March 8, 2012

"A goat? In this restaurant? Eating pizza? No!"

Well... yeah.


rhhardin said...

Goats will eat anything.

edutcher said...

As long as there's no trans fat in it, Bloomie doesn't care.

Alcuria said...

They eat anything - a $5 bill that happened to fall out of my pocket, shrubs, flowers, bushes, bark off trees, papers when left too close to their reach, etc. I had one which liked to drink a small amount of beer out of a bowl, etc. We feed them old Christmas trees (being careful to remove all metal hooks) and in 2-3 days they strip *all* the bark and needles off the tree - looks pretty odd seeing a tree like that.

They are more properly classified as browsers like deer than grazers like sheep, but domestic goats are naturally curious, being this way even a a few days after birth. Smart as whips and respond to their name when called, can unlatch gates and the like.

traditionalguy said...

Or is that a new breed in town for the Westminster Dog Show/large Butt Headed Category?

Wince said...

Isn't this a big fat "I toldya so" from all the slippry-slope opponents of same sex marriage who warned you?