October 1, 2024

"Not even 48 hours after word got out a 43-foot-tall nude effigy of Donald Trump hung suspended from a construction crane, the indecent artwork was gone."

"But for most of Saturday and Sunday, a mile or two off Interstate 15, a few hundred yards from the always-bustling Love’s Travel Stop just north of Sin City, the statue had people stopping and staring.... [T]he statue was what some would call 'anatomically correct,' displaying the unknown artist’s concept of the very public billionaire’s private parts.... Alex Lannin, a 53-year-old special-education teacher in Las Vegas, brought Spirit Airlines flight attendant Honey Hunter, 27, of Spokane, Wash., to view the piece. 'I would say [it’s] very creative, like a piece of artwork, you know,' Hunter said.... Real-estate professional Clem Zeroli, 25, brought his girlfriend Tommi Alexander, 24, to pose together for a selfie at the site.... 'It’s not very respectful,” Zeroli said, “but I think it’s kind of funny. Any publicity is good publicity.'"

We've been through this before.

I blogged naked Donald Trump effigies on August 19, 2016. There were 5, simultaneously, in 5 difference cities. I said: "The brutality is already there in politics, so we should have the words and pictures to express it. Here's Frank Zappa saying that on 'Crossfire' in 1986.... '[Brutality] is already in politics....'"

And on October 18, 2016, I had "Gender equality: Naked statue division": "In August, we saw the naked Trump statue set up in Union Square in NYC, and today we get the naked Hillary statue at the Bowling Green subway entrance in downtown Manhattan."

What goes around comes around as they say, and I'm not encouraging the creation of retaliatory naked statuary. I'll just quote Bob Dylan again: "Even the President of the United States sometimes must have to stand naked."


Dave Begley said...

When do we get naked effigies of Kamala?

Chris said...

What was/is the point of this? To humiliate DJT? Somehow I don't think he's humiliated. A man with plenty of money and moxie draws not one, but several hot wives. Look at Jeremy Clarkson. He's definately does not have a good bod, but his wife is hot. She obivously does not care. Nor does Melenia care about DJT's bod. So what's the point?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Assassination chic is all the rage on the Left. But don't even say "cross-hairs" if you lean right. I do find this particular display ironic since an empty gallows (also erected by unknown persons, but probably undercover Feds) at the Capitol on J6 was somehow "proof" that Trump wanted Pence to hang. I see Leftists repeating this every day on X. They're sure it happened and for this reason. Absolutely sure.

So what does this sculpture say about Dark Brandon or cackling Harris?

gilbar said...

indeed.. Imagine (for fun!) what the media would say; about THAT?

Dave Begley said...

The Left tried to bankrupt, jail and assassinate Trump and now this.

gilbar said...

Assassination chic is all the rage on the Left..

oh come now! do you have ANY Proof of such an outlandish accusation?
it's NOT AT IF, a (relatively) famous comedian held up a blood Trump head..
it's NOT AT IF, a play was staged with Trump as Julius Caesar being killed..
it's NOT AT IF, a network "news" show ran a picture of Trump with a caption: SNIPERS WANTED..
it's NOT AT IF, numerous Democrat Party members have demanded his "ELIMINATION"..

Oh, WAIT.. it's EXACTLY LIKE THAT.. never mind

RideSpaceMountain said...

The obsession these deviants have with Trump’s bidy is cringe. Ultra mega cringe. It is doubtless the work of homosexuals.

Dixcus said...

She faked a photo op on Air Force Two after visiting a FEMA office in Las Vegas for 8 minutes (she's fundraising millions out in California while Americans are stranded on their roofs in Asheville).

Naked transparency is all Kamala Harris is.

rehajm said...
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rehajm said...

Art is supposed to evoke a reaction. My reaction is childish and they really are terrified of him…and also the expectation of asymmetry of reaction of the propaganda to any Democrat subject to similar artistic treatment…

Tito Puraw said...

Please, no.

Temujin said...

I like Dylan's quote. I don't like the fact that the statue, hanging from a crane, reminds me of what Iran does to anyone the Mullahs don't approve of. Like gay people. Or anyone else they consider 'dissidents'.
Why is the left always screaming about 'the end of democracy', yet always displaying or writing about the death of various Republicans, or actively trying to kill them?

planetgeo said...

It reveals more about themselves than about Trump. The left in general have a neurotic obsession with sex/gender. Overall they display arrested development characteristics of perpetual juveniles (need for instant gratification, emotion-driven, easily angered, etc.).

doctrev said...

If you literally live naked in the heads of your enemies, you're doing great if you're not AJ Applegate or Sasha Grey.

Curious George said...

"I'm not encouraging the creation of retaliatory naked statuary."

Willie Brown could help with Kamala...well at least with the top of her head.

Sally327 said...

I guess we could ask that porn chick, Stormy Daniels, if it's anatomically correct. Not that she's likely to remember one particular naked male body out of the thousands she's encountered. Anyway, it's seems like something out of the present day Middle East, Iran anyway, the crane and the public hanging and leaving the body on display. Probably not naked though. So it's a mashup, barbaric medieval customs and present-day in your face vulgarity.

Eva Marie said...

There the man stood, naked - stripped down to his essence. And what did he do? He raised his fist and shouted, “Fight! Fight! Fight!”

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Not that she's likely to remember one particular naked male body out of the thousands she's encountered."

When men want to call a woman a whore, they come up with hundreds of euphemisms for the purpose. But women do it with a subtlety and grace that in so many ways is more effective, as observed here.

Aggie said...

Say.... am I missing something about this 'faked' photo op on AF1? It all seems to hinge on her earbud not being plugged into her iPhone. There are claims the papers in front of her are blank, but unless there are more photos, I can't tell - I wouldn't be able to see any writing from that angle, depending on the focal length, which is set on the subject. The papers are a blur.

As for the earpiece: Every airliner I ever flew on had audio jacks in each seat, whether coach, business, or first. I'm assuming the seat for the President might have one too? Maybe even, I dunno, more sophisticated? Like maybe she's talking over AF1's communications system, if she's on the phone?

It's a cheesy photo, showing the seal on the wall over her seat. But faked? I wonder. I haven't read anything about her actually doing something to help the emergency response efforts, though. It's really is a missed opportunity, and now Trump has beaten her to the punch by going there with supplies and setting up a GoFundMe, or so I'm reading.

Aggie said...

At this point, the politics in this country are so polarized that if the naked Trump statue were to be left in place, it would become an homage site, a celebration, for MAGA supporters. They took it down before that could happen, which means their efforts were wasted.

tim in vermont said...

If he was running for president of the 7th grade, this might be a knockout blow.

Ann Althouse said...

If someone puts your facial likeness atop an image of a naked body, why does it feel as though your naked body is exposed? There's talk of "humiliating" Trump with this statute, but it's only a depiction of his face. There are no images of his naked body out there.

Zavier Onasses said...

The Post reports the anatomically correct statue was "hung well." Maybe that will put to rest the "small hands" meme.

n.n said...

All's fair in lust and abortion.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

This really is one of those things that says more about the people who put it up there than about Trump. Did it really cost $550,000? What does it say about somebody that they would go to all that trouble and spend that kind of money on something so obviously meaningless?

n.n said...

Was it a unisex effigy hung in equitable and inclusive panorama?

bob said...

We've now entered the 'food fight' stage of an empty campaign

Narayanan said...

for that kind of money it should be animatronic and ""salute"" and ""wave""?

Narayanan said...

Here’s part of Toohey’s monologue describing his methods of achieving power over others:

Kill by laughter. Laughter is an instrument of human joy. Learn to use it as a weapon of destruction. Turn it into a sneer. It’s simple. Tell them to laugh at everything. Tell them that a sense of humor is an unlimited virtue. Don’t let anything remain sacred in a man’s soul—and his soul won’t be sacred to him. Kill reverence and you’ve killed the hero in man. One doesn’t reverence with a giggle. He’ll obey and he’ll set no limits to his obedience—anything goes—nothing is too serious.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

Aggie, a simpler explanation is that she has two separate devices and the one she was using the earphone with was on her lap.

That said, this is her staff's attempt at conveying the impression that, behind the scenes, she's working hard for the American people. But if that's the intended message, this photo doesn't really cut it. There only appear to be 4-5 pages of loose papers laid out in front of her, none of which APPEAR to have any writing on them. It's not like she's elbow-deep in briefing books and the like. Assuming the papers are "real," I would imagine they're simply a printout of her day's schedule.

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs said...

Further proof that being MAGA means being a whiny @ss b*tch.

This is reminding me of when that Danish Newspaper published a political cartoon about Muhammed and some of the extremists in the Islamic Religion lost their minds.

Rocco said...

The Cerne Abbas Giant in 3D with a nicked ear instead of a club.

I am beginning to think that the Cerne Abbas figure was created by an Anglo-Saxon nobleman who *really* did not like another Saxon nobleman on the Witenagemot.

Michael K said...

Bich, once again, turns to murder themes.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Speak of a whiny ass bich, and he shall appear...

Yancey Ward said...

You want to know the exact reason it was taken down? Because it was having the opposite effect than what the people who put it up wanted. The Left seems particularly clueless on how to go about mocking Trump. Not all publicity is good publicity but the Left seems to not be able to find the right kind of publicity to use on Trump.