July 12, 2010

"We're glad that everyone is alive, despite being 'undead.'"

Zombie car crash.


Scott M said...

Zombie Bill Murray was better...classic Murray.

Can't wait until Max Brooks' (Mel's son) book World War Z is done with it's film adaptation. Some pretty big money was fighting over the dev rights back in 2006 and the insiders working on it claim that it's an epic up there with Lord Of The Ring. If they stay true to the book it would have to be.

alan markus said...

One of my favorite Roky Erickson tribute songs:

R.E.M. I Walked With a Zombie Last Night

The rule of Lemnity said...

I call it a David Frum.

MadisonMan said...

I'm reminded of the ER episode where the -- beef industry? -- protesters were drenched in Cow's Blood when they came into the ER.

traditionalguy said...

Costume Parties can be fun. But is there a proper dress code for an Un-Dead? And if they violate that dress code, then the death penalty certainly seems to be a light punishment. I remember that Marxists like to brag that they were Dead Men Walking? I suggest Sarah Palin is the best antidote available.

traditionalguy said...

A zombie is always in Gray Face Paint, right? When there is no blood in circulation, the pink people turn gray.

William said...

As a working class, Irish Catholic I am often offended by the way flesh eating zombies are portrayed in the movies. Compare the way hot chicks treat vampires with their reaction to flesh eating zombies. "Oh, Mr. Vampire, does this moonlight make my neck look too long and swanlike." They just can't wait to join the ranks of the vampire undead. But when flesh eating zombies show up, they grab the shotgun and splatter his brains without a second's hesitation. I don't say that the personal hygiene of flesh eating zombies is beyond reproach, but this does not justify such harsh treatment. America would be a better country if hot chicks treated vampires with a little more discrimination and zombies with a little less.

Cedarford said...

Hmmm, I heard people dressed up as zombies crashing and thought right away about the American Idol show where supporters of Siobhan Magnus (the zany big-singing contestant who is a big horror fan who dresses as a zombie herself sometimes) showed up in full zombie makeup.

She and the other Idol singers are on tour, but nowhere near Portland. Probably the crash victims were not Siobhan fans, but dressed that way for other urgent, compelling reasons known only to them..

Must be fun for the ER staff though - even morefun if the cops and ambulance people give them now heads up - just start wheeling the zombie victims in. "Real or fake blood coming out of this ones mouth, Doc? You decide." "I think this one's acually dead. But how can you tell??"

Cedarford said...

traditionalguy said...
A zombie is always in Gray Face Paint, right? When there is no blood in circulation, the pink people turn gray."

So do most fairer skinned Asians. Dead blacks are a lovely blend of brown and pale gray.

The movies make dead black zombies look darker than actual dead blacks are.

Not to make fun of the dead, but a car full of blacks that rolled off the road and were in full rigor mortis when found and retrieved was a darkly comical sight. Stretchers were not made for bodys in those positions. Nor FD people really good handling corpses still in a seated position once out of their seats.

Anonymous said...

I tell you folks... you'd better heed my warnings... it's Marxist Democrats vs. Zombie Republicans for control of America.

It's important to remember how to neutralize them:
Removing the head or destroying the brain.
It works for either one-- Zombies or Marxists!

Expect to see more Zombies in the lead up to November. We're already chock-full of Marxist nuts.

Methadras said...

Sometimes when I see a still photo of Nancy Pelosi, I see a zombie.

Fred4Pres said...

Everyone in Portland looks like a zombie. Too much cloud cover.

Anonymous said...

This is the type of news I look forward to reading on this goth-friendly blog.