April 18, 2019

Barr is about to speak.

But it's time for my Pilates lesson, so you're on your own for now.

UPDATE: I'm back, but I've got a bunch of things to do. You'll have to enjoy/rail against the great Muellering on your own.

Here's the text. Search and you shall find!

UPDATE 2: Have you had a nice day? I spent some of it listening to the cable news channels on the satellite radio in the car, but it got repetitious and overemotional so I retreated to my audiobook. Do I have to blog about the Mueller report? Obviously, not.


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Birkel said...

First on the third page?

Bilwick said...

I woke up this morning to find regular CBS programming replaced by non-stop Mueller Report converage. I kept thinking of Victor Davis Hanson's "When that failed, they tried. . . "

Birkel said...

Damn you, Bilwick.
You are now my mortal enemy.


Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Excellent work, Bleachbit!

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Sean Davis:

As you watch the media respond to news that even St. Mueller himself found zero Russian conclusion, keep in mind that they are cultists in the throes of a full-blown delusional disorder. In their minds, all evidence against their conspiracy theories only proves the conspiracy.

pacwest said...

"Still have to find a quasi-virgin though, whatever the fuck that is."

Not to worry. I saw one just the other day. The problem is making your way through the quasi-criminals to get to them.

For those of you who don't know what a quasi-criminal is it is anyone who is innocent of an alleged crime who doesn't like it. But Chuck could explain it better than I can. Or give you a quasi-explanation at least. All I know is it is a really bad thing. About on the same level as shitholes I think.

chickelit said...

It’s all over but the sh**ting

stevew said...

I read it Lawrence Person, and it's very good.

My favorite line (sorry, not yours):

"Just realized Barr is saying this man committed no crime and the media is chanting ‘crucify him crucify him’ and tomorrow is Good Friday." - Jack Posobiec

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Althouse went to Pilates class.

Inga and Chuck went to the liquor cabinet and pulled out the vodka.

They're devastated because there is no proof the President of the United States committed treason.

Imagine having that mindset.

iowan2 said...

Does the report have the charging document, and the amendment Rosenstien added to the charging document?

Does the report include an examination of President Trumps finances?

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...


You are witnessing a media raging over its last hope, not just to overturn an election, but to be seen as credible in the eyes of the public.

This is an absolute disaster for the media... It makes Rathergate look like a pop gun.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Thanks again, Lawrence Person. Great stuff.

Bay Area Guy said...

Here's a funny article from The Hill, dated last night, where the Dems demand that Barr cancel the press conference.

"This press conference, which apparently will not include Special Counsel Mueller, is unnecessary and inappropriate, and appears designed to shape public perceptions of the report before anyone can read it," they continued.

The statement was signed by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (N.Y.), Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (Calif.), Oversight and Reform Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings (Md.), Financial Services Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters (Calif.), and Committee on Foreign Affairs Chairman Eliot Engel (N.Y.).

Umm, too late.

mockturtle said...

Althouse is washing her hands of the matter, in the fashion of Pontius Pilates?

And asks, "What is truth?"

tcrosse said...

Trump's real crime, of course, is having usurped the throne from its rightful heir, although at this point very few would wish H>er to occupy it.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Still have to find a quasi-virgin though, whatever the fuck that is.

Eatin' Ain't Cheatin'!

Fen said...

"Serious clinical delusion on steroids."

Yah, it says alot that Inga's go-to insults are always about mental health. I'm guessing her 42 Daughters have held more than a few interventions.

In Inga's attempts to shame she always reaches for what shames her. Something close at hand, something that her direct experience with causes her to think it will burn us the way it burned her.

A phenomenon similiar to that line in Silence Of The Lambs about how we first covet what is near to us.

Poor thing is probrably in a nursing home all alone. Highlight of her day is flashing herself to strangers online to get a rise out of them. It titilates her before the tapioca pudding is served.

I should be more merciful. But I'm a deplorable racist sexist homophobic toothless redneck who sleeps with his sister in a doublewide dreaming of nuking Mecca so.. Nope.

Fen said...

"Eatin' Ain't Cheatin'!

Ah. I can be such a blonde. Whooooosh!


Birkel said...

Quasi-virgin = butt secks

Quasi-Republican Chuck abides.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

MSDNC lets Corrupt liar Brennan push the big lie in opposite reality land.

Newsbusters has the run-down of media meltdown.

Inga didn't only hit the liquor cabinet, she hit the Brennan koolaide.

Fen said...

"Althouse went to Pilates class."

To be fair, as someone who routinely jumps her shit, I think she could easily predict what Barr was going to say and how the comments here would play out. No surpises except for this goat.


(suddenly interested in my iphone)

readering said...

Wow, should we read this 440 page report from mueller?

You mean when we could be obsessing some more over Inga and Chuck? Nah.

Fen said...

Well, we can't beat up on the leaders of the Coup attempt, but the supporters of the Coup are a good proxy.

For now.

Mueller needs to come out and shut down all this delusional speculation, for the sake of the Rule of Law. Because if this escalates and the walls come down, he will be blamed for turning the cold civil war hot and his two girls won't fare well in the resulting chaos.

Birkel said...

Given that I've already read the summary I cannot imagine needing to read the rest of the document. The clever innuendo from the 18 Angry Democrats (17 plus Mueller) won't change reality.

Humperdink said...

The Dow is up 100+ points on the news that Jerry Waddler (D-Delusional) will continue the investigation non-stop. (Sarc alert)

Birkel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

It’s an interesting report.

It references but doesn’t include the amended investigation document from Rosenstein.

What’s clear is that there was no underlying crime committed by anyone in the Trump campaign as part of the election. The report is quiet on the shenanigans that gave rise to the allegations and about the controversies over misconduct by investigating team members.

What is clear is that Comey telling Trump that he was personally not a target while failing to tell anyone else that, and while his team was leaking infuriated Trump. He made the mistake of believing that he has any influence as the chief executive over his subordinates. But it was clear that no one would publicly state what he was told in person. His frustration was palpable, compounded by Sessions’ recusal (who was cleared of perjury, btw). And frankly understandable.

Rosenstein comes off badly. The blank check he wrote the special counsel defeated the purpose of killing the independent counsel and tethering a special prosecutor to clear limits. This is especially bad given that he was in the room and criticized Comey when his termination was on the table.

Overall, you could tell there was a split on the Mueller team in terms of obstruction but that the pro-prosecutor (and prosecution) side was in the majority. But to get there they had to reject long-standing lWhite House legal positions, esp. about the executive’s power to fire underlings. There’s no way the firing of Comey should have given rise to an obstruction investigation.

Many of the items focused on like trying to get Sessions to reverse his recusal just aren”’t obstructive. They reflect administrative disagreements which shouldn’t be criminalized.

The legal theories run by the team would have landed every president who commented negatively on an investigation — congressional or criminal — in the hoosegow. I can see why Barr distanced himself from them, and the analysis about whether or not getting into the mind of a president would be disruptive is pure sophistry.

On the other hand, Trump’s idea that the AG should be like Bobby Kennedy or Eric Holder is both telling about the hypocrisy in all of this from the Dem side and less than reassuring about his own understanding of his institutional role. Fortunately, he got good advice and on the big stuff listened to it even when he hated it. But you could see why a team of prosecutors would also take his actions personally. I’m still not sure how — under the Mueller theories — Loretta Lynch (or higher?) didn’t obstruct the Hilary email investigation as broadly as they construe everything.

All that said, I would take the factual recitations for much of the report with a huge grain of salt to the extent it relies on McCabe and Comey in particular for huge swathes of factual recitation.

In the end, it’s amazing how much the report relies on press accounts that were themselves started by leaks, including from the Comey team. It seems like a wasted $35 million, but I guarantee the knives are now out for the prior administration. The media coverage of the report, which misses the nuances, will ensure that.

Life was better when we just accepted the crappy results of losing elections and then moved on. But I expect to see charges brought as long as statutes of limitation haven’t passed, with a civil war in the higher ranks of the FBI and intelligence agencies. Brennan seems to have been the primary instigator in all this and should pay a price. Ultimately, however, the greatest beneficiary of all this will be the guy the Russians really wanted to help all along, namely Bernie.

traditionalguy said...

The Maundy Thursday service is tonight. Maundy is Latin for covenant. In the last supper the new Melchizedek High Priest told his disciples that His death coming soon on Friday was Himself offering his own human body and blood as the first and the last offering needed in the New Covenant.based on the offering by this High Priest of the lamb of God who was God Himself.

All you ritual guys should not miss it. After the service of Communion/Mass they strip the Altar and veil the cross in black. The choir sins plaintiff songs of grief and everybody goes home till sunrise Easter.

AllenS said...

Can you imagine the economic benefits to this nation, and especially for those at the bottom of the economic totem pole would be if the Democrats couldn't/wouldn't try their damnest to try and stop it?

Birkel said...

MSNBC is reporting that Manafort told Russia-connected (or quasi-Russian) people that the swing states were Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Florida, North Carolina, and Missouri.

Imagine that.

MSNBC is actually advocating that their own reporting could inform people to interfere with elections. And that would be criminal.

Think about the level of stupidity on display.

Fen said...

"But you could see why a team of prosecutors would also take his actions personally."

That's actually damning. Professionals are not supposed to take it personally. That's exactly what raised everyone's eyebrows about the competence of CIA Director Brennan.

Birkel said...

MSNBC now going live with calls that AG Barr is a liar.

Expect quasi-Republicans and Leftist Collectivists to march forward with that claim.

Browndog said...

If you want to understand--clearly understand-- what Mueller wanted to base obstruction on, on why Barr over-ruled them, and how Mueller used a mis-reading of the obstruction statute to justify an additional 18 months of investigation..

Watch this short periscope from Will Chamberlain

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

"The White House fully cooperated with the Special Counsel’s investigation, providing unfettered access to campaign and White House documents, directing senior aides to testify freely, and asserting no privilege claims." -Barr

Brennan responds: Collusion! Obstruction!

Bay Area Guy said...

After this fine, mirth-filled Thursday, we will have to return next week for the next installment of the Democrat hysteria fest: the effort by the House to impeach Trump.

In December 2017, 58 House Democrat idiots voted to impeach Trump (1.5 years before the Mueller Report).

Because they have now been humiliated by Barr, they are itchin' to strike back, which means take another stab at impeachment.

Obviously, there's no high crimes and misdemeanors, and obviously the Senate won't remove Trump, but it's still bad for the country.

Need to support Nancy Pants and any and all sane House Dems (there's a handful) to dissuade the wackos from impeaching.

Anonymous said...

Fen wrote:

“That's actually damning. Professionals are not supposed to take it personally. That's exactly what raised everyone's eyebrows about the competence of CIA Director Brennan”

Unfortunately, all prosecutors seem to feel this way, namely that any effort to publicly fight charges is an effort to obstruct. It’s actually pretty maddening because they rarely hold themselves to the same standards they expect from others. It’s amazing how many government lawyers try to hide (as well as minimize) inconvenient facts but see minimization as de facto perjury. All of us would be better served by more concrete rules in these process areas.

Just my $.02.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

"Barr confirms the Russians hacked the DNC and Hillary's emails, then gave them to Wikileaks . Then says nobody from the Trump campaign participated in illegally proliferating the information."

Now the media will ignore the fact that wikileaks wanted to hurt Hillary on behalf of Bernie.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

ATTORNEY GENERAL BARR: "there was relentless speculation in the news media about the President’s personal culpability. Yet, as he said from the beginning, there was in fact No Collusion."

Democratic hacks dig in, keep lying.

Bay Area Guy said...

Send some money to Representative Steny Hoyer (D-MD) please!

“Based on what we have seen to date, going forward on impeachment is not worthwhile at this point. Very frankly, there is an election in 18 months and the American people will make a judgement,” House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer told @DanaBashCNN .

Browndog said...

AllenS said...

Can you imagine the economic benefits to this nation, and especially for those at the bottom of the economic totem pole would be if the Democrats couldn't/wouldn't try their damnest to try and stop it?

That's the real injustice, and why this is no victory at all.

All we can do is imagine, because the democrats, aided by republicans, used this to thwart Trump from, essentially, being President.

CJinPA said...


Birkel said...

Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and AOC:

(This is a rough guess at their response.")

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Anonymous said

...There’s no way the firing of Comey should have given rise to an obstruction investigation.

Many of the items focused on [] trying to get Sessions to reverse his recusal just aren’t obstructive. They reflect administrative disagreements which shouldn’t be criminalized. "

That's just it. The leftwing media and their democrat party elites, like Nadler and Schit, and Salwel etc... demand that we criminalize internal disagreements. Or criminalize anything htey can that isn't really criminal at all. Like disagreements or beating Hillary at the ballot box because she's a hot mess and corrupt herself.

Think on that, folks. No creeping totalitarianism there. nah.

Yancey Ward said...

I am about 80 pages into the report at the moment- there is literally no proof offered that Wikileaks got the emails from the GRU- it is all assertion. There appear to have been attempts at contacts between Guccifer 2.0/DCLeaks (Mueller claims both accounts set up by GRU, but with no supporting evidence) and Wikileaks.

In short, Mueller asserts all sorts of stuff in this section without proof, and on the very key detail- the transfer of the material to Wikileaks, Mueller asserts they have the communications, but apparently they haven't decrypted the file- if they had decrypted the file, they would would have revealed its contents- they don't. Indeed, Mueller later in that section throws up his hands and basically says they can't demonstrate how the files got to Wikileaks, and they blame the GRU and Wikileaks for hiding the proof from them.

I am not making this part up- Mueller claims to know this, but can't prove it.

Swede said...

Sooooooooo...............no collusion, then?

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Attorney General Barr Shuts Down Reporter Who Tried To Insinuate He Was Protecting Trump
Smackdown and more

Drago said...

Swede: "Sooooooooo...............no collusion, then?"



Browndog said...

"Barr confirms the Russians hacked the DNC and Hillary's emails, then gave them to Wikileaks . Then says nobody from the Trump campaign participated in illegally proliferating the information."

Barr confirms no such thing.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

from link:

"First, the report details efforts by the Internet Research Agency, a Russian company with close ties to the Russian government, to sow social discord among American voters through disinformation and social media operations. Following a thorough investigation of this disinformation campaign, the Special Counsel brought charges in federal court against several Russian nationals and entities for their respective roles in this scheme. Those charges remain pending, and the individual defendants remain at large.

But the Special Counsel found no evidence that any Americans – including anyone associated with the Trump campaign – conspired or coordinated with the Russian government or the IRA in carrying out this illegal scheme. Indeed, as the report states, “[t]he investigation did not identify evidence that any U.S. persons knowingly or intentionally coordinated with the IRA’s interference operation.” Put another way, the Special Counsel found no “collusion” by any Americans in the IRA’s illegal activity."

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

"Second, the report details efforts by Russian military officials associated with the GRU to hack into computers and steal documents and emails from individuals affiliated with the Democratic Party and the presidential campaign of Hillary Rodham Clinton for the purpose of eventually publicizing those emails. Obtaining such unauthorized access into computers is a federal crime. Following a thorough investigation of these hacking operations, the Special Counsel brought charges in federal court against several Russian military officers for their respective roles in these illegal hacking activities. Those charges are still pending and the defendants remain at large."

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

"But again, the Special Counsel’s report did not find any evidence that members of the Trump campaign or anyone associated with the campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its hacking operations. In other words, there was no evidence of Trump campaign “collusion” with the Russian government’s hacking.

The Special Counsel’s investigation also examined Russian efforts to publish stolen emails and documents on the internet. The Special Counsel found that, after the GRU disseminated some of the stolen materials through its own controlled entities, DCLeaks and Guccifer 2.0, the GRU transferred some of the stolen materials to Wikileaks for publication. Wikileaks then made a series of document dumps. The Special Counsel also investigated whether any member or affiliate of the Trump campaign encouraged or otherwise played a role in these dissemination efforts. Under applicable law, publication of these types of materials would not be criminal unless the publisher also participated in the underlying hacking conspiracy. Here too, the Special Counsel’s report did not find that any person associated with the Trump campaign illegally participated in the dissemination of the materials."

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Finally, the Special Counsel investigated a number of “links” or “contacts” between Trump Campaign officials and individuals connected with the Russian government during the 2016 presidential campaign. After reviewing those contacts, the Special Counsel did not find any conspiracy to violate U.S. law involving Russia-linked persons and any persons associated with the Trump campaign.

So that is the bottom line. After nearly two years of investigation, thousands of subpoenas, and hundreds of warrants and witness interviews, the Special Counsel confirmed that the Russian government sponsored efforts to illegally interfere with the 2016 presidential election but did not find that the Trump campaign or other Americans colluded in those schemes. "

Brennan yelling the opposite to help save his skin at the corrupt fake news outlet called MSDNC. Featuring the on air talent, Rachel 10 million dollars Maddow.

Birkel said...

Browndog @ 3:23 PM

Agree that Mueller and Weissmann were twisting the statute. That video does a good job of explaining the law for non-lawyers. That argument, twisting the statute, is sophomoronic. It's the argument first year law students might make before they understand statutory interpretation.

Matt Sablan said...

I haven't read it. But it sounds like there's a lot of innuendo tossed in there to muddy up the no crime proven message. I may never read it.

Browndog said...

Blogger Swede said...

Sooooooooo...............no collusion, then?

Did you honestly think there might have been? And waiting for Mueller to determine one way or the other?

Honest question.

Still looking for one honest person that thought it was possible Trump teamed up with Putin to steal the election from Hillary.

CWJ said...

One of the tweets Lawrence Person included in his link upthread.

"Just realized Barr is saying this man committed no crime and the media is chanting ‘crucify him crucify him’ and tomorrow is Good Friday"

Not comfortable with Barr as Pilate and Trump as the Christ, but that actually made me LOL.

PackerBronco said...

"If you want to understand--clearly understand-- what Mueller wanted to base obstruction on, on why Barr over-ruled them, and how Mueller used a mis-reading of the obstruction statute to justify an additional 18 months of investigation.."

Just have to re-up this post because the presentation is truly excellent and a step above what you'll hear/read on other sources.


Swede said...

Well, now that that's behind us, we can look towards the future.

Donald Trump will still be president tomorrow and for the next 6 years.

He'll be the guy that replaces Ruth Buzzy Ginandtonic.

I'm going to have a grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup for dinner.


Browndog said...

Birkel said...

Browndog @ 3:23 PM

I'm glad you took the time to watch it. For me, it gave clarity to an issue the democrats are just getting started to hammer on.

I really liked how he called on Ted Cruz to question Mueller on this in hearings.

Browndog said...

"Just realized Barr is saying this man committed no crime and the media is chanting ‘crucify him crucify him’ and tomorrow is Good Friday"

That an original tweet from Jack Posobiec. His reporting has been weeks, months ahead of the curve, not to mention 100% accurate.

Chuck said...

I know that most of you read anything that I write with a level of derangement that prevents even the most elementary comprehension.

But it was now more than a year ago that I wrote that I did no think much of any "collusion" allegations. No one among the Atlhouse commentariat seems to want to remember that or even acknowledge it.

But what I also said at the time was that I hoped and expected that Trump would get tripped up on some far more mundane federal statutory violations. Things like bank fraud, insurance fraud, money laundering, FEC violations, mail fraud, etc. Just like Michael Cohen. And Trump was "Individual 1" in the Cohen criminal information.

And now we have the Mueller report, stating that there were 14 outside criminal referrals that were removed from the issue of Russian interference in the election. 14. And what we know so far is that only 2 of those 14 criminal referrals have been revealed. There are a dozen criminal referrals from the OSC that are out there, and we don't know where they are going or what the status is.

If anybody wants to disagree with any of what I just wrote, please be very specific. Althouse will appreciate it, if you steer clear of personal attacks on me and simply remain focused solely on the terms of the Mueller report.

Bay Area Guy said...


Tommy Duncan said...

Blogger Chuck said...

"I know that most of you read anything that I write with a level of derangement that prevents even the most elementary comprehension."

"If anybody wants to disagree with any of what I just wrote, please be very specific. Althouse will appreciate it, if you steer clear of personal attacks on me and simply remain focused solely on the terms of the Mueller report."

Nicely played, Chuck. You call everyone else stupid and then call for civility from behind Ann's skirt. Self-awareness is not your strong point, Chuck.

Jim at said...

Nobody cares what you wrote, Chuck.
That's what you don't get.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Keep hope Alive, Chuck.

You and your pals on the left - keep hope alive.

Matt Sablan said...

I have also not been ruled out as a suspect.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

"Things like bank fraud, insurance fraud, money laundering, FEC violations, mail fraud, etc. Just like Michael Cohen.

Lotta speculation and innuendo there, Chuckie. Got any ... real live hard evidence?

Matt Sablan said...

So. Does Mueller really believe Russia thought Trump -- pro fracking and give missiles to Poland Trump -- was a better choice for them than reset Clinton who already showed a willingness to compromise and would not challenge Russia's energy markets or strengthen Poland?

PackerBronco said...

But what I also said at the time was that I hoped and expected that Trump would get tripped up on some far more mundane federal statutory violations.

"If your TDS lasts longer than 2 years, you should immediately seek medical assistance."

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...


That's what the deep state found under UV light on the mattresses in Russia. Damning stuff.

PackerBronco said...

Lotta speculation and innuendo there, Chuckie. Got any ... real live hard evidence?

Forget it, Chuckie wanted to get Trump on some mundane federal statutory violation because ... reasons ...

Chuck said...

Nicely played, Chuck. You call everyone else stupid and then call for civility from behind Ann's skirt. Self-awareness is not your strong point, Chuck.

I'm not calling for "civility." I don't give a damn about you rat bastard cultists. I'm calling for specificity. And no more of what Althouse calls "clutter." Look at the posts of "Drago." 90% "clutter. Pure personal attacks, dredging up old comments with no relation to the subject of any given Althouse blog post.

What did I get wrong? Anything about Cohen? Anything about the Mueller report. There were a reported 14 outside criminal referrals. And we only know about 2 so far. Is that not true, as reported by the OSC report?

Browndog said...

Chuck said...

I know that most of you read anything that I write with a level of derangement that prevents even the most elementary comprehension.

As a fellow Michigander, I kinda root for you. To somehow, someway, be able to connect to an audience you insult right off the bat.

Stick with it, champ. Odd, though--your rants tend to make me relish the good old days of Garage Mahal.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Always good to take down a sitting president wit some "mundane statutory violations." Jay-walking might work as well. Or joking about finding Hillary's illegally deleted e-mails.

Bay Area Guy said...

Professor Larry Tribe has weighed in:

Even in redacted form, the Mueller Report is mind-blowingly damning of this president. Whether it leads to his impeachment and removal, as it clearly should but probably won’t, it should certainly preclude his re-election. But we’d be crazy to assume it will do even that.

In Tribeworld, "Mind-blowingly damning" somehow is deduced from no evidence of collusion, coordination or conspiracy. And this guy was the Dean of Constitutional Law at Harvard?!!?

Can we have Althouse do one of those old blogger conversations with this guy on the Mueller Report to see if he is still sentient?

narciso said...

the bugs have chewed right through tribe's medulla oblungata:


Rusty said...

civility." I don't give a damn about you rat bastard cultists. I'm calling for specificity. And no more of what Althouse calls "clutter." Look at the posts of "Drago." 90% "clutter.
Without a hint of irony. Chuck. Everything you post is clutter.

narciso said...

pebble keeps rolling along:


Tommy Duncan said...

Chuck said:

"I know that most of you read anything that I write with a level of derangement that prevents even the most elementary comprehension."

"I don't give a damn about you rat bastard cultists."

You start with an attack and then double down and then finally blame everyone else for the proliferation of "Chuck sucks" comments. Like I said, self-awareness is not your strength.

Drago said...

Ihlan Omar "republican" Chuck: "I know that most of you read anything that I write with a level of derangement that prevents even the most elementary comprehension."


Every reader of Althouse understands fully what Self-admitted Smear Merchant means.

And they easily recognize attacks on children as well as racist attacks on African-American cabinet members.

MadBohemian said...

Chuck said...But what I also said at the time was that I hoped and expected that Trump would get tripped up on some far more mundane federal statutory violations.

I’ve read yours and others opinions here for years, but I really need a clarification.
You say you voted for trump yet at the same time wish to see him “tripped up”???
That’s how you support one you cast a vote for? So, if he is tripped up, that mean you support him even more and it’ll lock up your vote for him in 2020?

tim in vermont said...

Chuck is just mad because was promised a schadenboner.

I can see the Democrats impeaching though, because the 20% of the electorate that is the Twitter Dem base is really really angry because Orange Man Bad!

alanc709 said...

Chuck, people disregard your comments in here, because they see your as a biased ranting ideologue. You call others 'cultists' but show no regard for truth, and avow you are not interested in anything other than propagandizing against Trump. Is it any wonder commenters here think it's you who is deranged and lacks an elementary comprehension of the world around you? For example- who would you say has been more partisan in defense of their president- Eric Holder, or Robert Barr. I'd bet money you'd say Barr was more partisan, because Barr refutes your claims about Trump. You don't care about facts or truth, unless it advances your lunatic agenda.

Chuck said...

Tommy Duncan said...

You start with an attack and then double down and then finally blame everyone else for the proliferation of "Chuck sucks" comments. Like I said, self-awareness is not your strength.

No. I started on the Althouse blog as a Scott Walker/Rick Snyder/John Kasich/George Bush Republican. And as such, I was not much noticed.

In the Trump era, I've been a critic of Trump from the Republican mainstream. I didn't "start with an attack" on the Althouse commentariat. I started with criticism of Trump, and the Althouse commentariat started in with their relentless attacks on me personally.

Fen said...

Chuck, how stupid do you have to be? You seek to worm your way back into the good graces of your former tribe that you betrayed, and your first approach is with Fen?

C'mon. You're treacherous but not stupid. You knew exactly how that wouks play out - with you on your knees playing the victim.

Your fatal flaw is that you aren't as clever as you think you are.

Clutch those pearls tighter. Feel free to ask for my help.

Drago said...

Adam Schiff "republican" Chuck: "I'm calling for specificity."

Specifically, you are by far the worst fake conservative Smear Merchant on Althouse.

Browndog said...

It might just be me, I think Chuck is trying to turn what was a substantive conversation about the issues at hand into a personal pity party.

I wish he wouldn't.

Chuck said...

For example- who would you say has been more partisan in defense of their president- Eric Holder, or Robert Barr.

Bob Barr was a Georgia congressman. The current Attorney General is Bill Barr.

And to answer your question, I think I would be more generally critical of Eric Holder, than Bill Barr. I rather liked Bill Barr. I'd have voted for his confirmation if I had been in the Senate earlier this year.

And I already stated that, in this comments thread. But you didn't read it, and you don't know me well enough to have avoided such a stupid self-embarrassing question.

My feelings toward Eric Holder and his view of the Department of Justice was enough to get me to vote for John McCain, Mitt Romney and Donald Trump in the last three presidential elections.

Tommy Duncan said...

Chuck said: "And as such, I was not much noticed.

But you've since found a way to be noticed. It's all about you, Chuck.

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "No. I started on the Althouse blog as a Scott Walker/Rick Snyder/John Kasich/George Bush Republican."


You started on Althouse claiming to be those things, and without evidence.

Precisely as a fake conservative would.

Your record since places you firmly in the Operational lefty camp, regardless how you choose to misleadingly label yourself.

And now your fever dreams of impeachment and permanent democrat victories have been dealt a massive set back. So you weep like an infant.

Well, its not a good look.......LOL

Chuck said...

Drago said...
Adam Schiff "republican" Chuck: "I'm calling for specificity."

Specifically, you are by far the worst fake conservative Smear Merchant on Althouse.

You see? That is exactly the sort of "Drago" comment that I was talking about. Clutter.

JAORE said...

Over the past two years our friends like Inga have said things like:
Trump is a Manchurian candidate.
Trump's mouth is Putin's cock holster.
Trump is a Russian agent.
Trump is a Traitor,
Trump will be convicted of collusion/treason.
Trump used the Russians to win the election (there was no other possible way he would win.)

There is not enough evidence to prove Trump innocent of obstruction of justice.

Our friends like Inga today:
SEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! I told YOU!

Drago said...

Eric Swalwell "republican" Chuck: ,You see? That is exactly the sort of "Drago" comment that I was talking about. Clutter."


You asked for specificity.

I specifically addressed your quite specific admission to being a Smear Merchant.

I then noted, and quite specifically at that, your utter and complete operational alignment with the far left.

You've worked diligently over the last 3 years to advance the fortunes of Team Dem/Left and it would be uncharitable of me to not recognize your efforts to put as many AOC's in positions of power over all of us.

So, you know, kudos on that...I guess.

Big Mike said...

I see it now! Trump colluded, but not with Russia. He colluded with the DNC to assure that his opponent would be the terrible candidate Hillary Clinton.

Sebastian said...

@Yancey: "there is literally no proof offered that Wikileaks got the emails from the GRU- it is all assertion."

It is yet another oddity of the witch hunt: of course, our adversaries (the Russians, above all) know that the deep-staters shoveled BS, the deep-staters knew that our adversaries knew, and yet they kept at it. At the very least, it exposed to our adversaries that prog deep-staters were willing to do anything for the sake of domestic power, foreign consequences be damned. It showed them not to give a damn about their country or its system. The people who spun The Narrative weakened our position in relation to Russia more than anything Trump could have done.

Matt Sablan said...

Big Mike: The irony to your joke is we know Clinton DID use media influence to have the media push Trump up during the primaries. She got the fight she wanted and still lost.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

It's not about you Chuck. It is never about you. No one really cares about you except as a source of amusement.

As brown dog said, you butt into a substantive discussion to talk about you.

Please go away.

Mattman26 said...

Matt Sablan, it's been driving me nuts for two years now that people really believe that Putin wanted a pro-fracking, pro-coal, anti-climate-change-hysteria, pro-American-energy production Trump elected over Hillary, who was the opposite of all those things.

Makes no sense. Never has. Insane to think otherwise.

We Matts have to stick together.

Browndog said...

Some see the LLR Chuck/Drago exchanges as not worthy of Althouse blog.

I disagree.

Using keen facts and humor to correct inaccuracies, while the inaccurate one flails about in response?

Great entertainment.

narciso said...

like bugs and daffy in duck amok,


Seeing Red said...

You, yourself provided the derangement, CCChuck. Don’t blame us for taking you at your word when your stuff is read.

You want The Donald gone, you don’t care how. But it won’t be today. Or Tomorrow, and I’ll even stretch past this weekend.

So give it a rest.

The other things you might want him to go down for could also have been set ups.

When you try to kill The King, you only get one shot. Your side failed and opened up legitimate avenues to explore for the “most scandal free” administration in history, the FBI, the CIA and links to our “allies” the Brits.

MayBee said...

The obstruction business is all surrounding Trump wanting to get rid of an investigation he knew was a partisan set-up, right?

mockturtle said...

You see? That is exactly the sort of "Drago" comment that I was talking about. Clutter.

Chuck, don't you ever get tired of being an object of well-earned derision?

readering said...

So I was right in stating earlier that Mueller did not pursue obstruction charges because Justice Department Guidelines did not allow him to do so.

Wonder when the ongoing criminal referrals that are the reason for so many redactions will come to resolution so the redactions may be lifted.

Fun, fun, fun predicted for weeks and weeks from this. Sorry for gloating but it's not like all the commenters here haven't been gloating!

Chuck said...

Annie C. said...
It's not about you Chuck. It is never about you. No one really cares about you except as a source of amusement.

As brown dog said, you butt into a substantive discussion to talk about you.

Please go away.

God damn you, I am tired of your little pot-shots at me. Look at my comment at 4:03. I commented on substance, and I begged other commenters to stick to the substance.

Fen said...

"The obstruction business is all surrounding Trump wanting to get rid of an investigation he knew was a partisan set-up, right?"

As far as I can tell. He publicly expressed frustration with the investigation and complained about it on Twitter.

That's it. And explains why the Chuck-Inga crowd is so vague when they assert obstruction.

I'm certain that if there was something more, they would have been cut-pasting it 24/7 for 2 years.

narciso said...

yes, maybee, comey refusing to admit, led to the memo leak that was actually a violation of law, that prompted this investigation,


Browndog said...

readering said...

So I was right in stating earlier that Mueller did not pursue obstruction charges because Justice Department Guidelines did not allow him to do so.

Actually, no.

Mueller spent 18 months pursuing obstruction based on a purposeful misreading of the statute.

I posted a link to Will Chamberlain above that explains it in laymen's terms, because apparently nobody else will.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Whoa Nellie! They're closing in on him! They got him now! It is one thing to read the NYT and quite another to believe it.

Drago said...

readering: "So I was right in stating earlier that Mueller did not pursue obstruction charges because Justice Department Guidelines did not allow him to do so."

That is quite specifically false.

But only false in all your already well established false ways which, in a sense, is a bit of a win for you in that its not false in a brand new way.

So you've got that going for you, which is nice.

But I must warn you, as a friend, there is a lunatic LLR about who fancies himself a sort of unelected Blog "Clutter" Monitor. He probably had a custom armband crafted for the role as well. Tread lightly....

Nichevo said...

Do you know any quasi-virgins? Kinda in a bind here.

Maybe Chuck?

narciso said...

I guess it is the Spanish inquisition,


Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

I said please. Yet I get not just damned, but God damned.

Fen said...

"God damn you, I am tired of your little pot-shots at me."

Girl, don't go away mad

Where is Cromwell when you need him? Brb...

Drago said...

Annie C.: "I said please. Yet I get not just damned, but God damned."

Chuck has some particularly weird triggers which include conservative African-Americans, conservative women, children of republicans and oddly conservative politicians with strong military backgrounds.

Any of these conditions can result in Chuck lashing out violently though only rhetorically.....so far....

narciso said...

this latter day Zinoviev telegram, was a blank, it did not accomplish it's stated objective, unless that one was to drive democrats insane, but that was a short trip,

stever said...

"I said please. Yet I get not just damned, but God damned."

lol - you couldn't make that up..

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
langford peel said...

Actually Althouse went to her Pontius Pilates class and she has washed her hands of this whole thing.

Leland said...

It was funny to see Adam Schiff claiming that Trump deprived Mueller of verbal testimony. In Socialist America, you no longer have the right to remain silent.

Anonymous said...

Some see the LLR Chuck/Drago exchanges as not worthy of Althouse blog.

I disagree.

Using keen facts and humor to correct inaccuracies, while the inaccurate one flails about in response?

Great entertainment.

As an occasional sideshow....maybe. As the main event it sucks and it becomes the main event way to often.

narciso said...

speaking of apt metaphors,


Rick said...

Chuck said...
I started with criticism of Trump, and the Althouse commentariat started in with their relentless attacks on me personally.

For over a year you tried to ruin this blog by turning every post into an anti-Trump diatribe, even posts not related to politics. Now that it isn't fun you demand everyone to forget and treat you like it never happened.

Fuck off.

Browndog said...

The nightly news with Lester Holt:

"Tonight, The Mueller report. Exposing secrets and lies.."


I can't imagine what it must be like for the boomer generation to tune in to this every night, thinking they're getting straight facts due to the legacy of Walter Conkrite.

narciso said...

they were being lied then, as well:


Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Browndog said...

As an occasional sideshow....maybe. As the main event it sucks and it becomes the main event way to often.

Oh, I agree. It has gotten out of hand from time to time.

Fen said...

you butt into a substantive discussion to talk about you."

The irony is that Chuck has done more to rally support around Trump than anyone else here.

narciso said...

they are trapped in a moebius loop,


Chuck said...

Annie C. said...
I said please. Yet I get not just damned, but God damned.

Please go fuck yourself.

Fen said...

Here we go:

"You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing lately…. Depart, I say; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go" - Cromwell

Ahhh, much better.

Chuck said...

Leland said...
It was funny to see Adam Schiff claiming that Trump deprived Mueller of verbal testimony. In Socialist America, you no longer have the right to remain silent.

Oh I don't think anyone denies a right to avoid self-incrimination. That's not today's issue.

Today's issue is whether anyone can seriously claim that there was complete and total cooperation on the part of the White House with the OSC, when in fact Trump declined to answer many of the OSC inquiries.

Tommy Duncan said...

Chuck said:

"God damn you, I am tired of your little pot-shots at me. Look at my comment at 4:03. I commented on substance, and I begged other commenters to stick to the substance."

Here's Chuck at 4:03:

"I know that most of you read anything that I write with a level of derangement that prevents even the most elementary comprehension."

Self-awareness is not your strength, Chuck.

Original Mike said...

Gawd. MSNBC is pushing the line that Barr absolved Trump of "collusion", but the real crime is "conspiracy", which he didn't address.

Fen said...

"Please go fuck yourself."

And now you are lashing at innocent bystanders. Put the keyboard aside. You are having a mental breakdown and will feel like a cad tomorrow.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Chuck said...
Annie C. said...
I said please. Yet I get not just damned, but God damned.

Please go fuck yourself.

See! Now was that so hard? A little politeness never hurts.

effinayright said...

100 years ago C/chuck and Inga would be handling snakes and speaking glossolalia.

Now they bring the latter here, most of the snake handlers having been bitten and thus no longer with us.

Browndog said...

langford peel said...

Actually Althouse went to her Pontius Pilates class and she has washed her hands of this whole thing.

This comment is highly under-rated.

narciso said...

no it's more like the incomprehensible plot in the last hellboy reboot (why?)

Qwinn said...

"Today's issue is whether anyone can seriously claim that there was complete and total cooperation on the part of the White House"

Per Barr:

"Nonetheless, the White House fully cooperated with the Special Counsel’s investigation, providing unfettered access to campaign and White House documents, directing senior aides to testify freely, and asserting no privilege claims. And at the same time, the President took no act that in fact deprived the Special Counsel of the documents and witnesses necessary to complete his investigation. Apart from whether the acts were obstructive, this evidence of non-corrupt motives weighs heavily against any allegation that the President had a corrupt intent to obstruct the investigation.”

If that doesn't constitute full cooperation, nothing would ever satisfy you. It is in fact a completely unprecedented level of cooperation. But that you would give no credit whatsoever for everything in that paragraph - and in fact are grasping at such ridiculous straws - is no surprise. Tell me, Chuck, given your loathing of Trump, would you have predicted ahead of time that he would be anywhere near as cooperative as the above paragraph lays out?

Fen said...

"when in fact Trump declined to answer many of the OSC inquiries."

Why so vague? List them here...

grackle said...

I hope that whatever happened to Sessions comes to light.

Here’s my take: I saw Sessions on stage at one of Trump’s campaign rallies in Alabama. He looked stunned at Trump’s wildly enthusiastic reception from Alabama voters. Because Trump was SO popular with Alabama voters Sessions really had no political choice but to ACT like a Trump supporter. But it was just an act.

I doubt that Sessions will get into any legal trouble as a result of the coming Barr investigation of the attempted coup by the Deep State – a coup which is still being attempted by the now desperate Deep State traitors, BTW. They have no other choice because if Trump wins a second term they know they are toast.

It doesn’t appear that Sessions did anything illegal but Session’s political career is over. He needs to submit an application and resume to CNN.

It’s fun watching the Deep State’s fear grow as time goes by after the bombshell Barr congressional testimony in regards to Barr’s intention to investigate the investigators.

It shouldn’t take very long, certainly not 2+ years, for Barr to get the goods on the Deep State traitors. I’m guessing Barr will have his evidence long before the 2020 presidential election but will Barr issue the inevitable indictments before or after the election?

Qwinn said...

"The irony is that Chuck has done more to rally support around Trump than anyone else here."

Indeed. Chuck, Inga, etc., not to mention Comey, Strzok, etc., have proven so profoundly that there is no lie too small or too big that they wouldn't be willing to tell, that they've pretty much entirely discredited any future attacks against him.

tcrosse said...

langford peel said...

Actually Althouse went to her Pontius Pilates class and she has washed her hands of this whole thing.

She went down to the Dane County Jail to wash the feet of prisoners.

Temujin said...

Dem Congressional response

Fen said...

Chuck: "Barr is spinning it"

That was a direct quote of Mueller.

Did you know Mueller is a Russian surname?

(cue Twilight Zone track)


Browndog said...

I guess the talking points are out-

Lester Holt led the nightly news (referenced above) with "secrets and lies"...

Now this:

Nancy Pelosi
‏Verified account @SpeakerPelosi

The #MuellerReport paints a disturbing picture of a president who has been weaving a web of deceit, lies and improper behavior and acting as if the law doesn’t apply to him.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Fen said...
"Please go fuck yourself."

And now you are lashing at innocent bystanders. Put the keyboard aside. You are having a mental breakdown and will feel like a cad tomorrow. "

Doubtful. Chuck and Howard are morphing into little mini-Ritmos.

PJ said...

I join others in thanking Browndog @ 3:23 for the link to the Will Chamberlain ”periscope” presentation, which focuses in a very understandable way on the Mueller team’s legal theory of obstruction. For anyone interested, here is that link again:

narciso said...

yes, that's not overwrought at all,

session, was caught in the net as well, with the lure of the Russian ambassador who was invited to the convention, this is not unlike the trick they pulled to get Ashcroft to recuse, harping on his one time connection to rove,

Browndog said...

grackle said...

I hope that whatever happened to Sessions comes to light.

Here’s my take: I saw Sessions on stage at one of Trump’s campaign rallies in Alabama. He looked stunned at Trump’s wildly enthusiastic reception from Alabama voters. Because Trump was SO popular with Alabama voters Sessions really had no political choice but to ACT like a Trump supporter. But it was just an act.

This sounds about right. If I recall (correct me if I'm wrong) this was Trump's largest rally to date, and Sessions' first appearance at a Trump rally.

According to Sessions, the reason he backed Trump is because he sent 10 questions regarding immigration to all the candidates. Not only was Trump the only one to respond, but responded to all the questions "correctly".

eddie willers said...

Oh, I agree. It has gotten out of hand from time to time.

It's the price we pay. Otherwise, we would have had a post by Althouse at 8:31 AM with maybe three replies for hours and hours.

As it is, I have been entertained all day.

effinayright said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
effinayright said...

Chuck said...

Today's issue is whether anyone can seriously claim that there was complete and total cooperation on the part of the White House with the OSC, when in fact Trump declined to answer many of the OSC inquiries.


Do you have even ONE working neuron that still communicates with the other???

Did you read what the Mueller report says? That Trump and his people fully cooperated with Mueller and his team?

Are you actually saying here even that IF Trump had taken the Fifth (which he didn't) or claimed Executive Privilege (which he didn't), that there was still **something else** he did that was (a) inculpating (b) attempted unsucessfully to hide a crucial element of the crimes of Criminal Conspiracy and Obstruction of Justice?

Because neither Mueller, nor Rosenstein, nor Barr raised that issue.

Or is your claim simply that "My ass is GENIUS! I spotted what all those guys did not!!"?

Start by naming that omission, and give us the LAW that Mueller missed that Genius YOU spotted. Tell us further how you are privy to ALL the communications between Mueller and the White House, so that you know what you purport to know.

Stand and deliver!! Tell us! Tell us for starters why you would argue that the a constitutional officer POTUS must address everything a Special Counsel, an inferior in the DOJ, puts forth. Give us the legal argument for that, will you?

Face it: you're full of shit: all the way down, through all Eternity. Smelly pig shit to boot.

mccullough said...

So Mueller ran up a $35 million bill to try and salvage the reputation of his friend Jim Comey.

And failed.

readering said...

CTRL+F OLC in the Report . . . .

FullMoon said...

Chuck said...

Annie C. said...
I said please. Yet I get not just damned, but God damned.

Please go fuck yourself.

4/18/19, 5:42 PM

Protect your chest,Annie C,. for Chuck has a reputation....

Mkd said...

Comey: She did bad, indictable things...but we don't want to indict her.
Mueller: We want to indict him...but he did not do any bad, indictable things.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Mueller is a Hillary shill shit head for the bogus turd he left in the punch bowl about inconclusive "obstruction"

Inconclusive = guilty burn the witch to the democratic hacks.

tcrosse said...

This comment threat is Chuckt.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...


The obstruction business is all surrounding Trump wanting to get rid of an investigation he knew was a partisan set-up, right?


Yes. Trump inconclusively obstructed a bogus hoax witch hunt.

Browndog said...


Alexandria Occasional-Cortex:

You know, I really hate Impeachment. I didn't run on it to get elected, and don't like talking about it.

But, as fate would have it, it is now on my doorstep. Unfortunately....

Never saw this coming, I swear on Che's grave.

rcocean said...

And so ends the most absurd, unnecessary, and deceitful "Special Counsel" investigation of a POTUS. lets hand out the awards:

Biggest Dumbo Award: Jeff Sessions for recusing himself for no reason and appointing Rosenstein.

Biggest Backstabbing Prick Award: Rod Rosenstein. Just 3 Weeks into office as DAG, and he appoints Comey's Buddy Mueller to investigate Trump and gives him a blank check.

Most Useless Presidential Legal Counsel Award: Don McGrath for refusing to stop this farce when it first started. Instead he threatened to resign.

Worst President at Picking Legal Advisers: Donald Trump. Sessions, Rosenstein, McGrath, Michael Cohen. Man, he sure can pick them!

mccullough said...

Mueller is a political operator just like Trump. But Trump is good at politics.

Mueller is now back in the private sector signing his name on whitewashing reports for the NFL.

Maybe he can hire Comey. No one else will give Comey a job.

Leland said...

You can find some lost socks in the comments section today.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

I always thought Sessions was Trump's bone thrown to the NR crowd. Weren't they always advocating him for that spot?

Of course it didn't buy him any peace with them, and turned out to be a disaster otherwise anyway.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

I think the Demorats should go for Impeachment.

Please! go for it.

Leland said...

Today's issue is whether anyone can seriously claim that there was complete and total cooperation on the part of the White House with the OSC, when in fact Trump declined to answer many of the OSC inquiries.

In chuck's Socialist America, you will be compelled to provide testimony to be used against you.

DougWeber said...

What would be most interesting, if we could get it, would be an analyis comparing the Barr memo and the section of Vol 2 describing the legal analysis of the obstruction statute. I think this is the real crux of the report and possibly the only real place for conflict.


Browndog said...

Sessions was the first 'legitimate' politician to endorse Trump, giving him as sense of credibility among the D.C. elite for the first time.

I get how it happened, but no one expected Sessions to be milquetoast; especially Trump. Bold move then go hide in a closet? Doesn't compute in Trump's world--or mine.

Fen said...

"As it is, I have been entertained all day."

You didn't happen to see a goat stroll by, did you?

Wire hair, brown and white coat, kind of ambles on the left hoof like he stayed past happy hour?

tim in vermont said...

Gawd. MSNBC is pushing the line that Barr absolved Trump of "collusion", but the real crime is "conspiracy", which he didn't address.

Par for the course, these same people said that Hillary was guilty of “extreme carelessness” but not “gross negligence."

PackerBronco said...

I get how it happened, but no one expected Sessions to be milquetoast; especially Trump. Bold move then go hide in a closet? Doesn't compute in Trump's world--or mine

Sessions had a particular bad case of "senate-itis" in which senators - usually Republicans - value comity over all else.

pacwest said...

So I just spent 35 million trying to find out what the Russians did to influence our election and all I got was a lousy Facebook ad?? I expected a t-shirt at least.

Time to impeach Trump said...

“[W]e concluded that Congress has the authority to prohibit a president’s corrupt use of his authority in order to protect the integrity of the administration of justice . . . The conclusion that Congress may apply the obstruction laws to the president’s corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law.” (Page 8)”

narciso said...

His weakness was his sense of honor:


n.n said...

Well, now we know, the witch hunts, warlock trials, and human sacrifices were carried out by leftists of the progressive liberal (i.e. monotonically divergent) variety. It seems that conflating logical domains is not limited to their hopes and dreams.

iowan2 said...

Today's issue is whether anyone can seriously claim that there was complete and total cooperation on the part of the White House with the OSC, when in fact Trump declined to answer many of the OSC inquiries.

First a person with a simple civics class behind them understands 5th amendment rights. But a person that claims to be a lawyer, is confused.

To this specific question, Mueller states in his report that all the information he sought from President Trump had been ascertained through other parts of the investigation.
That means the Special Counselor had no reason to interview President Trump, and if subpoenaed, Mueller would have to admit to the judge that President Trump would not provide any information they did not already have.
On a bigger picture, President Trump refused to invoke Executive Privilege even once. I challenge you to find another person in the world that would not have exercised the Presidential power afforded the Office of President in Article Two of the Constitution.

So your statement, President Trump did not fully cooperate is a lie, proven out by Special Counsel Mueller.

tim in vermont said...

Yes, Congress can impeach the President because they don’t like his tie, his mannerisms, the fact that he beat Hillary. It’s right in the Constitution. Go ahead and do it. Citizens can also vote against their Representitives and Sanators for any reason at all whatsoever, including wasting the nation’s time prosecuting an innocent man for declaring his innocence.

n.n said...

35 million trying to find out what the Russians did to influence our election and all I got was a lousy Facebook ad

It's worse than that. Leftists spent 35 million to deprive granny of her medical care, and redistributed (e.g. "shared") the costs to someone else.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Listen to Axelrod - IMPEACH TRUMP. IMPEACH!

do it!

n.n said...

Congress can impeach the President because they don’t like his tie, his mannerisms

But never for superior exploitation (h/t Feminists) and liberal truths. That's grounds for multi-trimester warlock hunts, trials, and journolistic lynching.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

In chuck's Socialist America, you will be compelled to provide testimony to be used against you.

Unless your name is Bryan Pagliano.

tcrosse said...

Blogger Nobody said...
Yes, Congress can impeach the President because they don’t like his tie, his mannerisms, the fact that he beat Hillary. It’s right in the Constitution.

Or we could hold an election next year.

tim in vermont said...

The shamelessness of Democrats is what is astonishing to me.

Glenn Greenwald once again does a great job of voicing my disgust.


Trump never even so much as deleted a single email. Much less 30K of them.

Browndog said...

Today's issue is whether anyone can seriously claim that there was complete and total cooperation on the part of the White House with the OSC, when in fact Trump declined to answer many of the OSC inquiries

According to Mueller ( I should say Weissmann), Trump refusing to testify is obstruction of justice.

As would be pleading the 5th, refusing to allow a search without a warrant, or anything else you may do that does not aid in your own prosecution.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Ever go to MSNBC's website? It is hysterical. It's like a combination of National Enquirer and the Democrat Party Headquarter mosh pit.

n.n said...

Congress can impeach the President because they don’t like his tie, his mannerisms

But never for spying, colluding, denying, and a cover-up a la Obama, Clinton, DNC, and leftist press.

n.n said...

Trump refusing to testify is obstruction of justice.

Are you, or were you ever, a warlock?


Sir, you're refusal to answer the question is obstruction of social justice.

mccullough said...

The Dems will fundraiser off this for a few weeks and then drop it.

They might call Mueller up to Capitol Hill but that would be pointless and would make Mueller look bad as Republicans question him about his relationship with Comey.

He would also have to answer questions about Peter Strzok and Lisa Page who were on his Team for a bit. Why did he stagger their firings. Why didn’t he make a statement about why they were shitcanned from The Team.

The GOP can also go through each of the Team’s political donations and connections to Hillary Clinton.

By the end, Mueller and his Team will be dirtied up.

Quaestor said...

It's like a combination of National Enquirer and the Democrat Party Headquarter mosh pit.

Comparing MSNBC to National Enquirer is like comparing E.L. James to Henry James.

Browndog said...

Watching Tucker Carlson, Andrew McCarthy said you do not need a crime for impeachment
because "high crimes and misdemeanors" is not in the penal code.

Fucking lawyers.

And, don't give me this crap about impeachment is a political process only.

Anonymous said...

“Watching Tucker Carlson, Andrew McCarthy said you do not need a crime for impeachment because "high crimes and misdemeanors" is not in the penal code.”

Looks like Andrew McCarthy has seen the writing on the wall. He’s not going to sully his own reputation the way Barr has.

Anonymous said...

Barr’s summary was accurate, especially if his relation of the conversation between him, Mueller, and Rosenstein is accurate. Unlike Trump — who’s ranting and anger made it easier to target him —- Barr has played this whole thing very cool, so I expect Mueller will back him up on what was said.

Mueller’s team took incredibly broad reads of every potential legal source — and stances at odds with long-standing, bipartisan executive (Presidential) legal opinions, to come up with the answer that Trump’s potential exposure under such readings was debatable. Whether it was legal or not, the prosecutorial team (whether egged on by bias or not) was not going to give it a free pass. But The theory that firing Comey could be obstruction is just a non-starter, even though the report suggests more legs than that. More than anyone else, Rosenstein is responsible for this mess.

Chuck, as for the other 12 matters, nothing suggests that they were more probative than the matters already resolved or any more significant. If they were they would have leaked.

What was most disturbing about the report is that Trump wanted an AG like Holder. But he never got one. I don’t see Dems playing that angle and u, but it speaks t the institutional rot at DOJ and the intel agencies. The days of pure patronage may have failed, but so too has the current civil service regime.

iowan2 said...

Gawd. MSNBC is pushing the line that Barr absolved Trump of "collusion", but the real crime is "conspiracy", which he didn't address.

The media is going after Barr in an attempt to ding his integrity. Barr is going to be in charge of going after Obama and his acolytes for the crime of spying on a political campaign.

Note the Mueller report has no information about the oranges of the counter intelligence investigation launched by the FBI, via foreign agents of the 5 I's Nations spying on the campaign,(the CIA can't spy on US soil, but nothing stops Briton from snooping around over here), helped by the US State Dept.

Must neuter Barr, before the heads start rolling.

tim in vermont said...

Glenn Greenwald✔@ggreenwald
I've honestly never seen the type of media meltdown that I'm seeing on CNN. They are so emotionally invested in the storyline that they've been pushing for 2+ years and they know what Mueller did to it and how this will forever reflect on them

Drago said...

Anonymous: "Looks like Andrew McCarthy has seen the writing on the wall. He’s not going to sully his own reputation the way Barr has."

A complete misrepresentation of what McCarthy said during that segment.

McCarthy trashed Mueller and blew away the so called "evidence".

"Anonymous" reads alot like Chuck and Inga, LOL.

mccullough said...

Barr is too laid back to discredit. He’s not a flamethrower or loudmouth.

Guy looks like a teddy bear.

Browndog said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Watching Tucker Carlson, Andrew McCarthy said you do not need a crime for impeachment because "high crimes and misdemeanors" is not in the penal code.”

Looks like Andrew McCarthy has seen the writing on the wall. He’s not going to sully his own reputation the way Barr has.

Care to expand?

Not sure what you mean.

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