June 3, 2007

Audible Althouse #85.

A new podcast... about an old tree, a fat and pompous politician, a girl who survived rabies, a record album from 40 years ago, a possibly evil artist, and succulent flowers and puffy clouds.

You don't need an iPod. You can stream it right through your computer here.

But all the rational people subscribe on iTunes:
Ann Althouse - Audible Althouse


Douglas said...
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Douglas said...

The tree thing? WEAK!!!

Way too "village voice" art criticy of something so simple in an attempt to be profound, and you fell flat doll.

You started good. I get misty about things that are great, but I don't go all "dahling" sort of art school lamish in describing it.

Douglas said...


People say I'm stream of consciousness!!!

I like, but really, you got a post grad, I'm a lunatic allowed to post on the web, and I catch crap for MY stream of conc.

You split off a lot babe, I lost track of what you were saying pretty quick, cuz I lost interest, at least I have penis and booby jokes.

Ann Althouse said...

Hey, all those comments are from the same guy... But you crossed one of my lines, so I have to delete them all.

Ann Althouse said...

Oh, what the hell. I'll just delete the one that violated one of my rules.

Douglas said...

What did I say in that one?

Sorry about that ann, I'm sure I intended it to be either sarcastic or playful.

saintrussell said...

Where's the bonus track? 12 minutes of silence at the end of the podcast, and not even a Sgt. Pepper-style locked groove.

Ann Althouse said...

Russell: Sorry... that was a lame mistake... noticed too late to fix....