April 21, 2018

"The New York Times and a third rate reporter named Maggie Haberman, known as a Crooked H flunkie who I don’t speak to and have nothing to do with..."

"... are going out of their way to destroy Michael Cohen and his relationship with me in the hope that he will 'flip.' They use.... ....non-existent 'sources' and a drunk/drugged up loser who hates Michael, a fine person with a wonderful family. Michael is a businessman for his own account/lawyer who I have always liked & respected. Most people will flip if the Government lets them out of trouble, even if.... ....it means lying or making up stories. Sorry, I don’t see Michael doing that despite the horrible Witch Hunt and the dishonest media!"

3 tweets by Trump this morning — here, here, and here.

Who is "the drunk/drugged up loser who hates Michael"?


AllenS said...

The Crooked Hater?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

No one does poised elder statesman like Trump.

David Begley said...

If it wasn't for speculation, rumor and gossip, the NYT would be empty.

How many stories have been run on the "fact" that Trump is going to fire Mueller?

cf said...

What a phenomenon, this real-time direct accessibility by the entire world to the mind of the President of the United States of 2018.

Audacious, courageous, and refreshingly healthy for the Republic. The real Donald Trump is a most perfect leader for our times.

rhhardin said...

Trump is knocking down swamp guardrails. It has a point.

tim maguire said...

Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...No one does poised elder statesman like Trump.

That's certainly true.

Chuck said...

This will all get cleared up when Trump has a chance to sit down and answer all of Bob Mueller's questions.

readering said...

All's for the best in this best of all possible worlds.

stevew said...

Poised elder statesmen were never so viciously and constantly attacked, so we'll never really know.


Spiros Pappas said...

Mr. Trump's use of language is impressive! I thought twitter was just mindless chit-chat and marginalia, not it's something so much more important!!!

Hagar said...

Poised elder statesmen were never so viciously and constantly attacked, so we'll never really know.

Actually, they were, cf. Washington, Lincoln, et al., but you are right, Trump is different; he personally fights back while the others generally relied on friends and associates to defend them..

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

F the democrat hack media.

BTW - George Clintonopolis and his wife promised to move to Australia if Hillary lost.

Why don't hacks keep their promises?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hacks crooks and liars don't deserve an elder statesman.

Bay Area Guy said...

@Beloved and Reasonable:

"No one does poised elder statesman like Trump."

You have a point, but in a vaccuum.

Trump's Twitter is a response to the Media/Left's 24/7 push to discredit, marginalize and "otherize" him.

So he fights back.

Some thin-skinned dainty folks would rather him unilaterally disarm......

Ray - SoCal said...

And Trumps war with the media continues.

The elder statesman remark is funny.

Look what acting that way got Bush, McCain, and Romney....

rhhardin said...

There's Jurgen Habermas on the other side from Haberman, perhaps.

rhhardin said...

Elder statesman is a swamp guardrail. It keeps you in.

Shouting Thomas said...

Prez Trump continues to be the most fun president ever.

And he bites!

Michael K said...

The war on anyone close to Trump continues while NRA membership soars.

I wonder what the effect will be this fall ?

readering said...

"For deeply sourced and relentlessly reported coverage . . . ."

traditionalguy said...

The CNN gang attributes all Trump Tweets to Trump's need to vent his anger at the Media, as the continue to Break News with fictional rumors from "sources."

But it is obvious that the Tweets are all to calmly educate the American People with the truths they will never see in MSM and less and less see in the newly censored Internet sites.

Bay Area Guy said...

If Nixon had fought back this hard, he woulda saved his Presidency.

We gotta open up those wallets and help the GOP maintain the House (weasels and all). A Dem majority will hound Trump much worse.

readering said...

Calling Roger Stone a drunk loser is fighting back?

readering said...

I picture Melania at the service in Houston accepting condolences from the dignitaries around her.

Mr. Groovington said...

At some point, if he survives, it'll appear to the dimmer mass who make decisions based on the bad cosmetics, that he's like a video game hero, and he'll jump by 10 points, some sticky discontinuous moment. I have a spreadsheet tracking r/The _Donald subscribers anticipating something like this. But then again, I smoke pot.

readering said...

Also picture Rudy working out in his mind the best approach to Mueller to shut down the investigation into obstruction.

Phil 314 said...

I was never a WWF fan.

It was all bullshit.

Mr. Groovington said...

On that subject, I saw the pics of Meade here yesterday and thought Ha!, there's a fellow user. Apologies if wrong.

Drago said...

ARM: "No one does poised elder statesman like Trump"

Leftists and their LLR allies take time out from their 24/7/365 full spectrum coup attempt to complain that the target is fighting back.

LLR Chuck hardest hit.

As always.

At this rate LLR Chuck will be back to attacking Children verbally again.

Narayanan said...

Looking like Trump is facing war on two fronts ... DC swamp and SDNY ... How swampy is it there?

Drago said...

Shorter #StrongIBelieveDurbinSchmuck Chuck: Please somebody make Trump stop fighting back against my beloved dems whom possess a Divine Right to rule over us!!!

narciso said...

It's not a swamp it's a,minefield ringed with barbed wire, so whenever you remove a sympathetic player, like fillets in you get cut.

narciso said...

Tillerson who protected the deep state holdovers at state as much as he was able.

chickelit said...

The families are feuding in NYC.

chickelit said...

The press wants to close the Overton window.

JackWayne said...

Sam Nunberg is the drunk/drugged-up loser.

Roy Lofquist said...

Trump vs. the establishment:


Michael Fitzgerald said...

ARM/Shiloh's idea of elder statesman is a Joe Biden threatening to beat someone up after school, or a Hillary Clinton who has to be helped up and down a flight of stairs, or maybe a Ted Kennedy with a face made of gin blossoms groping waitresses, or an LBJ pulling his pud out of his pants. Perhaps ARM/Shiloh prefers the elder statesmanship of Nancy Pelosi and Elijah Cummings sitting on the floor because they are mad...

Howard said...

Blogger chickelit said...

The press wants to close the Overton window.

100%. That's exactly why they MSM and the demoncraps are ineffective against Trump directly. They don't realize he is a special case who destroyed the Overton window for himself and shranked it down for everyone else in the political media arena.

rcocean said...

Trump needs to wait for the charges, then if they're BS like election law violations - pardon Cohen.

Stop the witch hunt in its tracks.

Anonymous said...

BCARM: No one does poised elder statesman like Trump.

Made me think of that scene from I,Claudius (I paraphrase from memory):

Tiberius to Livia (after she's confronted the mob, exasperated with her son's shilly-shallying): "Mother, why can't you for once act like a normal woman!"

Livia (disgusted): "To be a normal woman you need normal men around you!".

To act the conventional "statesman" you need a political class around you that isn't wall-to-wall posturing weasels.

Jim at said...

I picture Melania at the service in Houston accepting condolences from the dignitaries around her.

Why? The day is about Barbara Bush. And even though Trump deliberately chose not to attend for fear of distraction, you still try to make it about him.

Why do you do that?

Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger David Begley said...
If it wasn't for speculation, rumor and gossip, the NYT would be empty.

How many stories have been run on the "fact" that Trump is going to fire Mueller?

4/21/18, 8:36 AM

In Dana Milbank's column of 18 April, he writes that Mitch McConnell is lying when he says that Trump won't fire Mueller. Milbank won't even grant that McConnell's opinion is less than an outright lie.
Milbank's column today is titled "Is it a coincidence that Trump uses the language of white supremacy?"
Milbank started calling Trump the reincarnation of Hitler in the summer of 2016. He predicted a Hillary landslide. In his first column after the election, Milbank said that his young daughter was terrified that Trump was going to put her in a concentration camp.
These people are fucking insane.

Xmas said...

Why fire Mueller when the McCabe albatross hangs around his neck?

mccullough said...

Trump is always laying the groundwork. He understands his enemies. He knew Comey was a needy, whiny, sleazy fool. So he fires him, knowing that Comey then would lose it. Let the mask slip and ruin himself before the public.

Sideshow Bob isn’t as easy an enemy to defeat as Comey. But he’s a wanker like Comey and Rosenstein. Trump knows he’s fortunate in his enemies. They are the losers who beat themselves. You just fuck with them w little and watch them commit unforced error after unforced error. Just keep laying the logs around them and the kindling. Mueller totally fucked yo the anthrax investigation. Groundwork is being laid on that again. The Swamp media never called for Mueller’s head at the time.

Soon Trump is going to tweet it out and say: Sidesshow Bob is a corrupt idiot. His arrogance and incompetence cost taxpayers $5.5 settlement to an innocent man Mueller said was the “anthrax killer.” Sideshow Bob was NFL’s lawyer who wrote report - for $10 million of course, saying the NFL commissioner didn’t know players beat up their wives and girlfriends. Sideshow Bob owes the tax payers $5.5 million, plus interest. He has tens of millions from representing Scum Companies like the NFL.

Trump is the president and has Twitter. While he’s taking a shit he sends out three tweets and gets the media and the idiots scrambling.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Angle-Dyne, Angelic Buzzard said...
Made me think of that scene from I,Claudius

I like your cultural references because I usually have some clue what you are talking about, not a universal experience.

Wince said...

Who is "the drunk/drugged up loser who hates Michael"?

My first thought was Hillary Clinton.