Todays dems: You're darn right we are socialists!

Mark said...

Joe, Joe, Joe . . .

Inga said...

McConnel will be gone afer the election, stop focusing on him.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"The Nomination is under "the Big W" !"

walter said...

Some Berno Bros are about to storm the stage and rob Bloomie.

Bay Area Guy said...

Liz just kneecapped Slow Joe.

Both are toast, though, so it doesn't matter.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

Amy, stand up for US citizens not illegal aliens.

Bay Area Guy said...

Deport the Dreamers!

Bay Area Guy said...

Why is Pete picking on Amy K?

daskol said...

Mayor Pete and Amy K are going to be the beneficiaries of Bloomberg’s largess. He they will play prominent roles in Bloomberg’s Democratic Party after Bernie wins the “popular vote” in the primaries. Maybe Bloomberg can even maneuver one of them into the nomination, although that would be surprising. The nomination and enormous defeat of Bernie will be a cleansing and clarifying experience. Mayor Pete should not have attacked Amy. It was good that they went at one another and Bloomberg in general, but Pete was doing well with the ladies in my house until then. He should have let her have the upper hand tonight.
Otherwise he did ok.

Inga said...

Oh boy, Butti, at least Amy was in a position to vote, you were a mayor.

Saint Croix said...

He's on a box, right?

We need a poll.

Inga said...

Yes Amy kick his scrawny ass.

Bay Area Guy said...

I like the tete a tete between Pete & Amy.

traditionalguy said...

I warned them. Lizzie is a "no surrender" Scots Irish. She will keep fighting until Bloomie wastes his time begging her for mercy.

Limited blogger said...

Final score:

Sanders 99
Biden 50
Amy K 40
Buttig 40
Warren 20
BBerg dnf

Bay Area Guy said...

This is like the Hindenburg on steroids.

Ryan said...

Awesome that minor candidates are spending precious time at each other's throats.

Iman said...

Sanders sure likes to "chop it up"...

Inga said...

Sanders 99
Warren 90
Amy 75

Birkel said...

People won't like Bernie's policies.
And they won't like his face.
Screaming at us.
While his boot is on our face.

Ryan said...

That last question.... Bernie is foreordained to be robbed again.

Inga said...

“Awesome that minor candidates are spending precious time at each other's throats.”

Too bad the Republican candidates didn’t have the balls these Democrat candidates have and instead compared hand sizes.

Drago said...

Inga: "McConnel will be gone afer the election, stop focusing on him."


So delusional.

So marvelously insane.

Mark said...

Wait -- they sold debate commercial time to Bloomberg???

mccullough said...

Klobuchar has been in DC a long time and has nothing to show for it.

Pete did a good job exposing her record of non achievement.

Also, don’t name drop Ted Kennedy if you pretend to give a shit about sexual harassment.

Mark said...

Was that just local or was it national?

Either way, it should not have been allowed.

Quaestor said...

A good estimate of the contenders' respective IQs.

Well done, Inga.

mccullough said...

Losers Unite! — Klobuchar

Drago said...

mccullough: "Also, don’t name drop Ted Kennedy if you pretend to give a shit about sexual harassment."

Or drunken vehicular manslaughter.

daskol said...

Oof, Amy. I’ve won every race since the 4th grade is not a likable thing or a good boast.

Tomcc said...

Did Sen. Klobuchar say that "Dreamers are the future of this country"? Wow.

traditionalguy said...

Meanwhile down in Arizona the Bad Orange Man keeps Making America Great. How dare he!

Mark said...

Judge Inga scores it more accurately than LB.

Quaestor said...

He's on a box, right? We need a poll.

No, Bloomie needs a pole.

Drago said...

mccullough: "Also, don’t name drop Ted Kennedy if you pretend to give a shit about sexual harassment."

Or Russian Collusion.

mccullough said...

The climate plan would put travel out of business. So Vegas is gone.

Inga said...

Trump is in for a ride, can’t wait.

Ugh rich vulgar Bloomberg, just like Trump.

Ken B said...

Things I don’t care about
Workplace jokes
Who had consensual sex with whom
Names of foreigners
Who knows names

Ryan said...

Bloomberg's closing statement was incomprehensible.

Mark said...

Doddering Joe did not impress.

Bay Area Guy said...

Darn, is it over? I wanted it to go on forever.

Temujin said...

I hope this goes on all summer up to the convention party in Milwaukee...and beyond.

mccullough said...

Mayor Pete is the A student Klobuchar thought she was.

Bay Area Guy said...

Liz Warren likes to fight, she tells us.

mccullough said...

Warren’s first husband put her through school.

Mark said...

Can you hear what they are saying?

Bay Area Guy said...


Mark said...

Yeah, Joe took down Corn Pop.

Limited blogger said...

Think they all head over to the Cosmopolitan, have a drink together, play some blackjack?

daskol said...

No Russia and no impeachment talk. Hardly a word about Trump except a perfunctory orange man bad when a candidate ran out of steamfinal score:
Trump: winning
Dems: losers

wildswan said...

The Pete and Amy show was interesting.
Sanders was very clear.
Bloomberg seemed overbearing.
Bloomberg somehow made the debate interesting - made the others speak out.
The candidates hacked at each other producing sound bites for the Repubs.
Wild promises about green change. Invent something which produces cheap green energy and then make it and sell it for lot of money and finance all the change. Or, short version, wave a magic wand.

h said...

In my opinion, Bernie did win tonite -- maybe not enough to get 50% on the first ballot. Bloomberg failed to convince. Biden seemed nonassertive. Mayor Pete is pretty smart, but I'm not sure that's enough. Klobuchar continues to look good on paper, but she doesn't sell on TV. Likewise Warren.

mccullough said...

Bernie should tout the growth of wages for lower income people and how enforcing the border helps that.

That was his position in 2007. That’s what’s happened the last few years.

Inga said...

Sanders is the strongest, most compelling candidate on that stage. He’ll win the nomination. Warren as VP.


Mark said...

Order of finish --


mccullough said...

Bloomberg sounded like the frontrunner.

Temujin said...

People shocked as Democrat Debate gets interrupted by random, typical Democrats shrieking in the back of the room.

Limited blogger said...

Bloomberg wandering around, alone, post debate.

Couldn't he hire a 'friend' to ask for his autograph?

walter said...

So no one took jabs at Berno for his staff O' thugs?

Drago said...

Today Inga: Sanders is the strongest, most compelling candidate on that stage. He’ll win the nomination. Warren as VP.

Yesterday Inga: Sanders/Abrams...perfect!

Tomorrow Inga: Sanders/Large cactus...perfect!

Inga said...

Amy for SoS.

Butti, run for Congress.

Biden, retire, go in peace.

Bloomberg, keep spending your money on Democrats, then go away.

Mark said...

In 1980, it was Ronald Reagan saying, "I paid for this microphone!"

In 2020, it was Bloomberg withering under the blows of NDA.

Two moments when a nomination was won and when a nomination was lost.

mockturtle said...

My daughter texted me--she's watching the debate--and observed how much Bloomberg reminds her of Joel Grey in Cabaret.

NYC JournoList said...

Biden is next out.

Limited blogger said...

walter, they did. There was a pretty rigorous go 'round where they hit Bernie on his rabid, misogynist troll army.

He said he'll take care of it.

Inga said...

“Yesterday Inga: Sanders/Abrams...perfect!”

I’m flexible.

Drago said...

Mark Penn tonight: Sanders is so far outside the mainstream expect an independent to jump in the race if Sanders is the nominee.

Not surprising since Bernie didnt even work a real job until he was 40!

MadisonMan said...

I guess I didn't miss much

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