April 4, 2006

Man takes 40,000 Ecstasy pills (in 9 years)...

... outstripping the previous known highest lifetime consumption by a factor of 20.


jeff said...

I'm guessing he's on the British equivalent of welfare?

Nice to know that theirs is as abused as ours is.

Andy Levy said...

wait, i thought if you took ecstasy once, you died a horrible death. have they been lying to me??

Anonymous said...

Ecstasy is one of the least dangerous drugs out there.

The fact that someone could take 40,000 hits of this and still be alive pretty much proves that.

Ann Althouse said...

Downtownlad: Don't mislead readers. People have died from this drug, including some very young kids. It's irresponsible in the extreme to offer reassurance like that. And this 40,000 guy has no memory left. He's made himself into an idiot.

Pancho said...

he was still using cannabis, and said he had previously taken solvents, benzodiazepines, amphetamines, LSD, cocaine, and heroin

Hasn't this guy heard of plain old fashioned booze?

SippicanCottage said...
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Johnybegood said...

Ecstasy is a dangerous drug but like downtownlad said its one of the least dangerous drugs out there while overdosing on cocaine heroin meth is much greater than overdosing on mdma. The only way mdma can kill you is if you dont drink enough water or if you drink to much and mdma does have bad side effects on the brain but the point is it is one of the safest drugs you can do Ive done quite a bit of ecstasy in my day and Im ok but my friend suffered a heart attack three years ago from overdosing on cocaine and he has a heart condition Hes 27 years old! I agree with downtownlad