January 30, 2022

At the Sunrise Café...


... you can talk about whatever you want.


Photos taken at 7:19, 7:28, and 7:30.



farmgirl said...

I love the 1st glimpse of the sun- you catch it at the perfect time.
Daybreak. Or Dawn- if that’s preferred.

tim in vermont said...

How did that "All Republicans are Racists" sale go for Penzey's Spice?

Oh Yea said...

Sorry to intrude but I’ve got to do it.

Who Dey?!

Clyde said...

Freezing cold today and tomorrow mornings here in southwest Florida. Coldest weather in four years. Falling iguanas, the whole bit. Supposed to be back up to 80 on Wednesday afternoon, though.

tim in vermont said...

Sarah Palin is dating Ron Dougay? Wasn't he just about the last NHL player not to wear a helmet? If you count that cereal box that Gretzky wore as a helmet. I remember watching him play with the Rangers, his long hair flowing behind him skating around. In those days, the TV picture was so bad that you couldn't see the goals, just maybe whether the net moved.

One Eye said...

Cris Collinsworth announcing a Bengal Superbowl will be very entertaining.

Browndog said...

There's a thing going on in Canada. Something about trucks. Guys driving trucks. Muttering about freedom.

Probably nothing.


Readering said...

Rams in Superbowl at home playing team that lost to the Jets.

Curious George said...

Nice Wisco winter day. High in the upper 20's, not much wind, and not a cloud in the sky. Love that warm sun.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Well, it's official. The Canadian Minister of Public Safety is saying that the Russians are behind the Canadian truckers anti-vax mandate protest.

The Trudeau family has reportedly been relocated to the infamous "undisclosed location" for safety reasons.

Bender said...

Cris Collinsworth announcing a Bengal Superbowl will be very entertaining.

Cris Collinsworth announcing anything is painfully annoying beyond description.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Wait! Let me walk previous comment partially back! It's the CBC, not the Canadian Minister of Public Safety that's blaming the Russians!


SteveWe said...

Yes, being in the sun with cold air around is quite nice here in central AZ.

walter said...

Neil Young's upcoming album is "Barn".

wildswan said...

"tim in vermont said...
How did that "All Republicans are Racists" sale go for Penzey's Spice?"

They lost 40,000 old customers off their e-mail list and gained 30,000 new ones.
"“The Racist label is one you will deservingly wear every day you stand with them,” Penzey said to Republican supporters who had signed up to get email updates from the spice company. “Get used to it, or maybe instead, become a better person.”

Penzey ends the email by using his liberal beliefs to get people to sign up for emails from the spice company, “If you believe in vaccines, all the goodness set in motion each time we say Black Lives Matter, and knocking on every door possible before 11.8.22 to turn out every last vote to save our democracy, we would be better off with you on our mailing list.”

The polarizing email caused numerous past customers of Penzey’s Spices to ditch the preachy spice purveyor.

Penzey admitted that the “Republicans are Racists” email cost his business 40,005 subscribers to the email subscription. He claimed that the email brought in 30,000 new subscribers, but acknowledged, “We are still down about 10,000. Please help.”

To try to cope with the lost customers, Penzey’s started a gift card sale “with the hope this might make it a bit easier for you to share some and possibly get a few good new customers to replace the ones we’ve lost,” according to 1130 WISN.

gadfly said...

Readering said...
Rams in Superbowl at home playing team that lost to the Jets.

. . . but Who Dey bested Mahomes, et al twice and the Nashville Cats of late on the way to the Super Bowl.

Drago said...

Readering: "Rams in Superbowl at home playing team that lost to the Jets."

Rams in Superbowl at home playing team that is the first team to ever overcome a deficit that large in a championship game against at team that was 37-0 after leading by 15 or more and is the 2 time defending AFC champion and Super Bowl champion from 2 years ago and was the number 1 AFC seed entering these playoffs.


gadfly said...

Hunter Biden and two business associates received a grand jury subpoena regarding their business dealings in China about 17 months before the 2020 presidential election, The [totally unbiased] NY Post has learned.

The order sent by the Department of Justice to JP Morgan Chase bank asked for the records of any international financial transactions for the past five years involving Hunter, his uncle James Biden and former business partners Devon Archer and Eric Schwerin, according to federal documents.

The anti-corruption nonprofit Marco Polo, founded by former Trump administration official Garrett Ziegler, obtained the filing, which targets the financial ties between the four men and the Bank of China.

The subpoena was issued by Delaware’s US Attorney David Weiss [a Trump appointee] on May 15, 2019. At the time, Hunter’s father, Joe Biden, was a presidential candidate.

Everything you ever wanted to know about Garrett Ziegler is evident here and he is apparently insane.

Saint Croix said...

Are y'all paying attention to this COVID protest in Canada?

Tens of thousands of Canadians protesting the oppressive government rules around COVID-19 have converged on Parliament Hill. The demonstration is expected to continue throughout the weekend, and likely the truckers will not leave until government officials remove the COVID-19 mandates.

This is Canada! Everybody is polite in Canada. Nobody protests in Canada. So you can imagine how the government and its Pravda media are responding.

After the Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC) originally tried to downplay the size and scale of the protest, yesterday they changed their perspective to the massive protests being extremists who were supported by Russia.

Putin! Putin is everywhere. The man is diabolical.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his family were moved from their residence to a secret location on Saturday due to the security risk posed by growing anti-vax protests in the capitol of Ottawa, CBC reports.

He fled the capital. Wow. Kind of like Madison fleeing the British.

I think the difference might be that Madison was in the middle of an actual war -- the War of 1812 -- and the British burned Washington D.C. to the ground.

With Mr. Trudeau I would suggest that perhaps, just perhaps, you are overreacting.

Instead of spending so much time, money, and effort trying to control every person in the world to fight against COVID, maybe our authorities around the world ought to spend a little time trying to control their fear.

rhhardin said...

My work 40w equivalent curly fries energy saving bulb started flickering after 30,000 hours of being on.

rehajm said...

Biden’s pick will be a Garland style hard left disaster. Tulsi Gabbard points out: Biden chose Harris as his VP because of the color of her skin and sex—not qualification. She's been a disaster. Now he promises to choose Supreme Court nominee on the same criteria. Identity politics is destroying our country. Meanwhile Lindsay Graham is ready for another Republican Charlie Brown opportunityz

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

The Rogan concession video is reasonable, but the mob will not be sated. Whenever progressives get a concession, they move the line and demand even more.

farmgirl said...


This is a fairly deep conversation about the disappearance of the Divine in our lives- and how that is to our peril. And then some. I’m not that far into it, it’s beyond me a bit- but, it’s speaks to something inside of me: a knowing that they are right. A cohesive part of community is being destroyed intentionally by those seeking power- the Soros wing, one might say. This enhances that position.

PS- it’s a Peterson compilation;0)

The rule of Lemnity said...

Canada’s Freedom Convoy gofundme has raised nearly $10 million to “help with the costs of fuel first, and hopefully food and lodgings to help ease the pressures of this arduous task.”

They are protesting Canadian gov covid “rules and mandates that are destroying the foundation of our businesses, industries and livelihoods.”


Media reports have been attempting to dismiss them as right wing nuts just like they did Jan6 protesters.

The rule of Lemnity said...

The sun and the moon rose at the exact same time today in Boston.


Eleanor said...

A few years ago Penzey sent out a snail mail letter to all of his customers telling us he didn't want the business of any Trump voter. I would have dropped him no matter who I had voted for. None of his business. It wasn't hard to find a replacement to shop for what I had been buying from him. I don't know how many customers he lost in that round. His sister, who must have used up all of the intelligence genes in the family, got a lot of the business he threw away when it moved to her rival "I'm not political" spice company.

wendybar said...

Gorgeous pictures.

jaydub said...

"Freezing cold today and tomorrow mornings here in southwest Florida. Coldest weather in four years. Falling iguanas, the whole bit."

They had the iguana plows out early here in Central Florida so there was little accumulation on the roads. Which is nice.

wendybar said...

With his hate-filled mind...I hope Penzey loses ALL of his customers to his sister who runs The Spice House. She is offering free shipping to all new customers that her brother is dissing. Leave the hate and go with the love. Penzey is a hypocrite who has bumper stickers about love and kindness...when he is filled with hate and meanness. Screw that. UPDATE: The Spice House folks have kindly written to invite this blog’s readers to become new customers. If you’ve never ordered from The Spice House before, use the promo code NOPOLITICS to get free shipping on your first order. Isn’t that great?https://www.theamericanconservative.com/dreher/bill-penzey-spices-trump/

tim in vermont said...

" Coldest weather in four years. Falling iguanas, the whole bit."

Tacos for everybody!

farmgirl said...


Ezra Levant speaks to crowds in Ottowa…

Lyle Smith said...

Just realized that Madison skyline view looks a bit similar to Tallinn, Estonia's skyline over water view.

Doug said...

Coordinated bomb threats called in to six Historically Black Colleges today. Now, what kind of person would do that, I wonder.